1#   IGraph R package
2#   Copyright (C) 2011-2012  Gabor Csardi <csardi.gabor@gmail.com>
3#   334 Harvard street, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
5#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8#   (at your option) any later version.
10#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13#   GNU General Public License for more details.
15#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17#   Foundation, Inc.,  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
18#   02110-1301 USA
22#' Hierarchical random graphs
24#' Fitting and sampling hierarchical random graph models.
26#' A hierarchical random graph is an ensemble of undirected graphs with \eqn{n}
27#' vertices. It is defined via a binary tree with \eqn{n} leaf and \eqn{n-1}
28#' internal vertices, where the internal vertices are labeled with
29#' probabilities.  The probability that two vertices are connected in the
30#' random graph is given by the probability label at their closest common
31#' ancestor.
33#' Please see references below for more about hierarchical random graphs.
35#' igraph contains functions for fitting HRG models to a given network
36#' (\code{fit_hrg}, for generating networks from a given HRG ensemble
37#' (\code{sample_hrg}), converting an igraph graph to a HRG and back
38#' (\code{hrg}, \code{hrg_tree}), for calculating a consensus tree from a set
39#' of sampled HRGs (\code{consensus_tree}) and for predicting missing edges in
40#' a network based on its HRG models (\code{predict_edges}).
42#' The igraph HRG implementation is heavily based on the code published by
43#' Aaron Clauset, at his website (not functional any more).
45#' @name hrg-methods
46#' @family hierarchical random graph functions
49#' Fit a hierarchical random graph model
51#' \code{fit_hrg} fits a HRG to a given graph. It takes the specified
52#' \code{steps} number of MCMC steps to perform the fitting, or a convergence
53#' criteria if the specified number of steps is zero. \code{fit_hrg} can start
54#' from a given HRG, if this is given in the \code{hrg} argument and the
55#' \code{start} argument is \code{TRUE}.
57#' @aliases hrg.fit
58#' @param graph The graph to fit the model to. Edge directions are ignored in
59#' directed graphs.
60#' @param hrg A hierarchical random graph model, in the form of an
61#' \code{igraphHRG} object. \code{fit_hrg} allows this to be \code{NULL}, in
62#' which case a random starting point is used for the fitting.
63#' @param start Logical, whether to start the fitting/sampling from the
64#' supplied \code{igraphHRG} object, or from a random starting point.
65#' @param steps The number of MCMC steps to make. If this is zero, then the
66#' MCMC procedure is performed until convergence.
67#' @return \code{fit_hrg} returns an \code{igraphHRG} object. This is a list
68#' with the following members:
69#'   \item{left}{Vector that contains the left children of the internal
70#'     tree vertices. The first vertex is always the root vertex, so the
71#'     first element of the vector is the left child of the root
72#'     vertex. Internal vertices are denoted with negative numbers, starting
73#'     from -1 and going down, i.e. the root vertex is -1. Leaf vertices
74#'     are denoted by non-negative number, starting from zero and up.}
75#'   \item{right}{Vector that contains the right children of the vertices,
76#'     with the same encoding as the \code{left} vector.}
77#'   \item{prob}{The connection probabilities attached to the internal
78#'     vertices, the first number belongs to the root vertex (i.e. internal
79#'     vertex -1), the second to internal vertex -2, etc.}
80#'   \item{edges}{The number of edges in the subtree below the given
81#'     internal vertex.}
82#'   \item{vertices}{The number of vertices in the subtree below the
83#'     given internal vertex, including itself.}
84#' @references A. Clauset, C. Moore, and M.E.J. Newman. Hierarchical structure
85#' and the prediction of missing links in networks. \emph{Nature} 453, 98--101
86#' (2008);
88#' A. Clauset, C. Moore, and M.E.J. Newman. Structural Inference of Hierarchies
89#' in Networks. In E. M. Airoldi et al. (Eds.): ICML 2006 Ws, \emph{Lecture
90#' Notes in Computer Science} 4503, 1--13. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg
91#' (2007).
92#' @examples
93#' ## We are not running these examples any more, because they
94#' ## take a long time (~15 seconds) to run and this is against the CRAN
95#' ## repository policy. Copy and paste them by hand to your R prompt if
96#' ## you want to run them.
