1 #include "cado.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
2 /*
3  * Authors: Joshua Peignier and Emmanuel Thomé
4  */
5 #include "numbertheory.hpp"
6 #include <gmp.h>        // for mpz_t, mpz_mul, mpq_denref, mpq_numref, mpz_c...
7 #include <algorithm>    // for sort
8 #include <cstdio>       // for NULL, size_t
9 #include <sstream>      // std::ostringstream // IWYU pragma: keep
10 #include <memory>       // for allocator_traits<>::value_type
11 #include <string>       // for char_traits, operator<<, string
12 #include <type_traits>  // for __strip_reference_wrapper<>::__type
13 #include "cxx_mpz.hpp"  // for cxx_mpz, operator<<
14 #include "gmp_aux.h"    // for mpz_p_valuation
15 #include "macros.h"     // for ASSERT_ALWAYS
18 using namespace std;
20 /*{{{ conversion of rows and columns to polynomials*/
21 void mpz_mat_row_to_poly(mpz_poly_ptr f, mpz_mat_srcptr M, const unsigned int i);
22 void mpz_mat_row_to_poly_rev(mpz_poly_ptr f, mpz_mat_srcptr M, const unsigned int i);
23 void mpz_mat_column_to_poly(mpz_poly_ptr f, mpz_mat_srcptr M, const unsigned int j);
24 void mpq_mat_row_to_poly(mpz_poly_ptr f, mpz_ptr lcm, mpq_mat_srcptr M, const unsigned int i);
25 void mpq_poly_to_mat_row(mpq_mat_ptr M, const unsigned int i, mpz_poly_srcptr f, mpz_srcptr denom);
26 void mpq_mat_column_to_poly(mpz_poly_ptr f, mpz_ptr lcm, mpq_mat_srcptr M, const unsigned int j);
27 /* }}} */
29 /*{{{ conversion of rows and columns to polynomials*/
mpz_mat_row_to_poly(mpz_poly_ptr f,mpz_mat_srcptr M,const unsigned int i)30 void mpz_mat_row_to_poly(mpz_poly_ptr f, mpz_mat_srcptr M, const unsigned int i)
31 {
32     mpz_poly_realloc(f,M->n);
33     unsigned int j;
34     for (j = 0 ; j < M->n; j++){
35         mpz_poly_setcoeff(f,j,mpz_mat_entry_const(M,i,j));
36     }
37     mpz_poly_cleandeg(f, M->n - 1);
38 }
mpz_mat_row_to_poly_rev(mpz_poly_ptr f,mpz_mat_srcptr M,const unsigned int i)40 void mpz_mat_row_to_poly_rev(mpz_poly_ptr f, mpz_mat_srcptr M, const unsigned int i)
41 {
42     mpz_poly_realloc(f,M->n);
43     unsigned int j;
44     for (j = 0 ; j < M->n; j++){
45         mpz_poly_setcoeff(f,j,mpz_mat_entry_const(M,i,M->n-1-j));
46     }
47     mpz_poly_cleandeg(f, M->n - 1);
48 }
mpz_mat_column_to_poly(mpz_poly_ptr f,mpz_mat_srcptr M,const unsigned int j)50 void mpz_mat_column_to_poly(mpz_poly_ptr f, mpz_mat_srcptr M, const unsigned int j)
51 {
52     mpz_poly_realloc(f,M->m);
53     unsigned int i;
54     for (i = 0 ; i < M->m; i++){
55         mpz_poly_setcoeff(f,i,mpz_mat_entry_const(M,i,j));
56     }
57     mpz_poly_cleandeg(f, M->m - 1);
58 }
mpq_mat_row_to_poly(mpz_poly_ptr f,mpz_ptr lcm,mpq_mat_srcptr M,const unsigned int i)60 void mpq_mat_row_to_poly(mpz_poly_ptr f, mpz_ptr lcm, mpq_mat_srcptr M, const unsigned int i)
61 {
62     /* read element w[i] as a polynomial. beware, the element might
63      * have rational coordinates, that's life ! */
64     unsigned int n = M->n;
65     ASSERT_ALWAYS(i < M->m);
66     mpz_set_ui(lcm, 1);
67     for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
68         mpz_lcm(lcm, lcm, mpq_denref(mpq_mat_entry_const(M, i, j)));
69     }
70     mpz_poly_realloc(f, n);
71     for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
72         mpq_srcptr mij = mpq_mat_entry_const(M, i, j);
73         mpz_divexact(f->coeff[j], lcm, mpq_denref(mij));
74         mpz_mul(f->coeff[j], f->coeff[j], mpq_numref(mij));
75     }
76     mpz_poly_cleandeg(f, n-1);
77 }
mpq_poly_to_mat_row(mpq_mat_ptr M,const unsigned int i,mpz_poly_srcptr f,mpz_srcptr denom)79 void mpq_poly_to_mat_row(mpq_mat_ptr M, const unsigned int i, mpz_poly_srcptr f, mpz_srcptr denom)
80 {
81     ASSERT_ALWAYS(f->deg < (int) M->n);
82     for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < M->n; j++){
83         mpq_ptr mij = mpq_mat_entry(M,i,j);
84         mpz_poly_getcoeff(mpq_numref(mij), j, f);
85         mpz_set(mpq_denref(mij), denom);
86         mpq_canonicalize(mij);
87     }
88 }
mpq_mat_column_to_poly(mpz_poly_ptr f,mpz_ptr lcm,mpq_mat_srcptr M,const unsigned int j)90 void mpq_mat_column_to_poly(mpz_poly_ptr f, mpz_ptr lcm, mpq_mat_srcptr M, const unsigned int j)
91 {
92     mpz_poly_realloc(f,M->m);
93     mpz_set_si(lcm,1);
94     for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < M->m ; i++) {
95         mpz_lcm(lcm,lcm,mpq_denref(mpq_mat_entry_const(M,i,j)));
96     }
97     for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < M->m; i++){
98         mpq_srcptr mij = mpq_mat_entry_const(M, i, j);
99         mpz_divexact(f->coeff[i], lcm, mpq_denref(mij));
100         mpz_mul(f->coeff[i], f->coeff[i], mpq_numref(mij));
101     }
102     mpz_poly_cleandeg(f, M->m - 1);
103 }
104 /*}}}*/
106 /*{{{ commonly used wrappers around HNF functions */
mpz_mat_hnf_backend_rev(mpz_mat_ptr M,mpz_mat_ptr T)107 int mpz_mat_hnf_backend_rev(mpz_mat_ptr M, mpz_mat_ptr T) // {{{
108 {
109     /* This is almost like hnf_backend, except that we do it in a
110      * different order, which is more suitable for displaying number
111      * field elements in a way which ends up being similar to magma's
112      *
113      * T receives the transformation matrix.
