1#  File src/library/utils/R/objects.R
2#  Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org
4#  Copyright (C) 1995-2020 The R Core Team
6#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9#  (at your option) any later version.
11#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14#  GNU General Public License for more details.
16#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
17#  https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/
19## findGeneric(fname) :  is 'fname' the name of an S3 generic ?
20##			[unexported function used only in this file]
21findGeneric <- function(fname, envir, warnS4only = TRUE)
23    if(!exists(fname, mode = "function", envir = envir)) return("")
24    f <- get(fname, mode = "function", envir = envir)
25    ## FIXME? In the first case, e.g. 'methods(qr)', we are very inefficient:
26    ##  inside methods() we transform the 'qr' function object into a character,
27    ##  whereas here, we revert this, searching around unnecessarily
28    ##
29    if(.isMethodsDispatchOn() && methods::is(f, "genericFunction")) {
30	## maybe an S3 generic was turned into the S4 default
31	## Try to find it, otherwise warn :
32	fMethsEnv <- methods::getMethodsForDispatch(f)
33        meths <- as.list(fMethsEnv, all.names=TRUE)
34        r <- meths[grep("^ANY\\b", names(meths))]
35	if(any(ddm <- vapply(r, methods::is, logical(1L), "derivedDefaultMethod")))
36	    f <- r[ddm][[1]]@.Data
37	else if(warnS4only)
38	    warning(gettextf(
39	"'%s' is a formal generic function; S3 methods will not likely be found",
40			     fname), domain = NA)
41    }
42    isUMEbrace <- function(e) {
43        for (ee in as.list(e[-1L]))
44            if (nzchar(res <- isUME(ee))) return(res)
45        ""
46    }
47    isUMEif <- function(e) {
48        if (length(e) == 3L) isUME(e[[3L]])
49        else {
50            if (nzchar(res <- isUME(e[[3L]]))) res
51            else if (nzchar(res <- isUME(e[[4L]]))) res
52            else ""
53        }
54    }
55    isUME <- function(e) { ## is it an "UseMethod() calling function" ?
56        if (is.call(e) && (is.name(e[[1L]]) || is.character(e[[1L]]))) {
57            switch(as.character(e[[1L]]),
58                   UseMethod = as.character(e[[2L]]),
59                   "{" = isUMEbrace(e),
60                   "if" = isUMEif(e),
61                   "")
62        } else ""
63    }
64    isUME(body(f))
67getKnownS3generics <-
69    c(names(.knownS3Generics), tools:::.get_internal_S3_generics())
71.S3methods <-
72function(generic.function, class, envir=parent.frame())
74    rbindSome <- function(df, nms, msg) {
75        ## rbind.data.frame() -- dropping rows with duplicated names
76        nms <- unique(nms)
77        n2 <- length(nms)
78        dnew <- data.frame(visible = rep.int(FALSE, n2),
79                           from    = rep.int(msg,   n2),
80                           row.names = nms)
81        n <- nrow(df)
82        if(n == 0L) return(dnew)
83        ## else
84        keep <- !duplicated(c(rownames(df), rownames(dnew)))
85        rbind(df  [keep[1L:n] , ],
86              dnew[keep[(n+1L):(n+n2)] , ])
87    }
89    S3MethodsStopList <- tools::nonS3methods(NULL)
90    knownGenerics <- getKnownS3generics()
91    sp <- search()
92    if(nzchar(lookup <-
93                  Sys.getenv("_R_S3_METHOD_LOOKUP_BASEENV_AFTER_GLOBALENV_"))) {
94        lookup <- tools:::config_val_to_logical(lookup)
95        if(lookup) sp <- sp[c(1L, length(sp))]
96    }
97    methods.called <- identical(sys.call(-1)[[1]], as.symbol("methods"))
98    an <- lapply(seq_along(sp), ls)
99    lens <- lengths(an)
100    an <- unlist(an, use.names=FALSE)
101    names(an) <- rep.int(sp, lens)
102    an <- an[!duplicated(an)] # removed masked objects, *keep* names
103    info <- data.frame(visible = rep.int(TRUE, length(an)),
104		       from = .rmpkg(names(an)),
105                       row.names = an)
106    if (!missing(generic.function)) {
107	if (!is.character(generic.function))
108	    generic.function <- deparse1(substitute(generic.function))
