4     8   FA,NDE,MXSTEP,G)
6C***DATE WRITTEN   790601   (YYMMDD)
11C             DOUBLE PRECISION
14C***PURPOSE  The function of DDRIV3 is to solve N ordinary differential
15C            equations of the form dY(I)/dT = F(Y(I),T), given the
16C            initial conditions Y(I) = YI.  The program has options to
17C            allow the solution of both stiff and non-stiff differential
18C            equations.  Other important options are available.  DDRIV3
19C            uses double precision arithmetic.
22C  I.  ABSTRACT  .......................................................
24C    The primary function of DDRIV3 is to solve N ordinary differential
25C    equations of the form dY(I)/dT = F(Y(I),T), given the initial
26C    conditions Y(I) = YI.  The program has options to allow the
27C    solution of both stiff and non-stiff differential equations.  In
28C    addition, DDRIV3 may be used to solve:
29C      1. The initial value problem, A*dY(I)/dT = F(Y(I),T), where A is
30C         a non-singular matrix depending on Y and T.
31C      2. The hybrid differential/algebraic initial value problem,
32C         A*dY(I)/dT = F(Y(I),T), where A is a vector (whose values may
33C         depend upon Y and T) some of whose components will be zero
34C         corresponding to those equations which are algebraic rather
35C         than differential.
36C    DDRIV3 is to be called once for each output point of T.
38C  II.  PARAMETERS  ....................................................
40C       (REMEMBER--To run DDRIV3 correctly in double precision, ALL
41C       non-integer arguments in the call sequence, including
42C       arrays, MUST be declared double precision.)
43C    The user should use parameter names in the call sequence of DDRIV3
44C    for those quantities whose value may be altered by DDRIV3.  The
45C    parameters in the call sequence are:
47C    N      = (Input) The number of dependent functions whose solution
48C             is desired.  N must not be altered during a problem.
50C    T      = The independent variable.  On input for the first call, T
51C             is the initial point.  On output, T is the point at which
52C             the solution is given.
54C    Y      = The vector of dependent variables.  Y is used as input on
55C             the first call, to set the initial values.  On output, Y
56C             is the computed solution vector.  This array Y is passed
57C             in the call sequence of the user-provided routines F,
58C             JACOBN, FA, USERS, and G.
60C    F      = A subroutine supplied by the user.  The name must be
61C             declared EXTERNAL in the user's calling program.  This
62C             subroutine is of the form:
63C                   SUBROUTINE F (N, T, Y, YDOT)
64C                   DOUBLE PRECISION Y(*), YDOT(*)
65C                     .
66C                     .
67C                   YDOT(1) = ...
68C                     .
69C                     .
70C                   YDOT(N) = ...
71C                   END (Sample)
72C             This computes YDOT = F(Y,T), the right hand side of the
73C             differential equations.  Here Y is a vector of length at
74C             least N.  The actual length of Y is determined by the
75C             user's declaration in the program which calls DDRIV3.
76C             Thus the dimensioning of Y in F, while required by FORTRAN
77C             convention, does not actually allocate any storage.  When
78C             this subroutine is called, the first N components of Y are
79C             intermediate approximations to the solution components.
80C             The user should not alter these values.  Here YDOT is a
81C             vector of length N.  The user should only compute YDOT(I)
82C             for I from 1 to N.
84C    NSTATE = An integer describing the status of integration.  The
85C             meaning of NSTATE is as follows:
86C               1  (Input) Means the first call to the routine.  This
87C                  value must be set by the user.  On all subsequent
88C                  calls the value of NSTATE should be tested by the
89C                  user, but must not be altered.  (As a convenience to
90C                  the user who may wish to put out the initial
91C                  conditions, DDRIV3 can be called with NSTATE=1, and
92C                  TOUT=T.  In this case the program will return with
93C                  NSTATE unchanged, i.e., NSTATE=1.)
94C               2  (Output) Means a successful integration.  If a normal
95C                  continuation is desired (i.e., a further integration
96C                  in the same direction), simply advance TOUT and call
97C                  again.  All other parameters are automatically set.
