1 /*
2  * irlb: Implicitly restarted Lanczos bidiagonalization partial SVD.
3  * Copyright (c) 2016 by Bryan W. Lewis
4  *
5  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8  * (at your option) any later version.
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17  */
19 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #include <string.h>
21 #include <fcntl.h>
22 #include <assert.h>
23 #include <math.h>
25 #define USE_FC_LEN_T
26 #include <Rconfig.h>
27 #include "R_ext/BLAS.h"
28 #ifndef FCONE
29 # define FCONE
30 #endif
31 #include <R.h>
33 #include <Rinternals.h>
34 #include <Rdefines.h>
36 #include "R_ext/Lapack.h"
37 #include "R_ext/Rdynload.h"
38 #include "R_ext/Utils.h"
39 #include "R_ext/Parse.h"
41 #include "Matrix.h"
42 #include "Matrix_stubs.c"
44 #include "irlb.h"
46 /* helper function for calling rnorm below */
RNORM(int n)48 RNORM (int n)
49 {
50   char buf[4096];
51   SEXP cmdSexp, cmdexpr, ans = R_NilValue;
52   ParseStatus status;
53   cmdSexp = PROTECT (allocVector (STRSXP, 1));
54   snprintf (buf, 4095, "rnorm(%d)", n);
55   SET_STRING_ELT (cmdSexp, 0, mkChar (buf));
56   cmdexpr = PROTECT (R_ParseVector (cmdSexp, -1, &status, R_NilValue));
57   if (status != PARSE_OK)
58     {
59       UNPROTECT (2);
60       error ("invalid call");
61     }
62   for (int i = 0; i < length (cmdexpr); i++)
63     {
64       ans = PROTECT (eval (VECTOR_ELT (cmdexpr, i), R_GlobalEnv));
65       UNPROTECT (1);
66     }
67   UNPROTECT (2);
68   return ans;
69 }
71 /* irlb C implementation wrapper for R
72  *
73  * X double precision input matrix
74  * NU integer number of singular values/vectors to compute must be > 3
75  * INIT double precision starting vector length(INIT) must equal ncol(X)
76  * WORK integer working subspace dimension must be > NU
77  * MAXIT integer maximum number of iterations
78  * TOL double tolerance
79  * EPS double invariant subspace detection tolerance
80  * MULT integer 0 X is a dense matrix (dgemm), 1 sparse (cholmod)
81  * RESTART integer 0 no or > 0 indicates restart of dimension n
82  * RV, RW, RS optional restart V W and S values of dimension RESTART
83  *    (only used when RESTART > 0)
84  * SCALE either NULL (no scaling) or a vector of length ncol(X)
85  * SHIFT either NULL (no shift) or a single double-precision number
86  * CENTER either NULL (no centering) or a vector of length ncol(X)
87  * SVTOL double tolerance max allowed per cent change in each estimated singular value
88  *
89  * Returns a list with 6 elements:
90  * 1. vector of estimated singular values
91  * 2. matrix of estimated left singular vectors
92  * 3. matrix of estimated right singular vectors
93  * 4. number of algorithm iterations
94  * 5. number of matrix vector products
95  * 6. irlb C algorithm return error code (see irlb below)
96  */
101 {
102   SEXP ANS, S, U, V;
103   double *V1, *U1, *W, *F, *B, *BU, *BV, *BS, *BW, *res, *T, *scale, *shift,
104     *center, *SVRATIO;
105   int i, iter, mprod, ret;
106   int m, n;
108   int mult = INTEGER (MULT)[0];
109   void *AS = NULL;
110   double *A = NULL;
111   switch (mult)
112     {
113     case 1:
114       AS = (void *) AS_CHM_SP (X);
115       int *dims = INTEGER (GET_SLOT (X, install ("Dim")));
116       m = dims[0];
117       n = dims[1];
118       break;
119     default:
120       A = REAL (X);
121       m = nrows (X);
122       n = ncols (X);
123     }
124   int nu = INTEGER (NU)[0];
125   int work = INTEGER (WORK)[0];
126   int maxit = INTEGER (MAXIT)[0];
127   double tol = REAL (TOL)[0];
128   double svtol = REAL (SVTOL)[0];
129   int lwork = 7 * work * (1 + work);
