1## --> ../man/profile-methods.Rd
3profnames <- function(object, signames=TRUE,
4                      useSc=isLMM(object), prefix=c("sd","cor")) {
5    ntp <- length(getME(object,"theta"))
6    ## return
7    c(if(signames) sprintf(".sig%02d", seq(ntp))
8      else tnames(object, old=FALSE, prefix=prefix),
9      if(useSc) if (signames) ".sigma" else "sigma")
13##' @importFrom splines backSpline interpSpline periodicSpline
14##' @importFrom stats profile
15##' @method profile merMod
16##' @export
17profile.merMod <- function(fitted,
18                           which=NULL,
19                           alphamax = 0.01,
20                           maxpts = 100,
21                           delta = NULL,
22                           delta.cutoff = 1/8,
23                           verbose=0, devtol=1e-9,
24                           maxmult = 10,
25                           startmethod = "prev",
26                           optimizer = NULL,
27                           control = NULL,
28                           signames = TRUE,
29                           parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
30                           ncpus = getOption("profile.ncpus", 1L),
31                           cl = NULL,
32                           prof.scale = c("sdcor","varcov"),
33                           ...)
36    ## FIXME: allow choice of nextstep/nextstart algorithm?
37    ## FIXME: allow selection of individual variables to profile by name?
38    ## FIXME: allow for failure of bounds (non-pos-definite correlation matrices) when >1 cor parameter
40    prof.scale <- match.arg(prof.scale)
41    parallel   <- match.arg(parallel)
42    do_parallel <- have_mc <- have_snow <- NULL # "-Wall" are set here:
43    eval(initialize.parallel)# (parallel, ncpus)
45    if (is.null(optimizer)) optimizer <- fitted@optinfo$optimizer
46    ## hack: doesn't work to set bobyqa parameters to *ending* values stored
47    ## in @optinfo$control
48    ignore.pars <- c("xst", "xt")
49    control.internal <- fitted@optinfo$control
50    if (length(ign <- which(names(control.internal) %in% ignore.pars)) > 0)
51        control.internal <- control.internal[-ign]
52    if (!is.null(control)) {
53        i <- names(control)
54        control.internal[[i]] <- control[[i]]
55    }
56    control <- control.internal
57    useSc <- isLMM(fitted) || isNLMM(fitted)
58    prof.prefix <-
59        switch(prof.scale,
60               "sdcor" = {
61                   transfuns <- list(from.chol= Cv_to_Sv,
62                                     to.chol  = Sv_to_Cv,
63                                     to.sd    = identity)
64                   c("sd", "cor")
65               },
66               "varcov" = {
67                   transfuns <- list(from.chol= Cv_to_Vv,
68                                     to.chol  = Vv_to_Cv,
69                                     to.sd    = sqrt)
70                   c("var", "cov")
71               },
72               stop("internal error, prof.scale=", prof.scale))
73    dd <- devfun2(fitted, useSc=useSc, signames=signames,
74                  transfuns=transfuns, prefix=prof.prefix, ...)
75    ## FIXME: figure out to what do here ...
76    if (isGLMM(fitted) && fitted@devcomp$dims[["useSc"]])
77        stop("can't (yet) profile GLMMs with non-fixed scale parameters")
78    stopifnot(devtol >= 0)
79    base <- attr(dd, "basedev")
80    ## protect against accidental tampering by later devfun calls
81    thopt <- forceCopy(attr(dd, "thopt"))
82    stderr <- attr(dd, "stderr")
83    pp <- environment(dd)$pp
84    X.orig <- pp$X
85    n <- environment(dd)$n
86    p <- length(pp$beta0)
88    opt <- attr(dd, "optimum")
89    nptot <- length(opt)
90    nvp <- nptot - p    # number of variance-covariance pars
91    wi.vp <- seq_len(nvp)
92    if(nvp > 0) fe.orig <- opt[- wi.vp]
94    which <- get.which(which, nvp, nptot, names(opt), verbose)
96    res <- c(.zeta = 0, opt)
97    res <- matrix(res, nrow = maxpts, ncol = length(res),
98                  dimnames = list(NULL, names(res)), byrow = TRUE)
100    ## FIXME: why is cutoff based on nptot
101    ## (i.e. boundary of simultaneous LRT conf region for nptot values)
102    ##  when we are computing (at most) 2-parameter profiles here?
103    cutoff <- sqrt(qchisq(1 - alphamax, nptot))
105    if (is.null(delta))
106        delta <- cutoff*delta.cutoff
108    ## helper functions
110    ## nextpar calculates the next value of the parameter being
111    ## profiled based on the desired step in the profile zeta
112    ## (absstep) and the values of zeta and column cc for rows
113    ## r-1 and r.  The parameter may not be below lower (or above upper)
114    nextpar <- function(mat, cc, r, absstep,
115                        lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, minstep=1e-6) {
116        rows <- r - (1:0)         # previous two row numbers
117        pvals <- mat[rows, cc]
118        zeta <- mat[rows, ".zeta"]
119        num <- diff(pvals)
120        if (is.na(denom <- diff(zeta)) || denom==0) {
121            warning("Last two rows have identical or NA .zeta values: using minstep")
122            step <- minstep
123        } else {
124            step <- absstep*num/denom
125            if (step<0) {
126                warning("unexpected decrease in profile: using minstep")
127                step <- minstep
128            } else {
129                if (r>1) {
130                    if (abs(step) > (maxstep <- abs(maxmult*num))) {
131                        maxstep <- sign(step)*maxstep
132                        if (verbose) cat(sprintf("capped step at %1.2f (multiplier=%1.2f > %1.2f)\n",
133                                                 maxstep,abs(step/num),maxmult))
134                        step <- maxstep
135                    }
136                }
137            }
138        }
139        min(upper, max(lower, pvals[2] + sign(num) * step))
140    }
142    nextstart <- function(mat, pind, r, method) {
143        ## FIXME: indexing may need to be checked (e.g. for fixed-effect parameters)
144        switch(method,
145               global= opt[seqpar1][-pind],  ## address opt, no zeta column
146               prev  = mat[r,1+seqpar1][-pind],
147               extrap = stop("not yet implemented"),## do something with mat[r-(1:0),1+seqnvp])[-pind]
148               stop("invalid nextstart method"))
149    }
151    ## mkpar generates the parameter vector of theta and
152    ## sigma from the values being profiled in position w
153    mkpar <- function(np, w, pw, pmw) {
154        par <- numeric(np)
155        par[w] <- pw
156        par[-w] <- pmw
157        par
158    }
160    ## fillmat fills the third and subsequent rows of the matrix
161    ## using nextpar and zeta
162    ## FIXME:  add code to evaluate more rows near the minimum if that
163    ##        constraint was active.
