1 /* This software was developed by Bruce Hendrickson and Robert Leland   *
2  * at Sandia National Laboratories under US Department of Energy        *
3  * contract DE-AC04-76DP00789 and is copyrighted by Sandia Corporation. */
5 #include <stdio.h>
6 #include <math.h>
7 #include "params.h"
8 #include "defs.h"
9 #include "structs.h"
12 static int check_params(), check_assignment();
14 /* Check graph and input options and parameters. */
check_input(graph,nvtxs,nedges,igeom,coords,graphname,assignment,goal,architecture,ndims_tot,mesh_dims,global_method,local_method,rqi_flag,vmax,ndims,eigtol)15 int       check_input(graph, nvtxs, nedges, igeom, coords,
16 		         graphname, assignment, goal,
17 			 architecture, ndims_tot, mesh_dims,
18 		         global_method, local_method, rqi_flag, vmax, ndims,
19 		         eigtol)
20 struct vtx_data **graph;	/* linked lists of vertex data */
21 int       nvtxs;		/* number of vertices */
22 int       nedges;		/* number of edges */
23 int       igeom;		/* geometric dimension for inertial method */
24 float   **coords;		/* coordinates for inertial method */
25 char     *graphname;		/* graph input file name */
26 short    *assignment;		/* set numbers if read-from-file */
27 double   *goal;			/* desired sizes of different sets */
28 int       architecture;		/* 0=> hypercube, d=> d-dimensional mesh */
29 int       ndims_tot;		/* number of hypercube dimensions */
30 int       mesh_dims[3];		/* size of mesh in each dimension */
31 int       global_method;	/* global partitioning algorithm */
32 int       local_method;		/* local partitioning algorithm */
33 int       rqi_flag;		/* flag for RQI/symmlq eigensolver */
34 int      *vmax;			/* smallest acceptable coarsened nvtxs */
35 int       ndims;		/* partitioning level */
36 double    eigtol;		/* tolerance for eigen-pairs */
37 {
38     extern FILE *Output_File;		/* output file or null */
39     extern int DEBUG_TRACE;		/* trace main execution path? */
40     extern int MATCH_TYPE;	/* which type of contraction matching to use? */
41     double    vwgt_sum, vwgt_sum2;	/* sums of values in vwgts and goals */
42     int       flag;		/* does input data pass all the tests? */
43     int       flag_graph;	/* does graph check out OK? */
44     int       flag_params;	/* do params look OK? */
45     int       flag_assign;	/* does assignment look good? */
46     int       nprocs;		/* number of processors partitioning for */
47     int       i;		/* loop counter */
48     int       check_graph(), check_params(), check_assignment();
50     if (DEBUG_TRACE > 0) {
51 	printf("<Entering check_input>\n");
52     }
54     /* First check for consistency in the graph. */
55     if (graph != NULL) {
56 	flag_graph = check_graph(graph, nvtxs, nedges);
57 	if (flag_graph) {
58 	    if (graphname != NULL)
59 		printf("ERRORS in graph input file %s.\n", graphname);
60 		if (Output_File != NULL) {
61 		    fprintf(Output_File, "ERRORS in graph input file %s.\n",
62 			graphname);
63 		}
64 	    else
65 		printf("ERRORS in graph.\n");
66 		if (Output_File != NULL) {
67 		    fprintf(Output_File, "ERRORS in graph.\n");
68 		}
69 	}
70     }
72     else {
73 	/* Only allowed if simple or inertial w/o KL and no weights. */
74 	flag_graph = FALSE;
75 	if (global_method == 1 || global_method == 2 || local_method == 1) {
76 	    printf("No graph input.  Only allowed for inertial or simple methods without KL.\n");
77 	    flag_graph = TRUE;
78 	}
79     }
81     /* Now check the input values. */
82     flag = FALSE;
83     flag_assign = FALSE;
85     if (architecture < 0 || architecture > 3) {
