1# Author: Robert J. Hijmans
2# Date : January 2009
3# Version 2.0
4# Licence GPL v3
7.getPutVals <- function(obj, field, n, mask) {
9	if (mask) {
10		return( data.frame(v=rep(1, length=n)) )
12	} else if (missing(field)) {
13		if (.hasSlot(obj, 'data')) {
14			putvals <- obj@data
15			cn <- validNames(c('ID', colnames(putvals)))
16			cn[1] <- 'ID'
17			putvals <- data.frame(ID=1:nrow(putvals), putvals)
18			colnames(putvals) <- cn
19		} else {
20			putvals <- data.frame(v=as.integer(1:n))
21		}
22		return(putvals)
24	} else if (isTRUE (is.na(field))) {
25		return( data.frame(v=rep(NA, n)) )
28	} else if (is.character(field) ) {
29		if (.hasSlot(obj, 'data')) {
30			nms <- names(obj)
31			if (length(field) <= length(nms)) {
32				m <- match(field, nms)
33				if (!all(is.na(m))) {
34					m <- stats::na.omit(m)
35					return(obj@data[, m, drop=FALSE])
36				}
37			}
38		}
39	}
41	if (NROW(field) == n) {
42		if (is.null(nrow(field))) {
43			return(data.frame(field, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
44		} else {
45			return(field)
46		}
48	}
50	if (is.numeric(field)) {
51		putvals <- rep(field, length.out=n)
52		return(data.frame(field=putvals))
53	}
55	stop('invalid value for field')
59.intersectSegments <- function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) {
60# Translated by RH from LISP code by Paul Reiners
61# http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/lineline2d/linesegments.lisp
62# Which was translated from the algorithm by Paul Bourke given here: http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/lineline2d/
63    denom  <-  ((y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1)) - ((x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1))
64    ua_num  <- ((x4 - x3) *(y1 - y3)) - ((y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3))
65    ub_num  <- ((x2 - x1) *(y1 - y3)) - ((y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3))
66# If the denominator and numerator for the equations for ua and ub are 0 then the two lines are coincident.
67    if ( denom == 0 ) {
68		if (ua_num == 0 & ub_num == 0) {
69			xmin <- max(x1, x3)
70			if (xmin==x1) {ymin <- y1} else {ymin <- y3}
71			xmax <- min(x2, x4)
72			if (xmax==x2) {ymax <- y2} else {ymax <- y4}
73		# RH: for coincident line (segments) returning two intersections : start and end
74			return(rbind(c(xmin, ymin),
75							 c(xmax, ymax)))
76		} #else {
77# If the denominator for the equations for ua and ub is 0 then the two lines are parallel.
78#			return(c(NA, NA))
79#		}
80	} else {
81		ua <- round(ua_num / denom, 12)
82		ub <- round(ub_num / denom, 12)
83		if ((ua >= 0 & ua <= 1) & (ub >= 0 & ub <= 1) ) {
84			x <- x1 + ua * (x2 - x1)
85			y <- y1 + ua * (y2 - y1)
86			return(c(x, y))
87		}
88	}
90	return(c(NA, NA))
94.intersectLinePolygon <- function(line, poly) {
95	resxy <- matrix(NA, ncol=2, nrow=0)
96	miny <- min(line[,2])
97	maxy <- max(line[,2])
98	xyxy <- cbind(poly, rbind(poly[-1,], poly[1,]))
99    xyxy <- subset(xyxy, !( (xyxy[,2] > maxy & xyxy[,4] > maxy ) | (xyxy[,2] < miny & xyxy[,4] < miny)) )
100	if (nrow(xyxy) == 0) {
101		return(resxy)
102	}
103	for (i in 1:nrow(xyxy)) {
104		xy <- .intersectSegments(xyxy[i,1], xyxy[i,2], xyxy[i,3], xyxy[i,4], line[1,1], line[1,2], line[2,1], line[2,2] )
105		if (!is.na(xy[1])) {
106			resxy <- rbind(resxy, xy)
107		}
108	}
109	return((resxy))
