1 //
2 // Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Benjamin Kaufmann
3 //
4 // This file is part of Clasp. See http://www.cs.uni-potsdam.de/clasp/
5 //
6 // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
7 // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
8 // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
9 // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
10 // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
11 // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
12 //
13 // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
14 // all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
15 //
23 //
26 #ifdef _MSC_VER
27 #pragma once
28 #endif
29 #include <clasp/claspfwd.h>
30 #include <clasp/literal.h>
31 #include <clasp/constraint.h>
32 #include <clasp/util/left_right_sequence.h>
33 #include <clasp/solver_strategies.h>
34 /*!
35  * \file
36  * \brief Contains common types shared between different solvers.
37  */
38 namespace Clasp {
39 class Assignment;
40 class SharedLiterals;
41 struct SolverStats;
42 class StatisticObject;
43 typedef Asp::PrgDepGraph PrgDepGraph;
44 //! An immutable string with efficient copying.
45 /*!
46  * \ingroup misc
47  */
48 class ConstString {
49 public:
50 	//! Creates a string from str.
51 	/*!
52 	 * \note If o is Ownership_t::Acquire (the default), str is copied.
53 	 * Otherwise, no copy is made and the lifetime of str shall extend
54 	 * past that of the constructed object.
55 	 */
56 	ConstString(const char* str = "", Ownership_t::Type o = Ownership_t::Acquire);
57 	//! Creates a copy of str.
58 	ConstString(const StrView& str);
59 	ConstString(const ConstString& other);
60 	~ConstString();
fromLiteral(const char * str)61 	static ConstString fromLiteral(const char* str) { return ConstString(str, Ownership_t::Retain); }
62 	ConstString& operator=(const ConstString& rhs);
63 	const char* c_str()     const;
64 	operator const char* () const { return c_str(); }
65 	void swap(ConstString& o);
66 private:
67 	typedef uint64 RefType;
68 	RefType ref_;
69 };
70 /**
71 * \defgroup shared SharedContext
72 * \brief %SharedContext and related types.
73 */
75 //! Base class for event handlers.
76 /*!
77  * \ingroup shared
78  */
79 class EventHandler : public ModelHandler {
80 public:
81 	//! Creates a handler for events with given verbosity or lower.
82 	explicit EventHandler(Event::Verbosity verbosity = Event::verbosity_quiet);
83 	virtual ~EventHandler();
84 	//! Sets the verbosity for the given event source.
85 	/*!
86 	 * Events with higher verbosity are not dispatched to this handler.
87 	 */
88 	void setVerbosity(Event::Subsystem sys, Event::Verbosity verb);
89 	//! Sets the active event source to sys if sys is not yet active.
90 	bool setActive(Event::Subsystem sys);
91 	Event::Subsystem active() const;
verbosity(Event::Subsystem sys)92 	uint32 verbosity(Event::Subsystem sys) const { return (uint32(verb_) >> (uint32(sys)<<VERB_SHIFT)) & uint32(VERB_MAX); }
93 	//! Calls onEvent(ev) if ev has acceptable verbosity.
dispatch(const Event & ev)94 	void dispatch(const Event& ev)               { if (ev.verb <= verbosity(static_cast<Event::Subsystem>(ev.system))) { onEvent(ev); } }
onEvent(const Event &)95 	virtual void onEvent(const Event& /* ev */)  {}
onModel(const Solver &,const Model &)96 	virtual bool onModel(const Solver&, const Model&) { return true; }
97 private:
98 	enum { VERB_SHIFT = 2u, VERB_MAX = 15u };
99 	EventHandler(const EventHandler&);
100 	EventHandler& operator=(const EventHandler&);
101 	uint16 verb_;
102 	uint16 sys_;
103 };
105 //! Event type for log or warning messages.
106 /*!
107  * \ingroup enumerator
108  */
109 struct LogEvent : Event_t<LogEvent> {
110 	enum Type { Message = 'M', Warning = 'W' };
LogEventLogEvent111 	LogEvent(Subsystem sys, Verbosity verb, Type t, const Solver* s, const char* what) : Event_t<LogEvent>(sys, verb), solver(s), msg(what) {
112 		op = static_cast<uint32>(t);
113 	}
isWarningLogEvent114 	bool isWarning() const { return op == static_cast<uint32>(Warning); }
115 	const Solver* solver;
116 	const char*   msg;
117 };
119 //! Base class for preprocessors working on clauses only.
120 /*!
121  * \ingroup shared
122  */
123 class SatPreprocessor {
124 public:
125 	//! A clause class optimized for preprocessing.
126 	class Clause {
127 	public:
128 		static Clause*  newClause(const Literal* lits, uint32 size);
abstractLit(Literal p)129 		static uint64   abstractLit(Literal p)      { return uint64(1) << ((p.var()-1) & 63);  }
size()130 		uint32          size()                const { return size_;       }
131 		const Literal&  operator[](uint32 x)  const { return lits_[x];    }
inQ()132 		bool            inQ()                 const { return inQ_ != 0;   }
abstraction()133 		uint64          abstraction()         const { return data_.abstr; }
next()134 		Clause*         next()                const { return data_.next;  }
marked()135 		bool            marked()              const { return marked_ != 0;}
136 		Literal&        operator[](uint32 x)        { return lits_[x];    }
setInQ(bool b)137 		void            setInQ(bool b)              { inQ_    = (uint32)b;}
setMarked(bool b)138 		void            setMarked(bool b)           { marked_ = (uint32)b;}
abstraction()139 		uint64&         abstraction()               { return data_.abstr; }
linkRemoved(Clause * next)140 		Clause*         linkRemoved(Clause* next)   { data_.next = next; return this; }
141 		void            strengthen(Literal p);
142 		void            simplify(Solver& s);
143 		void            destroy();
144 	private:
145 		Clause(const Literal* lits, uint32 size);
146 		union {
147 			uint64  abstr;      // abstraction of literals
148 			Clause* next;       // next removed clause
149 		}       data_;
150 		uint32  size_   : 30; // size of the clause
151 		uint32  inQ_    : 1;  // in todo-queue?
