1#   IGraph R package
2#   Copyright (C) 2003-2012  Gabor Csardi <csardi.gabor@gmail.com>
3#   334 Harvard street, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
5#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8#   (at your option) any later version.
10#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13#   GNU General Public License for more details.
15#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17#   Foundation, Inc.,  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
18#   02110-1301 USA
24#' Plotting of graphs
26#' \code{plot.igraph} is able to plot graphs to any R device. It is the
27#' non-interactive companion of the \code{tkplot} function.
29#' One convenient way to plot graphs is to plot with \code{\link{tkplot}}
30#' first, handtune the placement of the vertices, query the coordinates by the
31#' \code{\link{tk_coords}} function and use them with \code{plot} to
32#' plot the graph to any R device.
34#' @aliases plot.graph
35#' @param x The graph to plot.
36#' @param axes Logical, whether to plot axes, defaults to FALSE.
37#' @param add Logical scalar, whether to add the plot to the current device, or
38#' delete the device's current contents first.
39#' @param xlim The limits for the horizontal axis, it is unlikely that you want
40#' to modify this.
41#' @param ylim The limits for the vertical axis, it is unlikely that you want
42#' to modify this.
43#' @param mark.groups A list of vertex id vectors. It is interpreted as a set
44#' of vertex groups. Each vertex group is highlighted, by plotting a colored
45#' smoothed polygon around and \dQuote{under} it. See the arguments below to
46#' control the look of the polygons.
47#' @param mark.shape A numeric scalar or vector. Controls the smoothness of the
48#' vertex group marking polygons. This is basically the \sQuote{shape}
49#' parameter of the \code{\link[graphics]{xspline}} function, its possible
50#' values are between -1 and 1. If it is a vector, then a different value is
51#' used for the different vertex groups.
52#' @param mark.col A scalar or vector giving the colors of marking the
53#' polygons, in any format accepted by \code{\link[graphics]{xspline}}; e.g.
54#' numeric color ids, symbolic color names, or colors in RGB.
55#' @param mark.border A scalar or vector giving the colors of the borders of
56#' the vertex group marking polygons. If it is \code{NA}, then no border is
57#' drawn.
58#' @param mark.expand A numeric scalar or vector, the size of the border around
59#' the marked vertex groups. It is in the same units as the vertex sizes. If a
60#' vector is given, then different values are used for the different vertex
61#' groups.
62#' @param \dots Additional plotting parameters. See \link{igraph.plotting} for
63#' the complete list.
64#' @return Returns \code{NULL}, invisibly.
65#' @author Gabor Csardi \email{csardi.gabor@@gmail.com}
66#' @seealso \code{\link{layout}} for different layouts,
67#' \code{\link{igraph.plotting}} for the detailed description of the plotting
68#' parameters and \code{\link{tkplot}} and \code{\link{rglplot}} for other
69#' graph plotting functions.
70#' @method plot igraph
71#' @export
72#' @export plot.igraph
73#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
74#' @importFrom graphics plot polygon text par
75#' @keywords graphs
76#' @examples
78#' g <- make_ring(10)
79#' plot(g, layout=layout_with_kk, vertex.color="green")
81plot.igraph <- function(x,
82                       # SPECIFIC: #####################################
83                       axes=FALSE, add=FALSE,
84                       xlim=c(-1,1), ylim=c(-1,1),
85                       mark.groups=list(), mark.shape=1/2,
86                       mark.col=rainbow(length(mark.groups), alpha=0.3),
87                       mark.border=rainbow(length(mark.groups), alpha=1),
88                       mark.expand=15,
89                       ...) {
91  graph <- x
92  if (!is_igraph(graph)) {
93    stop("Not a graph object")
94  }
96  vc <- vcount(graph)
98  ################################################################
99  ## Visual parameters
100  params <- i.parse.plot.params(graph, list(...))
