1#  File src/library/grDevices/R/prettyDate.R
2#  Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org
4#  Copyright (C) 1995-2016 The R Core Team
6# Original code Copyright (C) 2010 Felix Andrews
7# Modifications Copyright (C) 2010 The R Core Team
9#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12#  (at your option) any later version.
14#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17#  GNU General Public License for more details.
19#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
20#  https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/
22##' S3 method =:  pretty.Date() and pretty.POSIXt [in ../NAMESPACE]
23prettyDate <- function(x, n = 5, min.n = n %/% 2, sep = " ", ...)
25    stopifnot(min.n <= n)
26    isDate <- inherits(x, "Date")
27    x <- as.POSIXct(x)
28    if (isDate) # the timezone *does* matter
29	attr(x, "tzone") <- "GMT"
30    zz <- rx <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
31    D <- diff(nzz <- as.numeric(zz))
32    MIN <- 60
33    HOUR <- MIN * 60
34    DAY <- HOUR * 24
35    YEAR <- DAY * 365.25
36    MONTH <- YEAR / 12
37    makeOutput <- function(at, s, round = TRUE, do) {
38	structure(if(isDate)
39		      if(round) as.Date(round(at, units = "days")) else at
40		  else as.POSIXct(at),
41		  labels = format(at, s$format))
42    }
43    if(isDate && D <= n * DAY) { # D <= 'n days' & Date  ==> use days
44	zz <- as.Date(zz)
45	r <- round(n - D/DAY)
46	m <- max(0, r %/% 2)
47        m2 <- m + (r %% 2)
48	while(length(dd <- seq.Date(zz[1] - m, zz[2] + m2, by = "1 day")) < min.n + 1)
49	    if(m < m2) m <- m+1 else m2 <- m2+1
50	return(makeOutput(dd, round = FALSE, ## "1 DSTday" from steps:
51			  list(format = paste("%b", "%d", sep = sep))))
52    }
53    else if(D < 1) { # unique values / sub-second ranges: [? or use "1 ms" steps below?]
54	m <- min(30, max(D == 0, n/2))
55	zz <- structure(c(floor(nzz[1] - m), ceiling(nzz[2] + m)),
56			class = class(x), tzone = attr(x, "tzone"))
57    }
58    xspan <- as.numeric(diff(zz), units = "secs")
59    ## specify the set of pretty timesteps
60    steps <-
61        list("1 sec" = list(1, format = "%S", start = "mins"),
62             "2 secs" = list(2),
63             "5 secs" = list(5),
64             "10 secs" = list(10),
65             "15 secs" = list(15),
66             "30 secs" = list(30, format = "%H:%M:%S"),
67             "1 min" = list(1*MIN, format = "%H:%M"),
68             "2 mins" = list(2*MIN, start = "hours"),
69             "5 mins" = list(5*MIN),
70             "10 mins" = list(10*MIN),
71             "15 mins" = list(15*MIN),
72             "30 mins" = list(30*MIN),
73             ## "1 hour" = list(1*HOUR),
74	     "1 hour" = list(1*HOUR, format = if (xspan <= DAY) "%H:%M"
75					      else paste("%b %d", "%H:%M", sep = sep)),
76             "3 hours" = list(3*HOUR, start = "days"),
77             "6 hours" = list(6*HOUR, format = paste("%b %d", "%H:%M", sep = sep)),
78             "12 hours" = list(12*HOUR),
79             "1 DSTday" = list(1*DAY, format = paste("%b", "%d", sep = sep)),
80             "2 DSTdays" = list(2*DAY),
81             "1 week" = list(7*DAY, start = "weeks"),
82             "halfmonth" = list(MONTH/2, start = "months"),