98#' \dontrun{
99#' ## A graph with two dense groups
100#' g <- sample_gnp(10, p=1/2) + sample_gnp(10, p=1/2)
101#' hrg <- fit_hrg(g)
102#' hrg
104#' ## The consensus tree for it
105#' consensus_tree(g, hrg=hrg, start=TRUE)
107#' ## Prediction of missing edges
108#' g2 <- make_full_graph(4) + (make_full_graph(4) - path(1,2))
109#' predict_edges(g2)
110#' }
111#' @export
112#' @family hierarchical random graph functions
114fit_hrg <- function(graph, hrg=NULL, start=FALSE, steps=0) {
115  # Argument checks
116  if (!is_igraph(graph)) { stop("Not a graph object") }
117  if (is.null(hrg)) {
118    hrg <- list(left=c(), right=c(), prob=c(), edges=c(),
119                vertices=c())
120  }
121  hrg <- lapply(hrg[c("left","right","prob","edges","vertices")],
122                as.numeric)
123  start <- as.logical(start)
124  steps <- as.integer(steps)
126  on.exit( .Call(C_R_igraph_finalizer) )
127  # Function call
128  res <- .Call(C_R_igraph_hrg_fit, graph, hrg, start, steps)
130  if (igraph_opt("add.vertex.names") && is_named(graph)) {
131    res$names <- V(graph)$name
132  }
134  class(res) <- "igraphHRG"
135  res
139#' Create a consensus tree from several hierarchical random graph models
141#' \code{consensus_tree} creates a consensus tree from several fitted
142#' hierarchical random graph models, using phylogeny methods. If the \code{hrg}
143#' argument is given and \code{start} is set to \code{TRUE}, then it starts
144#' sampling from the given HRG. Otherwise it optimizes the HRG log-likelihood
145#' first, and then samples starting from the optimum.
147#' @aliases hrg.consensus
148#' @param graph The graph the models were fitted to.
149#' @param hrg A hierarchical random graph model, in the form of an
150#'   \code{igraphHRG} object. \code{consensus_tree} allows this to be
151#'   \code{NULL} as well, then a HRG is fitted to the graph first, from a
152#'   random starting point.
153#' @param start Logical, whether to start the fitting/sampling from the
154#'   supplied \code{igraphHRG} object, or from a random starting point.
155#' @param num.samples Number of samples to use for consensus generation or
156#' missing edge prediction.
157#' @return \code{consensus_tree} returns a list of two objects. The first
158#' is an \code{igraphHRGConsensus} object, the second is an
159#' \code{igraphHRG} object.  The \code{igraphHRGConsensus} object has the
160#' following members:
161#'   \item{parents}{For each vertex, the id of its parent vertex is stored,
162#'     or zero, if the vertex is the root vertex in the tree. The first n
163#'     vertex ids (from 0) refer to the original vertices of the graph, the
164#'     other ids refer to vertex groups.}
165#'   \item{weights}{Numeric vector, counts the number of times a given tree
166#'     split occurred in the generated network samples, for each internal
167#'     vertices. The order is the same as in the \code{parents} vector.}
169#' @include auto.R
170#' @family hierarchical random graph functions
171#' @export
173consensus_tree <- consensus_tree
176#' Create a hierarchical random graph from an igraph graph
178#' \code{hrg} creates a HRG from an igraph graph. The igraph graph must be
179#' a directed binary tree, with \eqn{n-1} internal and \eqn{n} leaf
180#' vertices. The \code{prob} argument contains the HRG probability labels
181#' for each vertex; these are ignored for leaf vertices.
183#' @aliases hrg.create
184#' @param graph The igraph graph to create the HRG from.
185#' @param prob A vector of probabilities, one for each vertex, in the order of
186#'   vertex ids.
187#' @return \code{hrg} returns an \code{igraphHRG} object.
189#' @family hierarchical random graph functions
190#' @export
192hrg <- hrg
195#' Create an igraph graph from a hierarchical random graph model
197#' \code{hrg_tree} creates the corresponsing igraph tree of a hierarchical
198#' random graph model.
200#' @param hrg A hierarchical random graph model.
201#' @return An igraph graph.
203#' @family hierarchical random graph functions
204#' @export
206hrg_tree <- hrg_tree
209#' Sample from a hierarchical random graph model
211#' \code{sample_hrg} samples a graph from a given hierarchical random graph
212#' model.
214#' @aliases hrg.game
215#' @param hrg A hierarchical random graph model.
216#' @return An igraph graph.
218#' @family hierarchical random graph functions
219#' @export
221sample_hrg <- sample_hrg
223#' Predict edges based on a hierarchical random graph model
225#' \code{predict_edges} uses a hierarchical random graph model to predict
226#' missing edges from a network. This is done by sampling hierarchical models
227#' around the optimum model, proportionally to their likelihood. The MCMC
228#' sampling is stated from \code{hrg}, if it is given and the \code{start}
229#' argument is set to \code{TRUE}. Otherwise a HRG is fitted to the graph
230#' first.
232#' @aliases hrg.predict
233#' @param graph The graph to fit the model to. Edge directions are ignored in
234#' directed graphs.
235#' @param hrg A hierarchical random graph model, in the form of an
236#' \code{igraphHRG} object. \code{predict_edges}s allow this to be
237#' \code{NULL} as well, then a HRG is fitted to the graph first, from a
238#' random starting point.
239#' @param start Logical, whether to start the fitting/sampling from the
240#' supplied \code{igraphHRG} object, or from a random starting point.
