1 #include "cado.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
2 // IWYU pragma: no_include <ext/alloc_traits.h>
3 #include <cfloat>
4 #include <cstdlib>
5 #include <cstdio>
6 #include <cmath>
7 #include <climits>                       // for ULONG_MAX
8 #include <memory>                         // for allocator_traits<>::value_type
9 #include <vector>                         // for vector
10 #include <gmp.h>                          // for gmp_randstate_t, gmp_randclear
11 #include "cxx_mpz.hpp"
12 #include "decomp.h"                       // for decomp_t, decomp_create
13 #include "facul.hpp"
14 #include "facul_ecm.h"
15 #include "facul_fwd.hpp"                  // for facul_method_t
16 #include "fm.h"                           // for fm_t, fm_create, fm_free
17 #include "generate_factoring_method.hpp"
18 #include "generate_strategies.h"
19 #include "macros.h"
20 #include "modredc_15ul.h"                 // for MODREDC15UL_MAXBITS
21 #include "modredc_2ul2.h"                 // for MODREDC2UL2_MAXBITS
22 #include "modredc_ul.h"                   // for MODREDCUL_MAXBITS
23 #include "pm1.h"
24 #include "pp1.h"
25 #include "strategy.h"                     // for strategy_t, strategy_add_fm
26 #include "tab_decomp.h"                   // for tabular_decomp_t, tabular_d...
27 #include "tab_fm.h"                       // for tabular_fm_t, tabular_fm_ad...
28 #include "tab_strategy.h"                 // for tabular_strategy_t, tabular...
29 #include "timing.h"     // microseconds
31 static double EPSILON_DBL = LDBL_EPSILON;
33 //convert type: from strategy_t to facul_strategy_t.
convert_strategy_to_facul_strategy(strategy_t * t)34 facul_strategy_t* convert_strategy_to_facul_strategy (strategy_t* t)
35 {
36     tabular_fm_t* tab_fm = strategy_get_tab_fm (t);
37     int nb_methods = tab_fm->index;
39     facul_strategy_t *strategy;
40     strategy = (facul_strategy_t*) malloc(sizeof(facul_strategy_t));
41     strategy->methods = (facul_method_t*) malloc((nb_methods+1) * sizeof(facul_method_t));
42     /*
43       without this second method, the function
44       facul_clear_strategy (strategy) failed!
45     */
46     strategy->methods[1].method = 0;
47     strategy->methods[1].plan = NULL;
49     strategy->lpb = ULONG_MAX;
50     strategy->assume_prime_thresh = 0;
51     strategy->BBB = 0;
53     for (int i = 0; i < nb_methods; i++)
54 	{
55 	    fm_t* fm = tab_fm->tab[i];
56 	    int method = (int)fm->method[0];
57 	    ec_parameterization_t curve = (ec_parameterization_t) fm->method[1];
58 	    unsigned long B1 = fm->method[2];
59 	    unsigned long B2 = fm->method[3];
60 	    strategy->methods[i].method = method;
62 	    if (method == PM1_METHOD) {
63 		strategy->methods[i].plan = malloc(sizeof(pm1_plan_t));
64 		ASSERT(strategy->methods[i].plan != NULL);
65 		pm1_make_plan((pm1_plan_t*) strategy->methods[i].plan, B1, B2, 0);
66 	    } else if (method == PP1_27_METHOD || method == PP1_65_METHOD) {
67 		strategy->methods[i].plan = malloc(sizeof(pp1_plan_t));
68 		ASSERT(strategy->methods[i].plan != NULL);
69 		pp1_make_plan((pp1_plan_t*) strategy->methods[i].plan, B1, B2, 0);
70 	    } else if (method == EC_METHOD) {
71 		unsigned long sigma;
72 		if (curve == MONTY16) {
73 		    sigma = 1;
74 		} else
75 		    sigma = 2 + rand();
77 		strategy->methods[i].plan = malloc(sizeof(ecm_plan_t));
78 		ASSERT((ecm_plan_t*) strategy->methods[i].plan != NULL);
79 		ecm_make_plan((ecm_plan_t*) strategy->methods[i].plan, B1, B2, curve,
80 			      sigma, 0, 0);
81 	    } else {
82 		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
83 	    }
84 	}
85     strategy->methods[nb_methods].method = 0;
86     strategy->methods[nb_methods].plan = NULL;
88     return strategy;
89 }
91 static int
select_random_index_dec(double sum_nb_elem,tabular_decomp_t * t,gmp_randstate_ptr rstate)92 select_random_index_dec(double sum_nb_elem, tabular_decomp_t* t, gmp_randstate_ptr rstate)
93 {
94     double alea = gmp_urandomm_ui(rstate, (unsigned long)sum_nb_elem);
95     int i = 0;
96     double bound = t->tab[0]->nb_elem;
97     int len = t->index;
98     while (i < (len-1) && (alea - bound) >= 1) {
99 	i++;
100 	bound += t->tab[i]->nb_elem;
101     }
102     return i;
103 }
107 /*
108   This function compute directly the probabity and the time to find a
109   factor in a good decomposition in a cofactor of length r.
