1 #ifndef CoCoA_ModuleOrdering_H
2 #define CoCoA_ModuleOrdering_H
4 //   Copyright (c)  2005-2007,2011,2013 John Abbott, Anna Bigatti e Massimo Caboara
6 //   This file is part of the source of CoCoALib, the CoCoA Library.
8 //   CoCoALib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 //   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 //   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 //   (at your option) any later version.
13 //   CoCoALib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 //   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 //   GNU General Public License for more details.
18 //   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 //   along with CoCoALib.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 #include "CoCoA/PPOrdering.H"
23 #include "CoCoA/SmartPtrIRC.H"
24 #include "CoCoA/SparsePolyRing.H"
25 #include "CoCoA/degree.H"
26 #include "CoCoA/ring.H"
28 #include <iosfwd>
29 //using std::ostream;
30 #include <vector>
31 //using std::vector;
34 namespace CoCoA
35 {
37   class OpenMathOutput; // fwd decl -- defined in OpenMath.H
39   class ModuleOrderingBase; // fwd decl -- defined later in this file
41   class ModuleOrdering
42   {
43   public:
ModuleOrdering(const ModuleOrderingBase * ptr)44     explicit ModuleOrdering(const ModuleOrderingBase* ptr): mySmartPtr(ptr) {}
45     // assignment disabled because SmartPtrIRC has no assignment
46     const ModuleOrderingBase* operator->() const { return mySmartPtr.operator->(); }  ///< Allow const member fns to be called.
myRawPtr()47     const ModuleOrderingBase* myRawPtr() const { return mySmartPtr.myRawPtr(); } ///< Used by "downcasting" functions Is(..), As(...) etc.
48     bool operator==(const ModuleOrdering& MOrd) const { return mySmartPtr==MOrd.mySmartPtr; }
49   private: // data members
50     SmartPtrIRC<const ModuleOrderingBase> mySmartPtr;
51   };
54   std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ModuleOrdering& MOrd);
55   OpenMathOutput& operator<<(OpenMathOutput& OMOut, const ModuleOrdering& MOrd);
57   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
58   class ModuleOrderingBase: private IntrusiveReferenceCount
59   {
60     friend class SmartPtrIRC<const ModuleOrderingBase>; // morally "friend ModuleOrdering", so it can alter ref count.
62   protected:
63     ModuleOrderingBase(const PPOrdering& PPO, const std::vector<degree>& shifts);
64     ModuleOrderingBase(const PPOrdering& PPO, const std::vector<degree>& shifts, const std::vector<long>& perm);
65     virtual ~ModuleOrderingBase();
66   private:
67     ModuleOrderingBase(const ModuleOrderingBase& copy);       ///< NEVER DEFINED -- copy ctor disabled
68     ModuleOrderingBase& operator=(const ModuleOrderingBase&); ///< NEVER DEFINED -- assignment disabled
69   public:
70     virtual void myOutputSelf(std::ostream& out) const;
71     virtual void myOutputSelf(OpenMathOutput& OMOut) const;
72     virtual void myOutputName(std::ostream& out) const = 0;
73     virtual void myOutputName(OpenMathOutput& OMOut) const = 0;
74     //    virtual void myOrdMat(matrix& M) const = 0;
75     const std::vector<degree>& myShifts() const;
76     const std::vector<long>& myPerm() const;
77     const PPOrdering& myPPOrdering() const;
79   protected:
80     PPOrdering myPPO;                       ///< the PPOrdering (on the base ring)
81     std::vector<degree> myShiftsValue;      ///< the components shifts (degrees)
82     std::vector<long> myPermutationValue;   ///< the components priorities
83   };
85   const std::vector<degree>& shifts(const ModuleOrdering& O);
86   long NumComponents(const ModuleOrdering& MOrd);
87   long GradingDim(const ModuleOrdering& MOrd);
88   const PPOrdering& ModPPOrdering(const ModuleOrdering& MOrd);
90   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
91   // Pseudo-constructors for ModuleOrderings
92   ModuleOrdering NewOrdPosn(const PPOrdering& PPO, long NumComponents);
