1 /*
2  *  This file is part of qpOASES.
3  *
4  *  qpOASES -- An Implementation of the Online Active Set Strategy.
5  *  Copyright (C) 2007-2015 by Hans Joachim Ferreau, Andreas Potschka,
6  *  Christian Kirches et al. All rights reserved.
7  *
8  *  qpOASES is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9  *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10  *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11  *  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  *  qpOASES is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  *  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19  *  License along with qpOASES; if not, write to the Free Software
20  *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
21  *
22  */
25 /**
26  *  \file include/qpOASES/QProblemB.hpp
27  *  \author Hans Joachim Ferreau, Andreas Potschka, Christian Kirches
28  *  \version 3.2
29  *  \date 2007-2015
30  *
31  *  Declaration of the QProblemB class which is able to use the newly
32  *  developed online active set strategy for parametric quadratic programming
33  *  for problems with (simple) bounds only.
34  */
42 #include <qpOASES/Flipper.hpp>
43 #include <qpOASES/Options.hpp>
44 #include <qpOASES/Matrices.hpp>
50 class SolutionAnalysis;
52 /**
53  *  \brief Implements the online active set strategy for box-constrained QPs.
54  *
55  *  Class for setting up and solving quadratic programs with bounds (= box constraints) only.
56  *  The main feature is the possibily to use the newly developed online active set strategy
57  *  for parametric quadratic programming.
58  *
59  *  \author Hans Joachim Ferreau, Andreas Potschka, Christian Kirches
60  *  \version 3.2
61  *  \date 2007-2015
62  */
63 class QProblemB
64 {
65     /* allow SolutionAnalysis class to access private members */
66     friend class SolutionAnalysis;
68     /*
70      */
71     public:
72         /** Default constructor. */
73         QProblemB( );
75         /** Constructor which takes the QP dimension and Hessian type
76          *  information. If the Hessian is the zero (i.e. HST_ZERO) or the
77          *  identity matrix (i.e. HST_IDENTITY), respectively, no memory
78          *  is allocated for it and a NULL pointer can be passed for it
79          *  to the init() functions. */
80         QProblemB(  int_t _nV,                              /**< Number of variables. */
81                     HessianType _hessianType = HST_UNKNOWN  /**< Type of Hessian matrix. */
82                     );
84         /** Copy constructor (deep copy). */
85         QProblemB(  const QProblemB& rhs    /**< Rhs object. */
86                     );
88         /** Destructor. */
89         virtual ~QProblemB( );
91         /** Assignment operator (deep copy). */
92         virtual QProblemB& operator=(   const QProblemB& rhs    /**< Rhs object. */
93                                 );
96         /** Clears all data structures of QProblemB except for QP data.
97          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
98                     RET_RESET_FAILED */
99         virtual returnValue reset( );
102         /** Initialises a simply bounded QP problem with given QP data and tries to solve it
103          *  using at most nWSR iterations. Depending on the parameter constellation it: \n
104          *  1. 0,    0,    0 : starts with xOpt = 0, yOpt = 0 and gB empty (or all implicit equality bounds), \n
105          *  2. xOpt, 0,    0 : starts with xOpt, yOpt = 0 and obtain gB by "clipping", \n
106          *  3. 0,    yOpt, 0 : starts with xOpt = 0, yOpt and obtain gB from yOpt != 0, \n
107          *  4. 0,    0,    gB: starts with xOpt = 0, yOpt = 0 and gB, \n
108          *  5. xOpt, yOpt, 0 : starts with xOpt, yOpt and obtain gB from yOpt != 0, \n
109          *  6. xOpt, 0,    gB: starts with xOpt, yOpt = 0 and gB, \n
110          *  7. xOpt, yOpt, gB: starts with xOpt, yOpt and gB (assume them to be consistent!)
111          *
112          *  Note: This function internally calls solveInitialQP for initialisation!
113          *
114          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
115                     RET_INIT_FAILED \n
116                     RET_INIT_FAILED_CHOLESKY \n
117                     RET_INIT_FAILED_HOTSTART \n
118                     RET_INIT_FAILED_INFEASIBILITY \n
119                     RET_INIT_FAILED_UNBOUNDEDNESS \n
120                     RET_MAX_NWSR_REACHED \n
121                     RET_INVALID_ARGUMENTS */
122         returnValue init(   SymmetricMatrix *_H,                    /**< Hessian matrix (a shallow copy is made). */
123                             const real_t* const _g,                 /**< Gradient vector. */
124                             const real_t* const _lb,                /**< Lower bounds (on variables). \n
125                                                                          If no lower bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
126                             const real_t* const _ub,                /**< Upper bounds (on variables). \n
127                                                                          If no upper bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
128                             int_t& nWSR,                            /**< Input: Maximum number of working set recalculations when using initial homotopy. \n
129                                                                          Output: Number of performed working set recalculations. */
130                             real_t* const cputime = 0,              /**< Input: Maximum CPU time allowed for QP initialisation. \n
131                                                                          Output: CPU time spent for QP initialisation (if pointer passed). */
132                             const real_t* const xOpt = 0,           /**< Optimal primal solution vector. A NULL pointer can be passed. \n
133                                                                          (If a null pointer is passed, the old primal solution is kept!) */
134                             const real_t* const yOpt = 0,           /**< Optimal dual solution vector. A NULL pointer can be passed. \n
135                                                                          (If a null pointer is passed, the old dual solution is kept!) */
136                             const Bounds* const guessedBounds = 0,  /**< Optimal working set of bounds for solution (xOpt,yOpt). \n
137                                                                          (If a null pointer is passed, all bounds are assumed inactive!) */
138                             const real_t* const _R = 0              /**< Pre-computed (upper triangular) Cholesky factor of Hessian matrix.
