1These are some simple design notes to document this program and to guide
2further work.
4This program is designed to do the following:
6  a) Encapsulate every RNG known to humans for testing.  We will use the
7GSL both for its rich supply of ready-to-test RNG's and for its
8relatively simple and consistent encapsulation of any new RNG's we add
9-- /dev/random is already encapsulated and can serve as a template for
10future work. [1/16/03 rgb]
12  b) test speed of the available RNG's.  Both:
13     i) In "native/standard" subroutine calls (with the subroutine call
14        overhead included).  [This is done, 1/16/03, rgb]
15    ii) In a custom "vector" form, where a whole block of dedicated
16        memory is filled in one pass from a given algorithm, and
17        subsequently accessed via a macro that only calls for a refill
18        when the vector is exhausted.
20  c) test quality of the available RNG's.  There are at least three
21primary sources of tests that will be used in this tool.
23     i) RGB tests.  These are the tests I myself have implemented.  To
24        the best of my knowledge these are new, although of course
25        my knowledge is far from complete.
27    ii) DIEHARD, by Dr. George Marsaglia of FSU.  This is a well-known
28        and venerable "battery of tests" of RNG's.
30   iii) NIST STS/FIPS (NIST special publication 800-22, revised
31        5/15/2001).  This is also a suite of RNG tests, with some
32        overlap with DIEHARD.  I will probably implement only selected
33        tests from this suite at least at first, as some of them
34        appear to be relatively weak compared to e.g. rgb_binomial
35        and to test basically the same thing.
37    iv) Additional tests that are to be found on the web and in the
38        literature, where they appear to test things not
39        well-represented in tests already implemented in one suite
40        or another.
42  d) test quality of any input set of "random" data according to i-iv in
43c).  This will let us test arbitrary RNG's via their data, including and
44especially hardware generators.  Note that hardware generators available
45as "devices" will be interfaced via a).  This step will only be
46implemented when enough tests to make it worthwhile are already
50         Addendum and explanation of copyright issues.
52The STS was written by a variety of authors:
54  Andrew Rukhin, Juan Soto, James Nechvatal, Miles Smid, Elaine Barker,
55  Stefan Leigh, Mark Levenson, Mark Vangel, David Banks, Alan Heckert,
56  James Dray, San Vo.
58None of the actual code in the STS suite has been used in this tool --
59all testing routines have been written using only the STS published
60document as an excellent reference.  GSL routines have been used
61throughout, where possible, for computing things such as erfc or Q.
62Since I am not using their code, I am omitting their copyright notice,
63but wish to acknowledge their documentation of the selected tests
64anyway.  All the code in dieharder is GPL open source in any event, but
65academic credit matters.
67Similarly, DIEHARD is the work of George Marsaglia.  Dr. Marsaglia
68doen't have any written copyright notice or license terms that I could
69find in the sources provided on the website where he openly distributes
70source for his own suite, but in keeping with a minor design goal of
71completely original GPL code, all the DIEHARD algorithms have also been
72completely rewritten without directly utilizing any of the actual
73diehard code.  Fortunately, Dr.  Marsaglia also provides clear
74documentation for his test suite, making it a fairly simple matter to
75implement the tests.  Source code WAS examined (but not copied) to
76clarify places where the documentation of the tests was openly erroneous
77(as in the parking lot test) or unclear but dieharder code is completely
78original and its development thoroughly documented in CVS and (later)
79SVN tree form, checkin by checkin.
81The relatively few tests I have added are motivated by a desire to get a
82less ambiguous answer than many of these tests provide.  In many cases
83it is not (or should not) be correct to say that one "accepts" a
84generator as being a good one just because a test run of the generator
85has a p-value significantly greater than 0.  A few moment's
86experimentation, especially with relatively small data sets, should
87convince one that even "bad" RNG's can sometimes, or even frequently,
88return an "acceptable" p-value.  Only when the size of the test is
89increased, or the test is repeatedly run with different seeds, does it
90become apparent that although it sometimes performs acceptably (the
91result of a run isn't inconsistent with the generator producing "real"
92random numbers) it sometimes performs so poorly that the result can
93>>never<< be explained or believed for a true random number generator.
