1 /* This software was developed by Bruce Hendrickson and Robert Leland   *
2  * at Sandia National Laboratories under US Department of Energy        *
3  * contract DE-AC04-76DP00789 and is copyrighted by Sandia Corporation. */
5 #include	<stdio.h>
6 #include	"structs.h"
7 #include	"params.h"
8 #include	"defs.h"
11 /* Perform KL between two sets. */
kl_refine(graph,subgraph,set_list,vtx_elems,new_assign,set1,set2,glob2loc,loc2glob,sub_assign,old_sub_assign,degrees,using_ewgts,hops,goal,sizes,term_wgts,architecture,mesh_dims)12 int       kl_refine(graph, subgraph, set_list, vtx_elems, new_assign,
13     set1, set2, glob2loc, loc2glob, sub_assign, old_sub_assign,
14     degrees, using_ewgts, hops, goal, sizes, term_wgts, architecture,
15     mesh_dims)
16 struct vtx_data **graph;	/* graph data structure */
17 struct vtx_data **subgraph;	/* space for subgraph to refine */
18 struct bilist *set_list;	/* lists of vtxs in each set */
19 struct bilist *vtx_elems;	/* start of storage for lists */
20 short    *new_assign;		/* set assignments for all vertices */
21 int     set1, set2;		/* two sets being refined */
22 int      *glob2loc;		/* maps vertices to subgraph vertices */
23 int      *loc2glob;		/* maps subgraph vertices to vertices */
24 short    *sub_assign;		/* new assignment for subgraphs */
25 short    *old_sub_assign;	/* current assignment for subgraphs */
26 short    *degrees;		/* space for forming subgraphs */
27 int       using_ewgts;		/* are edge weights being used? */
28 short     (*hops)[MAXSETS];	/* KL set preferences */
29 double   *goal;			/* desired set sizes */
30 int      *sizes;		/* number of vertices in different sets */
31 float    *term_wgts[];		/* space for terminal propagation weights */
32 int       architecture;		/* 0 => hypercube, d => d-dimensional mesh */
33 int       mesh_dims[3];		/* if mesh, how big is it? */
34 {
35     extern int TERM_PROP;	/* perform terminal propagation? */
36     extern double KL_IMBALANCE;	/* fractional imbalance allowed in KL */
37     struct bilist *ptr;		/* element in set_list */
38     double    subgoal[2];	/* goal within two subgraphs */
39     double    weights[2];	/* weights for each set */
40     double    maxdeg;		/* largest degree of a vertex */
41     double    ratio;		/* set sizes / goals */
42     int      *null_ptr;		/* argument to klspiff */
43     int       vwgt_max;		/* largest vertex weight */
44     int       max_dev;		/* largest set deviation allowed in KL */
45     int       subnvtxs;		/* number of vtxs in subgraph */
46     int       vwgt_sum1;	/* sum of vertex wgts in first set */
47     int       vwgt_sum2;	/* sum of vertex wgts in second set */
48     int       subnedges;	/* number of edges in subgraph */
49     int       setA, setB;	/* two sets being refined */
50     int       nsame;		/* number of vertices not moved */
51     int       vtx;		/* vertex in subgraph */
52     int       i;		/* loop counter */
53     double    find_maxdeg();
54     void      make_maps_ref(), make_subgraph(), remake_graph();
55     void      klspiff(), make_terms_ref(), count_weights();
57     /* Compute all the quantities I'll need. */
58     null_ptr = NULL;
59     make_maps_ref(graph, set_list, vtx_elems, new_assign, sub_assign,
60 	set1, set2, glob2loc, loc2glob, &subnvtxs, &vwgt_max,
61 	&vwgt_sum1, &vwgt_sum2);
63     for (i = 1; i <= subnvtxs; i++)
64 	old_sub_assign[i] = sub_assign[i];
66     /* Set up goals for this KL invocation. */
67     ratio = (vwgt_sum1 + vwgt_sum2) / (goal[set1] + goal[set2]);
68     subgoal[0] = ratio * goal[set1];
69     subgoal[1] = ratio * goal[set2];
71     if (TERM_PROP) {
72         make_terms_ref(graph, using_ewgts, subnvtxs, loc2glob,
73 	   set1, set2, new_assign, architecture, mesh_dims, term_wgts);
74     }
76     /* New_assign has overwritten set2 with set1. */
77     make_subgraph(graph, subgraph, subnvtxs, &subnedges, new_assign, set1,
78 		  glob2loc, loc2glob, degrees, using_ewgts);
80     maxdeg = find_maxdeg(subgraph, subnvtxs, using_ewgts, (float *) NULL);
82     count_weights(subgraph, subnvtxs, sub_assign, 2, weights, (vwgt_max != 1));
84     max_dev = vwgt_max;
85     ratio = (subgoal[0] + subgoal[1]) * KL_IMBALANCE / 2;
86     if (ratio > max_dev) {
87 	max_dev = ratio;
88     }
90     klspiff(subgraph, subnvtxs, sub_assign, 2, hops, subgoal,
91 	    term_wgts, max_dev, maxdeg, using_ewgts, &null_ptr, weights);
93     /* Figure out which modification leaves most vertices intact. */
94     nsame = 0;
95     for (i = 1; i <= subnvtxs; i++) {
96 	if (old_sub_assign[i] == sub_assign[i])
97 	    nsame++;
98     }
99     if (2 * nsame > subnvtxs) {
100 	setA = set1;
101 	setB = set2;
102     }
103     else {
104 	setA = set2;
105 	setB = set1;
106     }
108     /* Now update the assignments. */
109     sizes[setA] = sizes[setB] = 0;
110     for (i = 1; i <= subnvtxs; i++) {
111 	vtx = loc2glob[i];
112 	/* Update the set_lists. */
113 	ptr = &(vtx_elems[vtx]);
114 	if (ptr->next != NULL) {
115 	    ptr->next->prev = ptr->prev;
116 	}
117 	if (ptr->prev != NULL) {
118 	    ptr->prev->next = ptr->next;
119 	}
121 	if (sub_assign[i] == 0) {
122 	    new_assign[vtx] = (short) setA;
123 	    ++sizes[setA];
124 	    ptr->next = set_list[setA].next;
125 	    if (ptr->next != NULL)
126 	        ptr->next->prev = ptr;
127 	    ptr->prev = &(set_list[setA]);
128 	    set_list[setA].next = ptr;
129 	}
130 	else {
131 	    new_assign[vtx] = (short) setB;
132 	    ++sizes[setB];
133 	    ptr->next = set_list[setB].next;
134 	    if (ptr->next != NULL)
135 	        ptr->next->prev = ptr;
136 	    ptr->prev = &(set_list[setB]);
137 	    set_list[setB].next = ptr;
138 	}
139     }
141     remake_graph(subgraph, subnvtxs, loc2glob, degrees, using_ewgts);
143     return(nsame != subnvtxs);
144 }