139                                                                          The Cholesky factor must be stored in a real_t array of size nV*nV
140                                                                          in row-major format. Note: Only used if xOpt/yOpt and gB are NULL! \n
141                                                                          (If a null pointer is passed, Cholesky decomposition is computed internally!) */
142                             );
144         /** Initialises a simply bounded QP problem with given QP data and tries to solve it
145          *  using at most nWSR iterations. Depending on the parameter constellation it: \n
146          *  1. 0,    0,    0 : starts with xOpt = 0, yOpt = 0 and gB empty (or all implicit equality bounds), \n
147          *  2. xOpt, 0,    0 : starts with xOpt, yOpt = 0 and obtain gB by "clipping", \n
148          *  3. 0,    yOpt, 0 : starts with xOpt = 0, yOpt and obtain gB from yOpt != 0, \n
149          *  4. 0,    0,    gB: starts with xOpt = 0, yOpt = 0 and gB, \n
150          *  5. xOpt, yOpt, 0 : starts with xOpt, yOpt and obtain gB from yOpt != 0, \n
151          *  6. xOpt, 0,    gB: starts with xOpt, yOpt = 0 and gB, \n
152          *  7. xOpt, yOpt, gB: starts with xOpt, yOpt and gB (assume them to be consistent!)
153          *
154          *  Note: This function internally calls solveInitialQP for initialisation!
155          *
156          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
157                     RET_INIT_FAILED \n
158                     RET_INIT_FAILED_CHOLESKY \n
159                     RET_INIT_FAILED_HOTSTART \n
160                     RET_INIT_FAILED_INFEASIBILITY \n
161                     RET_INIT_FAILED_UNBOUNDEDNESS \n
162                     RET_MAX_NWSR_REACHED \n
163                     RET_INVALID_ARGUMENTS */
164         returnValue init(   const real_t* const _H,                 /**< Hessian matrix (a shallow copy is made). \n
165                                                                          If Hessian matrix is trivial, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
166                             const real_t* const _g,                 /**< Gradient vector. */
167                             const real_t* const _lb,                /**< Lower bounds (on variables). \n
168                                                                          If no lower bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
169                             const real_t* const _ub,                /**< Upper bounds (on variables). \n
170                                                                          If no upper bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
171                             int_t& nWSR,                            /**< Input: Maximum number of working set recalculations when using initial homotopy. \n
172                                                                          Output: Number of performed working set recalculations. */
173                             real_t* const cputime = 0,              /**< Input: Maximum CPU time allowed for QP initialisation. \n
174                                                                          Output: CPU time spent for QP initialisation (if pointer passed). */
175                             const real_t* const xOpt = 0,           /**< Optimal primal solution vector. A NULL pointer can be passed. \n
176                                                                          (If a null pointer is passed, the old primal solution is kept!) */
177                             const real_t* const yOpt = 0,           /**< Optimal dual solution vector. A NULL pointer can be passed. \n
178                                                                          (If a null pointer is passed, the old dual solution is kept!) */
179                             const Bounds* const guessedBounds = 0,  /**< Optimal working set of bounds for solution (xOpt,yOpt). \n
180                                                                          (If a null pointer is passed, all bounds are assumed inactive!) */
181                             const real_t* const _R = 0              /**< Pre-computed (upper triangular) Cholesky factor of Hessian matrix.
182                                                                          The Cholesky factor must be stored in a real_t array of size nV*nV
183                                                                          in row-major format. Note: Only used if xOpt/yOpt and gB are NULL! \n
184                                                                          (If a null pointer is passed, Cholesky decomposition is computed internally!) */
185                             );
187         /** Initialises a simply bounded QP problem with given QP data to be read from files and solves it
188          *  using at most nWSR iterations. Depending on the parameter constellation it: \n
189          *  1. 0,    0,    0 : starts with xOpt = 0, yOpt = 0 and gB empty (or all implicit equality bounds), \n
190          *  2. xOpt, 0,    0 : starts with xOpt, yOpt = 0 and obtain gB by "clipping", \n
191          *  3. 0,    yOpt, 0 : starts with xOpt = 0, yOpt and obtain gB from yOpt != 0, \n
192          *  4. 0,    0,    gB: starts with xOpt = 0, yOpt = 0 and gB, \n
193          *  5. xOpt, yOpt, 0 : starts with xOpt, yOpt and obtain gB from yOpt != 0, \n
194          *  6. xOpt, 0,    gB: starts with xOpt, yOpt = 0 and gB, \n
195          *  7. xOpt, yOpt, gB: starts with xOpt, yOpt and gB (assume them to be consistent!)
196          *
197          *  Note: This function internally calls solveInitialQP for initialisation!
198          *
199          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
200                     RET_INIT_FAILED \n
201                     RET_INIT_FAILED_CHOLESKY \n
202                     RET_INIT_FAILED_HOTSTART \n
203                     RET_INIT_FAILED_INFEASIBILITY \n
204                     RET_INIT_FAILED_UNBOUNDEDNESS \n
205                     RET_MAX_NWSR_REACHED \n
206                     RET_UNABLE_TO_READ_FILE */
207         returnValue init(   const char* const H_file,               /**< Name of file where Hessian matrix is stored. \n
208                                                                          If Hessian matrix is trivial, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
209                             const char* const g_file,               /**< Name of file where gradient vector is stored. */
210                             const char* const lb_file,              /**< Name of file where lower bound vector. \n
211                                                                          If no lower bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
212                             const char* const ub_file,              /**< Name of file where upper bound vector. \n
213                                                                          If no upper bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
214                             int_t& nWSR,                            /**< Input: Maximum number of working set recalculations when using initial homotopy. \n
215                                                                          Output: Number of performed working set recalculations. */
216                             real_t* const cputime = 0,              /**< Input: Maximum CPU time allowed for QP initialisation. \n
217                                                                          Output: CPU time spent for QP initialisation (if pointer passed). */
218                             const real_t* const xOpt = 0,           /**< Optimal primal solution vector. A NULL pointer can be passed. \n
219                                                                          (If a null pointer is passed, the old primal solution is kept!) */
220                             const real_t* const yOpt = 0,           /**< Optimal dual solution vector. A NULL pointer can be passed. \n
221                                                                          (If a null pointer is passed, the old dual solution is kept!) */
222                             const Bounds* const guessedBounds = 0,  /**< Optimal working set of bounds for solution (xOpt,yOpt). \n
223                                                                          (If a null pointer is passed, all bounds are assumed inactive!) */
224                             const char* const R_file = 0            /**< Name of the file where a pre-computed (upper triangular) Cholesky factor
225                                                                          of the Hessian matrix is stored. \n
226                                                                          (If a null pointer is passed, Cholesky decomposition is computed internally!) */
227                             );
230         /** Solves an initialised QP sequence using the online active set strategy.
