1 // $Id$
2 // Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
3 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
4 // This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
6 // Edwin 11/12/2009 carved from CbcBranchBase
8 #ifndef CbcObject_H
9 #define CbcObject_H
11 #include <string>
12 #include <vector>
13 #include "OsiBranchingObject.hpp"
14 class OsiSolverInterface;
15 class OsiSolverBranch;
17 class CbcModel;
18 class CbcNode;
19 class CbcNodeInfo;
20 class CbcBranchingObject;
21 class OsiChooseVariable;
22 class CbcObjectUpdateData;
23 //#############################################################################
25 /** Abstract base class for `objects'.
26     It now just has stuff that OsiObject does not have
28   The branching model used in Cbc is based on the idea of an <i>object</i>.
29   In the abstract, an object is something that has a feasible region, can be
30   evaluated for infeasibility, can be branched on (<i>i.e.</i>, there's some
31   constructive action to be taken to move toward feasibility), and allows
32   comparison of the effect of branching.
34   This class (CbcObject) is the base class for an object. To round out the
35   branching model, the class CbcBranchingObject describes how to perform a
36   branch, and the class CbcBranchDecision describes how to compare two
37   CbcBranchingObjects.
39   To create a new type of object you need to provide three methods:
40   #infeasibility(), #feasibleRegion(), and #createCbcBranch(), described below.
42   This base class is primarily virtual to allow for any form of structure.
43   Any form of discontinuity is allowed.
45   \todo The notion that all branches are binary (two arms) is wired into the
46 	implementation of CbcObject, CbcBranchingObject, and
47 	CbcBranchDecision. Changing this will require a moderate amount of
48 	recoding.
49  */
50 // This can be used if object wants to skip strong branching
51 typedef struct {
52   CbcBranchingObject *possibleBranch; // what a branch would do
53   double upMovement; // cost going up (and initial away from feasible)
54   double downMovement; // cost going down
55   int numIntInfeasUp; // without odd ones
56   int numObjInfeasUp; // just odd ones
57   bool finishedUp; // true if solver finished
58   int numItersUp; // number of iterations in solver
59   int numIntInfeasDown; // without odd ones
60   int numObjInfeasDown; // just odd ones
61   bool finishedDown; // true if solver finished
62   int numItersDown; // number of iterations in solver
63   int objectNumber; // Which object it is
64   int fix; // 0 if no fix, 1 if we can fix up, -1 if we can fix down
65 } CbcStrongInfo;
67 class CbcObject : public OsiObject {
69 public:
70   // Default Constructor
71   CbcObject();
73   // Useful constructor
74   CbcObject(CbcModel *model);
76   // Copy constructor
77   CbcObject(const CbcObject &);
79   // Assignment operator
80   CbcObject &operator=(const CbcObject &rhs);
82   /// Clone
83   virtual CbcObject *clone() const = 0;
85   /// Destructor
86   virtual ~CbcObject();
88   /** Infeasibility of the object
90         This is some measure of the infeasibility of the object. It should be
91         scaled to be in the range [0.0, 0.5], with 0.0 indicating the object
92         is satisfied.
94         The preferred branching direction is returned in preferredWay,
96         This is used to prepare for strong branching but should also think of
97         case when no strong branching
99         The object may also compute an estimate of cost of going "up" or "down".
100         This will probably be based on pseudo-cost ideas
101     */
103   virtual double infeasibility(const OsiBranchingInformation *info,
104     int &preferredWay) const = 0;
105 #else
infeasibility(const OsiBranchingInformation *,int & preferredWay) const106   virtual double infeasibility(const OsiBranchingInformation * /*info*/,
107     int &preferredWay) const
108   {
109     return infeasibility(preferredWay);
110   }
infeasibility(int &) const111   virtual double infeasibility(int & /*preferredWay*/) const
112   {
113     throw CoinError("Need code", "infeasibility", "CbcBranchBase");
114   }
115 #endif
117   /** For the variable(s) referenced by the object,
118         look at the current solution and set bounds to match the solution.
119     */
120   virtual void feasibleRegion() = 0;
121   /// Dummy one for compatibility
122   virtual double feasibleRegion(OsiSolverInterface *solver, const OsiBranchingInformation *info) const;
124   /** For the variable(s) referenced by the object,
125         look at the current solution and set bounds to match the solution.
126         Returns measure of how much it had to move solution to make feasible
127     */
128   virtual double feasibleRegion(OsiSolverInterface *solver) const;
130   /** Create a branching object and indicate which way to branch first.
132         The branching object has to know how to create branches (fix
133         variables, etc.)