109        ## else
110        if(!exists(generic.function, mode = "function", envir = envir) &&
111           !any(generic.function == c("Math", "Ops", "Complex", "Summary")))
112            stop(gettextf("no function '%s' is visible", generic.function),
113                 domain = NA)
114        warn.not.generic <- FALSE
115        if(!any(generic.function == knownGenerics)) {
116	    truegf <- findGeneric(generic.function, envir, warnS4only = !methods.called)
117            if(truegf == "")
118                warn.not.generic <- TRUE
119            else if(truegf != generic.function) {
120                warning(gettextf("generic function '%s' dispatches methods for generic '%s'",
121                        generic.function, truegf), domain = NA)
122                generic.function <- truegf
123            }
124        }
125	info <- info[startsWith(row.names(info), paste0(generic.function,".")), ]
126        info <- info[! row.names(info) %in% S3MethodsStopList, ]
127        ## check that these are all functions
128        ## might be none at this point
129	if(nrow(info)) {
130	    keep <- vapply(row.names(info), exists, logical(1), mode="function")
131	    info <- info[keep, ]
132	}
133	if(warn.not.generic && nrow(info))
134	    warning(gettextf(
135	"function '%s' appears not to be S3 generic; found functions that look like S3 methods",
136			     generic.function), domain = NA)
138        ## also look for registered methods from namespaces
139        ## we assume that only functions get registered.
140        defenv <- if(!is.na(w <- .knownS3Generics[generic.function]))
141            asNamespace(w)
142        else {
143            genfun <- get(generic.function, mode = "function", envir = envir)
144            if(.isMethodsDispatchOn() && methods::is(genfun, "genericFunction"))
145                genfun <- methods::finalDefaultMethod(genfun@default)
146            .defenv_for_S3_registry(genfun)
147        }
148	S3reg <- names(get(".__S3MethodsTable__.", envir = defenv))
149	S3reg <- S3reg[startsWith(S3reg, paste0(generic.function,"."))]
150        if(length(S3reg))
151            info <- rbindSome(info, S3reg, msg =
152                              paste("registered S3method for",
153                                    generic.function))
154        ## both all() and all.equal() are generic, so
155        if(generic.function == "all")
156            info <- info[-grep("^all\\.equal", row.names(info)), ]
157    }
158    else if (!missing(class)) {
159	if (!is.character(class))
160	    class <- deparse1(substitute(class))
161	if(length(class) > 1L) {
162	    warning("'class' is of length > 1; only the first element will be used")
163	    class <- class[1L]
164	}
165	name <- paste0(".", class, "$")
166        name <- gsub("([.[])", "\\\\\\1", name)
167        info <- info[grep(name, row.names(info)), ]
168        info <- info[! row.names(info) %in% S3MethodsStopList, ]
170        if(nrow(info)) {
171            ## check if we can find a generic matching the name
172            possible.generics <- gsub(name, "", row.names(info))
173            keep <- vapply(possible.generics, function(nm) {
174                if(nm %in% knownGenerics) return(TRUE)
175                where <- find(nm, mode = "function")
176		if(length(where))
177		    any(vapply(where, function(w)
178			nzchar(findGeneric(nm, envir=as.environment(w))),
179			       logical(1)))
180		else FALSE
181	    }, logical(1))
182            info <- info[keep, ]
183        }
185        ## also look for registered methods in loaded namespaces.
186        ## These should only be registered in environments containing
187        ## the corresponding generic, so we don't check again.
188        ## Note that the generic will not necessarily be visible,
189        ## as the package may not be loaded.
190        S3reg <- unlist(lapply(loadedNamespaces(), function(i)
191	    ls(get(".__S3MethodsTable__.", envir = asNamespace(i)), pattern = name)))
192        ## now methods like print.summary.aov will be picked up,
193        ## so we do look for such mismatches.