231          *  By default, QP solution is started from previous solution. If a guess
232          *  for the working set is provided, an initialised homotopy is performed.
233          *
234          *  Note: This function internally calls solveQP/solveRegularisedQP
235          *        for solving an initialised QP!
236          *
237          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
238                     RET_MAX_NWSR_REACHED \n
240                     RET_HOTSTART_FAILED \n
241                     RET_SHIFT_DETERMINATION_FAILED \n
244                     RET_HOMOTOPY_STEP_FAILED \n
247                     RET_SETUP_AUXILIARYQP_FAILED */
248         returnValue hotstart(   const real_t* const g_new,              /**< Gradient of neighbouring QP to be solved. */
249                                 const real_t* const lb_new,             /**< Lower bounds of neighbouring QP to be solved. \n
250                                                                              If no lower bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
251                                 const real_t* const ub_new,             /**< Upper bounds of neighbouring QP to be solved. \n
252                                                                              If no upper bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
253                                 int_t& nWSR,                            /**< Input: Maximum number of working set recalculations; \n
254                                                                              Output: Number of performed working set recalculations. */
255                                 real_t* const cputime = 0,              /**< Input: Maximum CPU time allowed for QP solution. \n
256                                                                              Output: CPU time spent for QP solution (or to perform nWSR iterations). */
257                                 const Bounds* const guessedBounds = 0   /**< Optimal working set of bounds for solution (xOpt,yOpt). \n
258                                                                              (If a null pointer is passed, the previous working set is kept!) */
259                                 );
261         /** Solves an initialised QP sequence using the online active set strategy,
262          *  where QP data is read from files.
263          *  By default, QP solution is started from previous solution. If a guess
264          *  for the working set is provided, an initialised homotopy is performed.
265          *
266          *  Note: This function internally calls solveQP/solveRegularisedQP
267          *        for solving an initialised QP!
268          *
269          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
270                     RET_MAX_NWSR_REACHED \n
272                     RET_HOTSTART_FAILED \n
273                     RET_SHIFT_DETERMINATION_FAILED \n
276                     RET_HOMOTOPY_STEP_FAILED \n
279                     RET_UNABLE_TO_READ_FILE \n
280                     RET_SETUP_AUXILIARYQP_FAILED \n
281                     RET_INVALID_ARGUMENTS */
282         returnValue hotstart(   const char* const g_file,               /**< Name of file where gradient, of neighbouring QP to be solved, is stored. */
283                                 const char* const lb_file,              /**< Name of file where lower bounds, of neighbouring QP to be solved, is stored. \n
284                                                                              If no lower bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
285                                 const char* const ub_file,              /**< Name of file where upper bounds, of neighbouring QP to be solved, is stored. \n
286                                                                              If no upper bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
287                                 int_t& nWSR,                            /**< Input: Maximum number of working set recalculations; \n
288                                                                              Output: Number of performed working set recalculations. */
289                                 real_t* const cputime = 0,              /**< Input: Maximum CPU time allowed for QP solution. \n
290                                                                              Output: CPU time spent for QP solution (or to perform nWSR iterations). */
291                                 const Bounds* const guessedBounds = 0   /**< Optimal working set of bounds for solution (xOpt,yOpt). \n
292                                                                              (If a null pointer is passed, the previous working set is kept!) */
293                                 );
296         /** Writes a vector with the state of the working set
297          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
298          *          RET_INVALID_ARGUMENTS */
299         virtual returnValue getWorkingSet(  real_t* workingSet              /** Output: array containing state of the working set. */
300                                             );
302         /** Writes a vector with the state of the working set of bounds
303          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
304          *          RET_INVALID_ARGUMENTS */
305         virtual returnValue getWorkingSetBounds(    real_t* workingSetB     /** Output: array containing state of the working set of bounds. */
306                                                     );
308         /** Writes a vector with the state of the working set of constraints
309          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
310          *          RET_INVALID_ARGUMENTS */
311         virtual returnValue getWorkingSetConstraints(   real_t* workingSetC /** Output: array containing state of the working set of constraints. */
312                                                         );
315         /** Returns current bounds object of the QP (deep copy).
316           * \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
317                     RET_QPOBJECT_NOT_SETUP */
318         inline returnValue getBounds(   Bounds& _bounds /** Output: Bounds object. */
319                                         ) const;
322         /** Returns the number of variables.
323          *  \return Number of variables. */
324         inline int_t getNV( ) const;
326         /** Returns the number of free variables.
327          *  \return Number of free variables. */
328         inline int_t getNFR( ) const;
330         /** Returns the number of fixed variables.
331          *  \return Number of fixed variables. */
332         inline int_t getNFX( ) const;
334         /** Returns the number of implicitly fixed variables.
335          *  \return Number of implicitly fixed variables. */
336         inline int_t getNFV( ) const;
338         /** Returns the dimension of null space.
339          *  \return Dimension of null space. */
340         virtual int_t getNZ( ) const;
343         /** Returns the optimal objective function value.
344          *  \return finite value: Optimal objective function value (QP was solved) \n
345                     +infinity:    QP was not yet solved */
346         real_t getObjVal( ) const;
348         /** Returns the objective function value at an arbitrary point x.
349          *  \return Objective function value at point x */
350         real_t getObjVal(   const real_t* const _x  /**< Point at which the objective function shall be evaluated. */
351                             ) const;
353         /** Returns the primal solution vector.
354          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
355                     RET_QP_NOT_SOLVED */
356         returnValue getPrimalSolution(  real_t* const xOpt          /**< Output: Primal solution vector (if QP has been solved). */
357                                         ) const;
359         /** Returns the dual solution vector.
360          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
361                     RET_QP_NOT_SOLVED */
362         virtual returnValue getDualSolution(    real_t* const yOpt  /**< Output: Dual solution vector (if QP has been solved). */
363                                                 ) const;
366         /** Returns status of the solution process.
367          *  \return Status of solution process. */
368         inline QProblemStatus getStatus( ) const;
371         /** Returns if the QProblem object is initialised.