164    fillmat <- function(mat, lowcut, upcut, zetafun, cc) {
165        nr <- nrow(mat)
166        i <- 2L
167        while (i < nr && mat[i, cc] > lowcut && mat[i,cc] < upcut &&
168                   (is.na(curzeta <- abs(mat[i, ".zeta"])) || curzeta <= cutoff)) {
169            np <- nextpar(mat, cc, i, delta, lowcut, upcut)
170            ns <- nextstart(mat, pind = cc-1, r=i, method=startmethod)
171            mat[i + 1L, ] <- zetafun(np,ns)
172            if (verbose>0) {
173                cat(i,cc,mat[i+1L,],"\n")
174            }
175            i <- i + 1L
176        }
177        if (mat[i-1,cc]==lowcut) {
178            ## fill in more values near the minimum
179        }
180        if (mat[i-1,cc]==upcut) {
181            ## fill in more values near the maximum
182        }
183        mat
184    }
186    ## bounds on Cholesky (== fitted@lower): [0,Inf) for diag, (-Inf,Inf) for off-diag
187    ## bounds on sd-corr:  [0,Inf) for diag, (-1.0,1.0) for off-diag
188    ## bounds on var-corr: [0,Inf) for diag, (-Inf,Inf) for off-diag
189    if (prof.scale=="sdcor") {
190        lower <- pmax(fitted@lower, -1.)
191        upper <- ifelse(fitted@lower==0, Inf, 1.0)
192    } else {
193        lower <- fitted@lower
194        upper <- rep(Inf,length.out=length(fitted@lower))
195    }
196    if (useSc) { # bounds for sigma
197        lower <- c(lower,0)
198        upper <- c(upper,Inf)
199    }
200    ## bounds on fixed parameters (TODO: allow user-specified bounds, e.g. for NLMMs)
201    lower <- c(lower,rep.int(-Inf, p))
202    upper <- c(upper, rep.int(Inf, p))
203    npar1 <- if (isLMM(fitted)) nvp else nptot
204    ## check that devfun2() computation for the base parameters is (approx.) the
205    ##  same as the original devfun() computation
206    if(!isTRUE(all.equal(unname(dd(opt[seq(npar1)])), base, tolerance=1e-5))){
207        stop("Profiling over both the residual variance and\n",
208             "fixed effects is not numerically consistent with\n",
209             "profiling over the fixed effects only")}
211    ## sequence of variance parameters to profile
212    seqnvp <- intersect(seq_len(npar1), which)
213    ## sequence of 'all' parameters
214    seqpar1 <- seq_len(npar1)
215    lowvp <- lower[seqpar1]
216    upvp <- upper[seqpar1]
217    form <- .zeta ~ foo # pattern for interpSpline formula
219    ## as in bootMer.R, define FUN as a
220    ##    closure containing the referenced variables
221    ##    in its scope to avoid explicit clusterExport statement
222    ##    in the PSOCKcluster case
223    FUN <- local({
224        function(w) {
225        if (verbose) cat(if(isLMM(fitted)) "var-cov " else "",
226                             "parameter ",w,":\n",sep="")
227        wp1 <- w + 1L
228        start <- opt[seqpar1][-w]
229        pw <- opt[w]
230        lowcut <- lower[w]
231        upcut <- upper[w]
232        zeta <- function(xx,start) {
233            ores <- tryCatch(optwrap(optimizer, par=start,
234                                     fn=function(x) dd(mkpar(npar1, w, xx, x)),
235                                     lower = lowvp[-w],
236                                     upper = upvp [-w],
237                                     control = control),
238                             error=function(e) NULL)
239            if (is.null(ores)) {
240                devdiff <- NA
241                pars <- NA
242            } else {
243                devdiff <- ores$fval - base
244                pars <- ores$par
245            }
246            if (is.na(devdiff)) {
247                warning("NAs detected in profiling")
248            } else {
249                if(verbose && devdiff < 0)
250                    cat("old deviance ",base,",\n",
251                        "new deviance ",ores$fval,",\n",
252                        "new params ",
253                        paste(mkpar(npar1,w,xx,ores$par),
254                              collapse=","),"\n")
255                if (devdiff < (-devtol))
256                    stop("profiling detected new, lower deviance")
257                if(devdiff < 0)
258                    warning(gettextf("slightly lower deviances (diff=%g) detected",
259                                     devdiff), domain=NA)
260            }
261            devdiff <- max(0,devdiff)
262            zz <- sign(xx - pw) * sqrt(devdiff)
263            r <- c(zz, mkpar(npar1, w, xx, pars))
264            if (isLMM(fitted)) c(r, pp$beta(1)) else r
265        }## {zeta}
267        ## intermediate storage for pos. and neg. increments
268        pres <- nres <- res
269        ## assign one row, determined by inc. sign, from a small shift
270        ## FIXME:: do something if pw==0 ???
271        shiftpar <- if (pw==0) 1e-3 else pw*1.01
272        ## Since both the pos- and neg-increment matrices are already
273        ## filled with the opt. par. results, this sets the first
274        ## two rows of the positive-increment matrix
275        ## to (opt. par, shiftpar) and the first two rows of
276        ## the negative-increment matrix to (shiftpar, opt. par),
277        ## which sets up two points going in the right direction
278        ## for each matrix (since the profiling algorithm uses increments
279        ## between rows to choose the next parameter increment)
280        nres[1, ] <- pres[2, ] <- zeta(shiftpar, start=opt[seqpar1][-w])
281        ## fill in the rest of the arrays and collapse them
282        upperf <- fillmat(pres, lowcut, upcut, zeta, wp1)
283        lowerf <-
284            if (pw > lowcut)
285                fillmat(nres, lowcut, upcut, zeta, wp1)
286            else ## don't bother to fill in 'nres' matrix
287                nres
288        ## this will throw away the extra 'opt. par' and 'shiftpar'
289        ## rows introduced above:
290        bres <- as.data.frame(unique(rbind2(upperf,lowerf)))
291        pname <- names(opt)[w]
292        bres$.par <- pname
293        bres <- bres[order(bres[, wp1]), ]
295        ## FIXME: test for bad things here??
296        form[[3]] <- as.name(pname)
297        forspl <- NULL # (in case of error)
298        ## bakspl
299        bakspl <-
300            tryCatch(backSpline(
301                forspl <- interpSpline(form, bres, na.action=na.omit)),
302                     error=function(e)e)
303        if (inherits(bakspl, "error"))
304            warning("non-monotonic profile for ",pname)
305        ## return:
306        namedList(bres,bakspl,forspl) # namedList() -> lmerControl.R
308    }}) ## FUN()
310    ## copied from bootMer: DRY!
311    L <- if (do_parallel) {
312        if (have_mc) {
313            parallel::mclapply(seqnvp, FUN, mc.cores = ncpus)
314        } else if (have_snow) {
315            if (is.null(cl)) {
316                cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(rep("localhost", ncpus))
317                ## explicit export of the lme4 namespace since most FUNs will probably
318                ## use some of them
319                parallel::clusterExport(cl, varlist=getNamespaceExports("lme4"))
320                if(RNGkind()[1L] == "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
321                    parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cl)
322                pres <- parallel::parLapply(cl, seqnvp, FUN)
323                parallel::stopCluster(cl)
324                pres
325            } else parallel::parLapply(cl, seqnvp, FUN)
326        }
327    } else lapply(seqnvp, FUN)
328    nn <- names(opt[seqnvp])
329    ans <-    setNames(lapply(L, `[[`,  "bres"), nn)
330    bakspl <- setNames(lapply(L, `[[`,"bakspl"), nn)
331    forspl <- setNames(lapply(L, `[[`,"forspl"), nn)
333    ## profile fixed effects separately (for LMMs)
334    if (isLMM(fitted)) {
335        offset.orig <- fitted@resp$offset
336        fp <- seq_len(p)
337        fp <- fp[(fp+nvp) %in% which]
338        ## FIXME: parallelize this too ...
