1 // $Id$
2 // Copyright (C) 2000, International Business Machines
3 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
4 // This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
6 #ifndef CglTreeInfo_H
7 #define CglTreeInfo_H
9 #include "OsiCuts.hpp"
10 #include "OsiSolverInterface.hpp"
11 #include "CoinHelperFunctions.hpp"
12 class CglStored;
13 /** Information about where the cut generator is invoked from. */
15 class CglTreeInfo {
16 public:
17   /// The level of the search tree node
18   int level;
19   /** How many times the cut generator was already invoked in this search tree
20       node */
21   int pass;
22   /** The number of rows in the original formulation. Some generators may not
23       want to consider already generated rows when generating new ones. */
24   int formulation_rows;
25   /** Options
26       1 - treat costed integers as important
27       2 - switch off some stuff as variables semi-integer
28       4 - set global cut flag if at root node
29       8 - set global cut flag if at root node and first pass
30       16 - set global cut flag and make cuts globally valid
31       32 - last round of cuts did nothing - maybe be more aggressive
32       64 - in preprocessing stage
33       128 - looks like solution
34       256 - want alternate cuts
35       512 - in sub tree (i.e. parent model)
36       1024 - in must call again mode or after everything mode
37   */
38   int options;
39   /// Set true if in tree (to avoid ambiguity at first branch)
40   bool inTree;
41   /** nonzero if called from child of main model
42       1 if heuristic run
43       2 if doing full search
44   */
45   int hasParent;
46   /// parent solver
47   OsiSolverInterface *parentSolver;
48   /// Original columns (if preprocessed)
49   int *originalColumns;
50   /** Replacement array.  Before Branch and Cut it may be beneficial to strengthen rows
51       rather than adding cuts.  If this array is not NULL then the cut generator can
52       place a pointer to the stronger cut in this array which is number of rows in size.
54       A null (i.e. zero elements and free rhs) cut indicates that the row is useless
55       and can be removed.
57       The calling function can then replace those rows.
58   */
59   OsiRowCut **strengthenRow;
60   /// Optional pointer to thread specific random number generator
61   CoinThreadRandom *randomNumberGenerator;
62   /// Default constructor
63   CglTreeInfo();
65   /// Copy constructor
66   CglTreeInfo(
67     const CglTreeInfo &);
68   /// Clone
69   virtual CglTreeInfo *clone() const;
71   /// Assignment operator
72   CglTreeInfo &
73   operator=(
74     const CglTreeInfo &rhs);
76   /// Destructor
77   virtual ~CglTreeInfo();
78   /// Take action if cut generator can fix a variable (toValue -1 for down, +1 for up)
fixes(int,int,int,bool)79   virtual bool fixes(int, int, int, bool) { return false; }
80   /** Initalizes fixing arrays etc - returns >0 if we want to save info
81       0 if we don't and -1 if is to be used */
initializeFixing(const OsiSolverInterface *)82   virtual int initializeFixing(const OsiSolverInterface *) { return 0; }
83 };
85 /** Derived class to pick up probing info. */
86 typedef struct {
87   //unsigned int oneFixed:1; //  nonzero if variable to 1 fixes all
88   //unsigned int sequence:31; //  variable (in matrix) (but also see cliqueRow_)
89   unsigned int fixes;
90 } CliqueEntry;
92 class CglTreeProbingInfo : public CglTreeInfo {
93 public:
94   /// Default constructor
95   CglTreeProbingInfo();
96   /// Constructor from model
97   CglTreeProbingInfo(const OsiSolverInterface *model);
99   /// Copy constructor
100   CglTreeProbingInfo(
101     const CglTreeProbingInfo &);
102   /// Clone
103   virtual CglTreeInfo *clone() const;
105   /// Assignment operator
106   CglTreeProbingInfo &
107   operator=(
