1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 1998 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_tria_accessor_h
17 #define dealii_tria_accessor_h
20 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
22 #include <deal.II/base/bounding_box.h>
23 #include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
24 #include <deal.II/base/geometry_info.h>
25 #include <deal.II/base/point.h>
27 #include <deal.II/grid/cell_id.h>
28 #include <deal.II/grid/reference_cell.h>
29 #include <deal.II/grid/tria_iterator_base.h>
30 #include <deal.II/grid/tria_iterator_selector.h>
32 #include <utility>
37 // Forward declarations
38 #ifndef DOXYGEN
39 template <int dim, int spacedim>
40 class Triangulation;
41 template <typename Accessor>
42 class TriaRawIterator;
43 template <typename Accessor>
44 class TriaIterator;
45 template <typename Accessor>
46 class TriaActiveIterator;
48 template <int dim, int spacedim>
49 class Manifold;
50 #endif
52 namespace internal
53 {
54   namespace TriangulationImplementation
55   {
56     class TriaObjects;
57     struct Implementation;
58   } // namespace TriangulationImplementation
60   namespace TriaAccessorImplementation
61   {
62     struct Implementation;
64     /**
65      * Implementation of a type with which to store the level of an accessor
66      * object. We only need it for the case that <tt>structdim == dim</tt>.
67      * Otherwise, an empty object is sufficient.
68      */
69     template <int structdim, int dim>
70     struct PresentLevelType
71     {
72       struct type
73       {
74         /**
75          * Default constructor.
76          */
77         type() = default;
79         /**
80          * Dummy constructor. Only level zero is allowed.
81          */
typePresentLevelType::type82         type(const int level)
83         {
84           Assert(level == 0, ExcInternalError());
85           (void)level; // removes -Wunused-parameter warning in optimized mode
86         }
88         /**
89          * Dummy conversion operator. Returns level zero.
90          */
91         operator int() const
92         {
93           return 0;
94         }
96         void
97         operator++() const
98         {
99           Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
100         }
102         void
103         operator--() const
104         {
105           Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
106         }
107       };
108     };
111     /**
112      * Implementation of a type with which to store the level of an accessor
113      * object. We only need it for the case that <tt>structdim == dim</tt>.
114      * Otherwise, an empty object is sufficient.
115      */
116     template <int dim>
117     struct PresentLevelType<dim, dim>
118     {
119       using type = int;
120     };
122   } // namespace TriaAccessorImplementation
123 } // namespace internal
124 template <int structdim, int dim, int spacedim>
125 class TriaAccessor;
126 template <int dim, int spacedim>
127 class TriaAccessor<0, dim, spacedim>;
128 template <int spacedim>
129 class TriaAccessor<0, 1, spacedim>;
131 // note: the file tria_accessor.templates.h is included at the end of
132 // this file.  this includes a lot of templates. originally, this was
133 // only done in debug mode, but led to cyclic reduction problems and
134 // so is now on by default.
137 /**
138  * A namespace that contains exception classes used by the accessor classes.
139  */
140 namespace TriaAccessorExceptions
141 {
142   /**
143    * @ingroup Exceptions
144    */
145   DeclExceptionMsg(ExcCellNotUsed,
146                    "The operation you are attempting can only be performed for "
147                    "(cell, face, or edge) iterators that point to valid "
148                    "objects. These objects need not necessarily be active, "
149                    "i.e., have no children, but they need to be part of a "
150                    "triangulation. (The objects pointed to by an iterator "
151                    "may -- after coarsening -- also be objects that used "
152                    "to be part of a triangulation, but are now no longer "
153                    "used. Their memory location may have been retained "
154                    "for re-use upon the next mesh refinement, but is "
155                    "currently unused.)");
156   /**
157    * The cell is not an
158    * @ref GlossActive "active"
159    * cell, but it already has children. Some operations, like setting
160    * refinement flags or accessing degrees of freedom are only possible on
161    * active cells.
162    *
163    * @ingroup Exceptions
164    */
165   DeclExceptionMsg(ExcCellNotActive,
166                    "The operation you are attempting can only be performed for "
167                    "(cell, face, or edge) iterators that point to 'active' "
168                    "objects. 'Active' objects are those that do not have "
169                    "children (in the case of cells), or that are part of "
170                    "an active cell (in the case of faces or edges). However, "
171                    "the object on which you are trying the current "
172                    "operation is not 'active' in this sense.");
173   /**
174    * Trying to access the children of a cell which is in fact active.
175    *
176    * @ingroup Exceptions
177    */
178   DeclExceptionMsg(ExcCellHasNoChildren,
179                    "The operation you are attempting can only be performed for "
180                    "(cell, face, or edge) iterators that have children, "
181                    "but the object on which you are trying the current "
182                    "operation does not have any.");
183   /**
184    * Trying to access the parent of a cell which is in the coarsest level of
185    * the triangulation.
186    *
187    * @ingroup Exceptions
188    */
189   DeclExceptionMsg(ExcCellHasNoParent,
190                    "The operation you are attempting can only be performed for "
191                    "(cell, face, or edge) iterators that have a parent object, "
192                    "but the object on which you are trying the current "
193                    "operation does not have one -- i.e., it is on the "
194                    "coarsest level of the triangulation.");
195   /**
196    * @ingroup Exceptions
197    */
198   DeclException1(ExcCantSetChildren,
199                  int,
200                  << "You can only set the child index if the cell does not "
201                  << "currently have children registered; or you can clear it. "
202                  << "The given index was " << arg1
203                  << " (-1 means: clear children).");
204   /**
205    * @ingroup Exceptions
206    */
207   template <typename AccessorType>
208   DeclException1(ExcDereferenceInvalidObject,
209                  AccessorType,
210                  << "You tried to dereference an iterator for which this "
211                  << "is not possible. More information on this iterator: "
212                  << "index=" << arg1.index() << ", state="
213                  << (arg1.state() == IteratorState::valid ?
214                        "valid" :
215                        (arg1.state() == IteratorState::past_the_end ?
216                           "past_the_end" :
217                           "invalid")));
218   /**
219    * @ingroup Exceptions
220    */
221   DeclExceptionMsg(ExcCantCompareIterators,
222                    "Iterators can only be compared if they point to the same "
223                    "triangulation, or if neither of them are associated "
224                    "with a triangulation.");
225   // TODO: Write documentation!
226   /**
227    * @ingroup Exceptions
228    */
229   DeclException0(ExcNeighborIsCoarser);
230   // TODO: Write documentation!
231   /**
232    * @ingroup Exceptions
233    */
234   DeclException0(ExcNeighborIsNotCoarser);
235   /**
236    * You are trying to access the level of a face, but faces have no inherent
237    * level. The level of a face can only be determined by the level of an
238    * adjacent face, which in turn implies that a face can have several levels.
239    *
240    * @ingroup Exceptions
241    */
242   DeclException0(ExcFacesHaveNoLevel);
243   /**
244    * You are trying to get the periodic neighbor for a face, which does not
245    * have a periodic neighbor. For more information on this, refer to
246    * @ref GlossPeriodicConstraints "entry for periodic boundaries".
247    * @ingroup Exceptions
248    */
249   DeclException0(ExcNoPeriodicNeighbor);
250   // TODO: Write documentation!
251   /**
252    * @ingroup Exceptions
253    */
254   DeclException1(
255     ExcSetOnlyEvenChildren,
256     int,
257     << "You can only set the child index of an even numbered child."
258     << "The number of the child given was " << arg1 << ".");
259 } // namespace TriaAccessorExceptions
262 /**
263  * A base class for the accessor classes used by TriaRawIterator and derived
264  * classes.
265  *
266  * This class offers only the basic functionality required by the iterators
267  * (stores the necessary data members, offers comparison operators and the
268  * like), but has no functionality to actually dereference data. This is done
269  * in the derived classes.
270  *
271  * In the implementation, the behavior of this class differs between the cases
272  * where <tt>structdim==dim</tt> (cells of a mesh) and
273  * <tt>structdim&lt;dim</tt> (faces and edges). For the latter, #present_level
274  * is always equal to zero and the constructors may not receive a positive
275  * value there. For cells, any level is possible, but only those within the
276  * range of the levels of the Triangulation are reasonable. Furthermore, the
277  * function objects() returns either the container with all cells on the same
278  * level or the container with all objects of this dimension
279  * (<tt>structdim&lt;dim</tt>).
280  *
281  * Some internals of this class are discussed in
282  * @ref IteratorAccessorInternals.
283  *
284  * @ingroup grid
285  * @ingroup Accessors
286  */
287 template <int structdim, int dim, int spacedim = dim>
288 class TriaAccessorBase
289 {
290 public:
291   /**
292    * Dimension of the space the object represented by this accessor lives in.
293    * For example, if this accessor represents a quad that is part of a two-
294    * dimensional surface in four-dimensional space, then this value is four.
295    */
296   static const unsigned int space_dimension = spacedim;
298   /**
299    * Dimensionality of the object that the thing represented by this accessor
300    * is part of. For example, if this accessor represents a line that is part
301    * of a hexahedron, then this value will be three.
302    */
303   static const unsigned int dimension = dim;
305   /**
306    * Dimensionality of the current object represented by this accessor. For
307    * example, if it is line (irrespective of whether it is part of a quad or
308    * hex, and what dimension we are in), then this value equals 1.
309    */
310   static const unsigned int structure_dimension = structdim;
312   /**
313    * Copy operator. These operators are usually used in a context like
314    * <tt>iterator a,b; *a=*b;</tt>. Presumably, the intent here is to copy the
315    * object pointed to
316    * by @p b to the object pointed to by @p a. However, the result of
317    * dereferencing an iterator is not an object but an accessor; consequently,
318    * this operation is not useful for iterators on triangulations.
319    * Consequently, this operator is declared as deleted and can not be used.
320    */
321   void
322   operator=(const TriaAccessorBase *) = delete;
324 protected:
325   /**
326    * Declare the data type that this accessor class expects to get passed from
327    * the iterator classes. Since the pure triangulation iterators need no
328    * additional data, this data type is @p void.
329    */
330   using AccessorData = void;
332   /**
333    * Constructor. Protected, thus only callable from friend classes.
334    */
335   TriaAccessorBase(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *parent = nullptr,
336                    const int                           level  = -1,
337                    const int                           index  = -1,
338                    const AccessorData *                       = nullptr);
340   /**
341    * Copy constructor. Creates an object with exactly the same data.
342    */
343   TriaAccessorBase(const TriaAccessorBase &);
345   /**
346    * Copy operator. Since this is only called from iterators, do not return
347    * anything, since the iterator will return itself.
348    *
349    * This method is protected, since it is only to be called from the iterator
350    * class.
351    */
352   void
353   copy_from(const TriaAccessorBase &);
355   /**
356    * Copy operator. Creates an object with exactly the same data.
357    */
358   TriaAccessorBase &
359   operator=(const TriaAccessorBase &);
361   /**
362    * Comparison operator for accessors. This operator is used when comparing
363    * iterators into objects of a triangulation, for example when putting
364    * them into a `std::map`.
365    *
366    * If #structure_dimension is less than #dimension, we simply compare the
367    * index of such an object because faces and edges do not have levels. If
368    * #structure_dimension equals #dimension, we compare the level first, and
369    * the index only if levels are equal.
370    */
371   bool
372   operator<(const TriaAccessorBase &other) const;
374 protected:
375   /**
376    * Compare for equality.
377    */
378   bool
379   operator==(const TriaAccessorBase &) const;
381   /**
382    * Compare for inequality.
383    */
384   bool
385   operator!=(const TriaAccessorBase &) const;
387   /**
388    * @name Advancement of iterators
389    */
390   /**
391    * @{
392    */
393   /**
394    * This operator advances the iterator to the next element.
395    *
396    * For @p dim=1 only: The next element is next on this level if there are
397    * more. If the present element is the last on this level, the first on the
398    * next level is accessed.
399    */
400   void
401   operator++();
403   /**
404    * This operator moves the iterator to the previous element.
405    *
406    * For @p dim=1 only: The previous element is previous on this level if
407    * <tt>index>0</tt>. If the present element is the first on this level, the
408    * last on the previous level is accessed.
409    */
410   void
411   operator--();
412   /**
413    * @}
414    */
416   /**
417    * Access to the other objects of a Triangulation with same dimension.
418    */
419   dealii::internal::TriangulationImplementation::TriaObjects &
420   objects() const;
422 public:
423   /**
424    * Data type to be used for passing parameters from iterators to the
425    * accessor classes in a unified way, no matter what the type of number of
426    * these parameters is.
427    */
428   using LocalData = void *;
430   /**
431    * @name Iterator address and state
432    */
433   /**
434    * @{
435    */
437   /**
438    * For cells, this function returns the level within the mesh hierarchy at
439    * which this cell is located. For all other objects, the function returns
440    * zero.
441    *
442    * @note Within a Triangulation object, cells are uniquely identified by a
443    * pair <code>(level, index)</code> where the former is the cell's
444    * refinement level and the latter is the index of the cell within this
445    * refinement level (the former being what this function returns).
446    * Consequently, there may be multiple cells on different refinement levels
447    * but with the same index within their level. Contrary to this, if the
448    * current object corresponds to a face or edge, then the object is uniquely
449    * identified solely by its index as faces and edges do not have a
450    * refinement level. For these objects, the current function always returns
451    * zero as the level.
452    */
453   int
454   level() const;
456   /**
457    * Return the index of the element presently pointed to on the present
458    * level.
459    *
460    * Within a Triangulation object, cells are uniquely identified by a pair
461    * <code>(level, index)</code> where the former is the cell's refinement
462    * level and the latter is the index of the cell within this refinement
463    * level (the latter being what this function returns). Consequently, there
464    * may be multiple cells on different refinement levels but with the same
465    * index within their level. Contrary to this, if the current object
466    * corresponds to a face or edge, then the object is uniquely identified
467    * solely by its index as faces and edges do not have a refinement level.
468    *
469    * @note The indices objects returned by this function are not a contiguous
470    * set of numbers on each level: going from cell to cell, some of the
471    * indices in a level may be unused.
472    *
473    * @note If the triangulation is actually of type
474    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation then the indices are relatively only
475    * to that part of the distributed triangulation that is stored on the
476    * current processor. In other words, cells living in the partitions of the
477    * triangulation stored on different processors may have the same index even
478    * if they refer to the same cell, and the may have different indices even
479    * if they do refer to the same cell (e.g., if a cell is owned by one
480    * processor but is a ghost cell on another).
481    */
482   int
483   index() const;
485   /**
486    * Return the state of the iterator.  For the different states an accessor
487    * can be in, refer to the TriaRawIterator documentation.
488    */
489   IteratorState::IteratorStates
490   state() const;
492   /**
493    * Return a reference to the triangulation which the object pointed to by this
494    * class belongs to.
495    */
496   const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &
497   get_triangulation() const;
499   /**
500    * @}
501    */
502 protected:
503   /**
504    * The level if this is a cell (<tt>structdim==dim</tt>). Else, contains
505    * zero.
506    */
507   typename dealii::internal::TriaAccessorImplementation::
508     PresentLevelType<structdim, dim>::type present_level;
510   /**
511    * Used to store the index of the element presently pointed to on the level
512    * presently used.
513    */
514   int present_index;
516   /**
517    * Pointer to the triangulation which we act on.
