1 /* This software was developed by Bruce Hendrickson and Robert Leland   *
2  * at Sandia National Laboratories under US Department of Energy        *
3  * contract DE-AC04-76DP00789 and is copyrighted by Sandia Corporation. */
5 #include	<stdio.h>
6 #include	<string.h>
7 #include	"defs.h"
input_graph(fin,inname,start,adjacency,nvtxs,vweights,eweights)10 int       input_graph(fin, inname, start, adjacency, nvtxs, vweights, eweights)
11 FILE     *fin;			/* input file */
12 char     *inname;		/* name of input file */
13 int     **start;		/* start of edge list for each vertex */
14 int     **adjacency;		/* edge list data */
15 int      *nvtxs;		/* number of vertices in graph */
16 int     **vweights;		/* vertex weight list data */
17 float   **eweights;		/* edge weight list data */
18 {
19     extern FILE *Output_File;   /* output file or null */
20     extern int CHECK_INPUT;	/* print warnings or not? */
21     extern int DEBUG_INPUT;	/* echo that input file read successful? */
22     extern int DEBUG_TRACE;	/* trace main execution path */
23     int      *adjptr;		/* loops through adjacency data */
24     float    *ewptr;		/* loops through edge weight data */
25     int       narcs;		/* number of edges expected in graph */
26     int       nedges;		/* twice number of edges really in graph */
27     int       nedge;		/* loops through edges for each vertex */
28     int       flag;		/* condition indicator */
29     int       found_flag;	/* is vertex found in adjacency list? */
30     int       skip_flag;	/* should this edge be ignored? */
31     int       end_flag;		/* indicates end of line or file */
32     int       vtx;		/* vertex in graph */
33     int       line_num;		/* line number in input file */
34     int       sum_edges;	/* total number of edges read so far */
35     int       option;		/* input option */
36     int       using_ewgts;	/* are edge weights in input file? */
37     int       using_vwgts;	/* are vertex weights in input file? */
38     int       vtxnums;		/* are vertex numbers in input file? */
39     int       vertex;		/* current vertex being read */
40     int       new_vertex;	/* new vertex being read */
41     int       weight;		/* weight being read */
42     float     eweight;		/* edge weight being read */
43     int       neighbor;		/* neighbor of current vertex */
44     int       self_edge;	/* is a self edge encountered? */
45     int       ignore_me;	/* is this edge being ignored? */
46     int       ignored;		/* how many edges are ignored? */
47     int       error_flag;	/* error reading input? */
48     int       j;		/* loop counters */
49     int       sfree(), read_int();
50     double   *smalloc(), read_val();
52     if (DEBUG_TRACE > 0) {
53 	printf("<Entering input_graph>\n");
54     }
56     /* Read first line  of input (= nvtxs, narcs, option). */
57     /* The (decimal) digits of the option variable mean: 1's digit not zero => input
58        edge weights 10's digit not zero => input vertex weights 100's digit not zero
59        => include vertex numbers */
61     *start = NULL;
62     *adjacency = NULL;
63     *vweights = NULL;
64     *eweights = NULL;
66     error_flag = 0;
67     line_num = 0;
69     /* Read any leading comment lines */
70     end_flag = 1;
71     while (end_flag == 1) {
72 	*nvtxs = read_int(fin, &end_flag);
73 	++line_num;
74     }
75     if (*nvtxs <= 0) {
76 	printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
77 	printf(" Invalid number of vertices (%d).\n", *nvtxs);
78 	if (Output_File != NULL) {
79 	    fprintf(Output_File, "ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
80 	    fprintf(Output_File, " Invalid number of vertices (%d).\n", *nvtxs);