339        for (j in fp) {
340            if (verbose) cat("fixed-effect parameter ",j,":\n",sep="")
341            pres <-            # intermediate results for pos. incr.
342                nres <- res    # and negative increments
343            est <- opt[nvp + j]
344            std <- stderr[j]
345            Xw <- X.orig[, j, drop=TRUE]
346            Xdrop <- .modelMatrixDrop(X.orig, j)
347            pp1 <- new(class(pp),
348                       X = Xdrop,
349                       Zt = pp$Zt,
350                       Lambdat = pp$Lambdat,
351                       Lind = pp$Lind,
352                       theta = pp$theta,
353                       n = nrow(Xdrop))
354### FIXME Change this to use the deep copy and setWeights, setOffset, etc.
355            rr <- new(Class=class(fitted@resp), y=fitted@resp$y)
356            rr$setWeights(fitted@resp$weights)
357            fe.zeta <- function(fw, start) {
358                ## (start parameter ignored)
359                rr$setOffset(Xw * fw + offset.orig)
360                rho <- list2env(list(pp=pp1, resp=rr), parent = parent.frame())
361                ores <- optwrap(optimizer, par = thopt, fn = mkdevfun(rho, 0L),
362                                lower = fitted@lower)
363                ## this optimization is done on the ORIGINAL
364                ##   theta scale (i.e. not the sigma/corr scale)
365                ## upper=Inf for all cases
366                ## lower = pmax(fitted@lower, -1.0),
367                ## upper = 1/(fitted@lower != 0))## = ifelse(fitted@lower==0, Inf, 1.0)
368                fv <- ores$fval
369                sig <- sqrt((rr$wrss() + pp1$sqrL(1))/n)
370                c(sign(fw - est) * sqrt(fv - base),
371                  Cv_to_Sv(ores$par, lengths(fitted@cnms), s=sig),
372                  ## ores$par * sig, sig,
373                  mkpar(p, j, fw, pp1$beta(1)))
374            }
375            nres[1, ] <- pres[2, ] <- fe.zeta(est + delta * std)
376            poff <- nvp + 1L + j
377            ## Workaround R bug [rbind2() is S4 generic; cannot catch warnings in its arg]
378            ## see lme4 GH issue #304
379            upperf <- fillmat(pres, -Inf, Inf, fe.zeta, poff)
380            lowerf <- fillmat(nres, -Inf, Inf, fe.zeta, poff)
381            bres <- as.data.frame(unique(rbind2(upperf, lowerf)))
382            bres$.par <- n.j <- names(fe.orig)[j]
383            ans[[n.j]] <- bres[order(bres[, poff]), ]
384            form[[3]] <- as.name(n.j)
385            bakspl[[n.j]] <-
386                tryCatch(backSpline(forspl[[n.j]] <- interpSpline(form, bres)),
387                         error=function(e)e)
388            if (inherits(bakspl[[n.j]], "error"))
389                warning("non-monotonic profile for ", n.j)
390        } ## for(j in 1..p)
391    } ## if isLMM
393    ans <- do.call(rbind, ans)
394    row.names(ans) <- NULL ## TODO: rbind(*, make.row.names=FALSE)
395    ans$.par <- factor(ans$.par)
396    structure(ans,
397              forward = forspl,
398              backward = bakspl,
399              lower = lower[seqnvp],
400              upper = upper[seqnvp],
401              class = c("thpr", "data.frame"))# 'thpr': see ../man/profile-methods.Rd
402} ## profile.merMod
404##' Transform 'which' \in {parnames | integer | "beta_" | "theta_"}
405##' into integer indices
406##' @param which numeric or character vector
407##' @param nvp number of variance-covariance parameters
408##' @param nptot total number of parameters
409##' @param parnames vector of parameter names
410##' @param verbose print messages?
411##' @examples
412##' fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
413##' tn <- names(getME(fm1,"theta"))
414##' nn <- c(tn,names(fixef(fm1)))
415##' get.which("theta_",length(tn),length(nn),nn, verbose=TRUE)
417get.which <- function(which, nvp, nptot, parnames, verbose=FALSE) {
418    if (is.null(which))
419        seq_len(nptot)
420    else if (is.character(which)) {
421        wi <- integer(); wh <- which
422        if(any(j <- wh == "theta_")) {
423            wi <- seq_len(nvp); wh <- wh[!j] }
424        if(any(j <- wh == "beta_") && nptot > nvp) {
425            wi <- c(wi, seq(nvp+1, nptot)); wh <- wh[!j] }
426        if(any(j <- parnames %in% wh)) { ## which containing param.names
427            wi <- sort(unique(c(wi, seq_len(nptot)[j])))
428        }
429        if(verbose) message(gettextf("From original which = %s: new which <- %s",
430                                     deparse(which, nlines=1), deparse(wi, nlines=1)),
431                            domain=NA)
432        if(length(wi) == 0)
433            warning(gettextf("Nothing selected by 'which=%s'", deparse(which)),
434                    domain=NA)
435        wi
436    } else #  stopifnot( .. numeric ..)
437        which
440## This is a hack.  The preferred approach is to write a
441## subset method for the ddenseModelMatrix and dsparseModelMatrix
442## classes
443.modelMatrixDrop <- function(mm, w) {
444    if (isS4(mm)) {
445        nX <- slotNames(X <- mm[, -w, drop = FALSE])
446        do.call(new,
447                c(list(Class = class(mm),
448                       assign = attr(mm,"assign")[-w],
449                       contrasts = NULL
450                       ## FIXME: where did the contrasts information go??
451                       ##      mm@contrasts
452                       ),
453                  lapply(structure(nX, .Names=nX),
454                         function(nm) slot(X, nm))))
455    } else {
456        structure(mm[, -w, drop=FALSE],
457                  assign = attr(mm, "assign")[-w])
458    }
461## The deviance is profiled with respect to the fixed-effects
462## parameters but not with respect to sigma. The other parameters
463## are on the standard deviation scale, not the theta scale.
465## @title Return a function for evaluation of the deviance.
466## @param fm a fitted model of class merMod
467## @param useSc (logical) whether a scale parameter is used
468## @param \dots arguments passed to profnames (\code{signames=TRUE}
469## to use old-style .sigxx names, FALSE uses (sd_cor|xx);
470## also \code{prefix=c("sd","cor")})
471## @return a function for evaluating the deviance in the extended
472##     parameterization.  This is profiled with respect to the
473##     variance-covariance parameters (fixed-effects done separately).
474devfun2 <- function(fm, useSc = if(isLMM(fm)) TRUE else NA,
475                    transfuns = list(from.chol = Cv_to_Sv,
476                                       to.chol = Sv_to_Cv, to.sd = identity),
477                    ...)
479    ## FIXME: have to distinguish between
480    ## 'useSc' (GLMM: report profiled scale parameter) and
481    ## 'useSc' (NLMM/LMM: scale theta by sigma)
482    ## hasSc := GLMMuseSc <- fm@devcomp$dims["useSc"]
483    stopifnot(is(fm, "merMod"))
484    fm <- refitML(fm)
485    basedev <- -2*c(logLik(fm))  ## no longer deviance()
486    vlist <- lengths(fm@cnms)
487    ## "has scale" := isLMM  or  GLMM with scale parameter
488    hasSc <- as.logical(fm@devcomp$dims[["useSc"]])
489    stdErr <- unname(coef(summary(fm))[,2])
490    pp <- fm@pp$copy()
491    if (useSc) {
492        sig <- sigma(fm)  ## only if hasSc is TRUE?