108     const CglTreeProbingInfo &rhs);
110   /// Destructor
111   virtual ~CglTreeProbingInfo();
112   OsiSolverInterface *analyze(const OsiSolverInterface &si, int createSolver = 0,
113     int numberExtraCliques = 0, const CoinBigIndex *starts = NULL,
114     const CliqueEntry *entries = NULL, const char *type = NULL);
115   /** Take action if cut generator can fix a variable
116       (toValue -1 for down, +1 for up)
117       Returns true if still room, false if not  */
118   virtual bool fixes(int variable, int toValue, int fixedVariable, bool fixedToLower);
119   /** Initalizes fixing arrays etc - returns >0 if we want to save info
120       0 if we don't and -1 if is to be used */
121   virtual int initializeFixing(const OsiSolverInterface *model);
122   /// Fix entries in a solver using implications
123   int fixColumns(OsiSolverInterface &si) const;
124   /// Fix entries in a solver using implications for one variable
125   int fixColumns(int iColumn, int value, OsiSolverInterface &si) const;
126   /// Packs down entries
127   int packDown();
128   /// Generate cuts from implications
129   void generateCuts(const OsiSolverInterface &si, OsiCuts &cs,
130     const CglTreeInfo info) const;
131   /// Entries for fixing variables
fixEntries()132   inline CliqueEntry *fixEntries()
133   {
134     convert();
135     return fixEntry_;
136   }
137   /// Starts of integer variable going to zero
toZero()138   inline int *toZero()
139   {
140     convert();
141     return toZero_;
142   }
143   /// Starts of integer variable going to one
toOne()144   inline int *toOne()
145   {
146     convert();
147     return toOne_;
148   }
149   /// List of 0-1 integer variables
integerVariable() const150   inline int *integerVariable() const
151   {
152     return integerVariable_;
153   }
154   /// Backward look up
backward() const155   inline int *backward() const
156   {
157     return backward_;
158   }
159   /// Number of variables
numberVariables() const160   inline int numberVariables() const
161   {
162     return numberVariables_;
163   }
164   /// Number of 0-1 variables
numberIntegers() const165   inline int numberIntegers() const
166   {
167     return numberIntegers_;
168   }
170 private:
171   /// Converts to ordered
172   void convert();
174 protected:
175   /// Entries for fixing variables
176   CliqueEntry *fixEntry_;
177   /// Starts of integer variable going to zero
178   int *toZero_;
179   /// Starts of integer variable going to one
180   int *toOne_;
181   /// List of 0-1 integer variables
182   int *integerVariable_;
183   /// Backward look up
184   int *backward_;
185   /// Entries for fixing variable when collecting
186   int *fixingEntry_;
187   /// Number of variables
188   int numberVariables_;
189   /// Number of 0-1 variables
190   int numberIntegers_;
191   /// Maximum number in fixEntry_
192   int maximumEntries_;
193   /// Number entries in fixingEntry_ (and fixEntry_) or -2 if correct style
194   int numberEntries_;
195 };
sequenceInCliqueEntry(const CliqueEntry & cEntry)196 inline int sequenceInCliqueEntry(const CliqueEntry &cEntry)
197 {
198   return cEntry.fixes & 0x7fffffff;
199 }
setSequenceInCliqueEntry(CliqueEntry & cEntry,int sequence)200 inline void setSequenceInCliqueEntry(CliqueEntry &cEntry, int sequence)
201 {
202   cEntry.fixes = sequence | (cEntry.fixes & 0x80000000);
203 }
oneFixesInCliqueEntry(const CliqueEntry & cEntry)204 inline bool oneFixesInCliqueEntry(const CliqueEntry &cEntry)
205 {
206   return (cEntry.fixes & 0x80000000) != 0;
207 }
setOneFixesInCliqueEntry(CliqueEntry & cEntry,bool oneFixes)208 inline void setOneFixesInCliqueEntry(CliqueEntry &cEntry, bool oneFixes)
209 {
210   cEntry.fixes = (oneFixes ? 0x80000000 : 0) | (cEntry.fixes & 0x7fffffff);
211 }
213 #endif
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