241#' @param num.samples Number of samples to use for consensus generation or
242#' missing edge prediction.
243#' @param num.bins Number of bins for the edge probabilities. Give a higher
244#' number for a more accurate prediction.
245#' @return A list with entries:
246#'   \item{edges}{The predicted edges, in a two-column matrix of vertex
247#'     ids.}
248#'   \item{prob}{Probabilities of these edges, according to the fitted
249#'     model.}
250#'   \item{hrg}{The (supplied or fitted) hierarchical random graph model.}
252#' @references A. Clauset, C. Moore, and M.E.J. Newman. Hierarchical structure
253#' and the prediction of missing links in networks. \emph{Nature} 453, 98--101
254#' (2008);
256#' A. Clauset, C. Moore, and M.E.J. Newman. Structural Inference of Hierarchies
257#' in Networks. In E. M. Airoldi et al. (Eds.): ICML 2006 Ws, \emph{Lecture
258#' Notes in Computer Science} 4503, 1--13. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg
259#' (2007).
260#' @examples
261#' ## We are not running these examples any more, because they
262#' ## take a long time (~15 seconds) to run and this is against the CRAN
263#' ## repository policy. Copy and paste them by hand to your R prompt if
264#' ## you want to run them.
266#' \dontrun{
267#' ## A graph with two dense groups
268#' g <- sample_gnp(10, p=1/2) + sample_gnp(10, p=1/2)
269#' hrg <- fit_hrg(g)
270#' hrg
272#' ## The consensus tree for it
273#' consensus_tree(g, hrg=hrg, start=TRUE)
275#' ## Prediction of missing edges
276#' g2 <- make_full_graph(4) + (make_full_graph(4) - path(1,2))
277#' predict_edges(g2)
278#' }
279#' @export
280#' @family hierarchical random graph functions
282predict_edges <- function(graph, hrg=NULL, start=FALSE, num.samples=10000,
283                        num.bins=25) {
285  # Argument checks
286  if (!is_igraph(graph)) { stop("Not a graph object") }
287  if (is.null(hrg)) {
288    hrg <- list(left=c(), right=c(), prob=c(), edges=c(),
289                vertices=c())
290  }
291  hrg <- lapply(hrg[c("left","right","prob","edges","vertices")],
292                as.numeric)
293  start <- as.logical(start)
294  num.samples <- as.integer(num.samples)
295  num.bins <- as.integer(num.bins)
297  on.exit( .Call(C_R_igraph_finalizer) )
298  # Function call
299  res <- .Call(C_R_igraph_hrg_predict, graph, hrg, start, num.samples,
300               num.bins)
301  res$edges <- matrix(res$edges, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
302  class(res$hrg) <- "igraphHRG"
303  res
308#' Conversion to igraph
310#' These functions convert various objects to igraph graphs.
312#' You can use \code{as.igraph} to convert various objects to igraph graphs.
313#' Right now the following objects are supported: \itemize{ \item codeigraphHRG
314#' These objects are created by the \code{\link{fit_hrg}} and
315#' \code{\link{consensus_tree}} functions.  }
317#' @aliases as.igraph as.igraph.igraphHRG
318#' @param x The object to convert.
319#' @param \dots Additional arguments. None currently.
320#' @return All these functions return an igraph graph.
321#' @export
322#' @author Gabor Csardi \email{csardi.gabor@@gmail.com}.
323#' @keywords graphs
324#' @examples
326#' g <- make_full_graph(5) + make_full_graph(5)
327#' hrg <- fit_hrg(g)
328#' as.igraph(hrg)
330as.igraph <- function(x, ...)
331  UseMethod("as.igraph")
333#' @method as.igraph igraphHRG
334#' @export
336as.igraph.igraphHRG <- function(x, ...) {
337  ovc <- length(x$left)+1L
338  ivc <- ovc-1L
339  ll <- ifelse(x$left  < 0, -x$left  + ovc, x$left  + 1)
340  rr <- ifelse(x$right < 0, -x$right + ovc, x$right + 1)
341  edges <- c(rbind(seq_len(ivc)+ovc, ll), rbind(seq_len(ivc)+ovc, rr))
342  res <- graph(edges)
344  V(res)$name <- c(if (!is.null(x$names)) x$names else as.character(1:ovc),
345                   paste0("g", 1:ivc))
346  V(res)$prob <- c(rep(NA, ovc), x$prob)
347  res$name <- "Fitted HRG"
348  res
351buildMerges <- function(object) {
353  ## Build a merge matrix. This is done by a post-order
354  ## traversal of the tree.
356  S <- numeric()
357  vcount <- length(object$left)+1
358  nMerge <- vcount-1
359  merges <- matrix(0, nrow=vcount-1, ncol=3)
360  mptr <- 1
361  S[length(S)+1] <- -1
362  prev <- NULL
363  while (length(S) != 0) {
364    curr <- S[length(S)]
365    ## coming from parent? going left if possible.
