2R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08)
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19> library(mcmc)
20> isotropic <- mcmc:::isotropic
21> isotropic.logjacobian <- mcmc:::isotropic.logjacobian
23> # make sure morph identity works properly
24> TestMorphIdentity <- function(m.id) {
25+   ident.func <- function(x) x
26+   if (!all.equal(m.id$transform(1:10), 1:10))
27+     return(FALSE)
28+   if (!all.equal(m.id$inverse(1:10), 1:10))
29+     return(FALSE)
30+   x <- seq(-1,1, length.out=15)
31+   if (!all.equal(sapply(x, m.id$lud(function(x) dnorm(x, log=TRUE))),
32+                  dnorm(x, log=TRUE)))
33+     return(FALSE)
34+   if (!all.equal(m.id$outfun(ident.func)(x), x))
35+     return(FALSE)
36+   return(TRUE)
37+ }
39> TestMorphIdentity(morph())
40[1] TRUE
41> TestMorphIdentity(morph.identity())
42[1] TRUE
44> TestMorphIdentityOutfun <- function(m) {
45+   f <- m$outfun(NULL)
46+   x <- 1:20
47+   if (!identical(x, f(x)))
48+     return(FALSE)
49+   f <- m$outfun(c(6, 8))
50+   if (!identical(x[c(6, 8)], f(x)))
51+     return(FALSE)
52+   i <- rep(FALSE, 20)
53+   i[c(1, 3, 5)] <- TRUE
54+   f <- m$outfun(i)
55+   if (!identical(x[i], f(x)))
56+     return(FALSE)
57+   return(TRUE)
58+ }
60> TestMorphIdentityOutfun(morph())
61[1] TRUE
62> TestMorphIdentityOutfun(morph.identity())
63[1] TRUE
65> # make sure that morph and morph.identity give back the same things
66> all.equal(sort(names(morph.identity())), sort(names(morph(b=1))))
67[1] TRUE
69> # test center parameter, univariate version
70> zero.func <- function(x) 0
71> center <- 2
72> x <- seq(-1,1, length.out=15)
73> morph.center <- morph(center=center)
74> all.equal(sapply(x, morph.center$transform), x-center)
75[1] TRUE
76> all.equal(sapply(x, morph.center$inverse), x+center)
77[1] TRUE
78> all.equal(sapply(x, morph.center$lud(function(y) dnorm(y, log=TRUE))),
79+           dnorm(x, log=TRUE, mean=-2))
80[1] TRUE
82> # test center parameter, multivariate version
83> center <- 1:4
84> x <- rep(0, 4)
85> morph.center <- morph(center=center)
86> lud.mult.dnorm <- function(x) prod(dnorm(x, log=TRUE))
87> all.equal(morph.center$transform(x), x-center)
88[1] TRUE
89> all.equal(morph.center$inverse(x), x+center)
90[1] TRUE
91> all.equal(morph.center$lud(lud.mult.dnorm)(x),
92+           lud.mult.dnorm(x - center))
93[1] TRUE
94> # test 'r'.
95> r <- 1
96> morph.r <- morph(r=r)
97> x <- seq(-1, 1, length.out=20)
98> all.equal(sapply(x, morph.r$lud(function(x) dnorm(x, log=TRUE))),
99+           dnorm(x, log=TRUE))
100[1] TRUE
101> x <- seq(1.1, 2, length.out=10)
102> all(sapply(x, morph.r$lud(function(x) dnorm(x, log=TRUE)))
103+     !=
104+     dnorm(x, log=TRUE))
105[1] TRUE
107> TestExponentialEvenPWithRInverse <- function() {
108+   r <- 0.3
109+   p <- 2.2
110+   morph.r <- morph(r=r, p=p)
111+   x <- seq(0, r, length.out=20)
112+   all.equal(x, sapply(x, morph.r$inverse))
113+ }
115> TestExponentialEvenPWithRInverse()
116[1] TRUE
118> # make sure morph$lud passes '...' arguments.
119> mean <- 2
120> ident.morph <- morph()
121> dnorm.morph <- ident.morph$lud(function(x, mean=0)
122+                                  dnorm(x, mean=mean, log=TRUE))
123> all.equal(dnorm.morph(2, mean), dnorm(2, mean=mean, log=TRUE))
124[1] TRUE
125> x <- seq(-3, 3, length.out=20)
126> m2 <- morph(r=10)
127> dnorm.morph <- m2$lud(function(x, mean)
128+                         dnorm(x, mean=mean, log=TRUE))
129> all.equal(sapply(x, function(y) dnorm.morph(y, 2)),
130+           dnorm(x, mean=2, log=TRUE))
131[1] TRUE
133> # make sure morph$outfun passes '...' arguments.
134> outfun.orig <- function(x, mean) x + mean
135> ident.morph <- morph()
136> mean <- 1
137> outfun.morph <- ident.morph$outfun(outfun.orig)
138> all.equal(outfun.morph(1:10, mean), 1:10+mean)
139[1] TRUE
141> m2 <- morph(r=10)
142> outfun.morph <- m2$outfun(outfun.orig)
143> all.equal(sapply(1:10, function(x) outfun.morph(x, mean)), 1:10+mean)
144[1] TRUE
146> ###########################################################################
147> # test built-in exponential and polynomial transformations.
148> f <- morph(b=3)
149> x <- seq(0, 10, length.out=100)
150> all.equal(x, sapply(sapply(x, f$transform), f$inverse))
151[1] TRUE
153> f <- morph(p=3)
154> all.equal(x, sapply(sapply(x, f$transform), f$inverse))
155[1] TRUE
157> f <- morph(p=3, r=10)
158> all.equal(-10:10, Vectorize(f$transform)(-10:10))
159[1] TRUE
161> f <- morph(p=3, b=1)
162> all.equal(x, sapply(sapply(x, f$transform), f$inverse))
163[1] TRUE