372          *  \return BT_TRUE:  QProblemB initialised \n
373                     BT_FALSE: QProblemB not initialised */
374         inline BooleanType isInitialised( ) const;
376         /** Returns if the QP has been solved.
377          *  \return BT_TRUE:  QProblemB solved \n
378                     BT_FALSE: QProblemB not solved */
379         inline BooleanType isSolved( ) const;
381         /** Returns if the QP is infeasible.
382          *  \return BT_TRUE:  QP infeasible \n
383                     BT_FALSE: QP feasible (or not known to be infeasible!) */
384         inline BooleanType isInfeasible( ) const;
386         /** Returns if the QP is unbounded.
387          *  \return BT_TRUE:  QP unbounded \n
388                     BT_FALSE: QP unbounded (or not known to be unbounded!) */
389         inline BooleanType isUnbounded( ) const;
392         /** Returns Hessian type flag (type is not determined due to this call!).
393          *  \return Hessian type. */
394         inline HessianType getHessianType( ) const;
396         /** Changes the print level.
397          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN */
398         inline returnValue setHessianType(  HessianType _hessianType /**< New Hessian type. */
399                                             );
401         /** Returns if the QP has been internally regularised.
402          *  \return BT_TRUE:  Hessian is internally regularised for QP solution \n
403                     BT_FALSE: No internal Hessian regularisation is used for QP solution */
404         inline BooleanType usingRegularisation( ) const;
406         /** Returns current options struct.
407          *  \return Current options struct. */
408         inline Options getOptions( ) const;
410         /** Overrides current options with given ones.
411          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN */
412         inline returnValue setOptions(  const Options& _options /**< New options. */
413                                         );
415         /** Returns the print level.
416          *  \return Print level. */
417         inline PrintLevel getPrintLevel( ) const;
419         /** Changes the print level.
420          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN */
421         returnValue setPrintLevel(  PrintLevel _printlevel  /**< New print level. */
422                                     );
425         /** Returns the current number of QP problems solved.
426          *  \return Number of QP problems solved. */
427         inline uint_t getCount( ) const;
429         /** Resets QP problem counter (to zero).
430          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN. */
431         inline returnValue resetCounter( );
434         /** Prints concise list of properties of the current QP.
435          *  \return  SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n */
436         virtual returnValue printProperties( );
438         /** Prints a list of all options and their current values.
439          *  \return  SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n */
440         returnValue printOptions( ) const;
443     /*
445      */
446     protected:
447         /** Frees all allocated memory.
448          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN */
449         returnValue clear( );
451         /** Copies all members from given rhs object.
452          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN */
453         returnValue copy(   const QProblemB& rhs    /**< Rhs object. */
454                             );
456         /** If Hessian type has been set by the user, nothing is done.
457          *  Otherwise the Hessian type is set to HST_IDENTITY, HST_ZERO, or
458          *  HST_POSDEF (default), respectively.
459          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
460                     RET_HESSIAN_INDEFINITE */
461         returnValue determineHessianType( );
463         /** Determines type of existing constraints and bounds (i.e. implicitly fixed, unbounded etc.).
464          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
465                     RET_SETUPSUBJECTTOTYPE_FAILED */
466         virtual returnValue setupSubjectToType( );
468         /** Determines type of new constraints and bounds (i.e. implicitly fixed, unbounded etc.).
469          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
470                     RET_SETUPSUBJECTTOTYPE_FAILED */
471         virtual returnValue setupSubjectToType( const real_t* const lb_new, /**< New lower bounds. */
472                                                 const real_t* const ub_new  /**< New upper bounds. */
473                                                 );
475         /** Computes the Cholesky decomposition of the (simply projected) Hessian
476          *  (i.e. R^T*R = Z^T*H*Z). It only works in the case where Z is a simple
477          *  projection matrix!
478          *  Note: If Hessian turns out not to be positive definite, the Hessian type
479          *        is set to HST_SEMIDEF accordingly.
480          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
481          *          RET_HESSIAN_NOT_SPD \n
482          *          RET_INDEXLIST_CORRUPTED */
483         virtual returnValue computeCholesky( );
486         /** Computes initial Cholesky decomposition of the (simply projected) Hessian
487          *  making use of the function computeCholesky().
488          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
489          *          RET_HESSIAN_NOT_SPD \n
490          *          RET_INDEXLIST_CORRUPTED */
491         virtual returnValue setupInitialCholesky( );
493         /** Obtains the desired working set for the auxiliary initial QP in
494          *  accordance with the user specifications
495          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
496                     RET_OBTAINING_WORKINGSET_FAILED \n
497                     RET_INVALID_ARGUMENTS */
498         returnValue obtainAuxiliaryWorkingSet(  const real_t* const xOpt,           /**< Optimal primal solution vector.
499                                                                                      *   If a NULL pointer is passed, all entries are assumed to be zero. */
500                                                 const real_t* const yOpt,           /**< Optimal dual solution vector.
501                                                                                      *   If a NULL pointer is passed, all entries are assumed to be zero. */
502                                                 const Bounds* const guessedBounds,  /**< Guessed working set for solution (xOpt,yOpt). */
503                                                 Bounds* auxiliaryBounds             /**< Input: Allocated bound object. \n
504                                                                                      *   Output: Working set for auxiliary QP. */
505                                                 ) const;
507         /** Decides if lower bounds are smaller than upper bounds
508          *
509          * \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
510          *         RET_QP_INFEASIBLE */
512         returnValue areBoundsConsistent(const real_t* const lb, /**< Vector of lower bounds*/
513                                         const real_t* const ub  /**< Vector of upper bounds*/
514                                         ) const;
516         /** Solves the system Ra = b or R^Ta = b where R is an upper triangular matrix.
517          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
518                     RET_DIV_BY_ZERO */
519         virtual returnValue backsolveR( const real_t* const b,  /**< Right hand side vector. */
520                                 BooleanType transposed, /**< Indicates if the transposed system shall be solved. */
521                                 real_t* const a         /**< Output: Solution vector */
522                                 ) const;
524         /** Solves the system Ra = b or R^Ta = b where R is an upper triangular matrix. \n
525          *  Special variant for the case that this function is called from within "removeBound()".