98C               3  (Output)(Unsuccessful) Means the integrator has taken
99C                  MXSTEP steps without reaching TOUT.  The user can
100C                  continue the integration by simply calling DDRIV3
101C                  again.
102C               4  (Output)(Unsuccessful) Means too much accuracy has
103C                  been requested.  EPS has been increased to a value
104C                  the program estimates is appropriate.  The user can
105C                  continue the integration by simply calling DDRIV3
106C                  again.
107C               5  (Output) A root was found at a point less than TOUT.
108C                  The user can continue the integration toward TOUT by
109C                  simply calling DDRIV3 again.
111C    TOUT   = (Input) The point at which the solution is desired.  The
112C             position of TOUT relative to T on the first call
113C             determines the direction of integration.
115C    NTASK  = (Input) An index specifying the manner of returning the
116C             solution, according to the following:
117C               NTASK = 1  Means DDRIV3 will integrate past TOUT and
118C                          interpolate the solution.  This is the most
119C                          efficient mode.
120C               NTASK = 2  Means DDRIV3 will return the solution after
121C                          each internal integration step, or at TOUT,
122C                          whichever comes first.  In the latter case,
123C                          the program integrates exactly to TOUT.
124C               NTASK = 3  Means DDRIV3 will adjust its internal step to
125C                          reach TOUT exactly (useful if a singularity
126C                          exists beyond TOUT.)
128C    NROOT  = (Input) The number of equations whose roots are desired.
129C             If NROOT is zero, the root search is not active.  This
130C             option is useful for obtaining output at points which are
131C             not known in advance, but depend upon the solution, e.g.,
132C             when some solution component takes on a specified value.
133C             The root search is carried out using the user-written
134C             function G (see description of G below.)  DDRIV3 attempts
135C             to find the value of T at which one of the equations
136C             changes sign.  DDRIV3 can find at most one root per
137C             equation per internal integration step, and will then
138C             return the solution either at TOUT or at a root, whichever
139C             occurs first in the direction of integration.  The index
140C             of the equation whose root is being reported is stored in
141C             the sixth element of IWORK.
142C             NOTE: NROOT is never altered by this program.
144C    EPS    = On input, the requested relative accuracy in all solution
145C             components.  EPS = 0 is allowed.  On output, the adjusted
146C             relative accuracy if the input value was too small.  The
147C             value of EPS should be set as large as is reasonable,
148C             because the amount of work done by DDRIV3 increases as EPS
149C             decreases.
151C    EWT    = (Input) Problem zero, i.e., the smallest, nonzero,
152C             physically meaningful value for the solution.  (Array,
153C             possibly of length one.  See following description of
154C             IERROR.)  Setting EWT smaller than necessary can adversely
155C             affect the running time.
157C    IERROR = (Input) Error control indicator.  A value of 3 is
158C             suggested for most problems.  Other choices and detailed
159C             explanations of EWT and IERROR are given below for those
160C             who may need extra flexibility.
162C             These last three input quantities EPS, EWT and IERROR
163C             control the accuracy of the computed solution.  EWT and
164C             IERROR are used internally to compute an array YWT.  One
165C             step error estimates divided by YWT(I) are kept less than
166C             EPS in root mean square norm.
167C                 IERROR (Set by the user) =
168C                 1  Means YWT(I) = 1. (Absolute error control)
169C                                   EWT is ignored.
170C                 2  Means YWT(I) = ABS(Y(I)),  (Relative error control)
171C                                   EWT is ignored.
172C                 3  Means YWT(I) = MAX(ABS(Y(I)), EWT(1)).
173C                 4  Means YWT(I) = MAX(ABS(Y(I)), EWT(I)).
174C                    This choice is useful when the solution components
175C                    have differing scales.
176C                 5  Means YWT(I) = EWT(I).
177C             If IERROR is 3, EWT need only be dimensioned one.
178C             If IERROR is 4 or 5, the user must dimension EWT at least
179C             N, and set its values.
181C    MINT   = (Input) The integration method indicator.
