1 /*===========================================================================*
2  * This file is part of the Discrete Conic Optimization (DisCO) Solver.      *
3  *                                                                           *
4  * DisCO is distributed under the Eclipse Public License as part of the      *
5  * COIN-OR repository (http://www.coin-or.org).                              *
6  *                                                                           *
7  * Authors:                                                                  *
8  *          Aykut Bulut, Lehigh University                                   *
9  *          Yan Xu, Lehigh University                                        *
10  *          Ted Ralphs, Lehigh University                                    *
11  *                                                                           *
12  * Copyright (C) 2001-2018, Lehigh University, Aykut Bulut, Yan Xu, and      *
13  *                          Ted Ralphs.                                      *
14  * All Rights Reserved.                                                      *
15  *===========================================================================*/
18 #ifndef DcoModel_hpp_
19 #define DcoModel_hpp_
21 #include <BcpsModel.h>
22 #include <OsiConicSolverInterface.hpp>
23 #include <OsiLorentzCone.hpp>
24 #include <BcpsBranchStrategy.h>
27 #include "DcoParams.hpp"
28 #include "DcoConstraint.hpp"
30 class DcoConGenerator;
31 class DcoSolution;
32 class DcoHeuristic;
34 class CglCutGenerator;
35 class CglConicCutGenerator;
37 /**
38    Represents a discrete conic optimization problem (master problem).
39    Some set of rows/columns will be relaxed in this problem to get subproblems
40    represented by the branch and bound tree nodes.
42    # Fields of DcoModel
43    relaxedCols_ keeps the set of relaxed columns. relaxedRows_ keeps the set
44    of relaxed rows. We relax integer columns only, their integrality
45    constraint is relaxed. When OA algorithm is used we relax rows corresponding
46    to conic constraints.
48    In DcoModel columns are stored in cols_ inherited from BcpsModel. We keep
49    number of integer variables at numIntegerCols_ and their indices at (int
50    * intColIndices_). intColIndices_[0] gives the index of the first integer
51    column in the cols_ array.
53    DcoModel objects are kept at constraints_ and variables_ inherited from
54    BcpsModel.
56    In Blis (MILP solver built on top of Bcps), integer variables have their own
57    class, BlisObjectInt.  BlisObjectInt inherits BcpsObject class.
59    # Cut generation
61    Pointers to cut generators are stored in conGenerators_. Type of generators
62    are DcoConGenerator. DcoConGenerator is an abstract base class (ABC) for
63    constraint generators.  Two different classes implements this ABC,
64    DcoLinearConGenerator and DcoConicConGenerator. DcoConGenerator has a single
65    pure virtual function, generateConstraints(conPool). This function generates
66    constraints and add them to the given pool.
68    DcoLinearConGenerator implements linear cuts. CglCutGenerator is given as an
69    input to constructor.
71    DcoConicConGenerator implements generating supports for conic
72    constraints. Constructor takes a CglConicCutGenerator as an input.
74    # Heuristics
76    # setupSelf()
78    In serial code this function is called after readInstance() method.
80    In parallel code it is called after readInstance() in the master
81    processor. In other processors it is called after the received encoded
82    object (AlpsEncoded instance) is decoded to self. This decode part covers
83    the following fields, variables_, constraints_, dcoPar_ and objSense_.
85    setupSelf() should genrate all fields of DcoModel from the 4 data fields
86    mentioned above (variables_, constraints_, dcoPar_ and objSense_).
88    This function also loads the problem defined by self to the solver. It
89    sets/creates branching strategy, cut generator and heuristics object.
91 */
93 class DcoModel: public BcpsModel {
94   /// Subproblem solver.
95 #if defined(__OA__)
96   OsiSolverInterface * solver_;
97 #else
98   OsiConicSolverInterface * solver_;
99 #endif
100   std::string problemName_;
102   ///==========================================================================
103   /// Fields that will be set by ::readInstance() and sent to other processors
104   /// through network. ::setupSelf() will use these fields to set the rest.
105   ///==========================================================================
106   ///@name Variable and constraint bounds.
107   //@{
108   // colLB_ and colUB_ used when installing subproblems in
109   // each node. Having it a class member we do not need to allocate and delete
110   // memory every time a subproblem is installed to the solver in a node.
111   /// Column lower bound, corresponds to the last subproblem installed.
112   double * colLB_;
113   /// Column upper bound, corresponds to the last subproblem installed.
114   double * colUB_;
115   /// Row lower bound.
116   double * rowLB_;
117   /// Row upper bound.