493        ## opt <- c(pp$theta*sig, sig)
494        opt <- transfuns$from.chol(pp$theta, n=vlist, s=sig)
495    } else {
496        opt <- transfuns$from.chol(pp$theta, n=vlist)
497    }
498    names(opt) <- profnames(fm, useSc=useSc, ...)
499    opt <- c(opt, fixef(fm))
500    resp <- fm@resp$copy()
501    np <- length(pp$theta)
502    nf <- length(fixef(fm))
503    if(hasSc) np <- np + 1L # was  if(!isGLMM(fm)) np <- np + 1L
504    n <- nrow(pp$V) # use V, not X so it works with nlmer
505    if (isLMM(fm)) { # ==> hasSc
506        ans <- function(pars)
507        {
508            stopifnot(is.numeric(pars), length(pars) == np)
509            ## Assumption:  we can translate the *last* parameter back
510            ##   to sigma (SD) scale ...
511            sigma <- transfuns$to.sd(pars[np])
512            ## .Call(lmer_Deviance, pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(), pars[-np]/sigma)
513            ## convert from sdcor vector back to 'unscaled theta'
514            thpars <- transfuns$to.chol(pars, n=vlist, s=sigma)
515            .Call(lmer_Deviance, pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(), thpars)
516            sigsq <- sigma^2
517            pp$ldL2() - ldW + (resp$wrss() + pp$sqrL(1))/sigsq + n * log(2 * pi * sigsq)
518        }
519        ldW <- sum(log(environment(ans)$resp$weights))
520        assign("ldW", ldW, envir = environment(ans))
521    } else { # GLMM *and* NLMMs
522        d0 <- getME(fm, "devfun")
523        ## from glmer:
524        ## rho <- new.env(parent=parent.env(environment()))
525        ## rho$pp <- do.call(merPredD$new, c(reTrms[c("Zt","theta","Lambdat","Lind")], n=nrow(X), list(X=X)))
526        ## rho$resp <- mkRespMod(fr, if(REML) p else 0L)
527        ans <- function(pars)
528        {
529            stopifnot(is.numeric(pars), length(pars) == np+nf)
530            thpars <- if(!useSc)
531                          transfuns$to.chol(pars[seq(np)], n=vlist)
532                      else
533                          transfuns$to.chol(pars[seq(np)], n=vlist, s=pars[np])
534            fixpars <- pars[-seq(np)]
535            d0(c(thpars,fixpars))
536        }
537    }
538    attr(ans, "optimum") <- opt         # w/ names()
539    attr(ans, "basedev") <- basedev
540    attr(ans, "thopt") <- pp$theta
541    attr(ans, "stderr") <- stdErr
542    class(ans) <- "devfun"
543    ans
546## extract only the y component from a prediction
547predy <- function(sp, vv) {
548    if(inherits(sp,"error")) rep(NA_real_, length(vv))
549    else predict(sp, vv)$y
552stripExpr <- function(ll, nms) {
553    stopifnot(is.list(ll), is.character(nms))
554    fLevs <- as.expression(nms) # variable names; now replacing log(sigma[.]) etc:
555    fLevs[nms ==  ".sigma"] <- expression(sigma)
556    fLevs[nms == ".lsigma"] <- expression(log(sigma))
557    fLevs[nms == ".sigmasq"] <- expression(sigma^2)
558    sigNms  <- grep("^\\.sig[0-9]+", nms)
559    lsigNms <- grep("^\\.lsig[0-9]+", nms)
560    sig2Nms <- grep("^\\.sigsq[0-9]+", nms)
561    ## the <n> in ".sig0<n>" and then in ".lsig0<n>":
562    sigsub  <- as.integer(substring(nms[ sigNms], 5))
563    lsigsub <- as.integer(substring(nms[lsigNms], 6))
564    sig2sub <- as.integer(substring(nms[sig2Nms], 7))
565    fLevs[ sigNms] <- lapply( sigsub, function(i) bquote(    sigma[.(i)]))
566    fLevs[lsigNms] <- lapply(lsigsub, function(i) bquote(log(sigma[.(i)])))
567    fLevs[sig2Nms] <- lapply(sig2sub, function(i) bquote(   {sigma[.(i)]}^2))
568    ## result of using { .. }^2  is easier to understand    ==          ==
569    levsExpr <- substitute(strip.custom(factor.levels=foo), list(foo=fLevs))
570    snames <- c("strip", "strip.left")
571    if(!any(.in <- snames %in% names(ll))) {
572        ll$strip <- levsExpr
573    } else {
574        for(nm in snames[.in])
575            if(is.logical(v <- ll[[nm]]) && v)
576                ll[[nm]] <- levsExpr
577    }
578    ll
581panel.thpr <- function(x, y, spl, absVal, ...)
583    panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1)
584    myspl <- spl[[panel.number()]]
585    lsegments(x, y, x, 0, ...)
586    if (absVal) {
587        y[y == 0] <- NA
588        lsegments(x, y, rev(x), y)
589    } else {
590        panel.abline(h = 0, ...)
591    }
592    if (!is(myspl,"spline")) {
593        ## 'difficult' data
594        if (absVal) myspl$y <- abs(myspl$y)
595        panel.lines (myspl$x, myspl$y)
596        panel.points(myspl$x, myspl$y, pch="+")
597        warning(gettextf("bad profile for variable %d: using linear interpolation",
598                         panel.number()), domain=NA)
599    } else {
600        lims <- current.panel.limits()$xlim
601        krange <- range(myspl$knots)
602        pr <- predict(myspl,
603                      seq(max(lims[1], krange[1]),
604                          min(lims[2], krange[2]), len = 101))
605        if (absVal) pr$y <- abs(pr$y)
606        panel.lines(pr$x, pr$y)
607    }
610## A lattice-based plot method for profile objects
611##' @importFrom lattice xyplot
612##' @S3method xyplot thpr
613xyplot.thpr <-
614    function (x, data = NULL,
615              levels = sqrt(qchisq(pmax.int(0, pmin.int(1, conf)), df = 1)),
616              conf = c(50, 80, 90, 95, 99)/100,
617              absVal = FALSE, scales = NULL,
618              which = 1:nptot, ...)
620    if(any(!is.finite(conf) | conf <= 0 | conf >= 1))
621        stop("values of 'conf' must be strictly between 0 and 1")
622    stopifnot(1 <= (nptot <- length(nms <- levels(x[[".par"]]))))
623    ## FIXME: is this sufficiently reliable?
624    ## (include "sigma" in 'theta' parameters)
625    nvp <- length(grep("^(\\.sig[0-9]+|.sigma|sd_|cor_)", nms))
626    which <- get.which(which, nvp, nptot, nms)
627    levels <- sort(levels[is.finite(levels) & levels > 0])
628    spl  <- attr(x, "forward") [which]
629    bspl <- attr(x, "backward")[which]
630    ## for parameters for which spline couldn't be computed,
631    ## replace the 'spl' element with the raw profile data
632    if(any(badSpl <- vapply(spl, is.null, NA))) {
633        spl[badSpl] <- lapply(which(badSpl), function(i) {
634            n <- names(badSpl)[i]
635            r <- x[x[[".par"]] == n, ]
636            data.frame(y = r[[".zeta"]], x = r[[n]])
637        })
638        bspl[badSpl] <- lapply(spl[badSpl], function(d) data.frame(x=d$y,y=d$x))
639        ## FIXME: more efficient, not yet ok ?