101  vertex.size        <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size")
102  label.family       <- params("vertex", "label.family")
103  label.font         <- params("vertex", "label.font")
104  label.cex          <- params("vertex", "label.cex")
105  label.degree       <- params("vertex", "label.degree")
106  label.color        <- params("vertex", "label.color")
107  label.dist         <- params("vertex", "label.dist")
108  labels             <- params("vertex", "label")
109  shape              <- igraph.check.shapes(params("vertex", "shape"))
111  edge.color         <- params("edge", "color")
112  edge.width         <- params("edge", "width")
113  edge.lty           <- params("edge", "lty")
114  arrow.mode         <- params("edge", "arrow.mode")
115  edge.labels        <- params("edge", "label")
116  loop.angle         <- params("edge", "loop.angle")
117  edge.label.font    <- params("edge", "label.font")
118  edge.label.family  <- params("edge", "label.family")
119  edge.label.cex     <- params("edge", "label.cex")
120  edge.label.color   <- params("edge", "label.color")
121  elab.x             <- params("edge", "label.x")
122  elab.y             <- params("edge", "label.y")
123  arrow.size         <- params("edge", "arrow.size")[1]
124  arrow.width        <- params("edge", "arrow.width")[1]
125  curved             <- params("edge", "curved")
126  if (is.function(curved)) { curved <- curved(graph) }
128  layout             <- params("plot", "layout")
129  margin             <- params("plot", "margin")
130  margin <- rep(margin, length=4)
131  rescale            <- params("plot", "rescale")
132  asp                <- params("plot", "asp")
133  frame              <- params("plot", "frame")
134  main               <- params("plot", "main")
135  sub                <- params("plot", "sub")
136  xlab               <- params("plot", "xlab")
137  ylab               <- params("plot", "ylab")
139  palette            <- params("plot", "palette")
140  if (!is.null(palette)) {
141    old_palette <- palette(palette)
142    on.exit(palette(old_palette), add = TRUE)
143  }
145  # the new style parameters can't do this yet
146  arrow.mode         <- i.get.arrow.mode(graph, arrow.mode)
148  ################################################################
149  ## create the plot
150  maxv <- max(vertex.size)
151  if (vc > 0 && rescale) {
152    # norm layout to (-1, 1)
153    layout <- norm_coords(layout, -1, 1, -1, 1)
154    xlim <- c(xlim[1]-margin[2]-maxv, xlim[2]+margin[4]+maxv)
155    ylim <- c(ylim[1]-margin[1]-maxv, ylim[2]+margin[3]+maxv)
156  }
157  if (!add) {
158    plot(0, 0, type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
159         axes=axes, frame=frame, asp=asp, main=main, sub=sub)
160  }
162  ################################################################
163  ## Mark vertex groups
164  if (!is.list(mark.groups) && is.numeric(mark.groups)) {
165    mark.groups <- list(mark.groups)
166  }
168  mark.shape  <- rep(mark.shape,  length=length(mark.groups))
169  mark.border <- rep(mark.border, length=length(mark.groups))
170  mark.col    <- rep(mark.col,    length=length(mark.groups))
171  mark.expand <- rep(mark.expand, length=length(mark.groups))
173  for (g in seq_along(mark.groups)) {
174    v <- V(graph)[mark.groups[[g]]]
175    if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
176      vs <- vertex.size
177    } else {
178      vs <- rep(vertex.size, length=vcount(graph))[v]
179    }
180    igraph.polygon(layout[v,,drop=FALSE],
181                   vertex.size=vs,
182                   expand.by=mark.expand[g]/200,
183                   shape=mark.shape[g],
184                   col=mark.col[g],
185                   border=mark.border[g])
186  }
188  ################################################################
189  ## calculate position of arrow-heads
190  el <- as_edgelist(graph, names=FALSE)
191  loops.e <- which(el[,1] == el[,2])
192  nonloops.e <- which(el[,1] != el[,2])
193  loops.v <- el[,1] [loops.e]
194  loop.labels <- edge.labels[loops.e]
195  loop.labx <- if (is.null(elab.x)) {
196    rep(NA, length(loops.e))
197  } else {
198    elab.x[loops.e]
199  }
200  loop.laby <- if (is.null(elab.y)) {
201    rep(NA, length(loops.e))
202  } else {
203    elab.y[loops.e]
204  }
205  edge.labels <- edge.labels[nonloops.e]
206  elab.x <- if (is.null(elab.x)) NULL else elab.x[nonloops.e]
207  elab.y <- if (is.null(elab.y)) NULL else elab.y[nonloops.e]
208  el <- el[nonloops.e,,drop=FALSE]
210  edge.coords <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(el), ncol=4)
211  edge.coords[,1] <- layout[,1][ el[,1] ]
212  edge.coords[,2] <- layout[,2][ el[,1] ]
213  edge.coords[,3] <- layout[,1][ el[,2] ]