110  */
111 weighted_success
bench_proba_time_st(gmp_randstate_t state,facul_strategy_t * strategy,tabular_decomp_t * init_tab,int r,int lpb)112 bench_proba_time_st(gmp_randstate_t state, facul_strategy_t* strategy,
113 		    tabular_decomp_t* init_tab, int r, int lpb)
114 {
115     int nb_succes_max = 10000, nb_succes = 0;
116     int nb_test = 0;
117     int nb_test_max = 10 * nb_succes_max; //20 for five percent
118     double time = 0;
120     double sum_dec = 0;
121     for (int i = 0; i < init_tab->index; i++)
122 	sum_dec += init_tab->tab[i]->nb_elem;
123     //struct timeval st_test, end_test;
125     std::vector<cxx_mpz> f;
127     while (nb_succes < nb_succes_max && (nb_test<nb_test_max))
128 	{
129 	    int index = select_random_index_dec(sum_dec, init_tab, state);
130 	    int len_p = init_tab->tab[index]->tab[0];
132 	    cxx_mpz N = generate_composite_integer(state, len_p, r);
133             f.clear();
135 	    double starttime = microseconds();
136 	    //gettimeofday (&st_test, NULL);
137 	    int nfound = facul(f, N, strategy);
138 	    //gettimeofday (&end_test, NULL);
139 	    double endtime = microseconds();
141 	    /* time += (end_test.tv_sec - st_test.tv_sec)*1000000L */
142 	    /* 	+ end_test.tv_usec - st_test.tv_usec; */
143       	    time += endtime - starttime;
144 	    if (nfound != 0) {
145                 int len_factor = mpz_sizeinbase(f[0], 2);
146                 if (len_factor <= lpb && (r-len_factor) <= lpb)
147                     nb_succes++;
148             }
149 	    nb_test++;
150 	}
152     return weighted_success(nb_succes, time, nb_test);
153 }
156 int
get_nb_word(int r)157 get_nb_word (int r)
158 {
159     /*
160       We add 0.5 to the length of one word, because for our times the
161       lenght is inclusive. For example, if MODREDCUL_MAXBITS = 64
162       bits, a cofactor is in one word if is lenght is less OR equal to
163       64 bits. So, if you don't add 0.5 to MODREDCUL_MAXBITS, you
164       lost the equal and thus insert an error in your maths.
165     */
166     double half_word = (MODREDCUL_MAXBITS+0.5)/2.0;
167     int number_half_wd = floor(r /half_word);
168     int ind = (number_half_wd <2)? 0: number_half_wd - 1;
169     return ind;
170 }
172 /*
173   This function is like bench_time() but only compute the time for one
174   length. In fact, i remove the unnecessary computation to reduce the
175   cost of this binary.
176 */
bench_time_mini(gmp_randstate_t state,tabular_fm_t * fm,int r)177 void bench_time_mini(gmp_randstate_t state, tabular_fm_t * fm, int r)
178 {
179     unsigned long *param;
180     fm_t *elem;
181     int len = fm->index;	//number of methods!
182     //precompute 4 arrays for our bench_time!
183     //{{
184     int len_n;
185     if (r <= MODREDCUL_MAXBITS)
187     else if (r <= MODREDC15UL_MAXBITS)
188 	len_n = MODREDC15UL_MAXBITS;
189     else if (r <= MODREDC2UL2_MAXBITS)
190 	len_n = MODREDC2UL2_MAXBITS;
191     else
192 	len_n = MODREDC2UL2_MAXBITS +30;
193     int nb_test = 100000;
194     std::vector<cxx_mpz> N;
195     N.reserve(nb_test);
196     for (int i = 0; i < nb_test; i++) {
197 	N.push_back(generate_prime_factor(state, len_n));
198     }
199     //}}
200     int ind = get_nb_word(r);
201     for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
202 	elem = tabular_fm_get_fm(fm, i);
203 	param = fm_get_method(elem);
204 	unsigned long method = param[0];
205 	ec_parameterization_t curve = (ec_parameterization_t) param[1];
206 	unsigned long B1 = param[2];
207 	unsigned long B2 = param[3];
208 	if (B1 != 0 || B2 != 0) {
209 	    facul_strategy_t *st = generate_fm(method, curve, B1, B2);
211 	    double res[4];
212             ASSERT_ALWAYS(ind < 4);
213 	    res[ind] = bench_time_fm_onelength(st, N, nb_test);
214 	    fm_set_time(elem, res, 4);
215 	    facul_clear_strategy(st);
216 	} else {
217 	    double time[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
218 	    fm_set_time(elem, time, 4);
219 	}
221     }
222 }
223 /*
224   This function is like bench_proba() but only compute the necessary
225   probabilities. In fact, i remove the unnecessary computation to
226   reduce the cost of this binary.
