1<center><H1>Dieharder: A Random Number Test Suite</H1></center>
2<center><H2>Version @VERSION@</H2></center>
4<center><H3>Robert G. Brown (rgb)</H3></center>
5<center><H3>Dirk Eddelbuettel</H3></center>
6<center><H3>David Bauer</H3></center>
8<p>Welcome to the dieharder distribution website.</p>
10<p>Version @VERSION@ is the current snapshot.  Some of the documentation
11below may not quite be caught up to it, but it should be close.</p>
13<p>Dieharder is a <i>random number generator (rng) testing suite</i>.
14It is intended to test <i>generators</i>, not <i>files of possibly
15random numbers</i> as the latter is a fallacious view of what it means
16to be random.  Is the number 7 random?  If it is generated by a random
17process, it might be.  If it is made up to serve the purpose of some
18argument (like this one) it is not.  Perfect random number generators
19produce "unlikely" sequences of random numbers -- at exactly the right
20average rate.  Testing a rng is therefore quite subtle.</p>
22<p>dieharder is a tool designed to permit one to push a weak generator
23to unambiguous failure (at the e.g. 0.0001% level), not leave one in the
24"limbo" of 1% or 5% maybe-failure.  It also contains many tests and is
25extensible so that eventually it will contain many more tests than it
26already does.</p>
28<p>If you are using dieharder for testing rngs either in one of its
29prebuilt versions (rpm or apt) or built from source (which gives you the
30ability to e.g. add more tests or integrate your rng directly with
31dieharder for ease of use) you may want to join either or both of the
34or the
37mailing lists here.  The former should be very low traffic -- basically
38announcing when a snapshot makes it through development to where I'm
39proud of it.  The latter will be a bit more active, and is a good place
40to post bug reports, patches, suggestions, fixes, complaints and
41generally participate in the development process.</p>
43<h2>About Dieharder</h2>
45<p>At the suggestion of Linas Vepstas on the Gnu Scientific Library
46(GSL) list this GPL'd suite of random number tests will be named
47"Dieharder".  Using a movie sequel pun for the name is a double tribute
48to George Marsaglia, whose <a
49href="http://stat.fsu.edu/~geo/diehard.html">"Diehard battery of
50tests"</a> of random number generators has enjoyed years of enduring
51usefulness as a test suite.</p>
53<p>The dieharder suite is more than just the diehard tests cleaned up
54and given a pretty GPL'd source face in native C.  Tests from the <a
55href="http://csrc.nist.gov/rng/">Statistical Test Suite (STS)</a>
56developed by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST)
57are being incorporated, as are new tests developed by rgb.  Where
58possible or appropriate, <i>all</i> tests that can be parameterized
59("cranked up") to where failure, at least, is unambiguous are so
60parameterized and controllable from the command line.</p>
62<p>A further design goal is to provide some indication of <i>why</i> a
63generator fails a test, where such information can be extracted during
64the test process and placed in usable form.  For example, the
65bit-distribution tests should (eventually) be able to display the actual
66histogram for the different bit ntuplets.</p>
68<p>Dieharder is by design extensible.  It is intended to be the "Swiss
69army knife of random number test suites", or if you prefer, "the last
70suite you'll ever ware" for testing random numbers.</p>
74<center><h2><a href="./dieharder">Dieharder Download
77<p>Dieharder can be freely downloaded from <a
78href="http:www.phy.duke.edu/~rgb/General/dieharder.php">the Dieharder
79download site</a>.  On this page there should be a long list of previous
80versions of dieharder, and it should tell you what is the current
81snapshot.  The version numbers have the following <i>specific
82meaning</i> which is a bit different than usual:</p>
86<li> First number (major).  Bumped only when major goals in the design
87roadmap are reached (for example, finishing all the diehard tests).
88Version 1.x.x, for example, means that ALL of diehard (and more) is now
89incorporated in the program.  Version 2.x.x means that the tests
90themselves have been split off into the libdieharder library, so that
91they can be linked into scripting languages such as R, new UIs, or user
92code.  3.x.x would be expected to indicate that the entire STS suite is
93incorporated, and so on.