116.polygonsToRaster <- function(p, rstr, field, fun='last', background=NA, mask=FALSE, update=FALSE, updateValue="all", getCover=FALSE, filename="", silent=TRUE, faster=TRUE, ...) {
119	npol <- length(p@polygons)
120	pvals <- .getPutVals(p, field, npol, mask)
121	putvals <- pvals[,1]
122	if (ncol(pvals) > 1) {
123		rstr@data@isfactor <- TRUE
124		rstr@data@attributes <- list(pvals)
125		if (!is.character(fun)) {
126			stop('when rasterizing multiple fields you must use "fun=first" or "fun=last"')
127		} else if (!(fun %in% c('first', 'last'))) {
128			stop('when rasterizing multiple fields you must use "fun=first" or "fun=last"')
129		}
130	}
133	if (getCover) {
134		nc <- ncell(rstr)
135		# high precision for possibly small polygons
136		#https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53854910/issue-with-estimating-weighted-mean-from-raster-for-a-polygon-shape-in-r/
137		fctr <- ifelse(nc < 5, 100, ifelse(nc < 17, 20, 10))
138		rstr <- disaggregate(raster(rstr), fctr)
139		r <- .fasterize(p, rstr, rep(1, npol), background=0, datatype="INT1U")
140		return( aggregate(r, fctr, mean, na.rm=TRUE, filename=filename, ...) )
141	}
145	### new code
146	if (is.character(fun) && (ncol(pvals) == 1) && faster) {
148		if (fun == "last") {
149			if (mask || update) {
150				if (mask && update) stop("either use 'mask' OR 'update'")
151				background = NA
152				r <- .fasterize(p, rstr, pvals[,1], background)
153				if (! hasValues(r)) {
154					if (mask) {
155						warning('there are no values to mask')
156					} else {
157						warning('there are no values to update')
158					}
159					return(r)
160				}
161				if (mask) {
162					r <- mask(rstr, r)
163				} else {
164					if (updateValue[1]=="all") {
165						r <- cover(r, rstr)
166					} else if (updateValue[1]=="NA") {
167						r <- cover(rstr, r, ...)
168					} else if (updateValue[1]=="!NA") {
169						r <- mask(cover(r, rstr), rstr, ...)
170					} else {
171						s <- stack(r, rstr)
172						r <- overlay(rstr, r, fun=function(x,y){ i = (x %in% updateValue & !is.na(y)); x[i] <- y[i]; x }, ... )
173					}
174				}
175				return(r)
176			} else {
177				return( .fasterize(p, rstr, pvals[,1], background, filename, ...) )
178			}
179		}
181	}
182	### end new code
186	leftColFromX <- function ( object, x )	{
187		colnr <- (x - xmin(object)) / xres(object)
188		i <- colnr %% 1 == 0
189		colnr[!i] <- trunc(colnr[!i]) + 1
190		colnr[colnr <= 0] <- 1
191		colnr
192	}
195	rightColFromX <- function ( object, x )	{
196		colnr <- trunc((x - xmin(object)) / xres(object)) + 1
197		colnr[ colnr > ncol(object) ] <- object@ncols
198		colnr
199	}
202	if (! inherits(p, 'SpatialPolygons') ) {
203		stop('The first argument should be an object of the "SpatialPolygons*" lineage')
204	}
206	filename <- trim(filename)
207	if (!canProcessInMemory(rstr, 3) && filename == '') {
208		filename <- rasterTmpFile()
209	}
213	if (mask & update) {
214		stop('use either "mask" OR "update"')
215	} else if (mask) {
216		oldraster <- rstr
217		#update <- TRUE
218	} else if (update) {
219		oldraster <- rstr
220		if (!is.numeric(updateValue)) {
221			if (is.na(updateValue)) {
222				updateValue <- 'NA'
223			} else if (!(updateValue == 'NA' | updateValue == '!NA' | updateValue == 'all')) {
224				stop('updateValue should be either "all", "NA", "!NA"')
225			}
226		}
227	}
229	rstr <- raster(rstr)
231	if (!is.na(projection(p))) {
232		projection(rstr) <-.getCRS(p)
233	}
235# check if bbox of raster and p overlap
236	spbb <- sp::bbox(p)
237	rsbb <- bbox(rstr)