526          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
527                     RET_DIV_BY_ZERO */
528         virtual returnValue backsolveR( const real_t* const b,      /**< Right hand side vector. */
529                                 BooleanType transposed,     /**< Indicates if the transposed system shall be solved. */
530                                 BooleanType removingBound,  /**< Indicates if function is called from "removeBound()". */
531                                 real_t* const a             /**< Output: Solution vector */
532                                 ) const;
535         /** Determines step direction of the shift of the QP data.
536          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN */
537         returnValue determineDataShift( const real_t* const g_new,  /**< New gradient vector. */
538                                         const real_t* const lb_new, /**< New lower bounds. */
539                                         const real_t* const ub_new, /**< New upper bounds. */
540                                         real_t* const delta_g,      /**< Output: Step direction of gradient vector. */
541                                         real_t* const delta_lb,     /**< Output: Step direction of lower bounds. */
542                                         real_t* const delta_ub,     /**< Output: Step direction of upper bounds. */
543                                         BooleanType& Delta_bB_isZero/**< Output: Indicates if active bounds are to be shifted. */
544                                         );
547         /** Sets up internal QP data.
548          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
549                     RET_INVALID_ARGUMENTS */
550         returnValue setupQPdata(    SymmetricMatrix *_H,        /**< Hessian matrix.*/
551                                     const real_t* const _g,     /**< Gradient vector. */
552                                     const real_t* const _lb,    /**< Lower bounds (on variables). \n
553                                                                      If no lower bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
554                                     const real_t* const _ub     /**< Upper bounds (on variables). \n
555                                                                      If no upper bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
556                                     );
558         /** Sets up internal QP data. If the current Hessian is trivial
559          *  (i.e. HST_ZERO or HST_IDENTITY) but a non-trivial one is given,
560          *  memory for Hessian is allocated and it is set to the given one.
561          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
562                     RET_INVALID_ARGUMENTS \n
563                     RET_NO_HESSIAN_SPECIFIED */
564         returnValue setupQPdata(    const real_t* const _H,     /**< Hessian matrix. \n
565                                                                      If Hessian matrix is trivial,a NULL pointer can be passed. */
566                                     const real_t* const _g,     /**< Gradient vector. */
567                                     const real_t* const _lb,    /**< Lower bounds (on variables). \n
568                                                                      If no lower bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
569                                     const real_t* const _ub     /**< Upper bounds (on variables). \n
570                                                                      If no upper bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
571                                     );
573         /** Sets up internal QP data by loading it from files. If the current Hessian
574          *  is trivial (i.e. HST_ZERO or HST_IDENTITY) but a non-trivial one is given,
575          *  memory for Hessian is allocated and it is set to the given one.
576          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
577                     RET_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE \n
578                     RET_UNABLE_TO_READ_FILE \n
579                     RET_INVALID_ARGUMENTS \n
580                     RET_NO_HESSIAN_SPECIFIED */
581         returnValue setupQPdataFromFile(    const char* const H_file,   /**< Name of file where Hessian matrix, of neighbouring QP to be solved, is stored. \n
582                                                                              If Hessian matrix is trivial,a NULL pointer can be passed. */
583                                             const char* const g_file,   /**< Name of file where gradient, of neighbouring QP to be solved, is stored. */
584                                             const char* const lb_file,  /**< Name of file where lower bounds, of neighbouring QP to be solved, is stored. \n
585                                                                              If no lower bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
586                                             const char* const ub_file   /**< Name of file where upper bounds, of neighbouring QP to be solved, is stored. \n
587                                                                              If no upper bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
588                                             );
590         /** Loads new QP vectors from files (internal members are not affected!).
591          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
592                     RET_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE \n
593                     RET_UNABLE_TO_READ_FILE \n
594                     RET_INVALID_ARGUMENTS */
595         returnValue loadQPvectorsFromFile(  const char* const g_file,   /**< Name of file where gradient, of neighbouring QP to be solved, is stored. */
596                                             const char* const lb_file,  /**< Name of file where lower bounds, of neighbouring QP to be solved, is stored. \n
597                                                                              If no lower bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
598                                             const char* const ub_file,  /**< Name of file where upper bounds, of neighbouring QP to be solved, is stored. \n
599                                                                              If no upper bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
600                                             real_t* const g_new,        /**< Output: Gradient of neighbouring QP to be solved. */
601                                             real_t* const lb_new,       /**< Output: Lower bounds of neighbouring QP to be solved */
602                                             real_t* const ub_new        /**< Output: Upper bounds of neighbouring QP to be solved */
603                                             ) const;
606         /** Sets internal infeasibility flag and throws given error in case the far bound
607          *  strategy is not enabled (as QP might actually not be infeasible in this case).
609                     RET_ENSURELI_FAILED_CYCLING \n
610                     RET_ENSURELI_FAILED_NOINDEX */
611         returnValue setInfeasibilityFlag(   returnValue returnvalue,            /**< Returnvalue to be tunneled. */
612                                             BooleanType doThrowError = BT_FALSE /**< Flag forcing to throw an error. */
613                                             );
616         /** Determines if next QP iteration can be performed within given CPU time limit.
617          *  \return BT_TRUE: CPU time limit is exceeded, stop QP solution. \n
618                     BT_FALSE: Sufficient CPU time for next QP iteration. */
619         BooleanType isCPUtimeLimitExceeded( const real_t* const cputime,    /**< Maximum CPU time allowed for QP solution. */
620                                             real_t starttime,               /**< Start time of current QP solution. */
621                                             int_t nWSR                      /**< Number of working set recalculations performed so far. */
622                                             ) const;
625         /** Regularise Hessian matrix by adding a scaled identity matrix to it.
626          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
627                     RET_HESSIAN_ALREADY_REGULARISED */
628         returnValue regulariseHessian( );
631         /** Sets Hessian matrix of the QP.
632          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN */
633         inline returnValue setH(    SymmetricMatrix* H_new  /**< New Hessian matrix (a shallow copy is made). */
634                                     );
636         /** Sets dense Hessian matrix of the QP.
637          *  If a null pointer is passed and
638          *  a) hessianType is HST_IDENTITY, nothing is done,
639          *  b) hessianType is not HST_IDENTITY, Hessian matrix is set to zero.