95<li> Second number (first minor).  This number indicates the number of
96tests currently supported.  When it bumps, it means new tests have been
97added from e.g. STS, Knuth, Marsaglia and Tsang, rgb, or elsewhere.
99<li> Third number (second minor).  This number is bumped when
100significant features are added or altered.  Bug fixes bump this number,
101usually after a few bumps of the release number for testing snapshots.
102This number and the release are reset to 0 when the major is bumped or a
103new test is added to maintain the strictly increasing numerical value on
104which e.g. yum upgrades rely.
108<p> The single-tree dieharder sources (.tgz and .src.rpm) files can be
109downloaded from this directory.  In addition, binary rpm's built on top
110of Fedora Core whatever (for either i386 or both of x86_64) may be
111present. Be warned: the GSL is a build <i>requirement</i>.  The current
112packaging builds both the library and the dieharder UI from a single
113source rpm, or from running "make" in the toplevel directory of the
114source tarball.  With a bit of effort (making a private rpm building
115tree), "make rpm" should work for you as well in this toplevel
118<p> This project is under very active development.  Considerable effort
119is being expended so that the suite will "run out of the box" to produce
120a reasonably understandable report for any given random number generator
121it supports via the "-a" flag, in addition to the ability to
122considerably vary most specific tests as applied to the generator.  A
123brief synopsis of command options to get you started is presented below.
124In general, though, documentation (including this page, the man page,
125and built-in documentation) may lag the bleeding edge snapshot by a few
126days or more.</p>
128<p>An rpm installation note from Court Shrock:</p>
130I was reading about your work on dieharder.  First, some info
131about getting dieharder working in Gentoo:
133cd ~
134emerge rpm gsl
137rpm -i --nodeps dieharder-0.6.11-1.i386.rpm
140<p>Rebuilding from tarball source should always work as well, and if you
141are planning to play a lot with the tool may be a desireable way to
142proceed as there are some documentation goodies in the ./doc
143subdirectory and the ./manual subdirectory of the source tarball (such
144as the original diehard test descriptions and the STS white paper).
146<p>George Marsaglia retired from FSU in 1996.  For a brief time diehard
147appeared to have finally disappeared from FSU webspace, but what had
148really happened is google's favorite path to it had disappeared when his
149personal home directory was removed.  Diehard is still there, at the URL
152as well as at a Hong Kong website.  The source code of diehard itself is
153(of course) Copyright George Marsaglia but Marsaglia did not incorporate
154an explicit <i>license</i> into his code which muddles the issue of how
155and when it can be distributed, freely or otherwise.  Existing diehard
156sources are <i>not directly incorporated into dieharder in source
157form</i> for that reason, to keep authorship and GPL licensing issues
160<p>Note that the same is not true about data.  Several of the diehard
161tests require that one use precomputed numbers as e.g. target mean,
162sigma for some test statistic.  Obviously in these cases we use the same
163numbers as diehard so we get the same, or comparable, results.  These
164numbers were all developed with support from Federal grants and have all
165been published in the literature, though, and should therefore be in the
166public domain as far as reuse in a program is concerned.</p>
168<p>Note also that most of the diehard tests are <i>modified</i> in
169dieharder, usually in a way that should improve them.  There are three
170improvements that were basically always made if possible.
172 <li> The number of test sample p-value that contribute to the final
173Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for the uniformity of the distribution of
174p-values of the test statistic is a variable with default 100, which is
175<i>much</i> larger than most diehard default values.  This change alone
176causes many generators that are asserted to "pass diehard" to in fact
177fail -- any given test run generates a p-value that is acceptable, but
178the <i>distribution</i> of p-values is not uniform.
179 <li> The number of actual samples <i>within</i> a test that contribute
180to the single-run test statistic was made a variable when possible.