182C               MINT = 1  Means the Adams methods, and is used for
183C                         non-stiff problems.
184C               MINT = 2  Means the stiff methods of Gear (i.e., the
185C                         backward differentiation formulas), and is
186C                         used for stiff problems.
187C               MINT = 3  Means the program dynamically selects the
188C                         Adams methods when the problem is non-stiff
189C                         and the Gear methods when the problem is
190C                         stiff.  When using the Adams methods, the
191C                         program uses a value of MITER=0; when using
192C                         the Gear methods, the program uses the value
193C                         of MITER provided by the user.  Only a value
194C                         of IMPL = 0 and a value of MITER = 1, 2, 4, or
195C                         5 is allowed for this option.  The user may
196C                         not alter the value of MINT or MITER without
197C                         restarting, i.e., setting NSTATE to 1.
199C    MITER  = (Input) The iteration method indicator.
200C               MITER = 0  Means functional iteration.  This value is
201C                          suggested for non-stiff problems.
202C               MITER = 1  Means chord method with analytic Jacobian.
203C                          In this case, the user supplies subroutine
204C                          JACOBN (see description below).
205C               MITER = 2  Means chord method with Jacobian calculated
206C                          internally by finite differences.
207C               MITER = 3  Means chord method with corrections computed
208C                          by the user-written routine named USERS.
209C                          This option allows all matrix algebra and
210C                          storage decisions to be made by the user.
211C                          The routine USERS is called by DDRIV3 when
212C                          certain linear systems must be solved.  The
213C                          user may choose any method to form, store and
214C                          solve these systems in order to obtain the
215C                          solution result that is returned to DDRIV3.
216C                          In particular, this allows sparse matrix
217C                          methods to be used.
218C                          The call sequence for this routine is
220C                           SUBROUTINE USERS (Y, YH, YWT, SAVE1, SAVE2,
221C                          8              T, H, EL, IMPL, N, NDE, IFLAG)
222C                           DOUBLE PRECISION Y(*), YH(*), YWT(*),
223C                          8        SAVE1(*), SAVE2(*), T, H, EL
225C                          The input variable IFLAG indicates what
226C                          action is to be taken.  Subroutine USERS
227C                          should perform the following operations,
228C                          depending on the value of IFLAG and IMPL.
230C                          IFLAG = 0
231C                            IMPL = 0.  USERS is not called.
232C                            IMPL = 1 or 2.  Solve the system
233C                                A*X = SAVE2,
234C                              returning the result in SAVE2.  The array
235C                              SAVE1 can be used as a work array.
237C                          IFLAG = 1
238C                            IMPL = 0.  Compute, decompose and store the
239C                              matrix (I - H*EL*J), where I is the
240C                              identity matrix and J is the Jacobian
241C                              matrix of the right hand side.  The array
242C                              SAVE1 can be used as a work array.
243C                            IMPL = 1 or 2. Compute, decompose and store
244C                              the matrix (A - H*EL*J).  The array SAVE1
245C                              can be used as a work array.
247C                          IFLAG = 2
248C                            IMPL = 0.   Solve the system
249C                                (I - H*EL*J)*X = H*SAVE2 - YH - SAVE1,
250C                              returning the result in SAVE2.
251C                            IMPL = 1, or 2.  Solve the system
252C                              (A - H*EL*J)*X = H*SAVE2 - A*(YH + SAVE1)
253C                              returning the result in SAVE2.
254C                            The array SAVE1 should not be altered.
256C                          When using a value of MITER = 3, the
257C                          subroutine FA is not required, even if IMPL
258C                          is not 0.  For further information on using
259C                          this option, see section IV-F below.
261C               MITER = 4  Means the same as MITER = 1 but the A and
262C                          Jacobian matrices are assumed to be banded.
263C               MITER = 5  Means the same as MITER = 2 but the A and
264C                          Jacobian matrices are assumed to be banded.
266C    IMPL   = (Input) The implicit method indicator.
267C               IMPL = 0 Means solving dY(I)/dT = F(Y(I),T).
