1 package cvc3;
3 import java.util.*;
5 import cvc3.Expr;
6 import cvc3.JniUtils;
8 public class ValidityChecker extends Embedded {
9     // jni methods
10     private static native Object
jniCreate1()11 	jniCreate1() throws Cvc3Exception;
12     private static native Object
jniCreate2(Object Flags)13 	jniCreate2(Object Flags) throws Cvc3Exception;
14     private static native Object
jniCreateFlags()15 	jniCreateFlags() throws Cvc3Exception;
16     private static native Object
jniGetFlags(Object ValidityChecker)17 	jniGetFlags(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
20     private static native Object
jniBoolType(Object ValidityChecker)21 	jniBoolType(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
22     private static native Object
jniRealType(Object ValidityChecker)23 	jniRealType(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
24     private static native Object
jniIntType(Object ValidityChecker)25 	jniIntType(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
26     private static native Object
jniSubrangeType(Object ValidityChecker, Object lExpr, Object rExpr)27 	jniSubrangeType(Object ValidityChecker, Object lExpr, Object rExpr) throws Cvc3Exception;
28     private static native Object
jniSubtypeType(Object ValidityChecker, Object predExpr, Object witnessExpr)29 	jniSubtypeType(Object ValidityChecker, Object predExpr, Object witnessExpr) throws Cvc3Exception;
30     private static native Object
jniTupleType1(Object ValidityChecker, Object Type0, Object Type1)31 	jniTupleType1(Object ValidityChecker, Object Type0, Object Type1) throws Cvc3Exception;
32     private static native Object
jniTupleType2(Object ValidityChecker, Object Type0, Object Type1, Object Type2)33 	jniTupleType2(Object ValidityChecker, Object Type0, Object Type1, Object Type2) throws Cvc3Exception;
34     private static native Object
jniTupleType3(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] Types)35 	jniTupleType3(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] Types) throws Cvc3Exception;
36     private static native Object
jniRecordType1(Object ValidityChecker, String field, Object Type)37 	jniRecordType1(Object ValidityChecker, String field, Object Type) throws Cvc3Exception;
38     private static native Object
jniRecordType2(Object ValidityChecker, String field0, Object Type0, String field1, Object Type1)39 	jniRecordType2(Object ValidityChecker, String field0, Object Type0,
40 		       String field1, Object Type1) throws Cvc3Exception;
41     private static native Object
jniRecordType3(Object ValidityChecker, String field0, Object Type0, String field1, Object Type1, String field2, Object Type2)42 	jniRecordType3(Object ValidityChecker, String field0, Object Type0,
43 		       String field1, Object Type1, String field2, Object Type2) throws Cvc3Exception;
44     private static native Object
jniRecordType4(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] fields, Object[] types)45 	jniRecordType4(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] fields, Object[] types) throws Cvc3Exception;
46     private static native Object
jniDataType1(Object ValidityChecker, String name, String constructor, Object[] selectors, Object[] types)47 	jniDataType1(Object ValidityChecker, String name, String constructor,
48 		     Object[] selectors, Object[] types) throws Cvc3Exception;
49     private static native Object
jniDataType2(Object ValidityChecker, String name, Object[] constructors, Object[] selectors, Object[] types)50 	jniDataType2(Object ValidityChecker, String name, Object[] constructors,
51 		     Object[] selectors, Object[] types) throws Cvc3Exception;
52     private static native Object[]
jniDataType3(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] names, Object[] constructors, Object[] selectors, Object[] types)53 	jniDataType3(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] names, Object[] constructors,
54 		     Object[] selectors, Object[] types) throws Cvc3Exception;
55     private static native Object
jniAnyType(Object ValidityChecker)56 	jniAnyType(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
57     private static native Object
jniArrayLiteral(Object ValidityChecker, Object indexVar, Object bodyExpr)58     jniArrayLiteral(Object ValidityChecker, Object indexVar, Object bodyExpr) throws Cvc3Exception;
59     private static native Object
jniArrayType(Object ValidityChecker, Object TypeIndex, Object TypeData)60 	jniArrayType(Object ValidityChecker, Object TypeIndex, Object TypeData) throws Cvc3Exception;
61     private static native Object
jniBitvecType(Object ValidityChecker, int n)62 	jniBitvecType(Object ValidityChecker, int n) throws Cvc3Exception;
63     private static native Object
jniFunType1(Object ValidityChecker, Object typeDom, Object TypeRan)64 	jniFunType1(Object ValidityChecker, Object typeDom, Object TypeRan) throws Cvc3Exception;
65     private static native Object
jniFunType2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] typeDom, Object TypeRan)66 	jniFunType2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] typeDom, Object TypeRan) throws Cvc3Exception;
67     private static native Object
jniCreateType1(Object ValidityChecker, String typeName)68 	jniCreateType1(Object ValidityChecker, String typeName) throws Cvc3Exception;
69     private static native Object
jniCreateType2(Object ValidityChecker, String typeName, Object TypeDef)70 	jniCreateType2(Object ValidityChecker, String typeName, Object TypeDef) throws Cvc3Exception;
71     private static native Object
jniLookupType(Object ValidityChecker, String typeName)72 	jniLookupType(Object ValidityChecker, String typeName) throws Cvc3Exception;
75     private static native Object
jniGetExprManager(Object ValidityChecker)76 	jniGetExprManager(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
77     private static native Object
jniNullExpr(Object ValidityChecker)78 	jniNullExpr(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
79     private static native Object
jniVarExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, String name, Object Type)80 	jniVarExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, String name, Object Type) throws Cvc3Exception;
81     private static native Object
jniVarExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, String name, Object Type, Object defExpr)82 	jniVarExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, String name, Object Type, Object defExpr) throws Cvc3Exception;
83     private static native Object
jniBoundVarExpr(Object ValidityChecker, String name, String uid, Object Type)84 	jniBoundVarExpr(Object ValidityChecker, String name, String uid, Object Type) throws Cvc3Exception;
85     /*private static native Object
86     jniBoundVarExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object Type) throws Cvc3Exception;
87     */
88     private static native Object
jniLookupVar(Object ValidityChecker, String name)89 	jniLookupVar(Object ValidityChecker, String name) throws Cvc3Exception;
90     private static native Object
jniLookupOp(Object ValidityChecker, String name)91 	jniLookupOp(Object ValidityChecker, String name) throws Cvc3Exception;
92     private static native Object
jniGetType(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr)93 	jniGetType(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
94     private static native Object
jniGetBaseType1(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr)95 	jniGetBaseType1(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
96     private static native Object
jniGetBaseType2(Object ValidityChecker, Object Type)97 	jniGetBaseType2(Object ValidityChecker, Object Type) throws Cvc3Exception;
98     private static native Object
jniGetTypePred(Object ValidityChecker, Object Type, Object Expr)99 	jniGetTypePred(Object ValidityChecker, Object Type, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
100     private static native Object
jniStringExpr(Object ValidityChecker, String str)101 	jniStringExpr(Object ValidityChecker, String str) throws Cvc3Exception;
102     private static native Object
jniIdExpr(Object ValidityChecker, String name)103 	jniIdExpr(Object ValidityChecker, String name) throws Cvc3Exception;
104     private static native Object
jniListExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] kids)105 	jniListExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] kids) throws Cvc3Exception;
106     private static native Object
jniListExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1)107 	jniListExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1) throws Cvc3Exception;
108     private static native Object
jniListExpr3(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2)109 	jniListExpr3(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2) throws Cvc3Exception;
110     private static native Object
jniListExpr4(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2, Object Expr3)111 	jniListExpr4(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2, Object Expr3) throws Cvc3Exception;
112     private static native Object
jniListExpr5(Object ValidityChecker, String op, Object[] kids)113 	jniListExpr5(Object ValidityChecker, String op, Object[] kids) throws Cvc3Exception;
114     private static native Object
jniListExpr6(Object ValidityChecker, String op, Object Expr1)115 	jniListExpr6(Object ValidityChecker, String op, Object Expr1) throws Cvc3Exception;
116     private static native Object
jniListExpr7(Object ValidityChecker, String op, Object Expr1, Object Expr2)117 	jniListExpr7(Object ValidityChecker, String op, Object Expr1, Object Expr2) throws Cvc3Exception;
118     private static native Object
jniListExpr8(Object ValidityChecker, String op, Object Expr1, Object Expr2, Object Expr3)119 	jniListExpr8(Object ValidityChecker, String op, Object Expr1, Object Expr2, Object Expr3) throws Cvc3Exception;
120     private static native void
jniPrintExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr)121     jniPrintExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
122     private static native Object
jniParseExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr)123 	jniParseExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
124     private static native Object
jniParseType(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr)125 	jniParseType(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
126     private static native Object
jniImportExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr)127 	jniImportExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
128     private static native Object
jniImportType(Object ValidityChecker, Object Type)129 	jniImportType(Object ValidityChecker, Object Type) throws Cvc3Exception;
130     private static native void
jniCmdsFromString(Object ValidityChecker, String s)131     jniCmdsFromString(Object ValidityChecker, String s) throws Cvc3Exception;
132     private static native Object
jniExprFromString(Object ValidityChecker, String s)133     jniExprFromString(Object ValidityChecker, String s) throws Cvc3Exception;
134     private static native Object
jniTrueExpr(Object ValidityChecker)135 	jniTrueExpr(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
136     private static native Object
jniFalseExpr(Object ValidityChecker)137 	jniFalseExpr(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
138     private static native Object
jniNotExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr)139 	jniNotExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
140     private static native Object
jniAndExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight)141 	jniAndExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight) throws Cvc3Exception;
