2set -eu
3set -o pipefail
5# travis_retry() is taken from
6#   travis-ci/travis-build/lib/travis/build/templates/header.sh (e3400b7),
7# which is covered by the MIT licence. Two lines for "set +-x" are added.
10travis_retry() {
11  set +x
12  local result=0
13  local count=1
14  while [ $count -le 3 ]; do
15    [ $result -ne 0 ] && {
16      echo -e "\n${ANSI_RED}The command \"$@\" failed. Retrying, $count of 3.${ANSI_RESET}\n" >&2
17    }
18    "$@" && { result=0 && break; } || result=$?
19    count=$(($count + 1))
20    sleep 1
21  done
22  [ $count -gt 3 ] && {
23    echo -e "\n${ANSI_RED}The command \"$@\" failed 3 times.${ANSI_RESET}\n" >&2
24  }
25  set -x
26  return $result
29# Print all executed commands to the log.
30set -x
32if [ "x$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = xlinux ]; then
33  case $CI_TARGET in
34    *parform*|*parvorm*)
35      # When MPI is not installed from APT, manually install MPICH.
36      if type mpicc >/dev/null 2>&1; then :; else
37        if [ ! -e ./mpich/bin/mpicc ]; then
38          # Install MPICH to "./mpich".
39          travis_retry wget http://www.mpich.org/static/downloads/3.2.1/mpich-3.2.1.tar.gz
40          tar xfz mpich-3.2.1.tar.gz
41          (
42            cd mpich-3.2.1
43            ./configure --prefix=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/mpich --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-fortran
44            make
45            make check
46            make install
47          )
48        fi
49        export PATH=`pwd`/mpich/bin:$PATH
50      fi
51      ;;
52  esac
53  case $CI_TARGET in
54    *coverage*)
55      travis_retry pip install --user cpp-coveralls
56      ;;
57  esac
58  case $CI_TARGET in
59    *doc*)
60      # Install TeX Live to "./texlive".
61      if [ ! -e ./texlive/bin/`uname -m`-linux/tlmgr ]; then
62        travis_retry wget http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl-unx.tar.gz -O - | tar -x --gzip
63        echo "
64        selected_scheme scheme-minimal
65        TEXDIR ./texlive
66        TEXMFCONFIG ~/.texlive2016/texmf-config
67        TEXMFHOME ~/texmf
68        TEXMFLOCAL ./texlive/texmf-local
69        TEXMFSYSCONFIG ./texlive/texmf-config
70        TEXMFSYSVAR ./texlive/texmf-var
71        TEXMFVAR ~/.texlive2016/texmf-var
72        collection-fontsrecommended 1
73        collection-latex 1
74        option_doc 0
75        option_src 0
76        " | sed -e 's/^ *//' >texlive.profile
77        ./install-tl-20*/install-tl --profile texlive.profile
78      fi
79      export PATH=`pwd`/texlive/bin/`uname -m`-linux:$PATH
80      ;;
81  esac
82  case $CI_TARGET in
83    *doc-html*)
84      # Install LaTeX2HTML to the TeX Live directory.
85      if [ ! -e ./texlive/bin/`uname -m`-linux/latex2html ]; then
86        travis_retry wget http://mirrors.ctan.org/support/latex2html/latex2html-2018.tar.gz -O - | tar -x --gzip
87        (
88          cd latex2html-*
89          ./configure --prefix=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/texlive/texmf-local/latex2html
90          make install
91        )
92        (
93          cd texlive/bin/`uname -m`-linux
94          ln -s ../../texmf-local/latex2html/bin/latex2html
95          ln -s ../../texmf-local/latex2html/bin/pstoimg
96          ln -s ../../texmf-local/latex2html/bin/texexpand
97        )
98      fi
99      ;;
100  esac
103if [ "x$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = xosx ]; then
104  case $CI_TARGET in
105    *parform*|*parvorm*)
106      # See travis-ci/travis-ci#8826
107      travis_retry brew update
108      brew cask uninstall oclint
109      travis_retry brew install mpich
110      ;;
111  esac
112  case $CI_TARGET in
113    *valgrind*)
114      travis_retry brew update
115      # valgrind 3.11.0
116      travis_retry brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/7a4dabfc1a2acd9f01a1670fde4f0094c4fb6ffa/Formula/valgrind.rb
117      ;;
118  esac
119  case $CI_TARGET in
120    *coverage*)
121      # NOTE: Python needs a manual setup on osx: travis-ci/travis-ci#2312.
122      if type pyenv >/dev/null 2>&1; then :;else
123        travis_retry brew update
124        travis_retry brew install pyenv
125      fi
126      eval "$(pyenv init -)"
127      travis_retry pyenv install 2.7.12
128      pyenv global 2.7.12
129      pyenv rehash
130      travis_retry brew install openssl
131      LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix openssl)/lib" CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix openssl)/include" travis_retry pip install cryptography  # pyca/cryptography#3367
132      travis_retry pip install cpp-coveralls
133      pyenv rehash
134      ;;
135  esac
138case $CI_TARGET in
139  form|tform|form-i386|tform-i386)
140    # Install Forcer to "./formlib".
141    mkdir -p formlib
142    travis_retry wget https://github.com/benruijl/forcer/archive/v1.0.0.tar.gz -O - | tar -x --gzip
143    mv forcer-1.0.0/forcer.h formlib
144    mv forcer-1.0.0/forcer formlib
145    rm -rf forcer-1.0.0
146    ;;
149case $CI_TARGET in
150  form-i386|tform-i386)
151    # Use Docker (travis-ci/travis-ci#5770).
152    travis_retry docker run -d --name build_test -v "$(pwd):$(pwd)" toopher/centos-i386:centos6 /sbin/init
153    docker exec -i -t build_test /bin/sh -c 'linux32 --32bit i386 sudo rpm --rebuilddb'
154    docker exec -i -t build_test /bin/sh -c 'linux32 --32bit i386 sudo yum install -y automake gcc-c++ git gmp-devel ruby zlib-devel'
155    ;;