518    */
519   const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *tria;
521 private:
522   template <typename Accessor>
523   friend class TriaRawIterator;
524   template <typename Accessor>
525   friend class TriaIterator;
526   template <typename Accessor>
527   friend class TriaActiveIterator;
528 };
532 /**
533  * A class that represents accessor objects to iterators that don't make sense
534  * such as quad iterators in on 1d meshes.  This class can not be used to
535  * create objects (it will in fact throw an exception if this should ever be
536  * attempted but it sometimes allows code to be written in a simpler way in a
537  * dimension independent way. For example, it allows to write code that works
538  * on quad iterators that is dimension independent -- i.e., also compiles
539  * in 1d -- because quad iterators
540  * (via the current class) exist and are syntactically correct. You can not
541  * expect, however, to ever create an actual object of one of these iterators
542  * in 1d, meaning you need to expect to wrap the code block in which you use
543  * quad iterators into something like <code>if (dim@>1)</code> -- which makes
544  * eminent sense anyway.
545  *
546  * This class provides the minimal interface necessary for Accessor classes to
547  * interact with Iterator classes. However, this is only for syntactic
548  * correctness, none of the functions do anything but generate errors.
549  *
550  * @ingroup Accessors
551  */
552 template <int structdim, int dim, int spacedim = dim>
553 class InvalidAccessor : public TriaAccessorBase<structdim, dim, spacedim>
554 {
555 public:
556   /**
557    * Propagate alias from base class to this class.
558    */
559   using AccessorData =
560     typename TriaAccessorBase<structdim, dim, spacedim>::AccessorData;
562   /**
563    * Constructor.  This class is used for iterators that do not make
564    * sense in a given dimension, for example quads for 1d meshes. Consequently,
565    * while the creation of such objects is syntactically valid, they make no
566    * semantic sense, and we generate an exception when such an object is
567    * actually generated.
568    */
569   InvalidAccessor(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *parent     = nullptr,
570                   const int                           level      = -1,
571                   const int                           index      = -1,
572                   const AccessorData *                local_data = nullptr);
574   /**
575    * Copy constructor.  This class is used for iterators that do not make
576    * sense in a given dimension, for example quads for 1d meshes. Consequently,
577    * while the creation of such objects is syntactically valid, they make no
578    * semantic sense, and we generate an exception when such an object is
579    * actually generated.
580    */
581   InvalidAccessor(const InvalidAccessor &);
583   /**
584    * Conversion from other accessors to the current invalid one. This of
585    * course also leads to a run-time error.
586    */
587   template <typename OtherAccessor>
588   InvalidAccessor(const OtherAccessor &);
590   /**
591    * Dummy copy operation.
592    */
593   void
594   copy_from(const InvalidAccessor &);
596   /**
597    * Dummy comparison operators.
598    */
599   bool
600   operator==(const InvalidAccessor &) const;
601   bool
602   operator!=(const InvalidAccessor &) const;
604   /**
605    * Dummy operators to make things compile. Does nothing.
606    */
607   void
608   operator++() const;
609   void
610   operator--() const;
612   /**
613    * Dummy function representing whether the accessor points to a used or an
614    * unused object.
615    */
616   bool
617   used() const;
619   /**
620    * Dummy function representing whether the accessor points to an object that
621    * has children.
622    */
623   bool
624   has_children() const;
626   /**
627    * Dummy function that always returns numbers::flat_manifold_id.
628    */
629   types::manifold_id
630   manifold_id() const;
632   /**
633    * Dummy function that always returns numbers::invalid_unsigned_int.
634    */
635   unsigned int
636   user_index() const;
638   /**
639    * Dummy function that always throws.
640    */
641   void
642   set_user_index(const unsigned int p) const;
644   /**
645    * Dummy function that always throws.
646    */
647   void
648   set_manifold_id(const types::manifold_id) const;
650   /**
651    * Dummy function to extract vertices. Returns the origin.
652    */
653   Point<spacedim> &
654   vertex(const unsigned int i) const;
656   /**
657    * Dummy function to extract lines. Returns a default-constructed line
658    * iterator.
659    */
660   typename dealii::internal::TriangulationImplementation::
661     Iterators<dim, spacedim>::line_iterator
662     line(const unsigned int i) const;
664   /**
665    * Dummy function to extract quads. Returns a default-constructed quad
666    * iterator.
667    */
668   typename dealii::internal::TriangulationImplementation::
669     Iterators<dim, spacedim>::quad_iterator
670     quad(const unsigned int i) const;
671 };
675 /**
676  * A class that provides access to objects in a triangulation such as its
677  * vertices, sub-objects, children, geometric information, etc. This class
678  * represents objects of dimension <code>structdim</code> (i.e. 1 for lines, 2
679  * for quads, 3 for hexes) in a triangulation of dimensionality
680  * <code>dim</code> (i.e. 1 for a triangulation of lines, 2 for a
681  * triangulation of quads, and 3 for a triangulation of hexes) that is
682  * embedded in a space of dimensionality <code>spacedim</code> (for
683  * <code>spacedim==dim</code> the triangulation represents a domain in
684  * $R^{dim}$, for <code>spacedim@>dim</code> the triangulation is of a
685  * manifold embedded in a higher dimensional space).
686  *
687  * There is a specialization of this class for the case where
688  * @p structdim equals zero, i.e., for vertices of a triangulation.
689  *
690  * @ingroup Accessors
691  */
692 template <int structdim, int dim, int spacedim>
693 class TriaAccessor : public TriaAccessorBase<structdim, dim, spacedim>
694 {
695 public:
696   /**
697    * Propagate alias from base class to this class.
698    */
699   using AccessorData =
700     typename TriaAccessorBase<structdim, dim, spacedim>::AccessorData;
702   /**
703    * Constructor.
704    */
705   TriaAccessor(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *parent     = nullptr,
706                const int                           level      = -1,
707                const int                           index      = -1,
708                const AccessorData *                local_data = nullptr);
710   /**
711    * Conversion constructor. This constructor exists to make certain
712    * constructs simpler to write in dimension independent code. For example,
713    * it allows assigning a face iterator to a line iterator, an operation that
714    * is useful in 2d but doesn't make any sense in 3d. The constructor here
715    * exists for the purpose of making the code conform to C++ but it will
716    * unconditionally abort; in other words, assigning a face iterator to a
717    * line iterator is better put into an if-statement that checks that the
718    * dimension is two, and assign to a quad iterator in 3d (an operator that,
719    * without this constructor would be illegal if we happen to compile for
720    * 2d).
721    */
722   template <int structdim2, int dim2, int spacedim2>
723   TriaAccessor(const InvalidAccessor<structdim2, dim2, spacedim2> &);
725   /**
726    * Another conversion operator between objects that don't make sense, just
727    * like the previous one.
728    */
729   template <int structdim2, int dim2, int spacedim2>
730   TriaAccessor(const TriaAccessor<structdim2, dim2, spacedim2> &);
732   /**
733    * Copy operator. These operators are usually used in a context like
734    * <tt>iterator a,b; *a=*b;</tt>. Presumably, the intent here is to copy the
735    * object pointed to
736    * by @p b to the object pointed to by @p a. However, the result of
737    * dereferencing an iterator is not an object but an accessor; consequently,
738    * this operation is not useful for iterators on triangulations.
739    * Consequently, this operator is declared as deleted and can not be used.
740    */
741   void
742   operator=(const TriaAccessor &) = delete;
744   /**
745    * Test for the element being used or not.  The return value is @p true for
746    * all iterators that are either normal iterators or active iterators, only
747    * raw iterators can return @p false. Since raw iterators are only used in
748    * the interiors of the library, you will not usually need this function.
749    */
750   bool
751   used() const;
753   /**
754    * @name Accessing sub-objects
755    */
756   /**
757    * @{
758    */
760   /**
761    * Pointer to the @p ith vertex bounding this object. Throw an exception if
762    * <code>dim=1</code>.
763    */
764   TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<0, dim, spacedim>>
765   vertex_iterator(const unsigned int i) const;
767   /**
768    * Return the global index of i-th vertex of the current object. The
769    * convention regarding the numbering of vertices is laid down in the
770    * documentation of the GeometryInfo class.
771    *
772    * Note that the returned value is only the index of the geometrical vertex.
773    * It has nothing to do with possible degrees of freedom associated with it.
774    * For this, see the @p DoFAccessor::vertex_dof_index functions.
775    *
776    * @note Despite the name, the index returned here is only global in the
777    * sense that it is specific to a particular Triangulation object or, in the
778    * case the triangulation is actually of type
779    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation, specific to that part of the
780    * distributed triangulation stored on the current processor.
781    */
782   unsigned int
783   vertex_index(const unsigned int i) const;
785   /**
786    * Return a reference to the @p ith vertex. The reference is not const,
787    * i.e., it is possible to call this function on the left hand side of an
788    * assignment, thereby moving the vertex of a cell within the triangulation.
789    * Of course, doing so requires that you ensure that the new location of the
790    * vertex remains useful -- for example, avoiding inverted or otherwise
791    * distorted (see also
792    * @ref GlossDistorted "this glossary entry").
793    *
794    * @note When a cell is refined, its children inherit the position of the
795    * vertex positions of those vertices they share with the mother cell (plus
796    * the locations of the new vertices on edges, faces, and cell interiors
797    * that are created for the new child cells). If the vertex of a cell is
798    * moved, this implies that its children will also use these new locations.
799    * On the other hand, imagine a 2d situation where you have one cell that is
800    * refined (with four children) and then you move the central vertex
801    * connecting all four children. If you coarsen these four children again to
802    * the mother cell, then the location of the moved vertex is lost and if, in
803    * a later step, you refine the mother cell again, the then again new vertex
804    * will be placed again at the same position as the first time around --
805    * i.e., not at the location you had previously moved it to.
806    *
807    * @note The behavior described above is relevant if you have a
808    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation object. There, refining a mesh
809    * always involves a re-partitioning. In other words, vertices of locally
810    * owned cells (see
811    * @ref GlossLocallyOwnedCell "this glossary entry")
812    * that you may have moved to a different location on one processor may be
813    * moved to a different processor upon mesh refinement (even if these
814    * particular cells were not refined) which will re-create their position
815    * based on the position of the coarse cells they previously had, not based
816    * on the position these vertices had on the processor that previously owned
817    * them. In other words, in parallel computations, you will probably have to
818    * move nodes explicitly after every mesh refinement because vertex
819    * positions may or may not be preserved across the re-partitioning that
820    * accompanies mesh refinement.
821    */
822   Point<spacedim> &
823   vertex(const unsigned int i) const;
825   /**
826    * Pointer to the @p ith line bounding this object.
827    */
828   typename dealii::internal::TriangulationImplementation::
829     Iterators<dim, spacedim>::line_iterator
830     line(const unsigned int i) const;
832   /**
833    * Line index of the @p ith line bounding this object.
834    *
835    * Implemented only for <tt>structdim>1</tt>, otherwise an exception
836    * generated.
837    */
838   unsigned int
839   line_index(const unsigned int i) const;
841   /**
842    * Pointer to the @p ith quad bounding this object.
843    */
844   typename dealii::internal::TriangulationImplementation::
845     Iterators<dim, spacedim>::quad_iterator
846     quad(const unsigned int i) const;
848   /**
849    * Quad index of the @p ith quad bounding this object.
850    *
851    * Implemented only for <tt>structdim>2</tt>, otherwise an exception
852    * generated.
853    */
854   unsigned int
855   quad_index(const unsigned int i) const;
856   /**
857    * @}
858    */
860   /**
861    * @name Orientation of sub-objects
862    */
863   /**
864    * @{
865    */
867   /**
868    * Return whether the face with index @p face has its normal pointing in the
869    * standard direction (@p true) or whether it is the opposite (@p false).
870    * Which is the standard direction is documented with the GeometryInfo
871    * class. In 1d and 2d, this is always @p true, but in 3d it may be
872    * different, see the respective discussion in the documentation of the
873    * GeometryInfo class.
874    *
875    * This function is really only for internal use in the library unless you
876    * absolutely know what this is all about.
877    */
878   bool
879   face_orientation(const unsigned int face) const;
881   /**
882    * Return whether the face with index @p face is rotated by 180 degrees (@p
883    * true) or not (@p false). In 1d and 2d, this is always @p false, but in
884    * 3d it may be different, see the respective discussion in the
885    * documentation of the GeometryInfo class.
886    *
887    * This function is really only for internal use in the library unless you
888    * absolutely know what this is all about.
889    */
890   bool
891   face_flip(const unsigned int face) const;
893   /**
894    * Return whether the face with index @p face is rotated by 90 degrees (@p
895    * true) or not (@p false). In 1d and 2d, this is always @p false, but in
896    * 3d it may be different, see the respective discussion in the
897    * documentation of the GeometryInfo class.
898    *
899    * This function is really only for internal use in the library unless you
900    * absolutely know what this is all about.
901    */
902   bool
903   face_rotation(const unsigned int face) const;
905   /**
906    * Return whether the line with index @p line is oriented in standard
907    * direction. @p true indicates, that the line is oriented from vertex 0 to
908    * vertex 1, whereas it is the other way around otherwise. In 1d and 2d,
909    * this is always @p true, but in 3d it may be different, see the respective
910    * discussion in the documentation of the GeometryInfo class.
911    *
912    * This function is really only for internal use in the library unless you
913    * absolutely know what this is all about.
914    */
915   bool
916   line_orientation(const unsigned int line) const;
917   /**
918    * @}
919    */
921   /**
922    * @name Accessing children
923    */
924   /**
925    * @{
926    */
928   /**
929    * Test whether the object has children.
930    */
931   bool
932   has_children() const;
934   /**
935    * Return the number of immediate children of this object. The number of
936    * children of an unrefined cell is zero.
937    */
938   unsigned int
939   n_children() const;
941   /**
942    * Compute and return the number of active descendants of this objects. For
943    * example, if all of the eight children of a hex are further refined
944    * isotropically exactly once, the returned number will be 64, not 80.
945    *
946    * If the present cell is not refined, one is returned.
947    *
948    * If one considers a triangulation as a forest where the root of each tree
949    * are the coarse mesh cells and nodes have descendants (the children of a
950    * cell), then this function returns the number of terminal nodes in the
951    * sub-tree originating from the current object; consequently, if the
952    * current object is not further refined, the answer is one.
953    */
954   unsigned int
955   number_of_children() const;
957   /**
958    * Return the number of times that this object is refined. Note that not all
959    * its children are refined that often (which is why we prepend @p max_),
960    * the returned number is rather the maximum number of refinement in any
961    * branch of children of this object.
962    *
963    * For example, if this object is refined, and one of its children is
964    * refined exactly one more time, then <tt>max_refinement_depth</tt> should
965    * return 2.
966    *
967    * If this object is not refined (i.e. it is active), then the return value
968    * is zero.
969    */
970   unsigned int
971   max_refinement_depth() const;
973   /**
974    * Return an iterator to the @p ith child.
975    */
976   TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<structdim, dim, spacedim>>
977   child(const unsigned int i) const;
979   /**
980    * Return the child number of @p child on the current cell. This is the
981    * inverse function of TriaAccessor::child().
982    */
983   unsigned int
984   child_iterator_to_index(
985     const TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<structdim, dim, spacedim>> &child) const;
987   /**
988    * Return an iterator to that object that is identical to the ith child for
989    * isotropic refinement. If the current object is refined isotropically,
990    * then the returned object is the ith child. If the current object is
991    * refined anisotropically, the returned child may in fact be a grandchild
992    * of the object, or may not exist at all (in which case an exception is
993    * generated).
994    */
995   TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<structdim, dim, spacedim>>
996   isotropic_child(const unsigned int i) const;
998   /**
999    * Return the RefinementCase of this cell.
1000    */
1001   RefinementCase<structdim>
1002   refinement_case() const;
1004   /**
1005    * Index of the @p ith child. The level of the child is one higher than that
1006    * of the present cell, if the children of a cell are accessed. The children
1007    * of faces have no level. If the child does not exist, -1 is returned.