142     private static native Object
jniAndExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprChildren)143 	jniAndExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprChildren) throws Cvc3Exception;
144     private static native Object
jniOrExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight)145 	jniOrExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight) throws Cvc3Exception;
146     private static native Object
jniOrExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] Exprchildren)147 	jniOrExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] Exprchildren) throws Cvc3Exception;
148     private static native Object
jniImpliesExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprHyp, Object ExprConc)149 	jniImpliesExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprHyp, Object ExprConc) throws Cvc3Exception;
150     private static native Object
jniIffExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight)151 	jniIffExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight) throws Cvc3Exception;
152     private static native Object
jniEqExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2)153 	jniEqExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2) throws Cvc3Exception;
154     private static native Object
jniDistinctExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprChildren)155     jniDistinctExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprChildren) throws Cvc3Exception;
156 	private static native Object
jniIteExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprIf, Object ExprThen, Object ExprElse)157 	jniIteExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprIf, Object ExprThen, Object ExprElse) throws Cvc3Exception;
158     private static native Object
jniCreateOp1(Object ValidityChecker, String name, Object Type)159 	jniCreateOp1(Object ValidityChecker, String name, Object Type) throws Cvc3Exception;
160     private static native Object
jniCreateOp2(Object ValidityChecker, String name, Object Type, Object ExprDef)161 	jniCreateOp2(Object ValidityChecker, String name, Object Type, Object ExprDef) throws Cvc3Exception;
162     private static native Object
jniEqOp()163 	jniEqOp() throws Cvc3Exception;
164     private static native Object
jniLtOp()165 	jniLtOp() throws Cvc3Exception;
166     private static native Object
jniLeOp()167 	jniLeOp() throws Cvc3Exception;
168     private static native Object
jniGtOp()169 	jniGtOp() throws Cvc3Exception;
170     private static native Object
jniGeOp()171 	jniGeOp() throws Cvc3Exception;
172     private static native Object
jniPlusOp()173 	jniPlusOp() throws Cvc3Exception;
174     private static native Object
jniMinusOp()175 	jniMinusOp() throws Cvc3Exception;
176     private static native Object
jniMultOp()177 	jniMultOp() throws Cvc3Exception;
178     private static native Object
jniDivideOp()179 	jniDivideOp() throws Cvc3Exception;
180     private static native Object
jniFunExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object Op, Object Expr)181 	jniFunExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object Op, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
182     private static native Object
jniFunExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object Op, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight)183 	jniFunExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object Op, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight) throws Cvc3Exception;
184     private static native Object
jniFunExpr3(Object ValidityChecker, Object Op, Object Expr1, Object Expr2, Object Expr3)185 	jniFunExpr3(Object ValidityChecker, Object Op, Object Expr1, Object Expr2, Object Expr3) throws Cvc3Exception;
186     private static native Object
jniFunExpr4(Object ValidityChecker, Object Op, Object[] ExprChildren)187 	jniFunExpr4(Object ValidityChecker, Object Op, Object[] ExprChildren) throws Cvc3Exception;
188     private static native Object
jniRatExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, int n, int d)189 	jniRatExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, int n, int d) throws Cvc3Exception;
190     private static native Object
jniRatExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, String n, String d, int base)191 	jniRatExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, String n, String d, int base) throws Cvc3Exception;
192     private static native Object
jniRatExpr3(Object ValidityChecker, String n, int base)193 	jniRatExpr3(Object ValidityChecker, String n, int base) throws Cvc3Exception;
194     private static native Object
jniUminusExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr)195 	jniUminusExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
196     private static native Object
jniPlusExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object Exprleft, Object ExprRight)197 	jniPlusExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object Exprleft, Object ExprRight) throws Cvc3Exception;
198     private static native Object
jniPlusExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] kids)199 	jniPlusExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] kids) throws Cvc3Exception;
200     private static native Object
jniMinusExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight)201 	jniMinusExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight) throws Cvc3Exception;
202     private static native Object
jniMultExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight)203 	jniMultExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight) throws Cvc3Exception;
204     private static native Object
jniPowExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprX, Object ExprN)205 	jniPowExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprX, Object ExprN) throws Cvc3Exception;
206     private static native Object
jniDivideExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprNumerator, Object ExprDenominator)207 	jniDivideExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprNumerator, Object ExprDenominator) throws Cvc3Exception;
208     private static native Object
jniLtExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight)209 	jniLtExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight) throws Cvc3Exception;
210     private static native Object
jniLeExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight)211 	jniLeExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight) throws Cvc3Exception;
212     private static native Object
jniGtExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight)213 	jniGtExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight) throws Cvc3Exception;
214     private static native Object
jniGeExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight)215 	jniGeExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprLeft, Object ExprRight) throws Cvc3Exception;
216     private static native Object
jniRecordExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, String field, Object Expr)217 	jniRecordExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, String field, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
218     private static native Object
jniRecordExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, String field1, Object Expr1, String field2, Object Expr2)219 	jniRecordExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, String field1, Object Expr1,
220 		   String field2, Object Expr2) throws Cvc3Exception;
221     private static native Object
jniRecordExpr3(Object ValidityChecker, String field1, Object Expr1, String field2, Object Expr2, String field3, Object Expr3)222 	jniRecordExpr3(Object ValidityChecker, String field1, Object Expr1, String field2, Object Expr2,
223 		   String field3, Object Expr3) throws Cvc3Exception;
224     private static native Object
jniRecordExpr4(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] StringFields, Object[] Exprs)225 	jniRecordExpr4(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] StringFields, Object[] Exprs) throws Cvc3Exception;
226     private static native Object
jniRecSelectExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprRecord, String field)227 	jniRecSelectExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprRecord, String field) throws Cvc3Exception;
228     private static native Object
jniRecUpdateExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprRecord, String field, Object ExprNewValue)229 	jniRecUpdateExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprRecord, String field,
230 		      Object ExprNewValue) throws Cvc3Exception;
231     private static native Object
jniReadExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprArray, Object ExprIndex)232 	jniReadExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprArray, Object ExprIndex) throws Cvc3Exception;
233     private static native Object
jniWriteExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprArray, Object ExprIndex, Object ExprNewValue)234 	jniWriteExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprArray, Object ExprIndex,
235 		  Object ExprNewValue) throws Cvc3Exception;
236     private static native Object
jniNewBVConstExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, String s, int base)237 	jniNewBVConstExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, String s, int base) throws Cvc3Exception;
238     private static native Object
jniNewBVConstExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, boolean[] bits)239 	jniNewBVConstExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, boolean[] bits) throws Cvc3Exception;
240     private static native Object
jniNewBVConstExpr3(Object ValidityChecker, Object RationalR, int len)241 	jniNewBVConstExpr3(Object ValidityChecker, Object RationalR, int len) throws Cvc3Exception;
242     private static native Object
jniNewConcatExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2)243 	jniNewConcatExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2) throws Cvc3Exception;
244     private static native Object
jniNewConcatExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] Exprkids)245 	jniNewConcatExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] Exprkids) throws Cvc3Exception;
246     private static native Object
jniNewBVExtractExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprE, int hi, int low)247 	jniNewBVExtractExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprE, int hi, int low) throws Cvc3Exception;
248     private static native Object
jniNewBVNegExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1)249 	jniNewBVNegExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1) throws Cvc3Exception;
250     private static native Object
jniNewBVAndExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2)251 	jniNewBVAndExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2) throws Cvc3Exception;
252     private static native Object
jniNewBVAndExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprKids)253 	jniNewBVAndExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprKids) throws Cvc3Exception;
254     private static native Object
jniNewBVOrExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2)255 	jniNewBVOrExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2) throws Cvc3Exception;
256     private static native Object
jniNewBVOrExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprKids)257 	jniNewBVOrExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprKids) throws Cvc3Exception;
258     private static native Object
jniNewBVXorExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2)259 	jniNewBVXorExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2) throws Cvc3Exception;