152 		uint32  marked_ : 1;  // a marker flag
153 		Literal lits_[1];     // literals of the clause: [lits_[0], lits_[size_])
154 	};
156 	SatPreprocessor();
157 	virtual ~SatPreprocessor();
159 	//! Creates a clone of this preprocessor.
160 	/*!
161 	 * \note The function does not clone any clauses already added to *this.
162 	 */
163 	virtual SatPreprocessor* clone() = 0;
numClauses()165 	uint32 numClauses() const { return (uint32)clauses_.size(); }
166 	//! Adds a clause to the preprocessor.
167 	/*!
168 	 * \pre clause is not a tautology (i.e. does not contain both l and ~l)
169 	 * \pre clause is a set (i.e. does not contain l more than once)
170 	 * \return true if clause was added. False if adding the clause makes the problem UNSAT
171 	 */
addClause(const LitVec & cl)172 	bool addClause(const LitVec& cl) { return addClause(!cl.empty() ? &cl[0] : 0, sizeVec(cl)); }
173 	bool addClause(const Literal* clause, uint32 size);
174 	//! Runs the preprocessor on all clauses that were previously added.
175 	/*!
176 	 * \pre A ctx.startAddConstraint() was called and has variables for all added clauses.
177 	 */
178 	bool preprocess(SharedContext& ctx, SatPreParams& opts);
179 	bool preprocess(SharedContext& ctx);
181 	//! Force removal of state & clauses.
182 	void cleanUp(bool discardEliminated = false);
184 	//! Extends the model in m with values for any eliminated variables.
185 	void extendModel(ValueVec& m, LitVec& open);
186 	struct Stats {
StatsStats187 		Stats() : clRemoved(0), clAdded(0), litsRemoved(0) {}
188 		uint32 clRemoved;
189 		uint32 clAdded;
190 		uint32 litsRemoved;
191 	} stats;
192 	typedef SatPreParams Options;
193 protected:
194 	typedef PodVector<Clause*>::type  ClauseList;
195 	virtual bool  initPreprocess(SatPreParams& opts) = 0;
196 	virtual bool  doPreprocess() = 0;
197 	virtual void  doExtendModel(ValueVec& m, LitVec& open) = 0;
198 	virtual void  doCleanUp() = 0;
clause(uint32 clId)199 	Clause*       clause(uint32 clId)       { return clauses_[clId]; }
clause(uint32 clId)200 	const Clause* clause(uint32 clId) const { return clauses_[clId]; }
201 	void          freezeSeen();
202 	void          discardClauses(bool discardEliminated);
setClause(uint32 clId,const LitVec & cl)203 	void          setClause(uint32 clId, const LitVec& cl) {
204 		clauses_[clId] = Clause::newClause(&cl[0], (uint32)cl.size());
205 	}
destroyClause(uint32 clId)206 	void          destroyClause(uint32 clId){
207 		clauses_[clId]->destroy();
208 		clauses_[clId] = 0;
209 		++stats.clRemoved;
210 	}
eliminateClause(uint32 id)211 	void          eliminateClause(uint32 id){
212 		elimTop_     = clauses_[id]->linkRemoved(elimTop_);
213 		clauses_[id] = 0;
214 		++stats.clRemoved;
215 	}
216 	SharedContext* ctx_;     // current context
217 	const Options* opts_;    // active options
218 	Clause*        elimTop_; // stack of blocked/eliminated clauses
219 private:
220 	SatPreprocessor(const SatPreprocessor&);
221 	SatPreprocessor& operator=(const SatPreprocessor&);
222 	ClauseList clauses_; // initial non-unit clauses
223 	LitVec     units_;   // initial unit clauses
224 	Range32    seen_;    // vars seen in previous step
225 };
227 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
228 // Problem statistics
229 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
230 /*!
231  * \addtogroup shared
232  * @{
233  */
234 //! A struct for aggregating basic problem statistics.
235 struct ProblemStats {
ProblemStatsProblemStats236 	ProblemStats() { reset(); }
237 	struct { uint32 num, eliminated, frozen; } vars;
238 	struct { uint32 other, binary, ternary; } constraints;
239 	uint32  acycEdges;
240 	uint32  complexity;
resetProblemStats241 	void    reset() { std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
numConstraintsProblemStats242 	uint32  numConstraints() const   { return constraints.other + constraints.binary + constraints.ternary; }
diffProblemStats243 	void diff(const ProblemStats& o) {
244 		vars.num           = std::max(vars.num, o.vars.num)-std::min(vars.num, o.vars.num);
245 		vars.eliminated    = std::max(vars.eliminated, o.vars.eliminated)-std::min(vars.eliminated, o.vars.eliminated);
246 		vars.frozen        = std::max(vars.frozen, o.vars.frozen)-std::min(vars.frozen, o.vars.frozen);
247 		constraints.other  = std::max(constraints.other, o.constraints.other) - std::min(constraints.other, o.constraints.other);
248 		constraints.binary = std::max(constraints.binary, o.constraints.binary) - std::min(constraints.binary, o.constraints.binary);
249 		constraints.ternary= std::max(constraints.ternary, o.constraints.ternary) - std::min(constraints.ternary, o.constraints.ternary);
250 		acycEdges          = std::max(acycEdges, o.acycEdges) - std::min(acycEdges, o.acycEdges);
251 	}
accuProblemStats252 	void accu(const ProblemStats& o) {
253 		vars.num            += o.vars.num;
254 		vars.eliminated     += o.vars.eliminated;
255 		vars.frozen         += o.vars.frozen;
256 		constraints.other   += o.constraints.other;
257 		constraints.binary  += o.constraints.binary;
258 		constraints.ternary += o.constraints.ternary;
259 		acycEdges           += o.acycEdges;
260 	}
261 	// StatisticObject
262 	static uint32 size();
263 	static const char* key(uint32 i);
264 	StatisticObject at(const char* k) const;
265 };
267 //! Stores static information about a variable.
268 struct VarInfo {
269 	//! Possible flags.
