2	"cell_id" : 3709770344770575223,
3	"cells" :
4	[
5		{
6			"cell_id" : 18315175544081447475,
7			"cell_origin" : "client",
8			"cell_type" : "latex",
9			"cells" :
10			[
11				{
12					"cell_id" : 6317143617777149814,
13					"cell_origin" : "client",
14					"cell_type" : "latex_view",
15					"source" : "\\property{Tableau}{A Young-tableau object with unlabelled boxes.}\n\nDeclares that the object carrying this property is used to label a Young tableau with\nunlabelled boxes (Young diagram). The arguments of such objects denote the lenghts of the rows.\nThe \\verb|dimension| argument of the property sets the dimension.\n\nCan be used in combination with the \\verb|lr_tensor| and \\verb|tab_dimension| algorithms\nto compute tensor product representations."
16				}
17			],
18			"hidden" : true,
19			"source" : "\\property{Tableau}{A Young-tableau object with unlabelled boxes.}\n\nDeclares that the object carrying this property is used to label a Young tableau with\nunlabelled boxes (Young diagram). The arguments of such objects denote the lenghts of the rows.\nThe \\verb|dimension| argument of the property sets the dimension.\n\nCan be used in combination with the \\verb|lr_tensor| and \\verb|tab_dimension| algorithms\nto compute tensor product representations."
20		},
21		{
22			"cell_id" : 4814324193159731260,
23			"cell_origin" : "client",
24			"cell_type" : "input",
25			"cells" :
26			[
27				{
28					"cell_id" : 5472831286544245,
29					"cell_origin" : "server",
30					"cell_type" : "latex_view",
31					"source" : "\\begin{dmath*}{}\\text{Attached property Tableau to~}\\ydiagram{1}.\\end{dmath*}"
32				},
33				{
34					"cell_id" : 16824604591112637874,
35					"cell_origin" : "server",
36					"cell_type" : "latex_view",
37					"cells" :
38					[
39						{
40							"cell_id" : 10673774897090337872,
41							"cell_origin" : "server",
42							"cell_type" : "input_form",
43							"source" : "\\tableau(2 , 1) \\tableau(2 , 1)"
44						}
45					],
46					"source" : "\\begin{dmath*}{}\\ydiagram{2,1} \\otimes \\ydiagram{2,1}\\end{dmath*}"
47				},
48				{
49					"cell_id" : 17444505558726063598,
50					"cell_origin" : "server",
51					"cell_type" : "latex_view",
52					"cells" :
53					[
54						{
55							"cell_id" : 8552454844429597034,
56							"cell_origin" : "server",
57							"cell_type" : "input_form",
58							"source" : "\\tableau(4 , 2) + \\tableau(4 , 1 , 1) + \\tableau(3 , 3) + 2\\tableau(3 , 2 , 1) + \\tableau(2 , 2 , 2)"
59						}
60					],
61					"source" : "\\begin{dmath*}{}\\ydiagram{4,2} \\oplus \\ydiagram{4,1,1} \\oplus \\ydiagram{3,3} \\oplus 2\\, \\ydiagram{3,2,1} \\oplus \\ydiagram{2,2,2}\\end{dmath*}"
62				}
63			],
64			"source" : "\\tableau{#}::Tableau(dimension=3);\nex:=\\tableau{2}{1}\\tableau{2}{1};\nlr_tensor(_);"
65		},
66		{
67			"cell_id" : 6195976348837135823,
68			"cell_origin" : "client",
69			"cell_type" : "input",
70			"cells" :
71			[
72				{
73					"cell_id" : 13849739628876949020,
74					"cell_origin" : "server",
75					"cell_type" : "latex_view",
76					"source" : "{}$\\big[$$\\verb|27|$,\\discretionary{}{}{} $\\verb|10|$,\\discretionary{}{}{} $\\verb|10|$,\\discretionary{}{}{} $\\verb|16|$,\\discretionary{}{}{} $\\verb|1|$$\\big]$"
77				}
78			],
79			"source" : "q=[int(tab_dimension(t.ex())) for t in ex.top().terms()];"
80		},
81		{
82			"cell_id" : 10192517807076031993,
83			"cell_origin" : "client",
84			"cell_type" : "input",
85			"source" : ""
86		}
87	],
88	"description" : "Cadabra JSON notebook format",
89	"version" : 1