114      * M is put into HNF form.
115      */
116     mpz_mat_reverse_rows(M, M);
117     mpz_mat_reverse_columns(M, M);
118     int s = mpz_mat_hnf_backend(M, T);
119     mpz_mat_reverse_rows(M, M);
120     mpz_mat_reverse_columns(M, M);
121     if (T) mpz_mat_reverse_rows(T, T);
122     if (T) mpz_mat_reverse_columns(T, T);
123     if (M->m > M->n) {
124         /* we need some swaps... */
125         mpz_mat sM;
126         mpz_mat_init(sM, M->m, M->n);
127         mpz_mat_submat_swap(sM, 0, 0,    M, M->m-M->n, 0, M->n, M->n);
128         mpz_mat_submat_swap(sM, M->n, 0, M, 0, 0,         M->m-M->n, M->n);
129         mpz_mat_swap(sM, M);
130         mpz_mat_clear(sM);
131         if (T) {
132             mpz_mat sT;
133             mpz_mat_init(sT, T->m, T->n);
134             mpz_mat_submat_swap(sT, 0, 0,    T, T->m-T->n, 0, T->n, T->n);
135             mpz_mat_submat_swap(sT, T->n, 0, T, 0, 0,         T->m-T->n, T->n);
136             mpz_mat_swap(sT, T);
137             mpz_mat_clear(sT);
138         }
139         /* While the transformations above had no effect on s (because
140          * they compensate), this one has.
141          * we have n circular shifts on length m, plus a reversal on m-n.
142          * a circular shift on length k is exactly k-1 inversions, so
143          * that sums up to n*(m-1) inversions. Then we add
144          * (m-n)*(m-n-1)/2 inversions. This is, in total,
145          * (m(m-1)+n(n-1))/2 inversions.
146          * m*(m-1) is congruent to 2 mod 4 when m is 2 or 3 mod 4
147          */
148         int ninvs = ((M->m&2)+(M->n&2))/2;
149         if (ninvs) s=-s;
150     }
151     return s;
152 }//}}}
join_HNF(cxx_mpz_mat const & K,cxx_mpz const & p)154 cxx_mpz_mat join_HNF(cxx_mpz_mat const& K, cxx_mpz const& p)//{{{
155 {
156     cxx_mpz_mat J(K->n, K->n, p);
157     cxx_mpz_mat T0;
158     cxx_mpz_mat I;
160     mpz_mat_vertical_join(I, J, K);
161     mpz_mat_hnf_backend(I, T0);
162     mpz_mat_submat_swap(I, 0, 0, J, 0, 0, K->n, K->n);
163     return J;
164 }
165 //}}}
join_HNF_rev(cxx_mpz_mat const & K,cxx_mpz const & p)167 cxx_mpz_mat join_HNF_rev(cxx_mpz_mat const& K, cxx_mpz const& p)//{{{
168 {
169     // Builds the block matrix containing p*identity in the top, and K in
170     // the bottom Then computes its HNF and stores it in I
171     cxx_mpz_mat J(K->n, K->n, p);
172     cxx_mpz_mat T0;
173     cxx_mpz_mat I;
175     mpz_mat_vertical_join(I, J, K);
176     mpz_mat_hnf_backend_rev(I, T0);
177     mpz_mat_submat_swap(I, 0, 0, J, 0, 0, K->n, K->n);
178     return J;
179 }//}}}
180 /*}}}*/
182 /* {{{ multiplication_table_of_order */
multiplication_table_of_order(cxx_mpq_mat const & O,cxx_mpz_poly const & g)183 cxx_mpz_mat multiplication_table_of_order(cxx_mpq_mat const& O,
184                                   cxx_mpz_poly const& g)
185 {
186     /* Let O be an order, with basis written with respect to the
187      * polynomial basis defined by g (of degree denoted below by n). O is
188      * thus an n*n matrix.
189      *
190      * This function computes the integer matrix of size n*n^2 such that
191      * the n coordinates at position (i,j*n) to (i,j*n+n-1) are the
192      * coordinates of the i-th times the j-th generator of O, expressed
193      * as combinations of the generators of O.