86 	printf("Machine architecture parameter = %d, must be in [0,3].\n", architecture);
87 	flag = TRUE;
88     }
90     else if (architecture == 0) {
91 	if (ndims_tot < 0) {
92 	    printf("Dimension of hypercube = %d, must be at least 1.\n", ndims_tot);
93 	    flag = TRUE;
94 	}
95     }
97     else if (architecture > 0) {
98 	if (architecture == 1 && mesh_dims[0] <= 0) {
99 	    printf("Size of 1-D mesh improperly specified, %d.\n", mesh_dims[0]);
100 	    flag = TRUE;
101 	}
102 	if (architecture == 2 && (mesh_dims[0] <= 0 || mesh_dims[1] <= 0)) {
103 	    printf("Size of 2-D mesh improperly specified, %dx%d.\n", mesh_dims[0], mesh_dims[1]);
104 	    flag = TRUE;
105 	}
106 	if (architecture == 2 && (mesh_dims[0] <= 0 || mesh_dims[1] <= 0 || mesh_dims[2] <= 0)) {
107 	    printf("Size of 3-D mesh improperly specified, %dx%dx%d.\n",
108 		   mesh_dims[0], mesh_dims[1], mesh_dims[2]);
109 	    flag = TRUE;
110 	}
111     }
113     if (ndims < 1 || ndims > MAXDIMS) {
114 	printf("Partitioning at each step = %d, should be in [1,%d].\n",
115 	       ndims, MAXDIMS);
116 	flag = TRUE;
117     }
119     if (architecture == 0)
120 	nprocs = 1 << ndims_tot;
121     else if (architecture > 0)
122 	nprocs = mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1] * mesh_dims[2];
123     if (1 << ndims > nprocs) {
124 	printf("Partitioning step %d too large for %d processors.\n",
125 	       ndims, nprocs);
126 	flag = TRUE;
127     }
129     if (global_method < 1 || global_method > 7) {
130 	printf("Global partitioning method = %d, must be in [1,7].\n", global_method);
131 	flag = TRUE;
132     }
134     if (local_method < 1 || local_method > 2) {
135 	printf("Local partitioning method = %d, must be in [1,2].\n", local_method);
136 	flag = TRUE;
137     }
139     if (global_method == 1 || (global_method == 2 && rqi_flag)) {
140 	i = 2 * (1 << ndims);
141 	if (*vmax < i) {
142 	    printf("WARNING: Number of vertices in coarse graph (%d) being reset to %d.\n",
143 		   *vmax, i);
144 	    if (Output_File != NULL) {
145 	        fprintf(Output_File,
146 		    "WARNING: Number of vertices in coarse graph (%d) being reset to %d.\n",
147 		    *vmax, i);
148 	    }
149 	    *vmax = i;
150 	}
151     }
153     if ((global_method == 1 || global_method == 2) && eigtol <= 0) {
154 	printf("Eigen tolerance (%g) must be positive value\n", eigtol);
155 	flag = TRUE;
156     }
158     if (global_method == 3 ||
159 	(MATCH_TYPE == 5 && (global_method == 1 ||
160 	                     (global_method == 2 && rqi_flag)))) {
161 	if (igeom < 1 || igeom > 3) {
162 	    printf("Geometry must be 1-, 2- or 3-dimensional\n");
163 	    flag = TRUE;
164 	}
165 	if (igeom > 0 && coords == NULL) {
166 	    printf("No coordinates given\n");
167 	    flag = FALSE;
168 	}
169 	else if (igeom > 0 && coords[0] == NULL) {
170 	    printf("No X-coordinates given\n");
171 	    flag = TRUE;
172 	}
173 	else if (igeom > 1 && coords[1] == NULL) {
174 	    printf("No Y-coordinates given\n");
175 	    flag = TRUE;
176 	}
177 	else if (igeom > 2 && coords[2] == NULL) {
178 	    printf("No Z-coordinates given\n");
179 	    flag = TRUE;
180 	}
181     }
183     if (global_method == 7 && local_method == 1) {
184 	if (nprocs > 1<<ndims) {
185 	    printf("Can only use local method on single level of read-in assignment,\n");
186 	    printf("  but ndims =  %d, while number of processors = %d.\n",
187 		ndims, nprocs);
188 	    flag = TRUE;
189 	}
190     }
192     /* Now check for consistency in the goal array. */
193     if (graph != NULL)  {
194         vwgt_sum = 0;