95That is, while a really poor p-value allows us to reject the hypothesis
96that the tested generator is random, acceptable p-values, even a fair
97number of them in repeated tests, do not usually support accepting the
98hypothesis -- at best they don't support rejection.
100Running a test repeatedly to generate a full distribution of results and
101then directly comparing the entire distribution with theory appears to
102provide greater sensitivity and accuracy in the rejection process than
103"simple" tests that generate only a single quantity.  This motivated the
104rgb_binomial test, which has proven very good at rejecting "bad" rng's.
106Similarily, it may prove useful to directly generate an empirical
107distribution of p-values themselves (repeating a test many times with
108different seeds and binning the p-values) and compare it to the expected
109distribution (which might work for erfc-based p-values, although not so
110well for Q-based p-values).  This can replace running a test many times
111looking for an anomalous number of "poor" p-values mixed in with ones
112that are not so poor as to lead to immediate rejection.
114Contributions of rng's (consistently GSL-wrapped as e.g. dev_random.c
115demonstrates) and/or additional tests would be most welcome.
117     rgb
120                     STS Critique, By Statistic
122                       The Monobit Statistic
124The monobit statistic checks to make sure that the raw number of 1's and
1250's approximately balance in a given bitstring.  This is actually a
126decent thing to test, but there is a better way to test it.  Given a
127relatively short bitstring (e.g. n<=160 bits), the probability that it
128will have k bits according to the null hypothesis is p(n,k,1/2) (the
129binomial distribution of outcomes over n independent trials, each with
130p=1/2).  If one runs m runs of n independent trials each, and
131accumulates X[k] (the count histogram for each possible value of output
132k in [0,n]) then one has X[k], the expected value histogram Y(k) =
133m*p(n,k,1/2), and sigma(k) = sqrt(m)*p(n,k,1/2).  From this it is simple
134to compute a p-value from an incomplete gamma function for the
135>>details<< of the distribution of 1's.  One can even do it two ways --
136with an independent random number seed for each of the m samples, or
137by simply running the rng with its original seed long enough to produce
138m*n bits.
140This binomial test is stronger than the monobit test.  Any result
141histogram that passes it necessarily passes the monobit test for the
142aggregate distribution with m*n bits (as I hope is obvious -- passing it
143means that the distribution is binomial in detail, not just uniformly
144balanced.  However, it is simple enough to compute the monobit result
145more or less in passing in the binomial test by simply summing the count
146histogram at the end or aggregating a total 1-bit count as one goes.  In
147that case one can generate two p-values -- a p-value for the monobit
148test and one for the binomial -- in one pass for the same data.  I would
149predict that the binomial p-value is strictly less than the monobit
150p-value, and that there exist rng's that pass the monobit that
151explicitly fail the binomial, but we can determine that empirically.
153This chisq-based binomial test methodology can be used to improve nearly
154any single test statistic in sts.  Instead of looking at the expected
155value of the statistic itself, frame its generation as a Bernoulli trial
156with a known percentage, compute the expected binomial distribution and
157its error, generate the result histogram as the test statistic, and use
158chisq and the complementary incomplete gamma function Q(a,x) to generate
159a p-value over many smaller "independent" trials instead of one long
162This suggests ways of improving e.g. the runs and other tests as well,
163see below.
165                        The Runs Statistic
167For n bits, count the test statistic X as the number of (overlapping) 01
168and 10 pairs and add one.  Compute p_1 = (# ones)/n, p_0 = (1 - p_1)
169(and ensure that they are close enough to p_0 = p_1 = 0.5).  Compute the
170expected number of 01 and 10 pairs as Y = 2*n*p_1*p_0.  Compute the
171expected error in the number of 01 and 10 pairs as sigma =
1722*sqrt(2*n)*p_1*p_0.  Finally, compute the p-value as erfc(|X -
175This methodology seems questionable, at least to me.
177First of all, it seems odd to use a p_0 and p_1 derived from the sample,
178given that the null hypothesis is p_0 = p_1 = 0.5 and independent.