270 	enum Flag {
271 		Mark_p = 0x1u,  //!< Mark for positive literal.
272 		Mark_n = 0x2u,  //!< Mark for negative literal.
273 		Input  = 0x4u,  //!< Is this var an input variable?
274 		Body   = 0x8u,  //!< Is this var representing a body?
275 		Eq     = 0x10u, //!< Is this var representing both a body and an atom?
276 		Nant   = 0x20u, //!< Is this var in NAnt(P)?
277 		Frozen = 0x40u, //!< Is the variable frozen?
278 		Output = 0x80u  //!< Is the variable an output variable?
279 	};
flagsVarInfo280 	static uint8 flags(VarType t) {
281 		if (t == Var_t::Body)  { return VarInfo::Body; }
282 		if (t == Var_t::Hybrid){ return VarInfo::Eq; }
283 		return 0;
284 	}
repVarInfo285 	explicit VarInfo(uint8 r = 0) : rep(r) { }
286 	//! Returns the type of the variable (or Var_t::Hybrid if variable was created with parameter eq=true).
typeVarInfo287 	VarType type()          const { return has(VarInfo::Eq) ? Var_t::Hybrid : VarType(Var_t::Atom + has(VarInfo::Body)); }
288 	//! Returns whether var is part of negative antecedents (occurs negatively or in the head of a choice rule).
nantVarInfo289 	bool    nant()          const { return has(VarInfo::Nant); }
290 	//! Returns true if var is excluded from variable elimination.
frozenVarInfo291 	bool    frozen()        const { return has(VarInfo::Frozen); }
292 	//! Returns true if var is an input variable.
inputVarInfo293 	bool    input()         const { return has(VarInfo::Input); }
294 	//! Returns true if var is marked as output variable.
outputVarInfo295 	bool    output()        const { return has(VarInfo::Output); }
296 	//! Returns the preferred sign of this variable w.r.t its type.
297 	/*!
298 	 * \return false (i.e no sign) if var originated from body, otherwise true.
299 	 */
preferredSignVarInfo300 	bool    preferredSign() const { return !has(VarInfo::Body); }
hasVarInfo302 	bool    has(Flag f)     const { return (rep & flag(f)) != 0; }
hasVarInfo303 	bool    has(uint32 f)   const { return (rep & f) != 0;       }
hasAllVarInfo304 	bool    hasAll(uint32 f)const { return (rep & f) == f; }
setVarInfo305 	void    set(Flag f)           { rep |= flag(f); }
toggleVarInfo306 	void    toggle(Flag f)        { rep ^= flag(f); }
flagVarInfo307 	static uint8 flag(Flag x)     { return uint8(x); }
308 	uint8 rep;
309 };
311 //! A class for efficiently storing and propagating binary and ternary clauses.
312 /*!
313  * \ingroup shared_con
314  */
315 class ShortImplicationsGraph {
316 public:
317 	ShortImplicationsGraph();
318 	~ShortImplicationsGraph();
319 	enum ImpType { binary_imp = 2, ternary_imp = 3 };
321 	//! Makes room for nodes number of nodes.
322 	void resize(uint32 nodes);
323 	//! Mark the instance as shared/unshared.
324 	/*!
325 	 * A shared instance adds learnt binary/ternary clauses
326 	 * to specialized shared blocks of memory.
327 	 */
markShared(bool b)328 	void markShared(bool b) { shared_ = b; }
329 	//! Adds the given constraint to the implication graph.
330 	/*!
331 	 * \return true iff a new implication was added.
332 	 */
333 	bool add(ImpType t, bool learnt, const Literal* lits);
335 	//! Removes p and its implications.
336 	/*!
337 	 * \pre s.isTrue(p)
338 	 */
339 	void removeTrue(const Solver& s, Literal p);
341 	//! Propagates consequences of p following from binary and ternary clauses.
342 	/*!
343 	 * \pre s.isTrue(p)
344 	 */
345 	bool   propagate(Solver& s, Literal p) const;
346 	//! Propagates immediate consequences of p following from binary clauses only.
347 	bool   propagateBin(Assignment& out, Literal p, uint32 dl) const;
348 	//! Checks whether there is a reverse arc implying p and if so returns it in out.
349 	bool   reverseArc(const Solver& s, Literal p, uint32 maxLev, Antecedent& out) const;
numBinary()351 	uint32 numBinary() const { return bin_[0]; }
numTernary()352 	uint32 numTernary()const { return tern_[0]; }
numLearnt()353 	uint32 numLearnt() const { return bin_[1] + tern_[1]; }
354 	uint32 numEdges(Literal p) const;
size()355 	uint32 size()      const { return sizeVec(graph_); }
356 	//! Applies op on all unary- and binary implications following from p.
357 	/*!
358 	 * OP must provide two functions:
359 	 *  - bool unary(Literal, Literal)
360 	 *  - bool binary(Literal, Literal, Literal)
361 	 * The first argument will be p, the second (resp. third) the unary
362 	 * (resp. binary) clause implied by p.
363 	 * \note For learnt imps, at least one literal has its watch-flag set.