194      */
195     unsigned int n = g->deg;
196     ASSERT_ALWAYS(O->m == n);
197     ASSERT_ALWAYS(O->n == n);
198     cxx_mpq_mat R;
199     mpq_mat_inv(R, O);
200     cxx_mpz_mat M(n, n * n);
202     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
203         cxx_mpz_poly w;
204         cxx_mpz dw;
205         mpq_mat_row_to_poly(w, dw, O, i);
206         cxx_mpq_mat T(n, n);
207         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
208             cxx_mpz_poly c;
209             cxx_mpz dc;
210             mpq_mat_row_to_poly(c, dc, O, j);
211             mpz_poly_mul_mpz(c, c, mpz_poly_lc(g));
212             mpz_poly_mul_mod_f(c, c, w, g);
213             mpz_mul(dc, dc, dw);
214             mpz_mul(dc, dc, mpz_poly_lc(g));
215             mpq_poly_to_mat_row(T, j, c, dc);
216         }
217         mpq_mat_mul(T, T, R);
218         cxx_mpz_mat Tz;
219         int rc = mpq_mat_numden(Tz, NULL, T);
220         ASSERT_ALWAYS(rc);
221         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
222             mpz_mat_submat_swap(M, i, j*n, Tz, j, 0, 1, n);
223         }
224     }
225     return M;
226 }/*}}}*/
228 /* {{{ multiplication_table_of_ideal*/
multiplication_table_of_ideal(cxx_mpz_mat const & M,cxx_mpz_mat const & I)229 cxx_mpz_mat multiplication_table_of_ideal(cxx_mpz_mat const& M,
230 				  cxx_mpz_mat const& I)
231 {
232     /* Let O be an order of a degree n number field. Let M be the n*n^2
233      * multiplication matrix of O.
234      *
235      * Let I be an ideal of O, given as an n*n matrix with entries
236      * expressed as coordinate vectors with respect to the basis O.
237      *
238      * This function computes the integer matrix of size n*n^2 such that
239      * the n coordinates at position (i,j*n) to (i,j*n+n-1) are the
240      * coordinates of the i-th generator of O times the j-th generator of
241      * I, expressed as combinations of the generators of I.
242      */
243     unsigned int n = M->m;
244     ASSERT_ALWAYS(M->n == n * n);
245     ASSERT_ALWAYS(I->m == n);
246     ASSERT_ALWAYS(I->n == n);
248     cxx_mpq_mat R;
249     mpq_mat_inv(R, cxx_mpq_mat(I));
250     cxx_mpz_mat MI(n, n * n);
251     for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
252         cxx_mpz_mat Tz(n, n);
253         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
254             mpz_mat_submat_set(Tz, j, 0, M, i, j*n, 1, n);
255         }
256         /* We have the matrix of multiplication by w (some generator of
257          * O). Row i is w*wi.
258          *
259          * We need to compute I*T*I^-1 in order to have that represent
260          * how multiplication by w affects the generators of I.
261          */
262         mpz_mat_mul(Tz, I, Tz);
263         cxx_mpq_mat T(Tz);
264         mpq_mat_mul(T, T, R);
265         int rc = mpq_mat_numden(Tz, NULL, T);
266         ASSERT_ALWAYS(rc);
267         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
268             mpz_mat_submat_swap(MI, i, j*n, Tz, j, 0, 1, n);
269         }
270     }
271     return MI;
272 }/*}}}*/
274 /*{{{ multiply_elements_in_order */
multiply_elements_in_order(cxx_mpz_mat const & M,cxx_mpz_mat const & E,cxx_mpz_mat const & F)275 cxx_mpz_mat multiply_elements_in_order(cxx_mpz_mat const& M, cxx_mpz_mat const& E, cxx_mpz_mat const& F)
276 {
277     /* Let O be an order in a degree n number field.
278      *
279      * Given the n*n^2 matrix M of the multiplication within that order,
280      * given matrices E and F of size k*n with coordinates of k elements
281      * of O, return the matrix of size k*n with i-th row giving
282      * coordinates of e_i times f_i in O.
283      */
284     unsigned int n = M->m;
285     unsigned int k = E->m;
286     ASSERT_ALWAYS(M->n == n * n);
287     ASSERT_ALWAYS(E->n == n);
288     ASSERT_ALWAYS(F->n == n);
289     ASSERT_ALWAYS(F->m == k);
291     cxx_mpz_mat EM;
292     mpz_mat_mul(EM, E, M);
293     cxx_mpz_mat R(k, n);
294     for(unsigned int ell = 0 ; ell < k ; ell++) {
295         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
296             mpz_ptr Rlj = mpz_mat_entry(R, ell, j);
297             for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
298                 mpz_addmul(Rlj,
299                         mpz_mat_entry_const(F, ell, i),
300                         mpz_mat_entry_const(EM, ell, i*n+j));
301             }
302         }
303     }
304     return R;
305 }/*}}}*/
307 //{{{ frobenius_matrix
frobenius_matrix(cxx_mpz_mat const & M,cxx_mpz const & p)308 cxx_mpz_mat frobenius_matrix(cxx_mpz_mat const& M, cxx_mpz const& p)
309 {
310     // frobenius_matrix ; utility function for computing the p-radical
311     // Takes a matrix B containing the generators (w_0, ... w_{n-1}) of an
312     // order, expressed as polynomials in the root of the polynomial g,
313     // return the matrix U containing ((w_0)^p, ..., (w_{n-1})^p), and
314     // expressed as a linear transformation within the order B.