194        if(length(S3reg))
195            S3reg <- S3reg[vapply(gsub(name, "", S3reg), exists, NA)]
196        if(length(S3reg))
197            info <- rbindSome(info, S3reg, msg = "registered S3method")
198    }
199    else stop("must supply 'generic.function' or 'class'")
201    info$generic <- if (!missing(generic.function))
202        rep.int(generic.function, nrow(info))
203    else sub(paste0("\\.", class, "$"), "", row.names(info))
204    info$isS4 <- rep.int(FALSE, nrow(info))
206    info <- info[sort.list(row.names(info)), , drop=FALSE]
207    res <- row.names(info)
208    class(res) <- "MethodsFunction"
209    attr(res, "info") <- info
210    attr(res, "byclass") <- missing(generic.function)
211    res
214methods <-
215function(generic.function, class)
217    envir <- parent.frame()
218    if(!missing(generic.function) && !is.character(generic.function)) {
219        what <- substitute(generic.function)
220        generic.function <-
221            if(is.function(generic.function) &&
222               is.call(what) &&
223               (deparse(what[[1L]], nlines=1L) %in% c("::", ":::"))) {
224                what <- as.character(what[2:3])
225                envir <- asNamespace(what[[1L]])
226                what[[2L]]
227            } else
228                deparse(what)
229    }
231    if (!missing(class) && !is.character(class))
232        class <- deparse1(substitute(class))
234    s3 <- .S3methods(generic.function, class, envir)
235    s4 <- if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) methods::.S4methods(generic.function, class)
237    .MethodsFunction(s3, s4, missing(generic.function))
240.MethodsFunction <-
241function(s3, s4, byclass)
243    info3 <- attr(s3, "info")
244    info4 <- attr(s4, "info")
245    info <- rbind(info3, info4)
246    dups <- duplicated(c(rownames(info3), rownames(info4)))
247    info <- info[!dups, , drop=FALSE]
248    info <- info[order(rownames(info)), , drop=FALSE]
249    structure(rownames(info), info=info, byclass=byclass,
250              class="MethodsFunction")
253format.MethodsFunction <- function(x, byclass = attr(x, "byclass"), ...)
255    info <- attr(x, "info")
256	if (byclass)
257	    unique(info$generic)
258	else
259	    paste0(rownames(info), visible = ifelse(info$visible, "", "*"))
262print.MethodsFunction <- function(x, byclass = attr(x, "byclass"), ...)
264    if (length(values <- format(x, byclass=byclass, ...))) {
265        print(noquote(values))
266        cat("see '?methods' for accessing help and source code\n")
267    } else
268        cat("no methods found\n")
270    invisible(x)
273getS3method <- function(f, class, optional = FALSE, envir = parent.frame())
275    stopifnot(is.character(f), length(f) == 1L)
276    stopifnot(is.character(class), length(class) == 1L)
277    if(!any(f == getKnownS3generics())) {
278        truegf <- findGeneric(f, envir)
279        if(nzchar(truegf)) f <- truegf
280        else {
281            if(optional) return(NULL)
282            else stop(gettextf("no function '%s' could be found", f), domain = NA)
283        }
284    }
285    method <- paste(f, class, sep=".")
286    if(!is.null(m <- get0(method, envir = envir, mode = "function")))
287	## FIXME(?): consider  tools::nonS3methods(<pkg>)  same as isS3method()
288        return(m)
289    ## also look for registered method in namespaces
290    defenv <-
291	if(!is.na(w <- .knownS3Generics[f]))
292	    asNamespace(w)
293	else if(f %in% tools:::.get_internal_S3_generics())
294	    .BaseNamespaceEnv
295	else {
296	    genfun <- get(f, mode="function", envir = envir)
297	    if(.isMethodsDispatchOn() && methods::is(genfun, "genericFunction"))
298		## assumes the default method is the S3 generic function
299		genfun <- methods::selectMethod(genfun, "ANY")
300            .defenv_for_S3_registry(genfun)
301	}
302    S3Table <- get(".__S3MethodsTable__.", envir = defenv)
303    if(!is.null(m <- get0(method, envir = S3Table, inherits = FALSE)))
304	m
305    else if(optional)
306	NULL
307    else stop(gettextf("S3 method '%s' not found", method), domain = NA)
310##' Much in parallel to getS3method(), isS3method() gives TRUE/FALSE, but not an error
311isS3method <- function(method, f, class, envir = parent.frame())
313    if(missing(method)) {
314        method <- paste(f, class, sep=".")