214  edge.coords[,4] <- layout[,2][ el[,2] ]
215  if ( length(unique(shape)) == 1) {
216    ## same vertex shape for all vertices
217    ec <- .igraph.shapes[[ shape[1] ]]$clip(edge.coords, el,
218                                            params=params, end="both")
219  } else {
220    ## different vertex shapes, do it by "endpoint"
221    shape <- rep(shape, length=vcount(graph))
222    ec <- edge.coords
223    ec[,1:2] <- t(sapply(seq(length=nrow(el)), function(x) {
224      .igraph.shapes[[ shape[el[x,1]] ]]$clip(edge.coords[x,,drop=FALSE],
225                                              el[x,,drop=FALSE],
226                                              params=params, end="from")
227    }))
228    ec[,3:4] <- t(sapply(seq(length=nrow(el)), function(x) {
229      .igraph.shapes[[ shape[el[x,2]] ]]$clip(edge.coords[x,,drop=FALSE],
230                                              el[x,,drop=FALSE],
231                                              params=params, end="to")
232    }))
233  }
235  x0 <- ec[,1] ; y0 <- ec[,2] ; x1 <- ec[,3] ; y1 <- ec[,4]
237  ################################################################
238  ## add the loop edges
239  if (length(loops.e) > 0) {
240    ec <- edge.color
241    if (length(ec)>1) { ec <- ec[loops.e] }
243    point.on.cubic.bezier <- function(cp, t) {
245      c <- 3 * (cp[2,] - cp[1,])
246      b <- 3 * (cp[3,] - cp[2,]) - c
247      a <- cp[4,] - cp[1,] - c - b
249      t2 <- t*t;
250      t3 <- t*t*t
252      a*t3 + b*t2 + c*t + cp[1,]
253    }
255    compute.bezier <- function(cp, points) {
256      dt <- seq(0, 1, by=1/(points-1))
257      sapply(dt, function(t) point.on.cubic.bezier(cp, t))
258    }
260    plot.bezier <- function(cp, points, color, width, arr, lty, arrow.size, arr.w) {
261      p <- compute.bezier( cp, points )
262      polygon(p[1,], p[2,], border=color, lwd=width, lty=lty)
263      if (arr==1 || arr==3) {
264        igraph.Arrows(p[1,ncol(p)-1], p[2,ncol(p)-1], p[1,ncol(p)], p[2,ncol(p)],
265                      sh.col=color, h.col=color, size=arrow.size,
266                      sh.lwd=width, h.lwd=width, open=FALSE, code=2, width=arr.w)
267      }
268      if (arr==2 || arr==3) {
269        igraph.Arrows(p[1,2], p[2,2], p[1,1], p[2,1],
270                      sh.col=color, h.col=color, size=arrow.size,
271                      sh.lwd=width, h.lwd=width, open=FALSE, code=2, width=arr.w)
272      }
273    }
275    loop <- function(x0, y0, cx=x0, cy=y0, color, angle=0, label=NA,
276                     width=1, arr=2, lty=1, arrow.size=arrow.size,
277                     arr.w=arr.w, lab.x, lab.y) {
279      rad <- angle
280      center <- c(cx,cy)
281      cp <- matrix( c(x0,y0, x0+.4,y0+.2, x0+.4,y0-.2, x0,y0),
282                   ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
283      phi <- atan2(cp[,2]-center[2], cp[,1]-center[1])
284      r <- sqrt((cp[,1]-center[1])**2 + (cp[,2]-center[2])**2)
286      phi <- phi + rad
288      cp[,1] <- cx+r*cos(phi)
289      cp[,2] <- cy+r*sin(phi)
291      if (is.na(width)) { width <- 0 }
293      plot.bezier(cp, 50, color, width, arr=arr, lty=lty, arrow.size=arrow.size, arr.w=arr.w)
295      if (is.language(label) || !is.na(label)) {
296        lx <- x0+.3
297        ly <- y0
298        phi <- atan2(ly-center[2], lx-center[1])
299        r <- sqrt((lx-center[1])**2 + (ly-center[2])**2)
301        phi <- phi + rad
303        lx <- cx+r*cos(phi)
304        ly <- cy+r*sin(phi)
306        if (!is.na(lab.x)) { lx <- lab.x }
307        if (!is.na(lab.y)) { ly <- lab.y }
309        text(lx, ly, label, col=edge.label.color, font=edge.label.font,
310             family=edge.label.family, cex=edge.label.cex)
311      }
312    }
314    ec <- edge.color
315    if (length(ec)>1) { ec <- ec[loops.e] }
316    vs <- vertex.size
317    if (length(vertex.size)>1) { vs <- vs[loops.v] }
318    ew <- edge.width
319    if (length(edge.width)>1) { ew <- ew[loops.e] }
320    la <- loop.angle
321    if (length(loop.angle)>1) { la <- la[loops.e] }
322    lty <- edge.lty
323    if (length(edge.lty)>1) { lty <- lty[loops.e] }
324    arr <- arrow.mode
325    if (length(arrow.mode)>1) { arr <- arrow.mode[loops.e] }
326    asize <- arrow.size
327    if (length(arrow.size)>1) { asize <- arrow.size[loops.e] }
328    xx0 <- layout[loops.v,1] + cos(la) * vs
329    yy0 <- layout[loops.v,2] - sin(la) * vs
330    mapply(loop, xx0, yy0,
331           color=ec, angle=-la, label=loop.labels, lty=lty,
332           width=ew, arr=arr, arrow.size=asize, arr.w=arrow.width,
333           lab.x=loop.labx, lab.y=loop.laby)
334  }
336  ################################################################
337  ## non-loop edges
338  if (length(x0) != 0) {
339    if (length(edge.color)>1) { edge.color <- edge.color[nonloops.e] }