1008    */
1009   int
1010   child_index(const unsigned int i) const;
1012   /**
1013    * Index of the @p ith isotropic child. See the isotropic_child() function
1014    * for a definition of this concept.  If the child does not exist, -1 is
1015    * returned.
1016    */
1017   int
1018   isotropic_child_index(const unsigned int i) const;
1019   /**
1020    * @}
1021    */
1023   /**
1024    * @name Dealing with boundary indicators
1025    */
1026   /**
1027    * @{
1028    */
1030   /**
1031    * Return the boundary indicator of this object.
1032    *
1033    * If the return value is the special value
1034    * numbers::internal_face_boundary_id, then this object is in the interior
1035    * of the domain.
1036    *
1037    * @see
1038    * @ref GlossBoundaryIndicator "Glossary entry on boundary indicators"
1039    */
1040   types::boundary_id
1041   boundary_id() const;
1043   /**
1044    * Set the boundary indicator of the current object. The same applies as for
1045    * the boundary_id() function.
1046    *
1047    * This function only sets the boundary object of the current object itself,
1048    * not the indicators of the ones that bound it. For example, in 3d, if this
1049    * function is called on a face, then the boundary indicator of the 4 edges
1050    * that bound the face remain unchanged. If you want to set the boundary
1051    * indicators of face and edges at the same time, use the
1052    * set_all_boundary_ids() function. You can see the result of not using the
1053    * correct function in the results section of step-49.
1054    *
1055    * @warning You should never set the boundary indicator of an interior face
1056    * (a face not at the boundary of the domain), or set the boundary
1057    * indicator of an exterior face to numbers::internal_face_boundary_id (this
1058    * value is reserved for another purpose). Algorithms may not work or
1059    * produce very confusing results if boundary cells have a boundary
1060    * indicator of numbers::internal_face_boundary_id or if interior cells have
1061    * boundary indicators other than numbers::internal_face_boundary_id.
1062    * Unfortunately, the current object has no means of finding out whether it
1063    * really is at the boundary of the domain and so cannot determine whether
1064    * the value you are trying to set makes sense under the current
1065    * circumstances.
1066    *
1067    * @ingroup boundary
1068    *
1069    * @see
1070    * @ref GlossBoundaryIndicator "Glossary entry on boundary indicators"
1071    */
1072   void
1073   set_boundary_id(const types::boundary_id) const;
1075   /**
1076    * Do as set_boundary_id() but also set the boundary indicators of the
1077    * objects that bound the current object. For example, in 3d, if
1078    * set_boundary_id() is called on a face, then the boundary indicator of the
1079    * 4 edges that bound the face remain unchanged. In contrast, if you call
1080    * the current function, the boundary indicators of face and edges are all
1081    * set to the given value.
1082    *
1083    * This function is useful if you set boundary indicators of faces in 3d (in
1084    * 2d, the function does the same as set_boundary_id()) and you do so
1085    * because you want a curved boundary object to represent the part of the
1086    * boundary that corresponds to the current face. In that case, the
1087    * Triangulation class needs to figure out where to put new vertices upon
1088    * mesh refinement, and higher order Mapping objects also need to figure out
1089    * where new interpolation points for a curved boundary approximation should
1090    * be. In either case, the two classes first determine where interpolation
1091    * points on the edges of a boundary face should be, asking the boundary
1092    * object, before asking the boundary object for the interpolation points
1093    * corresponding to the interior of the boundary face. For this to work
1094    * properly, it is not sufficient to have set the boundary indicator for the
1095    * face alone, but you also need to set the boundary indicators of the edges
1096    * that bound the face. This function does all of this at once. You can see
1097    * the result of not using the correct function in the results section of
1098    * step-49.
1099    *
1100    * @ingroup boundary
1101    *
1102    * @see
1103    * @ref GlossBoundaryIndicator "Glossary entry on boundary indicators"
1104    */
1105   void
1106   set_all_boundary_ids(const types::boundary_id) const;
1108   /**
1109    * Return whether this object is at the boundary. Obviously, the use of this
1110    * function is only possible for <tt>dim@>structdim</tt>; however, for
1111    * <tt>dim==structdim</tt>, an object is a cell and the CellAccessor class
1112    * offers another possibility to determine whether a cell is at the boundary
1113    * or not.
1114    */
1115   bool
1116   at_boundary() const;
1118   /**
1119    * Return a constant reference to the manifold object used for this object.
1120    *
1121    * As explained in the
1122    * @ref manifold
1123    * module, the process involved in finding the appropriate manifold
1124    * description involves querying both the manifold or boundary
1125    * indicators. See there for more information.
1126    */
1127   const Manifold<dim, spacedim> &
1128   get_manifold() const;
1130   /**
1131    * @}
1132    */
1134   /**
1135    * @name Dealing with manifold indicators
1136    */
1137   /**
1138    * @{
1139    */
1141   /**
1142    * Return the manifold indicator of this object.
1143    *
1144    * If the return value is the special value numbers::flat_manifold_id, then
1145    * this object is associated with a standard Cartesian Manifold Description.
1146    *
1147    * @see
1148    * @ref GlossManifoldIndicator "Glossary entry on manifold indicators"
1149    */
1150   types::manifold_id
1151   manifold_id() const;
1153   /**
1154    * Set the manifold indicator.  The same applies as for the
1155    * <tt>manifold_id()</tt> function.
1156    *
1157    * Note that it only sets the manifold object of the current object itself,
1158    * not the indicators of the ones that bound it, nor of its children. For
1159    * example, in 3d, if this function is called on a face, then the manifold
1160    * indicator of the 4 edges that bound the face remain unchanged. If you
1161    * want to set the manifold indicators of face, edges and all children at
1162    * the same time, use the set_all_manifold_ids() function.
1163    *
1164    *
1165    * @ingroup manifold
1166    *
1167    * @see
1168    * @ref GlossManifoldIndicator "Glossary entry on manifold indicators"
1169    */
1170   void
1171   set_manifold_id(const types::manifold_id) const;
1173   /**
1174    * Do as set_manifold_id() but also set the manifold indicators of the
1175    * objects that bound the current object. For example, in 3d, if
1176    * set_manifold_id() is called on a face, then the manifold indicator of the
1177    * 4 edges that bound the face remain unchanged. On the other hand, the
1178    * manifold indicators of face and edges are all set at the same time using
1179    * the current function.
1180    *
1181    * @ingroup manifold
1182    *
1183    * @see
1184    * @ref GlossManifoldIndicator "Glossary entry on manifold indicators"
1185    */
1186   void
1187   set_all_manifold_ids(const types::manifold_id) const;
1189   /**
1190    * @}
1191    */
1194   /**
1195    * @name User data
1196    */
1197   /**
1198    * @{
1199    */
1200   /**
1201    * Read the user flag. See
1202    * @ref GlossUserFlags
1203    * for more information.
1204    */
1205   bool
1206   user_flag_set() const;
1208   /**
1209    * Set the user flag. See
1210    * @ref GlossUserFlags
1211    * for more information.
1212    */
1213   void
1214   set_user_flag() const;
1216   /**
1217    * Clear the user flag. See
1218    * @ref GlossUserFlags
1219    * for more information.
1220    */
1221   void
1222   clear_user_flag() const;
1224   /**
1225    * Set the user flag for this and all descendants. See
1226    * @ref GlossUserFlags
1227    * for more information.
1228    */
1229   void
1230   recursively_set_user_flag() const;
1232   /**
1233    * Clear the user flag for this and all descendants. See
1234    * @ref GlossUserFlags
1235    * for more information.
1236    */
1237   void
1238   recursively_clear_user_flag() const;
1240   /**
1241    * Reset the user data to zero, independent if pointer or index. See
1242    * @ref GlossUserData
1243    * for more information.
1244    */
1245   void
1246   clear_user_data() const;
1248   /**
1249    * Set the user pointer to @p p.
1250    *
1251    * @note User pointers and user indices are mutually exclusive. Therefore,
1252    * you can only use one of them, unless you call
1253    * Triangulation::clear_user_data() in between.
1254    *
1255    * See
1256    * @ref GlossUserData
1257    * for more information.
1258    */
1259   void
1260   set_user_pointer(void *p) const;
1262   /**
1263    * Reset the user pointer to a @p nullptr pointer. See
1264    * @ref GlossUserData
1265    * for more information.
1266    */
1267   void
1268   clear_user_pointer() const;
1270   /**
1271    * Access the value of the user pointer. It is in the responsibility of the
1272    * user to make sure that the pointer points to something useful. You should
1273    * use the new style cast operator to maintain a minimum of type safety,
1274    * e.g.
1275    *
1276    * @note User pointers and user indices are mutually exclusive. Therefore,
1277    * you can only use one of them, unless you call
1278    * Triangulation::clear_user_data() in between. <tt>A
1279    * *a=static_cast<A*>(cell->user_pointer());</tt>.
1280    *
1281    * See
1282    * @ref GlossUserData
1283    * for more information.
1284    */
1285   void *
1286   user_pointer() const;
1288   /**
1289    * Set the user pointer of this object and all its children to the given
1290    * value. This is useful for example if all cells of a certain subdomain, or
1291    * all faces of a certain part of the boundary should have user pointers
1292    * pointing to objects describing this part of the domain or boundary.
1293    *
1294    * Note that the user pointer is not inherited under mesh refinement, so
1295    * after mesh refinement there might be cells or faces that don't have user
1296    * pointers pointing to the describing object. In this case, simply loop
1297    * over all the elements of the coarsest level that has this information,
1298    * and use this function to recursively set the user pointer of all finer
1299    * levels of the triangulation.
1300    *
1301    * @note User pointers and user indices are mutually exclusive. Therefore,
1302    * you can only use one of them, unless you call
1303    * Triangulation::clear_user_data() in between.
1304    *
1305    * See
1306    * @ref GlossUserData
1307    * for more information.
1308    */
1309   void
1310   recursively_set_user_pointer(void *p) const;
1312   /**
1313    * Clear the user pointer of this object and all of its descendants. The
1314    * same holds as said for the recursively_set_user_pointer() function. See
1315    * @ref GlossUserData
1316    * for more information.
1317    */
1318   void
1319   recursively_clear_user_pointer() const;
1321   /**
1322    * Set the user index to @p p.
1323    *
1324    * @note User pointers and user indices are mutually exclusive. Therefore,
1325    * you can only use one of them, unless you call
1326    * Triangulation::clear_user_data() in between. See
1327    * @ref GlossUserData
1328    * for more information.
1329    */
1330   void
1331   set_user_index(const unsigned int p) const;
1333   /**
1334    * Reset the user index to 0. See
1335    * @ref GlossUserData
1336    * for more information.
1337    */
1338   void
1339   clear_user_index() const;
1341   /**
1342    * Access the value of the user index.
1343    *
1344    * @note User pointers and user indices are mutually exclusive. Therefore,
1345    * you can only use one of them, unless you call
1346    * Triangulation::clear_user_data() in between.
1347    *
1348    * See
1349    * @ref GlossUserData
1350    * for more information.
1351    */
1352   unsigned int
1353   user_index() const;
1355   /**
1356    * Set the user index of this object and all its children.
1357    *
1358    * Note that the user index is not inherited under mesh refinement, so after
1359    * mesh refinement there might be cells or faces that don't have the
1360    * expected user indices. In this case, simply loop over all the elements of
1361    * the coarsest level that has this information, and use this function to
1362    * recursively set the user index of all finer levels of the triangulation.
1363    *
1364    * @note User pointers and user indices are mutually exclusive. Therefore,
1365    * you can only use one of them, unless you call
1366    * Triangulation::clear_user_data() in between.
1367    *
1368    * See
1369    * @ref GlossUserData
1370    * for more information.
1371    */
1372   void
1373   recursively_set_user_index(const unsigned int p) const;
1375   /**
1376    * Clear the user index of this object and all of its descendants. The same
1377    * holds as said for the recursively_set_user_index() function.
1378    *
1379    * See
1380    * @ref GlossUserData
1381    * for more information.
1382    */
1383   void
1384   recursively_clear_user_index() const;
1385   /**
1386    * @}
1387    */
1389   /**
1390    * @name Geometric information about an object
1391    */
1392   /**
1393    * @{
1394    */
1396   /**
1397    * Diameter of the object.
1398    *
1399    * The diameter of an object is computed to be the largest diagonal. This is
1400    * not necessarily the true diameter for objects that may use higher order
1401    * mappings, but completely sufficient for most computations.
1402    */
1403   double
1404   diameter() const;
1406   /**
1407    * Return a pair of Point and double corresponding to the center and
1408    * the radius of a reasonably small enclosing ball of the object.
1409    *
1410    * The function implements Ritter's O(n) algorithm to get a reasonably
1411    * small enclosing ball around the vertices of the object.
1412    * The initial guess for the enclosing ball is taken to be the ball
1413    * which contains the largest diagonal of the object as its diameter.
1414    * Starting from such an initial guess, the algorithm tests whether all
1415    * the vertices of the object (except the vertices of the largest diagonal)
1416    * are geometrically within the ball.
1417    * If any vertex (v) is found to be geometrically outside the ball,
1418    * a new iterate of the ball is constructed by shifting its center and
1419    * increasing the radius so as to geometrically enclose both the previous
1420    * ball and the vertex (v). The algorithm terminates when all the vertices
1421    * are geometrically inside the ball.
1422    *
1423    * If a vertex (v) is geometrically inside a particular iterate of the ball,
1424    * then it will continue to be so in the subsequent iterates of
1425    * the ball (this is true \a by \a construction).
1426    *
1427    * @note This function assumes d-linear mapping from the reference cell.
1428    *
1429    * <a href="http://geomalgorithms.com/a08-_containers.html">see this</a> and
1430    * [Ritter 1990]
1431    */
1432   std::pair<Point<spacedim>, double>
1433   enclosing_ball() const;
1435   /**
1436    * Return the smallest bounding box that encloses the object.
1437    *
1438    * Notice that this method is not aware of any mapping you may be using to
1439    * do your computations. If you are using a mapping object that modifies the
1440    * position of the vertices, like MappingQEulerian, or MappingFEField, then
1441    * you should call the function Mapping::get_bounding_box() instead.
1442    */
1443   BoundingBox<spacedim>
1444   bounding_box() const;
1446   /**
1447    * Length of an object in the direction of the given axis, specified in the
1448    * local coordinate system. See the documentation of GeometryInfo for the
1449    * meaning and enumeration of the local axes.
1450    *
1451    * Note that the "length" of an object can be interpreted in a variety of
1452    * ways. Here, we choose it as the maximal length of any of the edges of the
1453    * object that are parallel to the chosen axis on the reference cell.
1454    */
1455   double
1456   extent_in_direction(const unsigned int axis) const;
1458   /**
1459    * Return the minimal distance between any two vertices.
1460    */
1461   double
1462   minimum_vertex_distance() const;
1464   /**
1465    * Return a point belonging to the Manifold<dim,spacedim> where this object
1466    * lives, given its parametric coordinates on the reference @p structdim
1467    * cell. This function queries the underlying manifold object, and can be
1468    * used to obtain the exact geometrical location of arbitrary points on this
1469    * object.
1470    *
1471    * Notice that the argument @p coordinates are the coordinates on the
1472    * <em>reference cell</em>, given in reference coordinates. In other words,
1473    * the argument provides a weighting between the different vertices. For
1474    * example, for lines, calling this function with argument Point<1>(.5), is
1475    * equivalent to asking the line for its center.