195         for (i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++) {
196 	    vwgt_sum += graph[i]->vwgt;
197 	}
198     }
199     else {
200 	vwgt_sum = nvtxs;
201     }
203     vwgt_sum2 = 0;
204     for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
205 	if (goal[i] < 0) {
206 	    printf("goal[%d] is %g, but should be nonnegative.\n", i, goal[i]);
207 	    flag = TRUE;
208 	}
209 	vwgt_sum2 += goal[i];
210     }
212     if (fabs(vwgt_sum - vwgt_sum2) > 1e-5 * (vwgt_sum + vwgt_sum2)) {
213 	printf("Sum of values in goal (%g) not equal to sum of vertex weights (%g).\n",
214 	       vwgt_sum2, vwgt_sum);
215 	flag = TRUE;
216     }
218     /* Check assignment file if read in. */
219     if (global_method == 7 && !flag) {
220 	flag_assign = check_assignment(assignment, nvtxs, nprocs, ndims, local_method);
221     }
223 /* Add some checks for model parameters */
225     /* Finally, check the parameters. */
226     flag_params = check_params(global_method, local_method, rqi_flag, ndims);
228     flag = flag || flag_graph || flag_assign || flag_params;
230     return (flag);
231 }
check_params(global_method,local_method,rqi_flag,ndims)237 static int check_params(global_method, local_method, rqi_flag, ndims)
238 int       global_method;	/* global partitioning algorithm */
239 int       local_method;		/* local partitioning algorithm */
240 int       rqi_flag;		/* use multilevel eigensolver? */
241 int       ndims;		/* number of eigenvectors */
242 {
243     extern FILE *Output_File;	/* Output file or null */
244     extern int ECHO;		/* print input/param options? to file? (-2..2) */
245     extern int EXPERT;		/* is user an expert? */
246     extern int OUTPUT_METRICS;	/* controls formatting of output */
247     extern int OUTPUT_TIME;	/* at what level to display timing */
249     extern int LANCZOS_TYPE;		/* type of Lanczos to use */
250     extern double EIGEN_TOLERANCE;	/* eigen-tolerance convergence criteria */
251     extern int LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL;	/* interval between orthog checks in SO */
252     extern double BISECTION_SAFETY;	/* divides Lanczos bisection tol */
253     extern int LANCZOS_CONVERGENCE_MODE;/* Lanczos convergence test type */
254     extern int RQI_CONVERGENCE_MODE;	/* rqi convergence test type: */
255     extern double WARNING_ORTHTOL;	/* warn if Ares/bjitol this big */
256     extern double WARNING_MISTOL;	/* warn if Ares/bjitol this big */
257     extern int LANCZOS_SO_PRECISION;	/* single or double precision? */
259     extern int PERTURB;		/* randomly perturb matrix in spectral method? */
260     extern int NPERTURB;	/* if so, how many edges to modify? */
261     extern double PERTURB_MAX;	/* largest value for perturbation */
262     extern int MAPPING_TYPE;	/* how to map from eigenvectors to partition */
263     extern int COARSE_NLEVEL_RQI;	/* levels between RQI calls */
264     extern int OPT3D_NTRIES;	/* # local opts to look for global min in opt3d */
266     extern int KL_METRIC;	/* KL interset cost: 1=>cuts, 2=>hops */
267     extern int KL_BAD_MOVES;	/* number of unhelpful moves in a row allowed */
268     extern int KL_NTRIES_BAD;	/* # unhelpful passes before quitting KL */
269     extern double KL_IMBALANCE;	/* allowed imbalance in KL */
271     extern double COARSEN_RATIO_MIN;	/* required coarsening reduction */
272     extern int COARSE_NLEVEL_KL;/* # levels between KL calls in uncoarsening */
273     extern int MATCH_TYPE;	/* which type of contraction matching to use? */
275     extern int SIMULATOR;	/* simulate the communication? */
277     extern int TERM_PROP;	/* perform terminal propagation? */