340    if (length(edge.width)>1) { edge.width <- edge.width[nonloops.e] }
341    if (length(edge.lty)>1) { edge.lty <- edge.lty[nonloops.e] }
342    if (length(arrow.mode)>1) { arrow.mode <- arrow.mode[nonloops.e] }
343    if (length(arrow.size)>1) { arrow.size <- arrow.size[nonloops.e] }
344    if (length(curved)>1) { curved <- curved[nonloops.e] }
345    if (length(unique(arrow.mode))==1) {
346      lc <-igraph.Arrows(x0, y0, x1, y1, h.col=edge.color, sh.col=edge.color,
347                    sh.lwd=edge.width, h.lwd=1, open=FALSE, code=arrow.mode[1],
348                    sh.lty=edge.lty, h.lty=1, size=arrow.size,
349                    width=arrow.width, curved=curved)
350      lc.x <- lc$lab.x
351      lc.y <- lc$lab.y
352    } else {
353      ## different kinds of arrows drawn separately as 'arrows' cannot
354      ## handle a vector as the 'code' argument
355      curved <- rep(curved, length=ecount(graph))[nonloops.e]
356      lc.x <- lc.y <- numeric(length(curved))
357      for (code in 0:3) {
358        valid <- arrow.mode==code
359        if (!any(valid)) { next }
360        ec <- edge.color ; if (length(ec)>1) { ec <- ec[valid] }
361        ew <- edge.width ; if (length(ew)>1) { ew <- ew[valid] }
362        el <- edge.lty   ; if (length(el)>1) { el <- el[valid] }
363        lc <- igraph.Arrows(x0[valid], y0[valid], x1[valid], y1[valid],
364                      code=code, sh.col=ec, h.col=ec, sh.lwd=ew, h.lwd=1,
365                      h.lty=1, sh.lty=el, open=FALSE, size=arrow.size,
366                      width=arrow.width, curved=curved[valid])
367        lc.x[valid] <- lc$lab.x
368        lc.y[valid] <- lc$lab.y
369      }
370    }
371    if (!is.null(elab.x)) { lc.x <- ifelse(is.na(elab.x), lc.x, elab.x) }
372    if (!is.null(elab.y)) { lc.y <- ifelse(is.na(elab.y), lc.y, elab.y) }
373    text(lc.x, lc.y, labels=edge.labels, col=edge.label.color,
374         family=edge.label.family, font=edge.label.font, cex=edge.label.cex)
375  }
377  rm(x0, y0, x1, y1)
379  ################################################################
380  # add the vertices
381  if (vc > 0) {
382    if (length(unique(shape)) == 1) {
383      .igraph.shapes[[ shape[1] ]]$plot(layout, params=params)
384    } else {
385      sapply(seq(length=vcount(graph)), function(x) {
386        .igraph.shapes[[ shape[x] ]]$plot(layout[x,,drop=FALSE], v=x,
387                                          params=params)
388      })
389    }
390  }
392  ################################################################
393  # add the labels
394  par(xpd=TRUE)
395  x <- layout[,1]+label.dist*cos(-label.degree)*
396    (vertex.size+6*8*log10(2))/200
397  y <- layout[,2]+label.dist*sin(-label.degree)*
398    (vertex.size+6*8*log10(2))/200
399  if (vc > 0) {
400    if (length(label.family)==1) {
401      text(x, y, labels=labels, col=label.color, family=label.family,
402           font=label.font, cex=label.cex)
403    } else {
404      if1 <- function(vect, idx) if (length(vect)==1) vect else vect[idx]
405      sapply(seq_len(vcount(graph)), function(v) {
406        text(x[v], y[v], labels=if1(labels, v), col=if1(label.color, v),
407             family=if1(label.family, v), font=if1(label.font, v),
408             cex=if1(label.cex, v))
409      })
410    }
411  }
412  rm(x, y)
413  invisible(NULL)
418#' 3D plotting of graphs with OpenGL
420#' Using the \code{rgl} package, \code{rglplot} plots a graph in 3D. The plot
421#' can be zoomed, rotated, shifted, etc. but the coordinates of the vertices is
422#' fixed.
424#' Note that \code{rglplot} is considered to be highly experimental. It is not
425#' very useful either. See \code{\link{igraph.plotting}} for the possible
426#' arguments.
428#' @aliases rglplot rglplot.igraph
429#' @param x The graph to plot.
430#' @param \dots Additional arguments, see \code{\link{igraph.plotting}} for the
431#' details
432#' @return \code{NULL}, invisibly.
433#' @author Gabor Csardi \email{csardi.gabor@@gmail.com}
434#' @seealso \code{\link{igraph.plotting}}, \code{\link{plot.igraph}} for the 2D
435#' version, \code{\link{tkplot}} for interactive graph drawing in 2D.
436#' @export
437#' @keywords graphs
438#' @export
439#' @examples
441#' \dontrun{
442#' g <- make_lattice( c(5,5,5) )
443#' coords <- layout_with_fr(g, dim=3)
444#' rglplot(g, layout=coords)
445#' }
447rglplot        <- function(x, ...)
448  UseMethod("rglplot", x)
450#' @method rglplot igraph
451#' @export
453rglplot.igraph <- function(x, ...) {
455  graph <- x
456  if (!is_igraph(graph)) {
457    stop("Not a graph object")
458  }
460  create.edge <- function(v1, v2, r1, r2, ec, ew, am, as) {
461    ## these could also be parameters:
462    aw <- 0.005*3*as                      # arrow width