315    } else { # determine (f, class) from 'method'
316	f.c <- strsplit(method, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
317	nfc <- length(f.c)
318	if(nfc < 2 || !is.character(f.c))
319	    return(FALSE) ## stop("Invalid 'method' specification; must be  \"<fun>.<class>\"")
320	if(nfc == 2) {
321	    f     <- f.c[[1L]]
322	    class <- f.c[[2L]]
323	} else { ## nfc > 2 : e.g., t.data.frame, is.na.data.frame
324	    for(j in 2:nfc)
325		if(isS3method(f     = paste(f.c[1:(j-1)], collapse="."),
326			      class = paste(f.c[j: nfc ], collapse="."),
327			      envir = envir))
328		    return(TRUE)
329	    return(FALSE)
330	}
331    }
332    if(!any(f == getKnownS3generics())) { ## either a known generic or found in 'envir'
333	if(!nzchar(f <- findGeneric(f, envir)))
334            return(FALSE)
335    }
336    if(!is.null(m <- get0(method, envir = envir, mode = "function"))) {
337	## know: f is a knownS3generic, and method m is a visible function
338	pkg <- if(isNamespace(em <- environment(m))) environmentName(em)
339	       else if(is.primitive(m)) "base" ## else NULL
340	return(is.na(match(method, tools::nonS3methods(pkg)))) ## TRUE unless an exception
341    }
342    ## also look for registered method in namespaces
343    defenv <-
344	if(!is.na(w <- .knownS3Generics[f]))
345	    asNamespace(w)
346	else if(f %in% tools:::.get_internal_S3_generics())
347	    .BaseNamespaceEnv
348	else {
349	    genfun <- get(f, mode="function", envir = envir)
350	    if(.isMethodsDispatchOn() && methods::is(genfun, "genericFunction"))
351		## assumes the default method is the S3 generic function
352		genfun <- methods::selectMethod(genfun, "ANY")
353            .defenv_for_S3_registry(genfun)
354	}
355    S3Table <- get(".__S3MethodsTable__.", envir = defenv)
356    ## return
357    exists(method, envir = S3Table, inherits = FALSE)
360isS3stdGeneric <- function(f) {
361    bdexpr <- body(if(methods::is(f, "traceable")) f@original else f)
362    ## protect against technically valid but bizarre
363    ## function(x) { { { UseMethod("gen")}}} by
364    ## repeatedly consuming the { until we get to the first non { expr
365    while(is.call(bdexpr) && bdexpr[[1L]] == "{")
366        bdexpr <- bdexpr[[2L]]
368    ## We only check if it is a "standard" s3 generic. i.e. the first non-{
369    ## expression is a call to UseMethod. This will return FALSE if any
370    ## work occurs before the UseMethod call ("non-standard" S3 generic)
371    ret <- is.call(bdexpr) && bdexpr[[1L]] == "UseMethod"
372    if(ret)
373        names(ret) <- bdexpr[[2L]] ## arg passed to UseMethod naming generic
374    ret
377getFromNamespace <-
378function(x, ns, pos = -1, envir = as.environment(pos))
380    if(missing(ns)) {
381        nm <- attr(envir, "name", exact = TRUE)
382        if(is.null(nm) || !startsWith(nm, "package:"))
383            stop("environment specified is not a package")
384        ns <- asNamespace(substring(nm, 9L))
385    } else ns <- asNamespace(ns)
386    get(x, envir = ns, inherits = FALSE)
389assignInMyNamespace <-
390function(x, value)
392    f <- sys.function(-1)
393    ns <- environment(f)
394    ## deal with subclasses of "function"
395    ## that may insert an environment in front of the namespace
396    if(isS4(f))
397        while(!isNamespace(ns))
398            ns <- parent.env(ns)
399    if(bindingIsLocked(x, ns)) {
400        unlockBinding(x, ns)
401        assign(x, value, envir = ns, inherits = FALSE)
402        w <- options("warn")
403        on.exit(options(w))
404        options(warn = -1)
405        lockBinding(x, ns)
406    } else assign(x, value, envir = ns, inherits = FALSE)
407    if(!isBaseNamespace(ns)) {
408        ## now look for possible copy as a registered S3 method
409        S3 <- getNamespaceInfo(ns, "S3methods")
410        if(!length(S3)) return(invisible(NULL))
411        S3names <- S3[, 3L]
412        if(x %in% S3names) {
413            i <- match(x, S3names)
414            genfun <- get(S3[i, 1L], mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())
415            if(.isMethodsDispatchOn() && methods::is(genfun, "genericFunction"))
416                genfun <- methods::slot(genfun, "default")@methods$ANY
417            defenv <- .defenv_for_S3_registry(genfun)
418            S3Table <- get(".__S3MethodsTable__.", envir = defenv)
419            remappedName <- paste(S3[i, 1L], S3[i, 2L], sep = ".")
