1 /* ========================================================================== */
2 /* === UMFPACK_global ======================================================= */
3 /* ========================================================================== */
5 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
6 /* UMFPACK Copyright (c) Timothy A. Davis, CISE,                              */
7 /* Univ. of Florida.  All Rights Reserved.  See ../Doc/License for License.   */
8 /* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack                       */
9 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
11 /*
12     Global variables.  UMFPACK uses these function pointers for several
13     user-redefinable functions.   The amd_* functions are defined in
14     AMD/Source/amd_global.c.
16     Function pointer	    default	    for mexFunction
17 					    (see MATLAB/umfpackmex.c)
18     ----------------	    -------	    ---------------
19     amd_malloc		    malloc	    mxMalloc
20     amd_free		    free	    mxFree
21     amd_realloc		    realloc	    mxRealloc
22     amd_calloc		    calloc	    mxCalloc
23     amd_printf		    printf	    mexPrintf
25     umfpack_hypot	    umf_hypot	    umf_hypot
26     umfpack_divcomplex	    umf_divcomplex  umf_divcomplex
28     This routine is compiled just once for all four versions of UMFPACK
29     (int/UF_long, double/complex).
30 */
32 #include "umf_internal.h"
34 double (*umfpack_hypot) (double, double) = umf_hypot ;
35 int (*umfpack_divcomplex) (double, double, double, double, double *, double *)
36     = umf_divcomplex ;
39 /* ========================================================================== */
40 /* === umf_hypot ============================================================ */
41 /* ========================================================================== */
43 /* There is an equivalent routine called hypot in <math.h>, which conforms
44  * to ANSI C99.  However, UMFPACK does not assume that ANSI C99 is available.
45  * You can use the ANSI C99 hypot routine with:
46  *
47  *	#include <math.h>
48  *	umfpack_hypot = hypot ;
49  *
50  * prior to calling any UMFPACK routine.
51  *
52  * s = hypot (x,y) computes s = sqrt (x*x + y*y) but does so more accurately.
53  *
54  * The NaN case for the double relops x >= y and x+y == x is safely ignored.
55  */
umf_hypot(double x,double y)57 double umf_hypot (double x, double y)
58 {
59     double s, r ;
60     x = SCALAR_ABS (x) ;
61     y = SCALAR_ABS (y) ;
62     if (x >= y)
63     {
64 	if (x + y == x)
65 	{
66 	    s = x ;
67 	}
68 	else
69 	{
70 	    r = y / x ;
71 	    s = x * sqrt (1.0 + r*r) ;
72 	}
73     }
74     else
75     {
76 	if (y + x == y)
77 	{
78 	    s = y ;
79 	}
80 	else
81 	{
82 	    r = x / y ;
83 	    s = y * sqrt (1.0 + r*r) ;
84 	}
85     }
86     return (s) ;
87 }
90 /* ========================================================================== */
91 /* === umf_divcomplex ======================================================= */
92 /* ========================================================================== */
94 /* c = a/b where c, a, and b are complex.  The real and imaginary parts are
95  * passed as separate arguments to this routine.  The NaN case is ignored
96  * for the double relop br >= bi.  Returns TRUE (1) if the denominator is
97  * zero, FALSE (0) otherwise.
98  *
99  * This uses ACM Algo 116, by R. L. Smith, 1962, which tries to avoid
100  * underflow and overflow.
101  *
102  * c can be the same variable as a or b.
103  */
umf_divcomplex(double ar,double ai,double br,double bi,double * cr,double * ci)105 int umf_divcomplex
106 (
107     double ar, double ai,	/* real and imaginary parts of a */
108     double br, double bi,	/* real and imaginary parts of b */
109     double *cr, double *ci	/* real and imaginary parts of c */
110 )
111 {
112     double tr, ti, r, den ;
113     if (SCALAR_ABS (br) >= SCALAR_ABS (bi))
114     {
115 	r = bi / br ;
116 	den = br + r * bi ;
117 	tr = (ar + ai * r) / den ;
118 	ti = (ai - ar * r) / den ;
119     }
120     else
121     {
122 	r = br / bi ;
123 	den = r * br + bi ;
124 	tr = (ar * r + ai) / den ;
125 	ti = (ai * r - ar) / den ;
126     }
127     *cr = tr ;
128     *ci = ti ;
129     return (SCALAR_IS_ZERO (den)) ;
130 }