268C               IMPL = 1 Means solving A*dY(I)/dT = F(Y(I),T),
269C                        non-singular A (see description of FA below.)
270C                        Only MINT = 1 or 2, and MITER = 1, 2, 3, 4, or
271C                        5 are allowed for this option.
272C               IMPL = 2 Means solving certain systems of hybrid
273C                        differential/algebraic equations (see
274C                        description of FA below.)  Only MINT = 2 and
275C                        MITER = 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, are allowed for this
276C                        option.
277C               The value of IMPL must not be changed during a problem.
279C    ML     = (Input) The lower half-bandwidth in the case of a banded
280C             A or Jacobian matrix.  (I.e., maximum(R-C) for nonzero
281C             A(R,C).)
283C    MU     = (Input) The upper half-bandwidth in the case of a banded
284C             A or Jacobian matrix.  (I.e., maximum(C-R).)
286C    MXORD  = (Input) The maximum order desired. This is .LE. 12 for
287C             the Adams methods and .LE. 5 for the Gear methods.  Normal
288C             value is 12 and 5, respectively.  If MINT is 3, the
289C             maximum order used will be MIN(MXORD, 12) when using the
290C             Adams methods, and MIN(MXORD, 5) when using the Gear
291C             methods.  MXORD must not be altered during a problem.
293C    HMAX   = (Input) The maximum magnitude of the step size that will
294C             be used for the problem.  This is useful for ensuring that
295C             important details are not missed.  If this is not the
296C             case, a large value, such as the interval length, is
297C             suggested.
299C    WORK
300C    LENW   = (Input)
301C             WORK is an array of LENW double precision words used
302C             internally for temporary storage.  The user must allocate
303C             space for this array in the calling program by a statement
304C             such as
305C                       DOUBLE PRECISION WORK(...)
306C             The following table gives the required minimum value for
307C             the length of WORK, depending on the value of IMPL and
308C             MITER.  LENW should be set to the value used.  The
309C             contents of WORK should not be disturbed between calls to
310C             DDRIV3.
312C      IMPL =   0                   1                   2
313C              ---------------------------------------------------------
314C MITER =  0   (MXORD+4)*N +       Not allowed         Not allowed
315C              2*NROOT + 204
317C         1,2  N*N+(MXORD+4)*N     2*N*N+(MXORD+4)*N   N*N+(MXORD+5)*N
318C              + 2*NROOT + 204     + 2*NROOT + 204     + 2*NROOT + 204
320C          3   (MXORD+4)*N +       (MXORD+4)*N +       (MXORD+4)*N +
321C              2*NROOT + 204       2*NROOT + 204       2*NROOT + 204
323C         4,5  (2*ML+MU)*N +       (4*ML+2*MU)*N +     (2*ML+MU)*N +
324C              (MXORD+5)*N +       (MXORD+6)*N +       (MXORD+6)*N +
325C              2*NROOT + 204       2*NROOT + 204       2*NROOT + 204
326C              ---------------------------------------------------------
328C    IWORK
329C    LENIW  = (Input)
330C             IWORK is an integer array of length LENIW used internally
331C             for temporary storage.  The user must allocate space for
332C             this array in the calling program by a statement such as
333C                       INTEGER IWORK(...)
334C             The length of IWORK should be at least
335C               21      if MITER is 0 or 3, or
336C               N+21    if MITER is 1, 2, 4, or 5, or MINT is 3,
337C             and LENIW should be set to the value used.  The contents
338C             of IWORK should not be disturbed between calls to DDRIV3.
340C    JACOBN = A subroutine supplied by the user, if MITER is 1 or 4.
