1 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  ADOL-C -- Automatic Differentiation by Overloading in C++
3  File:     luexam.cpp
4  Revision: $Id: luexam.cpp 431 2013-06-18 20:14:07Z kulshres $
5  Contents: computation of LU factorization with pivoting
7  Copyright (c) Kshitij Kulshreshtha
9  This file is part of ADOL-C. This software is provided as open source.
10  Any use, reproduction, or distribution of the software constitutes
11  recipient's acceptance of the terms of the accompanying license file.
13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
15 #include <adolc/adouble.h>
16 #include <adolc/advector.h>
17 #include <adolc/taping.h>
19 #include <adolc/interfaces.h>
20 #include <adolc/drivers/drivers.h>
22 #include <iostream>
23 #include <fstream>
24 #include <cstring>
25 #include <iomanip>
26 #include <sstream>
28 using namespace std;
findmaxindex(const size_t n,const advector & col,const size_t k)30 adouble findmaxindex(const size_t n, const advector& col, const size_t k) {
31     adouble idx = k;
32     for (size_t j = k + 1; j < n; j++ )
33 	condassign(idx,(fabs(col[j]) - fabs(col[idx])), adouble((double)j));
34     return idx;
35 }
37 // Assuming A is stored row-wise in the vector
lufactorize(const size_t n,advector & A,advector & p)39 void lufactorize(const size_t n, advector& A, advector& p) {
40     adouble idx, tmp;
41     for (size_t j = 0; j < n; j++)
42 	p[j] = j;
43     for (size_t k = 0; k < n; k++) {
44 	advector column(n);
45 	for(size_t j = 0; j < n; j++)
46 	    condassign(column[j], adouble(double(j - k + 1)), A[j*n + k]);
47 	idx = findmaxindex(n, column, k);
48 	tmp = p[k];
49 	p[k] = p[idx];
50 	p[idx] = tmp;
51 	for(size_t j = 0; j < n; j++) {
52 	    tmp = A[k*n + j];
53 	    A[k*n + j] = A[idx*n + j];
54 	    A[idx*n + j] = tmp;
55 	}
56 	tmp = 1.0/A[k*n + k];
57 	for (size_t i = k + 1; i < n; i++) {
58 	    A[i*n + k] *= tmp;
59 	    for (size_t j = k + 1; j < n; j++) {
60 		A[i*n + j] -= A[i*n + k] * A[k*n+j];
61 	    }
62 	}
63     }
64 }
Lsolve(const size_t n,const advector & A,const advector & p,advector & b,advector & x)66 void Lsolve(const size_t n, const advector& A, const advector& p, advector& b, advector& x) {
67     for (size_t j = 0; j < n; j++) {
68 	x[j] = b[p[j]];
69 	for (size_t k = j+1; k <n; k++) {
70 	    b[p[k]] -= A[k*n+j]*x[j];
71 	}
72     }
73 }
Rsolve(const size_t n,const advector & A,advector & x)75 void Rsolve(const size_t n, const advector& A, advector& x) {
76     for (size_t j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
77 	x[n-j] *=  1.0/A[(n-j)*n + n-j];
78 	for (size_t k = 0; k < n-j; k++) {
79 	    x[k] -= A[k*n + n-j]*x[n-j];
80 	}
81     }
82 }
printL(const size_t n,const advector & A,ostream & outf=std::cout)84 void printL(const size_t n, const advector& A, ostream &outf = std::cout) {
85     for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
86 	for (size_t j = 0; j < n; j++)
87 	    if (j < i)
88 		outf << setw(8) << A[i*n + j].value() << "  ";
89 	    else if (j == i)
90 		outf << setw(8) << 1.0 << "  ";
91 	    else
92 		outf << setw(8) << 0.0 << "  ";
93 	outf << "\n";
94     }
95 }
printR(const size_t n,const advector & A,ostream & outf=std::cout)97 void printR(const size_t n, const advector& A, ostream &outf = std::cout) {
98     for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
99 	for (size_t j = 0; j < n; j++)
100 	    if (j >= i)
101 		outf << setw(8) << A[i*n + j].value() << "  ";
102 	    else
103 		outf << setw(8) << 0.0 << "  ";
104 	outf << "\n";
105     }
106 }
norm2(const double * const v,const size_t n)108 double norm2(const double *const v, const size_t n)
109 {
110     size_t j;
111     double abs,scale,sum;
112     scale=0.0;
113     sum=0.0;
114     for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
115 	if (v[j] != 0.0) {
116 	    abs = fabs(v[j]);
117 	    if (scale <= abs) {
118 		sum = 1.0 + sum * (scale/abs)*(scale/abs);
119 		scale = abs;
120 	    } else
121 		sum += (abs/scale)*(abs/scale);
122 	}
123     }
124     sum = sqrt(sum)*scale;
125     return sum;
126 }
scalar(double * x,double * y,size_t n)128 double scalar(double *x, double *y, size_t n)
129 {
130     size_t j;
131     int8_t sign;
132     double abs,scale,sum,prod;
133     scale = 0.0;
134     sum = 0.0;
135     for(j=0; j<n; j++) {
136         sign = 1;
137         prod = x[j]*y[j];
138         if( prod != 0.0) {
139             abs = prod;
140             if (abs < 0.0) {
141                 sign = -1;
142                 abs = -abs;
143             }
144             if( scale <= fabs(abs)) {
145                 sum = sign * 1.0 + sum *(scale/abs);
146                 scale = abs;
147             } else
148                 sum+=sign*(abs/scale);
149         }
150     }
151     sum = sum*scale;
152     return sum;
153 }
matvec(const double * const A,const size_t m,const double * const b,const size_t n,double * const ret)155 void matvec(const double *const A, const size_t m, const double *const b, const size_t n, double *const ret)
156 {
157     size_t i,j;