238	if (spbb[1,1] >= rsbb[1,2] | spbb[1,2] <= rsbb[1,1] | spbb[2,1] >= rsbb[2,2] | spbb[2,2] <= rsbb[2,1]) {
239		# instead of a warning
240		return( init(rstr, function(x) NA) )
241		# so that clusterR can use this function (overlap with some chunks might be NULL)
242	}
244	npol <- length(p@polygons)
245	pvals <- .getPutVals(p, field, npol, mask)
246	putvals <- pvals[,1]
247	if (ncol(pvals) > 1) {
248		rstr@data@isfactor <- TRUE
249		rstr@data@attributes <- list(pvals)
250		if (!is.character(fun)) {
251			stop('when rasterizing multiple values you must use "fun=first" or "fun=last"')
252		} else if (!(fun %in% c('first', 'last'))) {
253			stop('when rasterizing multiple values you must use "fun=first" or "fun=last"')
254		}
255	}
257	if (is.character(fun)) {
258		if (fun=='first') {
259			fun <- function(x, ...){ stats::na.omit(x)[1] }
260		} else if (fun=='last') {
261			fun <- function(x, ...){ rev(stats::na.omit(x))[1] }
262		} else if (fun == 'count') {
263			fun <- function(x, ...){ sum(!is.na(x)) }
264			field <- 1
265		}
266	}
268	polinfo <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=npol * 2, ncol=6))
269	colnames(polinfo) <- c('part', 'miny', 'maxy', 'value', 'hole', 'object')
270	addpol <- polinfo[rep(1, 500), ]
271	rownames(addpol) <- NULL
272	pollist <- list()
273	cnt <- 0
274	for (i in 1:npol) {
275		nsubpol <- length(p@polygons[[i]]@Polygons)
276		for (j in 1:nsubpol) {
277			cnt <- cnt + 1
278			if (cnt > dim(polinfo)[1]) {
279				polinfo <- rbind(polinfo, addpol)
280			}
281			polinfo[cnt, 1] <- cnt
282			polinfo[cnt, 2] <- min(p@polygons[[i]]@Polygons[[j]]@coords[,2])
283			polinfo[cnt, 3] <- max(p@polygons[[i]]@Polygons[[j]]@coords[,2])
284			polinfo[cnt, 4] <- putvals[i]
285			if ( p@polygons[[i]]@Polygons[[j]]@hole ) {
286				polinfo[cnt, 5] <- 1
287			} else {
288				polinfo[cnt, 5] <- 0
289			}
290			polinfo[cnt, 6] <- i
291			pollist[[cnt]] <- p@polygons[[i]]@Polygons[[j]]
292		}
293	}
295	if (! silent) {
296		message('Found ', npol, ' region(s) and ', cnt, ' polygon(s)')
297	}
299	polinfo <- subset(polinfo, polinfo[,1] <= cnt, drop=FALSE)
300#	polinfo <- polinfo[order(polinfo[,1]),]
301#	rm(p)
303	lxmin <- min(spbb[1,1], rsbb[1,1]) - xres(rstr)
304	lxmax <- max(spbb[1,2], rsbb[1,2]) + xres(rstr)
306#	if (getCover) {
307#		return (.polygoncover(rstr, filename, polinfo, lxmin, lxmax, pollist, ...))
308#	}
310	adj <- 0.5 * xres(rstr)
312	if (filename == "") {
313		v <- matrix(NA, ncol=nrow(rstr), nrow=ncol(rstr))
314	} else {
315		rstr <- writeStart(rstr, filename=filename, ...)
316	}
318	rxmn <- xmin(rstr)
319	rxmx <- xmax(rstr)
321	rv1 <- rep(NA, ncol(rstr))
322	holes1 <- rep(0, ncol(rstr))
324	pb <- pbCreate(nrow(rstr), label='rasterize', ...)
326	for (r in 1:nrow(rstr)) {
328		vals <- NULL
329		holes <- holes1
331		ly <- yFromRow(rstr, r)
332		myline <- rbind(c(lxmin,ly), c(lxmax,ly))
334		subpol <- subset(polinfo, !(polinfo[,2] > ly | polinfo[,3] < ly), drop=FALSE)
335		if (length(subpol[,1]) > 0) {
336			updateHoles <- FALSE
337			lastpolnr <- subpol[1,6]
338			rvtmp <- rv1
339			for (i in 1:nrow(subpol)) {
340				if (i == nrow(subpol)) {
341					updateHoles <- TRUE
342				} else if (subpol[i+1,6] > lastpolnr) { # new polygon
343					updateHoles <- TRUE
344					lastpolnr <- subpol[i+1,6]
345				}
347				mypoly <- pollist[[subpol[i,1]]]
348				intersection <- .intersectLinePolygon(myline, mypoly@coords)
349				#if (nrow(intersection) %% 2 == 1) {
350				# this is a bit speculative
351				# not OK!