130   int restart = INTEGER (RESTART)[0];
131   double eps = REAL (EPS)[0];
133   PROTECT (ANS = NEW_LIST (6));
134   PROTECT (S = allocVector (REALSXP, nu));
135   PROTECT (U = allocVector (REALSXP, m * work));
136   PROTECT (V = allocVector (REALSXP, n * work));
137   if (restart == 0)
138     for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
139       (REAL (V))[i] = (REAL (INIT))[i];
141   /* set up intermediate working storage */
142   scale = NULL;
143   shift = NULL;
144   center = NULL;
145   if (TYPEOF (SCALE) == REALSXP)
146     {
147       scale = (double *) R_alloc (n * 2, sizeof (double));
148       memcpy (scale, REAL (SCALE), n * sizeof (double));
149     }
150   if (TYPEOF (SHIFT) == REALSXP)
151     {
152       shift = REAL (SHIFT);
153     }
155     {
156       center = REAL (CENTER);
157     }
158   SVRATIO = (double *) R_alloc (work, sizeof (double));
159   V1 = (double *) R_alloc (n * work, sizeof (double));
160   U1 = (double *) R_alloc (m * work, sizeof (double));
161   W = (double *) R_alloc (m * work, sizeof (double));
162   F = (double *) R_alloc (n, sizeof (double));
163   B = (double *) R_alloc (work * work, sizeof (double));
164   BU = (double *) R_alloc (work * work, sizeof (double));
165   BV = (double *) R_alloc (work * work, sizeof (double));
166   BS = (double *) R_alloc (work, sizeof (double));
167   BW = (double *) R_alloc (lwork, sizeof (double));
168   res = (double *) R_alloc (work, sizeof (double));
169   T = (double *) R_alloc (lwork, sizeof (double));
170   if (restart > 0)
171     {
172       memcpy (REAL (V), REAL (RV), n * (restart + 1) * sizeof (double));
173       memcpy (W, REAL (RW), m * restart * sizeof (double));
174       memset (B, 0, work * work * sizeof (double));
175       for (i = 0; i < restart; ++i)
176         B[i + work * i] = REAL (RS)[i];
177     }
178   ret =
179     irlb (A, AS, mult, m, n, nu, work, maxit, restart, tol, scale, shift, center,
180           REAL (S), REAL (U), REAL (V), &iter, &mprod, eps, lwork, V1, U1, W,
181           F, B, BU, BV, BS, BW, res, T, svtol, SVRATIO);
182   SET_VECTOR_ELT (ANS, 0, S);
183   SET_VECTOR_ELT (ANS, 1, U);
184   SET_VECTOR_ELT (ANS, 2, V);
185   SET_VECTOR_ELT (ANS, 3, ScalarInteger (iter));
186   SET_VECTOR_ELT (ANS, 4, ScalarInteger (mprod));
187   SET_VECTOR_ELT (ANS, 5, ScalarInteger (ret));
188   UNPROTECT (4);
189   return ANS;
190 }
192 /* irlb: main computation function.
193  * returns:
194  *  0 on success,
195  * -1 invalid dimensions,
196  * -2 not converged
197  * -3 out of memory
198  * -4 starting vector near the null space of A
199  *
200  * all data must be allocated by caller, required sizes listed below
201  */
202 int
irlb(double * A,void * AS,int mult,int m,int n,int nu,int work,int maxit,int restart,double tol,double * scale,double * shift,double * center,double * s,double * U,double * V,int * ITER,int * MPROD,double eps,int lwork,double * V1,double * U1,double * W,double * F,double * B,double * BU,double * BV,double * BS,double * BW,double * res,double * T,double svtol,double * svratio)203 irlb (double *A,                // Input data matrix (double case)
204       void *AS,                 // input data matrix (sparse case)
205       int mult,                 // 0 -> use double *A, 1 -> use AS
206       int m,                    // data matrix number of rows, must be > 3.
207       int n,                    // data matrix number of columns, must be > 3.
208       int nu,                   // dimension of solution
209       int work,                 // working dimension, must be > 3.