260     private static native Object
jniNewBVXorExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprKids)261 	jniNewBVXorExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprKids) throws Cvc3Exception;
262     private static native Object
jniNewBVXnorExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2)263 	jniNewBVXnorExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2) throws Cvc3Exception;
264     private static native Object
jniNewBVXnorExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprKids)265 	jniNewBVXnorExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprKids) throws Cvc3Exception;
266     private static native Object
jniNewBVNandExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2)267 	jniNewBVNandExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2) throws Cvc3Exception;
268     private static native Object
jniNewBVNorExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2)269 	jniNewBVNorExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2) throws Cvc3Exception;
270     private static native Object
jniNewBVLTExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2)271 	jniNewBVLTExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2) throws Cvc3Exception;
272     private static native Object
jniNewBVLEExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2)273 	jniNewBVLEExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2) throws Cvc3Exception;
274     private static native Object
jniNewBVSLTExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2)275 	jniNewBVSLTExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2) throws Cvc3Exception;
276     private static native Object
jniNewBVSLEExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2)277 	jniNewBVSLEExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2) throws Cvc3Exception;
278     private static native Object
jniNewSXExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, int len)279 	jniNewSXExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, int len) throws Cvc3Exception;
280     private static native Object
jniNewBVUminusExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr)281 	jniNewBVUminusExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
282     private static native Object
jniNewBVSubExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2)283 	jniNewBVSubExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, Object Expr2) throws Cvc3Exception;
284     private static native Object
jniNewBVPlusExpr(Object ValidityChecker, int numbits, Object[] ExprK)285 	jniNewBVPlusExpr(Object ValidityChecker, int numbits, Object[] ExprK) throws Cvc3Exception;
286     private static native Object
jniNewBVMultExpr(Object ValidityChecker, int numbits, Object Expr1, Object Expr2)287 	jniNewBVMultExpr(Object ValidityChecker, int numbits, Object Expr1, Object Expr2) throws Cvc3Exception;
288     private static native Object
jniNewBVUDivExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object left, Object right)289     jniNewBVUDivExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object left, Object right) throws Cvc3Exception;
290     private static native Object
jniNewBVURemExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object left, Object right)291     jniNewBVURemExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object left, Object right) throws Cvc3Exception;
292     private static native Object
jniNewBVSDivExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object left, Object right)293     jniNewBVSDivExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object left, Object right) throws Cvc3Exception;
294     private static native Object
jniNewBVSRemExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object left, Object right)295     jniNewBVSRemExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object left, Object right) throws Cvc3Exception;
296     private static native Object
jniNewBVSModExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object left, Object right)297     jniNewBVSModExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object left, Object right)	throws Cvc3Exception;
298     private static native Object
jniNewBVSHL(Object ValidityChecker, Object left, Object right)299     jniNewBVSHL(Object ValidityChecker, Object left, Object right)	throws Cvc3Exception;
300     private static native Object
jniNewBVLSHR(Object ValidityChecker, Object left, Object right)301     jniNewBVLSHR(Object ValidityChecker, Object left, Object right)	throws Cvc3Exception;
302     private static native Object
jniNewBVASHR(Object ValidityChecker, Object left, Object right)303     jniNewBVASHR(Object ValidityChecker, Object left, Object right)	throws Cvc3Exception;
304     private static native Object
jniNewFixedLeftShiftExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, int r)305 	jniNewFixedLeftShiftExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, int r) throws Cvc3Exception;
306     private static native Object
jniNewFixedConstWidthLeftShiftExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, int r)307 	jniNewFixedConstWidthLeftShiftExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, int r) throws Cvc3Exception;
308     private static native Object
jniNewFixedRightShiftExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, int r)309 	jniNewFixedRightShiftExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr1, int r) throws Cvc3Exception;
310     private static native Object
jniComputeBVConst(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr)311         jniComputeBVConst(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
312     private static native Object
jniTupleExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] Exprs)313 	jniTupleExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] Exprs) throws Cvc3Exception;
314     private static native Object
jniTupleSelectExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprTuple, int index)315 	jniTupleSelectExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprTuple, int index) throws Cvc3Exception;
316     private static native Object
jniTupleUpdateExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprTuple, int index, Object ExprNewValue)317 	jniTupleUpdateExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprTuple, int index,
318 			   Object ExprNewValue) throws Cvc3Exception;
319     private static native Object
jniDatatypeConsExpr(Object ValidityChecker, String constructor, Object[] ExprArgs)320 	jniDatatypeConsExpr(Object ValidityChecker, String constructor, Object[] ExprArgs) throws Cvc3Exception;
321     private static native Object
jniDatatypeSelExpr(Object ValidityChecker, String selector, Object ExprArg)322 	jniDatatypeSelExpr(Object ValidityChecker, String selector, Object ExprArg) throws Cvc3Exception;
323     private static native Object
jniDatatypeTestExpr(Object ValidityChecker, String constructor, Object ExprArg)324 	jniDatatypeTestExpr(Object ValidityChecker, String constructor, Object ExprArg) throws Cvc3Exception;
325     private static native Object
jniForallExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprVars, Object ExprBody)326 	jniForallExpr1(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprVars, Object ExprBody) throws Cvc3Exception;
327     private static native Object
jniForallExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprVars, Object ExprBody, Object ExprTrigger)328 	jniForallExpr2(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprVars, Object ExprBody,
329 		      Object ExprTrigger) throws Cvc3Exception;
330     private static native Object
jniForallExpr3(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprVars, Object ExprBody, Object[] ExprTriggers)331     jniForallExpr3(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprVars, Object ExprBody,
332               Object[] ExprTriggers) throws Cvc3Exception;
333     private static native Object
jniForallExpr4(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprVars, Object ExprBody, Object[][] ExprTriggers)334 	jniForallExpr4(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprVars, Object ExprBody,
335 		      Object[][] ExprTriggers) throws Cvc3Exception;
336     private static native void
jniSetTrigger(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprClosure, Object ExprTrigger)337 	jniSetTrigger(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprClosure, Object ExprTrigger) throws Cvc3Exception;
338     private static native void
jniSetTriggers(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprClosure, Object[] ExprTriggers)339 	jniSetTriggers(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprClosure, Object[] ExprTriggers) throws Cvc3Exception;
340     private static native void
jniSetTriggers2(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprClosure, Object[][] ExprTriggers)341     jniSetTriggers2(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprClosure, Object[][] ExprTriggers) throws Cvc3Exception;
342     private static native void
jniSetMultiTrigger(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprClosure, Object[] ExprMultiTrigger)343     jniSetMultiTrigger(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprClosure, Object[] ExprMultiTrigger) throws Cvc3Exception;
344     private static native Object
jniExistsExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprVars, Object ExprBody)345 	jniExistsExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprVars, Object ExprBody) throws Cvc3Exception;
346     private static native Object
jniLambdaExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprVars, Object ExprBody)347 	jniLambdaExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object[] ExprVars, Object ExprBody) throws Cvc3Exception;
348     private static native Object
jniTransClosure(Object ValidityChecker, Object Op)349 	jniTransClosure(Object ValidityChecker, Object Op) throws Cvc3Exception;
350     private static native Object
jniSimulateExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprF, Object ExprS, Object[] ExprInputs, Object ExprN)351 	jniSimulateExpr(Object ValidityChecker, Object ExprF, Object ExprS,
352 		     Object[] ExprInputs, Object ExprN) throws Cvc3Exception;
354     private static native void
jniSetResourceLimit(Object ValidityChecker, int limit)355     jniSetResourceLimit(Object ValidityChecker, int limit) throws Cvc3Exception;
356     private static native void
jniAssertFormula(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr)357 	jniAssertFormula(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
358     private static native void
jniRegisterAtom(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr)359 	jniRegisterAtom(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
360     private static native Object
jniGetImpliedLiteral(Object ValidityChecker)361 	jniGetImpliedLiteral(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
362     private static native Object
jniSimplify(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr)363 	jniSimplify(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
364     private static native String
jniQuery(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr)365 	jniQuery(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
366     private static native String
jniCheckUnsat(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr)367 	jniCheckUnsat(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
368     private static native String
jniCheckContinue(Object ValidityChecker)369 	jniCheckContinue(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
370     private static native String