640        ## ibad <- which(badSpl)
641        ## spl[ibad] <- lapply(names(ibad), function(n) {
642        ##     r <- x[x[[".par"]]==n,]
643        ##     data.frame(y = r[[".zeta"]], x = r[[n]])
644        ## })
645        ## bspl[ibad] <- lapply(spl[ibad], function(d) data.frame(x=d$y,y=d$x))
646    }
647    zeta <- c(-rev(levels), 0, levels)
648    mypred <- function(bs, zeta) { ## use linear approximation if backspline doesn't work
649        if (inherits(bs,"spline"))
650            predy(bs, zeta)
651        else if(is.numeric(x <- bs$x) && is.numeric(y <- bs$y) && length(x) == length(y))
652            approx(x, y, xout = zeta)$y
653        else
654            rep_len(NA, length(zeta))
655    }
656    fr <- data.frame(zeta = rep.int(zeta, length(spl)),
657                     pval = unlist(lapply(bspl, mypred, zeta)),
658                     pnm = gl(length(spl), length(zeta), labels = names(spl)))
659    if (length(ind <- which(is.na(fr$pval)))) {
660        fr[ind, "zeta"] <- 0
661        for (i in ind)
662### FIXME: Should check which bound has been violated, although it
663### will almost always be the minimum.
664            if (inherits(curspl <-  spl[[fr[i, "pnm"] ]], "spline")) {
665                fr[i, "pval"] <- min(curspl$knots)
666            }
667    }
668    ylab <- if (absVal) {
669        fr$zeta <- abs(fr$zeta)
670        expression("|" * zeta * "|")
671    } else
672        expression(zeta)
673    intscales <- list(x = list(relation = 'free'))
674    ## FIXME: is there something less clunky we can do here
675    ##   that allows for all possible user inputs
676    ##   (may want to (1) override x$relation (2) add elements to $x
677    ##    (3) add elements to scales)
678    if (!is.null(scales)) {
679        if (!is.null(scales[["x"]])) {
680            if (!is.null(scales[["x"]]$relation)) {
681                intscales[["x"]]$relation <- scales[["x"]]$relation
682                scales[["x"]]$relation <- NULL
683            }
684            intscales[["x"]] <- c(intscales[["x"]],scales[["x"]])
685            scales[["x"]] <- NULL
686        }
687        intscales <- c(intscales,scales)
688    }
689    ll <- c(list(...),
690            list(x = zeta ~ pval | pnm, data=fr,
691                 scales = intscales,
692                 ylab = ylab, xlab = NULL, panel=panel.thpr,
693                 spl = spl, absVal = absVal))
695    do.call(xyplot, stripExpr(ll, names(spl)))
698## copy of stats:::format.perc (not exported, and ":::" being forbidden nowadays):
699format.perc <- function (probs, digits) {
700    paste(format(100 * probs, trim = TRUE,
701                 scientific = FALSE, digits = digits),
702          "%")
705##' confint() method for  our profile() results 'thpr'
706##' @importFrom stats confint
707confint.thpr <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, zeta,
708                         ## tolerance for non-monotonic profiles
709                         ## (raw values, not splines)
710                         non.mono.tol=1e-2,
711                         ...)
713    bak <- attr(object, "backward")
714    ## fallback strategy for old profiles that don't have a lower/upper
715    ##  attribute saved ...
716    if (is.null(lower <- attr(object,"lower")))
717        lower <- rep(NA,length(parm))
718    if (is.null(upper <- attr(object,"upper")))
719        upper <- rep(NA,length(parm))
720    ## FIXME: work a little harder to add -Inf/Inf for fixed effect
721    ##  parameters?  (Should only matter for really messed-up profiles)
722    bnms <- names(bak)
723    parm <- if (missing(parm))
724                bnms
725            else if(is.numeric(parm)) # e.g., when called from confint.merMod()
726                bnms[parm]
727            else if (length(parm <- as.character(parm)) == 1) {
728                if (parm == "theta_")
729                    grep("^(sd_|cor_|.sig|sigma$)", bnms, value=TRUE)
730                else if (parm == "beta_")
731                    grep("^(sd_|cor_|.sig|sigma$)", bnms, value=TRUE, invert=TRUE)
732            } else
733                intersect(parm, bnms)
734    cn <-
735        if (missing(zeta)) {
736            a <- (1 - level)/2
737            a <- c(a, 1 - a)
738            zeta <- qnorm(a)
739            format.perc(a, 3)
740        } ## else NULL
741    ci <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=length(parm), ncol=2L, dimnames = list(parm,cn))
742    for (i in seq_along(parm)) {
743        ## would like to build this machinery into predy, but
744        ## predy is used in many places and it's much harder to
745        ## tell in general whether an NA indicates a lower or an
746        ## upper bound ...
747        badprof <- FALSE
748        p <- rep(NA,2)
749        if (!inherits(b <- bak[[parm[i]]], "error")) {
750            p <- predy(b, zeta)
751        } else {
752            obj1 <- object[object$.par==parm[[i]],c(parm[[i]],".zeta")]
753            if (all(is.na(obj1[,2]))) {
754                badprof <- TRUE
755                warning("bad profile for ",parm[i])
756            } else if (min(diff(obj1[,2])<(-non.mono.tol),na.rm=TRUE)) {
757                badprof <- TRUE
758                warning("non-monotonic profile for ",parm[i])
759            } else {
760                warning("bad spline fit for ",parm[i],": falling back to linear interpolation")
761                p <- approxfun(obj1[,2],obj1[,1])(zeta)
762            }
763        }
764        if (!badprof) {
765            if (is.na(p[1])) p[1] <- lower[i]
766            if (is.na(p[2])) p[2] <- upper[i]
767        }
768        ci[i,] <- p
769    }
770    ci
773## FIXME: make bootMer more robust; make profiling more robust;
774## more warnings; documentation ...
776##' Compute confidence intervals on the parameters of an lme4 fit
777##' @param object a fitted [ng]lmer model
778##' @param parm parameters (specified by integer position)
779##' @param level confidence level
780##' @param method for computing confidence intervals
781##' @param zeta likelihood cutoff
782##' (if not specified, computed from \code{level}: "profile" only)
783##' @param nsim number of simulations for parametric bootstrap intervals
784##' @param boot.type bootstrap confidence interval type
785##' @param quiet (logical) suppress messages about computationally intensive profiling?
786##' @param oldNames (logical) use old-style names for \code{method="profile"}? (See \code{signames} argument to \code{\link{profile}}
787##' @param \dots additional parameters to be passed to  \code{\link{profile.merMod}} or \code{\link{bootMer}}
788##' @return a numeric table of confidence intervals
789confint.merMod <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95,
790                           method = c("profile","Wald","boot"),
791                           zeta, nsim=500, boot.type = c("perc","basic","norm"),
792                           FUN = NULL, quiet=FALSE, oldNames=TRUE, ...)
794    method <- match.arg(method)
795    boot.type <- match.arg(boot.type)
796    ## 'parm' corresponds to 'which' in other contexts
797    if (method=="boot" && !is.null(FUN)) {
798        ## custom boot function, don't expand parameter names
799    } else {
800        ## "use scale" = GLMM with scale parameter *or* LMM ..