83             ## "1 month" = list(1*MONTH, format = "%b"),
84	     "1 month" = list(1*MONTH, format = if (xspan < YEAR) "%b"
85						else paste("%b", "%Y", sep = sep)),
86             "3 months" = list(3*MONTH, start = "years"),
87             "6 months" = list(6*MONTH, format = "%Y-%m"),
88             "1 year" = list(1*YEAR, format = "%Y"),
89             "2 years" = list(2*YEAR, start = "decades"),
90             "5 years" = list(5*YEAR),
91             "10 years" = list(10*YEAR),
92             "20 years" = list(20*YEAR, start = "centuries"),
93             "50 years" = list(50*YEAR),
94             "100 years" = list(100*YEAR),
95             "200 years" = list(200*YEAR),
96             "500 years" = list(500*YEAR),
97             "1000 years" = list(1000*YEAR))
98    ## carry forward 'format' and 'start' to following steps
99    for (i in seq_along(steps)) {
100        if (is.null(steps[[i]]$format))
101            steps[[i]]$format <- steps[[i-1]]$format
102        if (is.null(steps[[i]]$start))
103            steps[[i]]$start <- steps[[i-1]]$start
104        steps[[i]]$spec <- names(steps)[i]
105    }
106    ## crudely work out number of steps in the given interval
107    nsteps <- xspan / vapply(steps, `[[`, numeric(1), 1L, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
108    init.i <- init.i0 <- which.min(abs(nsteps - n))
109    ## calculate actual number of ticks in the given interval
110    calcSteps <- function(s, lim = range(zz)) {
111        startTime <- trunc_POSIXt(lim[1], units = s$start) ## FIXME: should be trunc() eventually
112        at <- seqDtime(startTime, end = lim[2], by = s$spec)
113	if(anyNA(at)) { at <- at[!is.na(at)]; if(!length(at)) return(at) }
114	r1 <- sum(at <= lim[1])
115	r2 <- length(at) + 1 - sum(at >= lim[2])
116	if(r2 == length(at) + 1) { # not covering at right -- add point at right
117	    nat <- seqDtime(at[length(at)], by = s$spec, length=2)[2]
118	    if(is.na(nat) || !(nat > at[length(at)])) # failed
119		r2 <- length(at)
120	    else
121		at[r2] <- nat
122	}
123	## Now we could see if we are *smaller* than 'n+1' and add even more at[] on both sides
124	at[r1:r2]
125    }
126    init.at <- calcSteps(st.i <- steps[[init.i]])
127    ## bump it up if below acceptable threshold
128    R <- TRUE # R := TRUE iff "right"
129    L.fail <- R.fail <- FALSE
130    while ((init.n <- length(init.at) - 1L) < min.n) {
131	if(init.i == 1L) { ## keep steps[[1]]
132	    ## add new interval right or left
133            if(R) {
134                nat <- seqDtime(init.at[length(init.at)], by = st.i$spec, length=2)[2]
135                R.fail <- is.na(nat) || !(nat > init.at[length(init.at)])
136                if(!R.fail)
137                    init.at[length(init.at) + 1] <- nat
138            } else { # left
139                nat <- seqDtime(init.at[1], by = paste0("-",st.i$spec), length=2)[2]
140                L.fail <- is.na(nat) || !(nat < init.at[1])
141                if(!L.fail) {
142                    init.at[seq_along(init.at) + 1] <- init.at
143                    init.at[1] <- nat
144                }
145            }
146            if(R.fail && L.fail)
147                stop("failed to add more ticks; 'min.n' too large?")