118   double * rowUB_;
119   //@}
121   ///@name Constraint matrix (linear part) and conic constraints. These can be
122   /// freed at the end of ::setupSelf()
123   //@{
124   /// Constraint matrix.
125   CoinPackedMatrix * matrix_;
126   /// We keep cones in basic form for now, it is easier to send/receive
127   int * coneStart_;
128   int * coneMembers_;
129   int * coneType_;
130   //@}
132   ///@name Number of columns and rows
133   //@{
134   /// Number of columns.
135   int numCols_;
136   /// Number of rows (constraints), linear + conic.
137   int numRows_;
138   /// Number of linear rows.
139   int numLinearRows_;
140   /// Number of conic rows.
141   int numConicRows_;
142   //@}
144   ///@name Objective function
145   //@{
146   double objSense_;
147   double * objCoef_;
148   //@}
150   ///@name Column types
151   //@{
152   /// Number of integer columns in the problem.
153   int numIntegerCols_;
154   /// Indices of integer columns. Columns are stored in cols_ inherited from
155   /// BcpsModel. Size of numIntegerCols_.
156   int * integerCols_;
157   int * isInteger_;
158   //@}
159   ///==========================================================================
161   ///==========================================================================
162   /// Fields that will be set by ::setupSelf(). constraints_ and variables_
163   /// inherited from BcpsModel will also set by ::setupSelf().
164   ///==========================================================================
165   ///@name Variable selection function.
166   //@{
167   /// Branchs strategy.
168   BcpsBranchStrategy * branchStrategy_;
169   /// Ramp up branch strategy.
170   BcpsBranchStrategy * rampUpBranchStrategy_;
171   //@}
173   ///@name Dco parameters.
174   //@{
175   /// DisCO parameter.
176   DcoParams * dcoPar_;
177   //@}
179   ///@name Relaxed objects data.
180   //@{
181   /// Number of relaxed columns
182   int numRelaxedCols_;
183   /// Array of indices to relaxed columns.
184   int * relaxedCols_;
185   /// Number of relaxed rows
186   int numRelaxedRows_;
187   /// Array of indices to relaxed rows.
188   int * relaxedRows_;
189   //@}
191   ///@name Heuristics
192   //@{
193   DcoHeurStrategy heurStrategy_;
194   int heurFrequency_;
195   std::vector<DcoHeuristic*> heuristics_;
196   //@}
198   ///@name Cut generator related.
199   //@{
200   /// global cut strategy, it will be set with respect to specific cut
201   /// strategies. It will be set to the most allowing one, ie. if we have
202   /// strategies with root and periodic calls, it will be set to periodic.
203   DcoCutStrategy cutStrategy_;
204   /// Cut generation frequency, it will be set with respect to specific cut
205   /// strategies. It will be set to the most frequent one, ie. if we have
206   /// strategies with frequencies 10 and 20, it will be set to 10.
207   int cutGenerationFrequency_;
208   /// Constraint generators.
209   //std::vector<DcoConGenerator*> conGenerators_;
210   std::map<DcoConstraintType, DcoConGenerator*> conGenerators_;
211   /// Current number of approximation cuts in solver added by
212   /// #approximateCones().
213   int initOAcuts_;
214   //@}
216   /// Number of relaxation iterations.
217   long long int numRelaxIterations_;
218   ///==========================================================================
221   // Private Functions
222   ///@name Read Helpers
223   //@{
224   /// Add variables to the model. Helps readInstance function.
225   void setupAddVariables();
226   /// Add linear constraints to the model. Helps readInstance function.
227   void setupAddLinearConstraints();
228   /// Add conic constraints to the model. Helps readInstance function.
229   void setupAddConicConstraints();
230   //@}
232   ///@name Setup Helpers
233   //@{
234   /// Set log levels, Alps, Bcps and Disco
235   void setMessageLevel();
236   /// Set branching strategy from parameters.
237   void setBranchingStrategy();
238   /// Add constraint generators with respect to parameters.
239   void addConstraintGenerators();
240   /// Add heuristics
241   void addHeuristics();
242   //@}
244   /// write parameters to oustream
245   void writeParameters(std::ostream& outstream) const;
247 public:
248   ///@name Message printing
249   //@{
250   /// DisCO message handler.
251   CoinMessageHandler * dcoMessageHandler_;
252   /// DisCO messages.
253   CoinMessages * dcoMessages_;
254   //@}
256   ///@name Constructors and Destructors
257   //@{
258   /// Default constructor.
259   DcoModel();
260   /// Destructor.