801        useSc <- as.logical(object@devcomp$dims[["useSc"]])
802        vn <- profnames(object, oldNames, useSc=useSc)
803        an <- c(vn,names(fixef(object)))
804        parm <- if(missing(parm)) seq_along(an)
805                else
806                    get.which(parm, nvp=length(vn), nptot=length(an), parnames=an)
807        if (!quiet && method %in% c("profile","boot")) {
808            mtype <- switch(method, profile="profile", boot="bootstrap")
809            message("Computing ",mtype," confidence intervals ...")
810            flush.console()
811        }
812    }
813    switch(method,
814           "profile" = {
815               pp <- profile(object, which=parm, signames=oldNames, ...)
816               ## confint.thpr() with missing(parm) using all names:
817               confint(pp, level=level, zeta=zeta)
818           },
819           "Wald" = {
820               a <- (1 - level)/2
821               a <- c(a, 1 - a)
822               ci.vcov <- array(NA,dim = c(length(vn), 2L),
823                                dimnames = list(vn, format.perc(a,3)))
824               ## copied with small changes from confint.default
825               cf <- fixef(object)   ## coef() -> fixef()
826               pnames <- names(cf)
827               ## N.B. can't use sqrt(...)[parm] (diag() loses names)
828               ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(object)))
829               ci.fixed <- array(cf + ses %o% qnorm(a),
830                                 dim = c(length(pnames), 2L),
831                                 dimnames = list(pnames, format.perc(a, 3)))
832               vnames <- tnames(object)
833               ci.all <- rbind(ci.vcov,ci.fixed)
834               ci.all[parm,,drop=FALSE]
835           },
836           "boot" = {
837               bootFun <- function(x) {
838                   th <- x@theta
839                   nvec <- lengths(x@cnms)
840                   scaleTh <- (isLMM(x) || isNLMM(x))
841                   ## FIXME: still ugly.  Best cleanup via Cv_to_Sv ...
842                   ss <- if (scaleTh) {  ## scale variances by sigma and include it
843                       Cv_to_Sv(th, n=nvec, s=sigma(x))
844                   } else if (useSc) { ## don't scale variances but do include sigma
845                       c(Cv_to_Sv(th, n=nvec), sigma(x))
846                   } else {  ## no scaling, no sigma
847                       Cv_to_Sv(th, n=nvec)
848                   }
849                   c(setNames(ss, vn), fixef(x))
850               }
851               if (is.null(FUN)) FUN <- bootFun
852               bb <- bootMer(object, FUN=FUN, nsim=nsim,...)
853               if (all(is.na(bb$t))) stop("*all* bootstrap runs failed!")
854               print.bootWarnings(bb, verbose=FALSE)
855               citab <- confint(bb,level=level,type=boot.type)
856               if (missing(parm)) {
857                   ## only happens if we have custom boot method
858                   if (is.null(parm <- rownames(citab))) {
859                       parm <- seq(nrow(citab))
860                   }
861               }
862               citab[parm, , drop=FALSE]
863           },
864           ## should never get here ...
865           stop("unknown confidence interval method"))
868##' Convert x-cosine and y-cosine to average and difference.
870##' Convert the x-cosine and the y-cosine to an average and difference
871##' ensuring that the difference is positive by flipping signs if
872##' necessary
873##' @param xc x-cosine
874##' @param yc y-cosine
875ad <- function(xc, yc)
877    a <- (xc + yc)/2
878    d <- (xc - yc)
879    cbind(sign(d)* a, abs(d))
882##' convert d versus a (as an xyVector) and level to a matrix of taui and tauj
883##' @param xy an xyVector
884##' @param lev the level of the contour
885tauij <- function(xy, lev) lev * cos(xy$x + outer(xy$y/2, c(-1, 1)))
887##' @title safe arc-cosine
888##' @param x numeric vector argument
889##' @return acos(x) being careful of boundary conditions
890sacos <- function(x) acos(pmax.int(-0.999, pmin.int(0.999, x)))
892##' Generate a contour
894##' @title Generate a contour
895##' @param sij the arc-cosines of i on j
896##' @param sji the arc-cosines of j on i
897##' @param levels numeric vector of levels at which to interpolate
898##' @param nseg number of segments in the interpolated contour
899##' @return a list with components
900##' \item{tki}{the tau-scale predictions of i on j at the contour levels}
901##' \item{tkj}{the tau-scale predictions of j on i at the contour levels}
902##' \item{pts}{an array of dimension (length(levels), nseg, 2) containing the points on the contours}
903cont <- function(sij, sji, levels, nseg = 101)
905    ada <- array(0, c(length(levels), 2L, 4L))
906    ada[, , 1] <- ad(0,  sacos(predy(sij,  levels)/levels))
907    ada[, , 2] <- ad(    sacos(predy(sji,  levels)/levels), 0)
908    ada[, , 3] <- ad(pi, sacos(predy(sij, -levels)/levels))
909    ada[, , 4] <- ad(sacos(predy(sji, -levels)/levels), pi)
910    pts <- array(0, c(length(levels), nseg + 1, 2))
911    for (i in seq_along(levels))
912        pts[i, ,] <- tauij(predict(periodicSpline(ada[i, 1, ], ada[i, 2, ]),
913                                   nseg = nseg), levels[i])
914    levs <- c(-rev(levels), 0, levels)
915    list(tki = predict(sij, levs), tkj = predict(sji, levs), pts = pts)
918## copied from lattice:::chooseFace
919chooseFace <- function (fontface = NULL, font = 1)
921    if (is.null(fontface))
922        font
923    else fontface
927##' Draws profile pairs plots.  Contours are for the marginal
928##' two-dimensional regions (i.e. using df = 2).
930##' @title Profile pairs plot
931##' @param x the result of \code{\link{profile}} (or very similar structure)
932##' @param data unused - only for compatibility with generic
933##' @param levels the contour levels to be shown; usually derived from \code{conf}
934##' @param conf numeric vector of confidence levels to be shown as contours
935##' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link{splom}}
936##' @importFrom grid gpar viewport
937##' @importFrom lattice splom
938##' @method splom thpr
939##' @export
940splom.thpr <- function (x, data,
941                        levels = sqrt(qchisq(pmax.int(0, pmin.int(1, conf)), 2)),
942                        conf = c(50, 80, 90, 95, 99)/100, which = 1:nptot,
943                        draw.lower = TRUE, draw.upper = TRUE, ...)