463    al <- 0.005*4*as                      # arrow length
465    dist <- sqrt(sum((v2-v1)^2))   # distance of the centers
467    if (am==0) {
468      edge <- rgl::qmesh3d(c(-ew/2,-ew/2,dist,1, ew/2,-ew/2,dist,1, ew/2,ew/2,dist,1,
469                        -ew/2,ew/2,dist,1,  -ew/2,-ew/2,0,1, ew/2,-ew/2,0,1,
470                        ew/2,ew/2,0,1, -ew/2,ew/2,0,1),
471                      c(1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 1,2,6,5, 2,3,7,6, 3,4,8,7, 4,1,5,8))
472    } else if (am==1) {
473      edge <- rgl::qmesh3d(c(-ew/2,-ew/2,dist,1, ew/2,-ew/2,dist,1,
474                        ew/2,ew/2,dist,1, -ew/2,ew/2,dist,1,
475                        -ew/2,-ew/2,al+r1,1, ew/2,-ew/2,al+r1,1,
476                        ew/2,ew/2,al+r1,1, -ew/2,ew/2,al+r1,1,
477                        -aw/2,-aw/2,al+r1,1, aw/2,-aw/2,al+r1,1,
478                        aw/2,aw/2,al+r1,1, -aw/2,aw/2,al+r1,1, 0,0,r1,1),
479                      c(1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 1,2,6,5, 2,3,7,6, 3,4,8,7, 4,1,5,8,
480                        9,10,11,12, 9,12,13,13, 9,10,13,13, 10,11,13,13,
481                        11,12,13,13))
482    } else if (am==2) {
483      box <- dist-r2-al
484      edge <- rgl::qmesh3d(c(-ew/2,-ew/2,box,1, ew/2,-ew/2,box,1, ew/2,ew/2,box,1,
485                        -ew/2,ew/2,box,1,  -ew/2,-ew/2,0,1, ew/2,-ew/2,0,1,
486                        ew/2,ew/2,0,1, -ew/2,ew/2,0,1,
487                        -aw/2,-aw/2,box,1, aw/2,-aw/2,box,1, aw/2,aw/2,box,1,
488                        -aw/2,aw/2,box,1, 0,0,box+al,1),
489                      c(1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 1,2,6,5, 2,3,7,6, 3,4,8,7, 4,1,5,8,
490                        9,10,11,12, 9,12,13,13, 9,10,13,13, 10,11,13,13,
491                        11,12,13,13))
492    } else {
493      edge <- rgl::qmesh3d(c(-ew/2,-ew/2,dist-al-r2,1, ew/2,-ew/2,dist-al-r2,1,
494                        ew/2,ew/2,dist-al-r2,1, -ew/2,ew/2,dist-al-r2,1,
495                        -ew/2,-ew/2,r1+al,1, ew/2,-ew/2,r1+al,1,
496                        ew/2,ew/2,r1+al,1, -ew/2,ew/2,r1+al,1,
497                        -aw/2,-aw/2,dist-al-r2,1, aw/2,-aw/2,dist-al-r2,1,
498                        aw/2,aw/2,dist-al-r2,1, -aw/2,aw/2,dist-al-r2,1,
499                        -aw/2,-aw/2,r1+al,1, aw/2,-aw/2,r1+al,1,
500                        aw/2,aw/2,r1+al,1, -aw/2,aw/2,r1+al,1,
501                        0,0,dist-r2,1, 0,0,r1,1),
502                      c(1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 1,2,6,5, 2,3,7,6, 3,4,8,7, 4,1,5,8,
503                        9,10,11,12, 9,12,17,17, 9,10,17,17, 10,11,17,17,
504                        11,12,17,17,
505                        13,14,15,16, 13,16,18,18, 13,14,18,18, 14,15,18,18,
506                        15,16,18,18))
507    }
510    ## rotate and shift it to its position
511    phi<- -atan2(v2[2]-v1[2],v1[1]-v2[1])-pi/2
512    psi<- acos((v2[3]-v1[3])/dist)
513    rot1 <- rbind(c(1,0,0),c(0,cos(psi),sin(psi)), c(0,-sin(psi),cos(psi)))
514    rot2 <- rbind(c(cos(phi),sin(phi),0),c(-sin(phi),cos(phi),0), c(0,0,1))
515    rot <- rot1 %*% rot2
516    edge <- rgl::transform3d(edge, rgl::rotationMatrix(matrix=rot))
517    edge <- rgl::transform3d(edge, rgl::translationMatrix(v1[1], v1[2], v1[3]))
519    ## we are ready
520    rgl::shade3d(edge, col=ec)
521  }
523  create.loop <- function(v, r, ec, ew, am, la, la2, as) {
524    aw <- 0.005*3*as
525    al <- 0.005*4*as
526    wi <- aw*2                          # size of the loop
527    wi2 <- wi+aw-ew                     # size including the arrow heads
528    hi <- al*2+ew*2
529    gap <- wi-2*ew
531    if (am==0) {
532      edge <- rgl::qmesh3d(c(-wi/2,-ew/2,0,1, -gap/2,-ew/2,0,1,
533                        -gap/2,ew/2,0,1, -wi/2,ew/2,0,1,
534                        -wi/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, -gap/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
535                        -gap/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, -wi/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
536                        wi/2,-ew/2,0,1, gap/2,-ew/2,0,1,
537                        gap/2,ew/2,0,1, wi/2,ew/2,0,1,
538                        wi/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, gap/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
539                        gap/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, wi/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
540                        -wi/2,-ew/2,hi+r,1, -wi/2,ew/2,hi+r,1,
541                        wi/2,-ew/2,hi+r,1, wi/2,ew/2,hi+r,1
542                        ),
543                      c(1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 1,2,6,5, 2,3,7,6, 3,4,8,7,
