1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file sygus_invariance.cpp
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Andrew Reynolds
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief Implementation of techniques for sygus invariance tests.
13  **/
15 #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_invariance.h"
17 #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_pbe.h"
18 #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/synth_conjecture.h"
19 #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/term_database_sygus.h"
21 using namespace CVC4::kind;
22 using namespace std;
24 namespace CVC4 {
25 namespace theory {
26 namespace quantifiers {
init(Node conj,Node var,Node res)28 void EvalSygusInvarianceTest::init(Node conj, Node var, Node res)
29 {
30   d_terms.clear();
31   // simple miniscope
32   if ((conj.getKind() == AND || conj.getKind() == OR) && res.isConst())
33   {
34     for (const Node& c : conj)
35     {
36       d_terms.push_back(c);
37     }
38     d_kind = conj.getKind();
39     d_is_conjunctive = res.getConst<bool>() == (d_kind == AND);
40   }
41   else
42   {
43     d_terms.push_back(conj);
44     d_is_conjunctive = true;
45   }
46   d_var = var;
47   d_result = res;
48 }
doEvaluateWithUnfolding(TermDbSygus * tds,Node n)50 Node EvalSygusInvarianceTest::doEvaluateWithUnfolding(TermDbSygus* tds, Node n)
51 {
52   return tds->evaluateWithUnfolding(n, d_visited);
53 }
invariant(TermDbSygus * tds,Node nvn,Node x)55 bool EvalSygusInvarianceTest::invariant(TermDbSygus* tds, Node nvn, Node x)
56 {
57   TNode tnvn = nvn;
58   std::unordered_map<TNode, TNode, TNodeHashFunction> cache;
59   for (const Node& c : d_terms)
60   {
61     Node conj_subs = c.substitute(d_var, tnvn, cache);
62     Node conj_subs_unfold = doEvaluateWithUnfolding(tds, conj_subs);
63     Trace("sygus-cref-eval2-debug")
64         << "  ...check unfolding : " << conj_subs_unfold << std::endl;
65     Trace("sygus-cref-eval2-debug")
66         << "  ......from : " << conj_subs << std::endl;
67     if (conj_subs_unfold != d_result)
68     {
69       if (d_is_conjunctive)
70       {
71         // ti /--> true  implies and( t1, ..., tn ) /--> true, where "/-->" is
72         // "does not evaluate to".
73         return false;
74       }
75     }
76     else if (!d_is_conjunctive)
77     {
78       // ti --> true  implies or( t1, ..., tn ) --> true
79       return true;
80     }
81     Trace("sygus-cref-eval2") << "Evaluation min explain : " << conj_subs
82                               << " still evaluates to " << d_result
83                               << " regardless of ";
84     Trace("sygus-cref-eval2") << x << std::endl;
85   }
86   return d_is_conjunctive;
87 }
init(TermDbSygus * tds,TypeNode tn,SynthConjecture * aconj,Node e,Node bvr)89 void EquivSygusInvarianceTest::init(
90     TermDbSygus* tds, TypeNode tn, SynthConjecture* aconj, Node e, Node bvr)
91 {
92   // compute the current examples
93   d_bvr = bvr;
94   if (aconj->getPbe()->hasExamples(e))
95   {
96     d_conj = aconj;
97     d_enum = e;
98     unsigned nex = aconj->getPbe()->getNumExamples(e);
99     for (unsigned i = 0; i < nex; i++)
100     {
101       d_exo.push_back(d_conj->getPbe()->evaluateBuiltin(tn, bvr, e, i));
102     }
103   }
104 }
invariant(TermDbSygus * tds,Node nvn,Node x)106 bool EquivSygusInvarianceTest::invariant(TermDbSygus* tds, Node nvn, Node x)
107 {
108   TypeNode tn = nvn.getType();
109   Node nbv = tds->sygusToBuiltin(nvn, tn);
110   Node nbvr = tds->getExtRewriter()->extendedRewrite(nbv);
111   Trace("sygus-sb-mexp-debug") << "  min-exp check : " << nbv << " -> " << nbvr
112                                << std::endl;
113   bool exc_arg = false;
114   // equivalent / singular up to normalization
115   if (nbvr == d_bvr)
116   {
117     // gives the same result : then the explanation for the child is irrelevant
118     exc_arg = true;
119     Trace("sygus-sb-mexp") << "sb-min-exp : " << tds->sygusToBuiltin(nvn)
120                            << " is rewritten to " << nbvr;
121     Trace("sygus-sb-mexp") << " regardless of the content of "
122                            << tds->sygusToBuiltin(x) << std::endl;
123   }
124   else
125   {
126     if (nbvr.isVar())
127     {
128       TypeNode xtn = x.getType();
129       if (xtn == tn)
130       {
131         Node bx = tds->sygusToBuiltin(x, xtn);
132         Assert(bx.getType() == nbvr.getType());
133         if (nbvr == bx)
134         {
135           Trace("sygus-sb-mexp") << "sb-min-exp : " << tds->sygusToBuiltin(nvn)
136                                  << " always rewrites to argument " << nbvr
137                                  << std::endl;