210       int maxit,                // maximum number of main iterations
211       int restart,              // 0->no, n>0 -> restarted algorithm of dimension n
212       double tol,               // convergence tolerance
213       double *scale,            // optional scale (NULL for no scale) size n * 2
214       double *shift,            // optional shift (NULL for no shift)
215       double *center,           // optional center (NULL for no center)
216       // output values
217       double *s,                // output singular values at least length nu
218       double *U,                // output left singular vectors  m x work
219       double *V,                // output right singular vectors n x work
220       int *ITER,                // ouput number of Lanczos iterations
221       int *MPROD,               // output number of matrix vector products
222       double eps,               // tolerance for invariant subspace detection
223       // working intermediate storage, sizes shown
224       int lwork, double *V1,    // n x work
225       double *U1,               // m x work
226       double *W,                // m x work  input when restart > 0
227       double *F,                // n
228       double *B,                // work x work  input when restart > 0
229       double *BU,               // work x work
230       double *BV,               // work x work
231       double *BS,               // work
232       double *BW,               // lwork
233       double *res,              // work
234       double *T,                // lwork
235       double svtol,             // svtol limit
236       double *svratio)          // convtest extra storage vector of length work
237 {
238   double d, S, R, alpha, beta, R_F, SS;
239   double *x;
240   int jj, kk;
241   int converged;
242   int info, j, k = restart;
243   int inc = 1;
244   int mprod = 0;
245   int iter = 0;
246   double Smax = 0;
247   SEXP FOO;
249 /* Check for valid input dimensions */
250   if (work < 4 || n < 4 || m < 4)
251     return -1;
253   if (restart == 0)
254     memset (B, 0, work * work * sizeof (double));
255   memset(svratio, 0, work * sizeof(double));
257 /* Main iteration */
258   while (iter < maxit)
259     {
260       j = 0;
261 /*  Normalize starting vector */
262       if (iter == 0 && restart == 0)
263         {
264           d = F77_CALL (dnrm2) (&n, V, &inc);
265           if (d < eps)
266             return -1;
267           d = 1 / d;
268           F77_CALL (dscal) (&n, &d, V, &inc);
269         }
270       else
271         j = k;
273 /* optionally apply scale */
274       x = V + j * n;
275       if (scale)
276         {
277           x = scale + n;
278           memcpy (scale + n, V + j * n, n * sizeof (double));
279           for (kk = 0; kk < n; ++kk)
280             x[kk] = x[kk] / scale[kk];
281         }
283       switch (mult)
284         {
285         case 1:
286           dsdmult ('n', m, n, AS, x, W + j * m);
287           break;
288         default:
289           alpha = 1;
290           beta = 0;
291           F77_CALL (dgemv) ("n", &m, &n, &alpha, (double *) A, &m, x,
292                             &inc, &beta, W + j * m, &inc FCONE);
293         }
294       mprod++;
295       R_CheckUserInterrupt ();
296 /* optionally apply shift in square cases m = n */
297       if (shift)
298         {
299           jj = j * m;
300           for (kk = 0; kk < m; ++kk)
301             W[jj + kk] = W[jj + kk] + shift[0] * x[kk];
302         }
303 /* optionally apply centering */
304       if (center)
305         {
306           jj = j * m;
307           beta = F77_CALL (ddot) (&n, x, &inc, center, &inc);
308           for (kk = 0; kk < m; ++kk)
309             W[jj + kk] = W[jj + kk] - beta;
310         }
311       if (iter > 0)
312         orthog (W, W + j * m, T, m, j, 1);
313       S = F77_CALL (dnrm2) (&m, W + j * m, &inc);
314       if (S < eps && j == 0)
315         return -4;
316       SS = 1.0 / S;
317       F77_CALL (dscal) (&m, &SS, W + j * m, &inc);
319 /* The Lanczos process */
320       while (j < work)
321         {
322           switch (mult)
323             {
324             case 1:
325               dsdmult ('t', m, n, AS, W + j * m, F);
326               break;
327             default:
328               alpha = 1.0;
329               beta = 0.0;
330               F77_CALL (dgemv) ("t", &m, &n, &alpha, (double *) A, &m,
331                                 W + j * m, &inc, &beta, F, &inc FCONE);
332             }
333           mprod++;
334           R_CheckUserInterrupt ();
335 /* optionally apply shift, scale, center */