366    if (is.null(prev) ||
367        (prev < 0 && object$left[-prev] == curr) ||
368        (prev < 0 && object$right[-prev] == curr)) {
369      if (curr < 0) { S <- c(S, object$left[-curr]) }
370    ## coming from left child? going right
371    } else if (curr < 0 && object$left[-curr] == prev) {
372      S <- c(S, object$right[-curr])
373    ## coming from right child? going up
374    } else {
375      if (curr < 0) {
376        merges[mptr,] <- c(object$left[-curr], object$right[-curr], curr)
377        mptr <- mptr + 1
378      }
379      S <- S[-length(S)]
380    }
381    prev <- curr
382  }
383  merges
386#' @method as.dendrogram igraphHRG
388as.dendrogram.igraphHRG <- function(object, hang=0.01, ...) {
390  nMerge <- length(object$left)
391  merges <- buildMerges(object)
393  .memberDend <- function(x) {
394    r <- attr(x,"x.member")
395    if(is.null(r)) {
396      r <- attr(x,"members")
397      if(is.null(r)) r <- 1:1
398    }
399    r
400  }
402  oHgt <- 1:nrow(merges)
403  hMax <- oHgt[length(oHgt)]
404  mynames <- if (is.null(object$names)) 1:(nMerge+1) else object$names
405  z <- list()
407  for (k in 1:nMerge) {
408    x <- merges[k,1:2]
409    if (any(neg <- x >= 0)) {
410      h0 <- if (hang < 0) 0 else max(0, oHgt[k] - hang * hMax)
411    }
412    if (all(neg)) {                     # two leaves
413      zk <- as.list(x+1)
414      attr(zk, "members") <- 2L
415      attr(zk, "midpoint") <- 1/2       # mean( c(0,1) )
416      objlabels <- mynames[x+1]
417      attr(zk[[1]], "label") <- objlabels[1]
418      attr(zk[[2]], "label") <- objlabels[2]
419      attr(zk[[1]], "members") <- attr(zk[[2]], "members") <- 1L
420      attr(zk[[1]], "height") <- attr(zk[[2]], "height") <- h0
421      attr(zk[[1]], "leaf") <- attr(zk[[2]], "leaf") <- TRUE
422    } else if (any(neg)) {              # one leaf, one node
423      X <- paste0("g", -x)
424      isL <- x[1] >= 0
425      zk <- if (isL) list(x[1]+1, z[[X[2]]]) else list(z[[X[1]]], x[2]+1)
426      attr(zk, "members") <- attr(z[[X[1+isL]]], "members") + 1L
427      attr(zk, "midpoint") <-
428        (.memberDend(zk[[1]]) + attr(z[[X[1+isL]]], "midpoint"))/2
429      attr(zk[[2 - isL]], "members") <- 1L
430      attr(zk[[2 - isL]], "height") <- h0
431      attr(zk[[2 - isL]], "label") <- mynames[x[2 - isL]+1]
432      attr(zk[[2 - isL]], "leaf") <- TRUE
433    } else {                            #two nodes
434      X <- paste0("g", -x)
435      zk <- list(z[[X[1]]], z[[X[2]]])
436      attr(zk, "members") <- attr(z[[X[1]]], "members") +
437        attr(z[[X[2]]], "members")
438      attr(zk, "midpoint") <- (attr(z[[X[1]]], "members") +
439                               attr(z[[X[1]]], "midpoint") +
440                               attr(z[[X[2]]], "midpoint"))/2
441    }
442    attr(zk, "height") <- oHgt[k]
443    z[[k <- paste0("g", -merges[k,3])]] <- zk
444  }
445  z <- z[[k]]
446  class(z) <- "dendrogram"
447  z
450#' @importFrom stats as.hclust
451#' @method as.hclust igraphHRG
453as.hclust.igraphHRG <- function(x, ...) {
454  merge3 <- buildMerges(x)
456  ## We need to rewrite the merge matrix, because hclust assumes
457  ## that group ids are assigned in the order of the merges
458  map <- order(-merge3[,3])
460  merge <- merge3[,1:2]
461  gs <- which(merge < 0)
462  merge[ gs] <- map[ -merge[gs] ]
463  merge[-gs] <- -merge[-gs]-1
465  ## To get the ordering, we need to recode the merge matrix again,
466  ## without using group ids. Here the right node is merged _into_
467  ## the left node.