181This was generally possible when the target was an easily computable
182function of the number of samples, but a number of the tests have
183pre-computed targets for specific numbers of samples and that number
184cannot be varied because no general function is known relating the
185target value to the number of samples.
186 <li> Many of diehard's tests investigated overlapping bit sequences.
187Overlapping sequences are not independent and one has to account for
188covariance between the samples (or a gradually vanishing degree of
189autocorrelation between sequential samples with gradually decreasing
190overlap). This was generally done at least in part because it used
191file-based input of random numbers and the size of files that could
192reasonably be generated and tested in the mid-90's contained on the
193order of a million random deviates.
195<p>Unfortunately, some of the diehard tests that rely on weak inverses
196of the covariance matrices associated with overlapping samples seem to
197have errors in their implementation, whether in the original diehard
198(covariance) data or in dieharder-specific code it is difficult to say.
199Fortunately, it is no longer necessary to limit the number of random
200numbers drawn from a generator when running an integrated test, and
201non-overlapping versions of these same tests do not require any
202treatment of covariance.  For that reason non-overlapping versions of
203the questionable tests have been provided where possible (in particular
204testing permutations and sums) and the overlapping versions of those
205tests are deprecated pending a resolution of the apparent errors.</p>
209<p>In a few cases other variations are possible for specific tests.
210This should be noted in the built-in test documentation for that test
211where appropriate.</p>
213<p>Aside from these major differences, note that the algorithms were
214independently written more or less from the test descriptions alone
215(sometimes illuminated by a look at the code implementations, but only
216to clear up just what was meant by the description).  They may well do
217things in a different (but equally valid) order or using different (but
218ultimately equivalent) algorithms altogether and hence produce slightly
219different (but equally valid) results even when run on the <i>same data
220with the same basic parameters</i>.  Then, there may be bugs in the
221code, which might have the same general effect.  Finally, it is always
222possible that <i>diehard</i> implementations have bugs and can be in
223error.  Your Mileage May Vary.  Be Warned.</p>
227<center><h2>About Dieharder</h2></center>
229<p>The primary point of dieharder (like diehard before it) is to make it
230easy to time and test (pseudo)random number generators, both software
231and hardware, for a variety of purposes in research and cryptography.
232The tool is built entirely on top of the GSL's random number generator
233interface and uses a variety of other GSL tools (e.g.  sort, erfc,
234incomplete gamma, distribution generators) in its operation.</p>
236<p>Dieharder differs significantly from diehard in many ways.  For
237example, diehard uses file based sources of random numbers exclusively
238and by default works with only roughly ten million random numbers in
239such a file.  However, modern random number generators in a typical
240simulation application can easily need to generate 10^18 or more random
241numbers, generated from hundreds, thousands, millions of different seeds
242in independent (parallelized) simulation threads, as the application
243runs over a period of months to years.  Those applications can easily be
244sensitive to rng weaknesses that might not be revealed by sequences as
245short as 10^7 uints in length even with excellent and sensitive
246tests.  One of dieharder's primary design goals was to permit tests to
247be run on very long sequences.</p>
249<p>To facilitate this, dieharder <i>prefers</i> to test generators that
250have been wrapped up in a GSL-compatible interface so that they can
251return an <i>unbounded</i> stream of random numbers -- as many as any
252single test or the entire suite of tests might require.  Numerous
253examples are provided of how one can wrap one's own random number
254generator so that it is can be called via the GSL interface.</p>
256<p>Dieharder also supports file-based input three distinct ways.  The
257simplest is to use the (raw binary) stdin interface to pipe a bit stream
258from <i>any</i> rng, hardware or software, through dieharder for