544                        1,4,18,17,
545                        9,10,11,12, 13,14,15,16, 9,10,14,13, 10,11,15,14,
546                        11,12,16,15, 9,12,20,19,
547                        5,13,19,17, 17,18,20,19, 8,16,20,18, 6,7,15,14
548                        ))
549    } else if (am==1 || am==2) {
550      edge <- rgl::qmesh3d(c(-wi/2,-ew/2,r+al,1, -gap/2,-ew/2,r+al,1,
551                        -gap/2,ew/2,r+al,1, -wi/2,ew/2,r+al,1,
552                        -wi/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, -gap/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
553                        -gap/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, -wi/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
554                        wi/2,-ew/2,0,1, gap/2,-ew/2,0,1,
555                        gap/2,ew/2,0,1, wi/2,ew/2,0,1,
556                        wi/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, gap/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
557                        gap/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, wi/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
558                        -wi/2,-ew/2,hi+r,1, -wi/2,ew/2,hi+r,1,
559                        wi/2,-ew/2,hi+r,1, wi/2,ew/2,hi+r,1,
560                        # the arrow
561                        -wi2/2,-aw/2,r+al,1, -wi2/2+aw,-aw/2,r+al,1,
562                        -wi2/2+aw,aw/2,r+al,1, -wi2/2,aw/2,r+al,1,
563                        -wi2/2+aw/2,0,r,1
564                        ),
565                      c(1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 1,2,6,5, 2,3,7,6, 3,4,8,7,
566                        1,4,18,17,
567                        9,10,11,12, 13,14,15,16, 9,10,14,13, 10,11,15,14,
568                        11,12,16,15, 9,12,20,19,
569                        5,13,19,17, 17,18,20,19, 8,16,20,18, 6,7,15,14,
570                        # the arrow
571                        21,22,23,24, 21,22,25,25, 22,23,25,25, 23,24,25,25,
572                        21,24,25,25
573                        ))
574    } else if (am==3) {
575      edge <- rgl::qmesh3d(c(-wi/2,-ew/2,r+al,1, -gap/2,-ew/2,r+al,1,
576                        -gap/2,ew/2,r+al,1, -wi/2,ew/2,r+al,1,
577                        -wi/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, -gap/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
578                        -gap/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, -wi/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
579                        wi/2,-ew/2,r+al,1, gap/2,-ew/2,r+al,1,
580                        gap/2,ew/2,r+al,1, wi/2,ew/2,r+al,1,
581                        wi/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, gap/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
582                        gap/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, wi/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
583                        -wi/2,-ew/2,hi+r,1, -wi/2,ew/2,hi+r,1,
584                        wi/2,-ew/2,hi+r,1, wi/2,ew/2,hi+r,1,
585                        # the arrows
586                        -wi2/2,-aw/2,r+al,1, -wi2/2+aw,-aw/2,r+al,1,
587                        -wi2/2+aw,aw/2,r+al,1, -wi2/2,aw/2,r+al,1,
588                        -wi2/2+aw/2,0,r,1,
589                        wi2/2,-aw/2,r+al,1, wi2/2-aw,-aw/2,r+al,1,
590                        wi2/2-aw,aw/2,r+al,1, wi2/2,aw/2,r+al,1,
591                        wi2/2-aw/2,0,r,1
592                        ),
593                      c(1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 1,2,6,5, 2,3,7,6, 3,4,8,7,
594                        1,4,18,17,
595                        9,10,11,12, 13,14,15,16, 9,10,14,13, 10,11,15,14,
596                        11,12,16,15, 9,12,20,19,
597                        5,13,19,17, 17,18,20,19, 8,16,20,18, 6,7,15,14,
598                        # the arrows
599                        21,22,23,24, 21,22,25,25, 22,23,25,25, 23,24,25,25,
600                        21,24,25,25,
601                        26,27,28,29, 26,27,30,30, 27,28,30,30, 28,29,30,30,
602                        26,29,30,30
603                        ))
604    }
606    # rotate and shift to its position
607    rot1 <- rbind(c(1,0,0),c(0,cos(la2),sin(la2)), c(0,-sin(la2),cos(la2)))
608    rot2 <- rbind(c(cos(la),sin(la),0),c(-sin(la),cos(la),0), c(0,0,1))
609    rot <- rot1 %*% rot2
610    edge <- rgl::transform3d(edge, rgl::rotationMatrix(matrix=rot))
611    edge <- rgl::transform3d(edge, rgl::translationMatrix(v[1], v[2], v[3]))
613    ## we are ready
614    rgl::shade3d(edge, col=ec)
615  }
617  # Visual parameters
618  params <- i.parse.plot.params(graph, list(...))