261   virtual ~DcoModel();
262   //@}
264   ///@name Solver related
265   //@{
266   /// Set solver
267 #if defined(__OA__)
268   void setSolver(OsiSolverInterface * solver);
269 #else
270   void setSolver(OsiConicSolverInterface * solver);
271 #endif
272   /// Get solver
273 #if defined(__OA__)
solver()274   OsiSolverInterface * solver() {return solver_;}
275 #else
solver()276   OsiConicSolverInterface * solver() {return solver_;}
277 #endif
278   //@}
280   ///@name Other functions
281   //@{
282   /// Approximate cones.
283   void approximateCones();
284   /// Return the current number of approximation cuts in solver that are added
285   /// by #approximateCones()
initOAcuts() const286   int initOAcuts() const { return initOAcuts_; }
287   /// Decrease #initOAcuts_ by input.
decreaseInitOAcuts(int num)288   void decreaseInitOAcuts( int num) { initOAcuts_ -= num; }
290   /// return to branch strategy.
branchStrategy()291   BcpsBranchStrategy * branchStrategy() {return branchStrategy_;}
292   /// return Dco Parameter
dcoPar() const293   DcoParams const * dcoPar() const {return dcoPar_;}
294   /// get upper bound of the objective value for minimization
295   double bestQuality();
296   /// Accumulate number of relaxation iterations
addNumRelaxIterations(int iter)297   void addNumRelaxIterations(int iter) {numRelaxIterations_ += iter; }
298   /// Add current solver iterations to the total
299   void addNumRelaxIterations();
300   /// Get number of relaxation iterations
numRelaxIterations() const301   long long int numRelaxIterations() const {return numRelaxIterations_;}
302   //@}
304   ///@name Querry problem data
305   //@{
306   /// Get number of core variables.
getNumCoreVariables() const307   int getNumCoreVariables() const {return numCols_;}
308   /// Get number of core linear constraints.
getNumCoreLinearConstraints() const309   int getNumCoreLinearConstraints() const {return numLinearRows_;}
310   /// Get number of core conic constraints.
getNumCoreConicConstraints() const311   int getNumCoreConicConstraints() const {return numConicRows_;}
312   /// Get column lower bounds.
colLB()313   double * colLB() {return colLB_;}
314   /// Get column upper bounds.
colUB()315   double * colUB() {return colUB_;}
316   /// Get row lower bounds.
rowLB()317   double * rowLB() {return rowLB_;}
318   /// Get row upper bounds.
rowUB()319   double * rowUB() {return rowUB_;}
320   /// Get objective sense, 1 for min, -1 for max
objSense() const321   double objSense() const { return objSense_; }
322   /// Get number of integer variables.
numIntegerCols() const323   int numIntegerCols() const { return numIntegerCols_; }
324   /// Get indices of integer variables. Size of numIntegerCols().
integerCols() const325   int const * integerCols() const { return integerCols_; }
coneStart() const326   int const * coneStart() const { return coneStart_; }
coneMembers() const327   int const * coneMembers() const { return coneMembers_; }
coneType() const328   int const * coneType() const { return coneType_; }
329   //@}
331   ///@name Querry relaxed problem objects
332   //@{
333   /// Get number of relaxed columns.
numRelaxedCols() const334   int numRelaxedCols() const {return numRelaxedCols_;}
335   /// Get array of indices to relaxed columns.
relaxedCols() const336   int const * relaxedCols() const {return relaxedCols_;}
337   /// Get number of relaxed rows
numRelaxedRows() const338   int numRelaxedRows() const {return numRelaxedRows_;}
339   /// Get array of indices to relaxed rows.
relaxedRows() const340   int const * relaxedRows() const {return relaxedRows_;}
341   //@}
343   ///@name Constraint Generation related.
344   //@{
345   /// Add constraint generator using linear Cgl.
346   void addConGenerator(CglCutGenerator * cgl_gen, DcoConstraintType type,
347                        DcoCutStrategy dco_strategy, int frequency);
348   /// Add constraint generator using conic Cgl.
349   void addConGenerator(CglConicCutGenerator * cgl_gen, DcoConstraintType type,
350                        DcoCutStrategy dco_strategy, int frequency);
351   /// Add constraint generator.