259testing.  In addition, one can use "direct" file input of either raw
260binary or ascii formatted (usually uint) random numbers.  The man page
261contains examples of how to do all three of these things, and dieharder
262itself can generate sample files to use as templates for the appropriate
265<p><b>Note Well!</b> Dieharder can consume a <i>lot</i> of random
266numbers in the course of running all the tests!  To facilitate this,
267dieharder should (as of 2.27.11 and beyond) support large file (> 2GB)
268input, although this is still experimental.  Large files are clunky and
269relatively slow, and the LFS (large file system) in linux/gcc is still
270relatively new and may have portability issues if dieharder is built
271with a non-gcc compiler.  It is therefore <i>strongly recommended</i>
272that both hardware and software generators be tested by being wrapped
273within the GSL interface by emulating the source code examples or that
274the pipe/stdin interface be used so that they can return an essentially
275unbounded rng stream.</p>
277<p>Dieharder also goes beyond diehard in that it is deliberately
278extensible.  In addition to implementing all of the diehard tests it is
279expected that dieharder will eventually contain all of the NIST STS and
280a variety of tests contributed by users, invented by the dieharder
281authors, or implemented from descriptions in the literature.  As a true
282open source project, dieharder can eventually contain <i>all</i> rng
283tests that prove useful in one place with a consistent interface that
284permits one to apply those tests to many generators for purposes of
285comparison and validation of the <i>tests themselves</i> as much as the
286generators.  In other words, it is intended to be a vehicle for the
287computer science of random number generation testing as well as a
288practical test harness for random number generators.</p>
290<p>To expand on this, the development of dieharder was motivated by the
291following, in rough order of importance:<p>
295<li> To provide a readily available, rpm- or apt- installable
296<b>toolset</b> so that "consumers" of random numbers (who typically use
297<i>large</i> numbers of random numbers in e.g. simulation or other
298research) can test the generator(s) they are using to verify their
299quality or lack thereof.
301<li> To provide a very <b>simple user interface</b> for that toolset for
302random number consumers.  At the moment, this means a command line
303interface (CLI) that can easily be embedded in scripts or run repeatedly
304with different parameters.  A graphical user interface (GUI) is on the
305list of things to do, although it adds little to the practical utility
306of the tool.
308<li> To provide <b>lots of knobs and dials</b> and low level control for
309statistical researchers that want to study particular generators with
310particular tests in more detail.  This includes full access to test
311sources -- no parameter or aspect of the test algorithms is "hidden" and
312needs to be taken on faith.
314<li> To have the entire test code and documentation be fully <b>Gnu
315Public Licensed</b> and hence openly available for adaptation, testing,
316comment, and modification so that the testing suite itself becomes (over
317time) reliable.
319<li> To be <b>extensible</b>.  Dieharder provides a fairly <b>simple
320API</b> for adding new tests with a common set of low-level testing
321tools and a <b>common test structure</b> that leads (one hopes) to an
322<i>unambiguous</i> decision to accept or reject any given random number
323generator on the basis of any given test for a suitable choice of
324controllable test parameters.
326<li> To allow all researchers to be able to directly test, in
327particular, the <b>random number generators interfaced with the GSL</b>.
328This is a deliberate design decision justified by the extremely large
329and growing number of random number generators prebuilt into the GSL and
330the ease of adding new ones (either contributing them to the project or
331for the sole purpose of local testing).
333<li> To allow researchers that use e.g. <i>distributions</i> directly
334generated by GSL routines (which can in principle fail two ways, due to
335the failure of the underlying random number generator or due to a
336failure of the generating algorithm) to be able to directly validate
337their particular generator/distribution combination at the cost of
338implementing a suitable test in dieharder (using the code of existing
339tests as a template).