278     extern double CUT_TO_HOP_COST;	/* ..if so, relativ cut/hop importance */
279     int       flag_params;
281     flag_params = FALSE;
282     if (ECHO < -2 || ECHO > 2) {
283 	printf("ECHO (%d) should be in [-2,2].\n", ECHO);
284 	flag_params = TRUE;
285     }
287     if (OUTPUT_METRICS < -2 || OUTPUT_METRICS > 2) {
288 	printf("WARNING: OUTPUT_METRICS (%d) should be in [-2,2].\n", OUTPUT_METRICS);
289 	if (Output_File != NULL) {
290 	    fprintf(Output_File,
291 		"WARNING: OUTPUT_METRICS (%d) should be in [-2,2].\n", OUTPUT_METRICS);
292 	}
293     }
294     if (OUTPUT_TIME < 0 || OUTPUT_TIME > 2) {
295 	printf("WARNING: OUTPUT_TIME (%d) should be in [0,2].\n", OUTPUT_TIME);
296 	if (Output_File != NULL) {
297 	    fprintf(Output_File,
298 		"WARNING: OUTPUT_TIME (%d) should be in [0,2].\n", OUTPUT_TIME);
299 	}
300     }
302     if (global_method == 1 || global_method == 2) {
303 	if (EXPERT) {
304 	    if (LANCZOS_TYPE < 1 || LANCZOS_TYPE > 4) {
305 	        printf("LANCZOS_TYPE (%d) should be in [1,4].\n", LANCZOS_TYPE);
306 	        flag_params = TRUE;
307 	    }
308 	}
309 	else {
310 	    if (LANCZOS_TYPE < 1 || LANCZOS_TYPE > 3) {
311 	        printf("LANCZOS_TYPE (%d) should be in [1,3].\n", LANCZOS_TYPE);
312 	        flag_params = TRUE;
313 	    }
314 	}
315 	if (EIGEN_TOLERANCE <= 0) {
316 	    printf("EIGEN_TOLERANCE (%g) should be positive.\n", EIGEN_TOLERANCE);
317 	    flag_params = TRUE;
318 	}
319 	if (LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL <= 0) {
320 	    printf("LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL (%d) should be positive.\n",
322 	    flag_params = TRUE;
323 	}
324 	if (LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL == 1) {
325 	    printf("WARNING: More efficient if LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL = 2, not 1.\n");
326 	    if (Output_File != NULL) {
327 	        fprintf(Output_File,
328 		    "WARNING: More efficient if LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL = 2, not 1.\n");
329 	    }
330 	}
331 	if (BISECTION_SAFETY <= 0) {
332 	    printf("BISECTION_SAFETY (%g) should be positive.\n", BISECTION_SAFETY);
333 	    flag_params = TRUE;
334 	}
336 	    printf("LANCZOS_CONVERGENCE_MODE (%d) should be in [0,1].\n",
338 	    flag_params = TRUE;
339 	}
341 	if (WARNING_ORTHTOL == 0) {
342 	    printf("WARNING: WARNING_ORTHTOL (%g) should be positive.\n",
344 	    if (Output_File != NULL) {
345 	        fprintf(Output_File,
346 		    "WARNING: WARNING_ORTHTOL (%g) should be positive.\n",
348 	    }
349 	}
350 	if (WARNING_MISTOL == 0) {
351 	    printf("WARNING: WARNING_MISTOL (%g) should be positive.\n",
353 	    if (Output_File != NULL) {
354 	        fprintf(Output_File,
355 		    "WARNING: WARNING_MISTOL (%g) should be positive.\n",
356 		    WARNING_MISTOL);
357 	    }
358 	}
361 	    printf("LANCZOS_SO_PRECISION (%d) should be in [1,2].\n",
363 	    flag_params = TRUE;
364 	}
366 	if (PERTURB) {
367 	    if (NPERTURB < 0) {
368 		printf("NPERTURB (%d) should be nonnegative.\n", NPERTURB);
369 		flag_params = TRUE;
370 	    }
371 	    if (NPERTURB > 0 && PERTURB_MAX < 0) {
372 		printf("PERTURB_MAX (%g) should be nonnegative.\n", PERTURB_MAX);
373 		flag_params = TRUE;
374 	    }
375 	}
377 	if (MAPPING_TYPE < 0 || MAPPING_TYPE > 3) {
378 	    printf("MAPPING_TYPE (%d) should be in [0,3].\n", MAPPING_TYPE);
379 	    flag_params = TRUE;
380 	}
382 	if (ndims == 3 && OPT3D_NTRIES <= 0) {
383 	    printf("OPT3D_NTRIES (%d) should be positive.\n", OPT3D_NTRIES);
384 	    flag_params = TRUE;
385 	}