148	    R <- !R # alternating right <-> left
149	} else { # smaller step sizes
150	    init.i <- init.i - 1L
151	    init.at <- calcSteps(st.i <- steps[[init.i]])
152	}
153    }
154    if (init.n == n) ## perfect
155        return(makeOutput(init.at, st.i))
156    ## else : have a difference dn :
157    dn <- init.n - n
158    if(dn > 0L) {  ## too many ticks
159	## ticks "outside", on left and right, keep at least one on each side
160	nl <- sum(init.at <= rx[1]) - 1L
161	nr <- sum(init.at >= rx[2]) - 1L
162	if(nl > 0L || nr > 0L) {
163	    n.c <- nl+nr # number of removable ticks
164	    if(dn < n.c) { # remove dn, not all
165		nl <- round(dn * nl/n.c)
166		nr <- dn - nl
167	    }
168	    ## remove nl on left,  nr on right:
169	    init.at <- init.at[-c(seq_len(nl), length(init.at)+1L-seq_len(nr))]
170	}
171    } else { ## too few ticks
172        ## warning("trying to add more points -- not yet implemented")
173        ## but after all, 'n' is approximate
174	## init.at <- calcSteps(st.i, "more ticks")
175    }
176    if ((dn <- length(init.at) - 1L - n) == 0L  ## perfect
177	|| (dn > 0L && init.i < init.i0) # too many, but we tried init.i + 1 already
178        || (dn < 0L && init.i == 1)) # too few, but init.i = 1
179	return(makeOutput(init.at, st.i))
181    new.i <- if (dn > 0L) ## too many ticks
182		 min(init.i + 1L, length(steps))
183	     else ## too few ticks (and init.i > 1):
184		 init.i - 1L
185    new.at <- calcSteps(steps[[new.i]])
186    new.n <- length(new.at) - 1L
187    ## work out whether new.at or init.at is better
188    if (new.n < min.n)
189        new.n <- -Inf
190    if (abs(new.n - n) < abs(dn))
191	makeOutput(new.at, steps[[new.i]])
192    else
193	makeOutput(init.at, st.i)
197## Utility, a generalization/special case of seq.POSIXct() / seq.Date()
198seqDtime <- function(beg, end, by, length=NULL) {
199    if(missing(by) || !identical(by, "halfmonth"))
200        return( seq(beg, end, by = by, length.out=length) )
201    ## else  by == "halfmonth" => can only go forward (!)
202    if(is.null(length)) {
203        l2 <- NULL; i <- TRUE
204    } else {
205        l2 <- ceiling(length/2); i <- seq_len(length)
206    }
207    at <- seq(beg, end, by = "months", length.out = l2)
208    at2 <- as.POSIXlt(at)
209    stopifnot(length(md <- unique(at2$mday)) == 1)
210    at <- as.POSIXct(at)
211    ## intersperse at and at2 := 15-day-shifted( at ), via rbind():
212    if(md == 1) {
213        at2$mday <- 15L
214    } else if(md >= 15) { # (md == 16 may happen; not seen yet)
215        at2$mday <- 1L
216        at2$mon <- at2$mon + 1L
217        ## at2 now has wrong 'yday','wday',.. and we rely on as.POSIXct():
218    } else if(md < 15) { ## e.g., southern hemisphere, seen 14
219        at2$mday <- md + 14L # consistent w (1 -> 15) in 1st case; ok even in Feb.
220    }
221    at2$isdst <- -1L
222    at2 <- rbind(at, as.POSIXct(at2), deparse.level = 0L)
223    structure(at2[i], class = class(at), tzone = attr(at, "tzone"))
227## utility function, extending the base function trunc.POSIXt.
228## Ideally this should replace the original, but that should be done
229## with a little more thought (what about round.POSIXt etc.?)
231trunc_POSIXt <-
232    function(x, units = c("secs", "mins", "hours", "days",
233                "weeks", "months", "years", "decades", "centuries"),
234             start.on.monday = TRUE)
236    x <- as.POSIXlt(x)
237    if (units %in% c("secs", "mins", "hours", "days"))
238	return(trunc.POSIXt(x, units))
239    x <- trunc.POSIXt(x, "days")
240    if (length(x$sec))
241        switch(units,
242               weeks = {
243                   x$mday <- x$mday - x$wday
244                   if (start.on.monday)
245                       x$mday <- x$mday + ifelse(x$wday > 0L, 1L, -6L)
246               },
247               months = {
248                   x$mday <- 1
249               },
250               years = {
251                   x$mday <- 1
252                   x$mon <- 0
253               },
254               decades = {
255                   x$mday <- 1
256                   x$mon <- 0
257                   x$year <- (x$year %/% 10) * 10
258               },
259               centuries = {
260                   x$mday <- 1
261                   x$mon <- 0
262                   x$year <- (x$year %/% 100) * 100
263               })
264    x