420            if(exists(remappedName, envir = S3Table, inherits = FALSE))
421                assign(remappedName, value, S3Table)
422        }
423    }
424    invisible(NULL)
427assignInNamespace <-
428function(x, value, ns, pos = -1, envir = as.environment(pos))
430    nf <- sys.nframe()
431    if(missing(ns)) {
432        nm <- attr(envir, "name", exact = TRUE)
433        if(is.null(nm) || !startsWith(nm, "package:"))
434            stop("environment specified is not a package")
435        ns <- asNamespace(substring(nm, 9L))
436    } else ns <- asNamespace(ns)
437    ns_name <- getNamespaceName(ns)
438    if (nf > 1L) {
439        if(ns_name %in% tools:::.get_standard_package_names()$base)
440            stop("locked binding of ", sQuote(x), " cannot be changed",
441                 domain = NA)
442    }
443    if(bindingIsLocked(x, ns)) {
444        in_load <- Sys.getenv("_R_NS_LOAD_")
445        if (nzchar(in_load)) {
446            if(in_load != ns_name) {
447                msg <-
448                    gettextf("changing locked binding for %s in %s whilst loading %s",
449                             sQuote(x), sQuote(ns_name), sQuote(in_load))
450                if (! in_load %in% c("Matrix", "SparseM"))
451                    warning(msg, call. = FALSE, domain = NA, immediate. = TRUE)
452            }
453        } else if (nzchar(Sys.getenv("_R_WARN_ON_LOCKED_BINDINGS_"))) {
454            warning(gettextf("changing locked binding for %s in %s",
455                             sQuote(x), sQuote(ns_name)),
456                    call. = FALSE, domain = NA, immediate. = TRUE)
457        }
458        unlockBinding(x, ns)
459        assign(x, value, envir = ns, inherits = FALSE)
460        w <- options("warn")
461        on.exit(options(w))
462        options(warn = -1)
463        lockBinding(x, ns)
464    } else {
465        assign(x, value, envir = ns, inherits = FALSE)
466    }
467    if(!isBaseNamespace(ns)) {
468        ## now look for possible copy as a registered S3 method
469	S3 <- .getNamespaceInfo(ns, "S3methods")
470        if(!length(S3)) return(invisible(NULL))
471        S3names <- S3[, 3L]
472        if(x %in% S3names) {
473            i <- match(x, S3names)
474            genfun <- get(S3[i, 1L], mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())
475            if(.isMethodsDispatchOn() && methods::is(genfun, "genericFunction"))
476                genfun <- methods::slot(genfun, "default")@methods$ANY
477            defenv <- .defenv_for_S3_registry(genfun)
478            S3Table <- get(".__S3MethodsTable__.", envir = defenv)
479            remappedName <- paste(S3[i, 1L], S3[i, 2L], sep = ".")
480            if(exists(remappedName, envir = S3Table, inherits = FALSE))
481                assign(remappedName, value, S3Table)
482        }
483    }
484    invisible(NULL)
487fixInNamespace <-
488function(x, ns, pos = -1, envir = as.environment(pos), ...)
490    subx <- substitute(x)
491    if (is.name(subx))
492        subx <- deparse(subx)
493    if (!is.character(subx) || length(subx) != 1L)
494        stop("'fixInNamespace' requires a name")
495    if(missing(ns)) {
496        nm <- attr(envir, "name", exact = TRUE)
497        if(is.null(nm) || !startsWith(nm, "package:"))
498            stop("environment specified is not a package")
499        ns <- asNamespace(substring(nm, 9L))
500    } else ns <- asNamespace(ns)
501    x <- edit(get(subx, envir = ns, inherits = FALSE), ...)