352				#	intersection <- unique(intersection)
353				#}
355				x <- sort(intersection[,1])
356				if (length(x) > 0) {
357					if ((nrow(intersection) %% 2 == 1) || ( sum(x[-length(x)] == x[-1]) > 0 )) {
358					# uneven number or duplicates
359					# e.g. single node intersection going out of polygon ....
360						spPnts <- sp::SpatialPoints(xyFromCell(rstr, cellFromRowCol(rstr, rep(r, ncol(rstr)), 1:ncol(rstr))))
361						spPol <- sp::SpatialPolygons(list(sp::Polygons(list(mypoly), 1)))
362						over <- sp::over(spPnts, spPol)
363						if ( subpol[i, 5] == 1 ) {
364							holes[!is.na(over)] <- holes[!is.na(over)] - 1
365						} else {
366							rvtmp[!is.na(over)] <- subpol[i,4]
367							holes[!is.na(over)] <- holes[!is.na(over)] + 1
368						}
369						# print(paste('exit node intersection on row:', r))
370					} else {
372						for (k in 1:round(nrow(intersection)/2)) {
373							l <- (k * 2) - 1
374							x1 <- x[l]
375							x2 <- x[l+1]
376							#if (is.na(x2)) {
377							#	txt <- paste('something funny at row:', r, 'polygon:',j)
378							#	stop(txt)
379							#}
380							#  if (x1 > rxmx) { next }
381							# if (x2 < rxmn) { next }
382							# adjust to skip first cell if the center is not covered by this polygon
383							x1a <- x1 + adj
384							x2a <- x2 - adj
385							if (x1a > rxmx) { next }
386							if (x2a < rxmn) { next }
387							x1a <- min(rxmx, max(rxmn, x1a))
388							x2a <- min(rxmx, max(rxmn, x2a))
389							col1 <- leftColFromX(rstr, x1a)
390							col2 <- rightColFromX(rstr, x2a)
391							if (col1 > col2) {
392								spPnts <- sp::SpatialPoints(xyFromCell(rstr, cellFromRowCol(rstr, rep(r, ncol(rstr)), 1:ncol(rstr))))
393								spPol <- sp::SpatialPolygons(list(sp::Polygons(list(mypoly), 1)))
394								over <- sp::over(spPnts, spPol)
395								if ( subpol[i, 5] == 1 ) {
396									holes[!is.na(over)] <- holes[!is.na(over)] - 1
397								} else {
398									rvtmp[!is.na(over)] <- subpol[i,4]
399									holes[!is.na(over)] <- holes[!is.na(over)] + 1
400								}
401								next
402							}
403							if ( subpol[i, 5] == 1 ) {
404								holes[col1:col2] <- holes[col1:col2] - 1
405							} else {
406								rvtmp[col1:col2] <- subpol[i,4]
407								holes[col1:col2] <- holes[col1:col2] + 1
408							}
409						}
410					}
411				}
413				if (updateHoles) {
414					updateHoles <- FALSE
415					rvtmp[holes < 1] <- NA
416					vals <- cbind(vals, rvtmp)
417					rvtmp <- rv1
418					holes <- holes1
419				}
420			}
421		}
423		#print(vals)
425		rrv <- rv1
426		if (!is.null(vals)) {
427			u <- which(rowSums(is.na(vals)) < ncol(vals))
428			if (length(u) > 0) {
429				if (mask) {
430					rrv[u] <- 1
431				} else {
432					rrv[u] <- apply(vals[u, ,drop=FALSE], 1, fun, na.rm=TRUE)
433				}
434			}
435		}
437		if (mask) {
438			oldvals <- getValues(oldraster, r)
439			ind <- which(is.na(rrv))
440			oldvals[ind] <- NA
441			rrv <- oldvals