364 	 */
365 	template <class OP>
forEach(Literal p,const OP & op)366 	bool forEach(Literal p, const OP& op) const {
367 		const ImplicationList& x = graph_[p.id()];
368 		if (x.empty()) return true;
369 		ImplicationList::const_right_iterator rEnd = x.right_end(); // prefetch
370 		for (ImplicationList::const_left_iterator it = x.left_begin(), end = x.left_end(); it != end; ++it) {
371 			if (!op.unary(p, *it)) { return false; }
372 		}
373 		for (ImplicationList::const_right_iterator it = x.right_begin(); it != rEnd; ++it) {
374 			if (!op.binary(p, it->first, it->second)) { return false; }
375 		}
377 		for (Block* b = (x).learnt; b ; b = b->next) {
378 			p.flag(); bool r = true;
379 			for (Block::const_iterator imp = b->begin(), endOf = b->end(); imp != endOf; ) {
380 				if (!imp->flagged()) { r = op.binary(p, imp[0], imp[1]); imp += 2; }
381 				else                 { r = op.unary(p, imp[0]);          imp += 1; }
382 				if (!r)              { return false; }
383 			}
384 		}
385 #endif
386 		return true;
387 	}
388 private:
389 	ShortImplicationsGraph(const ShortImplicationsGraph&);
390 	ShortImplicationsGraph& operator=(ShortImplicationsGraph&);
391 	struct Propagate;
392 	struct ReverseArc;
394 	struct Block {
395 		typedef Clasp::mt::atomic<uint32> atomic_size;
396 		typedef Clasp::mt::atomic<Block*> atomic_ptr;
397 		typedef const Literal*      const_iterator;
398 		typedef       Literal*      iterator;
399 		enum { block_cap = (64 - (sizeof(atomic_size)+sizeof(atomic_ptr)))/sizeof(Literal) };
400 		explicit Block();
beginBlock401 		const_iterator  begin() const { return data; }
endBlock402 		const_iterator  end()   const { return data+size(); }
endBlock403 		iterator        end()         { return data+size(); }
sizeBlock404 		uint32          size()  const { return size_lock >> 1; }
405 		bool tryLock(uint32& lockedSize);
406 		void addUnlock(uint32 lockedSize, const Literal* x, uint32 xs);
407 		atomic_ptr  next;
408 		atomic_size size_lock;
409 		Literal     data[block_cap];
410 	};
411 	typedef Block::atomic_ptr SharedBlockPtr;
412 	typedef bk_lib::left_right_sequence<Literal, std::pair<Literal,Literal>, 64-sizeof(SharedBlockPtr)> ImpListBase;
413 	struct ImplicationList : public ImpListBase {
ImplicationListImplicationList414 		ImplicationList() : ImpListBase() { learnt = 0; }
ImplicationListImplicationList415 		ImplicationList(const ImplicationList& other) : ImpListBase(other), learnt() {
416 			learnt = static_cast<Block*>(other.learnt);
417 		}
418 		ImplicationList& operator=(const ImplicationList& other) {
419 			ImpListBase::operator=(other);
420 			learnt = static_cast<Block*>(other.learnt);
421 			return *this;
422 		}
423 		~ImplicationList();
424 		bool hasLearnt(Literal q, Literal r = lit_false()) const;
425 		void addLearnt(Literal q, Literal r = lit_false());
426 		void simplifyLearnt(const Solver& s);
emptyImplicationList427 		bool empty() const { return ImpListBase::empty() && learnt == static_cast<Block*>(0); }
428 		void move(ImplicationList& other);
429 		void clear(bool b);
430 		SharedBlockPtr learnt;
431 	};
432 #else
433 	typedef bk_lib::left_right_sequence<Literal, std::pair<Literal,Literal>, 64> ImplicationList;
434 #endif
getList(Literal p)435 	ImplicationList& getList(Literal p) { return graph_[p.id()]; }
436 	void remove_bin(ImplicationList& w, Literal p);
437 	void remove_tern(ImplicationList& w, Literal p);
438 	typedef PodVector<ImplicationList>::type ImpLists;
439 	ImpLists graph_;     // one implication list for each literal
440 	uint32   bin_[2];    // number of binary constraints (0: problem / 1: learnt)
441 	uint32   tern_[2];   // number of ternary constraints(0: problem / 1: learnt)
442 	bool     shared_;
443 };
445 //! Base class for distributing learnt knowledge between solvers.
446 class Distributor {
447 public:
448 	struct Policy {
449 		enum Types {
450 			no       = 0,
451 			conflict = Constraint_t::Conflict,
452 			loop     = Constraint_t::Loop,
453 			all      = conflict | loop,
454 			implicit = all + 1
455 		};
sizePolicy456 		Policy(uint32 a_sz = 0, uint32 a_lbd = 0, uint32 a_type = 0) : size(a_sz), lbd(a_lbd), types(a_type) {}
457 		uint32 size  : 22; /*!< Allow distribution up to this size only. */
458 		uint32 lbd   :  7; /*!< Allow distribution up to this lbd only.  */
459 		uint32 types :  3; /*!< Restrict distribution to these types.    */
460 	};
mask(uint32 i)461 	static  uint64  mask(uint32 i)             { return uint64(1) << i; }
initSet(uint32 sz)462 	static  uint32  initSet(uint32 sz)         { return (uint64(1) << sz) - 1; }
inSet(uint64 s,uint32 id)463 	static  bool    inSet(uint64 s, uint32 id) { return (s & mask(id)) != 0; }
464 	explicit Distributor(const Policy& p);
465 	virtual ~Distributor();
isCandidate(uint32 size,uint32 lbd,uint32 type)466 	bool            isCandidate(uint32 size, uint32 lbd, uint32 type) const {
467 		return size <= policy_.size && lbd <= policy_.lbd && ((type & policy_.types) != 0);
468 	}
469 	virtual void    publish(const Solver& source, SharedLiterals* lits) = 0;
470 	virtual uint32  receive(const Solver& in, SharedLiterals** out, uint32 maxOut) = 0;
471 private:
472 	Distributor(const Distributor&);
473 	Distributor& operator=(const Distributor&);
474 	Policy policy_;
475 };
477 //! Output table that contains predicates to be output on model.
478 class OutputTable {
479 public:
480 	typedef ConstString NameType;
481 	typedef Range32     RangeType;
482 	struct PredType {
483 		NameType name;
484 		Literal  cond;
485 		uint32   user;
486 	};
487 	typedef PodVector<NameType>::type FactVec;
488 	typedef PodVector<PredType>::type PredVec;
489 	typedef FactVec::const_iterator   fact_iterator;
490 	typedef PredVec::const_iterator   pred_iterator;
491 	typedef num_iterator<uint32>      range_iterator;
492 	typedef LitVec::const_iterator    lit_iterator;
494 	OutputTable();
495 	~OutputTable();
496 	//! Ignore predicates starting with c.
497 	void setFilter(char c);
498 	//! Adds a fact.
499 	bool add(const NameType& fact);
500 	//! Adds an output predicate, i.e. n is output if c is true.
501 	bool add(const NameType& n, Literal c, uint32 u = 0);
502 	//! Sets a range of output variables.