945    stopifnot(1 <= (nptot <- length(nms <- names(attr(x, "forward")))))
946    singfit <- FALSE
947    for (i in grep("^(\\.sig[0-9]+|sd_)", names(x)))
948        singfit <- singfit || any(x[,".zeta"] == 0  &  x[,i] == 0)
949    if (singfit) warning("splom is unreliable for singular fits")
951    nvp <- length(grep("^(\\.sig[0-9]+|.sigma|sd_|cor_)", nms))
952    which <- get.which(which, nvp, nptot, nms)
953    if (length(which) == 1)
954        stop("can't draw a scatterplot matrix for a single variable")
956    mlev <- max(levels)
957    spl <- attr(x, "forward")[which]
958    frange <- sapply(spl, function(x) range(x$knots))
959    bsp <- attr(x, "backward")[which]
960    x <- x[x[[".par"]] %in% nms[which],c(".zeta",nms[which],".par")]
961    ## brange <- sapply(bsp, function(x) range(x$knots))
962    pfr <- do.call(cbind, lapply(bsp, predy, c(-mlev, mlev)))
963    pfr[1, ] <- pmax.int(pfr[1, ], frange[1, ], na.rm = TRUE)
964    pfr[2, ] <- pmin.int(pfr[2, ], frange[2, ], na.rm = TRUE)
965    nms <- names(spl)
966    ## Create data frame fr of par. vals in zeta coordinates
967    fr <- x[, -1]
968    for (nm in nms) fr[[nm]] <- predy(spl[[nm]], na.omit(fr[[nm]]))
969    fr1 <- fr[1, nms]
970    ## create a list of lists with the names of the parameters
971    traces <- lapply(fr1, function(el) lapply(fr1, function(el1) list()))
972    .par <- NULL  ## =>  no R CMD check warning
973    for (j in seq_along(nms)[-1]) {
974        frj <- subset(fr, .par == nms[j])
975        for (i in seq_len(j - 1L)) {
976            fri <- subset(fr, .par == nms[i])
977            sij <- interpSpline(fri[ , i], fri[ , j])
978            sji <- interpSpline(frj[ , j], frj[ , i])
979            ll <- cont(sij, sji, levels)
980            traces[[j]][[i]] <- list(sij = sij, sji = sji, ll = ll)
981        }
982    }
983    if(draw.lower) ## panel function for lower triangle
984    lp <- function(x, y, groups, subscripts, i, j, ...) {
985        tr <- traces[[j]][[i]]
986        grid::pushViewport(viewport(xscale = c(-1.07, 1.07) * mlev,
987                                    yscale = c(-1.07, 1.07) * mlev))
988        dd <- sapply(current.panel.limits(), diff)/50
989        psij <- predict(tr$sij)
990        ll <- tr$ll
991        ## now do the actual plotting
992        panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1)
993        llines(psij$y, psij$x, ...)
994        llines(predict(tr$sji), ...)
995        with(ll$tki, lsegments(y - dd[1], x, y + dd[1], x, ...))
996        with(ll$tkj, lsegments(x, y - dd[2], x, y + dd[2], ...))
997        for (k in seq_along(levels)) llines(ll$pts[k, , ], ...)
998        grid::popViewport(1)
999    }
1000    if(draw.upper) ## panel function for upper triangle
1001    up <- function(x, y, groups, subscripts, i, j, ...) {
1002        ## panels are transposed so reverse i and j
1003        jj <- i
1004        ii <- j
1005        tr <- traces[[jj]][[ii]]
1006        ll <- tr$ll
1007        pts <- ll$pts
1008        ## limits <- current.panel.limits()
1009        psij <- predict(tr$sij)
1010        psji <- predict(tr$sji)
1011        ## do the actual plotting
1012        panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1)
1013        llines(predy(bsp[[ii]], psij$x), predy(bsp[[jj]], psij$y), ...)
1014        llines(predy(bsp[[ii]], psji$y), predy(bsp[[jj]], psji$x), ...)
1015        for (k in seq_along(levels))
1016            llines(predy(bsp[[ii]], pts[k, , 2]),
1017                   predy(bsp[[jj]], pts[k, , 1]), ...)
1018    }
1019    dp <- function(x = NULL,            # diagonal panel
1020                   varname = NULL, limits, at = NULL, lab = NULL,
1021                   draw = TRUE,
1023                   varname.col = add.text$col,
1024                   varname.cex = add.text$cex,
1025                   varname.lineheight = add.text$lineheight,
1026                   varname.font = add.text$font,
1027                   varname.fontfamily = add.text$fontfamily,
1028                   varname.fontface = add.text$fontface,
1030                   axis.text.col = axis.text$col,
1031                   axis.text.alpha = axis.text$alpha,
1032                   axis.text.cex = axis.text$cex,
1033                   axis.text.font = axis.text$font,
1034                   axis.text.fontfamily = axis.text$fontfamily,
1035                   axis.text.fontface = axis.text$fontface,
1037                   axis.line.col = axis.line$col,
1038                   axis.line.alpha = axis.line$alpha,
1039                   axis.line.lty = axis.line$lty,
1040                   axis.line.lwd = axis.line$lwd,
1041                   i, j,
1042                   ...)
1043    {
1044        n.var <- eval.parent(expression(n.var))
1045        add.text <- trellis.par.get("add.text")
1046        axis.line <- trellis.par.get("axis.line")
1047        axis.text <- trellis.par.get("axis.text")
1048        if (!is.null(varname))
1049            grid::grid.text(varname,
1050                            gp =
1051                                gpar(col = varname.col,
1052                                     cex = varname.cex,
1053                                     lineheight = varname.lineheight,
1054                                     fontface = chooseFace(varname.fontface, varname.font),
1055                                     fontfamily = varname.fontfamily))
1056        if (draw)
1057        {
1058            at <- pretty(limits)
1059            sides <- c("left", "top")
1060            if (j == 1) sides <- "top"
1061            if (j == n.var) sides <- "left"
1062            for (side in sides)
1063                panel.axis(side = side,
1064                           at = at,
1065                           labels = format(at, trim = TRUE),
1066                           ticks = TRUE,
1067                           check.overlap = TRUE,
1068                           half = side == "top" && j > 1,
1070                           tck = 1, rot = 0,
1072                           text.col = axis.text.col,
1073                           text.alpha = axis.text.alpha,
1074                           text.cex = axis.text.cex,
1075                           text.font = axis.text.font,
1076                           text.fontfamily = axis.text.fontfamily,
1077                           text.fontface = axis.text.fontface,
1079                           line.col = axis.line.col,
1080                           line.alpha = axis.line.alpha,
1081                           line.lty = axis.line.lty,
1082                           line.lwd = axis.line.lwd)
1083            lims <- c(-1.07, 1.07) * mlev
1084            grid::pushViewport(viewport(xscale = lims, yscale = lims))
1085            side <- if(j == 1) "right" else "bottom"
1086            which.half <- if(j == 1) "lower" else "upper"
1087            at <- pretty(lims)
1088            panel.axis(side = side, at = at, labels = format(at, trim = TRUE),
1089                       ticks = TRUE, half = TRUE, which.half = which.half,
1090                       tck = 1, rot = 0,
1092                       text.col = axis.text.col,
1093                       text.alpha = axis.text.alpha,
1094                       text.cex = axis.text.cex,
1095                       text.font = axis.text.font,
1096                       text.fontfamily = axis.text.fontfamily,
1097                       text.fontface = axis.text.fontface,
1099                       line.col = axis.line.col,
1100                       line.alpha = axis.line.alpha,
1101                       line.lty = axis.line.lty,
1102                       line.lwd = axis.line.lwd)
1103            grid::popViewport(1)
1104        }
1105    }
1107    panel.blank <- function(...) {}
1108    splom(~ pfr,
1109          lower.panel = if(draw.lower) lp else panel.blank,
1110          upper.panel = if(draw.upper) up else panel.blank,
1111          diag.panel = dp, ...)