341<li> To allow dieharder to be directly interfaced with <b>other tools
342and interfaces</b>.  For example, dieharder can be directly called
343within the R interface, permitting its rngs to be tested and R-based
344graphics and tools to be used to analyze test results.  Note well,
345however, that because it uses the GSL (which is GPL viral) dieharder
346itself is GPL viral and cannot be embedded directly into a non-GPL tool
347such as matlab.  It can, of course, be used to generate <i>p-value
348data</i> that is passed on to matlab (or any other graphing or analysis
353<p>Although this tool is being developed on Linux/GCC-based platforms,
354it should port with no particular difficulty to other Unix-like
355environments (at least ones that also support the GSL), with the further
356warning that certain features (in particular large file support) may
357require tweaking and that the dieharder authors may not be able to help
358you perform that tweaking.</p>
360<center><h2>Essential Usage Synopsis</h2></center>
362<p>If you compile the test or install the provided binary rpm's and run
363it as:</p>
365<tt>dieharder -a</tt>
367<p>it should run -a(ll) tests on the default GSL generator.</p>
369<p>Choose alternative tests with -g number where:</p>
371<tt>dieharder -g -1</tt>
373<p>will list all possible numbers known to the current snapshot of the
376<tt>dieharder -l</tt>
378<p>should list all the tests implemented in the current snapshop of
379DieHarder.  Finally, the venerable and time tested:</p>
381<tt>dieharder -h</tt>
383<p> provides a Usage synopsis (which can quite long) and</p>
385<tt>man dieharder</tt>
387<p>is the (installed) man page, which may or many not be completely up
388to date as the suite is under active development.  For developers,
389additional documentation is available in the toplevel directory or doc
390subdirectory of the source tree.  Eventually, a complete DieHard manual
391in printable PDF form will be available both on this website and in
394<center><h2>List of Random Number Generators and Tests
397<p>List of GSL and user-defined random number generators that can be
398tested by dieharder:</p>
401#          dieharder version 3.29.4beta Copyright 2003 Robert G. Brown        #
403#    Id Test Name           | Id Test Name           | Id Test Name           #
405|   000 borosh13            |001 cmrg                |002 coveyou             |
406|   003 fishman18           |004 fishman20           |005 fishman2x           |
407|   006 gfsr4               |007 knuthran            |008 knuthran2           |
408|   009 knuthran2002        |010 lecuyer21           |011 minstd              |
409|   012 mrg                 |013 mt19937             |014 mt19937_1999        |
410|   015 mt19937_1998        |016 r250                |017 ran0                |
411|   018 ran1                |019 ran2                |020 ran3                |
412|   021 rand                |022 rand48              |023 random128-bsd       |
413|   024 random128-glibc2    |025 random128-libc5     |026 random256-bsd       |
414|   027 random256-glibc2    |028 random256-libc5     |029 random32-bsd        |
415|   030 random32-glibc2     |031 random32-libc5      |032 random64-bsd        |
416|   033 random64-glibc2     |034 random64-libc5      |035 random8-bsd         |
417|   036 random8-glibc2      |037 random8-libc5       |038 random-bsd          |
418|   039 random-glibc2       |040 random-libc5        |041 randu               |
419|   042 ranf                |043 ranlux              |044 ranlux389           |
420|   045 ranlxd1             |046 ranlxd2             |047 ranlxs0             |
421|   048 ranlxs1             |049 ranlxs2             |050 ranmar              |
422|   051 slatec              |052 taus                |053 taus2               |
423|   054 taus113             |055 transputer          |056 tt800               |
424|   057 uni                 |058 uni32               |059 vax                 |
425|   060 waterman14          |061 zuf                 |                        |
427|   200 stdin_input_raw     |201 file_input_raw      |202 file_input          |
428|   203 ca                  |204 uvag                |205 AES_OFB             |
429|   206 Threefish_OFB       |                        |                        |
431|   400 R_wichmann_hill     |401 R_marsaglia_multic. |402 R_super_duper       |
432|   403 R_mersenne_twister  |404 R_knuth_taocp       |405 R_knuth_taocp2      |
434|   500 /dev/random         |501 /dev/urandom        |                        |
436|   600 empty               |                        |                        |
440<p>Two "gold standard" generators in particular are provided to "test
441the test" -- AES_OFB and Threefish_OFB are both cryptographic generators
442and should be quite random.  gfsr4, mt19937, and taus (and several