179Ensuring that the sample passes monobit (in a slightly different
180formulation) to start means that one has conditionally >>accepted<< this
181null hypothesis for the rng before beginning the runs test, using
182different p's implies a different null hypothesis.
184In addition, given their prior assumption that p_1 = # ones/# bits,
185their computation of the probability of p_01 and p_10 (and hence Y) is
186erroneous.  The probability of 01 in a finite string of n bits, subject
187to constrained numbers of 0's and 1's needs to be computed WITHOUT
188replacement, just as one does with a deck of cards.  After shuffling a
189deck of cards known to contain four aces, the probability that the top
190two cards are aces is not (4/52)*(4/52), but rather (4/52)*(3/52) -- if
191the first card is an ace, it means there are fewer aces left in the deck
192for the second card.  To be consistent, they should compute the expected
193number of 01 strings in a 10-bit sequence containing 6 1's as
194(4/10)(6/9) and not (4/10)(6/10).  They need to choose between a null
195hypothesis of p_1 = p_0 = 0.5 (where they can presume successive bit
196probabilities to be independent) and a null hypothesis of p_1 = (#
1971's)/(# bits) and use "probability for a 1, given that the first draw is
198a 0".  This matters for short strings.
200Next, they don't wrap the n-value bitstring into a torus.  Consequently,
201there are only n-1 bitpairs examined, and thus the expected value should
202be Y = 2*(n-1)*p_1*p_0 and not 2*n*p_1*p_0.  For large n, of course, it
203won't matter (neither will the previous two problems, at least not
204much), but it is surprisingly sloppy mathematically.
206In addition there is no reason I can see to add a 1 to the test
207statistic of (# of 01 and 10 pairs in an overlapping scan of the
208string).  This is very difficult to understand, as it clearly breaks the
209symmetry of this test statistic with the complementary view where the
210test statistic X is (# of 00 or 11 pairs in an overlapping scan of the
211string) but Y and sigma are the same -- the sum of the Y's necessarily
212equals n (or n-1, if that is the number of examined pairs).  This leads
213to an obvious problem for short strings, e.g. n = 2, where the formula
214they give for the expected number of 01 or 10's measured is
2152*2*(1/2)*(1/2) = 1, but the statistic can only take on the values 1 or
2162, each with probability 1/2.  There is something odd here.
218Finally, it is more than a bit crazy to view this assessment as somehow
219a measure of excessive sequential correlation, as a measure of "runs".
220Let us reframe the test statistic (count of 01 and 10's) in terms of our
221null hypothesis.  Presuming random, equal probability 0's and 1's, we
222expect 25% each of 00 01 10 11.  Given an exemplary bit string of e.g.
2231001101011, it doesn't really matter if one examines disjoint bitpairs
224(10 01 10 10 11) (n/2 bitpairs for n even) or the overlapping bitpairs
22510 00 01 11 10 01 10 01 11 11 (wrapping the last pair around
226periodically to ensure symmetry and n pairs of bits, EACH pair is
227expected to occur with a frequency, in the limit of many bitpairs, of
230Furthermore, in an ensemble of measurements of bitpair frequencies, each
231distinct possibility is (for lots of identical bitsets) to be binomially
232distributed with respect to the rest (as in p_01 = 1/4, p_!01 = 3/4)
233regardless of whether or not sequential overlapping bitpairs are
234counted.  We can understand this by noting that our null hypothesis (a
235random generator producing pairs of bits) can be applied to any pair of
236bits in any string.
238Note also that in a given bitstring with periodic wraparound, the number
239of 01 (overlapping) pairs must equal the number of 10 pairs.  This can
240be proven with ease.  Every bit flipped can either change >>both<< the
24101 and 10 count by one (flipping a bit with two neighbors that are both
2420 or both 1) or it can leave them both the same (flipping a bit with a
243neighboring 0 AND a neighboring 1).  This wreaks a certain measure of
244havoc on the notion that each sequentially overlapping pair examined is
245an independent measurement -- measuring any pair of (01 or 10 count) and
246(00 or 11 count) suffices to determine the counts for all four possible
247bit pairs.