316     /* This version uses the multiplication table of the order (and does all
317      * arithmetic mod p), and binary powering. */
318     unsigned int n = M->m;
319     ASSERT_ALWAYS(M->n == n * n);
320     cxx_mpz_mat Mp = M;
321     mpz_mat_mod_mpz(Mp, Mp, p);
323     cxx_mpz_mat E(n, n, 1), F(E);
325     int k = mpz_sizeinbase(p, 2) - 1;
326     for( ; k-- ; ) {
327         F = multiply_elements_in_order(M, F, F);
328         if (mpz_tstbit(p, k))
329             F = multiply_elements_in_order(M, E, F);
330         mpz_mat_mod_mpz(F, F, p);
331     }
332     return F;
333 }//}}}
335 // {{{ cxx_mpz_mat p_radical_of_order
336 // Stores in I the p-radical of the order whose multiplication matrix is
337 // given by M. I is expressed with respect to the basis of the order.
p_radical_of_order(cxx_mpz_mat const & M,cxx_mpz const & p)338 cxx_mpz_mat p_radical_of_order(cxx_mpz_mat const& M, cxx_mpz const& p)
339 {
340     unsigned int n = M->m;
341     ASSERT_ALWAYS(M->n == n * n);
343     cxx_mpz_mat K;
345     // Now building the matrix U, containing all generators to the power
346     // of p Generators are polynomials, stored in the matrix B
347     cxx_mpz_mat T = frobenius_matrix(M, p);
349     /* Which power of p ? */
350     int k = 1;
351     for (cxx_mpz pk = p; mpz_cmp_ui(pk, n) < 0; k++)
352         mpz_mul(pk, pk, p);
353     mpz_mat_pow_ui_mod_mpz(T, T, k, p);
355     // Storing in K a basis of Ker((z -> (z^%p mod g mod p))^k)
356     mpz_mat_kernel_mod_mpz(K, T, p);
358     // Getting generators of the p radical from Ker(X) by computing HNF
359     // of the vertical block matrix (p*Id, K);
360     return join_HNF(K, p);
361 }// }}}
363 // {{{ cxx_mpq_mat p_maximal_order(cxx_mpz_poly const& f, cxx_mpz const& p)
364 //
365 // This functions runs the round-2 algorithm, starting from the trivial
366 // order defined by f (polynomial order generated by alpha_hat, which is
367 // leadingcoefficient(f)*alpha, where alpha is a root of f).
368 //
369 // The returned order is expressed with respect to the polynomial basis
370 // defined by f.
p_maximal_order(cxx_mpz_poly const & f,cxx_mpz const & p)371 cxx_mpq_mat p_maximal_order(cxx_mpz_poly const& f, cxx_mpz const& p)
372 {
373     unsigned int n = f->deg;
375     cxx_mpz_poly g;
376     mpz_poly_to_monic(g, f);
377     cxx_mpq_mat B(n, n, 1);
379     cxx_mpq_mat new_D = B;
380     cxx_mpq_mat D = B;
382     do {
383         D = new_D;
385         cxx_mpz_mat M = multiplication_table_of_order(D, g);
387         // Getting the p-radical of the order generated by D in I.
388         cxx_mpz_mat I = p_radical_of_order(M, p);
390         // Building the (n,n^2) matrix containing the integers mod p
391         // associated to all generators of O
392         cxx_mpz_mat M2 = multiplication_table_of_ideal(M, I);
393         mpz_mat_mod_mpz(M2, M2, p);
394         //printf("M is :\n"); mpz_mat_fprint(stdout, M); printf("\n");
396         // Computing Ker(M)
397         cxx_mpz_mat K;	        // Ker(M)
398         mpz_mat_kernel_mod_mpz(K, M2, p);
399         // printf("Ker(M) is :\n"); mpz_mat_fprint(stdout, K_M); printf("\n");
401         // Getting generators of p*O' by computing HNF of the vertical block matrix (p*Id, K_M);
402         cxx_mpz_mat J = join_HNF(K, p);
404         // Converting in the basis which is used to express elements of D
405         mpq_mat_mul(new_D, cxx_mpq_mat(J), D);
407         // Dividing by p
408         mpq_mat_div_mpz(new_D, new_D, p);
410     } while (D != new_D);
412     /* express D back in the basis of f */
413     cxx_mpz x;
414     mpz_set_ui(x, 1);
415     for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) {
416         for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
417             mpq_ptr dij = mpq_mat_entry(D, i, j);
418             mpz_mul(mpq_numref(dij), mpq_numref(dij), x);
419             mpq_canonicalize(dij);
420         }
421         mpz_mul(x, x, f->coeff[f->deg]);
422     }
423     // Put D into HNF.
424     cxx_mpz_mat Dz;
425     cxx_mpz den;
426     mpq_mat_numden(Dz, den, D);
427     mpz_mat_hnf_backend_rev(Dz, NULL);
428     mpq_mat_set_mpz_mat_denom(D, Dz, den);
429     return D;
430 }
431 //}}}
433 //{{{ mpz_mat_minpoly_mod_ui
mpz_mat_minpoly_mod_mpz(cxx_mpz_mat M,cxx_mpz const & p)434 cxx_mpz_poly mpz_mat_minpoly_mod_mpz(cxx_mpz_mat M, cxx_mpz const& p)
435 {
436     ASSERT_ALWAYS(M->m == M->n);
437     unsigned long n = M->n;
438     cxx_mpz_mat B(n+1, n*n);
439     cxx_mpz_mat T(n,n,1);
440     for(unsigned int k = 0 ; k < n + 1 ; k++) {
441         for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
442             mpz_mat_submat_set(B, n - k, i * n, T, i, 0, 1, n);
443         }
444         mpz_mat_mul_mod_mpz(T, T, M, p);
445     }
446     cxx_mpz_mat K;
447     mpz_mat_kernel_mod_mpz(K, B, p);
448     mpz_mat_gauss_backend_mod_mpz(K, NULL, p);
450     /* TODO: write down exactly what we need in terms of ordering from
451      * mpz_mat_gauss_backend_mod_ui. I take it that we're happy if it
452      * computes a RREF, so that the last row is the one with the largest
453      * number of column coordinates killed, corresponding to highest
454      * degree coefficients absent ?