1476    */
1477   Point<spacedim>
1478   intermediate_point(const Point<structdim> &coordinates) const;
1480   /**
1481    * This function computes a fast approximate transformation from the real to
1482    * the unit cell by inversion of an affine approximation of the $d$-linear
1483    * function from the reference $d$-dimensional cell.
1484    *
1485    * The affine approximation of the unit to real cell mapping is found by a
1486    * least squares fit of an affine function to the $2^d$ vertices of the
1487    * present object. For any valid mesh cell whose geometry is not degenerate,
1488    * this operation results in a unique affine mapping. Thus, this function
1489    * will return a finite result for all given input points, even in cases
1490    * where the actual transformation by an actual bi-/trilinear or higher
1491    * order mapping might be singular. Besides only approximating the mapping
1492    * from the vertex points, this function also ignores the attached manifold
1493    * descriptions. The result is only exact in case the transformation from
1494    * the unit to the real cell is indeed affine, such as in one dimension or
1495    * for Cartesian and affine (parallelogram) meshes in 2D/3D.
1496    *
1497    * For exact transformations to the unit cell, use
1498    * Mapping::transform_real_to_unit_cell().
1499    *
1500    * @note If dim<spacedim we first project p onto the plane.
1501    */
1502   Point<structdim>
1503   real_to_unit_cell_affine_approximation(const Point<spacedim> &point) const;
1505   /**
1506    * Center of the object. The center of an object is defined to be the
1507    * average of the locations of the vertices, which is also where a $Q_1$
1508    * mapping would map the center of the reference cell. However, you can also
1509    * ask this function to instead return the average of the vertices as
1510    * computed by the underlying Manifold object associated with the current
1511    * object, by setting to true the optional parameter @p respect_manifold.
1512    * Manifolds would then typically pull back the coordinates of the vertices
1513    * to a reference domain (not necessarily the reference cell), compute the
1514    * average there, and then push forward the coordinates of the averaged
1515    * point to the physical space again; the resulting point is guaranteed to
1516    * lie within the manifold, even if the manifold is curved.
1517    *
1518    * When the object uses a different manifold description as its surrounding,
1519    * like when part of the bounding objects of this TriaAccessor use a
1520    * non-flat manifold description but the object itself is flat, the result
1521    * given by the TriaAccessor::center() function may not be accurate enough,
1522    * even when parameter @p respect_manifold is set to true. If you find this
1523    * to be case, than you can further refine the computation of the center by
1524    * setting to true the second additional parameter @p
1525    * interpolate_from_surrounding. This computes the location of the center by
1526    * a so-called transfinite interpolation from the center of all the bounding
1527    * objects. For a 2D object, it puts a weight of <code>1/2</code> on each of
1528    * the four surrounding lines and a weight <code>-1/4</code> on the four
1529    * vertices. This corresponds to a linear interpolation between the
1530    * descriptions of the four faces, subtracting the contribution of the
1531    * vertices that is added twice when coming through both lines adjacent to
1532    * the vertex. In 3D, the weights for faces are <code>1/2</code>, the
1533    * weights for lines are <code>-1/4</code>, and the weights for vertices are
1534    * <code>1/8</code>. For further information, also confer to the
1535    * TransfiniteInterpolationManifold class that is able to not only apply
1536    * this beneficial description to a single cell but all children of a coarse
1537    * cell.
1538    */
1539   Point<spacedim>
1540   center(const bool respect_manifold             = false,
1541          const bool interpolate_from_surrounding = false) const;
1543   /**
1544    * Return the barycenter (also called centroid)
1545    * of the object. The barycenter for an object $K$
1546    * of dimension $d$ in $D$ space dimensions is given by the $D$-dimensional
1547    * vector $\mathbf x_K$ defined by
1548    * @f[
1549    *   \mathbf x_K = \frac{1}{|K|} \int_K \mathbf x \; \textrm{d}x
1550    * @f]
1551    * where the measure of the object is given by
1552    * @f[
1553    *   |K| = \int_K \mathbf 1 \; \textrm{d}x.
1554    * @f]
1555    * This function assumes that $K$ is mapped by a $d$-linear function from
1556    * the reference $d$-dimensional cell. Then the integrals above can be
1557    * pulled back to the reference cell and evaluated exactly (if through
1558    * lengthy and, compared to the center() function, expensive computations).
1559    */
1560   Point<spacedim>
1561   barycenter() const;
1563   /**
1564    * Compute the dim-dimensional measure of the object. For a dim-dimensional
1565    * cell in dim-dimensional space, this equals its volume. On the other hand,
1566    * for a 2d cell in 3d space, or if the current object pointed to is a 2d
1567    * face of a 3d cell in 3d space, then the function computes the area the
1568    * object occupies. For a one-dimensional object, return its length.
1569    *
1570    * The function only computes the measure of cells, faces or edges assumed
1571    * to be represented by (bi-/tri-)linear mappings. In other words, it only
1572    * takes into account the locations of the vertices that bound the current
1573    * object but not how the interior of the object may actually be mapped. In
1574    * most simple cases, this is exactly what you want. However, for objects
1575    * that are not "straight", e.g. 2d cells embedded in 3d space as part of a
1576    * triangulation of a curved domain, two-dimensional faces of 3d cells that
1577    * are not just parallelograms, or for faces that are at the boundary of a
1578    * domain that is not just bounded by straight line segments or planes, this
1579    * function only computes the dim-dimensional measure of a (bi-/tri-)linear
1580    * interpolation of the "real" object as defined by the manifold or boundary
1581    * object describing the real geometry of the object in question. If you
1582    * want to consider the "real" geometry, you will need to compute the
1583    * measure by integrating a function equal to one over the object, which
1584    * after applying quadrature equals the summing the JxW values returned by
1585    * the FEValues or FEFaceValues object you will want to use for the
1586    * integral.
1587    */
1588   double
1589   measure() const;
1591   /**
1592    * Return true if the current object is a translation of the given argument.
1593    *
1594    * @note For the purpose of a triangulation, cells, faces, etc are only
1595    * characterized by their vertices. The current function therefore only
1596    * compares the locations of vertices. For many practical applications,
1597    * however, it is not only the vertices that determine whether one cell is a
1598    * translation of another, but also how the cell is mapped from the
1599    * reference cell to its location in real space. For example, if we are
1600    * using higher order mappings, then not only do the vertices have to be
1601    * translations of each other, but also the points along edges. In these
1602    * questions, therefore, it would be appropriate to ask the mapping, not the
1603    * current function, whether two objects are translations of each other.
1604    */
1605   bool
1606   is_translation_of(
1607     const TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<structdim, dim, spacedim>> &o) const;
1609   /**
1610    * Reference cell type of the current object.
1611    */
1612   ReferenceCell::Type
1613   reference_cell_type() const;
1615   /**
1616    * Number of vertices.
1617    */
1618   unsigned int
1619   n_vertices() const;
1621   /**
1622    * Number of lines.
1623    */
1624   unsigned int
1625   n_lines() const;
1627   /**
1628    * Number of faces.
1629    *
1630    * @note Only implemented for cells (dim==spacedim).
1631    */
1632   unsigned int
1633   n_faces() const;
1635   /**
1636    * Return an object that can be thought of as an array containing all indices
1637    * from zero to n_vertices().
1638    */
1639   std_cxx20::ranges::iota_view<unsigned int, unsigned int>
1640   vertex_indices() const;
1642   /**
1643    * Return an object that can be thought of as an array containing all indices
1644    * from zero to n_lines().
1645    */
1646   std_cxx20::ranges::iota_view<unsigned int, unsigned int>
1647   line_indices() const;
1649   /**
1650    * Return an object that can be thought of as an array containing all indices
1651    * from zero to n_faces().
1652    *
1653    * @note Only implemented for cells (dim==spacedim).
1654    */
1655   std_cxx20::ranges::iota_view<unsigned int, unsigned int>
1656   face_indices() const;
1658   /**
1659    * @}
1660    */
1662 protected:
1663   /**
1664    * Return additional information related to the current geometric entity
1665    * type.
1666    */
1667   inline const ReferenceCell::internal::Info::Base &
1668   reference_cell_info() const;
1670 private:
1671   /**
1672    * Like set_boundary_id but without checking for internal faces or invalid
1673    * ids.
1674    */
1675   void
1676   set_boundary_id_internal(const types::boundary_id id) const;
1678   /**
1679    * Set the indices of those objects that bound the current
1680    * object. For example, if the current object represents a cell,
1681    * then the argument denotes the indices of the faces that bound the
1682    * cell. If the current object represents a line, the argument
1683    * denotes the indices of the vertices that bound it. And so on.
1684    */
1685   void
1686   set_bounding_object_indices(
1687     const std::initializer_list<int> &new_indices) const;
1689   /**
1690    * The same as above but for `unsigned int`.
1691    */
1692   void
1693   set_bounding_object_indices(
1694     const std::initializer_list<unsigned int> &new_indices) const;
1696   /**
1697    * Set the flag indicating, what <code>line_orientation()</code> will
1698    * return.
1699    *
1700    * It is only possible to set the line_orientation of faces in 3d (i.e.
1701    * <code>structdim==2 && dim==3</code>).
1702    */
1703   void
1704   set_line_orientation(const unsigned int line, const bool orientation) const;
1706   /**
1707    * Set whether the quad with index @p face has its normal pointing in the
1708    * standard direction (@p true) or whether it is the opposite (@p false).
1709    * Which is the standard direction is documented with the GeometryInfo
1710    * class.
1711    *
1712    * This function is only for internal use in the library. Setting this flag
1713    * to any other value than the one that the triangulation has already set is
1714    * bound to bring you disaster.
1715    */
1716   void
1717   set_face_orientation(const unsigned int face, const bool orientation) const;
1719   /**
1720    * Set the flag indicating, what <code>face_flip()</code> will return.
1721    *
1722    * It is only possible to set the face_orientation of cells in 3d (i.e.
1723    * <code>structdim==3 && dim==3</code>).
1724    */
1725   void
1726   set_face_flip(const unsigned int face, const bool flip) const;
1728   /**
1729    * Set the flag indicating, what <code>face_rotation()</code> will return.
1730    *
1731    * It is only possible to set the face_orientation of cells in 3d (i.e.
1732    * <code>structdim==3 && dim==3</code>).
1733    */
1734   void
1735   set_face_rotation(const unsigned int face, const bool rotation) const;
1737   /**
1738    * Set the @p used flag. Only for internal use in the library.
1739    */
1740   void
1741   set_used_flag() const;
1743   /**
1744    * Clear the @p used flag. Only for internal use in the library.
1745    */
1746   void
1747   clear_used_flag() const;
1749   /**
1750    * Set the @p RefinementCase<dim> this TriaObject is refined with. Not
1751    * defined for <tt>structdim=1</tt> as lines are always refined resulting in
1752    * 2 children lines (isotropic refinement).
1753    *
1754    * You should know quite exactly what you are doing if you touch this
1755    * function. It is exclusively for internal use in the library.
1756    */
1757   void
1758   set_refinement_case(const RefinementCase<structdim> &ref_case) const;
1760   /**
1761    * Clear the RefinementCase<dim> of this TriaObject, i.e. reset it to
1762    * RefinementCase<dim>::no_refinement.
1763    *
1764    * You should know quite exactly what you are doing if you touch this
1765    * function. It is exclusively for internal use in the library.
1766    */
1767   void
1768   clear_refinement_case() const;
1770   /**
1771    * Set the index of the ith child. Since the children come at least in
1772    * pairs, we need to store the index of only every second child, i.e. of the
1773    * even numbered children. Make sure, that the index of child i=0 is set
1774    * first. Calling this function for odd numbered children is not allowed.
1775    */
1776   void
1777   set_children(const unsigned int i, const int index) const;
1779   /**
1780    * Clear the child field, i.e. set it to a value which indicates that this
1781    * cell has no children.
1782    */
1783   void
1784   clear_children() const;
1786 private:
1787   template <int, int>
1788   friend class Triangulation;
1790   friend struct dealii::internal::TriangulationImplementation::Implementation;
1791   friend struct dealii::internal::TriaAccessorImplementation::Implementation;
1792 };
1796 /**
1797  * This class is a specialization of <code>TriaAccessor<structdim, dim,
1798  * spacedim></code>
1799  * for the case that @p structdim is zero. This
1800  * class represents vertices in a triangulation of dimensionality
1801  * <code>dim</code> (i.e. 1 for a triangulation of lines, 2 for a
1802  * triangulation of quads, and 3 for a triangulation of hexes) that is
1803  * embedded in a space of dimensionality <code>spacedim</code> (for
1804  * <code>spacedim==dim</code> the triangulation represents a domain in
1805  * ${\mathbb R}^\text{dim}$, for <code>spacedim@>dim</code> the triangulation
1806  * is of a manifold embedded in a higher dimensional space).
1807  *
1808  * There is a further specialization of this class for the case that
1809  * @p dim equals one, i.e., for vertices of a one-dimensional triangulation,
1810  * since in that case vertices are also faces.
1811  *
1812  * @ingroup Accessors
1813  */
1814 template <int dim, int spacedim>
1815 class TriaAccessor<0, dim, spacedim>
1816 {
1817 public:
1818   /**
1819    * Dimension of the space the object represented by this accessor lives in.
1820    * For example, if this accessor represents a quad that is part of a two-
1821    * dimensional surface in four-dimensional space, then this value is four.
1822    */
1823   static const unsigned int space_dimension = spacedim;
1825   /**
1826    * Dimensionality of the object that the thing represented by this accessor
1827    * is part of. For example, if this accessor represents a line that is part
1828    * of a hexahedron, then this value will be three.
1829    */
1830   static const unsigned int dimension = dim;
1832   /**
1833    * Dimensionality of the current object represented by this accessor. For
1834    * example, if it is line (irrespective of whether it is part of a quad or
1835    * hex, and what dimension we are in), then this value equals 1.
1836    */
1837   static const unsigned int structure_dimension = 0;
1839   /**
1840    * Pointer to internal data.
1841    */
1842   using AccessorData = void;
1844   /**
1845    * Constructor. The second argument is the global index of the vertex we
1846    * point to.
1847    */
1848   TriaAccessor(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *tria,
1849                const unsigned int                  vertex_index);
1851   /**
1852    * Constructor. This constructor exists in order to maintain interface
1853    * compatibility with the other accessor classes. @p index can be used to
1854    * set the global index of the vertex we point to.
1855    */
1856   TriaAccessor(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *tria  = nullptr,
1857                const int                           level = 0,
1858                const int                           index = 0,
1859                const AccessorData *                      = nullptr);
1861   /**
1862    * Constructor. Should never be called and thus produces an error.
1863    */
1864   template <int structdim2, int dim2, int spacedim2>
1865   TriaAccessor(const TriaAccessor<structdim2, dim2, spacedim2> &);
1867   /**
1868    * Constructor. Should never be called and thus produces an error.
1869    */
1870   template <int structdim2, int dim2, int spacedim2>
1871   TriaAccessor(const InvalidAccessor<structdim2, dim2, spacedim2> &);
1873   /**
1874    * Return the state of the iterator.
1875    */
1876   IteratorState::IteratorStates
1877   state() const;
1879   /**
1880    * Level of this object. Vertices have no level, so this function always
1881    * returns zero.
1882    */
1883   static int
1884   level();
1886   /**
1887    * Index of this object. Returns the global index of the vertex this object
1888    * points to.
1889    */
1890   int
1891   index() const;
1893   /**
1894    * Return a reference to the triangulation which the object pointed to by this
1895    * class belongs to.
1896    */
1897   const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &
1898   get_triangulation() const;
1900   /**
1901    * @name Advancement of iterators
1902    */
1903   /**
1904    * @{
1905    */
1906   /**
1907    * This operator advances the iterator to the next element.
