1 #include "BSprivate.h"
3 /*+ BSorig_inode - Change the inode structure to include the original,
4                    unpermuted i-node numbers
6     Input Parameters:
7 .   A - the sparse matrix
8 .   procinfo - the usual processor stuff
10     Output Parameters:
11 .   A - the sparse matrix changed to include the original i-node numbers
13     Returns:
14     void
16  +*/
BSorig_inode(BSpar_mat * A,BSprocinfo * procinfo)17 void BSorig_inode(BSpar_mat *A, BSprocinfo *procinfo)
18 {
19 	BMcomp_msg *to_msg, *from_msg;
20 	BMphase *phase_ptr, *to_phase, *from_phase;
21 	BMmsg *msg;
22 	int	i, j, k;
23 	int	cl_ind, tcl_ind, cur_proc, in_ind;
24 	int	count, size;
25 	int	last;
26 	int	*setup_data, *user_data;
27 	BScl_2_inode *clique2inode;
28 	BSnumbering *color2clique;
29 	BSinode *inodes;
30 	int	local_num;
31 	int	*msg_buf, *data_ptr, msg_len;
32 	int	*data, data_len, ind, *perm, *iperm;
33 	void (*map)(int,int *,int *,BSprocinfo *,BSmapping *);
34 	void (*lmap)(int,int *,int *,BSprocinfo *,BSmapping *);
36 	/* initialize communication structures */
37 	to_msg = BMcomp_init(COMP_MSG_BASE); CHKERR(0);
38 	from_msg = BMcomp_init(COMP_MSG_BASE); CHKERR(0);
40 	/* initialize variables for ease of use */
41 	map = A->map->fglobal2local;
42 	lmap = A->map->flocal2global;
43 	perm = A->perm->perm;
44 	iperm = A->inv_perm->perm;
45 	color2clique = A->color2clique;
46 	clique2inode = A->clique2inode;
47 	inodes = A->inodes->list;
49 	/* now go through and figure out everyone that we need stuff from */
50 	/* do it by color, where each color is a phase */
51 	for (i=0;i<color2clique->length-1;i++) {
52 		cl_ind = color2clique->numbers[i];
53 		while (cl_ind < color2clique->numbers[i+1]) {
54 			/* figure out the message size and destination */
55 			cur_proc = clique2inode->proc[cl_ind];
56 			tcl_ind = cl_ind;
57 			size = 0;
58 			while ((tcl_ind < color2clique->numbers[i+1]) &&
59 				(cur_proc == clique2inode->proc[tcl_ind])) {
60 				/* add in the lengths, nonlocals are negative */
61 				size += abs(clique2inode->d_mats[tcl_ind].size);
62 				tcl_ind++;
63 			}
64 			if (cur_proc != procinfo->my_id) {
65 				/* now we know the message size, allocate the message, etc */
66 				msg = BMcreate_msg(i,-1,MPI_INT,cur_proc); CHKERR(0);
67 				BMadd_msg(from_msg,msg,procinfo); CHKERR(0);
68 				MY_MALLOC(user_data,(int *),sizeof(int)*2,1);
69 				user_data[0] = cl_ind;
70 				user_data[1] = tcl_ind-1;
71 				BMset_user_data(msg,user_data,2,BSfree_comm_data);
72 				CHKERR(0);
73 				MY_MALLOC(setup_data,(int *),sizeof(int)*size,1);
74 				count = 0;
75 				while (count < size) {
76 					for (j=clique2inode->inode_index[cl_ind];
77 						j<clique2inode->inode_index[cl_ind+1];j++) {
78 						setup_data[count] = inodes[j].o_gcol_num[0];
79 						count++;
80 						for (k=1;k<inodes[j].num_cols;k++) {
81 							setup_data[count] = -1;
82 							count++;
83 						}
84 					}
85 					cl_ind++;
86 				}
87 				BMset_setup_data(msg,setup_data,size,BSfree_comm_data);
88 				CHKERR(0);
89 				BMset_msg_size(msg,size); CHKERR(0);
90 			} else {
91 				/* take care of local numbering */
92 				for (cl_ind=cl_ind;cl_ind<tcl_ind;cl_ind++) {
93 					for (j=clique2inode->inode_index[cl_ind];
94 						j<clique2inode->inode_index[cl_ind+1];j++) {