387 	if (global_method == 2 && rqi_flag) {
388 	    if (COARSE_NLEVEL_RQI <= 0) {
389 		printf("COARSE_NLEVEL_RQI (%d) should be positive.\n",
390 		       COARSE_NLEVEL_RQI);
391 		flag_params = TRUE;
392 	    }
395 		printf("RQI_CONVERGENCE_MODE (%d) should be in [0,1].\n",
397 		flag_params = TRUE;
398 	    }
400  	    if (TERM_PROP) {
401                  printf("WARNING: Using default Lanczos for extended eigenproblem, not RQI/Symmlq.\n");
402  	    }
403 	}
405 	if (global_method == 1) {
406 	    if (COARSE_NLEVEL_KL <= 0) {
407 		printf("COARSE_NLEVEL_KL (%d) should be positive.\n",
408 		       COARSE_NLEVEL_KL);
409 		flag_params = TRUE;
410 	    }
411 	}
413 	if (global_method == 1 || (global_method == 2 && rqi_flag)) {
414 	    if (COARSEN_RATIO_MIN < .5) {
415 		printf("COARSEN_RATIO_MIN (%g) should be at least 1/2.\n",
416 		       COARSEN_RATIO_MIN);
417 		flag_params = TRUE;
418 	    }
419 	    if (MATCH_TYPE < 1 || MATCH_TYPE > 5) {
420 		printf("MATCH_TYPE (%d) should be in [1,4].\n", MATCH_TYPE);
421 		flag_params = TRUE;
422 	    }
423 	}
425 /*
426 	if (global_method == 1 && LIMIT_KL_EWGTS && EWGT_RATIO_MAX <= 0) {
427 	    printf("EWGT_RATIO_MAX (%g) should be at positive.\n",
428 		   EWGT_RATIO_MAX);
429 	    flag_params = TRUE;
430 	}
431 */
432     }
434     if (global_method == 1 || local_method == 1) {
435 	if (KL_METRIC < 1 || KL_METRIC > 2) {
436 	    printf("KL_METRIC (%d) should be in [0,1].\n", KL_METRIC);
437 	    flag_params = TRUE;
438 	}
439 	if (KL_BAD_MOVES < 0) {
440 	    printf("KL_BAD_MOVES (%d) should be non-negative.\n", KL_BAD_MOVES);
441 	    flag_params = TRUE;
442 	}
443 	if (KL_NTRIES_BAD < 0) {
444 	    printf("KL_NTRIES_BAD (%d) should be non-negative.\n", KL_NTRIES_BAD);
445 	    flag_params = TRUE;
446 	}
447 	if (KL_IMBALANCE < 0.0 || KL_IMBALANCE > 1.0) {
448 	    printf("KL_IMBALANCE (%g) should be in [0,1].\n", KL_IMBALANCE);
449 	    flag_params = TRUE;
450 	}
451     }
453     if (SIMULATOR < 0 || SIMULATOR > 3) {
454 	printf("SIMULATOR (%d) should be in [0,3].\n", SIMULATOR);
455 	flag_params = TRUE;
456     }
458     if (TERM_PROP) {
459 	if (CUT_TO_HOP_COST <= 0) {
460 	    printf("CUT_TO_HOP_COST (%g) should be positive.\n", CUT_TO_HOP_COST);
461 	    flag_params = TRUE;
462 	}
463 	if (ndims > 1) {
464 	    printf("WARNING: May ignore terminal propagation in spectral quadri/octa section\n");
465 	}
466     }
468     return (flag_params);
469 }
check_assignment(assignment,nvtxs,nsets_tot,ndims,local_method)472 static int check_assignment(assignment, nvtxs, nsets_tot, ndims, local_method)
473 short    *assignment;		/* set numbers if read-from-file */
474 int       nvtxs;		/* number of vertices */
475 int       nsets_tot;		/* total number of desired sets */
476 {
477     int       flag;		/* return status */
478     int       nsets;		/* number of sets created at each level */
479     int       i;		/* loop counter */
481     nsets = 1<< ndims;
482     flag = FALSE;
484     for (i=1; i<=nvtxs && !flag; i++) {
485         if (assignment[i] < 0) {
486 	    printf("Assignment[%d] = %d less than zero.\n", i, assignment[i]);
487 	    flag = TRUE;
488 	}
489 	else if (assignment[i] >= nsets_tot) {
490 	    printf("Assignment[%d] = %d, too large for %d sets.\n",
491 		i, assignment[i], nsets_tot);
492 	    flag = TRUE;
493 	}
494 	else if (local_method == 1 && assignment[i] >= nsets) {
495 	    printf("Can only use local method on single level of read-in assignment,\n");
496 	    printf("  but assignment[%d] =  %d.\n", i, assignment[i]);
497 	    flag = TRUE;
498 	}
499     }
501     return(flag);
502 }