1908    */
1909   void
1910   operator++();
1912   /**
1913    * This operator moves the iterator to the previous element.
1914    */
1915   void
1916   operator--();
1917   /**
1918    * Compare for equality.
1919    */
1920   bool
1921   operator==(const TriaAccessor &) const;
1923   /**
1924    * Compare for inequality.
1925    */
1926   bool
1927   operator!=(const TriaAccessor &) const;
1929   /**
1930    * @}
1931    */
1934   /**
1935    * @name Accessing sub-objects
1936    */
1937   /**
1938    * @{
1939    */
1941   /**
1942    * Return the global index of i-th vertex of the current object. If @p i is
1943    * zero, this returns the index of the current point to which this object
1944    * refers. Otherwise, it throws an exception.
1945    *
1946    * Note that the returned value is only the index of the geometrical vertex.
1947    * It has nothing to do with possible degrees of freedom associated with it.
1948    * For this, see the @p DoFAccessor::vertex_dof_index functions.
1949    *
1950    * @note Despite the name, the index returned here is only global in the
1951    * sense that it is specific to a particular Triangulation object or, in the
1952    * case the triangulation is actually of type
1953    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation, specific to that part of the
1954    * distributed triangulation stored on the current processor.
1955    */
1956   unsigned int
1957   vertex_index(const unsigned int i = 0) const;
1959   /**
1960    * Return a reference to the @p ith vertex. If i is zero, this returns a
1961    * reference to the current point to which this object refers. Otherwise, it
1962    * throws an exception.
1963    */
1964   Point<spacedim> &
1965   vertex(const unsigned int i = 0) const;
1967   /**
1968    * Pointer to the @p ith line bounding this object. Will point to an invalid
1969    * object.
1970    */
1971   typename dealii::internal::TriangulationImplementation::
1972     Iterators<dim, spacedim>::line_iterator static line(const unsigned int);
1974   /**
1975    * Line index of the @p ith line bounding this object. Throws an exception.
1976    */
1977   static unsigned int
1978   line_index(const unsigned int i);
1980   /**
1981    * Pointer to the @p ith quad bounding this object.
1982    */
1983   static typename dealii::internal::TriangulationImplementation::
1984     Iterators<dim, spacedim>::quad_iterator
1985     quad(const unsigned int i);
1987   /**
1988    * Quad index of the @p ith quad bounding this object. Throws an exception.
1989    */
1990   static unsigned int
1991   quad_index(const unsigned int i);
1993   /**
1994    * @}
1995    */
1998   /**
1999    * @name Geometric information about an object
2000    */
2001   /**
2002    * @{
2003    */
2005   /**
2006    * Diameter of the object. This function always returns zero.
2007    */
2008   double
2009   diameter() const;
2011   /**
2012    * Length of an object in the direction of the given axis, specified in the
2013    * local coordinate system. See the documentation of GeometryInfo for the
2014    * meaning and enumeration of the local axes.
2015    *
2016    * This function always returns zero.
2017    */
2018   double
2019   extent_in_direction(const unsigned int axis) const;
2021   /**
2022    * Return the center of this object, which of course coincides with the
2023    * location of the vertex this object refers to. The parameters @p
2024    * respect_manifold and @p interpolate_from_surrounding are not used. They
2025    * are there to provide the same interface as
2026    * <code>TriaAccessor<structdim,dim,spacedim></code>.
2027    */
2028   Point<spacedim>
2029   center(const bool respect_manifold             = false,
2030          const bool interpolate_from_surrounding = false) const;
2032   /**
2033    * Compute the dim-dimensional measure of the object. For a dim-dimensional
2034    * cell in dim-dimensional space, this equals its volume. On the other hand,
2035    * for a 2d cell in 3d space, or if the current object pointed to is a 2d
2036    * face of a 3d cell in 3d space, then the function computes the area the
2037    * object occupies. For a one-dimensional object, return its length. For a
2038    * zero-dimensional object, return zero.
2039    */
2040   double
2041   measure() const;
2042   /**
2043    * @}
2044    */
2046   /**
2047    * @name Orientation of sub-objects
2048    */
2049   /**
2050    * @{
2051    */
2053   /**
2054    * @brief Always return false
2055    */
2056   static bool
2057   face_orientation(const unsigned int face);
2059   /**
2060    * @brief Always return false
2061    */
2062   static bool
2063   face_flip(const unsigned int face);
2065   /**
2066    * @brief Always return false
2067    */
2068   static bool
2069   face_rotation(const unsigned int face);
2071   /**
2072    * @brief Always return false
2073    */
2074   static bool
2075   line_orientation(const unsigned int line);
2077   /**
2078    * @}
2079    */
2081   /**
2082    * @name Accessing children
2083    */
2084   /**
2085    * @{
2086    */
2088   /**
2089    * Test whether the object has children. Always false.
2090    */
2091   static bool
2092   has_children();
2094   /**
2095    * Return the number of immediate children of this object. This is always
2096    * zero.
2097    */
2098   static unsigned int
2099   n_children();
2101   /**
2102    * Compute and return the number of active descendants of this objects.
2103    * Always zero.
2104    */
2105   static unsigned int
2106   number_of_children();
2108   /**
2109    * Return the number of times that this object is refined. Always 0.
2110    */
2111   static unsigned int
2112   max_refinement_depth();
2114   /**
2115    * @brief Return an invalid unsigned integer.
2116    */
2117   static unsigned int
2118   child_iterator_to_index(const TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<0, dim, spacedim>> &);
2120   /**
2121    * @brief Return an invalid object.
2122    */
2123   static TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<0, dim, spacedim>>
2124   child(const unsigned int);
2126   /**
2127    * @brief Return an invalid object.
2128    */
2129   static TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<0, dim, spacedim>>
2130   isotropic_child(const unsigned int);
2132   /**
2133    * Always return no refinement.
2134    */
2135   static RefinementCase<0>
2136   refinement_case();
2138   /**
2139    * @brief Returns -1
2140    */
2141   static int
2142   child_index(const unsigned int i);
2144   /**
2145    * @brief Returns -1
2146    */
2147   static int
2148   isotropic_child_index(const unsigned int i);
2149   /**
2150    * @}
2151    */
2153   /**
2154    * Return whether the vertex pointed to here is used.
2155    */
2156   bool
2157   used() const;
2159 protected:
2160   /**
2161    * Copy operator. Since this is only called from iterators, do not return
2162    * anything, since the iterator will return itself.
2163    *
2164    * This method is protected, since it is only to be called from the iterator
2165    * class.
2166    */
2167   void
2168   copy_from(const TriaAccessor &);
2170   /**
2171    * Comparison operator for accessors. This operator is used when comparing
2172    * iterators into objects of a triangulation, for example when putting
2173    * them into a `std::map`.
2174    *
2175    * This operator simply compares the global index of the vertex the
2176    * current object points to.
2177    */
2178   bool
2179   operator<(const TriaAccessor &other) const;
2181   /**
2182    * Pointer to the triangulation we operate on.
2183    */
2184   const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *tria;
2186   /**
2187    * The global vertex index of the vertex this object corresponds to.
2188    */
2189   unsigned int global_vertex_index;
2191 private:
2192   template <typename Accessor>
2193   friend class TriaRawIterator;
2194   template <typename Accessor>
2195   friend class TriaIterator;
2196   template <typename Accessor>
2197   friend class TriaActiveIterator;
2198 };
2202 /**
2203  * This class is a specialization of <code>TriaAccessor<structdim, dim,
2204  * spacedim></code>
2205  * for the case that @p structdim is zero and @p dim is one. This
2206  * class represents vertices in a one-dimensional triangulation that is
2207  * embedded in a space of dimensionality <code>spacedim</code> (for
2208  * <code>spacedim==dim==1</code> the triangulation represents a domain in
2209  * ${\mathbb R}^\text{dim}$, for <code>spacedim@>dim==1</code> the triangulation
2210  * is of a manifold embedded in a higher dimensional space).
2211  *
2212  * The current specialization of the TriaAccessor<0,dim,spacedim> class
2213  * for vertices of a one-dimensional triangulation exists
2214  * since in the @p dim == 1 case vertices are also faces.
2215  *
2216  * @ingroup Accessors
2217  */
2218 template <int spacedim>
2219 class TriaAccessor<0, 1, spacedim>
2220 {
2221 public:
2222   /**
2223    * Dimension of the space the object represented by this accessor lives in.
2224    * For example, if this accessor represents a quad that is part of a two-
2225    * dimensional surface in four-dimensional space, then this value is four.
2226    */
2227   static const unsigned int space_dimension = spacedim;
2229   /**
2230    * Dimensionality of the object that the thing represented by this accessor
2231    * is part of. For example, if this accessor represents a line that is part
2232    * of a hexahedron, then this value will be three.
2233    */
2234   static const unsigned int dimension = 1;
2236   /**
2237    * Dimensionality of the current object represented by this accessor. For
2238    * example, if it is line (irrespective of whether it is part of a quad or
2239    * hex, and what dimension we are in), then this value equals 1.
2240    */
2241   static const unsigned int structure_dimension = 0;
2243   /**
2244    * Pointer to internal data.
2245    */
2246   using AccessorData = void;
2248   /**
2249    * Whether the vertex represented here is at the left end of the domain, the
2250    * right end, or in the interior.
2251    */
2252   enum VertexKind
2253   {
2254     /**
2255      * Left vertex.
2256      */
2257     left_vertex,
2258     /**
2259      * Interior vertex.
2260      */
2261     interior_vertex,
2262     /**
2263      * Right vertex.
2264      */
2265     right_vertex
2266   };
2268   /**
2269    * Constructor.
2270    *
2271    * Since there is no mapping from vertices to cells, an accessor object for
2272    * a point has no way to figure out whether it is at the boundary of the
2273    * domain or not. Consequently, the second argument must be passed by the
2274    * object that generates this accessor -- e.g. a 1d cell that can figure out
2275    * whether its left or right vertex are at the boundary.
2276    *
2277    * The third argument is the global index of the vertex we point to.
2278    */
2279   TriaAccessor(const Triangulation<1, spacedim> *tria,
2280                const VertexKind                  vertex_kind,
2281                const unsigned int                vertex_index);
2283   /**
2284    * Constructor. This constructor exists in order to maintain interface
2285    * compatibility with the other accessor classes. However, it doesn't do
2286    * anything useful here and so may not actually be called.
2287    */
2288   TriaAccessor(const Triangulation<1, spacedim> *tria = nullptr,
2289                const int                              = 0,
2290                const int                              = 0,
2291                const AccessorData *                   = nullptr);
2293   /**
2294    * Constructor. Should never be called and thus produces an error.
2295    */
2296   template <int structdim2, int dim2, int spacedim2>
2297   TriaAccessor(const TriaAccessor<structdim2, dim2, spacedim2> &);
2299   /**
2300    * Constructor. Should never be called and thus produces an error.
2301    */
2302   template <int structdim2, int dim2, int spacedim2>
2303   TriaAccessor(const InvalidAccessor<structdim2, dim2, spacedim2> &);
2305   /**
2306    * Copy operator. Since this is only called from iterators, do not return
2307    * anything, since the iterator will return itself.
2308    */
2309   void
2310   copy_from(const TriaAccessor &);
2312   /**
2313    * Return the state of the iterator. Since an iterator to points can not be
2314    * incremented or decremented, its state remains constant, and in particular
2315    * equal to IteratorState::valid.
2316    */
2317   static IteratorState::IteratorStates
2318   state();
2320   /**
2321    * Level of this object. Vertices have no level, so this function always
2322    * returns zero.
2323    */
2324   static int
2325   level();
2327   /**
2328    * Index of this object. Returns the global index of the vertex this object
2329    * points to.
2330    */
2331   int
2332   index() const;
2334   /**
2335    * Return a reference to the triangulation which the object pointed to by this
2336    * class belongs to.
2337    */
2338   const Triangulation<1, spacedim> &
2339   get_triangulation() const;
2341   /**
2342    * @name Advancement of iterators
2343    */
2344   /**
2345    * @{
2346    */
2347   /**
2348    * This operator advances the iterator to the next element. For points, this
2349    * operation is not defined, so you can't iterate over point iterators.
2350    */
2351   void
2352   operator++() const;
2354   /**
2355    * This operator moves the iterator to the previous element. For points,
2356    * this operation is not defined, so you can't iterate over point iterators.
2357    */
2358   void
2359   operator--() const;
2360   /**
2361    * Compare for equality.
2362    */
2363   bool
2364   operator==(const TriaAccessor &) const;
2366   /**
2367    * Compare for inequality.
2368    */
2369   bool
2370   operator!=(const TriaAccessor &) const;
2372   /**
2373    * Comparison operator for accessors. This operator is used when comparing
2374    * iterators into objects of a triangulation, for example when putting
2375    * them into a `std::map`.
2376    *
2377    * This operator simply compares the global index of the vertex the
2378    * current object points to.
2379    */
2380   bool
2381   operator<(const TriaAccessor &other) const;
2383   /**
2384    * @}
2385    */
2387   /**
2388    * @name Accessing sub-objects
2389    */
2390   /**
2391    * @{
2392    */
2394   /**
2395    * Return the global index of i-th vertex of the current object. If i is
2396    * zero, this returns the index of the current point to which this object
2397    * refers. Otherwise, it throws an exception.
2398    *
2399    * Note that the returned value is only the index of the geometrical vertex.
2400    * It has nothing to do with possible degrees of freedom associated with it.
2401    * For this, see the @p DoFAccessor::vertex_dof_index functions.
2402    *
2403    * @note Despite the name, the index returned here is only global in the
2404    * sense that it is specific to a particular Triangulation object or, in the
2405    * case the triangulation is actually of type
2406    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation, specific to that part of the
2407    * distributed triangulation stored on the current processor.
2408    */
2409   unsigned int
2410   vertex_index(const unsigned int i = 0) const;
2412   /**
2413    * Return a reference to the @p ith vertex. If i is zero, this returns a
2414    * reference to the current point to which this object refers. Otherwise, it
2415    * throws an exception.
2416    */
2417   Point<spacedim> &
2418   vertex(const unsigned int i = 0) const;
2420   /**
2421    * Return the center of this object, which of course coincides with the
2422    * location of the vertex this object refers to.
2423    */
2424   Point<spacedim>
2425   center() const;
2427   /**
2428    * Pointer to the @p ith line bounding this object. Will point to an invalid
2429    * object.
2430    */
2431   typename dealii::internal::TriangulationImplementation::
2432     Iterators<1, spacedim>::line_iterator static line(const unsigned int);
2434   /**
2435    * Line index of the @p ith line bounding this object.
2436    *
2437    * Implemented only for <tt>structdim>1</tt>, otherwise an exception
2438    * generated.
2439    */
2440   static unsigned int
2441   line_index(const unsigned int i);
2443   /**
2444    * Pointer to the @p ith quad bounding this object.
2445    */
2446   static typename dealii::internal::TriangulationImplementation::
2447     Iterators<1, spacedim>::quad_iterator
2448     quad(const unsigned int i);
2450   /**
2451    * Quad index of the @p ith quad bounding this object.
2452    *
2453    * Implemented only for <tt>structdim>2</tt>, otherwise an exception
2454    * generated.
2455    */
2456   static unsigned int
2457   quad_index(const unsigned int i);
2459   /**
2460    * @}
2461    */
2464   /**
2465    * Return whether this point is at the boundary of the one-dimensional
2466    * triangulation we deal with here.