336           if (shift)
337             {
338               // Note, not a bug because shift only applies to square matrices
339               for (kk = 0; kk < m; ++kk)
340                 F[kk] = F[kk] + shift[0] * W[j * m + kk];
341             }
342           if (scale)
343             {
344               for (kk = 0; kk < n; ++kk)
345                 F[kk] = F[kk] / scale[kk];
346             }
347           if (center)
348             {
349               beta = 0;
350               for (kk = 0; kk < m; ++kk) beta += W[j *m + kk];
351               if (scale)
352                 for (kk = 0; kk < n; ++kk)
353                   F[kk] = F[kk] - beta * center[kk] / scale[kk];
354               else
355                 for (kk = 0; kk < n; ++kk)
356                   F[kk] = F[kk] - beta * center[kk];
357             }
358           SS = -S;
359           F77_CALL (daxpy) (&n, &SS, V + j * n, &inc, F, &inc);
360           orthog (V, F, T, n, j + 1, 1);
362           if (j + 1 < work)
363             {
364               R_F = F77_CALL (dnrm2) (&n, F, &inc);
365               R = 1.0 / R_F;
366               if (R_F < eps)        // near invariant subspace
367                 {
368                   FOO = RNORM (n);
369                   for (kk = 0; kk < n; ++kk)
370                     F[kk] = REAL (FOO)[kk];
371                   orthog (V, F, T, n, j + 1, 1);
372                   R_F = F77_CALL (dnrm2) (&n, F, &inc);
373                   R = 1.0 / R_F;
374                   R_F = 0;
375                 }
376               memmove (V + (j + 1) * n, F, n * sizeof (double));
377               F77_CALL (dscal) (&n, &R, V + (j + 1) * n, &inc);
378               B[j * work + j] = S;
379               B[(j + 1) * work + j] = R_F;
380 /* optionally apply scale */
381               x = V + (j + 1) * n;
382               if (scale)
383                 {
384                   x = scale + n;
385                   memcpy (x, V + (j + 1) * n, n * sizeof (double));
386                   for (kk = 0; kk < n; ++kk)
387                     x[kk] = x[kk] / scale[kk];
388                 }
389               switch (mult)
390                 {
391                 case 1:
392                   dsdmult ('n', m, n, AS, x, W + (j + 1) * m);
393                   break;
394                 default:
395                   alpha = 1.0;
396                   beta = 0.0;
397                   F77_CALL (dgemv) ("n", &m, &n, &alpha, (double *) A, &m,
398                                     x, &inc, &beta, W + (j + 1) * m, &inc FCONE);
399                 }
400               mprod++;
401               R_CheckUserInterrupt ();
402 /* optionally apply shift */
403               if (shift)
404                 {
405                   jj = j + 1;
406                   for (kk = 0; kk < m; ++kk)
407                     W[jj * m + kk] = W[jj * m + kk] + shift[0] * x[kk];
408                 }
409 /* optionally apply centering */
410               if (center)
411                 {
412                   jj = (j + 1) * m;
413                   beta = F77_CALL (ddot) (&n, x, &inc, center, &inc);
414                   for (kk = 0; kk < m; ++kk)
415                     W[jj + kk] = W[jj + kk] - beta;
416                 }
417 /* One step of classical Gram-Schmidt */
418               R = -R_F;
419               F77_CALL (daxpy) (&m, &R, W + j * m, &inc, W + (j + 1) * m,
420                                 &inc);
421 /* full re-orthogonalization of W_{j+1} */
422               orthog (W, W + (j + 1) * m, T, m, j + 1, 1);
423               S = F77_CALL (dnrm2) (&m, W + (j + 1) * m, &inc);
424               SS = 1.0 / S;
425               if (S < eps)
426                 {
427                   FOO = RNORM (m);
428                   jj = (j + 1) * m;
429                   for (kk = 0; kk < m; ++kk)
430                     W[jj + kk] = REAL (FOO)[kk];
431                   orthog (W, W + (j + 1) * m, T, m, j + 1, 1);
432                   S = F77_CALL (dnrm2) (&m, W + (j + 1) * m, &inc);
433                   SS = 1.0 / S;
434                   F77_CALL (dscal) (&m, &SS, W + (j + 1) * m, &inc);
435                   S = 0;
436                 }
437               else
438                 F77_CALL (dscal) (&m, &SS, W + (j + 1) * m, &inc);
439             }
440           else
441             {
442               B[j * work + j] = S;
443             }
444           j++;
445         }
447       memmove (BU, B, work * work * sizeof (double));   // Make a working copy of B
448       int *BI = (int *) T;
449       F77_CALL (dgesdd) ("O", &work, &work, BU, &work, BS, BU, &work, BV,