93   ModuleOrdering NewPosnOrd(const PPOrdering& PPO, long NumComponents);
94   ModuleOrdering NewWDegPosnOrd(const PPOrdering& PPO, long NumComponents);
96   ModuleOrdering NewOrdPosn(const PPOrdering& PPO, const std::vector<degree>& shifts);
97   ModuleOrdering NewWDegPosnOrd(const PPOrdering& PPO, const std::vector<degree>& shifts);
98   ModuleOrdering NewPosnOrd(const PPOrdering& PPO, const std::vector<degree>& shifts);
100   ModuleOrdering NewOrdPosn(const PPOrdering& PPO, const std::vector<long>& perm);
101   ModuleOrdering NewWDegPosnOrd(const PPOrdering& PPO, const std::vector<long>& perm);
102   ModuleOrdering NewOrdPosn(const PPOrdering& PPO, const std::vector<degree>& shifts, const std::vector<long>& perm);
104   ModuleOrdering NewWDegPosnOrd(const PPOrdering& PPO, const std::vector<degree>& shifts, const std::vector<long>& perm);
106   //  ModuleOrdering NewMatrixOrdering(ConstMatrix OrderMatrix, ??);
108   // ??? Compiler bug: the friend declarations below need explicit namespace
109   //     scoping with g++ 3.2.2, otherwise g++ thinks New... etc are
110   //     in the CoCoA::MOrd namespace.  Very odd!
112   // ANNA: philosophical problem: WDeg must include shifts; what about Ord?
113   bool IsOrdPosn(const ModuleOrdering& MOrd);
114   bool IsPosnOrd(const ModuleOrdering& MOrd);
115   bool IsWDegPosnOrd(const ModuleOrdering& MOrd);
117   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
118   class ModuleOrderingCtor
119   {
120   public:
~ModuleOrderingCtor()121     virtual ~ModuleOrderingCtor() {}
122     virtual ModuleOrdering operator()(const PPOrdering& PPO, long NumCompts) const = 0;
123     virtual ModuleOrdering operator()(const PPOrdering& PPO, const std::vector<degree>& shifts) const = 0;
124   };
126   struct PosnOrdCtor: public ModuleOrderingCtor
127   {
operatorPosnOrdCtor128     ModuleOrdering operator()(const PPOrdering& PPO, long NumCompts) const
129     { return NewPosnOrd(PPO, NumCompts); }
130     ModuleOrdering operator()(const PPOrdering& PPO, const std::vector<degree>& shifts) const; // NYI!!!
131   };
133   struct OrdPosnCtor: public ModuleOrderingCtor
134   {
operatorOrdPosnCtor135     ModuleOrdering operator()(const PPOrdering& PPO, long NumCompts) const
136     { return NewOrdPosn(PPO, NumCompts); }
operatorOrdPosnCtor137     ModuleOrdering operator()(const PPOrdering& PPO, const std::vector<degree>& shifts) const
138     { return NewOrdPosn(PPO, shifts); }
139   };
141   struct WDegPosnOrdCtor: public ModuleOrderingCtor
142   {
operatorWDegPosnOrdCtor143     ModuleOrdering operator()(const PPOrdering& PPO, long NumCompts) const
144     { return NewWDegPosnOrd(PPO, NumCompts); }
operatorWDegPosnOrdCtor145     ModuleOrdering operator()(const PPOrdering& PPO, const std::vector<degree>& shifts) const
146     { return NewWDegPosnOrd(PPO, shifts); }
147   };
149   extern OrdPosnCtor OrdPosn;
150   extern PosnOrdCtor PosnOrd;
151   extern WDegPosnOrdCtor WDegPosnOrd;
153   //---------------------------------------------------------------------
155 } // end of namespace CoCoA
159 // RCS header/log in the next few lines
160 // $Header: /Volumes/Home_1/cocoa/cvs-repository/CoCoALib-0.99/include/CoCoA/ModuleOrdering.H,v 1.3 2015/12/01 13:11:00 abbott Exp $
161 // $Log: ModuleOrdering.H,v $
162 // Revision 1.3  2015/12/01 13:11:00  abbott
163 // Summary: Changed mem fn PPOrderingCtor::myCtor into operator(); also for ModuleOrderingCtor; see issue 829
164 //
165 // Revision 1.2  2014/07/31 13:10:46  bigatti
166 // -- GetMatrix(PPO) --> OrdMat(PPO)
167 // -- added OrdMat and GradingMat to PPOrdering, PPMonoid, SparsePolyRing
168 //
169 // Revision 1.1  2013/06/03 08:51:58  bigatti
170 // -- was ModuleTermOrdering
171 //
172 // Revision 1.5  2013/05/31 10:31:09  abbott
173 // Moved NYI impl body of PosnOrdCtor::myCtor to *.C file to avoid multiple compiler
174 // warnings about unused parameter.