619  labels <- params("vertex", "label")
620  label.color <- params("vertex", "label.color")
621  label.font <- params("vertex", "label.font")
622  label.degree <- params("vertex", "label.degree")
623  label.dist <- params("vertex", "label.dist")
624  vertex.color <- params("vertex", "color")
625  vertex.size <- (1/200) * params("vertex", "size")
626  loop.angle <- params("edge", "loop.angle")
627  loop.angle2 <- params("edge", "loop.angle2")
629  edge.color <- params("edge", "color")
630  edge.width <- (1/200) * params("edge", "width")
631  edge.labels <- params("edge","label")
632  arrow.mode <- params("edge","arrow.mode")
633  arrow.size <- params("edge","arrow.size")
635  layout <- params("plot", "layout")
636  rescale <- params("plot", "rescale")
638  # the new style parameters can't do this yet
639  arrow.mode         <- i.get.arrow.mode(graph, arrow.mode)
641  # norm layout to (-1, 1)
642  if (ncol(layout)==2) { layout <- cbind(layout, 0) }
643  if (rescale) {
644    layout <- norm_coords(layout, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1)
645  }
647  # add the edges, the loops are handled separately
648  el <- as_edgelist(graph, names=FALSE)
650  # It is faster this way
651  rgl::par3d(skipRedraw=TRUE)
653  # edges first
654  for (i in seq(length=nrow(el))) {
655    from <- el[i,1]
656    to   <- el[i,2]
657    v1 <- layout[from,]
658    v2 <- layout[to,]
659    am <- arrow.mode; if (length(am)>1) { am <- am[i] }
660    ew <- edge.width; if (length(ew)>1) { ew <- ew[i] }
661    ec <- edge.color; if (length(ec)>1) { ec <- ec[i] }
662    r1 <- vertex.size; if (length(r1)>1) { r1 <- r1[from] }
663    r2 <- vertex.size; if (length(r2)>1) { r2 <- r2[to] }
665    if (from!=to) {
666      create.edge(v1,v2,r1,r2,ec,ew,am,arrow.size)
667    } else {
668      la <- loop.angle; if (length(la)>1) { la <- la[i] }
669      la2 <- loop.angle2; if (length(la2)>1) { la2 <- la2[i] }
670      create.loop(v1,r1,ec,ew,am,la,la2,arrow.size)
671    }
673  }
675  # add the vertices
676  if (length(vertex.size)==1) { vertex.size <- rep(vertex.size, nrow(layout)) }
677  rgl::rgl.spheres(layout[,1], layout[,2], layout[,3], radius=vertex.size,
678              col=vertex.color)
680  # add the labels, 'l1' is a stupid workaround of a mysterious rgl bug
681  labels[is.na(labels)] <- ""
682  x <- layout[,1]+label.dist*cos(-label.degree)*
683    (vertex.size+6*10*log10(2))/200
684  y <- layout[,2]+label.dist*sin(-label.degree)*
685    (vertex.size+6*10*log10(2))/200
686  z <- layout[,3]
687  l1 <- labels[1]
688  labels[1] <- ""
689  rgl::rgl.texts(x,y,z, labels, col=label.color, adj=0)
690  rgl::rgl.texts(c(0,x[1]), c(0,y[1]), c(0,z[1]),
691            c("",l1), col=c(label.color[1],label.color[1]), adj=0)
693  edge.labels[is.na(edge.labels)] <- ""
694  if (any(edge.labels != "")) {
695    x0 <- layout[,1][el[,1]]
696    x1 <- layout[,1][el[,2]]
697    y0 <- layout[,2][el[,1]]
698    y1 <- layout[,2][el[,2]]
699    z0 <- layout[,3][el[,1]]
700    z1 <- layout[,4][el[,2]]
701    rgl::rgl.texts((x0+x1)/2, (y0+y1)/2, (z0+z1)/2, edge.labels,
702              col=label.color)
703  }
705  # draw everything
706  rgl::par3d(skipRedraw=FALSE)
708  invisible(NULL)
711# This is taken from the IDPmisc package,
712# slightly modified: code argument added
714#' @importFrom graphics par xyinch segments xspline lines polygon
716igraph.Arrows <-
717function (x1, y1, x2, y2,
718                    code=2,
719                    size= 1,
720                    width= 1.2/4/cin,
721                    open=TRUE,
722                    sh.adj=0.1,
723                    sh.lwd=1,
724                    sh.col=if(is.R()) par("fg") else 1,
725                    sh.lty=1,
726                    h.col=sh.col,
727                    h.col.bo=sh.col,
728                    h.lwd=sh.lwd,
729                    h.lty=sh.lty,
730                    curved=FALSE)
731  ## Author: Andreas Ruckstuhl, refined by Rene Locher
732  ## Version: 2005-10-17
734  cin <- size * par("cin")[2]
735  width <- width * (1.2/4/cin)
736  uin <- if (is.R())
737    1/xyinch()
738  else par("uin")
739  x <- sqrt(seq(0, cin^2, length = floor(35 * cin) + 2))
740  delta <-  sqrt(h.lwd)*par("cin")[2]*0.005      ## has been 0.05
741  x.arr <- c(-rev(x), -x)
742  wx2 <- width * x^2
743  y.arr <- c(-rev(wx2 + delta), wx2 + delta)
744  deg.arr <- c(atan2(y.arr, x.arr), NA)
745  r.arr <- c(sqrt(x.arr^2 + y.arr^2), NA)
747  ## backup
748  bx1 <- x1 ; bx2 <- x2 ; by1 <- y1 ; by2 <- y2
750  ## shaft
751  lx <- length(x1)
752  r.seg <- rep(cin*sh.adj, lx)
753  theta1 <- atan2((y1 - y2) * uin[2], (x1 - x2) * uin[1])
754  th.seg1 <- theta1 + rep(atan2(0, -cin), lx)
755  theta2 <- atan2((y2 - y1) * uin[2], (x2 - x1) * uin[1])
756  th.seg2 <- theta2 + rep(atan2(0, -cin), lx)
757  x1d <- y1d <- x2d <- y2d <- 0
758  if (code %in% c(1,3)) {
759    x2d <- r.seg*cos(th.seg2)/uin[1]
760    y2d <- r.seg*sin(th.seg2)/uin[2]
761  }
762  if (code %in% c(2,3)) {
763    x1d <- r.seg*cos(th.seg1)/uin[1]
764    y1d <- r.seg*sin(th.seg1)/uin[2]
765  }
766  if (is.logical(curved) && all(!curved) ||
767      is.numeric(curved) && all(!curved)) {
769    segments(x1+x1d, y1+y1d, x2+x2d, y2+y2d, lwd=sh.lwd, col=sh.col, lty=sh.lty)
770    phi <- atan2(y1-y2, x1-x2)
771    r <- sqrt( (x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2 )
772    lc.x <- x2 + 2/3*r*cos(phi)
773    lc.y <- y2 + 2/3*r*sin(phi)
775  } else {
776    if (is.numeric(curved)) {
777      lambda <- curved
778    } else {
779      lambda <- as.logical(curved) * 0.5
780    }
781    lambda <- rep(lambda, length.out = length(x1))
782    c.x1 <- x1+x1d
783    c.y1 <- y1+y1d
784    c.x2 <- x2+x2d
785    c.y2 <- y2+y2d
787    midx <- (x1+x2)/2
788    midy <- (y1+y2)/2
789    spx <- midx - lambda * 1/2 * (c.y2-c.y1)
790    spy <- midy + lambda * 1/2 * (c.x2-c.x1)
791    sh.col <- rep(sh.col, length=length(c.x1))
792    sh.lty <- rep(sh.lty, length=length(c.x1))
793    sh.lwd <- rep(sh.lwd, length=length(c.x1))
794    lc.x <- lc.y <- numeric(length(c.x1))
796    for (i in seq_len(length(c.x1))) {
797      ## Straight line?