468  map2 <- numeric(nrow(merge))
469  mergeInto <- merge
470  for (i in 1:nrow(merge)) {
471    mr <- mergeInto[i,]
472    mr[mr > 0] <- -map2[mr[mr>0]]
473    mergeInto[i,] <- -mr
474    map2[i] <- -mr[1]
475  }
476  n <- nrow(merge)+1
477  hcass <- .C("igraphhcass2", n=as.integer(n),
478              ia=as.integer(mergeInto[,1]),
479              ib=as.integer(mergeInto[,2]),
480              order=integer(n), iia=integer(n), iib=integer(n))
482  mynames <- if (is.null(x$names)) 1:n else x$names
483  res <- list(merge=merge, height=1:nrow(merge), order=hcass$order,
484              labels=mynames, method=NA_character_,
485              dist.method=NA_character_)
486  class(res) <- "hclust"
487  res
490#' @method as_phylo igraphHRG
491#' @importFrom stats reorder
493as_phylo.igraphHRG <- function(x, ...) {
495  ovc <- length(x$left)+1L
496  ivc <- ovc-1L
497  ll <- ifelse(x$left  < 0, -x$left  + ovc, x$left  + 1)
498  rr <- ifelse(x$right < 0, -x$right + ovc, x$right + 1)
499  edge <- matrix(rbind(seq_len(ivc)+ovc, ll, seq_len(ivc)+ovc, rr),
500                 ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
502  edge.length <- rep(0.5, nrow(edge))
503  labels <- if (is.null(x$names)) 1:ovc else x$names
504  obj <- list(edge=edge, edge.length=edge.length/2, tip.label=labels,
505              Nnode=ivc)
506  class(obj) <- "phylo"
507  reorder(obj)
512#' HRG dendrogram plot
514#' Plot a hierarchical random graph as a dendrogram.
516#' \code{plot_dendrogram} supports three different plotting functions, selected via
517#' the \code{mode} argument. By default the plotting function is taken from the
518#' \code{dend.plot.type} igraph option, and it has for possible values:
519#' \itemize{ \item \code{auto} Choose automatically between the plotting
520#' functions. As \code{plot.phylo} is the most sophisticated, that is choosen,
521#' whenever the \code{ape} package is available. Otherwise \code{plot.hclust}
522#' is used.  \item \code{phylo} Use \code{plot.phylo} from the \code{ape}
523#' package.  \item \code{hclust} Use \code{plot.hclust} from the \code{stats}
524#' package.  \item \code{dendrogram} Use \code{plot.dendrogram} from the
525#' \code{stats} package.  }
527#' The different plotting functions take different sets of arguments. When
528#' using \code{plot.phylo} (\code{mode="phylo"}), we have the following syntax:
529#' \preformatted{
530#'     plot_dendrogram(x, mode="phylo", colbar = rainbow(11, start=0.7,
531#'             end=0.1), edge.color = NULL, use.edge.length = FALSE, \dots)
532#' } The extra arguments not documented above: \itemize{
533#'   \item \code{colbar} Color bar for the edges.
534#'   \item \code{edge.color} Edge colors. If \code{NULL}, then the
535#'     \code{colbar} argument is used.
536#'   \item \code{use.edge.length} Passed to \code{plot.phylo}.
537#'   \item \code{dots} Attitional arguments to pass to \code{plot.phylo}.
538#' }
540#' The syntax for \code{plot.hclust} (\code{mode="hclust"}): \preformatted{
541#'     plot_dendrogram(x, mode="hclust", rect = 0, colbar = rainbow(rect),
542#'             hang = 0.01, ann = FALSE, main = "", sub = "", xlab = "",
543#'             ylab = "", \dots)
544#' } The extra arguments not documented above: \itemize{
545#'   \item \code{rect} A numeric scalar, the number of groups to mark on
546#'     the dendrogram. The dendrogram is cut into exactly \code{rect}
547#'     groups and they are marked via the \code{rect.hclust} command. Set
548#'     this to zero if you don't want to mark any groups.
549#'   \item \code{colbar} The colors of the rectangles that mark the
550#'     vertex groups via the \code{rect} argument.
551#'   \item \code{hang} Where to put the leaf nodes, this corresponds to the
552#'     \code{hang} argument of \code{plot.hclust}.
553#'   \item \code{ann} Whether to annotate the plot, the \code{ann} argument
554#'     of \code{plot.hclust}.
555#'   \item \code{main} The main title of the plot, the \code{main} argument
556#'     of \code{plot.hclust}.
557#'   \item \code{sub} The sub-title of the plot, the \code{sub} argument of
558#'     \code{plot.hclust}.
559#'   \item \code{xlab} The label on the horizontal axis, passed to
560#'     \code{plot.hclust}.
561#'   \item \code{ylab} The label on the vertical axis, passed to
562#'     \code{plot.hclust}.
563#'   \item \code{dots} Attitional arguments to pass to \code{plot.hclust}.
564#' }
566#' The syntax for \code{plot.dendrogram} (\code{mode="dendrogram"}):
567#' \preformatted{
568#'     plot_dendrogram(x, \dots)
569#' } The extra arguments are simply passed to \code{as.dendrogram}.