640          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN */
641         inline returnValue setH(    const real_t* const H_new   /**< New dense Hessian matrix (with correct dimension!), a shallow copy is made. */
642                                     );
644         /** Changes gradient vector of the QP.
645          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
646          *          RET_INVALID_ARGUMENTS */
647         inline returnValue setG(    const real_t* const g_new   /**< New gradient vector (with correct dimension!). */
648                                     );
650         /** Changes lower bound vector of the QP.
651          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
652          *          RET_QPOBJECT_NOT_SETUP */
653         inline returnValue setLB(   const real_t* const lb_new  /**< New lower bound vector (with correct dimension!). */
654                                     );
656         /** Changes single entry of lower bound vector of the QP.
657          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
658          *          RET_QPOBJECT_NOT_SETUP \n
659          *          RET_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS */
660         inline returnValue setLB(   int_t number,   /**< Number of entry to be changed. */
661                                     real_t value    /**< New value for entry of lower bound vector. */
662                                     );
664         /** Changes upper bound vector of the QP.
665          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
666          *          RET_QPOBJECT_NOT_SETUP */
667         inline returnValue setUB(   const real_t* const ub_new  /**< New upper bound vector (with correct dimension!). */
668                                     );
670         /** Changes single entry of upper bound vector of the QP.
671          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
672          *          RET_QPOBJECT_NOT_SETUP \n
673          *          RET_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS */
674         inline returnValue setUB(   int_t number,   /**< Number of entry to be changed. */
675                                     real_t value    /**< New value for entry of upper bound vector. */
676                                     );
679         /** Computes parameters for the Givens matrix G for which [x,y]*G = [z,0]
680          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN */
681         inline void computeGivens(  real_t xold,    /**< Matrix entry to be normalised. */
682                                     real_t yold,    /**< Matrix entry to be annihilated. */
683                                     real_t& xnew,   /**< Output: Normalised matrix entry. */
684                                     real_t& ynew,   /**< Output: Annihilated matrix entry. */
685                                     real_t& c,      /**< Output: Cosine entry of Givens matrix. */
686                                     real_t& s       /**< Output: Sine entry of Givens matrix. */
687                                     ) const;
689         /** Applies Givens matrix determined by c and s (cf. computeGivens).
690          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN */
691         inline void applyGivens(    real_t c,       /**< Cosine entry of Givens matrix. */
692                                     real_t s,       /**< Sine entry of Givens matrix. */
693                                     real_t nu,      /**< Further factor: s/(1+c). */
694                                     real_t xold,    /**< Matrix entry to be transformed corresponding to
695                                                      *   the normalised entry of the original matrix. */
696                                     real_t yold,    /**< Matrix entry to be transformed corresponding to
697                                                      *   the annihilated entry of the original matrix. */
698                                     real_t& xnew,   /**< Output: Transformed matrix entry corresponding to
699                                                      *   the normalised entry of the original matrix. */
700                                     real_t& ynew    /**< Output: Transformed matrix entry corresponding to
701                                                      *   the annihilated entry of the original matrix. */
702                                     ) const;
706         /** Compute relative length of homotopy in data space for termination
707          *  criterion.
708          *  \return Relative length in data space. */
709         real_t getRelativeHomotopyLength(   const real_t* const g_new,      /**< Final gradient. */
710                                             const real_t* const lb_new,     /**< Final lower variable bounds. */
711                                             const real_t* const ub_new      /**< Final upper variable bounds. */
712                                             );
714         /** Ramping Strategy to avoid ties. Modifies homotopy start without
715          *  changing current active set.
716          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN */
717         virtual returnValue performRamping( );
720         /** ... */
721         returnValue updateFarBounds(    real_t curFarBound,                 /**< ... */
722                                         int_t nRamp,                        /**< ... */
723                                         const real_t* const lb_new,         /**< ... */
724                                         real_t* const lb_new_far,           /**< ... */
725                                         const real_t* const ub_new,         /**< ... */
726                                         real_t* const ub_new_far            /**< ... */
727                                         ) const;
730         /** Performs robustified ratio test yield the maximum possible step length
731          *  along the homotopy path.
732          *  \return  SUCCESSFUL_RETURN */
733         returnValue performRatioTest(   int_t nIdx,                         /**< Number of ratios to be checked. */
734                                         const int_t* const idxList,         /**< Array containing the indices of all ratios to be checked. */
735                                         const SubjectTo* const subjectTo,   /**< Bound/Constraint object corresponding to ratios to be checked. */
736                                         const real_t* const num,            /**< Array containing all numerators for performing the ratio test. */
737                                         const real_t* const den,            /**< Array containing all denominators for performing the ratio test. */
738                                         real_t epsNum,                      /**< Numerator tolerance. */
739                                         real_t epsDen,                      /**< Denominator tolerance. */
740                                         real_t& t,                          /**< Output: Maximum possible step length along the homotopy path. */
741                                         int_t& BC_idx                       /**< Output: Index of blocking constraint. */
742                                         ) const;
744         /** Checks whether given ratio is blocking, i.e. limits the maximum step length
745          *  along the homotopy path to a value lower than given one.
746          *  \return  SUCCESSFUL_RETURN */
747         inline BooleanType isBlocking(  real_t num,                         /**< Numerator for performing the ratio test. */
748                                         real_t den,                         /**< Denominator for performing the ratio test. */
749                                         real_t epsNum,                      /**< Numerator tolerance. */
750                                         real_t epsDen,                      /**< Denominator tolerance. */
751                                         real_t& t                           /**< Input: Current maximum step length along the homotopy path,
752                                                                              *   Output: Updated maximum possible step length along the homotopy path. */
753                                         ) const;
756         /** Creates a sparse diagonal (square-)matrix which is a given
757          *  multiple of the identity matrix.
758          *  \return Diagonal matrix \n
759          */
760         SymSparseMat* createDiagSparseMat(  int_t n,                /**< Row/column dimension of matrix to be created. */
761                                             real_t diagVal = 1.0    /**< Value of all diagonal entries. */
762                                             );
765     /*
767      */
768     private:
769         /** Solves a QProblemB whose QP data is assumed to be stored in the member variables.
770          *  A guess for its primal/dual optimal solution vectors and the corresponding
771          *  optimal working set can be provided.
772          *  Note: This function is internally called by all init functions!