134     */
136   virtual CbcBranchingObject *createCbcBranch(OsiSolverInterface *solver, const OsiBranchingInformation *info, int way) = 0;
137 #else
createCbcBranch(OsiSolverInterface *,const OsiBranchingInformation *,int)138   virtual CbcBranchingObject *createCbcBranch(OsiSolverInterface *
139     /* solver */,
140     const OsiBranchingInformation *
141     /* info */,
142     int /* way */)
143   {
144     // return createBranch(solver, info, way);
145     return NULL;
146   }
createBranch(OsiSolverInterface *,const OsiBranchingInformation *,int) const147   virtual OsiBranchingObject *createBranch(OsiSolverInterface * /*solver*/,
148     const OsiBranchingInformation * /*info*/, int /*way*/) const
149   {
150     throw CoinError("Need code", "createBranch", "CbcBranchBase");
151   }
152 #endif
153   /** Create an Osibranching object and indicate which way to branch first.
155         The branching object has to know how to create branches (fix
156         variables, etc.)
157     */
158   virtual OsiBranchingObject *createOsiBranch(OsiSolverInterface *solver, const OsiBranchingInformation *info, int way) const;
159   /** Create an OsiSolverBranch object
161         This returns NULL if branch not represented by bound changes
162     */
163   virtual OsiSolverBranch *solverBranch() const;
165   /** \brief Given a valid solution (with reduced costs, etc.),
166         return a branching object which would give a new feasible
167         point in a good direction.
169         If the method cannot generate a feasible point (because there aren't
170         any, or because it isn't bright enough to find one), it should
171         return null.
172     */
preferredNewFeasible() const173   virtual CbcBranchingObject *preferredNewFeasible() const
174   {
175     return NULL;
176   }
178   /** \brief Given a valid solution (with reduced costs, etc.),
179         return a branching object which would give a new feasible
180         point in a bad direction.
182         If the method cannot generate a feasible point (because there aren't
183         any, or because it isn't bright enough to find one), it should
184         return null.
185     */
notPreferredNewFeasible() const186   virtual CbcBranchingObject *notPreferredNewFeasible() const
187   {
188     return NULL;
189   }
191   /** Reset variable bounds to their original values.
193       Bounds may be tightened, so it may be good to be able to set this info in object.
194      */
resetBounds(const OsiSolverInterface *)195   virtual void resetBounds(const OsiSolverInterface *) {}
197   /** Returns floor and ceiling i.e. closest valid points
198     */
199   virtual void floorCeiling(double &floorValue, double &ceilingValue, double value,
200     double tolerance) const;
202   /** Pass in information on branch just done and create CbcObjectUpdateData instance.
203         If object does not need data then backward pointer will be NULL.
204         Assumes can get information from solver */
205   virtual CbcObjectUpdateData createUpdateInformation(const OsiSolverInterface *solver,
206     const CbcNode *node,
207     const CbcBranchingObject *branchingObject);
209   /// Update object by CbcObjectUpdateData
updateInformation(const CbcObjectUpdateData &)210   virtual void updateInformation(const CbcObjectUpdateData &) {}
212   /// Identifier (normally column number in matrix)
id() const213   inline int id() const
214   {
215     return id_;
216   }
218   /** Set identifier (normally column number in matrix)
219         but 1000000000 to 1100000000 means optional branching object
220         i.e. code would work without it */
setId(int value)221   inline void setId(int value)
222   {
223     id_ = value;
224   }
226   /** Return true if optional branching object
227         i.e. code would work without it */
optionalObject() const228   inline bool optionalObject() const
229   {
230     return (id_ >= 1000000000 && id_ < 1100000000);
231   }
233   /// Get position in object_ list
position() const234   inline int position() const
235   {
236     return position_;
237   }
239   /// Set position in object_ list
setPosition(int position)240   inline void setPosition(int position)
241   {
242     position_ = position;
243   }
245   /// update model
setModel(CbcModel * model)246   inline void setModel(CbcModel *model)
247   {
248     model_ = model;
249   }
251   /// Return model
model() const252   inline CbcModel *model() const
253   {
254     return model_;
255   }
257   /// If -1 down always chosen first, +1 up always, 0 normal
preferredWay() const258   inline int preferredWay() const
259   {
260     return preferredWay_;
261   }
262   /// Set -1 down always chosen first, +1 up always, 0 normal
setPreferredWay(int value)263   inline void setPreferredWay(int value)
264   {
265     preferredWay_ = value;
266   }
267   /// Redoes data when sequence numbers change
redoSequenceEtc(CbcModel *,int,const int *)268   virtual void redoSequenceEtc(CbcModel *, int, const int *) {}
269   /// Initialize for branching
initializeForBranching(CbcModel *)270   virtual void initializeForBranching(CbcModel *) {}
272 protected:
273   /// data
275   /// Model
276   CbcModel *model_;
277   /// Identifier (normally column number in matrix)
278   int id_;
279   /// Position in object list
280   int position_;
281   /// If -1 down always chosen first, +1 up always, 0 normal
282   int preferredWay_;
283 };
285 #endif
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