442		} else if (update) {
443			oldvals <- getValues(oldraster, r)
444			if (is.numeric(updateValue)) {
445				ind <- which(oldvals == updateValue & !is.na(rrv))
446			} else if (updateValue == "all") {
447				ind <- which(!is.na(rrv))
448			} else if (updateValue == "NA") {
449				ind <- which(is.na(oldvals))
450			} else { "!NA"
451				ind <- which(!is.na(oldvals) & !is.na(rrv))
452			}
453			oldvals[ind] <- rrv[ind]
454			rrv <- oldvals
455		} else {
456			rrv[is.na(rrv)] <- background
457		}
459		if (filename == "") {
460			v[,r] <- rrv
461		} else {
462#			print(rrv)
463			rstr <- writeValues(rstr, rrv, r)
464		}
465		pbStep(pb, r)
466	}
467	pbClose(pb)
469	if (filename == "") {
470		rstr <- setValues(rstr, as.vector(v))
471	} else {
472		rstr <- writeStop(rstr)
473	}
474	return(rstr)
477#plot( .polygonsToRaster(p, rstr) )
480#...polygoncover <- function(p, x, filename, ...) {
481#	d <- disaggregate(raster(x), 10)
482#	r <- .polygonsToRaster(p, d, filename=filename, field=1, fun='first', background=0, mask=FALSE, update=FALSE, getCover=FALSE, silent=TRUE, ...)
483#	aggregate(r, 10, sum)
486.Old_polygoncover <- function(rstr, filename, polinfo, lxmin, lxmax, pollist, ...) {
487# percentage cover per grid cell
489	polinfo[, 4] <- 1
491	bigraster <- raster(rstr)
492	rxmn <- xmin(bigraster)
493	rxmx <- xmax(bigraster)
494	f <- 10
495	adj <- 0.5 * xres(bigraster)/f
496	nc <- ncol(bigraster) * f
497	rv1 <- rep(0, nc)
498	holes1 <- rep(0, nc)
499	prj <-.getCRS(bigraster)
500	hr <- 0.5 * yres(bigraster)
502	vv <- matrix(ncol=f, nrow=nc)
504	if (filename == "") {
505		v <- matrix(NA, ncol=nrow(bigraster), nrow=ncol(bigraster))
506	} else {
507		bigraster <- writeStart(bigraster, filename=filename, ...)
508	}
510	pb <- pbCreate(nrow(bigraster), label='rasterize', ...)
511	for (rr in 1:nrow(bigraster)) {
512		y <- yFromRow(bigraster, rr)
513		yn <- y - hr
514		yx <- y + hr
515		rstr <- raster(xmn=rxmn, xmx=rxmx, ymn=yn, ymx=yx, ncols=nc, nrows=f, crs=prj)
516		subpol <- subset(polinfo, !(polinfo[,2] > yx | polinfo[,3] < yn), drop=FALSE)
517		for (r in 1:f) {
518			rv <- rv1
519			ly <- yFromRow(rstr, r)
520			myline <- rbind(c(lxmin,ly), c(lxmax,ly))
521			holes <- holes1
522			if (length(subpol[,1]) > 0) {
524			updateHoles <- FALSE
525				lastpolnr <- subpol[1,6]
526				rvtmp <- rv1
527				for (i in 1:length(subpol[,1])) {
528					if (i == length(subpol[,1])) {
529						updateHoles <- TRUE
530					} else if (subpol[i+1,6] > lastpolnr) {
531						updateHoles <- TRUE
532						lastpolnr <- subpol[i+1,6]
533					}
535					mypoly <- pollist[[subpol[i,1]]]
536					intersection <- .intersectLinePolygon(myline, mypoly@coords)
537					x <- sort(intersection[,1])
538					if (length(x) > 0) {
539						#if (length(subpol[,1]) > 3 & i ==2) {
540						#	print('4')
541						#}
542						if ( sum(x[-length(x)] == x[-1]) > 0 ) {
543					# single node intersection going out of polygon ....