227 */
bench_proba_mini(gmp_randstate_t state,tabular_fm_t * fm,int * val_p,int len_val_p,int len_p_min)229 void bench_proba_mini(gmp_randstate_t state, tabular_fm_t * fm, int* val_p,
230 		      int len_val_p, int len_p_min)
231 {
232     int len = fm->index;	//number of methods!
233     int p_max = 100;
234     double *proba = (double*) calloc(p_max, sizeof(double));
235     ASSERT(proba != NULL);
237     unsigned long *param;
238     fm_t *elem;
240     //{{Will contain the precomputes of composite integer!
241     std::vector<std::vector<cxx_mpz>> N(len_val_p);
242     int nb_test_max = 10000;
244     //}}
246     for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
247 	elem = tabular_fm_get_fm(fm, i);
248 	param = fm_get_method(elem);
249 	unsigned long method = param[0];
250 	ec_parameterization_t curve = (ec_parameterization_t) param[1];
251 	unsigned long B1 = param[2];
252 	unsigned long B2 = param[3];
254 	facul_strategy_t *st = generate_fm(method, curve, B1, B2);
256 	int max_index = 0;
257 	for (int j = 0; j < len_val_p; j++)
258 	    {
259 		int ind_proba = val_p[j] - len_p_min;
260 		if (B1 == 0 && B2 == 0)
261 		    proba[ind_proba] = 0;
262 		else {
263 		    int len_p = len_p_min + ind_proba;
264 		    int len_n = 60 + len_p;
265 		    proba[ind_proba] = bench_proba_fm(st, state, len_p,
266 						      len_n, N[j],
267 						      nb_test_max);
268 		}
269 		if (ind_proba > max_index)
270 		    max_index = ind_proba;
271 	    }
272 	fm_set_proba(elem, proba, max_index+1, len_p_min);
273 	//free
274 	facul_clear_strategy(st);
275     }
276     free(proba);
277 }
280 /************************************************************************/
281 /*     MAIN                                                             */
282 /************************************************************************/
285 // coverity[root_function]
main()286 int main()
287 {
288     gmp_randstate_t state;
289     gmp_randinit_default(state);
291     int fbb = 15;//25;
292     int lpb = 19;//29;
293     int r = 35;//55;
295     //input decomp!
296     tabular_decomp_t* init_tab = tabular_decomp_create ();
297     int tmp1[2] = {17,18};
298     decomp_t* el1 = decomp_create (2, tmp1, 100);
299     tabular_decomp_add_decomp (init_tab, el1);
300     decomp_free (el1);
301     int tmp2[2] = {15,20};
302     decomp_t* el2 = decomp_create (2, tmp2, 200);
303     tabular_decomp_add_decomp (init_tab, el2);
304     decomp_free (el2);
306     int len_val_factor = 4;
307     int val_factor[4] = {15, 17, 18, 20};
309     //fm
310     fm_t* pm1 = fm_create ();
311     unsigned long elem1[4] = {PM1_METHOD, 0, 50, 500};
312     fm_set_method (pm1, elem1, 4);
313     fm_t* pp1 = fm_create ();
314     unsigned long elem2[4] = {PP1_65_METHOD, 0, 70, 700};
315     fm_set_method (pp1, elem2, 4);
316     fm_t* ecm = fm_create ();
317     unsigned long elem3[4] = {EC_METHOD, BRENT12, 80, 1000};
318     fm_set_method (ecm, elem3, 4);
319     tabular_fm_t* tab = tabular_fm_create();
320     tabular_fm_add_fm (tab, pm1);
321     tabular_fm_add_fm (tab, pp1);
322     tabular_fm_add_fm (tab, ecm);
323     //bench our method
324     bench_proba_mini(state, tab, val_factor, len_val_factor, fbb);
325     //bench_time_mini (state, tab, r);
326     /* printf ("mini\n"); */
327     /* tabular_fm_print (tab); */
329     /* bench_proba (state, tab, fbb); */
330     /* bench_time(state, tab); */
331     /* printf ("\n all \n"); */
332     /* tabular_fm_print (tab); */
333     //generate some examples of strategies!