773          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
774                     RET_INIT_FAILED \n
775                     RET_INIT_FAILED_CHOLESKY \n
776                     RET_INIT_FAILED_HOTSTART \n
777                     RET_INIT_FAILED_INFEASIBILITY \n
778                     RET_INIT_FAILED_UNBOUNDEDNESS \n
779                     RET_MAX_NWSR_REACHED */
780         returnValue solveInitialQP( const real_t* const xOpt,           /**< Optimal primal solution vector.*/
781                                     const real_t* const yOpt,           /**< Optimal dual solution vector. */
782                                     const Bounds* const guessedBounds,  /**< Optimal working set of bounds for solution (xOpt,yOpt). */
783                                     const real_t* const _R,             /**< Pre-computed (upper triangular) Cholesky factor of Hessian matrix. */
784                                     int_t& nWSR,                        /**< Input: Maximum number of working set recalculations; \n
785                                                                          *   Output: Number of performed working set recalculations. */
786                                     real_t* const cputime               /**< Input: Maximum CPU time allowed for QP solution. \n
787                                                                              Output: CPU time spent for QP solution (or to perform nWSR iterations). */
788                                     );
790         /** Solves an initialised QProblemB using online active set strategy.
791          *  Note: This function is internally called by all hotstart functions!
792          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
793                     RET_MAX_NWSR_REACHED \n
795                     RET_HOTSTART_FAILED \n
796                     RET_SHIFT_DETERMINATION_FAILED \n
799                     RET_HOMOTOPY_STEP_FAILED \n
802         returnValue solveQP(    const real_t* const g_new,          /**< Gradient of neighbouring QP to be solved. */
803                                 const real_t* const lb_new,         /**< Lower bounds of neighbouring QP to be solved. \n
804                                                                          If no lower bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
805                                 const real_t* const ub_new,         /**< Upper bounds of neighbouring QP to be solved. \n
806                                                                          If no upper bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
807                                 int_t& nWSR,                        /**< Input: Maximum number of working set recalculations; \n
808                                                                          Output: Number of performed working set recalculations. */
809                                 real_t* const cputime,              /**< Input: Maximum CPU time allowed for QP solution. \n
810                                                                          Output: CPU time spent for QP solution (or to perform nWSR iterations). */
811                                 int_t  nWSRperformed = 0,           /**< Number of working set recalculations already performed to solve
812                                                                          this QP within previous solveQP() calls. This number is
813                                                                          always zero, except for successive calls from solveRegularisedQP()
814                                                                          or when using the far bound strategy. */
815                                 BooleanType isFirstCall = BT_TRUE   /**< Indicating whether this is the first call for current QP. */
816                                 );
819         /** Solves an initialised QProblemB using online active set strategy.
820          *  Note: This function is internally called by all hotstart functions!
821          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
822                     RET_MAX_NWSR_REACHED \n
824                     RET_HOTSTART_FAILED \n
825                     RET_SHIFT_DETERMINATION_FAILED \n
828                     RET_HOMOTOPY_STEP_FAILED \n
831         returnValue solveRegularisedQP( const real_t* const g_new,          /**< Gradient of neighbouring QP to be solved. */
832                                         const real_t* const lb_new,         /**< Lower bounds of neighbouring QP to be solved. \n
833                                                                                  If no lower bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
834                                         const real_t* const ub_new,         /**< Upper bounds of neighbouring QP to be solved. \n
835                                                                                  If no upper bounds exist, a NULL pointer can be passed. */
836                                         int_t& nWSR,                        /**< Input: Maximum number of working set recalculations; \n
837                                                                                  Output: Number of performed working set recalculations. */
838                                         real_t* const cputime,              /**< Input: Maximum CPU time allowed for QP solution. \n
839                                                                                  Output: CPU time spent for QP solution (or to perform nWSR iterations). */
840                                         int_t nWSRperformed = 0,            /**< Number of working set recalculations already performed to solve
841                                                                                  this QP within previous solveRegularisedQP() calls. This number is
842                                                                                  always zero, except for successive calls when using the far bound strategy. */
843                                         BooleanType isFirstCall = BT_TRUE   /**< Indicating whether this is the first call for current QP. */
844                                         );
847         /** Sets up bound data structure according to auxiliaryBounds.
848          *  (If the working set shall be setup afresh, make sure that
849          *  bounds data structure has been resetted!)
850          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
851                     RET_SETUP_WORKINGSET_FAILED \n
852                     RET_INVALID_ARGUMENTS \n
853                     RET_UNKNOWN_BUG */
854         returnValue setupAuxiliaryWorkingSet(   const Bounds* const auxiliaryBounds,    /**< Working set for auxiliary QP. */
855                                                 BooleanType setupAfresh                 /**< Flag indicating if given working set shall be
856                                                                                          *    setup afresh or by updating the current one. */
857                                                 );
859         /** Sets up the optimal primal/dual solution of the auxiliary initial QP.
860          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN */
861         returnValue setupAuxiliaryQPsolution(   const real_t* const xOpt,           /**< Optimal primal solution vector.
862                                                                                     *    If a NULL pointer is passed, all entries are set to zero. */
863                                                 const real_t* const yOpt            /**< Optimal dual solution vector.
864                                                                                      *   If a NULL pointer is passed, all entries are set to zero. */
865                                                 );
867         /** Sets up gradient of the auxiliary initial QP for given
868          *  optimal primal/dual solution and given initial working set
869          *  (assumes that members X, Y and BOUNDS have already been initialised!).
870          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN */
871         returnValue setupAuxiliaryQPgradient( );
873         /** Sets up bounds of the auxiliary initial QP for given
874          *  optimal primal/dual solution and given initial working set
875          *  (assumes that members X, Y and BOUNDS have already been initialised!).
876          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
877                     RET_UNKNOWN_BUG */
878         returnValue setupAuxiliaryQPbounds( BooleanType useRelaxation   /**< Flag indicating if inactive bounds shall be relaxed. */
879                                             );
882     protected:
883         /** Updates QP vectors, working sets and internal data structures in order to
884             start from an optimal solution corresponding to initial guesses of the working
885             set for bounds
886          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
887          *          RET_SETUP_AUXILIARYQP_FAILED */
888         virtual returnValue setupAuxiliaryQP(   const Bounds* const guessedBounds   /**< Initial guess for working set of bounds. */
889                                                 );
891     private:
892         /** Determines step direction of the homotopy path.