81 	}
82 	fclose(fin);
83 	return(1);
84     }
86     narcs = read_int(fin, &end_flag);
87     if (narcs < 0) {
88 	printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
89 	printf(" Invalid number of expected edges (%d).\n", narcs);
90 	if (Output_File != NULL) {
91 	    fprintf(Output_File, "ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
92 	    fprintf(Output_File, " Invalid number of expected edges (%d).\n", narcs);
93 	}
94 	fclose(fin);
95 	return(1);
96     }
98     if (!end_flag) {
99 	option = read_int(fin, &end_flag);
100     }
101     while (!end_flag)
102 	j = read_int(fin, &end_flag);
104     using_ewgts = option - 10 * (option / 10);
105     option /= 10;
106     using_vwgts = option - 10 * (option / 10);
107     option /= 10;
108     vtxnums = option - 10 * (option / 10);
110 using_ewgts = TRUE;
111 using_vwgts = FALSE;
112 vtxnums = TRUE;
114     /* Allocate space for rows and columns. */
115     *start = (int *) smalloc((unsigned) (*nvtxs + 1) * sizeof(int));
116     if (narcs != 0)
117 	*adjacency = (int *) smalloc((unsigned) (2 * narcs + 1) * sizeof(int));
118     else
119 	*adjacency = NULL;
121     if (using_vwgts)
122 	*vweights = (int *) smalloc((unsigned) (*nvtxs) * sizeof(int));
123     else
124 	*vweights = NULL;
126     if (using_ewgts && narcs != 0)
127 	*eweights = (float *) smalloc((unsigned) (2 * narcs + 1) * sizeof(float));
128     else
129 	*eweights = NULL;
131     adjptr = *adjacency;
132     ewptr = *eweights;
133     self_edge = 0;
134     ignored = 0;
136     sum_edges = 0;
137     nedges = 0;
138     (*start)[0] = 0;
139     vertex = 0;
140     vtx = 0;
141     new_vertex = TRUE;
142     while ((narcs || using_vwgts || vtxnums) && end_flag != -1) {
143 	++line_num;
145 	/* If multiple input lines per vertex, read vertex number. */
146 	if (vtxnums) {
147 	    j = read_int(fin, &end_flag) + 1;
148 	    if (end_flag) {
149 		if (vertex == *nvtxs)
150 		    break;
151 		printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
152 		printf(" no vertex number in line %d.\n", line_num);
153 		if (Output_File != NULL) {
154 		    fprintf(Output_File, "ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
155 		    fprintf(Output_File, " no vertex number in line %d.\n", line_num);
156 		}
157 		fclose(fin);
158 		return (1);
159 	    }
160 	    if (j != vertex && j != vertex + 1) {
161 		printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
162 		printf(" out-of-order vertex number in line %d.\n", line_num);
163 		if (Output_File != NULL) {
164 		    fprintf(Output_File, "ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
165 		    fprintf(Output_File,
166 			" out-of-order vertex number in line %d.\n", line_num);
167 		}
168 		fclose(fin);
169 		return (1);
170 	    }
171 	    if (j != vertex) {
172 		new_vertex = TRUE;
173 		vertex = j;
174 	    }
175 	    else
176 		new_vertex = FALSE;
177 	}
178 	else
179 	    vertex = ++vtx;
181 	if (vertex > *nvtxs)
182 	    break;
184 	/* If vertices are weighted, read vertex weight. */
185 	if (using_vwgts && new_vertex) {
186 	    weight = read_int(fin, &end_flag);
187 	    if (end_flag) {
188 		printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
189 		printf(" no weight for vertex %d.\n", vertex);
190 		if (Output_File != NULL) {
191 		    fprintf(Output_File, "ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
192 		    fprintf(Output_File, " no weight for vertex %d.\n", vertex);
193 		}
194 		fclose(fin);
195 		return (1);
196 	    }
197 	    if (weight <= 0) {
198 		printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
199 		printf(" zero or negative weight entered for vertex %d.\n", vertex);