158     memset(ret,0,n*sizeof(double));
159     for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
160 	double abs, scale = 0.0, prod, sum = 0.0;
161 	int8_t sign;
162 	for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
163 	    sign = 1;
164 	    prod = A[i*n+j]*b[j];
165 	    if (prod != 0.0) {
166 		abs = prod;
167 		if (abs < 0.0) {
168 		    sign = -1;
169 		    abs = -abs;
170 		}
171 		if (scale <=fabs(abs)) {
172 		    sum = sign * 1.0 + sum * (scale/abs);
173 		    scale = abs;
174 		} else
175 		    sum += sign*(abs/scale);
176 	    }
177 	}
178 	ret[i] = sum*scale;
179     }
180 }
residue(const double * const A,const size_t m,const double * const b,const size_t n,const double * const x,double * const ret)182 void residue(const double *const A, const size_t m, const double *const b, const size_t n, const double *const x, double *const ret) {
183     double *b2 = new double[n];
184     matvec(A,m,x,n,b2);
185     for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
186 	ret[i] = b[i] - b2[i];
187     delete[] b2;
188 }
normresidue(const double * const A,const size_t m,const double * const b,const size_t n,const double * const x)190 double normresidue(const double *const A, const size_t m, const double *const b, const size_t n, const double*const x) {
191     double *res = new double[n];
192     residue(A,m,b,n,x,res);
193     double ans = norm2(res, n);
194     delete[] res;
195     return ans;
196 }
main()198 int main() {
199     int tag = 1;
200     int keep = 1;
201     int n;
202     string matrixname, rhsname;
203     ifstream matf, rhsf;
204     double *mat, *rhs, *ans, err, normx, normb;
206     cout << "COMPUTATION OF LU-Factorization with pivoting (ADOL-C Documented Example)\n\n";
207     cout << "order of matrix = ? \n"; // select matrix size
208     cin >> n;
210     cout << "---------------------------------\nNow tracing:\n";
211     rhs = new double[n*n + n];
212     mat = rhs + n;
213     ans = new double[n];
214     cout << "file name for matrix = ?\n";
215     cin >> matrixname;
216     cout << "file name for rhs = ?\n";
217     cin >> rhsname;
220     matf.open(matrixname.c_str());
221     for (size_t i = 0; i < n*n; i++)
222 	matf >> mat[i];
223     matf.close();
225     rhsf.open(rhsname.c_str());
226     for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
227 	rhsf >> rhs[i];
228     rhsf.close();
230     {
231 	trace_on(tag,keep);               // tag=1=keep
232 	advector A(n*n), b(n), x(n), p(n);
233 	for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
234 	    b[i] <<= rhs[i];
235 	for(size_t i = 0; i < n*n; i++)
236 	    A[i] <<= mat[i];
237 	lufactorize(n, A, p);
238 	Lsolve(n, A, p, b, x);
239 	Rsolve(n, A, x);
240 	for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
241 	    x[i] >>= ans[i];
242 	trace_off();
243     }
245     err = normresidue(mat, n, rhs, n, ans);
246     normb = norm2(rhs, n);
247     normx = norm2(ans, n);
248     cout << "Norm rhs = " << normb <<"\n";
249     cout << "Norm solution = " << normx <<"\n";
250     cout << "Norm of residue = " << err <<"\t relative error = " << err/normx << "\n";
252     cout << "---------------------------------\nNow computing from trace:\n";
253     cout << "file name for matrix = ?\n";
254     cin >> matrixname;
255     cout << "file name for rhs = ?\n";
256     cin >> rhsname;
259     matf.open(matrixname.c_str());
260     for (size_t i = 0; i < n*n; i++)
261 	matf >> mat[i];
262     matf.close();
264     rhsf.open(rhsname.c_str());
265     for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
266 	rhsf >> rhs[i];
267     rhsf.close();
269     zos_forward(tag, n, n*n + n, keep, rhs, ans);
271     err = normresidue(mat, n, rhs, n, ans);
272     normb = norm2(rhs, n);
273     normx = norm2(ans, n);
274     cout << "Norm rhs = " << normb <<"\n";
275     cout << "Norm solution = " << normx <<"\n";
276     cout << "Norm of residue = " << err <<"\t relative error = " << err/normx <<"\n";
277     double *ansbar = new double[n];
278     double *matcol = new double[n];
279     double *rhsbar = new double[n*n+n];
280     double *matbar = rhsbar + n;
281     double scprod = 0.0;
283     memset(rhsbar, 0, (n*n+n)*sizeof(double));
284     memset(ansbar, 0, n*sizeof(double));
285     for (size_t k = 0; k < n; k++) {
286     cout << "computing gradient of element " << k + 1 << " of solution w.r.t. matrix elements and rhs\n";
287     ansbar[k] = 1.0;
289     fos_reverse(tag, n, n*n+n, ansbar, rhsbar);
291     for (size_t i = 0; i < n*n + n; i++)
292 	cout << "bar[" << i << "] = " <<  rhsbar[i] << "\n";
294     for (size_t j = 0; j < n; j++) {
295 	for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
296 	    matcol[i] = mat[i*n + j];
297 	scprod = scalar(rhsbar, matcol, n);
298 	cout << "gradient w.r.t. rhs times column " << j + 1 << " of matrix  = " << scprod << "\n";
299     }
300     ansbar[k] = 0.0;
301     }
302     delete[] ansbar;
303     delete[] matcol;
304     delete[] rhsbar;
306     delete[] rhs;
307     delete[] ans;
308 }