jniRestart(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr)371 	jniRestart(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
372     private static native void
jniReturnFromCheck(Object ValidityChecker)373 	jniReturnFromCheck(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
374     private static native Object[]
jniGetUserAssumptions(Object ValidityChecker)375 	jniGetUserAssumptions(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
376     private static native Object[]
jniGetInternalAssumptions(Object ValidityChecker)377 	jniGetInternalAssumptions(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
378     private static native Object[]
jniGetAssumptions(Object ValidityChecker)379 	jniGetAssumptions(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
380     private static native Object[]
jniGetAssumptionsUsed(Object ValidityChecker)381 	jniGetAssumptionsUsed(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
382     private static native Object[]
jniGetCounterExample(Object ValidityChecker, boolean inOrder)383 	jniGetCounterExample(Object ValidityChecker, boolean inOrder) throws Cvc3Exception;
384     private static native Object[]
jniGetConcreteModel(Object ValidityChecker)385 	jniGetConcreteModel(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
386     private static native String
jniGetValue(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr)387 	jniGetValue(Object ValidityChecker, Object Expr) throws Cvc3Exception;
388     private static native boolean
jniInconsistent1(Object ValidityChecker)389 	jniInconsistent1(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
390     private static native Object[]
jniInconsistent2(Object ValidityChecker)391 	jniInconsistent2(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
392     private static native boolean
jniIncomplete1(Object ValidityChecker)393 	jniIncomplete1(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
394     private static native Object[]
jniIncomplete2(Object ValidityChecker)395 	jniIncomplete2(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
396     private static native Object
jniGetProof(Object ValidityChecker)397 	jniGetProof(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
398     private static native Object
jniGetTCC(Object ValidityChecker)399 	jniGetTCC(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
400     private static native Object[]
jniGetAssumptionsTCC(Object ValidityChecker)401 	jniGetAssumptionsTCC(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
402     private static native Object
jniGetProofTCC(Object ValidityChecker)403 	jniGetProofTCC(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
404     private static native Object
jniGetClosure(Object ValidityChecker)405 	jniGetClosure(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
406     private static native Object
jniGetProofClosure(Object ValidityChecker)407 	jniGetProofClosure(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
409     private static native int
jniStackLevel(Object ValidityChecker)410 	jniStackLevel(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
411     private static native void
jniPush(Object ValidityChecker)412 	jniPush(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
413     private static native void
jniPop(Object ValidityChecker)414 	jniPop(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
415     private static native void
jniPopTo(Object ValidityChecker, int stackLevel)416 	jniPopTo(Object ValidityChecker, int stackLevel) throws Cvc3Exception;
417     private static native int
jniScopeLevel(Object ValidityChecker)418 	jniScopeLevel(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
419     private static native void
jniPushScope(Object ValidityChecker)420 	jniPushScope(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
421     private static native void
jniPopScope(Object ValidityChecker)422 	jniPopScope(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
423     private static native void
jniPopToScope(Object ValidityChecker, int scopeLevel)424 	jniPopToScope(Object ValidityChecker, int scopeLevel) throws Cvc3Exception;
425     private static native Object
jniGetCurrentContext(Object ValidityChecker)426 	jniGetCurrentContext(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
428     private static native void
jniLoadFile1(Object ValidityChecker, String fileName, String lang)429 	jniLoadFile1(Object ValidityChecker, String fileName, String lang) throws Cvc3Exception;
431     private static native Object
jniGetStatistics(Object ValidityChecker)432 	jniGetStatistics(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
433     private static native void
jniPrintStatistics(Object ValidityChecker)434 	jniPrintStatistics(Object ValidityChecker) throws Cvc3Exception;
436     private static native void
jniSetTimeLimit(Object ValidityChecker, int limit)437 	jniSetTimeLimit(Object ValidityChecker, int limit) throws Cvc3Exception;
441     // delete ValidityChecker, all expressions created using it,
442     // and all embedded objects registered with its embeddedManager
delete()443     public synchronized void delete() throws Cvc3Exception {
444 	if (isDeleted()) return;
446 	//:TEST:
447 	embeddedManager().cleanUp();
449 	embeddedManager().delete();
450 	EmbeddedManager.jniDelete(embedded());
451 	d_embedded = null;
452     }
454     // ensure that all embedded objects are deallocated eventually
finalize()455     public void finalize() throws Throwable {
456 	try {
457 	    if (!isDeleted()) {
458 		assert(false);
459 //		System.out.println("ValidityChecker.Finalizer: should never be called");
460 		throw new Error("ValidityChecker.Finalizer: should never be called");
461 	    }
462 	} finally {
463 	    super.finalize();
464 	}
465     }
467     /// Constructor
469     // create embedded object
ValidityChecker(Object ValidityChecker)470     protected ValidityChecker(Object ValidityChecker) {
471 	super(ValidityChecker, new EmbeddedManager());
472     }
475     /// API: ValidityChecker
478     // Creation
480     // delete must be called before ValidityChecker is garbage collected
create()481     public static ValidityChecker create() throws Cvc3Exception {
482 	return new ValidityChecker(jniCreate1());
483     }
485     // delete must be called before ValidityChecker is garbage collected
create(Flags flags)486     public static ValidityChecker create(Flags flags) throws Cvc3Exception {
487 	return new ValidityChecker(jniCreate2(flags.embedded()));
488     }
491     // Flags
493     // if embeddedManger is null then delete must be called before
494     // the returned Flags is garbage collected
createFlags(EmbeddedManager embeddedManager)495     public static FlagsMut createFlags(EmbeddedManager embeddedManager) throws Cvc3Exception {
496 	return new FlagsMut(jniCreateFlags(), embeddedManager);
497     }
getFlags()499     public FlagsMut getFlags() throws Cvc3Exception {
500 	return new FlagsMut(jniGetFlags(embedded()), embeddedManager());
501     }
505     // Type-related methods
boolType()507     public TypeMut boolType() throws Cvc3Exception {
508 	return new TypeMut(jniBoolType(embedded()), embeddedManager());
509     }
realType()511     public TypeMut realType() throws Cvc3Exception {
512 	return new TypeMut(jniRealType(embedded()), embeddedManager());
513     }
intType()515     public TypeMut intType() throws Cvc3Exception {
516 	return new TypeMut(jniIntType(embedded()), embeddedManager());
517     }
subrangeType(Expr l, Expr r)519     public TypeMut subrangeType(Expr l, Expr r) throws Cvc3Exception {
520 	return new TypeMut(
521 	  jniSubrangeType(embedded(), l.embedded(), r.embedded()),
522 	  embeddedManager());
523     }
subtypeType(Expr pred, Expr witness)525     public TypeMut subtypeType(Expr pred, Expr witness) throws Cvc3Exception {
526 	return new TypeMut(
527 	  jniSubtypeType(embedded(), pred.embedded(), witness.embedded()),
528 	  embeddedManager());
529     }
tupleType(Type type0, Type type1)531     public TypeMut tupleType(Type type0, Type type1) throws Cvc3Exception {
532 	return new TypeMut(
533 	  jniTupleType1(embedded(), type0.embedded(), type1.embedded()),
534 	  embeddedManager());
535     }
tupleType(Type type0, Type type1, Type type2)537     public TypeMut tupleType(Type type0, Type type1, Type type2) throws Cvc3Exception {
538 	return new TypeMut(
539 	  jniTupleType2(embedded(), type0.embedded(), type1.embedded(), type2.embedded()),
540 	  embeddedManager());
541     }
tupleType(List types)543     public TypeMut tupleType(List types) throws Cvc3Exception {
544 	return new TypeMut(
545 	  jniTupleType3(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(types)),
546 	  embeddedManager());
547     }
recordType(String field, Type type)549     public TypeMut recordType(String field, Type type) throws Cvc3Exception {
550 	return new TypeMut(
551 	  jniRecordType1(embedded(), field, type.embedded()),
552 	  embeddedManager());
553     }
recordType(String field0, Type type0, String field1, Type type1)555     public TypeMut recordType(String field0, Type type0, String field1, Type type1) throws Cvc3Exception {
556 	return new TypeMut(
557 	  jniRecordType2(embedded(), field0, type0.embedded(), field1, type1.embedded()),
558 	  embeddedManager());
559     }
recordType(String field0, Type type0, String field1, Type type1, String field2, Type type2)561     public TypeMut recordType(String field0, Type type0, String field1, Type type1,
562 			    String field2, Type type2) throws Cvc3Exception {
563 	return new TypeMut(
564 	  jniRecordType3(embedded(), field0, type0.embedded(), field1, type1.embedded(),
565 			 field2, type2.embedded()),
566 	  embeddedManager());
567     }
recordType(List fields, List types)569     public TypeMut recordType(List fields, List types) throws Cvc3Exception {
570 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(fields, String.class));
571 	return new TypeMut(
572 	  jniRecordType4(embedded(), JniUtils.toArray(fields), JniUtils.unembedList(types)),
573 	  embeddedManager());
574     }
dataType(String name, String constructor, List selectors, List types)576     public TypeMut dataType(String name, String constructor,
577 			  List selectors, List types) throws Cvc3Exception {
578 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(selectors, String.class));
579 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(types, Expr.class));
580 	return new TypeMut(
581 	  jniDataType1(embedded(), name, constructor,
582 		       JniUtils.toArray(selectors), JniUtils.unembedList(types)),
583 	  embeddedManager());
584     }
dataType(String name, String[] constructors, String[][] selectors, Expr[][] types)586     public TypeMut dataType(String name, String[] constructors,
587 			  String[][] selectors, Expr[][] types) throws Cvc3Exception {
588 	return new TypeMut(
589           jniDataType2(embedded(), name, constructors, selectors, JniUtils.unembedArrayArray(types)),
590 	  embeddedManager());
591     }
dataType(String name, List constructors, List selectors, List types)593     public TypeMut dataType(String name, List constructors,
594 			  List selectors, List types) throws Cvc3Exception {
595 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(constructors, String.class));
596 	assert(JniUtils.listListInstanceof(selectors, String.class));
597 	assert(JniUtils.listListInstanceof(types, Expr.class));
598 	return new TypeMut(
599 	  jniDataType2(embedded(), name, JniUtils.toArray(constructors),
600 		       JniUtils.toArrayArray(selectors), JniUtils.unembedListList(types)),
601 	  embeddedManager());
602     }
dataType(List names, List constructors, List selectors, List types)604     public List dataType(List names, List constructors,