200 		if (Output_File != NULL) {
201 		    fprintf(Output_File, "ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
202 		    fprintf(Output_File,
203 			" zero or negative weight entered for vertex %d.\n", vertex);
204 		}
205 		fclose(fin);
206 		return (1);
207 	    }
208 	    (*vweights)[vertex-1] = weight;
209 	}
211 	nedge = 0;
213 	/* Read number of adjacent vertex. */
214 	neighbor = read_int(fin, &end_flag) + 1;
216 	while (!end_flag) {
217 	    skip_flag = FALSE;
218 	    ignore_me = FALSE;
220 	    if (neighbor > *nvtxs) {
221 		printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
222 		printf(" nvtxs=%d, but edge (%d,%d) was input.\n",
223 		       *nvtxs, vertex, neighbor);
224 		if (Output_File != NULL) {
225 		    fprintf(Output_File, "ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
226 		    fprintf(Output_File,
227 			" nvtxs=%d, but edge (%d,%d) was input.\n",
228 			*nvtxs, vertex, neighbor);
229 		}
230 		fclose(fin);
231 		return (1);
232 	    }
233 	    if (neighbor <= 0) {
234 		printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
235 		printf(" zero or negative vertex in edge (%d,%d).\n",
236 		       vertex, neighbor);
237 		if (Output_File != NULL) {
238 		    fprintf(Output_File, "ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
239 		    fprintf(Output_File,
240 		        " zero or negative vertex in edge (%d,%d).\n",
241 			vertex, neighbor);
242 		}
243 		fclose(fin);
244 		return (1);
245 	    }
247 	    if (neighbor == vertex) {
248 		if (!self_edge && CHECK_INPUT) {
249 		    printf("WARNING: Self edge (%d, %d) being ignored.\n",
250 			   vertex, vertex);
251     		    if (Output_File != NULL) {
252 		        fprintf(Output_File,
253 			    "WARNING: Self edge (%d, %d) being ignored.\n", vertex, vertex);
254 		    }
255 		}
256 		skip_flag = TRUE;
257 		++self_edge;
258 	    }
260 	    /* Check if adjacency is repeated. */
261 	    if (!skip_flag) {
262 		found_flag = FALSE;
263 		for (j = (*start)[vertex - 1]; !found_flag && j < sum_edges + nedge; j++) {
264 		    if ((*adjacency)[j] == neighbor)
265 			found_flag = TRUE;
266 		}
267 		if (found_flag) {
268 		    printf("WARNING: Multiple occurences of edge (%d,%d) ignored\n",
269 			vertex, neighbor);
270 		    if (Output_File != NULL) {
271 			fprintf(Output_File,
272 			    "WARNING: Multiple occurences of edge (%d,%d) ignored\n",
273 			    vertex, neighbor);
274 		    }
275 		    skip_flag = TRUE;
276 		    if (!ignore_me) {
277 			ignore_me = TRUE;
278 			++ignored;
279 		    }
280 		}
281 	    }
283 	    if (using_ewgts) {	/* Read edge weight if it's being input. */
284 		eweight = read_val(fin, &end_flag);
286 		if (end_flag) {
287 		    printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
288 		    printf(" no weight for edge (%d,%d).\n", vertex, neighbor);
289 		    if (Output_File != NULL) {
290 		        fprintf(Output_File, "ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
291 		        fprintf(Output_File,
292 			    " no weight for edge (%d,%d).\n", vertex, neighbor);
293 		    }
294 		    fclose(fin);
295 		    return (1);
296 		}
298 		if (eweight <= 0 && CHECK_INPUT) {
299 		    printf("WARNING: Bad weight entered for edge (%d,%d).  Edge ignored.\n",
300 			   vertex, neighbor);
301     		    if (Output_File != NULL) {
302 		        fprintf(Output_File,
303 			    "WARNING: Bad weight entered for edge (%d,%d).  Edge ignored.\n",
304 			    vertex, neighbor);
305 		    }
306 		    skip_flag = TRUE;
307 		    if (!ignore_me) {
308 			ignore_me = TRUE;
309 			++ignored;
310 		    }
311 		}
312 		else {
313 		    *ewptr++ = eweight;
314 		}
315 	    }