249The only question remaining is whether measuring the counts using
250overlapping bitpairs is more or less rigorous a test than measuring the
251counts using non-overlapping pairs.  That is, can a generator create a
252bitstring that is correctly pairwise distributed in both non-overlapping
253pair sequences but that is NOT correctly pairwise distributed in
254overlapping pair sequences or vice versa.  The answer is not terribly
255obvious, but if we make the very weak presumption that our test
256measurments do not depend, on average, on whether we begin them
257systematically at bit 0 or bit 1 (so that if we have a bad generator
258we'll eventually fail for either starting point with roughly equal
259frequency for different starting seeds and/or first-bit displacements),
260then measuring both possibilities for each string should (on average)
261produce results that are conservatively related to measuring one
262possibility on twice as many strings.
264To put it another way, if a generator creates strings that >>fail<< the
265overlapping test, they would necessarily fail at least one of the two
266non-overlapping tests possible for the same bitstring, since the counts
267for the two non-overlapping tests add to produce the count for the
268non-overlapping test.  For this addition to push values out of
269acceptable ranges one would require two deviations from the expected
270value in the same direction.  If we only make the extremely weak
271assumption that failure of the non-overlapping tests is equally likely
272for both possible cyclic starting points, the 1/sqrt(2) scaling implicit
273in using both strings is thus conservative.
275However, we can easily average over this as well by simply randomly
276starting each non-overlapping run on bit 0 or bit 1.  This might
277actually simplify the code and provides an ADDITIONAL measure of
278randomness as the two results should themselves be binomially
279distributed, independently.
281The final problem with runs is that it is not easy to see how to extend
282it to a higher order.  For example, does 101 occur too often?  How about
283010?  Again, each bit pattern should occur at a rigorously predicted
284rate for p_0 = p_1 = 0.5 and independent bits, e.g. p_000 = p_001 =
285p_010 = ... = 1/8 for any distinct three-bit combination, p_0000... =
2861/16 for four-bit combinations, and so on.  EACH of these outcomes
287should occur with binomially distributed frequencies when measured as a
288bernoulli trial with p_xyz, (1 - p_xyz), making it easy to compute both
289Y and sigma.  This suggests that the correct generalization of monobit
290and runs (and probably more of the sts tests) is a test that (in one
293   a) presumes a valid bitlevel rng so that p_0 = p_1 = 0.5 exactly, all
294bits independent (null hypothesis).
296   b) counts 1's (and infers 0's) for M sets of N bits, incrementing a
297histogram vector of the number of 1's observed accordingly.  This is
298rigorously compared for EACH possible value of the count to the expected
299binomial distribution of counts.
301   c) counts e.g. 00,01,10,11 overlapping pairs.  We showed above that
302the count of 01's exactly equals the count of 10's.  The count of 11
303pairs equals the total number of pairs less the count of 00's, 01's and
30410's (all known).  Even though these are not all independent, there is
305no harm and a small ease of coding advantage in binning all four counts
306in four result histograms, each to be compared to its binomial
309   d) counts e.g. 000, 001, 010... overlapping pairs.  Here we IGNORE
310possible count relationships for sure (as we won't stop with three
311bits:-).  Again, bin the outcome count frequencies and compare to their
312expected binomial distribution.
314This process can continue indefinitely, as long as we can accumulate
315enough counts in each pattern histogram to make aggregate statistics
316reliable.  For example, at 8 bits, one is basically ensuring that the
317distribution of ascii characters is BOTH overall uniform (has the
318correct mean number of letters) AND that the actual distribution of
319those letters in samples is correct from the point of view of Bernoulli
322I think that this process is strengthened significantly by conducting it
323simultaneously for all the sequences.  The first measures "bit frequency
324and randomness".  The second measures "pairwise sequential
325correlations".  The third measure "three-bit sequential correlations"
326and so forth.  A sequence might pass the first and fail the second, pass
327the first two and fail the third, pass the first seven and fail the
328eighth, pass the first eight and fail the 32nd (so that floats formed
329from the inverse are not uniformly distributed).
333Addendum to previous note.  The insight has struck me that all that this
334does is give one the actual DISTRIBUTION of outcomes for any given
335experiment.  The distribution of sample means should be -- guess what --
336normal -- provided that there are enough elements in the sample itself.