95 						(*map)(1,&(inodes[j].o_gcol_num[0]),&ind,procinfo,
96 							A->map); CHKERR(0);
97 						last = perm[ind]+1;
98 						for (k=1;k<inodes[j].num_cols;k++) {
99 							local_num = iperm[last];
100 							(*lmap)(1,&local_num,&ind,procinfo,A->map);
101 							CHKERR(0);
102 							inodes[j].o_gcol_num[k] = ind;
103 							last++;
104 						}
105 					}
106 				}
107 			}
108 		}
110 		/* now, let's work out what I need to send */
111 		phase_ptr = BMget_phase(from_msg,i); CHKERR(0);
112 		count = BMfix_send(SETUP_ORIGINAL_MSG,COMP_MSG_BASE,MPI_INT,to_msg,
113 			phase_ptr,BSfree_comm_data,procinfo); CHKERR(0);
115 		/* now free up the setup data */
116 		msg = NULL;
117 		while ((msg = BMnext_msg(phase_ptr,msg)) != NULL) {
118 			CHKERR(0);
119 			BMfree_setup_data(msg);
120 			CHKERR(0);
121 		}
122 		CHKERR(0);
123 	}
125 	/* now, go over the messages that I have to send and translate the */
126 	/* user data */
127 	for (i=0;i<color2clique->length-1;i++) {
128 		phase_ptr = BMget_phase(to_msg,i); CHKERR(0);
129 		msg = NULL;
130 		while ((msg = BMnext_msg(phase_ptr,msg)) != NULL) {
131 			CHKERR(0);
132 			data = BMget_user(msg,&data_len);
133 			BMset_msg_size(msg,data_len); CHKERR(0);
134 			last = -1;
135 			for (j=0;j<data_len;j++) {
136 				if (data[j] < 0) {
137 					local_num = iperm[last];
138 					(*lmap)(1,&local_num,&ind,procinfo,A->map); CHKERR(0);
139 					data[j] = ind;
140 					last++;
141 				} else {
142 					(*map)(1,&(data[j]),&ind,procinfo,A->map); CHKERR(0);
143 					last = perm[ind]+1;
144 				}
145 			}
146 		}
147 		CHKERR(0);
148 	}
150 	/* organize the messages */
151 	BMalloc_msg(to_msg); CHKERR(0);
152 	BMalloc_msg(from_msg); CHKERR(0);
154 	/* now send and receive the true info */
155 	BMinit_comp_msg(from_msg,procinfo); CHKERR(0);
156 	for (i=0;i<color2clique->length-1;i++) {
157 		/* send messages */
158 		to_phase = BMget_phase(to_msg,i); CHKERR(0);
159 		msg = NULL;
160 		while ((msg = BMnext_msg(to_phase,msg)) != NULL) {
161 			CHKERR(0);
162 			msg_buf = (int *) BMget_msg_ptr(msg); CHKERR(0);
163 			data_ptr = BMget_user(msg,&msg_len); CHKERR(0);
164 			for (j=0;j<msg_len;j++) {
165 				msg_buf[j] = data_ptr[j];
166 			}
167 			BMsendf_msg(msg,procinfo); CHKERR(0);
168 		}
169 		CHKERR(0);
171 		/* receive messages */
172 		from_phase = BMget_phase(from_msg,i); CHKERR(0);
173 		while ((msg = BMrecv_msg(from_phase)) != NULL) {
174 			CHKERR(0);
175 			msg_buf = (int *) BMget_msg_ptr(msg); CHKERR(0);
176 			data_ptr = BMget_user(msg,&msg_len); CHKERR(0);
177 			msg_len = BMget_msg_size(msg); CHKERR(0);
178 			count = 0;
179 			for (cl_ind=data_ptr[0];cl_ind<=data_ptr[1];cl_ind++) {
180 				for (in_ind=clique2inode->inode_index[cl_ind];
181 					in_ind<clique2inode->inode_index[cl_ind+1];in_ind++) {
182 					for (j=0;j<inodes[in_ind].num_cols;j++) {
183 						inodes[in_ind].o_gcol_num[j] = msg_buf[count];
184 						count++;
185 					}
186 				}
187 			}
188 			BMfree_msg(msg); CHKERR(0);
189 		}
190 		CHKERR(0);
191 	}
193 	/* clean up the message stuff */
194 	BMfinish_comp_msg(to_msg,procinfo); CHKERR(0);
196 	/* free up the message structure */
197 	BMfree_comp_msg(from_msg); CHKERR(0);
198 	BMfree_comp_msg(to_msg); CHKERR(0);
199 }