2467    */
2468   bool
2469   at_boundary() const;
2471   /**
2472    * Return the boundary indicator of this object. The convention for one
2473    * dimensional triangulations is that left end vertices (of each line
2474    * segment from which the triangulation may be constructed) have boundary
2475    * indicator zero, and right end vertices have boundary indicator one,
2476    * unless explicitly set differently.
2477    *
2478    * If the return value is the special value
2479    * numbers::internal_face_boundary_id, then this object is in the interior
2480    * of the domain.
2481    *
2482    * @see
2483    * @ref GlossBoundaryIndicator "Glossary entry on boundary indicators"
2484    */
2485   types::boundary_id
2486   boundary_id() const;
2488   /**
2489    * Return a constant reference to the manifold object used for this object.
2490    */
2491   const Manifold<1, spacedim> &
2492   get_manifold() const;
2494   /**
2495    * Return the manifold indicator of this object.
2496    *
2497    * @see
2498    * @ref GlossManifoldIndicator "Glossary entry on manifold indicators"
2499    */
2500   types::manifold_id
2501   manifold_id() const;
2504   /**
2505    * @name Orientation of sub-objects
2506    */
2507   /**
2508    * @{
2509    */
2511   /**
2512    * @brief Always return false
2513    */
2514   static bool
2515   face_orientation(const unsigned int face);
2517   /**
2518    * @brief Always return false
2519    */
2520   static bool
2521   face_flip(const unsigned int face);
2523   /**
2524    * @brief Always return false
2525    */
2526   static bool
2527   face_rotation(const unsigned int face);
2529   /**
2530    * @brief Always return false
2531    */
2532   static bool
2533   line_orientation(const unsigned int line);
2535   /**
2536    * @}
2537    */
2539   /**
2540    * @name Accessing children
2541    */
2542   /**
2543    * @{
2544    */
2546   /**
2547    * Test whether the object has children. Always false.
2548    */
2549   static bool
2550   has_children();
2552   /**
2553    * Return the number of immediate children of this object.This is always
2554    * zero in dimension 0.
2555    */
2556   static unsigned int
2557   n_children();
2559   /**
2560    * Compute and return the number of active descendants of this objects.
2561    * Always zero.
2562    */
2563   static unsigned int
2564   number_of_children();
2566   /**
2567    * Return the number of times that this object is refined. Always 0.
2568    */
2569   static unsigned int
2570   max_refinement_depth();
2572   /**
2573    * @brief Return an invalid unsigned integer.
2574    */
2575   static unsigned int
2576   child_iterator_to_index(const TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<0, 1, spacedim>> &);
2578   /**
2579    * @brief Return an invalid object
2580    */
2581   static TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<0, 1, spacedim>>
2582   child(const unsigned int);
2584   /**
2585    * @brief Return an invalid object
2586    */
2587   static TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<0, 1, spacedim>>
2588   isotropic_child(const unsigned int);
2590   /**
2591    * Always return no refinement.
2592    */
2593   static RefinementCase<0>
2594   refinement_case();
2596   /**
2597    * @brief Returns -1
2598    */
2599   static int
2600   child_index(const unsigned int i);
2602   /**
2603    * @brief Returns -1
2604    */
2605   static int
2606   isotropic_child_index(const unsigned int i);
2607   /**
2608    * @}
2609    */
2611   /**
2612    * @name Dealing with boundary indicators
2613    */
2614   /**
2615    * @{
2616    */
2618   /**
2619    * Set the boundary indicator. The same applies as for the
2620    * <tt>boundary_id()</tt> function.
2621    *
2622    * @warning You should never set the boundary indicator of an interior face
2623    * (a face not at the boundary of the domain), or set the boundary
2624    * indicator of an exterior face to numbers::internal_face_boundary_id (this
2625    * value is reserved for another purpose). Algorithms may not work or
2626    * produce very confusing results if boundary cells have a boundary
2627    * indicator of numbers::internal_face_boundary_id or if interior cells have
2628    * boundary indicators other than numbers::internal_face_boundary_id.
2629    * Unfortunately, the current object has no means of finding out whether it
2630    * really is at the boundary of the domain and so cannot determine whether
2631    * the value you are trying to set makes sense under the current
2632    * circumstances.
2633    *
2634    * @ingroup boundary
2635    *
2636    * @see
2637    * @ref GlossBoundaryIndicator "Glossary entry on boundary indicators"
2638    */
2639   void
2640   set_boundary_id(const types::boundary_id);
2642   /**
2643    * Set the manifold indicator of this vertex. This does nothing so far since
2644    * manifolds are only used to refine and map objects, but vertices are not
2645    * refined and the mapping is trivial. This function is here only to allow
2646    * dimension independent programming.
2647    */
2648   void
2649   set_manifold_id(const types::manifold_id);
2651   /**
2652    * Set the boundary indicator of this object and all of its lower-
2653    * dimensional sub-objects.  Since this object only represents a single
2654    * vertex, there are no lower-dimensional object and this function is
2655    * equivalent to calling set_boundary_id() with the same argument.
2656    *
2657    * @ingroup boundary
2658    *
2659    * @see
2660    * @ref GlossBoundaryIndicator "Glossary entry on boundary indicators"
2661    */
2662   void
2663   set_all_boundary_ids(const types::boundary_id);
2665   /**
2666    * Set the manifold indicator of this object and all of its lower-
2667    * dimensional sub-objects.  Since this object only represents a single
2668    * vertex, there are no lower-dimensional object and this function is
2669    * equivalent to calling set_manifold_id() with the same argument.
2670    *
2671    * @ingroup manifold
2672    *
2673    * @see
2674    * @ref GlossManifoldIndicator "Glossary entry on manifold indicators"
2675    */
2676   void
2677   set_all_manifold_ids(const types::manifold_id);
2678   /**
2679    * @}
2680    */
2682   /**
2683    * Return whether the vertex pointed to here is used.
2684    */
2685   bool
2686   used() const;
2688   /**
2689    * Reference cell type of the current object.
2690    */
2691   ReferenceCell::Type
2692   reference_cell_type() const;
2694   /**
2695    * Number of vertices.
2696    */
2697   unsigned int
2698   n_vertices() const;
2700   /**
2701    * Number of lines.
2702    */
2703   unsigned int
2704   n_lines() const;
2706   /**
2707    * Return an object that can be thought of as an array containing all indices
2708    * from zero to n_vertices().
2709    */
2710   std_cxx20::ranges::iota_view<unsigned int, unsigned int>
2711   vertex_indices() const;
2713   /**
2714    * Return an object that can be thought of as an array containing all indices
2715    * from zero to n_lines().
2716    */
2717   std_cxx20::ranges::iota_view<unsigned int, unsigned int>
2718   line_indices() const;
2720 protected:
2721   /**
2722    * Pointer to the triangulation we operate on.
2723    */
2724   const Triangulation<1, spacedim> *tria;
2726   /**
2727    * Whether this is a left end, right end, or interior vertex. This
2728    * information is provided by the cell at the time of creation.
2729    */
2730   VertexKind vertex_kind;
2732   /**
2733    * The global vertex index of the vertex this object corresponds to.
2734    */
2735   unsigned int global_vertex_index;
2736 };
2740 /**
2741  * This class allows access to a cell: a line in one dimension, a quad in two
2742  * dimension, etc.
2743  *
2744  * The following refers to any dimension:
2745  *
2746  * This class allows access to a <tt>cell</tt>, which is a line in 1D and a
2747  * quad in 2D. Cells have more functionality than lines or quads by
2748  * themselves, for example they can be flagged for refinement, they have
2749  * neighbors, they have the possibility to check whether they are at the
2750  * boundary etc. This class offers access to all this data.
2751  *
2752  * @ingroup grid
2753  * @ingroup Accessors
2754  */
2755 template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
2756 class CellAccessor : public TriaAccessor<dim, dim, spacedim>
2757 {
2758 public:
2759   /**
2760    * Propagate the AccessorData type into the present class.
2761    */
2762   using AccessorData = typename TriaAccessor<dim, dim, spacedim>::AccessorData;
2764   /**
2765    * Define the type of the container this is part of.
2766    */
2767   using Container = Triangulation<dim, spacedim>;
2769   /**
2770    * @name Constructors
2771    */
2772   /**
2773    * @{
2774    */
2776   /**
2777    * Constructor.
2778    */
2779   CellAccessor(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *parent     = nullptr,
2780                const int                           level      = -1,
2781                const int                           index      = -1,
2782                const AccessorData *                local_data = nullptr);
2784   /**
2785    * Copy constructor.
2786    */
2787   CellAccessor(const TriaAccessor<dim, dim, spacedim> &cell_accessor);
2789   /**
2790    * Conversion constructor. This constructor exists to make certain
2791    * constructs simpler to write in dimension independent code. For example,
2792    * it allows assigning a face iterator to a line iterator, an operation that
2793    * is useful in 2d but doesn't make any sense in 3d. The constructor here
2794    * exists for the purpose of making the code conform to C++ but it will
2795    * unconditionally abort; in other words, assigning a face iterator to a
2796    * line iterator is better put into an if-statement that checks that the
2797    * dimension is two, and assign to a quad iterator in 3d (an operator that,
2798    * without this constructor would be illegal if we happen to compile for
2799    * 2d).
2800    */
2801   template <int structdim2, int dim2, int spacedim2>
2802   CellAccessor(const InvalidAccessor<structdim2, dim2, spacedim2> &);
2804   /**
2805    * Another conversion operator between objects that don't make sense, just
2806    * like the previous one.
2807    */
2808   template <int structdim2, int dim2, int spacedim2>
2809   CellAccessor(const TriaAccessor<structdim2, dim2, spacedim2> &);
2811   /**
2812    * Copy operator. These operators are usually used in a context like
2813    * <tt>iterator a,b; *a=*b;</tt>. Presumably, the intent here is to copy the
2814    * object pointed to
2815    * by @p b to the object pointed to by @p a. However, the result of
2816    * dereferencing an iterator is not an object but an accessor; consequently,
2817    * this operation is not useful for iterators on triangulations.
2818    * Consequently, this operator is declared as deleted and can not be used.
2819    */
2820   void
2821   operator=(const CellAccessor<dim, spacedim> &) = delete;
2823   /**
2824    * @}
2825    */
2827   /**
2828    * @name Accessing sub-objects and neighbors
2829    */
2830   /**
2831    * @{
2832    */
2834   /**
2835    * Return a pointer to the @p ith child. Overloaded version which returns a
2836    * more reasonable iterator class.
2837    */
2838   TriaIterator<CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>>
2839   child(const unsigned int i) const;
2841   /**
2842    * Return an iterator to the @p ith face of this cell.
2843    */
2844   TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<dim - 1, dim, spacedim>>
2845   face(const unsigned int i) const;
2847   /**
2848    * Return the face number of @p face on the current cell. This is the
2849    * inverse function of TriaAccessor::face().
2850    */
2851   unsigned int
2852   face_iterator_to_index(
2853     const TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<dim - 1, dim, spacedim>> &face) const;
2855   /**
2856    * Return an array of iterators to all faces of this cell.
2857    */
2858   boost::container::small_vector<
2859     TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<dim - 1, dim, spacedim>>,
2860     GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell>
2861   face_iterators() const;
2863   /**
2864    * Return the (global) index of the @p ith face of this cell.
2865    *
2866    * @note Despite the name, the index returned here is only global in the
2867    * sense that it is specific to a particular Triangulation object or, in the
2868    * case the triangulation is actually of type
2869    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation, specific to that part of the
2870    * distributed triangulation stored on the current processor.
2871    */
2872   unsigned int
2873   face_index(const unsigned int i) const;
2875   /**
2876    * Return an iterator to that cell that neighbors the present cell on the
2877    * given face and subface number.
2878    *
2879    * To succeed, the present cell must not be further refined, and the
2880    * neighbor on the given face must be further refined exactly once; the
2881    * returned cell is then a child of that neighbor.
2882    *
2883    * The function may not be called in 1d, since there we have no subfaces.
2884    * The implementation of this function is rather straightforward in 2d, by
2885    * first determining which face of the neighbor cell the present cell is
2886    * bordering on (this is what the @p neighbor_of_neighbor function does),
2887    * and then asking @p GeometryInfo::child_cell_on_subface for the index of
2888    * the child.
2889    *
2890    * However, the situation is more complicated in 3d, since there faces may
2891    * have more than one orientation, and we have to use @p face_orientation,
2892    * @p face_flip and @p face_rotation for both this and the neighbor cell to
2893    * figure out which cell we want to have.
2894    *
2895    * This can lead to surprising results: if we are sitting on a cell and are
2896    * asking for a cell behind subface <tt>sf</tt>, then this means that we are
2897    * considering the subface for the face in the natural direction for the
2898    * present cell. However, if the face as seen from this cell has
2899    * <tt>face_orientation()==false</tt>, then the child of the face that
2900    * separates the present cell from the neighboring cell's child is not
2901    * necessarily the @p sf-th child of the face of this cell. This is so
2902    * because the @p subface_no on a cell corresponds to the subface with
2903    * respect to the intrinsic ordering of the present cell, whereas children
2904    * of face iterators are computed with respect to the intrinsic ordering of
2905    * faces; these two orderings are only identical if the face orientation is
2906    * @p true, and reversed otherwise.
2907    *
2908    * Similarly, effects of <tt>face_flip()==true</tt> and
2909    * <tt>face_rotation()==true()</tt>, both of which indicate a non-standard
2910    * face have to be considered.
2911    *
2912    * Fortunately, this is only very rarely of concern, since usually one
2913    * simply wishes to loop over all finer neighbors at a given face of an
2914    * active cell. Only in the process of refinement of a Triangulation we want
2915    * to set neighbor information for both our child cells and the neighbor's
2916    * children. Since we can respect orientation of faces from our current cell
2917    * in that case, we do NOT respect face_orientation, face_flip and
2918    * face_rotation of the present cell within this function, i.e. the returned
2919    * neighbor's child is behind subface @p subface concerning the intrinsic
2920    * ordering of the given face.
2921    */
2922   TriaIterator<CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>>
2923   neighbor_child_on_subface(const unsigned int face_no,
2924                             const unsigned int subface_no) const;
2926   /**
2927    * Return an iterator to the neighboring cell on the other side of the face
2928    * with number @p face_no. If the neighbor does not exist,
2929    * i.e., if the face with number @p face_no of the current object is at the boundary, then
2930    * an invalid iterator is returned.
2931    *
2932    * Consequently, the index @p face_no must be less than n_faces().
2933    *
2934    * The neighbor of a cell has at most the same level as this cell. For
2935    * example, consider the following situation:
2936    * @image html limit_level_difference_at_vertices.png ""
2937    * Here, if you are on the top right cell and you ask for its left neighbor
2938    * (which is, according to the conventions spelled out in the GeometryInfo
2939    * class, its <i>zeroth</i> neighbor), then you will get the mother cell of
2940    * the four small cells at the top left. In other words, the cell you get as
2941    * neighbor has the same refinement level as the one you're on right now
2942    * (the top right one) and it may have children.
2943    *
2944    * On the other hand, if you were at the top right cell of the four small
2945    * cells at the top left, and you asked for the right neighbor (which is
2946    * associated with index <code>face_no=1</code>), then you would get the large
2947    * cell at the top right which in this case has a lower refinement level and
2948    * no children of its own.
2949    */
2950   TriaIterator<CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>>
2951   neighbor(const unsigned int face_no) const;
2953   /**
2954    * Return the cell index of the neighboring cell on the other side of the face
2955    * with index @p face_no. If the neighbor does not exist, this function returns -1.
2956    *
2957    * This function is equivalent to <tt>cell->neighbor(face_no)->index()</tt>.
2958    * See neighbor() for more details.