352   void addConGenerator(DcoConGenerator * dco_gen);
353   /// Get the number of constraint generators.
numConGenerators() const354   long unsigned int numConGenerators() const { return conGenerators_.size(); }
355   /// Get a specific constraint generator.
conGenerators(DcoConstraintType type) const356   DcoConGenerator * conGenerators(DcoConstraintType type) const { return conGenerators_.at(type); }
conGenerators()357   std::map<DcoConstraintType, DcoConGenerator*> conGenerators() { return conGenerators_; }
358   /// Get global cut strategy. It will be set using specific cut strategies, to
359   /// the most allowing one. If we have strategies with root and periodic
360   /// calls, it will be set to periodic.
cutStrategy() const361   DcoCutStrategy cutStrategy() const {return cutStrategy_;}
362   /// Set global cut strategy. It will be set using specific cut strategies, to
363   /// the most allowing one. If we have strategies with root and periodic
364   /// calls, it will be set to periodic.
setCutStrategy(DcoCutStrategy strategy)365   void setCutStrategy(DcoCutStrategy strategy) {cutStrategy_ = strategy;}
366   /// greatest common divisor of all cut generation strategies
cutGenerationFrequency() const367   int cutGenerationFrequency() const { return cutGenerationFrequency_; }
368   //@}
370   ///@name Heuristics related
371   //@{
372   // get number of heuristics
numHeuristics() const373   long unsigned int numHeuristics() const { return heuristics_.size(); }
374   // get a constant specific heuristic, for reading statistics.
heuristics(long unsigned int i) const375   DcoHeuristic const * heuristics(long unsigned int i) const { return heuristics_[i]; }
376   // get a specific heuristic, for solution search
heuristics(long unsigned int i)377   DcoHeuristic * heuristics(long unsigned int i) { return heuristics_[i]; }
378   //@}
381   /// Check feasiblity of subproblem solution, store number of infeasible
382   /// columns and rows.
383   virtual DcoSolution * feasibleSolution(int & numInfColumns, double & colInf,
384                                          int & numInfRows, double & rowInf);
386   ///@name Virtual functions from AlpsModel
387   //@{
388   /// Read in the problem instance. Currently linear Mps files and Mosek
389   /// style conic mps files.
390   virtual void readInstance(char const * dataFile);
391   void readInstanceMps(char const * dataFile);
392   void readInstanceCbf(char const * dataFile);
393   /// Reads in parameters.
394   /// This function is called from AlpsKnowledgeBrokerSerial::initializeSearch
395   /// It reads and stores the parameters in alpsPar_ inherited from AlpsModel.
396   virtual void readParameters(int const argnum, char const * const * arglist);
397   /// Do necessary work to make model ready for use, such as classify
398   /// variable and constraint types.
399   /// Called from AlpsKnowledgeBrokerSerial::initializeSearch. Called
400   /// after readParameters and preprocess.
401   virtual bool setupSelf();
402   /// Preprocessing the model. Default does nothing. We do not have any
403   /// preprocessing for now.
404   /// Called from AlpsKnowledgeBrokerSerial::initializeSearch. Called
405   /// after readParameters and before setupSelf.
406   virtual void preprocess();
407   /// Postprocessing the model. Default does nothing. We do not have any
408   /// postprocessing for now.
409   virtual void postprocess();
410   /// Create the root node.
411   virtual AlpsTreeNode * createRoot();
412   /** This function is called every time the node counts hits
413      AlpsParams::intParams::nodeLogInterval. It prints information related to
414      search status. In parallel mode only master should log. */
415   virtual void nodeLog(AlpsTreeNode * node, bool force);
416   /// This is called at the end of the AlpsKnowledgeBroker::rootSearch
417   /// Prints solution statistics
418   virtual void modelLog();
419   //@}
421   ///@name Encode and Decode functions
422   //@{
424   // note(aykut): It is enough to encode the DcoModel fields that are minimal
425   // (less network communication).  setupSelf() will be called by Alps to set
426   // up the rest of the fields that can be constructed/computed from the set
427   // ones.
429   // This grabs function "#AlpsEncoded * AlpsKnowledge::encoding() const"
430   // inherited from #AlpsKnowledge. It will not get into overload resoulution
431   // since we declare "#AlpsEncoded * encode() const" here.
432   using AlpsKnowledge::encode;
433   /// The method that encodes the this instance of model into the given
434   /// #AlpsEncoded object.
435   virtual AlpsReturnStatus encode(AlpsEncoded * encoded) const;
436   /// The method that decodes the given #AlpsEncoded object into a new #DcoModel
437   /// instance and returns a pointer to it.
438   virtual AlpsKnowledge * decode(AlpsEncoded & encoded) const;
439   /// The method that decodes this instance from the given #AlpsEncoded object.
440   virtual AlpsReturnStatus decodeToSelf(AlpsEncoded & encoded);
441   //@}
443   /// report feasibility of the best solution
444   void reportFeasibility();
446 };
448 #endif