798      if (lambda[i] == 0) {
799        segments(c.x1[i], c.y1[i], c.x2[i], c.y2[i],
800                 lwd = sh.lwd[i], col = sh.col[i], lty = sh.lty[i])
801        phi <- atan2(y1[i] - y2[i], x1[i] - x2[i])
802        r <- sqrt( (x1[i] - x2[i])^2 + (y1[i] - y2[i])^2 )
803        lc.x[i] <- x2[i] + 2/3*r*cos(phi)
804        lc.y[i] <- y2[i] + 2/3*r*sin(phi)
806      } else {
807        spl <- xspline(x=c(c.x1[i],spx[i],c.x2[i]),
808                       y=c(c.y1[i],spy[i],c.y2[i]), shape=1, draw=FALSE)
809        lines(spl, lwd=sh.lwd[i], col=sh.col[i], lty=sh.lty[i])
810        if (code %in% c(2,3)) {
811          x1[i] <- spl$x[3*length(spl$x)/4]
812          y1[i] <- spl$y[3*length(spl$y)/4]
813        }
814        if (code %in% c(1,3)) {
815          x2[i] <- spl$x[length(spl$x)/4]
816          y2[i] <- spl$y[length(spl$y)/4]
817        }
818        lc.x[i] <- spl$x[2/3 * length(spl$x)]
819        lc.y[i] <- spl$y[2/3 * length(spl$y)]
820      }
821    }
822  }
824  ## forward arrowhead
825  if (code %in% c(2,3)) {
826    theta <- atan2((by2 - y1) * uin[2], (bx2 - x1) * uin[1])
827    Rep <- rep(length(deg.arr), lx)
828    p.x2 <- rep(bx2, Rep)
829    p.y2 <- rep(by2, Rep)
830    ttheta <- rep(theta, Rep) + rep(deg.arr, lx)
831    r.arr <- rep(r.arr, lx)
832    if(open) lines((p.x2 + r.arr * cos(ttheta)/uin[1]),
833                   (p.y2 + r.arr*sin(ttheta)/uin[2]),
834                   lwd=h.lwd, col = h.col.bo, lty=h.lty) else
835    polygon(p.x2 + r.arr * cos(ttheta)/uin[1], p.y2 + r.arr*sin(ttheta)/uin[2],
836            col = h.col, lwd=h.lwd,
837            border=h.col.bo, lty=h.lty)
838  }
840  ## backward arrow head
841  if (code %in% c(1,3)) {
842    x1 <- bx1; y1 <- by1
843    tmp <- x1 ; x1 <- x2 ; x2 <- tmp
844    tmp <- y1 ; y1 <- y2 ; y2 <- tmp
845    theta <- atan2((y2 - y1) * uin[2], (x2 - x1) * uin[1])
846    lx <- length(x1)
847    Rep <- rep(length(deg.arr), lx)
848    p.x2 <- rep(x2, Rep)
849    p.y2 <- rep(y2, Rep)
850    ttheta <- rep(theta, Rep) + rep(deg.arr, lx)
851    r.arr <- rep(r.arr, lx)
853    if(open) lines((p.x2 + r.arr * cos(ttheta)/uin[1]),
854                   (p.y2 + r.arr*sin(ttheta)/uin[2]),
855                   lwd=h.lwd, col = h.col.bo, lty=h.lty) else
856    polygon(p.x2 + r.arr * cos(ttheta)/uin[1], p.y2 + r.arr*sin(ttheta)/uin[2],
857            col = h.col, lwd=h.lwd,
858            border=h.col.bo, lty=h.lty)
859  }
861  list(lab.x=lc.x, lab.y=lc.y)
863} # Arrows
865#' @importFrom graphics xspline
867igraph.polygon <- function(points, vertex.size=15/200, expand.by=15/200,
868                           shape=1/2, col="#ff000033", border=NA) {
870  by <- expand.by
871  pp <- rbind(points,
872              cbind(points[,1]-vertex.size-by, points[,2]),
873              cbind(points[,1]+vertex.size+by, points[,2]),
874              cbind(points[,1], points[,2]-vertex.size-by),
875              cbind(points[,1], points[,2]+vertex.size+by))
877  cl <- convex_hull(pp)
878  xspline(cl$rescoords, shape=shape, open=FALSE, col=col, border=border)