455      */
456     cxx_mpz_poly f;
457     mpz_mat_row_to_poly_rev(f,K,K->m-1);
459     return f;
460 }
461 /*}}}*/
463 /*{{{ matrix_of_multmap */
matrix_of_multmap(cxx_mpz_mat const & M,cxx_mpz_mat const & J,cxx_mpz_mat const & c,cxx_mpz const & p)464 cxx_mpz_mat matrix_of_multmap(
465         cxx_mpz_mat const& M,
466         cxx_mpz_mat const& J,
467         cxx_mpz_mat const& c,
468         cxx_mpz const& p)
469 {
470     /* Let O be an order, represented here simply by its multiplication
471      * matrix. Let J be an m-dimensional subalgebra of O/pO. Let c be an
472      * element of J (a linear combination of the rows of J).
473      * This returns the m times m matrix which expresses multiplication by c
474      * within J.
475      */
476     /* We write the coordinates in O/pO of all products of the for c*j_k,
477      * j_k being one of the generators of J, and denote this matrix by
478      * CJ.  Now we look for a matrix M such that M*J = CJ. To do this, we
479      * need to do gaussian reduction on transpose(J): Find a matrix K
480      * such that K*transpose(J) is verticaljoin(identity_matrix(m),
481      * zero_matrix(n-m,m)). Then, taking K' as the first m rows of K, we
482      * will have M = CJ * transpose(K').
483      */
484     unsigned int m = J->m;
485     unsigned int n = M->m;
486     ASSERT_ALWAYS(M->n == n*n);
487     ASSERT_ALWAYS(J->n == n);
488     ASSERT_ALWAYS(c->n == n);
489     ASSERT_ALWAYS(c->m == 1);
490     cxx_mpz_mat Mc;
491     cxx_mpz_mat Jt;
492     cxx_mpz_mat K;
493     mpz_mat_transpose(Jt, J);
494     cxx_mpz_mat T;
495     mpz_mat_gauss_backend_mod_mpz(Jt, T, p);
496     cxx_mpz_mat Kt(m, n);
497     mpz_mat_submat_swap(Kt, 0, 0, T, 0, 0, m, n);
498     mpz_mat_transpose(Kt, Kt);  /* Kt is now n times m */
499     cxx_mpz_mat CJ(m, n);
500     for(unsigned int k = 0 ; k < m ; k++) {
501         cxx_mpz_mat jk(1,n);
502         mpz_mat_submat_set(jk,0,0,J,k,0,1,n);
503         cxx_mpz_mat w = multiply_elements_in_order(M, c, jk);
504         mpz_mat_submat_swap(CJ,k,0,w,0,0,1,n);
505     }
506     mpz_mat_mul_mod_mpz(Mc, CJ, Kt, p);
507     return Mc;
508 }
509 /*}}}*/
511 /*{{{ factorization_of_polynomial_mod_mpz */
factorization_of_polynomial_mod_mpz(cxx_mpz_poly const & f,cxx_mpz const & p,gmp_randstate_t state)512 vector<pair<cxx_mpz_poly, int> > factorization_of_polynomial_mod_mpz(cxx_mpz_poly const& f, cxx_mpz const& p, gmp_randstate_t state)
513 {
514     mpz_poly_factor_list lf;
515     mpz_poly_factor_list_init(lf);
516     mpz_poly_factor(lf,f,p,state);
517     vector<pair<cxx_mpz_poly, int> > res(lf->size);
518     for(int i = 0 ; i < lf->size ; i++) {
519         mpz_poly_swap(res[i].first, lf->factors[i]->f);
520         res[i].second = lf->factors[i]->m;
521     }
522     mpz_poly_factor_list_clear(lf);
523     return res;
524 }
525 /*}}}*/
527 /*{{{ template <typename T> void append_move(vector<T> &a, vector<T> &b) */
append_move(vector<T> & a,vector<T> & b)528 template <typename T> void append_move(vector<T> &a, vector<T> &b)
529 {
530     a.reserve(a.size() + b.size());
531     size_t na = a.size();
532     size_t nb = b.size();
533     if (&a == &b) {
534         for(size_t i = 0 ; i < nb ; i++) {
535             a.push_back(b[i]);
536         }
537     } else {
538         a.insert(a.end(), nb, T());
539         for(size_t i = 0 ; i < nb ; i++) {
540             std::swap(a[na + i], b[i]);
541         }
542     }
543 }
544 /*}}}*/
546 // {{{ factorization_of_prime
factorization_of_prime_inner(cxx_mpq_mat const & B,cxx_mpz_mat const & M,cxx_mpz const & p,cxx_mpz_mat const & Ip,cxx_mpz_mat const & I,cxx_mpz_mat const & J,gmp_randstate_t state)547 vector<pair<cxx_mpz_mat, int> > factorization_of_prime_inner(
548         cxx_mpq_mat const & B,
549         cxx_mpz_mat const & M,
550         cxx_mpz const& p,
551         cxx_mpz_mat const& Ip,
552         cxx_mpz_mat const& I,
553         cxx_mpz_mat const& J,
554         gmp_randstate_t state)
555 {
556     unsigned int m = J->m;
557     unsigned int n = J->n;
558     ASSERT_ALWAYS(I->m == n);
559     ASSERT_ALWAYS(I->n == n);
560     /* J represents an m-dimensional subalgebra of O/pO */
562     /* Pick a random element of J */
563     cxx_mpz_mat c(1, m);
564     for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < m ; i++) {
565         mpz_urandomm(mpz_mat_entry(c,0,i), state, p);
566     }
567     mpz_mat_mul_mod_mpz(c, c, J, p);
569     cxx_mpz_mat Mc = matrix_of_multmap(M, J, c, p);
571     /* Now we would like to find the minimal polynomial of Mc, which is
572      * simply the matrix of multiplication by c. For this, we write an
573      * (m+1) times m^2 matrix, and compute a left kernel.