341C             If this is the case, the name must be declared EXTERNAL in
342C             the user's calling program.  Given a system of N
343C             differential equations, it is meaningful to speak about
344C             the partial derivative of the I-th right hand side with
345C             respect to the J-th dependent variable.  In general there
346C             are N*N such quantities.  Often however the equations can
347C             be ordered so that the I-th differential equation only
348C             involves dependent variables with index near I, e.g., I+1,
349C             I-2.  Such a system is called banded.  If, for all I, the
350C             I-th equation depends on at most the variables
351C               Y(I-ML), Y(I-ML+1), ... , Y(I), Y(I+1), ... , Y(I+MU)
352C             then we call ML+MU+1 the bandwith of the system.  In a
353C             banded system many of the partial derivatives above are
354C             automatically zero.  For the cases MITER = 1, 2, 4, and 5,
355C             some of these partials are needed.  For the cases
356C             MITER = 2 and 5 the necessary derivatives are
357C             approximated numerically by DDRIV3, and we only ask the
358C             user to tell DDRIV3 the value of ML and MU if the system
359C             is banded.  For the cases MITER = 1 and 4 the user must
360C             derive these partials algebraically and encode them in
361C             subroutine JACOBN.  By computing these derivatives the
362C             user can often save 20-30 per cent of the computing time.
363C             Usually, however, the accuracy is not much affected and
364C             most users will probably forego this option.  The optional
365C             user-written subroutine JACOBN has the form:
366C                   SUBROUTINE JACOBN (N, T, Y, DFDY, MATDIM, ML, MU)
367C                   DOUBLE PRECISION Y(*), DFDY(MATDIM,*)
368C                     .
369C                     .
370C                     Calculate values of DFDY
371C                     .
372C                     .
373C                   END (Sample)
374C             Here Y is a vector of length at least N.  The actual
375C             length of Y is determined by the user's declaration in the
376C             program which calls DDRIV3.  Thus the dimensioning of Y in
377C             JACOBN, while required by FORTRAN convention, does not
378C             actually allocate any storage.  When this subroutine is
379C             called, the first N components of Y are intermediate
380C             approximations to the solution components.  The user
381C             should not alter these values.  If the system is not
382C             banded (MITER=1), the partials of the I-th equation with
383C             respect to the J-th dependent function are to be stored in
384C             DFDY(I,J).  Thus partials of the I-th equation are stored
385C             in the I-th row of DFDY.  If the system is banded
386C             (MITER=4), then the partials of the I-th equation with
387C             respect to Y(J) are to be stored in DFDY(K,J), where
388C             K=I-J+MU+1.
390C    FA     = A subroutine supplied by the user if IMPL is 1 or 2, and
391C             MITER is not 3.  If so, the name must be declared EXTERNAL
392C             in the user's calling program.  This subroutine computes
393C             the array A, where A*dY(I)/dT = F(Y(I),T).
394C             There are two cases:
396C               IMPL=1.
397C               Subroutine FA is of the form:
398C                   SUBROUTINE FA (N, T, Y, A, MATDIM, ML, MU, NDE)
399C                   DOUBLE PRECISION Y(*), A(MATDIM,*)
400C                     .
401C                     .
402C                     Calculate ALL values of A
403C                     .
404C                     .
405C                   END (Sample)
406C               In this case A is assumed to be a nonsingular matrix,
407C               with the same structure as DFDY (see JACOBN description
408C               above).  Programming considerations prevent complete
409C               generality.  If MITER is 1 or 2, A is assumed to be full
410C               and the user must compute and store all values of
411C               A(I,J), I,J=1, ... ,N.  If MITER is 4 or 5, A is assumed
412C               to be banded with lower and upper half bandwidth ML and
413C               MU.  The left hand side of the I-th equation is a linear
414C               combination of dY(I-ML)/dT, dY(I-ML+1)/dT, ... ,
415C               dY(I)/dT, ... , dY(I+MU-1)/dT, dY(I+MU)/dT.  Thus in the
416C               I-th equation, the coefficient of dY(J)/dT is to be
417C               stored in A(K,J), where K=I-J+MU+1.
418C               NOTE: The array A will be altered between calls to FA.
420C               IMPL=2.
421C               Subroutine FA is of the form:
422C                   SUBROUTINE FA (N, T, Y, A, MATDIM, ML, MU, NDE)
423C                   DOUBLE PRECISION Y(*), A(*)
424C                     .
425C                     .
426C                     Calculate non-zero values of A(1),...,A(NDE)
427C                     .
428C                     .