450                          &work, BW, &lwork, BI, &info FCONE);
451       R_F = F77_CALL (dnrm2) (&n, F, &inc);
452       R = 1.0 / R_F;
453       F77_CALL (dscal) (&n, &R, F, &inc);
454 /* Force termination after encountering linear dependence */
455       if (R_F < eps)
456         R_F = 0;
458       Smax = 0;
459       for (jj = 0; jj < j; ++jj)
460         {
461           if (BS[jj] > Smax)
462             Smax = BS[jj];
463           svratio[jj] = fabs (svratio[jj] - BS[jj]) / BS[jj];
464         }
465       for (kk = 0; kk < j; ++kk)
466         res[kk] = R_F * BU[kk * work + (j - 1)];
467 /* Update k to be the number of converged singular values. */
468       convtests (j, nu, tol, svtol, Smax, svratio, res, &k, &converged, S);
470       if (converged == 1)
471         {
472           iter++;
473           break;
474         }
475       for (jj = 0; jj < j; ++jj)
476         svratio[jj] = BS[jj];
478       alpha = 1;
479       beta = 0;
480       F77_CALL (dgemm) ("n", "t", &n, &k, &j, &alpha, V, &n, BV, &work, &beta,
481                         V1, &n FCONE FCONE);
482       memmove (V, V1, n * k * sizeof (double));
483       memmove (V + n * k, F, n * sizeof (double));
485       memset (B, 0, work * work * sizeof (double));
486       for (jj = 0; jj < k; ++jj)
487         {
488           B[jj * work + jj] = BS[jj];
489           B[k * work + jj] = res[jj];
490         }
492 /*   Update the left approximate singular vectors */
493       alpha = 1;
494       beta = 0;
495       F77_CALL (dgemm) ("n", "n", &m, &k, &j, &alpha, W, &m, BU, &work, &beta,
496                         U1, &m FCONE FCONE);
497       memmove (W, U1, m * k * sizeof (double));
498       iter++;
499     }
501 /* Results */
502   memmove (s, BS, nu * sizeof (double));        /* Singular values */
503   alpha = 1;
504   beta = 0;
505   F77_CALL (dgemm) ("n", "n", &m, &nu, &work, &alpha, W, &m, BU, &work, &beta,
506                     U, &m FCONE FCONE);
507   F77_CALL (dgemm) ("n", "t", &n, &nu, &work, &alpha, V, &n, BV, &work, &beta,
508                     V1, &n FCONE FCONE);
509   memmove (V, V1, n * nu * sizeof (double));
511   *ITER = iter;
512   *MPROD = mprod;
513   return (converged == 1 ? 0 : -2);
514 }
517 cholmod_common chol_c;
518 /* Need our own CHOLMOD error handler */
519 void attribute_hidden
irlba_R_cholmod_error(int status,const char * file,int line,const char * message)520 irlba_R_cholmod_error (int status, const char *file, int line,
521                        const char *message)
522 {
523   if (status < 0)
524     error ("Cholmod error '%s' at file:%s, line %d", message, file, line);
525   else
526     warning ("Cholmod warning '%s' at file:%s, line %d", message, file, line);
527 }
529 static const R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = {
530   {"IRLB", (DL_FUNC) & IRLB, 16},
531   {NULL, NULL, 0}
532 };
535 __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
536 #endif
537 void
R_init_irlba(DllInfo * dll)538 R_init_irlba (DllInfo * dll)
539 {
541   R_RegisterCCallable("irlba", "orthog",
542                       (DL_FUNC) &orthog);
543   R_RegisterCCallable("irlba", "irlb",
544                       (DL_FUNC) &irlb);
547   R_registerRoutines (dll, NULL, CallEntries, NULL, NULL);
548   R_useDynamicSymbols (dll, 0);
549   M_R_cholmod_start (&chol_c);
550   chol_c.final_ll = 1;          /* LL' form of simplicial factorization */
551   /* need own error handler, that resets  final_ll (after *_defaults()) : */
552   chol_c.error_handler = irlba_R_cholmod_error;
553 }
555 void
R_unload_irlba(DllInfo * dll)556 R_unload_irlba (DllInfo * dll)
557 {
558   M_cholmod_finish (&chol_c);
559 }
562 void
dsdmult(char transpose,int m,int n,void * a,double * b,double * c)563 dsdmult (char transpose, int m, int n, void * a, double *b, double *c)
564 {
565   DL_FUNC sdmult = R_GetCCallable ("Matrix", "cholmod_sdmult");
566   int t = transpose == 't' ? 1 : 0;
567   CHM_SP cha = (CHM_SP) a;
569   cholmod_dense chb;
570   chb.nrow = transpose == 't' ? m : n;
571   chb.d = chb.nrow;
572   chb.ncol = 1;
573   chb.nzmax = chb.nrow;
574   chb.xtype = cha->xtype;
575   chb.dtype = 0;
576   chb.x = (void *) b;
577   chb.z = (void *) NULL;
579   cholmod_dense chc;
580   chc.nrow = transpose == 't' ? n : m;
581   chc.d = chc.nrow;
582   chc.ncol = 1;
583   chc.nzmax = chc.nrow;
584   chc.xtype = cha->xtype;
585   chc.dtype = 0;
586   chc.x = (void *) c;
587   chc.z = (void *) NULL;
589   double one[] = { 1, 0 }, zero[] = { 0, 0};
590   sdmult (cha, t, one, zero, &chb, &chc, &chol_c);
591 }