605 			  List selectors, List types) throws Cvc3Exception {
606 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(names, String.class));
607 	assert(JniUtils.listListInstanceof(constructors, String.class));
608 	assert(JniUtils.listListListInstanceof(selectors, String.class));
609 	assert(JniUtils.listListListInstanceof(types, Expr.class));
610 	Object[] dataTypes =
611 	  jniDataType3(embedded(), JniUtils.toArray(names), JniUtils.toArrayArray(constructors),
612 		       JniUtils.toArrayArrayArray(selectors), JniUtils.unembedListListList(types));
613 	return JniUtils.embedList(dataTypes, TypeMut.class, embeddedManager());
614     }
arrayLiteral(Expr var, Expr body)616     public ExprMut arrayLiteral(Expr var, Expr body) throws Cvc3Exception {
617       return new ExprMut(jniArrayLiteral(embedded(), var.embedded(), body.embedded()),embeddedManager());
618     }
anyType()620   public TypeMut anyType() throws Cvc3Exception {
621     return new TypeMut(jniAnyType(embedded()),embeddedManager());
622   }
arrayType(Type typeIndex, Type typeData)624     public TypeMut arrayType(Type typeIndex, Type typeData) throws Cvc3Exception {
625 	return new TypeMut(
626 	  jniArrayType(embedded(), typeIndex.embedded(), typeData.embedded()),
627 	  embeddedManager());
628     }
bitvecType(int n)630     public TypeMut bitvecType(int n) throws Cvc3Exception {
631 	return new TypeMut(
632 	  jniBitvecType(embedded(), n),
633 	  embeddedManager());
634     }
funType(Type typeDom, Type typeRange)636     public TypeMut funType(Type typeDom, Type typeRange) throws Cvc3Exception {
637 	return new TypeMut(
638 	  jniFunType1(embedded(), typeDom.embedded(), typeRange.embedded()),
639 	  embeddedManager());
640     }
funType(List typeDom, Type typeRange)642     public TypeMut funType(List typeDom, Type typeRange) throws Cvc3Exception {
643 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(typeDom, Type.class));
644 	return new TypeMut(
645           jniFunType2(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(typeDom), typeRange.embedded()),
646 	  embeddedManager());
647     }
createType(String typeName)649     public TypeMut createType(String typeName) throws Cvc3Exception {
650 	return new TypeMut(
651 	  jniCreateType1(embedded(), typeName),
652 	  embeddedManager());
653     }
createType(String typeName, Type typeDef)655     public TypeMut createType(String typeName, Type typeDef) throws Cvc3Exception {
656 	return new TypeMut(
657           jniCreateType2(embedded(), typeName, typeDef.embedded()),
658 	  embeddedManager());
659     }
lookupType(String typeName)661     public TypeMut lookupType(String typeName) throws Cvc3Exception {
662 	return new TypeMut(
663 	  jniLookupType(embedded(), typeName),
664 	  embeddedManager());
665     }
669     // Expressions
getExprManager()671     public ExprManagerMut getExprManager() throws Cvc3Exception {
672 	return new ExprManagerMut(jniGetExprManager(embedded()), embeddedManager());
673     }
nullExpr()675     public Expr nullExpr() throws Cvc3Exception {
676 	return new Expr(jniNullExpr(embedded()), embeddedManager());
677     }
varExpr(String name, Type type)679     public ExprMut varExpr(String name, Type type) throws Cvc3Exception {
680 	return new ExprMut(
681 	  jniVarExpr1(embedded(), name, type.embedded()),
682 	  embeddedManager());
683     }
varExpr(String name, Type type, Expr def)685     public ExprMut varExpr(String name, Type type, Expr def) throws Cvc3Exception {
686 	return new ExprMut(
687 	  jniVarExpr2(embedded(), name, type.embedded(), def.embedded()),
688 	  embeddedManager());
689     }
boundVarExpr(String name, String uid, Type type)691     public ExprMut boundVarExpr(String name, String uid, Type type) throws Cvc3Exception {
692 	return new ExprMut(
693 	  jniBoundVarExpr(embedded(), name, uid, type.embedded()),
694 	  embeddedManager());
695     }
697 /*    public ExprMut boundVarExpr(Type type) throws Cvc3Exception {
698       return new ExprMut(
699         jniBoundVarExpr(embedded(), type.embedded()),
700         embeddedManager());
701       }*/
lookupVar(String name)703     public ExprMut lookupVar(String name) throws Cvc3Exception {
704 	return new ExprMut(
705 	  jniLookupVar(embedded(), name),
706 	  embeddedManager());
707     }
lookupOp(String name)709     public OpMut lookupOp(String name) throws Cvc3Exception {
710 	return new OpMut(
711 	  jniLookupOp(embedded(), name),
712 	  embeddedManager());
713     }
getType(Expr expr)715     public TypeMut getType(Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
716 	return new TypeMut(
717 	  jniGetType(embedded(), expr.embedded()),
718 	  embeddedManager());
719     }
getBaseType(Expr expr)721     public TypeMut getBaseType(Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
722 	return new TypeMut(
723 	  jniGetBaseType1(embedded(), expr.embedded()),
724 	  embeddedManager());
725     }
getBaseType(Type type)727     public TypeMut getBaseType(Type type) throws Cvc3Exception {
728 	return new TypeMut(
729 	  jniGetBaseType2(embedded(), type.embedded()),
730 	  embeddedManager());
731     }
getTypePred(Type type, Expr expr)733     public ExprMut getTypePred(Type type, Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
734 	return new ExprMut(
735 	  jniGetTypePred(embedded(), type.embedded(), expr.embedded()),
736 	  embeddedManager());
737     }
stringExpr(String str)739     public ExprMut stringExpr(String str) throws Cvc3Exception {
740 	return new ExprMut(
741 	  jniStringExpr(embedded(), str),
742 	  embeddedManager());
743     }
idExpr(String name)745     public ExprMut idExpr(String name) throws Cvc3Exception {
746 	return new ExprMut(
747 	  jniIdExpr(embedded(), name),
748 	  embeddedManager());
749     }
listExpr(List kids)751     public ExprMut listExpr(List kids) throws Cvc3Exception {
752 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(kids, Expr.class));
753 	return new ExprMut(
754 	  jniListExpr1(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(kids)),
755 	  embeddedManager());
756     }
listExpr(Expr expr1)758     public ExprMut listExpr(Expr expr1) throws Cvc3Exception {
759 	return new ExprMut(
760 	  jniListExpr2(embedded(), expr1.embedded()),
761 	  embeddedManager());
762     }
listExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2)764     public ExprMut listExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
765 	return new ExprMut(
766 	  jniListExpr3(embedded(), expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded()),
767 	  embeddedManager());
768     }
listExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2, Expr expr3)770     public ExprMut listExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2, Expr expr3) throws Cvc3Exception {
771 	return new ExprMut(
772 	  jniListExpr4(embedded(), expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded(), expr3.embedded()),
773 	  embeddedManager());
774     }
listExpr(String op, List kids)776     public ExprMut listExpr(String op, List kids) throws Cvc3Exception {
777 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(kids, Expr.class));
778 	return new ExprMut(
779 	  jniListExpr5(embedded(), op, JniUtils.unembedList(kids)),
780 	  embeddedManager());
781     }
listExpr(String op, Expr expr1)783     public ExprMut listExpr(String op, Expr expr1) throws Cvc3Exception {
784 	return new ExprMut(
785 	  jniListExpr6(embedded(), op, expr1.embedded()),
786 	  embeddedManager());
787     }
listExpr(String op, Expr expr1, Expr expr2)789     public ExprMut listExpr(String op, Expr expr1, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
790 	return new ExprMut(
791 	  jniListExpr7(embedded(), op, expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded()),
792 	  embeddedManager());
793     }
listExpr(String op, Expr expr1, Expr expr2, Expr expr3)795     public ExprMut listExpr(String op, Expr expr1, Expr expr2, Expr expr3) throws Cvc3Exception {
796 	return new ExprMut(
797 	  jniListExpr8(embedded(), op, expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded(), expr3.embedded()),
798 	  embeddedManager());
799     }
printExpr(Expr expr)801     public void printExpr(Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
802       jniPrintExpr(embedded(), expr.embedded());
803     }
parseExpr(Expr expr)805     public ExprMut parseExpr(Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
806 	return new ExprMut(
807 	  jniParseExpr(embedded(), expr.embedded()),
808 	  embeddedManager());
809     }
parseType(Expr expr)811     public TypeMut parseType(Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
812 	return new TypeMut(
813 	  jniParseType(embedded(), expr.embedded()),
814 	  embeddedManager());
815     }
importExpr(Expr expr)817     public ExprMut importExpr(Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
818 	return new ExprMut(
819 	  jniImportExpr(embedded(), expr.embedded()),
820 	  embeddedManager());
821     }
importType(Type type)823     public TypeMut importType(Type type) throws Cvc3Exception {
824 	return new TypeMut(
825 	  jniImportType(embedded(), type.embedded()),
826 	  embeddedManager());
827     }
cmdsFromString(String s)829     public void cmdsFromString(String s) throws Cvc3Exception {
830       jniCmdsFromString(embedded(), s);
831     }
exprFromString(String s)833     public ExprMut exprFromString(String s) throws Cvc3Exception {
834       return new ExprMut( jniExprFromString(embedded(), s), embeddedManager() );
835     }
trueExpr()838     public ExprMut trueExpr() throws Cvc3Exception {
839 	return new ExprMut(jniTrueExpr(embedded()), embeddedManager());
840     }
falseExpr()842     public ExprMut falseExpr() throws Cvc3Exception {
843 	return new ExprMut(jniFalseExpr(embedded()), embeddedManager());
844     }
notExpr(Expr expr)846     public ExprMut notExpr(Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
847 	return new ExprMut(
848 	  jniNotExpr(embedded(), expr.embedded()),
849 	  embeddedManager());
850     }
andExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2)852     public ExprMut andExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
853 	return new ExprMut(
854 	  jniAndExpr1(embedded(), expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded()),
855 	  embeddedManager());
856     }
andExpr(List children)858     public ExprMut andExpr(List children) throws Cvc3Exception {
859 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(children, Expr.class));
860 	return new ExprMut(
861 	  jniAndExpr2(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(children)),
862 	  embeddedManager());
863     }
orExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2)865     public ExprMut orExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
866 	return new ExprMut(
867 	  jniOrExpr1(embedded(), expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded()),
868 	  embeddedManager());
869     }
orExpr(List children)871     public ExprMut orExpr(List children) throws Cvc3Exception {
872 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(children, Expr.class));
873 	return new ExprMut(
874 	  jniOrExpr2(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(children)),
875 	  embeddedManager());
876     }
impliesExpr(Expr hyp, Expr conc)878     public ExprMut impliesExpr(Expr hyp, Expr conc) throws Cvc3Exception {
879 	return new ExprMut(
880 	  jniImpliesExpr(embedded(), hyp.embedded(), conc.embedded()),
881 	  embeddedManager());
882     }
iffExpr(Expr left, Expr right)884     public ExprMut iffExpr(Expr left, Expr right) throws Cvc3Exception {
885 	return new ExprMut(
886 	  jniIffExpr(embedded(), left.embedded(), right.embedded()),
887 	  embeddedManager());
888     }
eqExpr(Expr left, Expr right)890     public ExprMut eqExpr(Expr left, Expr right) throws Cvc3Exception {