503 	void setVarRange(const RangeType& r);
504 	void setProjectMode(ProjectMode m);
506 	//! Returns whether n would be filtered out.
507 	bool filter(const NameType& n) const;
fact_begin()509 	fact_iterator  fact_begin() const { return facts_.begin(); }
fact_end()510 	fact_iterator  fact_end()   const { return facts_.end();  }
pred_begin()511 	pred_iterator  pred_begin() const { return preds_.begin(); }
pred_end()512 	pred_iterator  pred_end()   const { return preds_.end();  }
vars_begin()513 	range_iterator vars_begin() const { return range_iterator(vars_.lo); }
vars_end()514 	range_iterator vars_end()   const { return range_iterator(vars_.hi); }
vars_range()515 	RangeType      vars_range() const { return vars_; }
projectMode()517 	ProjectMode    projectMode()const { return projMode_ ? static_cast<ProjectMode>(projMode_) : hasProject() ? ProjectMode_t::Explicit : ProjectMode_t::Output; }
hasProject()518 	bool           hasProject() const { return !proj_.empty(); }
proj_begin()519 	lit_iterator   proj_begin() const { return proj_.begin(); }
proj_end()520 	lit_iterator   proj_end()   const { return proj_.end(); }
521 	void           addProject(Literal x);
523 	//! Returns the number of output elements, counting each element in a var range.
524 	uint32 size()     const;
numFacts()525 	uint32 numFacts() const { return static_cast<uint32>(facts_.size()); }
numPreds()526 	uint32 numPreds() const { return static_cast<uint32>(preds_.size()); }
numVars()527 	uint32 numVars()  const { return static_cast<uint32>(vars_.hi - vars_.lo);  }
529 	//! An optional callback for getting additional theory output.
530 	class Theory {
531 	public:
532 		virtual ~Theory();
533 		//! Called once on new model m. Shall return 0 to indicate no output.
534 		virtual const char* first(const Model& m) = 0;
535 		//! Shall return 0 to indicate no output.
536 		virtual const char* next() = 0;
537 	}* theory;
538 private:
539 	FactVec facts_;
540 	PredVec preds_;
541 	LitVec  proj_;
542 	Range32 vars_;
543 	int     projMode_;
544 	char    hide_;
545 };
546 //! A type for storing information to be used in clasp's domain heuristic.
547 class DomainTable {
548 public:
549 	DomainTable();
550 	//! A type storing a single domain modification for a variable.
551 	class ValueType {
552 	public:
553 		ValueType(Var v, DomModType t, int16 bias, uint16 prio, Literal cond);
hasCondition()554 		bool       hasCondition() const { return cond_ != 0; }
cond()555 		Literal    cond() const { return Literal::fromId(cond_); }
var()556 		Var        var()  const { return var_; }
557 		DomModType type() const;
bias()558 		int16      bias() const { return bias_; }
prio()559 		uint16     prio() const { return prio_; }
comp()560 		bool       comp() const { return comp_ != 0; }
561 	private:
562 		uint32 cond_ : 31;
563 		uint32 comp_ :  1;
564 		uint32 var_  : 30;
565 		uint32 type_ :  2;
566 		int16  bias_;
567 		uint16 prio_;
568 	};
569 	typedef PodVector<ValueType>::type DomVec;
570 	typedef DomVec::const_iterator     iterator;
572 	void   add(Var v, DomModType t, int16 bias, uint16 prio, Literal cond);
573 	uint32 simplify();
574 	void   reset();
575 	bool     empty() const;
576 	uint32   size()  const;
577 	iterator begin() const;
578 	iterator end()   const;
579 	LitVec* assume;
581 	class DefaultAction {
582 	public:
583 		virtual ~DefaultAction();
584 		virtual void atom(Literal p, HeuParams::DomPref, uint32 strat) = 0;
585 	};
586 	static void applyDefault(const SharedContext& ctx, DefaultAction& action, uint32 prefSet = 0);
587 private:
cmp(const ValueType & lhs,const ValueType & rhs)588 	static bool cmp(const ValueType& lhs, const ValueType& rhs) {
589 		return lhs.cond() < rhs.cond() || (lhs.cond() == rhs.cond() && lhs.var() < rhs.var());
590 	}
591 	DomVec entries_;
592 	uint32 seen_;   // size of domain table after last simplify
593 };
595 //! Aggregates information to be shared between solver objects.
596 /*!
597  * Among other things, SharedContext objects store
598  * static information on variables, an output table, as well as the
599  * binary and ternary implication graph of the input problem.
600  *
601  * Furthermore, a SharedContext object always stores a distinguished
602  * master solver that is used to store and simplify problem constraints.
603  * Additional solvers can be added via SharedContext::pushSolver().
604  * Once initialization is completed, any additional solvers must be attached
605  * to this object by calling SharedContext::attach().
606  */
607 class SharedContext {
608 public:
609 	typedef PodVector<Solver*>::type       SolverVec;
610 	typedef SingleOwnerPtr<PrgDepGraph>    SccGraph;
611 	typedef SingleOwnerPtr<ExtDepGraph>    ExtGraph;
612 	typedef Configuration*                 ConfigPtr;
613 	typedef SingleOwnerPtr<Distributor>    DistrPtr;
614 	typedef const ProblemStats&            StatsCRef;
615 	typedef DomainTable                    DomTab;
616 	typedef OutputTable                    Output;
617 	typedef LitVec::size_type              size_type;
618 	typedef ShortImplicationsGraph         ImpGraph;
619 	typedef const ImpGraph&                ImpGraphRef;
620 	typedef EventHandler*                  LogPtr;
621 	typedef SingleOwnerPtr<SatPreprocessor>SatPrePtr;
622 	typedef SharedMinimizeData*            MinPtr;
623 	enum ResizeMode { resize_reserve = 0u, resize_push = 1u, resize_pop = 2u, resize_resize = 3u};
624 	enum PreproMode { prepro_preserve_models = 1u, prepro_preserve_shown  = 2u };
625 	enum ReportMode { report_default = 0u, report_conflict = 1u };
626 	enum SolveMode  { solve_once = 0u, solve_multi = 1u };
627 	/*!
