6%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
7\title{Exact local Moran's Ii tests}
9 \code{localmoran.exact} provides exact local Moran's Ii tests under the null hypothesis, while \code{localmoran.exact.alt} provides exact local Moran's Ii tests under the alternative hypothesis. In this case, the model may be a fitted model derived from a model fitted by \code{spatialreg::errorsarlm}, with the covariance matrix can be passed through the \code{Omega=} argument.
12localmoran.exact(model, select, nb, glist = NULL, style = "W",
13 zero.policy = NULL, alternative = "greater", spChk = NULL,
14 resfun = weighted.residuals, save.Vi = FALSE, useTP=FALSE, truncErr=1e-6,
15 zeroTreat=0.1)
16localmoran.exact.alt(model, select, nb, glist = NULL, style = "W",
17 zero.policy = NULL, alternative = "greater", spChk = NULL,
18 resfun = weighted.residuals, Omega = NULL, save.Vi = FALSE,
19 save.M = FALSE, useTP=FALSE, truncErr=1e-6, zeroTreat=0.1)
20\method{print}{localmoranex}(x, \dots)
21\method{as.data.frame}{localmoranex}(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE, \dots)
23%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
25  \item{model}{an object of class \code{lm} returned by \code{lm} (assuming no global spatial autocorrelation), or an object of class \code{sarlm} returned by a spatial simultaneous autoregressive model fit (assuming global spatial autocorrelation represented by the model spatial coefficient); weights may be specified in the \code{lm} fit, but offsets should not be used}
26  \item{select}{an integer vector of the id. numbers of zones to be tested; if missing, all zones}
27  \item{nb}{a list of neighbours of class \code{nb}}
28  \item{glist}{a list of general weights corresponding to neighbours}
29  \item{style}{can take values W, B, C, and S}
30  \item{zero.policy}{default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE assign zero to the lagged value of zones without
31neighbours, if FALSE assign NA}
32  \item{alternative}{a character string specifying the alternative hypothesis,
33must be one of greater (default), less or two.sided.}
34  \item{spChk}{should the data vector names be checked against the spatial objects for identity integrity, TRUE, or FALSE, default NULL to use \code{get.spChkOption()}}
35  \item{resfun}{default: weighted.residuals; the function to be used to extract residuals from the \code{lm} object, may be \code{residuals}, \code{weighted.residuals}, \code{rstandard}, or \code{rstudent}}
36  \item{Omega}{A SAR process matrix may be passed in to test an alternative hypothesis, for example \code{Omega <- invIrW(listw, rho=0.1); Omega <- tcrossprod(Omega)}, \code{chol()} is taken internally}
37  \item{save.Vi}{if TRUE, return the star-shaped weights lists for each zone
39  \item{save.M}{if TRUE, save a list of left and right M products}
40  \item{useTP}{default FALSE, if TRUE, use truncation point in integration rather than upper=Inf, see Tiefelsdorf (2000), eq. 6.7, p.69}
41  \item{truncErr}{when useTP=TRUE, pass truncation error to truncation point function}
42  \item{zeroTreat}{when useTP=TRUE, pass zero adjustment to truncation point function}
43  \item{x}{object to be printed}
44  \item{row.names}{ignored argument to \code{as.data.frame.localmoranex};
45row names assigned from localmoranex object}
46  \item{optional}{ignored argument to \code{as.data.frame.localmoranex};
47row names assigned from localmoranex object}
48  \item{\dots}{arguments to be passed through}
52A list with class \code{localmoranex} containing "select" lists, each with
53 class \code{moranex} with the following components:
54  \item{statistic}{the value of the exact standard deviate of global Moran's I.}
55  \item{p.value}{the p-value of the test.}
56  \item{estimate}{the value of the observed local Moran's Ii.}
57  \item{method}{a character string giving the method used.}
58  \item{alternative}{a character string describing the alternative hypothesis.}
59  \item{gamma}{eigenvalues (two extreme values for null, vector for alternative)}
60  \item{oType}{usually set to "E", but set to "N" if the integration leads to an out of domain value for \code{qnorm}, when the Normal assumption is substituted. This only occurs when the output p-value would be very close to zero}
61  \item{data.name}{a character string giving the name(s) of the data.}
62  \item{df}{degrees of freedom}
63  \item{i}{zone tested}
64  \item{Vi}{zone tested}
66When the alternative is being tested, a list of left and right M products in attribute M.
69\references{Bivand RS, Müller W, Reder M (2009) Power calculations for global and local Moran’s I. Comput Stat Data Anal 53:2859–2872; Bivand RS, Wong DWS 2018 Comparing implementations of global and local indicators of spatial association. TEST, 27(3), 716--748 \doi{10.1007/s11749-018-0599-x}}
71\author{Markus Reder and Roger Bivand}
73\seealso{\code{\link{lm.morantest.exact}}, \code{\link{localmoran.sad}}}
75eire <- st_read(system.file("shapes/eire.shp", package="spData")[1])
76row.names(eire) <- as.character(eire$names)
77st_crs(eire) <- "+proj=utm +zone=30 +ellps=airy +units=km"
78eire.nb <- poly2nb(eire)
79e.lm <- lm(OWNCONS ~ ROADACC, data=eire)
80localmoran.sad(e.lm, nb=eire.nb)
81localmoran.exact(e.lm, nb=eire.nb)
82localmoran.exact(e.lm, nb=eire.nb, useTP=TRUE)
83run <- FALSE
84if (requireNamespace("spatialreg", quietly=TRUE)) run <- TRUE
85if (run) {
86e.errorsar <- spatialreg::errorsarlm(OWNCONS ~ ROADACC, data=eire,
87 listw=nb2listw(eire.nb))
88lm.target <- lm(e.errorsar$tary ~ e.errorsar$tarX - 1)
89localmoran.exact.alt(lm.target, nb=eire.nb)
91if (run) {
92Omega <- invIrW(nb2listw(eire.nb), rho=e.errorsar$lambda)
93Omega1 <- tcrossprod(Omega)
94localmoran.exact.alt(lm.target, nb=eire.nb, Omega=Omega1)
96if (run) {
97localmoran.exact.alt(lm.target, nb=eire.nb, Omega=Omega1, useTP=TRUE)
100% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
101% R documentation directory.