337For small numbers of elements in the sample, they should be binomial if
338the experiment is framed as a bernoulli trial.  I'll bet that if I
339convert smoothly from binomial into normal as the number of outcome
340states exceeds the threshold where computing binomial probabilities is
341reasonably possible, I'll see no difference in an appropriately computed
344This is the solution to the problem of doing long strings.  If I counted
345e.g. bitpair combinations across a string of length 8, (for many
346samples) binomial is appropriate.  If I count bitpair combinations
347across a string of length 2^23 (8 million), I can't do binomial, but
348don't have to.  Outcomes will be normally distributed about the expected
351SO, this is the answer to the bigger problem of why one should ever
352trust "p-value" for a single sample, or even a dozen samples, of a
353random process.  Sure (to quote Marsaglia) "p happens", but it doesn't
354JUST happen, it happens according to a distribution.  Instead of
355wondering if THIS occurrence of p = 0.02 from a single mean value is
356reasonable or not, compute the p of an entire distribution of mean
357values compared to the appropriate normal or binomial distribution, and
358get a p-value one can really trust!
362OK, so I'm stupid and I'm wrong.  sts_monobit is, in fact, more
363sensitive than rgb_binomial although rgb_binomial might yet pick up a
364generator that passes sts_monobit and fail it -- one that preserves the
365symmetry of its 0/1 distribution about the midpoint (so the mean number
366of 0's and 1's is correct) but has the >>wrong<< distribution, e.g. is
367not binomial.
369As it turns out, most distributions that fail rgb_binomial do not have
370symmetry about their midpoint and consequently fail sts_monobit "before"
371failing rgb_binomial.  If you like, rgb_binomial only becomes reliable
372when there is enough data to fill the primary non-zero bins near the
373middle, which takes a goodly chunk of data.  sts_monobit, in the
374meantime, just adds up the number of 0's and 1's while steadily chopping
375down sigma -- by the time one has sampled a few thousand bits a lot of
376rng's are already 0/1 asymmetric enough to fail monobit, but the bin
377sigma's are still large enough to forgive a lot of slop in any given
380Interestingly, binomial can be applied to very small bitstrings -- in
381fact, to bitstrings of length 1 (I think).  At that point it should
382become equivalent to monobit, but in a somewhat different way,
383especially since rgb_binomial now evaluates monobit directly on the
384accumulated bit values.
386Looks like I >>do<< have some work to do to fully understand everything,
387I do I do...;-)
391Whoo, dawgies!  Out of a bit of insight, rgb_persist was born, and it
392explains why a LOT of rng's suck incredibly.  Lots of rng's quite
393literally never change the contents of certain bits (usually lower
394order bits).  One common symptom is for an rng to always return odd
395or even numbers.  Another common symptom is for a rng to fail a
396distributional test when the repeated bits are measured (as repeated 1's
397cause an excess of 1's, repeated 0's an excess of 0's, even repeated
39801's can cause runs/bitpair tests to fail).  Worse, rgb_persist clearly
399shows that MOST rng's that exhibit the problem at all exhibit it
400STRONGLY (LOTS of repeated lower order bits) for at least some seeds.
401Using them, one runs a significant (indeed, a near "sure thing") risk of
402encountering seeds such that as many as 18 bits out of 32 are repeated,
403leaving one with only a fraction of the variation you thought you
406At this point, I'd have to say that rgb_persist is one of the first
407tests to run on ANY rng, and any rng that fails it should probably
408just be rejected out of hand -- even if only the last (least
409significant) bit is repeated, it seems dangerous to use an rng that
410produces only even or only odd numbers from any given seed, even for
413Writing the dumpbits and rgb_persist routines also gave me insight into
414how rgb_binomial and even the sts routines might be failing relative to
415their design goals.  I've been processing bits least to most
416significant, and I've been ignoring random_max when doing so.  This is
417a capital mistake, as of course an rng will fail when it only returns
418e.g. 16 bits in a 32 bit slot (and the other bits are necessarily
419repeated).  I've probably been "passing" only rng's that return a full
42032 "random bits" (and of course don't fail e.g. rgb_persist()).