571#' @aliases hrg.dendrogram
572#' @param x An \code{igraphHRG}, a hierarchical random graph, as returned by
573#' the \code{\link{fit_hrg}} function.
574#' @param mode Which dendrogram plotting function to use. See details below.
575#' @param \dots Additional arguments to supply to the dendrogram plotting
576#' function.
577#' @return Returns whatever the return value was from the plotting function,
578#' \code{plot.phylo}, \code{plot.dendrogram} or \code{plot.hclust}.
579#' @method plot_dendrogram igraphHRG
580#' @export
581#' @author Gabor Csardi \email{csardi.gabor@@gmail.com}
582#' @keywords graphs
583#' @examples
585#' g <- make_full_graph(5) + make_full_graph(5)
586#' hrg <- fit_hrg(g)
587#' plot_dendrogram(hrg)
589plot_dendrogram.igraphHRG <- function(x, mode=igraph_opt("dend.plot.type"), ...) {
591  if (mode=="auto") {
592    have_ape <- requireNamespace("ape", quietly = TRUE)
593    mode <- if (have_ape) "phylo" else "hclust"
594  }
596  if (mode=="hclust") {
597    hrgPlotHclust(x, ...)
598  } else if (mode=="dendrogram") {
599    hrgPlotDendrogram(x, ...)
600  } else if (mode=="phylo") {
601    hrgPlotPhylo(x, ...)
602  }
605#' @importFrom graphics plot
606#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
607#' @importFrom stats rect.hclust
609hrgPlotHclust <- function(x, rect=0, colbar=rainbow(rect), hang=.01,
610                          ann=FALSE, main="", sub="", xlab="", ylab="",
611                          ...) {
612  hc <- as.hclust(x)
613  ret <- plot(hc, hang=hang, ann=ann, main=main, sub=sub, xlab=xlab,
614              ylab=ylab, ...)
615  if (rect > 0) {
616    rect.hclust(hc, k=rect, border=colbar)
617  }
618  invisible(ret)
621#' @importFrom graphics plot
623hrgPlotDendrogram <- function(x, ...) {
624  plot(as.dendrogram(x), ...)
627#' @importFrom graphics plot
628#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
630hrgPlotPhylo <- function(x, colbar=rainbow(11, start=.7, end=.1),
631                         edge.color=NULL, use.edge.length=FALSE, ...) {
632  vc <- length(x$left)+1
633  phy <- as_phylo(x)
634  br <- seq(0,1,length=length(colbar)) ; br[1] <- -1
635  cc <- as.integer(cut(x$prob[phy$edge[,1] - vc], breaks=br))
636  if (is.null(edge.color)) { edge.color <- colbar[cc] }
637  plot(phy, edge.color=edge.color, use.edge.length=use.edge.length, ...)
640#' Print a hierarchical random graph model to the screen
642#' \code{igraphHRG} objects can be printed to the screen in two forms: as
643#' a tree or as a list, depending on the \code{type} argument of the
644#' print function. By default the \code{auto} type is used, which selects
645#' \code{tree} for small graphs and \code{simple} (=list) for bigger
646#' ones. The \code{tree} format looks like
647#'  this: \preformatted{Hierarchical random graph, at level 3:
648#' g1        p=   0
649#' '- g15    p=0.33  1
650#'    '- g13 p=0.88  6  3  9  4  2  10 7  5  8
651#' '- g8     p= 0.5
652#'    '- g16 p= 0.2  20 14 17 19 11 15 16 13
653#'    '- g5  p=   0  12 18  }
654#' This is a graph with 20 vertices, and the
655#' top three levels of the fitted hierarchical random graph are
656#' printed. The root node of the HRG is always vertex group #1
657#' (\sQuote{\code{g1}} in the the printout). Vertex pairs in the left
658#' subtree of \code{g1} connect to vertices in the right subtree with
659#' probability zero, according to the fitted model. \code{g1} has two
660#' subgroups, \code{g15} and \code{g8}. \code{g15} has a subgroup of a
661#' single vertex (vertex 1), and another larger subgroup that contains
662#' vertices 6, 3, etc. on lower levels, etc.
663#' The \code{plain} printing is simpler and faster to produce, but less
664#' visual: \preformatted{Hierarchical random graph:
665#' g1  p=0.0 -> g12 g10   g2  p=1.0 -> 7 10      g3  p=1.0 -> g18 14
666#' g4  p=1.0 -> g17 15    g5  p=0.4 -> g15 17    g6  p=0.0 -> 1 4
667#' g7  p=1.0 -> 11 16     g8  p=0.1 -> g9 3      g9  p=0.3 -> g11 g16
668#' g10 p=0.2 -> g4 g5     g11 p=1.0 -> g6 5      g12 p=0.8 -> g8 8
669#' g13 p=0.0 -> g14 9     g14 p=1.0 -> 2 6       g15 p=0.2 -> g19 18
670#' g16 p=1.0 -> g13 g2    g17 p=0.5 -> g7 13     g18 p=1.0 -> 12 19
671#' g19 p=0.7 -> g3 20}
672#' It lists the two subgroups of each internal node, in
673#' as many columns as the screen width allows.