429C                   END (Sample)
430C               In this case it is assumed that the system is ordered by
431C               the user so that the differential equations appear
432C               first, and the algebraic equations appear last.  The
433C               algebraic equations must be written in the form:
434C               0 = F(Y(I),T).  When using this option it is up to the
435C               user to provide initial values for the Y(I) that satisfy
436C               the algebraic equations as well as possible.  It is
437C               further assumed that A is a vector of length NDE.  All
438C               of the components of A, which may depend on T, Y(I),
439C               etc., must be set by the user to non-zero values.
440C             Here Y is a vector of length at least N.  The actual
441C             length of Y is determined by the user's declaration in the
442C             program which calls DDRIV3.  Thus the dimensioning of Y in
443C             FA, while required by FORTRAN convention, does not
444C             actually allocate any storage.  When this subroutine is
445C             called, the first N components of Y are intermediate
446C             approximations to the solution components.  The user
447C             should not alter these values.  FA is always called
448C             immediately after calling F, with the same values of T
449C             and Y.
451C    NDE    = (Input) The number of differential equations.  This is
452C             required only for IMPL = 2, with NDE .LT. N.
454C    MXSTEP = (Input) The maximum number of internal steps allowed on
455C             one call to DDRIV3.
457C    G      = A double precision FORTRAN function supplied by the user
458C             if NROOT is not 0.  In this case, the name must be
459C             declared EXTERNAL in the user's calling program.  G is
460C             repeatedly called with different values of IROOT to obtain
461C             the value of each of the NROOT equations for which a root
462C             is desired.  G is of the form:
463C                   DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION G (N, T, Y, IROOT)
464C                   DOUBLE PRECISION Y(*)
465C                   GO TO (10, ...), IROOT
466C              10   G = ...
467C                     .
468C                     .
469C                   END (Sample)
470C             Here, Y is a vector of length at least N, whose first N
471C             components are the solution components at the point T.
472C             The user should not alter these values.  The actual length
473C             of Y is determined by the user's declaration in the
474C             program which calls DDRIV3.  Thus the dimensioning of Y in
475C             G, while required by FORTRAN convention, does not actually
476C             allocate any storage.
480C  III.  OTHER COMMUNICATION TO THE USER  ..............................
482C    A. The solver communicates to the user through the parameters
483C       above.  In addition it writes diagnostic messages through the
484C       standard error handling program XERROR.  That program will
485C       terminate the user's run if it detects a probable problem setup
486C       error, e.g., insufficient storage allocated by the user for the
487C       WORK array.  Messages are written on the standard error message
488C       file.  At installations which have this error handling package
489C       the user should determine the standard error handling file from
490C       the local documentation.  Otherwise the short but serviceable
491C       routine, XERROR, available with this package, can be used.  That
492C       program writes on logical unit 6 to transmit messages.  A
493C       complete description of XERROR is given in the Sandia
494C       Laboratories report SAND78-1189 by R. E. Jones.  Following is a
495C       list of possible errors.  Unless otherwise noted, all messages
496C       come from DDRIV3:
498C        No.  Type         Message
499C        ---  ----         -------
500C         1   Fatal        From DDRIV2: The integration method flag has
501C                          an illegal value.
502C         2   Warning      The output point is inconsistent with the
503C                          value of NTASK and T.
504C         3   Warning      Number of steps to reach TOUT exceeds MXSTEP.
505C         4   Recoverable  Requested accuracy is too stringent.
506C         5   Warning      Step size is below the roundoff level.
507C         6   Fatal        EPS is less than zero.
508C         7   Fatal        N is not positive.
509C         8   Fatal        Insufficient work space provided.
510C         9   Fatal        Improper value for MINT, MITER and/or IMPL.
511C        10   Fatal        The IWORK array is too small.
512C        11   Fatal        The step size has gone to zero.
513C        12   Fatal        Excessive amount of work.
514C        13   Fatal        For IMPL=1 or 2, the matrix A is singular.
515C        14   Fatal        MXORD is not positive.
516C        15   Fatal        From DDRIV1: N is greater than 200.