443others) are very good generators in the GSL, as well.  If you are
444developing a new rng, it should compare decently with these generators
445on dieharder test runs.</i>
447<p>Note that the stdin_input_raw interface (-g 200) is a "universal"
448interface.  Any generator that can produce a (continuous) stream of
449presumably random bits can be tested with dieharder.  The easiest way to
450demonstrate this is by running:</p>
453dieharder -S 1 -o -B -t 100000000 | dieharder -g 200 -d 0
456<p>where the first invocation of dieharder generates a stream of binary
457bits drawn from the default generator with seed 1 and the second reads
458those bits from stdin and tests them with the diehard birthdaytest on
459two bit sequences.  Compare the output to:</p>
462dieharder -S 1 -d 0
465<p>which runs the same test on the same generator with the same seed
466internally.  They should be the same.</p>
468<p>Similarly the file_input generator requires a file of "cooked" (ascii
469readable) random numbers, one per line, with a header that describes the
470format to dieharder.  Note Well!  File or stream input rands (with any
471of the three methods for input) are delivered to the tests on demand,
472but if the test needs more than are available dieharder either fails (in
473the case of a stdin stream) or rewinds the file and cycles through it
474again, and again, and again as needed.  Obviously this significantly
475reduces the sample space and can lead to completely incorrect results
476for the p-value histograms unless there are enough rands to run EACH
477test without repetition (it is harmless to reuse the sequence for
478different tests).  <b>Let the user beware!</b></p>
480<p>List of the CURRENT fully implemented tests (as of the 08/18/08
484#          dieharder version 3.29.4beta Copyright 2003 Robert G. Brown        #
486Installed dieharder tests:
487 Test Number                         Test Name                Test Reliability
489  -d 0                            Diehard Birthdays Test              Good
490  -d 1                               Diehard OPERM5 Test           Suspect
491  -d 2                    Diehard 32x32 Binary Rank Test              Good
492  -d 3                      Diehard 6x8 Binary Rank Test              Good
493  -d 4                            Diehard Bitstream Test              Good
494  -d 5                                      Diehard OPSO              Good
495  -d 6                                 Diehard OQSO Test              Good
496  -d 7                                  Diehard DNA Test              Good
497  -d 8                Diehard Count the 1s (stream) Test              Good
498  -d 9                  Diehard Count the 1s Test (byte)              Good
499  -d 10                         Diehard Parking Lot Test              Good
500  -d 11         Diehard Minimum Distance (2d Circle) Test             Good
501  -d 12         Diehard 3d Sphere (Minimum Distance) Test             Good
502  -d 13                             Diehard Squeeze Test              Good
503  -d 14                                Diehard Sums Test        Do Not Use
504  -d 15                                Diehard Runs Test              Good
505  -d 16                               Diehard Craps Test              Good
506  -d 17                     Marsaglia and Tsang GCD Test              Good
507  -d 100                                STS Monobit Test              Good
508  -d 101                                   STS Runs Test              Good
509  -d 102                   STS Serial Test (Generalized)              Good
510  -d 200                       RGB Bit Distribution Test              Good
511  -d 201           RGB Generalized Minimum Distance Test              Good
512  -d 202                           RGB Permutations Test              Good
513  -d 203                             RGB Lagged Sum Test              Good
514  -d 204                RGB Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Test              Good
517<p>Full descriptions of the tests are available from within the tool.
518For example, enter:
520rgb@lilith|B:1003>./dieharder -d 203 -h
521OK, what is dtest_num = 203
523#                     RGB Lagged Sums Test
524# This package contains many very lovely tests.  Very few of them,
525# however, test for lagged correlations -- the possibility that
526# the random number generator has a bitlevel correlation after
527# some fixed number of intervening bits.
529# The lagged sums test is therefore very simple.   One simply adds up
530# uniform deviates sampled from the rng, skipping lag samples in between
531# each rand used.  The mean of tsamples samples thus summed should be
532# 0.5*tsamples.  The standard deviation should be sqrt(tsamples/12).
533# The experimental values of the sum are thus converted into a
534# p-value (using the erf()) and a ks-test applied to psamples of them.