2959    */
2960   int
2961   neighbor_index(const unsigned int face_no) const;
2963   /**
2964    * Return the level of the neighboring cell on the other side of the face with
2965    * number @p face_no. If the neighbor does not exist, this function returns -1.
2966    *
2967    * This function is equivalent to `cell->neighbor(face_no)->level()`.
2968    * See neighbor() for more details.
2969    */
2970   int
2971   neighbor_level(const unsigned int face_no) const;
2973   /**
2974    * Return the how-many'th neighbor this cell is of
2975    * <tt>cell->neighbor(face_no)</tt>, i.e. return @p other_face_no such that
2976    * <tt>cell->neighbor(face_no)->neighbor(other_face_no)==cell</tt>. This
2977    * function is the right one if you want to know how to get back from a
2978    * neighbor to the present cell.
2979    *
2980    * Note that this operation is only useful if the neighbor is not coarser
2981    * than the present cell. If the neighbor is coarser this function throws an
2982    * exception. Use the @p neighbor_of_coarser_neighbor function in that case.
2983    */
2984   unsigned int
2985   neighbor_of_neighbor(const unsigned int face_no) const;
2987   /**
2988    * Return, whether the neighbor is coarser then the present cell. This is
2989    * important in case of anisotropic refinement where this information does
2990    * not depend on the levels of the cells.
2991    *
2992    * Note, that in an anisotropic setting, a cell can only be coarser than
2993    * another one at a given face, not on a general basis. The face of the
2994    * finer cell is contained in the corresponding face of the coarser cell,
2995    * the finer face is either a child or a grandchild of the coarser face.
2996    */
2997   bool
2998   neighbor_is_coarser(const unsigned int face_no) const;
3000   /**
3001    * This function is a generalization of the @p neighbor_of_neighbor function
3002    * for the case of a coarser neighbor. It returns a pair of numbers, face_no
3003    * and subface_no, with the following property, if the neighbor is not
3004    * refined: <tt>cell->neighbor(neighbor)->neighbor_child_on_subface(face_no,
3005    * subface_no)==cell</tt>. In 3D, a coarser neighbor can still be refined.
3006    * In that case subface_no denotes the child index of the neighbors face
3007    * that relates to our face:
3008    * <tt>cell->neighbor(neighbor)->face(face_no)->child(subface_no)==cell->face(neighbor)</tt>.
3009    * This case in 3d and how it can happen is discussed in the introduction of
3010    * the step-30 tutorial program.
3011    *
3012    * This function is impossible for <tt>dim==1</tt>.
3013    */
3014   std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>
3015   neighbor_of_coarser_neighbor(const unsigned int neighbor) const;
3017   /**
3018    * This function is a generalization of the @p neighbor_of_neighbor and the
3019    * @p neighbor_of_coarser_neighbor functions. It checks whether the neighbor
3020    * is coarser or not and calls the respective function. In both cases, only
3021    * the face_no is returned.
3022    */
3023   unsigned int
3024   neighbor_face_no(const unsigned int neighbor) const;
3026   /**
3027    * Compatibility interface with DoFCellAccessor. Always returns @p false.
3028    */
3029   static bool
3030   is_level_cell();
3032   /**
3033    * @}
3034    */
3035   /**
3036    * @name Dealing with periodic neighbors
3037    */
3038   /**
3039    * @{
3040    */
3041   /**
3042    * If the cell has a periodic neighbor at its @c ith face, this function
3043    * returns true, otherwise, the returned value is false.
3044    */
3045   bool
3046   has_periodic_neighbor(const unsigned int i) const;
3048   /**
3049    * For a cell with its @c ith face at a periodic boundary,
3050    * see
3051    * @ref GlossPeriodicConstraints "the entry for periodic boundaries",
3052    * this function returns an iterator to the cell on the other side
3053    * of the periodic boundary. If there is no periodic boundary at the @c ith
3054    * face, an exception will be thrown.
3055    * In order to avoid running into an exception, check the result of
3056    * has_periodic_neighbor() for the @c ith face prior to using this function.
3057    * The behavior of periodic_neighbor() is similar to neighbor(), in
3058    * the sense that the returned cell has at most the same level of refinement
3059    * as the current cell. On distributed meshes, by calling
3060    * Triangulation::add_periodicity(),
3061    * we can make sure that the element on the other side of the periodic
3062    * boundary exists in this rank as a ghost cell or a locally owned cell.
3063    */
3064   TriaIterator<CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>>
3065   periodic_neighbor(const unsigned int i) const;
3067   /**
3068    * For a cell whose @c ith face is not at a boundary, this function returns
3069    * the same result as neighbor(). If the @c ith face is at a periodic boundary
3070    * this function returns the same result as periodic_neighbor(). If neither of
3071    * the aforementioned conditions are met, i.e. the @c ith face is on a
3072    * nonperiodic boundary, an exception will be thrown.
3073    */
3074   TriaIterator<CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>>
3075   neighbor_or_periodic_neighbor(const unsigned int i) const;
3077   /**
3078    * Return an iterator to the periodic neighbor of the cell at a given
3079    * face and subface number. The general guidelines for using this function
3080    * is similar to the function neighbor_child_on_subface(). The
3081    * implementation of this function is consistent with
3082    * periodic_neighbor_of_coarser_periodic_neighbor(). For instance,
3083    * assume that we are sitting on a cell named @c cell1, whose neighbor behind
3084    * the @c ith face is one level coarser. Let us name this coarser neighbor
3085    * @c cell2. Then, by calling
3086    * periodic_neighbor_of_coarser_periodic_neighbor(), from @c cell1, we get
3087    * a @c face_num and a @c subface_num. Now, if we call
3088    * periodic_neighbor_child_on_subface() from cell2, with the above face_num
3089    * and subface_num, we get an iterator to @c cell1.
3090    */
3091   TriaIterator<CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>>
3092   periodic_neighbor_child_on_subface(const unsigned int face_no,
3093                                      const unsigned int subface_no) const;
3095   /**
3096    * This function is a generalization of
3097    * periodic_neighbor_of_periodic_neighbor()
3098    * for those cells which have a coarser periodic neighbor. The returned
3099    * pair of numbers can be used in periodic_neighbor_child_on_subface()
3100    * to get back to the current cell. In other words, the following
3101    * assertion should be true, for a cell with coarser periodic neighbor:
3102    * cell->periodic_neighbor(i)->periodic_neighbor_child_on_subface(face_no,
3103    * subface_no)==cell
3104    */
3105   std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>
3106   periodic_neighbor_of_coarser_periodic_neighbor(const unsigned face_no) const;
3108   /**
3109    * This function returns the index of the periodic neighbor at the
3110    * @c ith face of the current cell. If there is no periodic neighbor
3111    * at the given face, the returned value is -1.
3112    */
3113   int
3114   periodic_neighbor_index(const unsigned int i) const;
3116   /**
3117    * This function returns the level of the periodic neighbor at the
3118    * @c ith face of the current cell. If there is no periodic neighbor
3119    * at the given face, the returned value is -1.
3120    */
3121   int
3122   periodic_neighbor_level(const unsigned int i) const;
3124   /**
3125    * For a cell with a periodic neighbor at its @c ith face, this function
3126    * returns the face number of that periodic neighbor such that the
3127    * current cell is the periodic neighbor of that neighbor. In other words
3128    * the following assertion holds for those cells which have a periodic
3129    * neighbor with the same or a higher level of refinement as the current
3130    * cell:
3131    * @c {cell->periodic_neighbor(i)->
3132    *     periodic_neighbor(cell->periodic_neighbor_of_periodic_neighbor(i))==cell}
3133    * For the cells with a coarser periodic neighbor, one should use
3134    * periodic_neighbor_of_coarser_periodic_neighbor() and
3135    * periodic_neighbor_child_on_subface()
3136    * to get back to the current cell.
3137    */
3138   unsigned int
3139   periodic_neighbor_of_periodic_neighbor(const unsigned int i) const;
3141   /**
3142    * If a cell has a periodic neighbor at its @c ith face, this function
3143    * returns the face number of the periodic neighbor, which is connected
3144    * to the @c ith face of this cell.
3145    */
3146   unsigned int
3147   periodic_neighbor_face_no(const unsigned int i) const;
3149   /**
3150    * This function returns true if the element on the other side of the
3151    * periodic boundary is coarser and returns false otherwise. The
3152    * implementation allows this function to work in the case of
3153    * anisotropic refinement.
3154    */
3155   bool
3156   periodic_neighbor_is_coarser(const unsigned int i) const;
3158   /**
3159    * @}
3160    */
3162   /**
3163    * @name Dealing with boundary indicators
3164    */
3165   /**
3166    * @{
3167    */
3169   /**
3170    * Return whether the @p ith vertex or face (depending on the dimension) is
3171    * part of the boundary. This is true, if the @p ith neighbor does not
3172    * exist.
3173    */
3174   bool
3175   at_boundary(const unsigned int i) const;
3177   /**
3178    * Return whether the cell is at the boundary. Being at the boundary is
3179    * defined by one face being on the boundary. Note that this does not catch
3180    * cases where only one vertex of a quad or of a hex is at the boundary, or
3181    * where only one line of a hex is at the boundary while the interiors of
3182    * all faces are in the interior of the domain. For the latter case, the @p
3183    * has_boundary_lines function is the right one to ask.
3184    */
3185   bool
3186   at_boundary() const;
3188   /**
3189    * This is a slight variation to the @p at_boundary function: for 1 and 2
3190    * dimensions, it is equivalent, for three dimensions it returns whether at
3191    * least one of the 12 lines of the hexahedron is at a boundary. This, of
3192    * course, includes the case where a whole face is at the boundary, but also
3193    * some other cases.
3194    */
3195   bool
3196   has_boundary_lines() const;
3197   /**
3198    * @}
3199    */
3201   /**
3202    * @name Dealing with refinement indicators
3203    */
3204   /**
3205    * @{
3206    */
3208   /**
3209    * Return the @p RefinementCase<dim> this cell was flagged to be refined
3210    * with.  The return value of this function can be compared to a bool to
3211    * check if this cell is flagged for any kind of refinement. For example, if
3212    * you have previously called cell->set_refine_flag() for a cell, then you
3213    * will enter the 'if' block in the following snippet:
3214    *
3215    * @code
3216    * if (cell->refine_flag_set())
3217    * {
3218    *   // yes, this cell is marked for refinement.
3219    * }
3220    * @endcode
3221    */
3222   RefinementCase<dim>
3223   refine_flag_set() const;
3225   /**
3226    * Flag the cell pointed to for refinement. This function is only allowed
3227    * for active cells. Keeping the default value for @p ref_case will mark
3228    * this cell for isotropic refinement.
3229    *
3230    * If you choose anisotropic refinement, for example by passing as argument
3231    * one of the flags RefinementCase::cut_x, RefinementCase::cut_y,
3232    * RefinementCase::cut_z, or a combination of these, then keep in mind
3233    * that refining in x-, y-, or z-direction happens with regard to the
3234    * <em>local</em> coordinate system of the cell. In other words, these
3235    * flags determine which edges and faces of the cell will be cut into new
3236    * edges and faces. On the other hand, this process is independent of
3237    * how the cell is oriented within the <em>global</em> coordinate system,
3238    * and you should not assume any particular orientation of the cell's
3239    * local coordinate system within the global coordinate system of the
3240    * space it lives in.
3241    */
3242   void
3243   set_refine_flag(const RefinementCase<dim> ref_case =
3244                     RefinementCase<dim>::isotropic_refinement) const;
3246   /**
3247    * Clear the refinement flag.
3248    */
3249   void
3250   clear_refine_flag() const;
3252   /**
3253    * Modify the refinement flag of the cell to ensure (at least) the given
3254    * refinement case @p face_refinement_case at face <tt>face_no</tt>, taking
3255    * into account orientation, flip and rotation of the face. Return, whether
3256    * the refinement flag had to be modified. This function is only allowed for
3257    * active cells.
3258    */
3259   bool
3260   flag_for_face_refinement(
3261     const unsigned int             face_no,
3262     const RefinementCase<dim - 1> &face_refinement_case =
3263       RefinementCase<dim - 1>::isotropic_refinement) const;
3265   /**
3266    * Modify the refinement flag of the cell to ensure that line
3267    * <tt>face_no</tt> will be refined. Return, whether the refinement flag had
3268    * to be modified. This function is only allowed for active cells.
3269    */
3270   bool
3271   flag_for_line_refinement(const unsigned int line_no) const;
3273   /**
3274    * Return the SubfaceCase of face <tt>face_no</tt>. Note that this is not
3275    * identical to asking <tt>cell->face(face_no)->refinement_case()</tt> since
3276    * the latter returns a RefinementCase<dim-1> and thus only considers one
3277    * (anisotropic) refinement, whereas this function considers the complete
3278    * refinement situation including possible refinement of the face's
3279    * children. This function may only be called for active cells in 2d and 3d.
3280    */
3281   dealii::internal::SubfaceCase<dim>
3282   subface_case(const unsigned int face_no) const;
3284   /**
3285    * Return whether the coarsen flag is set or not.
3286    */
3287   bool
3288   coarsen_flag_set() const;
3290   /**
3291    * Flag the cell pointed to for coarsening. This function is only allowed
3292    * for active cells.
3293    */
3294   void
3295   set_coarsen_flag() const;
3297   /**
3298    * Clear the coarsen flag.
3299    */
3300   void
3301   clear_coarsen_flag() const;
3302   /**
3303    * @}
3304    */
3306   /**
3307    * @name Dealing with material indicators
3308    */
3309   /**
3310    * @{
3311    */
3313   /**
3314    * Return the material id of this cell.
3315    *
3316    * For a typical use of this function, see the
3317    * @ref step_28 "step-28"
3318    * tutorial program.
3319    *
3320    * See the
3321    * @ref GlossMaterialId "glossary"
3322    * for more information.
3323    */
3324   types::material_id
3325   material_id() const;
3327   /**
3328    * Set the material id of this cell.
3329    *
3330    * For a typical use of this function, see the
3331    * @ref step_28 "step-28"
3332    * tutorial program.
3333    *
3334    * See the
3335    * @ref GlossMaterialId "glossary"
3336    * for more information.
3337    */
3338   void
3339   set_material_id(const types::material_id new_material_id) const;
3341   /**
3342    * Set the material id of this cell and all its children (and grand-
3343    * children, and so on) to the given value.
3344    *
3345    * See the
3346    * @ref GlossMaterialId "glossary"
3347    * for more information.
3348    */
3349   void
3350   recursively_set_material_id(const types::material_id new_material_id) const;
3351   /**
3352    * @}
3353    */
3355   /**
3356    * @name Dealing with subdomain indicators
3357    */
3358   /**
3359    * @{
3360    */
3362   /**
3363    * Return the subdomain id of this cell.
3364    *
3365    * See the
3366    * @ref GlossSubdomainId "glossary"
3367    * for more information.
3368    *
3369    * @note The subdomain of a cell is a property only defined for active
3370    * cells, i.e., cells that are not further refined. Consequently, you can
3371    * only call this function if the cell it refers to has no children. For
3372    * multigrid methods in parallel, it is also important to know which
3373    * processor owns non-active cells, and for this you can call
3374    * level_subdomain_id().
3375    */
3376   types::subdomain_id
3377   subdomain_id() const;
3379   /**
3380    * Set the subdomain id of this cell.
3381    *
3382    * See the
3383    * @ref GlossSubdomainId "glossary"
3384    * for more information. This function should not be called if you use a
3385    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation object.
3386    *
3387    * @note The subdomain of a cell is a property only defined for active
3388    * cells, i.e., cells that are not further refined. Consequently, you can
3389    * only call this function if the cell it refers to has no children. For
3390    * multigrid methods in parallel, it is also important to know which
3391    * processor owns non-active cells, and for this you can call
3392    * level_subdomain_id().