517C        16   Fatal        From DDRIV1: The WORK array is too small.
519C    B. The first three elements of WORK and the first five elements of
520C       IWORK will contain the following statistical data:
521C         AVGH     The average step size used.
522C         HUSED    The step size last used (successfully).
523C         AVGORD   The average order used.
524C         IMXERR   The index of the element of the solution vector that
525C                  contributed most to the last error test.
526C         NQUSED   The order last used (successfully).
527C         NSTEP    The number of steps taken.
528C         NFE      The number of evaluations of the right hand side.
529C         NJE      The number of evaluations of the Jacobian matrix.
531C  IV.  REMARKS  .......................................................
533C    A. Other routines used:
535C         DDPSC, and DDSCL;
536C         DGEFA, DGESL, DGBFA, DGBSL, and DNRM2 (from LINPACK)
537C         D1MACH (from the Bell Laboratories Machine Constants Package)
538C         XERROR (from the SLATEC Common Math Library)
539C       The last seven routines above, not having been written by the
540C       present authors, are not explicitly part of this package.
542C    B. On any return from DDRIV3 all information necessary to continue
543C       the calculation is contained in the call sequence parameters,
544C       including the work arrays.  Thus it is possible to suspend one
545C       problem, integrate another, and then return to the first.
547C    C. There are user-written routines which are only required by
548C       DDRIV3 when certain parameters are set.  Thus a message warning
549C       of unsatisfied externals may be issued during the load or link
550C       phase.  This message should never refer to F.  This message can
551C       be ignored if: it refers to JACOBN and MITER is not 1 or 4, or
552C       it refers to FA and IMPL is 0 or MITER is 3, or it refers to
553C       USERS and MITER is not 3, or it refers to G and NROOT is 0.
555C    D. If this package is to be used in an overlay situation, the user
556C       must declare in the primary overlay the variables in the call
557C       sequence to DDRIV3.
559C    E. Changing parameters during an integration.
560C       The value of NROOT, EPS, EWT, IERROR, MINT, MITER, or HMAX may
561C       be altered by the user between calls to DDRIV3.  For example, if
562C       too much accuracy has been requested (the program returns with
563C       NSTATE = 4 and an increased value of EPS) the user may wish to
564C       increase EPS further.  In general, prudence is necessary when
565C       making changes in parameters since such changes are not
566C       implemented until the next integration step, which is not
567C       necessarily the next call to DDRIV3.  This can happen if the
568C       program has already integrated to a point which is beyond the
569C       new point TOUT.
571C    F. As the price for complete control of matrix algebra, the DDRIV3
572C       USERS option puts all responsibility for Jacobian matrix
573C       evaluation on the user.  It is often useful to approximate
574C       numerically all or part of the Jacobian matrix.  However this
575C       must be done carefully.  The FORTRAN sequence below illustrates
576C       the method we recommend.  It can be inserted directly into
577C       subroutine USERS to approximate Jacobian elements in rows I1
578C       to I2 and columns J1 to J2.
580C             8     SAVE1(N), SAVE2(N), T, UROUND, Y(N), YJ, YWT(N)
581C              UROUND = D1MACH(4)
582C              EPSJ = UROUND**(1.D0/3.D0)
583C              DO 30 J = J1,J2
584C                R = EPSJ*MAX(ABS(YWT(J)), ABS(Y(J)))
585C                IF (R .EQ. 0.D0) R = EPSJ
586C                YJ = Y(J)
587C                Y(J) = Y(J) + R
588C                CALL F (N, T, Y, SAVE1)
589C                Y(J) = YJ
590C                DO 20 I = I1,I2
591C         20       DFDY(I,J) = (SAVE1(I) - SAVE2(I))/R
592C         30     CONTINUE
593C       Many problems give rise to structured sparse Jacobians, e.g.,
594C       block banded.  It is possible to approximate them with fewer
595C       function evaluations than the above procedure uses; see Curtis,
596C       Powell and Reid, J. Inst. Maths Applics, (1974), Vol. 13,
597C       pp. 117-119.
602C                    D1MACH,XERROR