574      */
575     cxx_mpz_poly Pc = mpz_mat_minpoly_mod_mpz(Mc, p);
577     vector<pair<cxx_mpz_poly, int> > facP = factorization_of_polynomial_mod_mpz(Pc, p, state);
579     vector<pair<cxx_mpz_mat, int> > ideals;
581     vector<cxx_mpz_mat> characteristic_subspaces;
583     for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < facP.size() ; i++) {
584         cxx_mpz_poly const& f(facP[i].first);
585         /* We need the basis of the kernel of f(Mc) */
586         cxx_mpz_mat E;
587         mpz_poly_eval_mpz_mat_mod_mpz(E, Mc, f, p);
588         mpz_mat_pow_ui_mod_mpz(E, E, facP[i].second, p);
589         mpz_mat_kernel_mod_mpz(E, E, p);
590         /* This line is just to be exactly in line with what magma says
591          */
592         mpz_mat_gauss_backend_mod_mpz(E, NULL, p);
593         mpz_mat_mul_mod_mpz(E, E, J, p);
594         characteristic_subspaces.push_back(E);
595     }
597     for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < facP.size() ; i++) {
598         unsigned int e = facP[i].second;
599         cxx_mpz_poly const& f(facP[i].first);
600         cxx_mpz_mat const& Ci(characteristic_subspaces[i]);
601         /* We need to find an ideal which is smaller than Ip, and whose
602          * generators are p*the generators of Ci, as well as the
603          * unmodified generators of I and of the other characteristic
604          * subspaces.
605          */
606         cxx_mpz_mat Ix(n + J->m - Ci->m, n);
607         mpz_mat_submat_set(Ix,0,0,I,0,0,n,n);
608         for(unsigned int r = n, k = 0; k < facP.size() ; k++) {
609             if (k == i) continue;
610             cxx_mpz_mat const& Ck(characteristic_subspaces[k]);
611             unsigned int mk = Ck->m;
612             mpz_mat_submat_set(Ix, r, 0, Ck, 0, 0, mk, n);
613             r += mk;
614         }
615         cxx_mpz_mat Ihead(n, n);
616         if (Ci->m == e * f->deg) {
617             mpz_mat_vertical_join(Ix, Ix, Ip);
618             mpz_mat_hnf_backend_rev(Ix, NULL);
619             mpz_mat_submat_swap(Ihead,0,0,Ix,0,0,n,n);
620             ideals.push_back(make_pair(Ihead, e));
621         } else {
622             mpz_mat_hnf_backend_rev(Ix, NULL);
623             mpz_mat_submat_swap(Ihead,0,0,Ix,0,0,n,n);
624             vector<pair<cxx_mpz_mat, int> > more_ideals;
625             more_ideals = factorization_of_prime_inner(B,M,p,Ip,Ihead,Ci,state);
626             append_move(ideals, more_ideals);
627         }
628     }
629     sort(ideals.begin(), ideals.end(), ideal_comparator());
630     return ideals;
631 }
factorization_of_prime(cxx_mpq_mat & B,cxx_mpz_poly const & g,cxx_mpz const & p,gmp_randstate_t state)633 vector<pair<cxx_mpz_mat, int> > factorization_of_prime(
634         cxx_mpq_mat & B, cxx_mpz_poly const& g,
635         cxx_mpz const& p,
636         gmp_randstate_t state)
637 {
638     int n = g->deg;
639     cxx_mpz_mat M = multiplication_table_of_order(B, g);
640     cxx_mpz_mat Ip = p_radical_of_order(M, p);
641     return factorization_of_prime_inner(B, M, p, Ip,
642             cxx_mpz_mat(n, n, p),
643             cxx_mpz_mat(n, n, 1), state);
644 }
645 //}}}
647 // {{{ valuation_helper_for_ideal
648 //
649 // compute an uniformizing element for the prime ideal I of the order O,
650 // where I is above the rational prime p, and O is p-maximal and given by
651 // means of its multiplication matrix M.
652 //
653 // The uniformizing element is such that (a/p)*I is in O, yet a is not in
654 // p*O.
valuation_helper_for_ideal(cxx_mpz_mat const & M,cxx_mpz_mat const & I,cxx_mpz const & p)655 cxx_mpz_mat valuation_helper_for_ideal(cxx_mpz_mat const& M, cxx_mpz_mat const& I, cxx_mpz const& p)
656 {
657     unsigned int n = M->m;
658     ASSERT_ALWAYS(M->n == n * n);
659     ASSERT_ALWAYS(I->m == n);
660     ASSERT_ALWAYS(I->n == n);
662     /* We begin by something which is very similar to
663      * multiplication_table_of_ideal. It's a bit like computing I*M,
664      * except that we want it in a different order.
665      */
666     cxx_mpz_mat MI(n, n * n);
667     for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
668         cxx_mpz_mat Tz(n, n);
669         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
670             mpz_mat_submat_set(Tz, j, 0, M, i, j*n, 1, n);
671         }
672         mpz_mat_mul_mod_mpz(Tz, I, Tz, p);
673         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
674             mpz_mat_submat_swap(MI, i, j*n, Tz, j, 0, 1, n);
675         }
676     }
678     cxx_mpz_mat ker;
679     mpz_mat_kernel_mod_mpz(ker, MI, p);
680     mpz_mat_hnf_backend(ker, NULL);
682     cxx_mpz_mat res(1, n);
683     mpz_mat_submat_swap(res, 0, 0, ker, 0, 0, 1, n);
684     return res;
685 }// }}}
687 // {{{ generate_ideal -- create an ideal from a set of generators
688 // generators (gens) are here given as elements of the field, not
689 // elements of the order. In case the ideal is fractional, its
690 // denominator is also returned. For an integral ideal, the denominator
691 // is always 1.