891 	return new ExprMut(
892 	  jniEqExpr(embedded(), left.embedded(), right.embedded()),
893 	  embeddedManager());
894     }
distinctExpr(List children)896     public ExprMut distinctExpr(List children) throws Cvc3Exception {
897     assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(children, Expr.class));
898     return new ExprMut(
899     	jniDistinctExpr(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(children)), embeddedManager());
900     }
iteExpr(Expr ifPart, Expr thenPart, Expr elsePart)902     public ExprMut iteExpr(Expr ifPart, Expr thenPart, Expr elsePart) throws Cvc3Exception {
903 	return new ExprMut(
904 	  jniIteExpr(embedded(), ifPart.embedded(), thenPart.embedded(), elsePart.embedded()),
905 	  embeddedManager());
906     }
createOp(String name, Type type)908     public OpMut createOp(String name, Type type) throws Cvc3Exception {
909 	return new OpMut(
910 	  jniCreateOp1(embedded(), name, type.embedded()),
911 	  embeddedManager());
912     }
createOp(String name, Type type, Expr expr)914     public OpMut createOp(String name, Type type, Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
915 	return new OpMut(
916 	  jniCreateOp2(embedded(), name, type.embedded(), expr.embedded()),
917 	  embeddedManager());
918     }
920     // '='
eqOp()921     public OpMut eqOp() throws Cvc3Exception {
922 	return new OpMut(jniEqOp(), embeddedManager());
923     }
925     // '<'
ltOp()926     public OpMut ltOp() throws Cvc3Exception {
927 	return new OpMut(jniLtOp(), embeddedManager());
928     }
930     // '<='
leOp()931     public OpMut leOp() throws Cvc3Exception {
932 	return new OpMut(jniLeOp(), embeddedManager());
933     }
935     // '>'
gtOp()936     public OpMut gtOp() throws Cvc3Exception {
937 	return new OpMut(jniGtOp(), embeddedManager());
938     }
940     // '>='
geOp()941     public OpMut geOp() throws Cvc3Exception {
942 	return new OpMut(jniGeOp(), embeddedManager());
943     }
945     // '+'
plusOp()946     public OpMut plusOp() throws Cvc3Exception {
947 	return new OpMut(jniPlusOp(), embeddedManager());
948     }
950     // '-'
minusOp()951     public OpMut minusOp() throws Cvc3Exception {
952 	return new OpMut(jniMinusOp(), embeddedManager());
953     }
955     // '*'
multOp()956     public OpMut multOp() throws Cvc3Exception {
957 	return new OpMut(jniMultOp(), embeddedManager());
958     }
960     // '/' for rationals
divideOp()961     public OpMut divideOp() throws Cvc3Exception {
962 	return new OpMut(jniDivideOp(), embeddedManager());
963     }
funExpr(Op op, Expr expr1)965     public ExprMut funExpr(Op op, Expr expr1) throws Cvc3Exception {
966 	return new ExprMut(
967 	  jniFunExpr1(embedded(), op.embedded(), expr1.embedded()),
968 	  embeddedManager());
969     }
funExpr(Op op, Expr expr1, Expr expr2)971     public ExprMut funExpr(Op op, Expr expr1, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
972 	return new ExprMut(
973 	  jniFunExpr2(embedded(), op.embedded(), expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded()),
974 	  embeddedManager());
975     }
funExpr(Op op, Expr expr1, Expr expr2, Expr expr3)977     public ExprMut funExpr(Op op, Expr expr1, Expr expr2, Expr expr3) throws Cvc3Exception {
978 	return new ExprMut(
979 	  jniFunExpr3(embedded(), op.embedded(), expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded(), expr3.embedded()),
980 	  embeddedManager());
981     }
funExpr(Op op, List children)983     public ExprMut funExpr(Op op, List children) throws Cvc3Exception {
984 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(children, Expr.class));
985 	return new ExprMut(
986 	  jniFunExpr4(embedded(), op.embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(children)),
987 	  embeddedManager());
988     }
ratExpr(int n)990     public ExprMut ratExpr(int n) throws Cvc3Exception {
991 	return ratExpr(n, 1);
992     }
ratExpr(int n, int d)994     public ExprMut ratExpr(int n, int d) throws Cvc3Exception {
995 	return new ExprMut(
996 	  jniRatExpr1(embedded(), n, d),
997 	  embeddedManager());
998     }
ratExpr(String n, String d, int base)1000     public ExprMut ratExpr(String n, String d, int base) throws Cvc3Exception {
1001 	return new ExprMut(
1002 	  jniRatExpr2(embedded(), n, d, base),
1003 	  embeddedManager());
1004     }
ratExpr(String n)1006     public ExprMut ratExpr(String n) throws Cvc3Exception {
1007 	return ratExpr(n, 10);
1008     }
ratExpr(String n, int base)1010     public ExprMut ratExpr(String n, int base) throws Cvc3Exception {
1011 	return new ExprMut(
1012 	  jniRatExpr3(embedded(), n, base),
1013 	  embeddedManager());
1014     }
uminusExpr(Expr expr)1016     public ExprMut uminusExpr(Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
1017 	return new ExprMut(
1018 	  jniUminusExpr(embedded(), expr.embedded()),
1019 	  embeddedManager());
1020     }
plusExpr(Expr left, Expr right)1022     public ExprMut plusExpr(Expr left, Expr right) throws Cvc3Exception {
1023 	return new ExprMut(
1024 	  jniPlusExpr1(embedded(), left.embedded(), right.embedded()),
1025 	  embeddedManager());
1026     }
plusExpr(List kids)1028     public ExprMut plusExpr(List kids) throws Cvc3Exception {
1029     return new ExprMut(
1030       jniPlusExpr2(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(kids)),
1031       embeddedManager());
1032     }
minusExpr(Expr left, Expr right)1034     public ExprMut minusExpr(Expr left, Expr right) throws Cvc3Exception {
1035 	return new ExprMut(
1036 	  jniMinusExpr(embedded(), left.embedded(), right.embedded()),
1037 	  embeddedManager());
1038     }
multExpr(Expr left, Expr right)1040     public ExprMut multExpr(Expr left, Expr right) throws Cvc3Exception {
1041 	return new ExprMut(
1042 	  jniMultExpr(embedded(), left.embedded(), right.embedded()),
1043 	  embeddedManager());
1044     }
powExpr(Expr x, Expr n)1046     public ExprMut powExpr(Expr x, Expr n) throws Cvc3Exception {
1047 	return new ExprMut(
1048 	  jniPowExpr(embedded(), x.embedded(), n.embedded()),
1049 	  embeddedManager());
1050     }
divideExpr(Expr numerator, Expr denominator)1052     public ExprMut divideExpr(Expr numerator, Expr denominator) throws Cvc3Exception {
1053 	return new ExprMut(
1054 	  jniDivideExpr(embedded(), numerator.embedded(), denominator.embedded()),
1055 	  embeddedManager());
1056     }
ltExpr(Expr left, Expr right)1058     public ExprMut ltExpr(Expr left, Expr right) throws Cvc3Exception {
1059 	return new ExprMut(
1060 	  jniLtExpr(embedded(), left.embedded(), right.embedded()),
1061 	  embeddedManager());
1062     }
leExpr(Expr left, Expr right)1064     public ExprMut leExpr(Expr left, Expr right) throws Cvc3Exception {
1065 	return new ExprMut(
1066 	  jniLeExpr(embedded(), left.embedded(), right.embedded()),
1067 	  embeddedManager());
1068     }
gtExpr(Expr left, Expr right)1070     public ExprMut gtExpr(Expr left, Expr right) throws Cvc3Exception {
1071 	return new ExprMut(
1072 	  jniGtExpr(embedded(), left.embedded(), right.embedded()),
1073 	  embeddedManager());
1074     }
geExpr(Expr left, Expr right)1076     public ExprMut geExpr(Expr left, Expr right) throws Cvc3Exception {
1077 	return new ExprMut(
1078 	  jniGeExpr(embedded(), left.embedded(), right.embedded()),
1079 	  embeddedManager());
1080     }
recordExpr(String field, Expr expr)1082     public ExprMut recordExpr(String field, Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
1083 	return new ExprMut(
1084 	  jniRecordExpr1(embedded(), field, expr.embedded()),
1085 	  embeddedManager());
1086     }
recordExpr(String field1, Expr expr1, String field2, Expr expr2)1088     public ExprMut recordExpr(String field1, Expr expr1, String field2, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
1089 	return new ExprMut(
1090 	  jniRecordExpr2(embedded(), field1, expr1.embedded(), field2, expr2.embedded()),
1091 	  embeddedManager());
1092     }
recordExpr(String field1, Expr expr1, String field2, Expr expr2, String field3, Expr expr3)1094     public ExprMut recordExpr(String field1, Expr expr1, String field2, Expr expr2,
1095 			      String field3, Expr expr3) throws Cvc3Exception {
1096 	return new ExprMut(
1097 	  jniRecordExpr3(embedded(), field1, expr1.embedded(), field2, expr2.embedded(),
1098 			 field3, expr3.embedded()),
1099 	  embeddedManager());
1100     }
recordExpr(List fields, List exprs)1102     public ExprMut recordExpr(List fields, List exprs) throws Cvc3Exception {
1103 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(fields, String.class));
1104 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(exprs, Expr.class));
1105 	return new ExprMut(
1106 	  jniRecordExpr4(embedded(), JniUtils.toArray(fields), JniUtils.unembedList(exprs)),
1107 	  embeddedManager());
1108     }
recSelectExpr(Expr record, String field)1110     public ExprMut recSelectExpr(Expr record, String field) throws Cvc3Exception {
1111 	return new ExprMut(
1112 	  jniRecSelectExpr(embedded(), record.embedded(), field),
1113 	  embeddedManager());
1114     }
recUpdateExpr(Expr record, String field, Expr newValue)1116     public ExprMut recUpdateExpr(Expr record, String field, Expr newValue) throws Cvc3Exception {
1117 	return new ExprMut(
1118 	  jniRecUpdateExpr(embedded(), record.embedded(), field, newValue.embedded()),
1119 	  embeddedManager());
1120     }
readExpr(Expr array, Expr index)1122     public ExprMut readExpr(Expr array, Expr index) throws Cvc3Exception {
1123 	return new ExprMut(
1124 	  jniReadExpr(embedded(), array.embedded(), index.embedded()),
1125 	  embeddedManager());
1126     }
writeExpr(Expr array, Expr index, Expr newValue)1128     public ExprMut writeExpr(Expr array, Expr index, Expr newValue) throws Cvc3Exception {
1129 	return new ExprMut(
1130 	  jniWriteExpr(embedded(), array.embedded(), index.embedded(), newValue.embedded()),
1131 	  embeddedManager());
1132     }
newBVConstExpr(String s)1134     public ExprMut newBVConstExpr(String s) throws Cvc3Exception {
1135 	return newBVConstExpr(s, 2);
1136     }
newBVConstExpr(String s, int base)1138     public ExprMut newBVConstExpr(String s, int base) throws Cvc3Exception {
1139 	return new ExprMut(
1140 	  jniNewBVConstExpr1(embedded(), s, base),
1141 	  embeddedManager());
1142     }
newBVConstExpr(boolean[] bits)1144     public ExprMut newBVConstExpr(boolean[] bits) throws Cvc3Exception {
1145 	return new ExprMut(
1146 	  jniNewBVConstExpr2(embedded(), bits),
1147 	  embeddedManager());
1148     }
newBVConstExpr(Rational r, int len)1150     public ExprMut newBVConstExpr(Rational r, int len) throws Cvc3Exception {
1151 	return new ExprMut(
1152 	  jniNewBVConstExpr3(embedded(), r.embedded(), len),
1153 	  embeddedManager());
1154     }
newConcatExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2)1156     public ExprMut newConcatExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
1157 	return new ExprMut(
1158 	  jniNewConcatExpr1(embedded(), expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded()),
1159 	  embeddedManager());
1160     }
newConcatExpr(List kids)1162     public ExprMut newConcatExpr(List kids) throws Cvc3Exception {
1163 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(kids, Expr.class));
1164 	return new ExprMut(
1165 	  jniNewConcatExpr2(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(kids)),
1166 	  embeddedManager());
1167     }
newBVExtractExpr(Expr e, int hi, int low)1169     public ExprMut newBVExtractExpr(Expr e, int hi, int low) throws Cvc3Exception {
1170 	return new ExprMut(
1171 	  jniNewBVExtractExpr(embedded(), e.embedded(), hi, low),
1172 	  embeddedManager());
1173     }
newBVNegExpr(Expr expr)1175     public ExprMut newBVNegExpr(Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