675#' @param x \code{igraphHRG} object to print.
676#' @param type How to print the dendrogram, see details below.
677#' @param level The number of top levels to print from the dendrogram.
678#' @param ... Additional arguments, not used currently.
679#' @return The hierarchical random graph model itself, invisibly.
681#' @method print igraphHRG
682#' @export
683#' @family hierarchical random graph functions
685print.igraphHRG <- function(x, type=c("auto", "tree", "plain"),
686                            level=3, ...) {
688  type <- igraph.match.arg(type)
689  if (type=="auto") {
690    type <- if (length(x$left <= 100)) "tree" else "plain"
691  }
692  if (type=="tree") {
693    return(print1.igraphHRG(x, level=level, ...))
694  } else {
695    return(print2.igraphHRG(x, ...))
696  }
699print1.igraphHRG <- function(x, level=3, ...) {
700  cat(sep="", "Hierarchical random graph, at level ", level, ":\n")
702  ## Depth of printed top of the dendrogram
703  .depth <- function(b, l) {
704    l[2] <- max(l[2], nchar(format(x$prob[b], digits=2)))
705    if (l[1]==level) { return(l) }
706    if (x$left[b] < 0 && x$right[b] < 0) {
707      l1 <- .depth(-x$left[b], c(l[1]+1, l[2]))
708      l2 <- .depth(-x$right[b], c(l[1]+1, l[2]))
709      return(pmax(l1,l2))
710    }
711    if (x$left[b] < 0)  { return(.depth(-x$left[b],  c(l[1]+1, l[2]))) }
712    if (x$right[b] < 0) { return(.depth(-x$right[b], c(l[1]+1, l[2]))) }
713    return(l)
714  }
715  cs <- .depth(1, c(1, 0))
716  pw <- cs[2]
717  cs <- cs[1] * 3
718  vw <- nchar(as.character(length(x$left)+1))
719  sp <- paste(collapse="", rep(" ", cs+pw+2+2))
720  nn <- if (is.null(x$names)) seq_len(length(x$left)+1) else x$names
722  ## Function to collect all individual vertex children
723  .children <- function(b) {
724    res <- c()
725    if (x$left[b]  < 0) {
726      res <- c(res, .children(-x$left[b]))
727    } else {
728      res <- c(x$left[b]+1, res)
729    }
730    if (x$right[b] < 0) {
731      res <- c(res, .children(-x$right[b]))
732    } else {
733      res <- c(x$right[b]+1, res)
734    }
735    return(res)
736  }
738  ## Recursive printing
739  .plot <- function(b, l, ind = "") {
740    if (b != 1) {
741      he <- format(paste(sep="", ind, "'- g", b), width=cs)
742      ind <- paste("  ", ind)
743    } else {
744      he <- format(paste(sep="", ind, "g", b), width=cs)
745    }
746    ## whether to go left and/or right
747    gol <- x$left[b]  < 0 && l < level
748    gor <- x$right[b] < 0 && l < level
750    ## the children to print
751    ch1 <- character()
752    if (!gol && x$left[b] < 0) {
753      ch1 <- c(ch1, paste(sep="", "g", -x$left[b]))
754    }
755    if (!gor && x$right[b] < 0) {
756      ch1 <- c(ch1, paste(sep="", "g", -x$right[b]))
757    }
758    ch2 <- numeric()
759    if (!gol) {
760      if (x$left[b]  <  0) { ch2 <- c(ch2, .children(-x$left[b])) }
761      if (x$left[b]  >= 0) { ch2 <- c(ch2, x$left[b] + 1) }
762    }
763    if (!gor) {
764      if (x$right[b] <  0) { ch2 <- c(ch2, .children(-x$right[b])) }
765      if (x$right[b] >= 0) { ch2 <- c(ch2, x$right[b] + 1) }
766    }
768    ## print this line
769    ch2 <- as.character(nn[ch2])
770    lf <- gsub(" ", "x", format(ch2, width=vw), fixed=TRUE)
771    lf <- paste(collapse=" ", lf)
772    lf <- strwrap(lf, width=getOption("width") - cs - pw - 3 - 2)
773    lf <- gsub("x", " ", lf, fixed=TRUE)
774    if (length(lf) > 1) {
775      lf <- c(lf[1], paste(sp, lf[-1]))
776      lf <- paste(collapse="\n", lf)
777    }
778    op <- paste(sep="", format(he, width=cs),
779                " p=", format(x$prob[b], digits=2, width=pw, justify="left"),
780                "  ", paste(collapse=" ", lf))
781    cat(op, fill=TRUE)
783    ## recursive call
784    if (x$left[b]  < 0 && l < level) .plot(-x$left[b],  l+1, ind)