generate_ideal(cxx_mpq_mat const & O,cxx_mpz_mat const & M,cxx_mpq_mat const & gens)692 pair<cxx_mpz_mat, cxx_mpz> generate_ideal(cxx_mpq_mat const& O, cxx_mpz_mat const& M, cxx_mpq_mat const& gens)
693 {
694     unsigned int n = M->m;
695     ASSERT_ALWAYS(M->n == n * n);
696     ASSERT_ALWAYS(O->m == n);
697     ASSERT_ALWAYS(O->n == n);
698     ASSERT_ALWAYS(gens->n == n);
699     cxx_mpq_mat R;
700     mpq_mat_inv(R, O);
701     cxx_mpq_mat I0q;
702     mpq_mat_mul(I0q, gens, R);
703     cxx_mpz_mat I0;
704     cxx_mpz denom;
705     mpq_mat_numden(I0, denom, I0q);
706     /* Now create the full list of elements of O which are generated by
707      * the products I_i * O_j */
708     cxx_mpz_mat products(gens->m * O->m, n);
709     for(unsigned int i = 0 ;  i < I0->m ; i++) {
710         cxx_mpz_mat a(1,n);
711         mpz_mat_submat_set(a,0,0,I0,i,0,1,n);
712         mpz_mat_mul(a,a,M);
713         for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < n ; j++){
714             mpz_mat_submat_swap(a,0,j*n,products,i*n+j,0,1,n);
715         }
716     }
717     /* And put this in HNF */
718     mpz_mat_hnf_backend_rev(products, NULL);
719     cxx_mpz_mat I(n,n);
720     mpz_mat_submat_swap(I,0,0,products,0,0,n,n);
721     return make_pair(I, denom);
722 }//}}}
prime_ideal_inertia_degree(cxx_mpz_mat const & I)724 int prime_ideal_inertia_degree(cxx_mpz_mat const& I)/*{{{*/
725 {
726     unsigned int n = I->m;
727     ASSERT_ALWAYS(I->n == n);
728     int f = 0;
729     for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
730         f += mpz_cmp_ui(mpz_mat_entry_const(I, i, i), 1) != 0;
731     }
732     return f;
733 }
734 /*}}}*/
valuation_of_ideal_at_prime_ideal(cxx_mpz_mat const & M,cxx_mpz_mat const & I,cxx_mpz_mat const & a,cxx_mpz const & p)735 int valuation_of_ideal_at_prime_ideal(cxx_mpz_mat const& M, cxx_mpz_mat const& I, cxx_mpz_mat const& a, cxx_mpz const& p)/*{{{*/
736 {
737     unsigned int n = M->m;
738     ASSERT_ALWAYS(M->n == n * n);
739     ASSERT_ALWAYS(I->m == n);
740     ASSERT_ALWAYS(I->n == n);
741     ASSERT_ALWAYS(a->m == 1);
742     ASSERT_ALWAYS(a->n == n);
744     cxx_mpz_mat Ia(I);
745     int val = 0;
746     for(;;val++) {
747         for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
748             cxx_mpz_mat b(1,n);
749             mpz_mat_submat_set(b,0,0,Ia,i,0,1,n);
750             b = multiply_elements_in_order(M, a, b);
751             mpz_mat_submat_swap(b,0,0,Ia,i,0,1,n);
752         }
753         if (mpz_mat_p_valuation(Ia, p) < 1)
754             return val;
755         mpz_mat_divexact_mpz(Ia, Ia, p);
756     }
757 }
758 /*}}}*/
valuation_of_ideal_at_prime_ideal(cxx_mpz_mat const & M,pair<cxx_mpz_mat,cxx_mpz> const & Id,cxx_mpz_mat const & a,int e,cxx_mpz const & p)759 int valuation_of_ideal_at_prime_ideal(cxx_mpz_mat const& M, pair<cxx_mpz_mat,cxx_mpz> const& Id, cxx_mpz_mat const& a, int e, cxx_mpz const& p)/*{{{*/
760 {
761     int w = mpz_p_valuation(Id.second, p);
762     int v = valuation_of_ideal_at_prime_ideal(M, Id.first, a, p);
763     return v-w*e;
764 }
765 /*}}}*/
767 struct hypercube_walk {/*{{{*/
768     struct iterator {
769         int B;
770         vector<int> v;
771         vector<int> speed;
772         pair<int, int> last;
operator ++hypercube_walk::iterator773         iterator& operator++() {
774             for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < v.size() ; j++) {
775                 int s = v[j] + speed[j];
776                 if (s >= 0 && s <= B) {
777                     v[j] = s;
778                     last = make_pair(j, speed[j]);
779                     return *this;
780                 }
781                 speed[j]=-speed[j];
782             }
783             last = make_pair(-1, -1);
784             return *this;
785         }
operator !=hypercube_walk::iterator786         inline bool operator!=(iterator const& x) const { return last != x.last; }
operator *hypercube_walk::iterator787         vector<int> & operator*() { return v; }
788     };
789     int n,B;
hypercube_walkhypercube_walk790     hypercube_walk(int n, int B) : n(n), B(B) {}
beginhypercube_walk791     iterator begin() const {
792         iterator z;
793         z.B = B;
794         z.v.assign(n, 0);
795         z.speed.assign(n, 1);
796         return z;
797     }
middlehypercube_walk798     iterator middle(vector<int> const& x) const {
799         ASSERT_ALWAYS(x.size() == (unsigned int) n);
800         iterator z;
801         z.B = B;
802         z.v = x;
803         z.speed.assign(n, 1);
804         return z;
805     }
endhypercube_walk806     iterator end() const {
807         iterator z;
808         z.B = B;
809         z.v.assign(n,0);
810         z.speed.assign(n, 1);
811         z.last = make_pair(-1,-1);
812         return z;
813     }
814 };/*}}}*/
816 /* {{{ prime_ideal_two_element */
817 /* I must be in HNF */
prime_ideal_two_element(cxx_mpq_mat const & O,cxx_mpz_poly const & f,cxx_mpz_mat const & M,cxx_mpz_mat const & I)818 pair<cxx_mpz, cxx_mpz_mat> prime_ideal_two_element(cxx_mpq_mat const& O, cxx_mpz_poly const& f, cxx_mpz_mat const& M, cxx_mpz_mat const& I)
819 {
820     cxx_mpz p;
821     unsigned int n = M->m;
822     ASSERT_ALWAYS(M->n == n * n);
823     ASSERT_ALWAYS(I->m == n);
824     ASSERT_ALWAYS(I->n == n);
825     int inertia = 0;
826     for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
827         mpz_srcptr di = mpz_mat_entry_const(I, i, i);
828         if (mpz_cmp_ui(di, 1) != 0) {
829             mpz_set(p, di);
830             inertia++;
831         }
832     }
833     ASSERT_ALWAYS(mpz_size(p) != 0);
835     /* We use a homebrew algorithm, loosely inspired on Cohen's. We
836      * prefer an enumeration which favors small generators. Based on
837      * [Cohen93, lemma 4.7.9], we're simply going to search for an
838      * element whose norm has p-valuation exactly f.