1114## return an lmer profile like x with all the .sigNN parameters
1115## replaced by .lsigNN.  The forward and backward splines for
1116## these parameters are recalculated.  -> ../man/profile-methods.Rd
1117logProf <- function (x, base = exp(1), ranef=TRUE,
1118                     sigIni = if(ranef) "sig" else "sigma")
1120    stopifnot(inherits(x, "thpr"))
1121    cn <- colnames(x)
1122    sigP <- paste0("^\\.", sigIni)
1123    if (length(sigs <- grep(sigP, cn))) {
1124        repP <- sub("sig", ".lsig", sigIni)
1125        colnames(x) <- cn <- sub(sigP, repP, cn)
1126        levels(x[[".par"]]) <- sub(sigP, repP, levels(x[[".par"]]))
1127        names(attr(x, "backward")) <-
1128            names(attr(x, "forward")) <-
1129                sub(sigP, repP, names(attr(x, "forward")))
1130        for (nm in cn[sigs]) {
1131            x[[nm]] <- log(x[[nm]], base = base)
1132            fr <- x[x[[".par"]] == nm & is.finite(x[[nm]]), TRUE, drop=FALSE]
1133            form <- eval(substitute(.zeta ~ nm, list(nm = as.name(nm))))
1134            attr(x,  "forward")[[nm]] <- isp <- interpSpline(form, fr)
1135            attr(x, "backward")[[nm]] <- backSpline(isp)
1136        }
1137        ## eliminate rows that produced non-finite logs
1138        x <- x[apply(is.finite(as.matrix(x[, sigs])), 1, all), , drop=FALSE]
1139    }
1140    x
1142## the log() method must have (x, base); no other arguments
1143log.thpr <- function (x, base = exp(1)) logProf(x, base=base)
1148##' Create an approximating density from a profile object  -- called only from densityplot.thpr()
1150##' @title Approximate densities from profiles
1151##' @param pr a profile object
1152##' @param npts number of points at which to evaluate the density
1153##' @param upper upper bound on cumulative for a cutoff
1154##' @return a data frame
1155dens <- function(pr, npts=201, upper=0.999) {
1156    npts <- as.integer(npts)
1157    spl  <- attr(pr, "forward")
1158    bspl <- attr(pr, "backward")
1159    stopifnot(inherits(pr, "thpr"), npts > 0,
1160              is.numeric(upper), 0.5 < upper, upper < 1,
1161              identical((vNms <- names(spl)), names(bspl)))
1162    bad_vars <- character(0)
1163    zeta <- c(-1,1) * qnorm(upper)
1164    rng <- vector(mode="list", length=length(bspl))
1165    names(rng) <- vNms
1166    dd <- rng # empty named list to be filled
1167    for (i in seq_along(bspl)) {
1168        if (inherits(bspl[[i]], "error")) {
1169            rng[[i]] <- rep(NA,npts)
1170            bad_vars <- c(bad_vars, vNms[i])
1171            next
1172        }
1173        rng0 <- predy(bspl[[i]], zeta)
1174        if (is.na(rng0[1])) rng0[1] <- 0
1175        if (is.na(rng0[2])) {
1176            ## try harder to pick an upper bound
1177            for(upp in 1 - 10^seq(-4,-1, length=21)) { # <<-- TODO: should be related to 'upper'
1178                if(!is.na(rng0[2L] <- predy(bspl[[i]], qnorm(upp))))
1179                    break
1180            }
1181            if (is.na(rng0[2])) {
1182                warning("can't find an upper bound for the profile")
1183                bad_vars <- c(bad_vars, vNms[i])
1184                next
1185            }
1186        }
1187        rng[[i]] <- seq(rng0[1], rng0[2], len=npts)
1188    }
1189    fr <- data.frame(pval = unlist(rng),
1190                     pnm = gl(length(rng), npts, labels=vNms))
1191    for (nm in vNms) {
1192        dd[[nm]] <-
1193            if (!inherits(spl[[nm]], "spline")) {
1194                rep(NA_real_, npts)
1195            } else {
1196                zz <- predy(spl[[nm]], rng[[nm]])
1197                dnorm(zz) * predict(spl[[nm]], rng[[nm]], deriv = 1L)$y
1198            }
1199    }
1200    fr$density <- unlist(dd)
1201    if (length(bad_vars))
1202        warning("unreliable profiles for some variables skipped: ",
1203                paste(bad_vars, collapse=", "))
1204    fr
1207##' Densityplot method for a mixed-effects model profile
1209##' @title densityplot from a mixed-effects profile
1210##' @param x a mixed-effects profile
1211##' @param data not used - for compatibility with generic
1212##' @param ... optional arguments to \code{\link[lattice]{densityplot}()}
1213##' from package \pkg{lattice}.
1214##' @return a density plot
1215##' @examples ## see   example("profile.merMod")
1216##' @importFrom lattice densityplot
1217##' @method densityplot thpr
1218##' @export
1219densityplot.thpr <- function(x, data, npts=201, upper=0.999, ...) {
1220    dd <- dens(x, npts=npts, upper=upper)
1221    ll <- c(list(...),
1222            list(x=density ~ pval|pnm,
1223                 data=dd,
1224                 type=c("l","g"),
1225                 scales=list(relation="free"),
1226                 xlab=NULL))
1227    do.call(xyplot, stripExpr(ll, names(attr(x, "forward"))))
1230##' Transform a mixed-effects profile to the variance scale
1231varianceProf <- function(x, ranef=TRUE) {
1232    ## "parallel" to logProf()
1233    stopifnot(inherits(x, "thpr"))
1234    cn <- colnames(x)
1235    if(length(sigs <- grep(paste0("^\\.", if(ranef)"sig" else "sigma"), cn))) {
1236        ## s/sigma/sigmasq/ ;  s/sig01/sig01sq/  etc
1237        sigP <- paste0("^(\\.sig", if(ranef) "(ma)?" else "ma", ")")
1238        repP <- "\\1sq"
1239        colnames(x) <- cn <- sub(sigP, repP, cn)
1240        levels(x[[".par"]]) <- sub(sigP, repP, levels(x[[".par"]]))
1241        names(attr(x, "backward")) <-
1242            names(attr(x, "forward")) <-
1243                sub(sigP, repP, names(attr(x, "forward")))
1244        for (nm in cn[sigs]) {
1245            x[[nm]] <- x[[nm]]^2
1246            ## select rows (and currently drop extra attributes)
1247            fr <- x[x[[".par"]] == nm, TRUE, drop=FALSE]
1248            form <- eval(substitute(.zeta ~ nm, list(nm = as.name(nm))))
1249            attr(x, "forward")[[nm]] <- isp <- interpSpline(form, fr)
1250            attr(x, "backward")[[nm]] <- backSpline(isp)
1251        }
1252    }
1253    x
1256## convert profile to data frame, adding a .focal parameter to simplify lattice/ggplot plotting
1257##' @method as.data.frame thpr
1258##' @param x the result of \code{\link{profile}} (or very similar structure)
1259##' @export
1260##' @rdname profile-methods
1261as.data.frame.thpr <- function(x,...) {
1262    class(x) <- "data.frame"
1263    m <- as.matrix(x[,seq(ncol(x))-1]) ## omit .par
1264    x.p <- x[[".par"]]
1265    x[[".focal"]] <- m[cbind(seq(nrow(x)),match(x.p,names(x)))]
1266    x[[".par"]] <- factor(x.p, levels=unique(as.character(x.p))) ## restore order
1267    x