1176 	return new ExprMut(
1177 	  jniNewBVNegExpr(embedded(), expr.embedded()),
1178 	  embeddedManager());
1179     }
newBVAndExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2)1181     public ExprMut newBVAndExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
1182 	return new ExprMut(
1183 	  jniNewBVAndExpr1(embedded(), expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded()),
1184 	  embeddedManager());
1185     }
newBVAndExpr(List kids)1187     public ExprMut newBVAndExpr(List kids) throws Cvc3Exception {
1188 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(kids, Expr.class));
1189 	return new ExprMut(
1190 	  jniNewBVAndExpr2(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(kids)),
1191 	  embeddedManager());
1192     }
newBVOrExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2)1194     public ExprMut newBVOrExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
1195 	return new ExprMut(
1196 	  jniNewBVOrExpr1(embedded(), expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded()),
1197 	  embeddedManager());
1198     }
newBVOrExpr(List kids)1200     public ExprMut newBVOrExpr(List kids) throws Cvc3Exception {
1201 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(kids, Expr.class));
1202 	return new ExprMut(
1203 	  jniNewBVOrExpr2(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(kids)),
1204 	  embeddedManager());
1205     }
newBVXorExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2)1207     public ExprMut newBVXorExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
1208 	return new ExprMut(
1209 	  jniNewBVXorExpr1(embedded(), expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded()),
1210 	  embeddedManager());
1211     }
newBVXorExpr(List kids)1213     public ExprMut newBVXorExpr(List kids) throws Cvc3Exception {
1214 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(kids, Expr.class));
1215 	return new ExprMut(
1216 	  jniNewBVXorExpr2(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(kids)),
1217 	  embeddedManager());
1218     }
newBVXnorExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2)1220     public ExprMut newBVXnorExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
1221 	return new ExprMut(
1222 	  jniNewBVXnorExpr1(embedded(), expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded()),
1223 	  embeddedManager());
1224     }
newBVXnorExpr(List kids)1226     public ExprMut newBVXnorExpr(List kids) throws Cvc3Exception {
1227 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(kids, Expr.class));
1228 	return new ExprMut(
1229 	  jniNewBVXnorExpr2(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(kids)),
1230 	  embeddedManager());
1231     }
newBVNandExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2)1233     public ExprMut newBVNandExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
1234 	return new ExprMut(
1235 	  jniNewBVNandExpr(embedded(), expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded()),
1236 	  embeddedManager());
1237     }
newBVNorExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2)1239     public ExprMut newBVNorExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
1240 	return new ExprMut(
1241 	  jniNewBVNorExpr(embedded(), expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded()),
1242 	  embeddedManager());
1243     }
newBVLTExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2)1245     public ExprMut newBVLTExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
1246 	return new ExprMut(
1247 	  jniNewBVLTExpr(embedded(), expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded()),
1248 	  embeddedManager());
1249     }
newBVLEExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2)1251     public ExprMut newBVLEExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
1252 	return new ExprMut(
1253 	  jniNewBVLEExpr(embedded(), expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded()),
1254 	  embeddedManager());
1255     }
newBVSLTExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2)1257     public ExprMut newBVSLTExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
1258 	return new ExprMut(
1259 	  jniNewBVSLTExpr(embedded(), expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded()),
1260 	  embeddedManager());
1261     }
newBVSLEExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2)1263     public ExprMut newBVSLEExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
1264 	return new ExprMut(
1265 	  jniNewBVSLEExpr(embedded(), expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded()),
1266 	  embeddedManager());
1267     }
newSXExpr(Expr expr, int len)1269     public ExprMut newSXExpr(Expr expr, int len) throws Cvc3Exception {
1270 	return new ExprMut(
1271 	  jniNewSXExpr(embedded(), expr.embedded(), len),
1272 	  embeddedManager());
1273     }
newBVUminusExpr(Expr expr)1275     public ExprMut newBVUminusExpr(Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
1276 	return new ExprMut(
1277 	  jniNewBVUminusExpr(embedded(), expr.embedded()),
1278 	  embeddedManager());
1279     }
newBVSubExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2)1281     public ExprMut newBVSubExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
1282 	return new ExprMut(
1283 	  jniNewBVSubExpr(embedded(), expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded()),
1284 	  embeddedManager());
1285     }
newBVPlusExpr(int numbits, List exprs)1287     public ExprMut newBVPlusExpr(int numbits, List exprs) throws Cvc3Exception {
1288 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(exprs, Expr.class));
1289 	return new ExprMut(
1290 	  jniNewBVPlusExpr(embedded(), numbits, JniUtils.unembedList(exprs)),
1291 	  embeddedManager());
1292     }
newBVMultExpr(int numbits, Expr expr1, Expr expr2)1294     public ExprMut newBVMultExpr(int numbits, Expr expr1, Expr expr2) throws Cvc3Exception {
1295 	return new ExprMut(
1296 	  jniNewBVMultExpr(embedded(), numbits, expr1.embedded(), expr2.embedded()),
1297 	  embeddedManager());
1298     }
newBVUDivExpr(Expr left, Expr right)1300     public ExprMut newBVUDivExpr(Expr left, Expr right) throws Cvc3Exception {
1301    	return new ExprMut(
1302    	  jniNewBVUDivExpr(embedded(), left.embedded(), right.embedded()),
1303    	  embeddedManager());
1304     }
newBVURemExpr(Expr left, Expr right)1306     public ExprMut newBVURemExpr(Expr left, Expr right) throws Cvc3Exception {
1307    	return new ExprMut(
1308   	  jniNewBVURemExpr(embedded(), left.embedded(), right.embedded()),
1309    	  embeddedManager());
1310     }
newBVSDivExpr(Expr left, Expr right)1312     public ExprMut newBVSDivExpr(Expr left, Expr right) throws Cvc3Exception {
1313   	return new ExprMut(
1314   	  jniNewBVSDivExpr(embedded(), left.embedded(), right.embedded()),
1315    	  embeddedManager());
1316     }
newBVSRemExpr(Expr left, Expr right)1318     public ExprMut newBVSRemExpr(Expr left, Expr right) throws Cvc3Exception {
1319     return new ExprMut(
1320   	  jniNewBVSRemExpr(embedded(), left.embedded(), right.embedded()),
1321    	  embeddedManager());
1322     }
newBVSModExpr(Expr left, Expr right)1324     public ExprMut newBVSModExpr(Expr left, Expr right) throws Cvc3Exception {
1325     return new ExprMut(
1326       jniNewBVSModExpr(embedded(), left.embedded(), right.embedded()),
1327       embeddedManager());
1328     }
newBVSHL(Expr left, Expr right)1330     public ExprMut newBVSHL(Expr left, Expr right) throws Cvc3Exception {
1331     return new ExprMut(
1332       jniNewBVSHL(embedded(), left.embedded(), right.embedded()),
1333       embeddedManager());
1334     }
newBVLSHR(Expr left, Expr right)1336     public ExprMut newBVLSHR(Expr left, Expr right) throws Cvc3Exception {
1337     return new ExprMut(
1338       jniNewBVLSHR(embedded(), left.embedded(), right.embedded()),
1339       embeddedManager());
1340     }
newBVASHR(Expr left, Expr right)1342     public ExprMut newBVASHR(Expr left, Expr right) throws Cvc3Exception {
1343     return new ExprMut(
1344       jniNewBVASHR(embedded(), left.embedded(), right.embedded()),
1345       embeddedManager());
1346     }
newFixedLeftShiftExpr(Expr expr, int r)1348     public ExprMut newFixedLeftShiftExpr(Expr expr, int r) throws Cvc3Exception {
1349 	return new ExprMut(
1350 	  jniNewFixedLeftShiftExpr(embedded(), expr.embedded(), r),
1351 	  embeddedManager());
1352     }
newFixedConstWidthLeftShiftExpr(Expr expr, int r)1354     public ExprMut newFixedConstWidthLeftShiftExpr(Expr expr, int r) throws Cvc3Exception {
1355 	return new ExprMut(
1356 	  jniNewFixedConstWidthLeftShiftExpr(embedded(), expr.embedded(), r),
1357 	  embeddedManager());
1358     }
newFixedRightShiftExpr(Expr expr, int r)1360     public ExprMut newFixedRightShiftExpr(Expr expr, int r) throws Cvc3Exception {
1361 	return new ExprMut(
1362 	  jniNewFixedRightShiftExpr(embedded(), expr.embedded(), r),
1363 	  embeddedManager());
1364     }
computeBVConst(Expr expr)1366     public Rational computeBVConst(Expr expr) {
1367         Rational rat = new Rational(
1368             jniComputeBVConst(embedded(),expr.embedded()),
1369             embeddedManager());
1370         assert( rat.isInteger() );
1371         return rat;
1372     }
tupleExpr(List exprs)1374     public ExprMut tupleExpr(List exprs) throws Cvc3Exception {
1375 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(exprs, Expr.class));
1376 	return new ExprMut(
1377 	  jniTupleExpr(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(exprs)),
1378 	  embeddedManager());
1379     }
tupleSelectExpr(Expr tuple, int index)1381     public ExprMut tupleSelectExpr(Expr tuple, int index) throws Cvc3Exception {
1382 	return new ExprMut(
1383 	  jniTupleSelectExpr(embedded(), tuple.embedded(), index),
1384 	  embeddedManager());
1385     }
tupleUpdateExpr(Expr tuple, int index, Expr newValue)1387     public ExprMut tupleUpdateExpr(Expr tuple, int index, Expr newValue) throws Cvc3Exception {
1388 	return new ExprMut(
1389 	  jniTupleUpdateExpr(embedded(), tuple.embedded(), index, newValue.embedded()),
1390 	  embeddedManager());
1391     }
datatypeConsExpr(String constructor, List exprs)1393     public ExprMut datatypeConsExpr(String constructor, List exprs) throws Cvc3Exception {
1394 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(exprs, Expr.class));
1395 	return new ExprMut(
1396 	  jniDatatypeConsExpr(embedded(), constructor, JniUtils.unembedList(exprs)),
1397 	  embeddedManager());
1398     }
datatypeSelExpr(String selector, Expr arg)1400     public ExprMut datatypeSelExpr(String selector, Expr arg) throws Cvc3Exception {
1401 	return new ExprMut(
1402 	  jniDatatypeSelExpr(embedded(), selector, arg.embedded()),
1403 	  embeddedManager());
1404     }
datatypeTestExpr(String constructor, Expr arg)1406     public ExprMut datatypeTestExpr(String constructor, Expr arg) throws Cvc3Exception {
1407 	return new ExprMut(
1408 	  jniDatatypeTestExpr(embedded(), constructor, arg.embedded()),
1409 	  embeddedManager());
1410     }
forallExpr(List vars, Expr body)1412     public ExprMut forallExpr(List vars, Expr body) throws Cvc3Exception {
1413 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(vars, Expr.class));
1414 	return new ExprMut(
1415 	  jniForallExpr1(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(vars), body.embedded()),
1416 	  embeddedManager());
1417     }
forallExpr(List vars, Expr body, Expr trigger)1419     public ExprMut forallExpr(List vars, Expr body, Expr trigger) throws Cvc3Exception {
1420 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(vars, Expr.class));
1421 	return new ExprMut(
1422 	  jniForallExpr2(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(vars), body.embedded(),