539<p>Note that all tests have been independently rewritten from their
540description, and may be functionally modified or extended relative to
541the original source code published in the originating suite(s).  This
542has proven to be absolutely necessary; dieharder stresses random number
543generator tests as much as it stresses random number generators, and
544tests with imprecise target statistics can return "failure" when the
545fault is with the test, not the generator.</p>
547<p>The author (rgb) bears complete responsibility for these changes,
548subject to the standard GPL code disclaimer that the code <i>has no
549warranty</i>.  In essence, yes it may be my fault if they don't work but
550using the tool is <i>at your own risk</i> and you can <i>fix it</i> if
551it bothers you and/or I don't fix it first.</p>
553<center><h2>Development Notes</h2></center>
555<p>All tests are encapsulated to be as standard as possible in the way
556they compute p-values from single statistics or from vectors of
557statistics, and in the way they implement the underlying KS and chisq
558tests.  Diehard is now complete in dieharder (although two tests are
559badly broken and should not be used), and attention will turn towards
560implementing more selected tests from the STS and many other sources.  A
561road map of sorts (with full supporting documentation) is available on
562request if volunteers wish to work on adding more GPL tests.</p>
564<p>Note that a few tests appear to have stubborn bugs.  In particular,
565the diehard operm5 test seems to fail all generators in dieharder.
566Several users have attempted to help debug this problem, and it
567tentatively appears that the problem is in the original diehard code and
568not just dieharder.  There is extensive literature on overlapping tests,
569which are highly non-trivial to implement and involve things like
570forming the weak inverse of covariance matrices in order to correct for
571overlapping (non-independent) statistics.</p>
573<p>A revised version of overlapping permutations is underway (as an rgb
574test), but is still buggy.  A non-overlapping (rgb) permutations test is
575provided now that should test much the same thing at the expense of
576requiring more samples to do it.</p>
578<p>Similarly, the diehard sums test appears to produce a systematically
579non-flat distribution of p-values for all rngs tested, in particular for
580the "gold standard" cryptographic generators aes and threefish, as well
581as for the "good" generators in the GSL (mt19937, taus, gfsr4).  It
582seems very unlikely that all of these generators would be flawed in the
583same way, so this test also should not be used to test your rng.
585<center><h2>Thoughts for the Future/Wish List/To Do</h2></center>
589<li> Tests of GSL random distribution (as opposed to number) generators,
590as indirect tests of the generators that feed them.
592<li> New tests, compressions of existing ones that are "different" but
593really the same.  Hyperplane tests.  Spectral tests.  Especially the bit
594distribution test with user defineable lag or lag pattern (to look for
595subtle, long period correlations in the bit patterns produced).
597<li> Collaborators.  Co-developers welcome, as are contributions or
598suggestions from users.  Note well that users have already provided
599critical help debugging the early code!  Part of the point of a GPL
600project is that you are NOT at the mercy of a black box piece of code.
601If you are using dieharder and are moderately expert at statistics and
602random numbers and observe something odd, please help out!
608<p>I hope that even during its development, you find dieharder useful.
609Remember, it is fully open source, so you can freely modify and
610redistribute the code according to the rules laid out in the Gnu Public
611License (version 2b), which might cost you as much as a beer one day.
612In particular, you can easily add random number generators using the
613provided examples as templates, or you can add tests of your own by
614copying the general layout of the existing tests (working toward a
615p-value per run, cumulating (say) 100 runs, and turning the resulting KS
616test into an overall p-value).  Best of all, you can look inside the
617code and see how the tests work, which may inspire you to create a new
618test -- or a new generator that can <i>pass</i> a test.</p>
620<p>To conclude, if you have any interest in participating in the
621development of dieharder, be sure to let me know, especially if you have
622decent C coding skills (including familiarity with Subversion and the
623GSL) and a basic knowledge of statistics.  I even have documents to help
624with the latter, if you have the programming skills and want to LEARN
625statistics.  Bug reports or suggestions are also welcome.</p>
627<p>Submit bug reports, etc. to</p>
629  rgb at phy dot duke dot edu