1 #include "cado.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
2 #include <cstddef>                    // for NULL, size_t
3 #include <algorithm>                   // for is_sorted, min
4 #include <array>                       // for array
5 #include <iterator>                    // for back_insert_iterator, back_ins...
6 #include <map>                         // for map, operator!=, _Rb_tree_iter...
7 #include <mutex>                       // for lock_guard, mutex
8 #include <utility>                     // for swap, pair
9 #include <vector>                      // for vector, vector<>::iterator
10 #include <gmp.h>                       // for mpz_divisible_ui_p, mpz_get_ui
12 #include "fb-types.h"                  // for fbprime_t
13 #include "fb.hpp"                      // for fb_factorbase::key_type, fb_en...
14 #include "cxx_mpz.hpp"   // cxx_mpz
15 #include "getprime.h"   // prime_info getprime_mt
16 #include "las-sieve-shared-data.hpp"   // for sieve_shared_data::side_data
17 #include "lock_guarded_container.hpp"  // for lock_guarded_container
18 #include "macros.h"                    // for MIN, ASSERT, ASSERT_ALWAYS
19 #include "mpz_poly.h"
20 #include "rootfinder.h" // mpz_poly_roots_ulong
21 #include "trialdiv.hpp"                // for trialdiv_data, trialdiv_data::...
24 template<typename T>
25 static unsigned long
append_prime_list(T inserter,prime_info pi,unsigned long pmax,cxx_mpz_poly const & f,gmp_randstate_ptr rstate,int minroots=1)26 append_prime_list (T inserter, prime_info pi, unsigned long pmax, cxx_mpz_poly const & f, gmp_randstate_ptr rstate, int minroots = 1)
27 {
28     unsigned long p;
29     ASSERT_ALWAYS(minroots <= f->deg);
30     if (f->deg == 1) {
31         for (; (p = getprime_mt (pi)) < pmax; )
32             *inserter++ = p;
33     } else {
34         for (; (p = getprime_mt (pi)) < pmax; )
35             if (mpz_divisible_ui_p (f->coeff[f->deg], p) ||
36                     mpz_poly_roots_ulong (NULL, f, p, rstate) >= minroots)
37                 *inserter++ = p;
38     }
39     return p;
40 }
get_trialdiv_data(fb_factorbase::key_type fbK,fb_factorbase::slicing const * fbs)43 trialdiv_data const * sieve_shared_data::side_data::get_trialdiv_data(fb_factorbase::key_type fbK, fb_factorbase::slicing const * fbs)
44 {
45     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> foo(trialdiv_data_cache.mutex());
46     auto it = trialdiv_data_cache.find(fbK);
47     if (it != trialdiv_data_cache.end()) {
48         return &it->second;
49     }
51     ASSERT_ALWAYS(fbs != NULL);
53     /* Note that since we have trialdiv_data_cache.mutex() unlock, we may
54      * safely access the random state in this->rstate
55      */
57     /* Now compute the trialdiv data for these thresholds. */
59     /* Our trial division needs odd divisors, 2 is handled by mpz_even_p().
60        If the FB primes to trial divide contain 2, we skip over it.
61        We assume that if 2 is in the list, it is the first list entry,
62        and that it appears at most once. */
64     unsigned long pmax = std::min((unsigned long) fbK.thresholds[0],
65                              trialdiv_data::max_p);
67     std::vector<unsigned long> trialdiv_primes = fbs->small_sieve_entries.skipped;
69     /* Maybe we can use the factor base. If we have one, of course ! */
70     unsigned long pmax_sofar = 0;
72     for(auto const & pp : fbs->small_sieve_entries.rest) {
73         if (pp.k > 1) continue;
74         trialdiv_primes.push_back(pp.p);
75     }
76     if (!trialdiv_primes.empty()) {
77         cxx_mpz zz(trialdiv_primes.back());
78         mpz_nextprime(zz, zz);
79         pmax_sofar = MIN(pmax, mpz_get_ui(zz));
80     }
82     if (pmax_sofar < pmax) {
83         /* we need some more. */
84         prime_info pi;
85         prime_info_init(pi);
86         unsigned long p;
87         /* first seek to the end of the fb. */
88         for ( ; (p = getprime_mt (pi)) < pmax_sofar ; );
90         for(int minroots = 1 ; minroots <= f->deg ; minroots++) {
91             p = append_prime_list(std::back_inserter(trialdiv_primes),
92                     pi, MIN(pmax, minroots * fbK.td_thresh), f, rstate, minroots);
93         }
94         prime_info_clear (pi);
95     }
97     ASSERT(std::is_sorted(trialdiv_primes.begin(), trialdiv_primes.end()));
98     // std::sort(trialdiv_primes.begin(), trialdiv_primes.end());
100     /* note that we might have several "2"'s in the factor base because
101      * of powers: when bucket-sieving powers, we separate factor base
102      * entries that lead to distinct exponents */
103     size_t skip2 = 0;
104     for( ; skip2 < trialdiv_primes.size() && trialdiv_primes[skip2] == 2 ; skip2++);
106     trialdiv_data td(trialdiv_primes, skip2);
107     trialdiv_data_cache[fbK];
108     std::swap(trialdiv_data_cache[fbK], td);
110     return &trialdiv_data_cache[fbK];
111 }