1 // FILE SYMB.CC: Implementations for symbols
2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 //
4 // Copyright 1990-2012 John Cremona
5 //
6 // This file is part of the eclib package.
7 //
8 // eclib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
10 // Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
11 // option) any later version.
12 //
13 // eclib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
15 // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
16 // for more details.
17 //
18 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 // along with eclib; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
20 // Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
21 //
22 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
24 #include <eclib/symb.h>
26 // Friend of class symb:
operator <<(ostream & s,const symb & sy)27 ostream& operator<< (ostream& s, const symb& sy)
28 {
29    s << "(" << sy.c << ":" << sy.d << ")";
30    return s;
31 }
33 //#define DEBUG_NORMALIZE
normalize() const34 symb symb::normalize() const
35 {
37   cout<<"Normalizing symbol "<<(*this)<<endl;
38 #endif
39  long n=N->modulus;
40  long u=N->unitdiv(c);
42   cout<<"scaling by u =  "<<u<<endl;
43 #endif
44  long cc=N->reduce(xmodmul(c,u,n));
45  long dd=N->reduce(xmodmul(d,u,n))%(n/cc);
47   cout<<"new c =  "<<cc<<endl;
48   cout<<"new d =  "<<dd<<endl;
49 #endif
50  symb ans(cc,dd,N);
52   cout<<"Returning normalized symbol "<<ans;
53   int ok = (ans==(*this)) && ::div(ans.cee(),n);
54   if(ok) cout<<" ok"; else cout<<" wrong!";
55   cout<<endl;
56 #endif
57   return ans;
58 }
60 // Constructor for modsym, converting from symb:
modsym(const symb & s)61 modsym::modsym(const symb& s)
62 {
63  long c,d,h,x,y;
64  c = s.cee(); d = s.dee();
65  h = bezout(c , d, x, y);
66  a=rational(-x , d/h);
67  b=rational( y , c/h);
68 }
70 // Friend of class modsym:
operator <<(ostream & s,const modsym & m)71 ostream& operator<< (ostream& s, const modsym& m)
72 {
73    s << "{" << (m.a) << "," << (m.b) << "}";
74    return s;
75 }
77 //Members of class symblist:
symblist(long n)79 symblist::symblist(long n)
80 {
81   maxnum=n;
82   num=0;
83   list=new symb[n];
84 }
~symblist()86 symblist::~symblist()
87 {
88   delete[] list;
89 }
add(const symb & s,long start)92 void symblist::add(const symb& s, long start)
93 {
94  if (index(s,start)==-1)
95  {
96   if (num<maxnum)
97     {
98       list[num]=s;
99       long c = s.cee(), d=posmod(s.dee(),s.modulus()/c);
100       hashtable[pair<long,long>(c,d)]=num;
101       num++;
102       //      cout<<"Adding symbol "<<s<<" as special number "<<num<<endl;
103     }
104   else
105     {
106       cerr << "Error in symblist::add: attempt to add too many symbols to list!"<<endl;
107     }
108  }
109 }
111 /*
112 long symblist::index(const symb& s, long start) const
113 {
114  long i,ans;
115  for (i=start,ans=-1; ((i<num)&&(ans==-1)); i++) if (list[i]==s) ans=i;
116  return ans;
117 }
118 */
index(const symb & s,long start) const120 long symblist::index(const symb& s, long start) const
121 {
122   //  cout<<"index of "<<s;
123  symb ss = s.normalize();
124  long c = ss.cee(), d=ss.dee();
125  map<pair<long,long>,long>::const_iterator
126    j = hashtable.find(pair<long,long>(c,d));
127  if(j==hashtable.end())
128    return -1;
129  // cout<<" is "<<j->second<<endl;
130  return j->second;
131 }
item(long n) const134 symb symblist::item(long n) const
135 {
136  if ((n>num)||(n<0))
137    {
138      cerr<<"Error in symblist::item: index out of range!"<<endl;
139      return symb();
140    }
141  else return list[n];
142 }
144 //Member functions for class symbdata:
symbdata(long n)145 symbdata::symbdata(long n) :moddata(n),specials(nsymb2)
146 {
147   //   cout << "In constructor symbdata::symbdata.\n";
148   //   cout << "nsymb2 = " << nsymb2 << "\n";
149  if (nsymb2>0)
150  { long ic,id,c,d,start; symb s;
151 //N.B. dlist include d=1 at 0 and d=mod at end, which we don't want here
152    for (ic=1; (ic<ndivs-1)&&(specials.count()<nsymb2); ic++)
153    { c=dlist[ic];
154      dstarts[ic]=start=specials.count();
155      for (id=1; (id<modulus-phi)&&(specials.count()<nsymb2); id++)
156      { d = noninvlist[id];
157        if (::gcd(d,c)==1)
158        {  s = symb(c,d,this);
159           specials.add(s,start);     //only adds it if not there already!
160        }
161      }     // end of d loop
162     }      // end of c loop
163    if (specials.count()<nsymb2)
164      {
165        cout << "Problem: makesymbols found only " << specials.count() << " symbols ";
166        cout << "out of " << nsymb2 << endl;
167      }
168    //   cout << "Special symbols: "; specials.display();
169  }
170 }
index2(long c,long d) const172 long symbdata::index2(long c, long d) const
173 { long kd = code(d);
174 // cout<<"index2("<<c<<":"<<d<<"):"<<endl;
175   if (kd>0)                // d invertible, with inverse kd
176     return reduce(xmodmul(c,kd,modulus));   // (c:d) = (c*kd:1)
177   else
178   { long kc = code(c);
179     if (kc>0)              // (c:d) = (1:kc*d) if c invertible
180        return   modulus-code(xmodmul(kc,d,modulus));
181     else
182     {
183      long start = dstarts[noninvdlist[-kc]];
184      symb s(c,d,this);
185      long ind = specials.index(s,start);
186      if(ind<0)
187        {
188 	 cout<<"error in index(): symbol "<<s<<" not in list!"<<endl;
189        }
190      return nsymb1+ind;
191     }
192   }
193 }
symbol(long i) const195 symb symbdata::symbol(long i) const
196 { if (i<modulus) return symb(i,1,this);
197   else if (i<nsymb1) return symb(1,noninvlist[i-modulus],this);
198  else return specials[i-nsymb1]; // specials.item[i-nsymb1];
199 }
display() const201 void symbdata::display() const
202 { moddata::display();
203   cout << "Number of special symbols = " << nsymb2 << "\n";
204   specials.display();
205 }
check(void) const207 void symbdata::check(void) const
208 {long i,j; int ok=1; symb s;
209  for (i=0; i<nsymb; i++)
210  {j = index(s=symbol(i));
211   if (i!=j)
212     {
213       cout << i << "-->" << s << "-->" << j << "\n";
214       ok=0;
215     }
216  }
217  if (ok) cout << "symbols check OK!\n";
218  else cout << "symbols check found errors!\n";
219 }
jumpsymb(symb s1,symb s2)221 modsym jumpsymb(symb s1, symb s2)
222 {
223   //Assuming s1==s2, returns closed modular symbol {g1(0),g2(0)} where gi<->si
224   long c1=s1.cee(), c2=s2.cee(), d1=s1.dee(), d2=s2.dee();
225   return modsym(rational(-invmod(c1,d1),d1),rational(-invmod(c2,d2),d2));
226 }