628 	 * \name Configuration
629 	 * \brief Functions for creating and configuring a shared context.
630 	 * @{ */
631 	//! Creates a new object for sharing variables and the binary and ternary implication graph.
632 	explicit SharedContext();
633 	~SharedContext();
634 	//! Resets this object to the state after default construction.
635 	void       reset();
636 	//! Enables event reporting via the given event handler.
637 	void       setEventHandler(LogPtr r, ReportMode m = report_default) { progress_ = r; share_.report = uint32(m); }
638 	//! Sets solve mode, which can be used by other objects to query whether multi-shot solving is active.
639 	void       setSolveMode(SolveMode m);
640 	//! Sets how to handle physical sharing of constraints.
641 	void       setShareMode(ContextParams::ShareMode m);
642 	//! Sets whether the short implication graph should be used for storing short learnt constraints.
643 	void       setShortMode(ContextParams::ShortMode m);
644 	//! Sets maximal number of solvers sharing this object.
645 	void       setConcurrency(uint32 numSolver, ResizeMode m = resize_reserve);
646 	//! If b is true, sets preprocessing mode to model-preserving operations only.
647 	void       setPreserveModels(bool b = true) { setPreproMode(prepro_preserve_models, b); }
648 	//! If b is true, excludes all shown variables from variable elimination.
649 	void       setPreserveShown(bool b = true)  { setPreproMode(prepro_preserve_shown, b); }
651 	//! Adds an additional solver to this object and returns it.
652 	Solver&    pushSolver();
653 	//! Configures the statistic object of attached solvers.
654 	/*!
655 	 * The level determines the amount of extra statistics.
656 	 * \see ExtendedStats
657 	 * \see JumpStats
658    */
659 	void       enableStats(uint32 level);
660 	//! Sets the configuration for this object and its attached solvers.
661 	/*!
662 	 * \note If ownership is Ownership_t::Acquire, ownership of c is transferred.
663 	 */
664 	void       setConfiguration(Configuration* c, Ownership_t::Type ownership);
665 	SatPrePtr  satPrepro;  /*!< Preprocessor for simplifying the problem.              */
666 	SccGraph   sccGraph;   /*!< Program dependency graph - only used for ASP-problems. */
667 	ExtGraph   extGraph;   /*!< External dependency graph - given by user.             */
669 	//! Returns the current configuration used in this object.
configuration()670 	ConfigPtr  configuration()      const { return config_.get(); }
671 	//! Returns the active event handler or 0 if none was set.
eventHandler()672 	LogPtr     eventHandler()       const { return progress_; }
673 	//! Returns whether this object seeds the RNG of new solvers.
seedSolvers()674 	bool       seedSolvers()        const { return share_.seed != 0; }
675 	//! Returns the number of solvers that can share this object.
concurrency()676 	uint32     concurrency()        const { return share_.count; }
preserveModels()677 	bool       preserveModels()     const { return (share_.satPreM & prepro_preserve_models) != 0; }
preserveShown()678 	bool       preserveShown()      const { return (share_.satPreM & prepro_preserve_shown) != 0; }
679 	//! Returns whether physical sharing is enabled for constraints of type t.
physicalShare(ConstraintType t)680 	bool       physicalShare(ConstraintType t) const { return (share_.shareM & (1 + (t != Constraint_t::Static))) != 0; }
681 	//! Returns whether physical sharing of problem constraints is enabled.
physicalShareProblem()682 	bool       physicalShareProblem()          const { return (share_.shareM & ContextParams::share_problem) != 0; }
683 	//! Returns whether short constraints of type t can be stored in the short implication graph.
allowImplicit(ConstraintType t)684 	bool       allowImplicit(ConstraintType t) const { return t != Constraint_t::Static ? share_.shortM != ContextParams::short_explicit : !isShared(); }
685 	//! Returns the configured solve mode.
solveMode()686 	SolveMode  solveMode() const { return static_cast<SolveMode>(share_.solveM); }
687 	//@}
689 	/*!
690 	 * \name Problem introspection
691 	 * \brief Functions for querying information about the problem.
692 	 */
693 	//@{
694 	//! Returns true unless the master has an unresolvable top-level conflict.
695 	bool       ok()                 const;
696 	//! Returns whether the problem is currently frozen and therefore ready for being solved.
frozen()697 	bool       frozen()             const { return share_.frozen;}
698 	//! Returns whether more than one solver is actively working on the problem.
isShared()699 	bool       isShared()           const { return frozen() && concurrency() > 1; }
700 	//! Returns whether the problem is more than a simple CNF.
isExtended()701 	bool       isExtended()         const { return stats_.vars.frozen != 0; }
702 	//! Returns whether this object has a solver associcated with the given id.
hasSolver(uint32 id)703 	bool       hasSolver(uint32 id) const { return id < solvers_.size(); }
704 	//! Returns the master solver associated with this object.
master()705 	Solver*    master()             const { return solver(0);    }
706 	//! Returns the solver with the given id.
solver(uint32 id)707 	Solver*    solver(uint32 id)    const { return solvers_[id]; }
709 	//! Returns the number of problem variables.
710 	/*!
711 	 * \note The special sentinel-var 0 is not counted, i.e. numVars() returns
712 	 * the number of problem-variables.
713 	 * To iterate over all problem variables use a loop like:
714 	 * \code
715 	 * for (Var i = 1; i <= numVars(); ++i) {...}
716 	 * \endcode
717 	 */
numVars()718 	uint32     numVars()            const { return static_cast<uint32>(varInfo_.size() - 1); }
719 	//! Returns the number of eliminated vars.
numEliminatedVars()720 	uint32     numEliminatedVars()  const { return stats_.vars.eliminated; }
721 	//! Returns true if var represents a valid variable in this problem.
722 	/*!
723 	 * \note The range of valid variables is [1..numVars()]. The variable 0
724 	 * is a special sentinel variable.