138           // rewrites to the variable : then the explanation of this is
139           // irrelevant as well
140           exc_arg = true;
141           d_bvr = nbvr;
142         }
143       }
144     }
145   }
146   // equivalent under examples
147   if (!exc_arg)
148   {
149     if (!d_enum.isNull())
150     {
151       bool ex_equiv = true;
152       for (unsigned j = 0; j < d_exo.size(); j++)
153       {
154         Node nbvr_ex = d_conj->getPbe()->evaluateBuiltin(tn, nbvr, d_enum, j);
155         if (nbvr_ex != d_exo[j])
156         {
157           ex_equiv = false;
158           break;
159         }
160       }
161       if (ex_equiv)
162       {
163         Trace("sygus-sb-mexp") << "sb-min-exp : " << tds->sygusToBuiltin(nvn);
164         Trace("sygus-sb-mexp")
165             << " is the same w.r.t. examples regardless of the content of "
166             << tds->sygusToBuiltin(x) << std::endl;
167         exc_arg = true;
168       }
169     }
170   }
171   return exc_arg;
172 }
invariant(TermDbSygus * tds,Node nvn,Node x)174 bool DivByZeroSygusInvarianceTest::invariant(TermDbSygus* tds, Node nvn, Node x)
175 {
176   TypeNode tn = nvn.getType();
177   Node nbv = tds->sygusToBuiltin(nvn, tn);
178   Node nbvr = tds->getExtRewriter()->extendedRewrite(nbv);
179   if (tds->involvesDivByZero(nbvr))
180   {
181     Trace("sygus-sb-mexp") << "sb-min-exp : " << tds->sygusToBuiltin(nvn)
182                            << " involves div-by-zero regardless of "
183                            << tds->sygusToBuiltin(x) << std::endl;
184     return true;
185   }
186   return false;
187 }
init(Node e,std::vector<std::vector<Node>> & ex,std::vector<Node> & exo,std::vector<unsigned> & ncind)189 void NegContainsSygusInvarianceTest::init(Node e,
190                                           std::vector<std::vector<Node> >& ex,
191                                           std::vector<Node>& exo,
192                                           std::vector<unsigned>& ncind)
193 {
194   Assert(ex.size() == exo.size());
195   d_enum = e;
196   d_ex.insert(d_ex.end(), ex.begin(), ex.end());
197   d_exo.insert(d_exo.end(), exo.begin(), exo.end());
198   d_neg_con_indices.insert(d_neg_con_indices.end(), ncind.begin(), ncind.end());
199 }
invariant(TermDbSygus * tds,Node nvn,Node x)201 bool NegContainsSygusInvarianceTest::invariant(TermDbSygus* tds,
202                                                Node nvn,
203                                                Node x)
204 {
205   if (!d_enum.isNull())
206   {
207     TypeNode tn = nvn.getType();
208     Node nbv = tds->sygusToBuiltin(nvn, tn);
209     Node nbvr = tds->getExtRewriter()->extendedRewrite(nbv);
210     // if for any of the examples, it is not contained, then we can exclude
211     for (unsigned i = 0; i < d_neg_con_indices.size(); i++)
212     {
213       unsigned ii = d_neg_con_indices[i];
214       Assert(ii < d_exo.size());
215       Node nbvre = tds->evaluateBuiltin(tn, nbvr, d_ex[ii]);
216       Node out = d_exo[ii];
217       Node cont =
218           NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::STRING_STRCTN, out, nbvre);
219       Trace("sygus-pbe-cterm-debug") << "Check: " << cont << std::endl;
220       Node contr = Rewriter::rewrite(cont);
221       if (!contr.isConst())
222       {
223         if (d_isUniversal)
224         {
225           return false;
226         }
227       }
228       else if (contr.getConst<bool>() == d_isUniversal)
229       {
230         if (Trace.isOn("sygus-pbe-cterm"))
231         {
232           Trace("sygus-pbe-cterm")
233               << "PBE-cterm : enumerator : do not consider ";
234           Trace("sygus-pbe-cterm")
235               << nbv << " for any " << tds->sygusToBuiltin(x) << " since "
236               << std::endl;
237           Trace("sygus-pbe-cterm") << "   PBE-cterm :    for input example : ";
238           for (unsigned j = 0, size = d_ex[ii].size(); j < size; j++)
239           {
240             Trace("sygus-pbe-cterm") << d_ex[ii][j] << " ";
241           }
242           Trace("sygus-pbe-cterm") << std::endl;
243           Trace("sygus-pbe-cterm")
244               << "   PBE-cterm :     this rewrites to : " << nbvre << std::endl;
245           Trace("sygus-pbe-cterm")
246               << "   PBE-cterm : and is not in output : " << out << std::endl;
247         }
248         return !d_isUniversal;
249       }
250       Trace("sygus-pbe-cterm-debug2")
251           << "...check failed, rewrites to : " << contr << std::endl;
252     }
253   }
254   return d_isUniversal;
255 }
257 } /* CVC4::theory::quantifiers namespace */
258 } /* CVC4::theory namespace */
259 } /* CVC4 namespace */