1423                          trigger.embedded()),
1424 	  embeddedManager());
1425     }
forallExpr(List vars, Expr body, List triggers)1427     public ExprMut forallExpr(List vars, Expr body, List triggers) throws Cvc3Exception {
1428 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(vars, Expr.class));
1429 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(triggers, Expr.class));
1430 	return new ExprMut(
1431 	  jniForallExpr3(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(vars), body.embedded(),
1432 			JniUtils.unembedList(triggers)),
1433 	  embeddedManager());
1434     }
forallExprMultiTriggers(List vars, Expr body, List multiTriggers)1436     public ExprMut forallExprMultiTriggers(List vars, Expr body, List multiTriggers)
1437       throws Cvc3Exception {
1438     assert (JniUtils.listInstanceof(vars, Expr.class));
1439     assert (JniUtils.listListInstanceof(multiTriggers, Expr.class));
1440     return new ExprMut(jniForallExpr4(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(vars),
1441         body.embedded(), JniUtils.unembedListList(multiTriggers)),
1442         embeddedManager());
1443     }
setTrigger(Expr closure, Expr trigger)1445     public void setTrigger(Expr closure, Expr trigger) throws Cvc3Exception {
1446       jniSetTrigger(embedded(), closure.embedded(), trigger.embedded());
1447     }
setTriggers(Expr closure, List triggers)1449     public void setTriggers(Expr closure, List triggers) throws Cvc3Exception {
1450       jniSetTriggers(embedded(), closure.embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(triggers));
1451     }
setMultiTrigger(Expr closure, List multiTrigger)1453     public void setMultiTrigger(Expr closure, List multiTrigger) throws Cvc3Exception {
1454       jniSetMultiTrigger(embedded(), closure.embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(multiTrigger));
1455     }
setMultiTriggers(Expr closure, List triggers)1457     public void setMultiTriggers(Expr closure, List triggers) throws Cvc3Exception {
1458       jniSetTriggers2(embedded(), closure.embedded(), JniUtils.unembedListList(triggers));
1459     }
existsExpr(List vars, Expr body)1461     public ExprMut existsExpr(List vars, Expr body) throws Cvc3Exception {
1462 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(vars, Expr.class));
1463 	return new ExprMut(
1464 	  jniExistsExpr(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(vars), body.embedded()),
1465 	  embeddedManager());
1466     }
lambdaExpr(List vars, Expr body)1468     public OpMut lambdaExpr(List vars, Expr body) throws Cvc3Exception {
1469 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(vars, Expr.class));
1470 	return new OpMut(
1471 	  jniLambdaExpr(embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(vars), body.embedded()),
1472 	  embeddedManager());
1473     }
transClosure(Op p)1475     public OpMut transClosure(Op p) throws Cvc3Exception {
1476 	return new OpMut(
1477 	  jniTransClosure(embedded(), p.embedded()),
1478 	  embeddedManager());
1479     }
simulateExpr(Expr f, Expr s, List inputs, Expr n)1481     public ExprMut simulateExpr(Expr f, Expr s, List inputs, Expr n) throws Cvc3Exception {
1482 	assert(JniUtils.listInstanceof(inputs, Expr.class));
1483 	return new ExprMut(
1484 	  jniSimulateExpr(embedded(), f.embedded(), s.embedded(), JniUtils.unembedList(inputs), n.embedded()),
1485 	  embeddedManager());
1486     }
setResourceLimit(int limit)1489     public void setResourceLimit(int limit) throws Cvc3Exception {
1490       jniSetResourceLimit(embedded(), limit);
1491     }
1493     // Validity checking methods
assertFormula(Expr expr)1495     public void assertFormula(Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
1496 	embeddedManager().cleanUp();
1497 	jniAssertFormula(embedded(), expr.embedded());
1498 	embeddedManager().cleanUp();
1499     }
registerAtom(Expr expr)1501     public void registerAtom(Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
1502 	jniRegisterAtom(embedded(), expr.embedded());
1503     }
getImpliedLiteral()1505     public ExprMut getImpliedLiteral() throws Cvc3Exception {
1506 	return new ExprMut(
1507 	  jniGetImpliedLiteral(embedded()),
1508 	  embeddedManager());
1509     }
simplify(Expr expr)1511     public ExprMut simplify(Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
1512 	return new ExprMut(
1513 	  jniSimplify(embedded(), expr.embedded()),
1514 	  embeddedManager());
1515     }
query(Expr expr)1517     public QueryResult query(Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
1518 	embeddedManager().cleanUp();
1519 	QueryResult result = QueryResult.get(jniQuery(embedded(), expr.embedded()));
1521 	//:TEST:
1522 	embeddedManager().cleanUp();
1523 	return result;
1524     }
checkUnsat(Expr expr)1526     public SatResult checkUnsat(Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
1527 	embeddedManager().cleanUp();
1528 	SatResult result = SatResult.get(jniCheckUnsat(embedded(), expr.embedded()));
1530 	//:TEST:
1531 	embeddedManager().cleanUp();
1532 	return result;
1533     }
checkContinue()1535     public QueryResult checkContinue() throws Cvc3Exception {
1536 	embeddedManager().cleanUp();
1537 	QueryResult result = QueryResult.get(jniCheckContinue(embedded()));
1539 	//:TEST:
1540 	embeddedManager().cleanUp();
1541 	return result;
1542     }
restart(Expr expr)1544     public QueryResult restart(Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
1545 	embeddedManager().cleanUp();
1546 	QueryResult result = QueryResult.get(jniRestart(embedded(), expr.embedded()));
1548 	//:TEST:
1549 	embeddedManager().cleanUp();
1550 	return result;
1551     }
returnFromCheck()1553     public void returnFromCheck() throws Cvc3Exception {
1554 	jniReturnFromCheck(embedded());
1556 	//:TEST:
1557 	embeddedManager().cleanUp();
1558     }
getUserAssumptions()1560     public List getUserAssumptions() throws Cvc3Exception {
1561 	Object[] assumptions = jniGetUserAssumptions(embedded());
1562 	return JniUtils.embedList(assumptions, ExprMut.class, embeddedManager());
1563     }
getInternalAssumptions()1565     public List getInternalAssumptions() throws Cvc3Exception {
1566 	Object[] assumptions = jniGetInternalAssumptions(embedded());
1567 	return JniUtils.embedList(assumptions, ExprMut.class, embeddedManager());
1568     }
getAssumptions()1570     public List getAssumptions() throws Cvc3Exception {
1571 	Object[] assumptions = jniGetAssumptions(embedded());
1572 	return JniUtils.embedList(assumptions, ExprMut.class, embeddedManager());
1573     }
getAssumptionsUsed()1575     public List getAssumptionsUsed() throws Cvc3Exception {
1576 	Object[] assumptions = jniGetAssumptionsUsed(embedded());
1577 	return JniUtils.embedList(assumptions, ExprMut.class, embeddedManager());
1578     }
getCounterExample()1580     public List getCounterExample() throws Cvc3Exception {
1581 	return getCounterExample(true);
1582     }
getCounterExample(boolean inOrder)1584     public List getCounterExample(boolean inOrder) throws Cvc3Exception {
1585 	Object[] assumptions = jniGetCounterExample(embedded(), inOrder);
1586 	return JniUtils.embedList(assumptions, ExprMut.class, embeddedManager());
1587     }
getConcreteModel()1589     public HashMap getConcreteModel() throws Cvc3Exception {
1590 	Object[] model = jniGetConcreteModel(embedded());
1591 	return JniUtils.embedHashMap(model, Expr.class, Expr.class, embeddedManager());
1592     }
getValue(Expr expr)1594     public FormulaValue getValue(Expr expr) throws Cvc3Exception {
1595 	return FormulaValue.get(jniGetValue(embedded(), expr.embedded()));
1596     }
inconsistent()1598     public boolean inconsistent() throws Cvc3Exception {
1599 	return jniInconsistent1(embedded());
1600     }
1602     // makes only sense if inconsistent is true
inconsistentReasons()1603     public List inconsistentReasons() throws Cvc3Exception {
1604 	Object[] assumptions = jniInconsistent2(embedded());
1605 	return JniUtils.embedList(assumptions, ExprMut.class, embeddedManager());
1606     }
incomplete()1608     public boolean incomplete() throws Cvc3Exception {
1609 	return jniIncomplete1(embedded());
1610     }
1612     // makes only sense if incomplete is true
incompleteReasons()1613     public List incompleteReasons() throws Cvc3Exception {
1614 	Object[] assumptions = jniIncomplete2(embedded());
1615 	return JniUtils.embedList(assumptions, String.class, embeddedManager());
1616     }
getProof()1618     public ProofMut getProof() throws Cvc3Exception {
1619 	return new ProofMut(
1620 	  jniGetProof(embedded()),
1621 	  embeddedManager());
1622     }
getTCC()1624     public ExprMut getTCC() throws Cvc3Exception {
1625 	return new ExprMut(
1626 	  jniGetTCC(embedded()),
1627 	  embeddedManager());
1628     }
getAssumptionsTCC()1630     public List getAssumptionsTCC() throws Cvc3Exception {
1631 	Object[] assumptions = jniGetAssumptionsTCC(embedded());
1632 	return JniUtils.embedList(assumptions, ExprMut.class, embeddedManager());
1633     }
getProofTCC()1635     public ProofMut getProofTCC() throws Cvc3Exception {
1636 	return new ProofMut(
1637 	  jniGetProofTCC(embedded()),
1638 	  embeddedManager());
1639     }
getClosure()1641     public ExprMut getClosure() throws Cvc3Exception {
1642 	return new ExprMut(
1643 	  jniGetClosure(embedded()),
1644 	  embeddedManager());
1645     }
getProofClosure()1647     public ProofMut getProofClosure() throws Cvc3Exception {
1648 	return new ProofMut(
1649 	  jniGetProofClosure(embedded()),
1650 	  embeddedManager());
1651     }
1656     // Context Methods
stackLevel()1658     public int stackLevel() throws Cvc3Exception {
1659 	return jniStackLevel(embedded());
1660     }
push()1662     public void push() throws Cvc3Exception {
1663 	jniPush(embedded());
1664     }
pop()1666     public void pop() throws Cvc3Exception {
1667 	jniPop(embedded());
1668 	//:TEST:
1669 	embeddedManager().cleanUp();
1670     }
popTo(int stackLevel)1672     public void popTo(int stackLevel) throws Cvc3Exception {
1673 	jniPopTo(embedded(), stackLevel);
1674 	//:TEST:
1675 	embeddedManager().cleanUp();
1676     }
scopeLevel()1678     public int scopeLevel() throws Cvc3Exception {
1679 	return jniScopeLevel(embedded());
1680     }
pushScope()1682     public void pushScope() throws Cvc3Exception {
1683 	jniPushScope(embedded());
1684     }
popScope()1686     public void popScope() throws Cvc3Exception {
1687 	jniPopScope(embedded());
1688     }
popToScope(int scopeLevel)1690     public void popToScope(int scopeLevel) throws Cvc3Exception {
1691 	jniPopToScope(embedded(), scopeLevel);
1692     }
getCurrentContext()1694     public ContextMut getCurrentContext() throws Cvc3Exception {
1695 	return new ContextMut(
1696 	  jniGetCurrentContext(embedded()),
1697 	  embeddedManager());
1698     }
1703     // Reading Files
loadFile(String fileName)1705     public void loadFile(String fileName) throws Cvc3Exception {
1706 	loadFile(fileName, InputLanguage.PRESENTATION);
1707     }
loadFile(String fileName, InputLanguage lang)1709     public void loadFile(String fileName, InputLanguage lang) throws Cvc3Exception {
1710 	jniLoadFile1(embedded(), fileName, lang.toString());
1711     }
1713     // Reporting Statistics
printStatistics()1715     public void printStatistics() throws Cvc3Exception {
1716 	jniPrintStatistics(embedded());
1717     }
getStatistics()1719     public StatisticsMut getStatistics() throws Cvc3Exception {
1720 	return new StatisticsMut(
1721 	  jniGetStatistics(embedded()),
1722 	  embeddedManager());
1723     }
setTimeLimit(int limit)1725     public void setTimeLimit(int limit) throws Cvc3Exception {
1726         jniSetTimeLimit(embedded(), limit);
1727     }
1728 }