3393    */
3394   void
3395   set_subdomain_id(const types::subdomain_id new_subdomain_id) const;
3397   /**
3398    * Get the level subdomain id of this cell. This is used for parallel
3399    * multigrid where not only the global mesh (consisting of the active cells)
3400    * is partitioned among processors, but also the individual levels of the
3401    * hierarchy of recursively refined cells that make up the mesh. In
3402    * other words, the level subdomain id is a property that is also defined
3403    * for non-active cells if a multigrid hierarchy is used.
3404    */
3405   types::subdomain_id
3406   level_subdomain_id() const;
3408   /**
3409    * Set the level subdomain id of this cell. This is used for parallel
3410    * multigrid.
3411    */
3412   void
3413   set_level_subdomain_id(
3414     const types::subdomain_id new_level_subdomain_id) const;
3417   /**
3418    * Set the subdomain id of this cell (if it is active) or all its terminal
3419    * children (and grand-children, and so on, as long as they have no children
3420    * of their own) to the given value. Since the subdomain id is a concept
3421    * that is only defined for cells that are active (i.e., have no children of
3422    * their own), this function only sets the subdomain ids for all children
3423    * and grand children of this cell that are actually active, skipping
3424    * intermediate child cells.
3425    *
3426    * See the
3427    * @ref GlossSubdomainId "glossary"
3428    * for more information. This function should not be called if you use a
3429    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation object since there the subdomain id
3430    * is implicitly defined by which processor you're on.
3431    */
3432   void
3433   recursively_set_subdomain_id(
3434     const types::subdomain_id new_subdomain_id) const;
3435   /**
3436    * @}
3437    */
3439   /**
3440    * @name Dealing with codim 1 cell orientation
3441    */
3442   /**
3443    * @{
3444    */
3446   /**
3447    * Return the orientation of this cell.
3448    *
3449    * For the meaning of this flag, see
3450    * @ref GlossDirectionFlag.
3451    */
3452   bool
3453   direction_flag() const;
3455   /**
3456    * Return the how many-th active cell the current cell is (assuming the
3457    * current cell is indeed active). This is useful, for example, if you are
3458    * accessing the elements of a vector with as many entries as there are
3459    * active cells. Such vectors are used for estimating the error on each cell
3460    * of a triangulation, for specifying refinement criteria passed to the
3461    * functions in GridRefinement, and for generating cell-wise output.
3462    *
3463    * The function throws an exception if the current cell is not active.
3464    *
3465    * @note If the triangulation this function is called on is of type
3466    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation, then active cells may be locally
3467    * owned, ghost cells, or artificial (see
3468    * @ref GlossLocallyOwnedCell,
3469    * @ref GlossGhostCell,
3470    * and
3471    * @ref GlossArtificialCell).
3472    * This function counts over all of them, including ghost and artificial
3473    * active cells. This implies that the index returned by this function
3474    * uniquely identifies a cell within the triangulation on a single
3475    * processor, but does not uniquely identify the cell among the (parts of
3476    * the) triangulation that is shared among processors. If you would like to
3477    * identify active cells across processors, you need to consider the CellId
3478    * of a cell returned by CellAccessor::id().
3479    */
3480   unsigned int
3481   active_cell_index() const;
3483   /**
3484    * Return the index of the parent of this cell within the level of the
3485    * triangulation to which the parent cell belongs. The level of the parent
3486    * is of course one lower than that of the present cell. If the parent does
3487    * not exist (i.e., if the object is at the coarsest level of the mesh
3488    * hierarchy), an exception is generated.
3489    */
3490   int
3491   parent_index() const;
3493   /**
3494    * Return an iterator to the parent. If the parent does not exist (i.e., if
3495    * the object is at the coarsest level of the mesh hierarchy), an exception
3496    * is generated.
3497    */
3498   TriaIterator<CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>>
3499   parent() const;
3501   /**
3502    * @}
3503    */
3505   /**
3506    * @name Other functions
3507    */
3508   /**
3509    * @{
3510    */
3512   /**
3513    * Test that the cell has no children (this is the criterion for whether a
3514    * cell is called "active").
3515    *
3516    * See the
3517    * @ref GlossActive "glossary"
3518    * for more information.
3519    *
3520    * @deprecated This function is deprecated. Use the is_active()
3521    *   function instead, which satisfies the naming scheme of other
3522    *   functions inquiring about yes/no properties of cells (e.g.,
3523    *   is_ghost(), is_locally_owned(), etc.).
3524    */
3526   bool
3527   active() const;
3529   /**
3530    * Test that the cell has no children (this is the criterion for whether a
3531    * cell is called "active").
3532    *
3533    * See the
3534    * @ref GlossActive "glossary"
3535    * for more information.
3536    */
3537   bool
3538   is_active() const;
3540   /**
3541    * Return whether this cell is owned by the current processor or is owned by
3542    * another processor. The function always returns true if applied to an
3543    * object of type dealii::Triangulation, but may yield false if the
3544    * triangulation is of type parallel::distributed::Triangulation.
3545    *
3546    * See the
3547    * @ref GlossGhostCell "glossary"
3548    * and the
3549    * @ref distributed
3550    * module for more information.
3551    *
3552    * @post The returned value is equal to <code>!is_ghost() &&
3553    * !is_artificial()</code>.
3554    *
3555    * @note Whether a cell is a ghost cell, artificial, or is locally owned or
3556    * is a property that only pertains to cells that are active. Consequently,
3557    * you can only call this function if the cell it refers to has no children.
3558    */
3559   bool
3560   is_locally_owned() const;
3562   /**
3563    * Return true if either the Triangulation is not distributed or if
3564    * level_subdomain_id() is equal to the id of the current processor.
3565    */
3566   bool
3567   is_locally_owned_on_level() const;
3569   /**
3570    * Return whether this cell exists in the global mesh but (i) is owned by
3571    * another processor, i.e. has a subdomain_id different from the one the
3572    * current processor owns and (ii) is adjacent to a cell owned by the
3573    * current processor.
3574    *
3575    * This function only makes sense if the triangulation used is of kind
3576    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation. In all other cases, the returned
3577    * value is always false.
3578    *
3579    * See the
3580    * @ref GlossGhostCell "glossary"
3581    * and the
3582    * @ref distributed
3583    * module for more information.
3584    *
3585    * @post The returned value is equal to <code>!is_locally_owned() &&
3586    * !is_artificial()</code>.
3587    *
3588    * @note Whether a cell is a ghost cell, artificial, or is locally owned or
3589    * is a property that only pertains to cells that are active. Consequently,
3590    * you can only call this function if the cell it refers to has no children.
3591    */
3592   bool
3593   is_ghost() const;
3595   /**
3596    * Return whether this cell is artificial, i.e. it isn't one of the cells
3597    * owned by the current processor, and it also doesn't border on one. As a
3598    * consequence, it exists in the mesh to ensure that each processor has all
3599    * coarse mesh cells and that the 2:1 ratio of neighboring cells is
3600    * maintained, but it is not one of the cells we should work on on the
3601    * current processor. In particular, there is no guarantee that this cell
3602    * isn't, in fact, further refined on one of the other processors.
3603    *
3604    * This function only makes sense if the triangulation used is of kind
3605    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation. In all other cases, the returned
3606    * value is always false.
3607    *
3608    * See the
3609    * @ref GlossArtificialCell "glossary"
3610    * and the
3611    * @ref distributed
3612    * module for more information.
3613    *
3614    * @post The returned value is equal to <code>!is_ghost() &&
3615    * !is_locally_owned()</code>.
3616    *
3617    * @note Whether a cell is a ghost cell, artificial, or is locally owned is
3618    * a property that only pertains to cells that are active. Consequently, you
3619    * can only call this function if the cell it refers to has no children.
3620    */
3621   bool
3622   is_artificial() const;
3624   /**
3625    * Test whether the point @p p is inside this cell. Points on the boundary
3626    * are counted as being inside the cell.
3627    *
3628    * Note that this function assumes that the mapping between unit cell and
3629    * real cell is (bi-, tri-)linear, i.e. that faces in 2d and edges in 3d are
3630    * straight lines. If you have higher order transformations, results may be
3631    * different as to whether a point is in- or outside the cell in real space.
3632    *
3633    * In case of codim>0, the point is first projected to the manifold where
3634    * the cell is embedded and then check if this projection is inside the
3635    * cell.
3636    */
3637   bool
3638   point_inside(const Point<spacedim> &p) const;
3640   /**
3641    * Set the neighbor @p i of this cell to the cell pointed to by @p pointer.
3642    *
3643    * This function shouldn't really be public (but needs to for various
3644    * reasons in order not to make a long list of functions friends): it
3645    * modifies internal data structures and may leave things. Do not use it
3646    * from application codes.
3647    */
3648   void
3649   set_neighbor(const unsigned int                               i,
3650                const TriaIterator<CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>> &pointer) const;
3652   /**
3653    * Return a unique ID for the current cell. This ID is constructed from the
3654    * path in the hierarchy from the coarse father cell and works correctly in
3655    * parallel computations using objects of type
3656    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation. This function is therefore useful
3657    * in providing a unique identifier for cells (active or not) that also
3658    * works for parallel triangulations. See the documentation of the CellId
3659    * class for more information.
3660    *
3661    * @note This operation takes O(level) time to compute. In most practical
3662    * cases, the number of levels of a triangulation will depend
3663    * logarithmically on the number of cells in the triangulation.
3664    */
3665   CellId
3666   id() const;
3668   /**
3669    * @}
3670    */
3673   /**
3674    * @ingroup Exceptions
3675    */
3676   DeclException0(ExcRefineCellNotActive);
3677   /**
3678    * @ingroup Exceptions
3679    */
3680   DeclException0(ExcCellFlaggedForRefinement);
3681   /**
3682    * @ingroup Exceptions
3683    */
3684   DeclException0(ExcCellFlaggedForCoarsening);
3686 protected:
3687   /**
3688    * This function assumes that the neighbor is not coarser than the current
3689    * cell. In this case it returns the neighbor_of_neighbor() value. If,
3690    * however, the neighbor is coarser this function returns an
3691    * <code>invalid_unsigned_int</code>.
3692    *
3693    * This function is not for public use. Use the function
3694    * neighbor_of_neighbor() instead which throws an exception if called for a
3695    * coarser neighbor. If neighbor is indeed coarser (you get to know this by
3696    * e.g. the neighbor_is_coarser() function) then the
3697    * neighbor_of_coarser_neighbor() function should be call. If you'd like to
3698    * know only the <code>face_no</code> which is required to get back from the
3699    * neighbor to the present cell then simply use the neighbor_face_no()
3700    * function which can be used for coarser as well as non-coarser neighbors.
3701    */
3702   unsigned int
3703   neighbor_of_neighbor_internal(const unsigned int neighbor) const;
3705   /**
3706    * As for any codim>0 we can use a similar code and c++ does not allow
3707    * partial templates. we use this auxiliary function that is then called
3708    * from point_inside.
3709    */
3710   template <int dim_, int spacedim_>
3711   bool
3712   point_inside_codim(const Point<spacedim_> &p) const;
3716 private:
3717   /**
3718    * Set the active cell index of a cell. This is done at the end of
3719    * refinement.
3720    */
3721   void
3722   set_active_cell_index(const unsigned int active_cell_index);
3724   /**
3725    * Set the parent of a cell.
3726    */
3727   void
3728   set_parent(const unsigned int parent_index);
3730   /**
3731    * Set the orientation of this cell.
3732    *
3733    * For the meaning of this flag, see
3734    * @ref GlossDirectionFlag.
3735    */
3736   void
3737   set_direction_flag(const bool new_direction_flag) const;
3739   template <int, int>
3740   friend class Triangulation;
3742   friend struct dealii::internal::TriangulationImplementation::Implementation;
3743 };
3747 /* ----- declaration of explicit specializations and general templates ----- */
3750 template <int structdim, int dim, int spacedim>
3751 template <typename OtherAccessor>
3752 InvalidAccessor<structdim, dim, spacedim>::InvalidAccessor(
3753   const OtherAccessor &)
3754 {
3755   Assert(false,
3756          ExcMessage("You are attempting an illegal conversion between "
3757                     "iterator/accessor types. The constructor you call "
3758                     "only exists to make certain template constructs "
3759                     "easier to write as dimension independent code but "
3760                     "the conversion is not valid in the current context."));
3761 }
3765 template <int structdim, int dim, int spacedim>
3766 template <int structdim2, int dim2, int spacedim2>
3767 TriaAccessor<structdim, dim, spacedim>::TriaAccessor(
3768   const InvalidAccessor<structdim2, dim2, spacedim2> &)
3769 {
3770   Assert(false,
3771          ExcMessage("You are attempting an illegal conversion between "
3772                     "iterator/accessor types. The constructor you call "
3773                     "only exists to make certain template constructs "
3774                     "easier to write as dimension independent code but "
3775                     "the conversion is not valid in the current context."));
3776 }
3780 template <int dim, int spacedim>
3781 template <int structdim2, int dim2, int spacedim2>
3782 CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>::CellAccessor(
3783   const InvalidAccessor<structdim2, dim2, spacedim2> &)
3784 {
3785   Assert(false,
3786          ExcMessage("You are attempting an illegal conversion between "
3787                     "iterator/accessor types. The constructor you call "
3788                     "only exists to make certain template constructs "
3789                     "easier to write as dimension independent code but "
3790                     "the conversion is not valid in the current context."));
3791 }
3795 template <int structdim, int dim, int spacedim>
3796 template <int structdim2, int dim2, int spacedim2>
3797 TriaAccessor<structdim, dim, spacedim>::TriaAccessor(
3798   const TriaAccessor<structdim2, dim2, spacedim2> &)
3799 {
3800   Assert(false,
3801          ExcMessage("You are attempting an illegal conversion between "
3802                     "iterator/accessor types. The constructor you call "
3803                     "only exists to make certain template constructs "
3804                     "easier to write as dimension independent code but "
3805                     "the conversion is not valid in the current context."));
3806 }
3810 template <int dim, int spacedim>
3811 template <int structdim2, int dim2, int spacedim2>
3812 CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>::CellAccessor(
3813   const TriaAccessor<structdim2, dim2, spacedim2> &)
3814 {
3815   Assert(false,
3816          ExcMessage("You are attempting an illegal conversion between "
3817                     "iterator/accessor types. The constructor you call "
3818                     "only exists to make certain template constructs "
3819                     "easier to write as dimension independent code but "
3820                     "the conversion is not valid in the current context."));
3821 }
3824 #ifndef DOXYGEN
3826 template <>
3827 bool
3828 CellAccessor<1, 1>::point_inside(const Point<1> &) const;
3829 template <>
3830 bool
3831 CellAccessor<2, 2>::point_inside(const Point<2> &) const;
3832 template <>
3833 bool
3834 CellAccessor<3, 3>::point_inside(const Point<3> &) const;
3835 template <>
3836 bool
3837 CellAccessor<1, 2>::point_inside(const Point<2> &) const;
3838 template <>
3839 bool
3840 CellAccessor<1, 3>::point_inside(const Point<3> &) const;
3841 template <>
3842 bool
3843 CellAccessor<2, 3>::point_inside(const Point<3> &) const;
3844 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
3846 template <>
3847 void
3848 TriaAccessor<3, 3, 3>::set_all_manifold_ids(const types::manifold_id) const;
3850 #endif // DOXYGEN
3854 // include more templates in debug and optimized mode
3855 #include "tria_accessor.templates.h"
3857 #endif