422SO, I need to rewrite sts_monobit, sts_runs, and rgb_binomial (last
423first) so that they only check bits in the valid part of each returned
424word.  This will be modestly annoying, but is of course absolutely
425necessary for the results to mean a damn thing.
429Note the new test rgb_bitdist, which is the BEST generalization of
430sts_monobit and perhaps better than rgb_binomial as well.  We need to
431merge sts_monobit, rgb_persist, and rgb_bitdist into a single test
432that measures the total/average bit number, the per-bit-slot
433total/average number, and derives the cumulative bitmask of repeated
436Two additional directions to take this:
440   generate a set of Ntest variables for e.g.
441     1 bit
442     2 bit
443     3 bit
444     4 bit
445     ...
446     N bit
448combinations (one each).  For number of bits and bitpattern, sweep the
449bitstring and accumulate the frequency histogram (for each possible
450bitpattern in each string location)
452  ntest[no_of_bits].x[bit_pattern_slot]
454with periodic wraparound on the bitstring and so forth -- this is, in
455fact, sts_runs but for arbitrary numbers of bits and accumulating BOTH
456the totals AND the actual distribution, and check the chisq on the
457distribution and the pvalue of the total expected.
461Here we look for subtle sequential bitlevel correlations.  We do the
462same test as before, except that the frequency histogram is LATERAL --
463doing each bit position in a sequential fashion.  This test should see a
464clear failure for bits that don't change (strong sequential correlation,
465that) but should ALSO discover individual bits that do things like:
46601010101 or 0011110000111100 or any other "balanced" repetition.
468In fact, we may eventually do a fft on the forward sequential bit
469sequences to see if there are even very weak sequential bit-level
470correlations like 001010100001100010 (where every sequential triplet has
471two 0's and one 1), even if the triplets themselves are "random".  A
472good frequency test on all 3-way bit patterns should catch this, of
473course, and the lovely thing about binary is that I can always use a
474suitably masked integer conversion of the bit pattern itself as the
475histogram index!  So it needn't be TOO horrible to encode.
479Note on diehard parking lot test.  First of all, the documentation for
480the test is incorrect -- it tests for "crashes" (overlap) of SQUARE cars
481with sides of length 1, not ROUND cars of RADIUS one as Marsaglia's
482documentation and comments assert.  If round cars ("helicopters", to
483borrow Marsaglia's term) are used a different distribution is obtained
484with mean over 4000.
486Actually to me, round cars seems very very similar to one of Knuth's
487tests for hyperplanar distribution of random coordinates, which has a
488much more solid theoretical foundation; I suspect the tests are more or
489less equivalent in sensitivity and will yield identical success/failure
490patterns in 99% of all cases (maybe even 100%).  And the sensitivity of
491this test sucks -- it was very difficult for me to find a test that
492failed it out of the entire GSL collection (trying a half dozen
493known-weak generators or more in the process).  The one that finally DID
494fail it really, really sucked and failed all sorts of other tests.
496I'd be interested to see if this test deserves to live, in the long run.
497I rather suspect that Knuth tests in variable dimensions will yield a
498much more systematic view of RNG failure, just as rgb_bitdist does
499compared to e.g. runs tests.
504I've just finished testing Marsaglia's bitstream test, and it is (like
505rgb_bitdist) a test that nothing survives.  In fact, it is a dead
506certainty that rgb_bitdist is a better version of the same basic test,
507and that generators that fail rgb_bitdist at (say) 6 bits are going to
508fail Marsaglia's less sensitive 20-bit test.  What his test does that
509bitstream doesn't is use a single relatively coarse grained test
510statistic -- the expected number of missing 20 bit numbers out of 2
511million trials -- instead of doing what rgb_bitdist does, which is
512do a chisq test on the fractional occupancy of the entire VECTOR of 20
513bit numbers.