725 	 */
validVar(Var var)726 	bool       validVar(Var var)    const { return var < static_cast<uint32>(varInfo_.size()); }
727 	//! Returns information about the given variable.
varInfo(Var v)728 	VarInfo    varInfo(Var v)       const { assert(validVar(v)); return varInfo_[v]; }
729 	//! Returns true if v is currently eliminated, i.e. no longer part of the problem.
730 	bool       eliminated(Var v)    const;
marked(Literal p)731 	bool       marked(Literal p)    const { return varInfo(p.var()).has(VarInfo::Mark_p + p.sign()); }
732 	//! Returns the number of problem constraints.
733 	uint32     numConstraints()     const;
734 	//! Returns the number of binary constraints.
numBinary()735 	uint32     numBinary()          const { return btig_.numBinary();  }
736 	//! Returns the number of ternary constraints.
numTernary()737 	uint32     numTernary()         const { return btig_.numTernary(); }
738 	//! Returns the number of unary constraints.
numUnary()739 	uint32     numUnary()           const { return lastTopLevel_; }
740 	//! Returns an estimate of the problem complexity based on the number and type of constraints.
741 	uint32     problemComplexity()  const;
742 	//! Returns whether the problem contains minimize (i.e. weak) constraints.
743 	bool       hasMinimize()        const;
stats()744 	StatsCRef  stats()              const { return stats_; }
745 	//@}
747 	/*!
748 	 * \name Problem setup
749 	 * \brief Functions for specifying the problem.
750 	 *
751 	 * Problem specification is a four-stage process:
752 	 * -# Add variables to the SharedContext object.
753 	 * -# Call startAddConstraints().
754 	 * -# Add problem constraints.
755 	 * -# Call endInit() to finish the initialization process.
756 	 * .
757 	 * \note After endInit() was called, other solvers can be attached to this object.
758 	 * \note In incremental setting, the process must be repeated for each incremental step.
759 	 *
760 	 * \note Problem specification is *not* thread-safe, i.e. during initialization no other thread shall
761 	 * access the context.
762 	 *
763 	 * \note !frozen() is a precondition for all functions in this group!
764 	 * @{ */
765 	//! Unfreezes a frozen program and prepares it for updates.
766 	/*!
767 	 * The function also triggers forgetting of volatile knowledge and removes
768 	 * any auxiliary variables.
769 	 * \see requestStepVar()
770 	 * \see Solver::popAuxVar()
771 	 */
772 	bool    unfreeze();
774 	//! Adds a new variable and returns its numerical id.
775 	/*!
776 	 * \param type  Type of variable.
777 	 * \param flags Additional information associated with the new variable.
778 	 * \note Problem variables are numbered from 1 onwards!
779 	 */
780 	Var     addVar(VarType type, uint8 flags = VarInfo::Nant | VarInfo::Input) { return addVars(1, type, flags); }
781 	Var     addVars(uint32 nVars, VarType type, uint8 flags = VarInfo::Nant | VarInfo::Input);
782 	//! Removes the n most recently added problem variables.
783 	/*!
784 	 * \pre The variables have either not yet been committed by a call to startAddConstraints()
785 	 *      or they do not occur in any constraint.
786 	 */
787 	void    popVars(uint32 n = 1);
788 	//! Freezes/defreezes a variable (a frozen var is exempt from Sat-preprocessing).
789 	void    setFrozen(Var v, bool b);
790 	//! Marks/unmarks v as input variable.
setInput(Var v,bool b)791 	void    setInput(Var v, bool b) { set(v, VarInfo::Input, b); }
792 	//! Marks/unmarks v as output variable.
setOutput(Var v,bool b)793 	void    setOutput(Var v, bool b) { set(v, VarInfo::Output, b); }
794 	//! Marks/unmarks v as part of negative antecedents.
setNant(Var v,bool b)795 	void    setNant(Var v, bool b)  { set(v, VarInfo::Nant, b); }
setVarEq(Var v,bool b)796 	void    setVarEq(Var v, bool b) { set(v, VarInfo::Eq, b); }
set(Var v,VarInfo::Flag f,bool b)797 	void    set(Var v, VarInfo::Flag f, bool b) { if (b != varInfo(v).has(f)) varInfo_[v].toggle(f); }
mark(Literal p)798 	void    mark(Literal p)         { assert(validVar(p.var())); varInfo_[p.var()].rep |= (VarInfo::Mark_p + p.sign()); }
unmark(Var v)799 	void    unmark(Var v)           { assert(validVar(v)); varInfo_[v].rep &= ~(VarInfo::Mark_p|VarInfo::Mark_n); }
800 	//! Eliminates the variable v from the problem.
801 	/*!
802 	 * \pre v must not occur in any constraint and frozen(v) == false and value(v) == value_free
803 	 */
804 	void    eliminate(Var v);
806 	//! Prepares the master solver so that constraints can be added.
807 	/*!
808 	 * Must be called to publish previously added variables to master solver
809 	 * and before constraints over these variables can be added.
810 	 * \return The master solver associated with this object.
811 	 */
812 	Solver& startAddConstraints(uint32 constraintGuess = 100);
814 	//! A convenience method for adding facts to the master.
815 	bool    addUnary(Literal x);
816 	//! A convenience method for adding binary clauses.
817 	bool    addBinary(Literal x, Literal y);
818 	//! A convenience method for adding ternary clauses.
819 	bool    addTernary(Literal x, Literal y, Literal z);
820 	//! A convenience method for adding constraints to the master.
821 	void    add(Constraint* c);
822 	//! Add weak constraint :~ x.first \[x.second\@p\].
823 	void    addMinimize(WeightLiteral x, weight_t p);
824 	//! Returns a pointer to an optimized representation of all minimize constraints in this problem.
825 	MinPtr  minimize();
826 	//! List of output predicates and/or variables.
827 	Output  output;
828 	//! Set of heuristic modifications.
829 	DomTab  heuristic;
830 	//! Requests a special variable for tagging volatile knowledge in multi-shot solving.
831 	/*!
832 	 * The step variable is created on the next call to endInit() and removed on the next
833 	 * call to unfreeze().
834 	 * Once the step variable S is set, learnt constraints containing ~S are
835 	 * considered to be "volatile" and removed on the next call to unfreeze().