175 //
176 // Revision 1.4  2013/05/27 16:35:05  bigatti
177 // -- major reorganisation of the implementation, changed names
178 // ---- WDegPosTO --> WDegPosnOrd,  WDegTOPos --> OrdPosn,  PosWDegTO --> PosnOrd
179 //
180 // Revision 1.3  2011/03/10 16:39:35  abbott
181 // Replaced (very many) size_t by long in function interfaces (for rings,
182 // PPMonoids and modules).  Also replaced most size_t inside fn defns.
183 //
184 // Revision 1.2  2007/10/30 17:14:12  abbott
185 // Changed licence from GPL-2 only to GPL-3 or later.
186 // New version for such an important change.
187 //
188 // Revision  2007/03/09 15:16:11  abbott
189 // Imported files
190 //
191 // Revision 1.7  2006/12/06 17:14:12  cocoa
192 // -- removed #include "config.H"
193 //
194 // Revision 1.6  2006/11/24 17:14:10  cocoa
195 // -- reorganized includes of header files
196 // -- SmartPtrIRC for reference counting
197 //
198 // Revision 1.5  2006/11/10 13:30:57  cocoa
199 // -- fixed: "const &" to PPOrdering arguments
200 // -- some more documentation
201 //
202 // Revision 1.4  2006/11/10 13:06:03  cocoa
203 // -- cleaned code
204 //
205 // Revision 1.3  2006/11/02 13:25:44  cocoa
206 // Simplification of header files: the OpenMath classes have been renamed.
207 // Many minor consequential changes.
208 //
209 // Revision 1.2  2006/10/06 14:04:15  cocoa
210 // Corrected position of #ifndef in header files.
211 // Separated CoCoA_ASSERT into assert.H from config.H;
212 // many minor consequential changes (have to #include assert.H).
213 // A little tidying of #include directives (esp. in Max's code).
214 //
215 // Revision  2006/05/30 11:39:37  cocoa
216 // Imported files
217 //
218 // Revision 1.7  2006/05/12 16:10:58  cocoa
219 // Added OpenMathFwd.H, and tidied OpenMath.H.
220 // Many consequential but trivial changes.
221 //
222 // Revision 1.6  2006/05/11 15:59:23  cocoa
223 // -- changed reference count is done using SmartPtrIRC
224 //
225 // Revision 1.5  2006/05/04 14:19:02  cocoa
226 // -- moved some code from .H to .C
227 //
228 // Revision 1.4  2006/04/28 11:32:17  cocoa
229 // -- moved concrete class definition from .H to .C
230 //
231 // Revision 1.3  2006/03/15 18:09:31  cocoa
232 // Changed names of member functions which print out their object
233 // into myOutputSelf -- hope this will appease the Intel C++ compiler.
234 //
235 // Revision 1.2  2006/03/12 21:28:34  cocoa
236 // Major check in after many changes
237 //
238 // Revision  2005/10/17 10:46:54  cocoa
239 // Imported files
240 //
241 // Revision 1.1  2005/09/28 11:50:35  cocoa
242 // -- new code for graded modules
243 //
245 #endif