334     strategy_t* strat1 =strategy_create ();
335     strategy_add_fm (strat1, tab->tab[0]);//pm1
336     strategy_add_fm (strat1, tab->tab[1]);//pp1
337     strategy_add_fm (strat1, tab->tab[2]);//ecm
338     double prob1 = compute_proba_strategy(init_tab, strat1, fbb, lpb);
339     //double time1 = compute_time_strategy(init_tab, strat1, r);
341     //Create our strategy to use facul().
342     facul_strategy_t* st = convert_strategy_to_facul_strategy (strat1);
343     //bench our strategies!
344     weighted_success res = bench_proba_time_st(state, st, init_tab, r, lpb);
345     double prob2 = res.prob;
346     //double time2 = res[1];
348     printf ("prob1 = %lf, prob2 = %lf\n", prob1, prob2);
349     // printf ("time1 = %lf, time2 = %lf\n", time1, time2);
351     double precision_p = 0.05;
352     if ((prob1 - prob2) > precision_p || (prob2 - prob1) > precision_p)
353     	{
354     	    fprintf (stderr, "error with the test(1)\n");
355     	    return EXIT_FAILURE;
356     	}
358     //{{test the function: bench_proba_time_pset()
359     int c = tab->tab[0]->method[3]/tab->tab[0]->method[2];
360     int param[6] = {(int) tab->tab[0]->method[2], (int) tab->tab[0]->method[2], 1, c,c,1};
362     tabular_fm_t* tmp =
363     	bench_proba_time_pset (tab->tab[0]->method[0], (ec_parameterization_t) tab->tab[0]->method[1], state,
364     			       17, 20, 18*3, param);
366     /*check this probability: the probability to find a prime number
367     of length 17 or 18 bits must be more than this to find 18 bits and
368     less than this for 18 bits.*/
369     fm_t* pm1_bis = tmp->tab[1];
370     /* fm_print (tab->tab[0]); */
371     /* fm_print (tmp->tab[1]); */
372     if (pm1_bis->proba[0] < tab->tab[0]->proba[20-fbb] ||
373 	pm1_bis->proba[0] > tab->tab[0]->proba[17-fbb])
374 	{
375     	    fprintf (stderr, "error with the test(2)\n");
376     	    return EXIT_FAILURE;
377 	}
378     tabular_fm_free (tmp);
380     //}}
382     //test the generation of our strategy for one pair of cofactor!!!
383     //{{
384     strategy_set_proba(strat1, 0.4);
385     strategy_set_time(strat1, 40);
386     tabular_strategy_t * strat_r0 = tabular_strategy_create ();
387     tabular_strategy_t * strat_r1 = tabular_strategy_create ();
389     //firstly, create the zero strategy!
390     strategy_t* zero_st = strategy_create();
391     unsigned long tab0[4] = {PM1_METHOD, 0, 0, 0};
392     fm_t* zero_fm = fm_create();
393     fm_set_method (zero_fm, tab0, 4);
394     strategy_add_fm (zero_st, zero_fm);
395     strategy_set_proba(zero_st, 0.0);
397     tabular_strategy_add_strategy (strat_r0, zero_st);
398     tabular_strategy_add_strategy (strat_r0, strat1);
399     tabular_strategy_add_strategy (strat_r1, zero_st);
400     tabular_strategy_t * res2 = generate_strategy_r0_r1(strat_r0, strat_r1);
402     //check proba + time!
403     if (!(res2->index == 1 && res2->tab[0]->proba < EPSILON_DBL
404 	  && res2->tab[0]->time < EPSILON_DBL))
405 	{
406 	    fprintf (stderr, "error with the test(3)\n");
407 	    return EXIT_FAILURE;
408 	}
409     strategy_set_proba(strat_r1->tab[0], 1.0);
410     tabular_strategy_t * res3 = generate_strategy_r0_r1(strat_r0, strat_r1);
412     //check proba + time!
413     if (!(res3->index == 2 && res3->tab[0]->proba < EPSILON_DBL
414 	  && res3->tab[0]->time < EPSILON_DBL &&
415 	  (res3->tab[1]->proba - strat1->proba) < EPSILON_DBL &&
416 	  (res3->tab[1]->time - strat1->time) < EPSILON_DBL))
417 	{
418 	    fprintf (stderr, "error with the test(3)\n");
419 	    return EXIT_FAILURE;
420 	}
422     //}}
423     //free
424     facul_clear_strategy(st);
425     strategy_free (strat1);
426     tabular_fm_free (tab);
427     fm_free (pm1);
428     fm_free (pp1);
429     fm_free (ecm);
430     gmp_randclear (state);
431     tabular_decomp_free (init_tab);
433     fm_free (zero_fm);
434     strategy_free (zero_st);
435     tabular_strategy_free (res2);
436     tabular_strategy_free (res3);
437     tabular_strategy_free (strat_r0);
438     tabular_strategy_free (strat_r1);
441     return EXIT_SUCCESS;
442 }