785    if (x$right[b] < 0 && l < level) .plot(-x$right[b], l+1, ind)
786  }
788  ## Do it
789  if (length(x$left) > 0) .plot(b=1, l=1)
791  invisible(x)
794print2.igraphHRG <- function(x, ...) {
795  cat("Hierarchical random graph:\n")
796  bw <- ceiling(log10(length(x$left)+1))+1
797  p <- format(x$prob, digits=1)
798  pw <- 4 + max(nchar(p))
799  nn <- if (is.null(x$names)) seq_len(length(x$left)+1) else x$names
800  op <- sapply(seq_along(x$left), function(i) {
801    lc <- if (x$left[i] < 0) {
802      paste(sep="", "g", -x$left[i])
803    } else {
804      nn[x$left[i]+1]
805    }
806    rc <- if (x$right[i] < 0) {
807      paste(sep="", "g", -x$right[i])
808    } else {
809      nn[x$right[i]+1]
810    }
811    paste(sep="", format(paste(sep="", "g", i), width=bw),
812          format(paste(sep="", " p=", p[i]), width=pw),
813          "-> ", lc, " ", rc)
814  })
815  op <- format(op, justify="left")
816  cat(op, sep="   ", fill=TRUE)
817  invisible(x)
820## TODO: print as a tree
822#' Print a hierarchical random graph consensus tree to the screen
824#' Consensus dendrograms (\code{igraphHRGConsensus} objects) are printed
825#' simply by listing the children of each internal node of the
826#' dendrogram: \preformatted{HRG consensus tree:
827#' g1 -> 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
828#' g2 -> 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
829#' g3 -> g1 g2}
830#' The root of the dendrogram is \code{g3} (because it has no incoming
831#' edges), and it has two subgroups, \code{g1} and \code{g2}.
833#' @param x \code{igraphHRGConsensus} object to print.
834#' @param ... Ignored.
835#' @return The input object, invisibly, to allow method chaining.
837#' @method print igraphHRGConsensus
838#' @export
839#' @family hierarchical random graph functions
841print.igraphHRGConsensus <- function(x, ...) {
842  cat("HRG consensus tree:\n")
843  n <- length(x$parents) - length(x$weights)
844  mn <- if (is.null(x$names)) seq_len(n) else x$names
845  id <- c(mn, paste(sep="", "g", seq_along(x$weights)))
846  ch <- tapply(id, x$parents, c)[-1]   # first is zero
847  bw <- nchar(as.character(length(x$weights)))
848  vw <- max(nchar(id))
849  op <- sapply(seq_along(x$weights), function(i) {
850    mych <- format(ch[[i]], width=vw)
851    if (length(ch[[i]])*(vw+1) + bw + 4 > getOption("width")) {
852      mych <- gsub(" ", "x", mych, fixed=TRUE)
853      mych <- paste(collapse=" ", mych)
854      pref <- paste(collapse="", rep(" ", bw+5))
855      mych <- strwrap(mych, width=getOption("width") - bw - 4,
856                      initial="", prefix=pref)
857      mych <- gsub("x", " ", mych, fixed=TRUE)
858      mych <- paste(collapse="\n", mych)
859    } else {
860      mych <- paste(collapse=" ", mych)
861    }
862    paste(sep="", "g", format(i, width=bw), " -> ", mych)
863  })
864  if (max(nchar(op)) < (getOption("width")-4)/2) {
865    op <- format(op, justify="left")
866    cat(op, sep="   ", fill=TRUE)
867  } else {
868    cat(op, sep="\n")
869  }
871  invisible(x)
875## How to print HRGs?
877B-1           p=0
878'- B-3        p=1  6
879   '- B-7     p=1  2
880      '- B-5  p=1  1 5
881'- B-6        p=1  7
882   '- B-2     p=1  4
883      '- B-4  p=1  3 8
885## The same at levels 1, 2 and 3:
887B-1  p=0  B-3 B-6 6 2 1 5 7 4 3 8
889B-1     p=0
890'+ B-3  p=1  B-7  6 2 1 5
891'+ B-6  p=1  B-2  7 4 3 8
893B-1        p=0
894'- B-3     p=1  6
895   '+ B-7  p=1  B-5 2 1 5
896'- B-6     p=1  7
897   '+ B-2  p=1  B-4 4 3 8
899## This can be tedious if the graph is big, as we always have n-1
900## internal nodes, we can restrict ourselves to (say) level 3 by default.
902## Another possibility is to order the lines according to the group ids.
904B-1  p=0  B-3 B-6
905B-2  p=1  B-4 4
906B-3  p=1  B-7 6
907B-4  p=1  3 8
908B-5  p=1  1 5
909B-6  p=1  B-2 7
910B-7  p=1  B-5 2