544							spPnts <- sp::SpatialPoints(xyFromCell(rstr, cellFromRowCol(rstr, rep(r, ncol(rstr)), 1:ncol(rstr))))
545							spPol <- sp::SpatialPolygons(list(sp::Polygons(list(mypoly), 1)))
546							over <- sp::over(spPnts, spPol)
547							if ( subpol[i, 5] == 1 ) {
548								holes[!is.na(over)] <- holes[!is.na(over)] - 1
549							} else {
550								rvtmp[!is.na(over)] <- subpol[i,4]
551								holes[!is.na(over)] <- holes[!is.na(over)] + 1
552							}
553						} else {
554							for (k in 1:round(nrow(intersection)/2)) {
555								l <- (k * 2) - 1
556								x1 <- x[l]
557								x2 <- x[l+1]
558								if (x1 > rxmx) { next }
559								if (x2 < rxmn) { next }
560							# adjust to skip first cell if the center is not covered by this polygon
561								x1a <- x1 + adj
562								x2a <- x2 - adj
563								x1a <- min(rxmx, max(rxmn, x1a))
564								x2a <- min(rxmx, max(rxmn, x2a))
565								col1 <- colFromX(rstr, x1a)
566								col2 <- colFromX(rstr, x2a)
567								if (col1 > col2) { next }
568								if ( subpol[i, 5] == 1 ) {
569									holes[col1:col2] <- holes[col1:col2] - 1
570								} else {
571									rvtmp[col1:col2] <- subpol[i,4]
572									holes[col1:col2] <- holes[col1:col2] + 1
573								}
574							}
575						}
576						if (updateHoles) {
577							holes <- holes < 1
578							rvtmp[holes] <- 0
579							holes <- holes1
580							updateHoles <- FALSE
581							rv <- pmax(rv, rvtmp)
582						}
583					}
584				}
585			}
586			vv[,r] <- rv
587		}
588		av <- colSums( matrix( rowSums(vv), nrow=f) )
590		if (filename == "") {
591			v[,rr] <- av
592		} else {
593			bigraster <- writeValues(bigraster, av, rr)
594		}
595		pbStep(pb, rr)
596	}
597	pbClose(pb)
599	if (filename == "") {
600		bigraster <- setValues(bigraster, as.vector(v))
601	} else {
602		bigraster <- writeStop(bigraster)
603	}
604	return(bigraster)
608#x = .polygoncover(rstr, "", polinfo, lxmin, lxmax, pollist)
611.polygonsToRaster2 <- function(p, raster, field=0, filename="", ...) {
612#  This is based on sampling by points. Should be slower except when  polygons very detailed and raster  has low resolution
613# but it could be optimized further
614# currently not used. Perhaps it should be used under certain conditions.
615# this version does not deal with polygon holes
617# check if bbox of raster and p overlap
618	filename <- trim(filename)
619	raster <- raster(raster)
621	spbb <- sp::bbox(p)
622	rsbb <- bbox(raster)
623	if (spbb[1,1] > rsbb[1,2] | spbb[2,1] > rsbb[2,2]) {
624		stop('polygon and raster have no overlapping areas')
625	}
627	if (class(p) == 'SpatialPolygons' | field == 0) {
628		putvals <- 1:length(p@polygons)
629	} else {
630		putvals <- as.vector(p@data[,field])
631		if (class(putvals) == 'character') {
632			stop('selected field is charater type')
633		}
634	}
637	if (filename == "") {
638		v <- vector(length=0) # replace this
639	} else {
640		raster <- writeStart(raster, filename=filename, ...)
641	}
643	rowcol <- cbind(0, 1:ncol(raster))
645	firstrow <- rowFromY(raster, spbb[2,2])
646	lastrow <- rowFromY(raster, spbb[2,1])
648	for (r in 1:nrow(raster)) {
649		if (r < firstrow | r > lastrow) {
650			vals <- rep(NA, times=ncol(raster))
651		} else {
652			rowcol[,1] <- r
653			sppoints <- xyFromCell(raster, cellFromRowCol(raster, rowcol[,1], rowcol[,2]), TRUE)
654			over <- sp::over(sppoints, p)
655			vals <- putvals[over]
656		}
657		if (filename == "") {
658			v <- c(v, vals)
659		} else {
660			raster <- writeValues(raster, vals)
661		}
662	}
663	if (filename == "") {
664		raster <- setValues(raster, v)
665	} else {
666		raster <- writeStop(raster)
667	}
668	return(raster)