839      *
840      * Note though that we're only achieving small element size in terms
841      * of coordinates on the order.
842      */
843     /* There's a question about which generators we should combine in
844      * order to find our winning generator. Cohen takes "the generators
845      * of p*O, and the generators of I". In fact, we can simply take the
846      * generators of I as a Z-basis: that generates the right set. Then,
847      * we'd better work on some ordering for these. Elements in the HNF
848      * form of I with a p on the diagonal have in fact all other elements
849      * on that row equal to zero. That is because since I contains p*O,
850      * the subtraction of this generating row and the p-th multiple of
851      * the corresponding generator has to be zero, or I would not be in
852      * HNF. Therefore, these elements are of secondary importance in
853      * generating I (e.g.: alone, they can't).
854      */
855     unsigned int m = n; /* number of generators we take */
856     cxx_mpz_mat OI(m,n);
857     for(unsigned int i = 0, r = 0, s = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
858         mpz_srcptr di = mpz_mat_entry_const(I, i, i);
859         if (mpz_cmp_ui(di, 1) != 0) {
860             mpz_mat_submat_set(OI,n - inertia + s++,0,I,i,0,1,n);
861         } else {
862             mpz_mat_submat_set(OI,r++,0,I,i,0,1,n);
863         }
864     }
866     cxx_mpq_mat OIOq;
867     mpq_mat_mul(OIOq, cxx_mpq_mat(OI), O);
868     for(int B = 1 ; ; B++) {
869         hypercube_walk H(m, B);
870         vector<int> H0(m,0);
871         cxx_mpq_mat gen(1, n);
872         // H0[n]=1;
873         // mpq_mat_submat_set(gen, 0, 0, OIOq, n, 0, 1, n);
874         cxx_mpq_mat temp(1, n);
875         for(hypercube_walk::iterator it = H.middle(H0) ; it != H.end() ; ++it) {
876             int j = it.last.first;
877             int s = it.last.second;
878             /* add (s=1) or subtract (s=-1) the j-th generator to gen */
879             mpq_mat_submat_swap(temp,0,0,OIOq,j,0,1,n);
880             if (s==1)
881                 mpq_mat_add(gen, gen, temp);
882             else if (s==-1)
883                 mpq_mat_sub(gen, gen, temp);
884             mpq_mat_submat_swap(temp,0,0,OIOq,j,0,1,n);
886             cxx_mpz_poly pgen;
887             cxx_mpz dgen;
888             cxx_mpz res;
889             mpq_mat_row_to_poly(pgen, dgen, gen, 0);
890             if (pgen->deg < 0) continue;
891             mpz_poly_resultant(res, pgen, f);
892             /* We want the absolute norm to have p-valuation equal to the
893              * inertia degree.
894              * absolute norm is galois norm. galois norm is product of
895              * all conjugate of pgen(alpha). Resultant(f,pgen) is
896              * lc(f)^deg(pgen) times the galois norm.
897              */
898             int v = mpz_p_valuation(res, p) - pgen->deg * mpz_p_valuation(f->coeff[f->deg], p) - f->deg * mpz_p_valuation(dgen, p);
899             ASSERT_ALWAYS(v >= inertia);
900             if (v == inertia) {
901                 cxx_mpz_mat lambda(1, m);
902                 vector<int> & v(*it);
903                 for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < m ; i++) {
904                     mpz_set_si(mpz_mat_entry(lambda,0,i),v[i]);
905                 }
906                 mpz_mat_mul(lambda, lambda, OI);
907                 return make_pair(p, lambda);
908             }
909         }
910     }
911 }
912 // }}}
write_element_as_polynomial(cxx_mpq_mat const & theta_q,string const & var)914 string write_element_as_polynomial(cxx_mpq_mat const& theta_q, string const& var)
915 {
916     ASSERT_ALWAYS(theta_q->m == 1);
917     cxx_mpz theta_denom;
918     cxx_mpz_poly theta;
919     mpq_mat_row_to_poly(theta, theta_denom, theta_q, 0);
921     string num = theta.print_poly(var);
922     /* first write the numerator as a string */
923     if (mpz_cmp_ui(theta_denom, 1) == 0) {
924         return num;
925     } else {
926         ostringstream os2;
927         os2 << "(" << num << ")/" << theta_denom;
928         return os2.str();
929     }
930 }