893          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
894                     RET_STEPDIRECTION_FAILED_CHOLESKY */
895         returnValue determineStepDirection( const real_t* const delta_g,    /**< Step direction of gradient vector. */
896                                             const real_t* const delta_lb,   /**< Step direction of lower bounds. */
897                                             const real_t* const delta_ub,   /**< Step direction of upper bounds. */
898                                             BooleanType Delta_bB_isZero,    /**< Indicates if active bounds are to be shifted. */
899                                             real_t* const delta_xFX,        /**< Output: Primal homotopy step direction of fixed variables. */
900                                             real_t* const delta_xFR,        /**< Output: Primal homotopy step direction of free variables. */
901                                             real_t* const delta_yFX         /**< Output: Dual homotopy step direction of fixed variables' multiplier. */
902                                             );
904         /** Determines the maximum possible step length along the homotopy path
905          *  and performs this step (without changing working set).
906          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
907          *          RET_QP_INFEASIBLE \n
908          */
909         returnValue performStep(    const real_t* const delta_g,    /**< Step direction of gradient. */
910                                     const real_t* const delta_lb,   /**< Step direction of lower bounds. */
911                                     const real_t* const delta_ub,   /**< Step direction of upper bounds. */
912                                     const real_t* const delta_xFX,  /**< Primal homotopy step direction of fixed variables. */
913                                     const real_t* const delta_xFR,  /**< Primal homotopy step direction of free variables. */
914                                     const real_t* const delta_yFX,  /**< Dual homotopy step direction of fixed variables' multiplier. */
915                                     int_t& BC_idx,                  /**< Output: Index of blocking constraint. */
916                                     SubjectToStatus& BC_status      /**< Output: Status of blocking constraint. */
917                                     );
919         /** Updates active set.
920          *  \return  SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
921                      RET_REMOVE_FROM_ACTIVESET_FAILED \n
922                      RET_ADD_TO_ACTIVESET_FAILED */
923         returnValue changeActiveSet(    int_t BC_idx,                       /**< Index of blocking constraint. */
924                                         SubjectToStatus BC_status           /**< Status of blocking constraint. */
925                                         );
927         /** Drift correction at end of each active set iteration
928          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN */
929         virtual returnValue performDriftCorrection( );
931         /** Determines if it is more efficient to refactorise the matrices when
932          *  hotstarting or not (i.e. better to update the existing factorisations).
933          *  \return BT_TRUE iff matrices shall be refactorised afresh
934          */
935         BooleanType shallRefactorise(   const Bounds* const guessedBounds   /**< Guessed new working set. */
936                                         ) const;
939         /** Adds a bound to active set (specialised version for the case where no constraints exist).
940          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
941                     RET_ADDBOUND_FAILED */
942         returnValue addBound(   int_t number,               /**< Number of bound to be added to active set. */
943                                 SubjectToStatus B_status,   /**< Status of new active bound. */
944                                 BooleanType updateCholesky  /**< Flag indicating if Cholesky decomposition shall be updated. */
945                                 );
947         /** Removes a bounds from active set (specialised version for the case where no constraints exist).
948          *  \return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n
949                     RET_HESSIAN_NOT_SPD \n
950                     RET_REMOVEBOUND_FAILED */
951         returnValue removeBound(    int_t number,               /**< Number of bound to be removed from active set. */
952                                     BooleanType updateCholesky  /**< Flag indicating if Cholesky decomposition shall be updated. */
953                                     );
956         /** Prints concise information on the current iteration.
957          *  \return  SUCCESSFUL_RETURN \n */
958         returnValue printIteration( int_t iter,                         /**< Number of current iteration. */
959                                     int_t BC_idx,                       /**< Index of blocking bound. */
960                                     SubjectToStatus BC_status,          /**< Status of blocking bound. */
961                                     real_t homotopyLength,              /**< Current homotopy distance. */
962                                     BooleanType isFirstCall = BT_TRUE   /**< Indicating whether this is the first call for current QP. */
963                                     );
966     /*
968      */
969     protected:
970         BooleanType freeHessian;    /**< Flag indicating whether the Hessian matrix needs to be de-allocated. */
971         SymmetricMatrix* H;         /**< Hessian matrix. */
973         real_t* g;                  /**< Gradient. */
974         real_t* lb;                 /**< Lower bound vector (on variables). */
975         real_t* ub;                 /**< Upper bound vector (on variables). */
977         Bounds bounds;              /**< Data structure for problem's bounds. */
979         real_t* R;                  /**< Cholesky factor of H (i.e. H = R^T*R). */
980         BooleanType haveCholesky;   /**< Flag indicating whether Cholesky decomposition has already been setup. */
982         real_t* x;                  /**< Primal solution vector. */
983         real_t* y;                  /**< Dual solution vector. */
985         real_t tau;                 /**< Last homotopy step length. */
987         QProblemStatus status;      /**< Current status of the solution process. */
989         BooleanType infeasible;     /**< QP infeasible? */
990         BooleanType unbounded;      /**< QP unbounded? */
992         HessianType hessianType;    /**< Type of Hessian matrix. */
993         real_t regVal;              /**< Holds the offset used to regularise Hessian matrix (zero by default). */
995         uint_t count;               /**< Counts the number of hotstart function calls. */
997         real_t *delta_xFR_TMP;      /**< Temporary for determineStepDirection */
999         real_t ramp0;               /**< Start value for Ramping Strategy. */
1000         real_t ramp1;               /**< Final value for Ramping Strategy. */
1001         int_t rampOffset;           /**< Offset index for Ramping. */
1003         Options options;            /**< Struct containing all user-defined options for solving QPs. */
1005         Flipper flipper;            /**< Struct for making a temporary copy of the matrix factorisations. */
1007         TabularOutput tabularOutput;    /**< Struct storing information for tabular output (printLevel == PL_TABULAR). */
1008 };
1013 #include <qpOASES/QProblemB.ipp>
1015 #endif  /* QPOASES_QPROBLEMB_HPP */
1018 /*
1019  *  end of file
1020  */