1\name{logLik.maxLik} 2\alias{logLik.maxLik} 3\alias{logLik.summary.maxLik} 4\title{Return the log likelihood value} 5\description{ 6 Return the log likelihood value of objects of class \code{maxLik} 7 and \code{summary.maxLik}. 8} 9\usage{ 10\method{logLik}{maxLik}( object, \dots ) 11\method{logLik}{summary.maxLik}( object, \dots ) 12} 13 14\arguments{ 15 \item{object}{object of class \code{maxLik} or \code{summary.maxLik}, 16 usually a model estimated with Maximum Likelihood} 17 \item{...}{additional arguments to methods} 18} 19\value{ 20 A scalar numeric, log likelihood of the estimated model. It has 21 attribute \dQuote{df}, number of free parameters. 22} 23\author{ 24 Arne Henningsen, 25 Ott Toomet 26} 27\seealso{\code{\link{maxLik}}} 28\examples{ 29## ML estimation of exponential duration model: 30t <- rexp(100, 2) 31loglik <- function(theta) log(theta) - theta*t 32gradlik <- function(theta) 1/theta - t 33hesslik <- function(theta) -100/theta^2 34## Estimate with analytic gradient and hessian 35a <- maxLik(loglik, gradlik, hesslik, start=1) 36## print log likelihood value 37logLik( a ) 38## print log likelihood value of summary object 39b <- summary( a ) 40logLik( b ) 41} 42\keyword{methods} 43