836 	 * For this to work correctly, S shall be a root assumption during search.
837 	 */
838 	void    requestStepVar();
839 	//! Finishes initialization of the master solver.
840 	/*!
841 	 * The function must be called once before search is started. After endInit()
842 	 * was called, previously added solvers can be attached to the
843 	 * shared context and learnt constraints may be added to solver.
844 	 * \param attachAll If true, also calls attach() for all solvers that were added to this object.
845 	 * \return If the constraints are initially conflicting, false. Otherwise, true.
846 	 * \note
847 	 * The master solver can't recover from top-level conflicts, i.e. if endInit()
848 	 * returned false, the solver is in an unusable state.
849 	 * \post frozen()
850 	 */
851 	bool    endInit(bool attachAll = false);
852 	//@}
854 	/*!
855 	 * \name (Parallel) solving
856 	 * Functions to be called during (parallel) solving.
857 	 *
858 	 * \note If not otherwise noted, the functions in this group can be safely called
859 	 * from multiple threads.
860 	 * @{ */
861 	//! Returns the active step literal (see requestStepVar()).
stepLiteral()862 	Literal  stepLiteral() const { return step_; }
863 	//! Attaches the solver with the given id to this object.
864 	/*!
865 	 * \note It is safe to attach multiple solvers concurrently
866 	 * but the master solver shall not change during the whole operation.
867 	 *
868 	 * \pre hasSolver(id)
869 	 */
attach(uint32 id)870 	bool     attach(uint32 id) { return attach(*solver(id)); }
871 	bool     attach(Solver& s);
873 	//! Detaches the solver with the given id from this object.
874 	/*!
875 	 * The function removes any tentative constraints from s.
876 	 * Shall be called once after search has stopped.
877 	 * \note The function is concurrency-safe w.r.t to different solver objects,
878 	 *       i.e. in a parallel search different solvers may call detach()
879 	 *       concurrently.
880 	 */
881 	void     detach(uint32 id, bool reset = false) { return detach(*solver(id), reset); }
882 	void     detach(Solver& s, bool reset = false);
884 	DistrPtr distributor;/*!< Distributor object to use for distribution of learnt constraints.*/
winner()886 	uint32   winner()             const   { return share_.winner; }
setWinner(uint32 sId)887 	void     setWinner(uint32 sId)        { share_.winner = std::min(sId, concurrency()); }
889 	//! Simplifies the problem constraints w.r.t the master's assignment.
890 	void     simplify(LitVec::size_type trailStart, bool shuffle);
891 	//! Removes the constraint with the given idx from the master's db.
892 	void     removeConstraint(uint32 idx, bool detach);
893 	//! Removes all minimize constraints from this object.
894 	void     removeMinimize();
896 	//! Adds the given short implication to the short implication graph if possible.
897 	/*!
898 	 * \return
899 	 *   - > 0 if implication was added.
900 	 *   - < 0 if implication can't be added because allowImplicit() is false for ct.
901 	 *   - = 0 if implication is subsumed by some constraint in the short implication graph.
902 	 */
903 	int         addImp(ImpGraph::ImpType t, const Literal* lits, ConstraintType ct);
904 	//! Returns the number of learnt short implications.
numLearntShort()905 	uint32      numLearntShort()     const { return btig_.numLearnt(); }
shortImplications()906 	ImpGraphRef shortImplications()  const { return btig_; }
report(const Event & ev)907 	void               report(const Event& ev)                 const { if (progress_) progress_->dispatch(ev);  }
report(const Solver & s,const Model & m)908 	bool               report(const Solver& s, const Model& m) const { return !progress_ || progress_->onModel(s, m); }
909 	void               report(const char* what, const Solver* s = 0) const;
910 	void               report(Event::Subsystem sys)            const;
911 	void               warn(const char* what)                  const;
reportMode()912 	ReportMode         reportMode()                            const { return static_cast<ReportMode>(share_.report); }
913 	void               initStats(Solver& s)                    const;
914 	SolverStats&       solverStats(uint32 sId)                 const; // stats of solver i
915 	const SolverStats& accuStats(SolverStats& out)             const; // accumulates all solver stats in out
916 	MinPtr             minimizeNoCreate()                      const;
917 	//@}
918 private:
919 	SharedContext(const SharedContext&);
920 	SharedContext& operator=(const SharedContext&);
921 	bool    unfreezeStep();
922 	Literal addStepLit();
923 	typedef SingleOwnerPtr<Configuration> Config;
924 	typedef PodVector<VarInfo>::type      VarVec;
925 	void    setPreproMode(uint32 m, bool b);
926 	struct Minimize;
927 	ProblemStats stats_;         // problem statistics
928 	VarVec       varInfo_;       // varInfo[v] stores info about variable v
929 	ImpGraph     btig_;          // binary-/ternary implication graph
930 	Config       config_;        // active configuration
931 	SolverVec    solvers_;       // solvers associated with this context
932 	Minimize*    mini_;          // pointer to set of weak constraints
933 	LogPtr       progress_;      // event handler or 0 if not used
934 	Literal      step_;          // literal for tagging enumeration/step constraints
935 	uint32       lastTopLevel_;  // size of master's top-level after last init
936 	struct Share {               // Additional data
937 		uint32 count   :10;        //   max number of objects sharing this object
938 		uint32 winner  :10;        //   id of solver that terminated the search
939 		uint32 shareM  : 3;        //   physical sharing mode
940 		uint32 shortM  : 1;        //   short clause mode
941 		uint32 solveM  : 1;        //   solve mode
942 		uint32 frozen  : 1;        //   is adding of problem constraints allowed?
943 		uint32 seed    : 1;        //   set seed of new solvers
944 		uint32 satPreM : 2;        //   preprocessing mode
945 		uint32 report  : 2;        //   report mode
946 		uint32 reserved: 1;
ShareShare947 		Share() : count(1), winner(0), shareM((uint32)ContextParams::share_auto), shortM(0), solveM(0), frozen(0), seed(0), satPreM(0), report(0) {}
948 	}            share_;
949 };
950 //@}
951 }
952 #endif