515Research question:  Which is more sensitive AT 20 bits?  It seems to me
516that the chisq vector test is clearly superior as it would catch many
517possible "bad" distributions that conserved the mean number of missing
518numbers at this sample size (however unlikely such special deviations
519might be in practice) but then there is the question of sensitivity
520given a fixed sample size.  SO FAR, however, rgb_bitdist continues to
521be the premier test for revealing failure, with nothing getting out
522alive past 6 bits, ASSUMING that I'm computing the vector chisq and
523p-value per run correctly and not just revealing that I'm using the
524wrong form as the number of bits goes up.
526Oh, and nothing survives diehard_bitdist EITHER, at least when one
527cranks the test up past Marsaglia's wimply 20 iterations to (say) 200.
528At that point the non-uniformity of the p-distribution is absolutely
529apparent -- it even has structure.  That is, some seeds lead to biased
530results that are TOO CLOSE to the mean value and not properly
531distributed... an interesting observation all by itself.
533   rgb
53607/11/06 later that day...
538diehard_count_1s_stream() now WORKS!  What a PITA!  And (I suspect) how
539unnecessary all the complexity!  This test (as it turns out) computes
540chisq on what amounts to a strangely remapped rgb_bitdist test
541(precisely!) on four and five digit base 5 integers obtained by
542remapping bytes based on the number of 1's therein.
544That is, 256 possibilities are reduced to 5, each with a
545trivial-to-compute frequency/probability, the base 5 integer is left
546shifted (base 5!) and added to the next one to cumulate 4 or 5 digit
547numbers, those numbers are then counted, and the counts compared to the
548EXPECTED counts given the number of samples and turned into chisq (one
549each, for 4 and for 5 digit numbers).  Sigh.
551OK then, we COULD just print the p-value of those chisq's -- an
552absolutely straightforward process.  Alternatively, we could do what
553Marsaglia does -- compute the DIFFERENCE of the chisq's themselves,
554which of course are supposedly distributed around the number of degrees
555of freedom of each one separately, that is 3125 - 625 = 2500!  This is
556the mean value of the difference, with stddev = sqrt(2*2500).  This
557final result is turned into a p-value.
559This of course is wierd and wrong in so many ways.  For one, it is
560entirely possible for chisq_4 and chisq_5 to differ systematically from
561their expected values, and it is perfectly possible and likely that
562those deviations would occur in the same direction -- e.g. down -- so
563that the 4 byte and 5 byte streams BOTH have fewer degrees of freedom
564than expected.  Of course in this case part of the individual deviations
565CANCEL and is not visible in the final p-value!
567Honestly, I can think of pretty much "no" reasonable ways that this
568final pvalue can fail where any/all of the p-values for the 4 or 5 (or 2
569or 3 or 1 or 17) digit distributions would not also fail, but I can (and
570just did) think of a way that the final p-value might MARGINALLY pass
571while the individual p-values fail.
573Although the general approach is a good one, what is clearly needed is a
574new test -- one that extends rgb_bitdist to multidigit strings of smaller
575base.  For example, right now rgb_bitdist tests the FREQUENCY of the
576occurrence of all 5 digit strings but not all 5 digit strings taken two
577at a time (32 x 32 = 1K possbilities).  Of course one REASON that I
578don't do that is that I >>already<< do e.g. 10 bit strings -- the DIRECT
579frequency distribution of those 1K possibilities, which obviously
580samples all the 5 bit combos taken two at a time!.  And besides, every
581rng I have tested fails at the level of what amounts to two digit octal
582numbers -- six bit strings.  So I'm cynical about this.
584I also don't think that this really counts 1's.  How is this one iota
585different from simply evaluating the distribution of bytes (8 bit
586randoms)?  If the complete distribution of 8 bit bytes (rgb_bitdist at 8
587bits) is random, ALL DERIVED DISTRIBUTIONS are random, with the only
588catchy part being temporal/sequential correlations that might be
589revealed from taking the strings four or five bytes at a time (at the
590expense of compressing the information tremendously).
592Once again, this test seems reduceable to but not as sensitive as
593rgb_bitdist at a given level, unfortunately a level far beyond where all
594known rng's fail anyway.  It is a MEASURE of the lack of sensitivity
595that this does does NOT fail for many of those rng's where rgb_bitdist
598   rgb