317 	    /* Check for edge only entered once. */
318 	    if (neighbor < vertex && !skip_flag) {
319 		found_flag = FALSE;
320 		for (j = (*start)[neighbor - 1]; !found_flag && j < (*start)[neighbor]; j++) {
321 		    if ((*adjacency)[j] == vertex)
322 			found_flag = TRUE;
323 		}
324 		if (!found_flag) {
325 		    printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
326 		    printf(" Edge (%d, %d) entered but not (%d, %d)\n",
327 			   vertex, neighbor, neighbor, vertex);
328 		    if (Output_File != NULL) {
329 		        fprintf(Output_File, "ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
330 		        fprintf(Output_File,
331 			    " Edge (%d, %d) entered but not (%d, %d)\n",
332 			    vertex, neighbor, neighbor, vertex);
333 		    }
334 		    error_flag = 1;
335 		}
336 	    }
338 	    /* Add edge to data structure. */
339 	    if (!skip_flag) {
340 		if (++nedges > 2*narcs) {
341 		    printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
342 		    printf(" at least %d adjacencies entered, but nedges = %d\n",
343 			nedges, narcs);
344 		    if (Output_File != NULL) {
345 		        fprintf(Output_File, "ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
346 		        fprintf(Output_File,
347 			    " at least %d adjacencies entered, but nedges = %d\n",
348 			    nedges, narcs);
349 		    }
350 		    fclose(fin);
351 		    return (1);
352 		}
353 		*adjptr++ = neighbor;
354 		nedge++;
355 	    }
357 	    /* Read number of next adjacent vertex. */
358 	    neighbor = read_int(fin, &end_flag) + 1;
359 	}
361 	sum_edges += nedge;
362 	(*start)[vertex] = sum_edges;
363     }
365     /* Make sure there's nothing else in file. */
366     flag = FALSE;
367     while (!flag && end_flag != -1) {
368 	read_int(fin, &end_flag);
369 	if (!end_flag)
370 	    flag = TRUE;
371     }
372     if (flag && CHECK_INPUT) {
373 	printf("WARNING: Possible error in graph file `%s'\n", inname);
374 	printf("         Data found after expected end of file\n");
375         if (Output_File != NULL) {
376 	    fprintf(Output_File,
377 		"WARNING: Possible error in graph file `%s'\n", inname);
378 	    fprintf(Output_File,
379 		"         Data found after expected end of file\n");
380 	}
381     }
383     (*start)[*nvtxs] = sum_edges;
385     if (self_edge > 1 && CHECK_INPUT) {
386 	printf("WARNING: %d self edges were read and ignored.\n", self_edge);
387         if (Output_File != NULL) {
388 	    fprintf(Output_File,
389 		"WARNING: %d self edges were read and ignored.\n", self_edge);
390 	}
391     }
393     if (vertex != 0) {		/* Normal file was read. */
394 	/* Make sure narcs was reasonable. */
395 	if (nedges + 2 * self_edge != 2 * narcs &&
396 	    nedges + 2 * self_edge + ignored != 2 * narcs &&
397 		nedges + self_edge != 2 * narcs &&
398 		nedges + self_edge + ignored != 2 * narcs &&
399 		nedges != 2 * narcs &&
400 		nedges + ignored != 2 * narcs &&
401 		CHECK_INPUT) {
402 	    printf("WARNING: I expected %d edges entered twice, but I only count %d.\n",
403 	        narcs, nedges);
404     	    if (Output_File != NULL) {
405 	        fprintf(Output_File,
406 		    "WARNING: I expected %d edges entered twice, but I only count %d.\n",
407 	            narcs, nedges);
408 	    }
409 	}
410     }
412     else {
413 	/* Graph was empty => must be using inertial method. */
414 	sfree((char *) *start);
415 	if (*adjacency != NULL)
416 	    sfree((char *) *adjacency);
417 	if (*eweights != NULL)
418 	    sfree((char *) *eweights);
419 	*start = NULL;
420 	*adjacency = NULL;
421     }
423     fclose(fin);
425     if (DEBUG_INPUT > 0) {
426 	printf("Done reading graph file `%s'.\n", inname);
427     }
428     return (error_flag);
429 }