1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file binary_heap_black.h
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Morgan Deters, Andres Noetzli
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief Black box testing of CVC4::BinaryHeap
13  **
14  ** Black box testing of CVC4::BinaryHeap.
15  **/
17 #include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
19 #include <iostream>
20 #include <sstream>
22 #include "util/bin_heap.h"
24 using namespace CVC4;
25 using namespace std;
27 class BinaryHeapBlack : public CxxTest::TestSuite {
28  public:
setUp()29   void setUp() override {}
tearDown()31   void tearDown() override {}
33   /**
34    * Test a a series of simple heaps (push a few then pop all then do others).
35    * Done as a series to test if the heap structure falls into a bad state
36    * after prolonged use.
37    */
testHeapSeries()38   void testHeapSeries()
39   {
40     BinaryHeap<int> heap;
42     // First test a heap of 1 element
43     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.size(), 0u);
44     TS_ASSERT(heap.empty());
46     TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(heap.top());
47     TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(heap.pop());
48 #endif /* CVC4_ASSERTIONS */
49     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.begin(), heap.end());
51     BinaryHeap<int>::handle h5 = heap.push(5);
52     TS_ASSERT(h5 == h5);
53     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.top(), 5);
54     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.size(), 1u);
55     TS_ASSERT(! heap.empty());
56     TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(heap.begin(), heap.end());
57     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*h5, 5);
58     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*heap.begin(), 5);
59     TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING(heap.erase(h5));
60     TS_ASSERT(heap.empty());
61     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.size(), 0u);
63     TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(heap.top());
64     TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(heap.pop());
65 #endif /* CVC4_ASSERTIONS */
67     // Next test a heap of 4 elements
68     h5 = heap.push(5);
69     BinaryHeap<int>::handle h3 = heap.push(3);
70     BinaryHeap<int>::handle h10 = heap.push(10);
71     BinaryHeap<int>::handle h2 = heap.push(2);
72     TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(h5, h3);
73     TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(h5, h10);
74     TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(h5, h2);
75     TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(h3, h10);
76     TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(h3, h2);
77     TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(h10, h2);
78     TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(heap.begin(), heap.end());
79     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*heap.begin(), 10);
80     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*h2, 2);
81     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*h3, 3);
82     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*h5, 5);
83     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*h10, 10);
84     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.top(), 10);
85     // test the iterator (note the order of elements isn't guaranteed!)
86     BinaryHeap<int>::const_iterator i = heap.begin();
87     TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(i, heap.end());
89     TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(i, heap.end());
91     TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(i, heap.end());
93     TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(i, heap.end());
95     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(i, heap.end());
96     TS_ASSERT(!heap.empty());
97     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.size(), 4u);
98     TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING(heap.pop());
99     TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(heap.begin(), heap.end());
100     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*heap.begin(), 5);
101     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.top(), 5);
102     TS_ASSERT(!heap.empty());
103     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.size(), 3u);
104     TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING(heap.pop());
105     TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(heap.begin(), heap.end());
106     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*heap.begin(), 3);
107     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.top(), 3);
108     TS_ASSERT(!heap.empty());
109     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.size(), 2u);
110     TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING(heap.pop());
111     TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(heap.begin(), heap.end());
112     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*heap.begin(), 2);
113     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.top(), 2);
114     TS_ASSERT(!heap.empty());
115     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.size(), 1u);
116     TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING(heap.pop());
117     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.begin(), heap.end());
118     TS_ASSERT(heap.empty());
119     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.size(), 0u);
120 #ifdef CVC4_ASSERTIONS
121     TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(heap.top());
122     TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(heap.pop());
123 #endif /* CVC4_ASSERTIONS */
125     // Now with a few updates
126     h5 = heap.push(5);
127     h3 = heap.push(3);
128     h10 = heap.push(10);
129     h2 = heap.push(2);
131     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*h5, 5);
132     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*h3, 3);
133     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*h10, 10);
134     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*h2, 2);
136     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.top(), 10);
137     heap.update(h10, -10);
138     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*h10, -10);
139     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.top(), 5);
140     heap.erase(h2);
141     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.top(), 5);
142     heap.update(h3, -20);
143     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*h3, -20);
144     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.top(), 5);
145     heap.pop();
146     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.top(), -10);
147     heap.pop();
148     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.top(), -20);
149   }
151   struct Elem {
152     int x;
ElemElem153     Elem(int y) : x(y) {}
154   };/* struct Elem */
156   struct Cmp {
157     bool valid;
CmpCmp158     Cmp() : valid(false) {}
CmpCmp159     Cmp(int x) : valid(true) {}
operatorCmp160     bool operator()(Elem x, Elem y) const {
161       // ensure BinaryHeap<> calls our Cmp instance and not some fresh one
162       TS_ASSERT(valid);
163       return x.x > y.x;
164     }
165   };/* struct Cmp */
testLargeHeap()167   void testLargeHeap() {
168     BinaryHeap<Elem, Cmp> heap(Cmp(0));
169     vector<BinaryHeap<Elem, Cmp>::handle> handles;
170     TS_ASSERT(heap.empty());
171     for(int x = 0; x < 1000; ++x) {
172       handles.push_back(heap.push(Elem(x)));
173     }
174     TS_ASSERT(!heap.empty());
175     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.size(), 1000u);
176     heap.update(handles[100], 50);
177     heap.update(handles[100], -50);
178     heap.update(handles[600], 2);
179     heap.update(handles[184], -9);
180     heap.update(handles[987], 9555);
181     heap.update(handles[672], -1003);
182     heap.update(handles[781], 481);
183     heap.update(handles[9], 9619);
184     heap.update(handles[919], 111);
185     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.size(), 1000u);
186     heap.erase(handles[10]);
187     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.size(), 999u);
188     TS_ASSERT(!heap.empty());
189     handles.clear();
190     Elem last = heap.top();
191     for(int x = 0; x < 800; ++x) {
192       TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_EQUALS(last.x, heap.top().x);
193       last = heap.top();
194       heap.pop();
195       TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.size(), 998u - x);
196       TS_ASSERT(!heap.empty());
197     }
198     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.size(), 199u);
199     for(int x = 0; x < 10000; ++x) {
200       // two-thirds of the time insert large value, one-third insert small value
201       handles.push_back(heap.push(Elem(4 * ((x % 3 == 0) ? -x : x))));
202       if(x % 10 == 6) {
203         // also every tenth insert somewhere in the middle
204         handles.push_back(heap.push(Elem(x / 10)));
205       }
206       // change a few
207       heap.update(handles[x / 10], 4 * (*handles[x / 10]).x);
208       heap.update(handles[x / 105], (*handles[x / 4]).x - 294);
209       heap.update(handles[x / 33], 6 * (*handles[x / 82]).x / 5 - 1);
210       TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.size(), size_t(x) + ((x + 4) / 10) + 200);
211     }
212     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(heap.size(), 11199u);
213     TS_ASSERT(!heap.empty());
214     last = heap.top();
215     while(!heap.empty()) {
216       TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_EQUALS(last.x, heap.top().x);
217       last = heap.top();
218       heap.pop();
219     }
220     TS_ASSERT(heap.empty());
221     heap.clear();
222     TS_ASSERT(heap.empty());
223   }
225 };/* class BinaryHeapBlack */