502    assignInNamespace(subx, x, ns)
505getAnywhere <-
508    if(tryCatch(!is.character(x), error = function(e) TRUE))
509        x <- as.character(substitute(x))
510    objs <- list(); where <- character(); visible <- logical()
511    ## first look on search path
512    if(length(pos <- find(x, numeric = TRUE))) {
513        objs <- lapply(pos, function(pos, x) get(x, pos=pos), x=x)
514        where <- names(pos)
515        visible <- rep.int(TRUE, length(pos))
516    }
517    ## next look for methods: a.b.c.d could be a method for a or a.b or a.b.c
518    if(length(grep(".", x, fixed=TRUE))) {
519        np <- length(parts <- strsplit(x, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1L]])
520        for(i in 2:np) {
521            gen <- paste(parts[1L:(i-1)], collapse=".")
522            cl <- paste(parts[i:np], collapse=".")
523            if (gen == "" || cl == "") next
524            ## want to evaluate this in the parent, or the utils namespace
525            ## gets priority.
526            Call <- substitute(getS3method(gen, cl, TRUE), list(gen = gen, cl = cl))
527            f <- eval.parent(Call)
528            ## Now try to fathom out where it is from.
529            ## f might be a special, not a closure, and not have an environment,
530            if(!is.null(f) && !is.null(environment(f))) {
531                ev <- topenv(environment(f), baseenv())
532                nmev <- if(isNamespace(ev)) getNamespaceName(ev) else NULL
533		objs <- c(objs, list(f))
534                msg <- paste("registered S3 method for", gen)
535                if(!is.null(nmev))
536                    msg <- paste(msg, "from namespace", nmev)
537                where <- c(where, msg)
538                visible <- c(visible, FALSE)
539            }
540        }
541    }
542    ## now look in loaded namespaces
543    for(i in loadedNamespaces()) {
544        ns <- asNamespace(i)
545        if(exists(x, envir = ns, inherits = FALSE)) {
546            f <- get(x, envir = ns, inherits = FALSE)
547	    objs <- c(objs, list(f))
548            where <- c(where, paste0("namespace:", i))
549            visible <- c(visible, FALSE)
550        }
551    }
552    # now check for duplicates
553    ln <- length(objs)
554    dups <- rep.int(FALSE, ln)
555    if(ln > 1L)
556        for(i in 2L:ln)
557            for(j in 1L:(i-1L))
558                if(identical(objs[[i]], objs[[j]],
559                             ignore.environment = TRUE)) {
560                    dups[i] <- TRUE
561                    break
562                }
563    structure(list(name=x, objs=objs, where=where, visible=visible, dups=dups),
564              class = "getAnywhere")
567print.getAnywhere <-
568function(x, ...)
570    n <- sum(!x$dups)
571    if(n == 0L) {
572        cat("no object named", sQuote(x$name), "was found\n")
573    } else if (n == 1L) {
574        cat("A single object matching", sQuote(x$name), "was found\n")
575        cat("It was found in the following places\n")
576	cat(paste0("  ", x$where), sep="\n")
577        cat("with value\n\n")
578        print(x$objs[[1L]])
579    } else {
580        cat(n, "differing objects matching", sQuote(x$name),
581            "were found\n")
582        cat("in the following places\n")
583        cat(paste0("  ", x$where), sep="\n")
584        cat("Use [] to view one of them\n")
585    }
586    invisible(x)
589`[.getAnywhere` <-
590function(x, i)
592    if(!is.numeric(i)) stop("only numeric indices can be used")
593    if(length(i) == 1L) x$objs[[i]]
594    else x$objs[i]
597argsAnywhere <-
600    if(tryCatch(!is.character(x), error = function(e) TRUE))
601        x <- as.character(substitute(x))
602    fs <- getAnywhere(x)
603    if (sum(!fs$dups) == 0L)
604        return(NULL)
605    if (sum(!fs$dups) > 1L)
606        sapply(fs$objs[!fs$dups],
607               function(f) if (is.function(f)) args(f))
608    else args(fs$objs[[1L]])
611.defenv_for_S3_registry <-
614    if (typeof(genfun) == "closure") {
615        lookup <- Sys.getenv("_R_S3_METHOD_LOOKUP_USE_TOPENV_AS_DEFENV_",
616                             "TRUE")
617        lookup <- tools:::config_val_to_logical(lookup)
618        if(lookup) {
619            topenv(environment(genfun))
620        } else {
621            environment(genfun)
622        }
623    }
624    else .BaseNamespaceEnv