1 #ifndef __HashMatrix_HPP__
2 #define __HashMatrix_HPP__
4 #include <cstddef>
5 #include <algorithm>
6 #include <map>
7 #include <list>
9 #include <tuple>
10 using std::tuple;
11 #include <iostream>
12 #include <cassert>
13 #include <complex>
14 #include <cstdint>
15 #include "RNM.hpp"
16 #include "RefCounter.hpp"
17 #include "VirtualMatrix.hpp"
19 using std::max;
20 using std::min;
21 using std::cout;
22 using std::endl;
23 using std::pair;
24 using std::swap;
25 using std::complex;
26 using std::list;
27 extern  long  verbosity  ;
29 void init_HashMatrix ();
30 template<class Z,class ZZ>
roll64(Z y,ZZ r)31 inline uint64_t  roll64(Z y,ZZ r){uint64_t x=y; r %= 64; return (x<<r) | (x << (64-r)) ;}
35 int WhichMatrix(istream & f);
36 template<class TypeIndex,class TypeScalaire> class HashMatrix;
38 template<class I,class R,class K>
39 void Addto(HashMatrix<I,R> *P0,const HashMatrix<I,K> *PA,R (*f)(K) ,bool trans=false, I ii00=0,I jj00=0);
43 template<class TypeIndex,class TypeScalaire>
44 class HashMatrix : public VirtualMatrix<TypeIndex,TypeScalaire>
45 {
46     static void  HeapSort(TypeIndex *ii,TypeIndex *jj, TypeScalaire *aij,long n);
49 public:
conj(R * x,TypeIndex nnz)51     template<class R> static void conj(R *x,TypeIndex nnz){}
conj(complex<double> * x,TypeIndex nnz)52     static void conj(complex<double> *x,TypeIndex nnz){ for(int k=0; k<nnz; ++k) x[k]=std::conj(x[k]) ; }
conj(complex<float> * x,TypeIndex nnz)53     static void conj(complex<float> *x,TypeIndex nnz){for(int k=0; k<nnz; ++k) x[k]=std::conj(x[k]) ; }
conj(double x)54     static double conj(double x){return x;}
conj(float x)55     static float conj(float  x){return x;}
conj(const complex<double> & x)56     static complex<double> conj(const complex<double> &x){return std::conj(x);}
conj(const complex<float> & x)57     static complex<float> conj(const complex<float> &x){return std::conj(x);}
59     typedef TypeIndex I;
60     typedef TypeScalaire R;
61     typedef uint64_t uniquecodeInt;
62     static const int type_isdeleted=-1,type_HM=0,type_COO=1, type_CSR=2,type_CSC=3;
63     static const int  unsorted=0, sorted_ij=type_CSR,sorted_ji=type_CSC;
64     typedef size_t iterator;
65     typedef size_t Hash;
66     typedef pair<size_t,size_t> Pair;
67     size_t nnz,nnzmax,nhash;
68     mutable size_t nbcollision,nbfind;
69     mutable double matmulcpu;
70     I * i,*j;
71     I *p;
72     R * aij;
73     size_t * head;
74     size_t * next;
75     int half;
76     int state,type_state;
77     size_t nbsort;
78     I sizep;
79     int lock;
80     int fortran; // index start a one ..
81     mutable int re_do_numerics,re_do_symbolic;
82     static const  size_t empty= (I) -1;
83      // for  Dirichlet BC
84     double tgv;
85     I ntgv;
NbCoef() const87     I NbCoef() const {return  (I) nnz;}
setcoef(const KN_<R> & x)88     void setcoef(const KN_<R> & x){KN_<R>c(this->aij,nnz); ffassert(x.SameShape(c));
89         if( x.constant())  c=x[0];   else c = x;}
getcoef(KN_<R> & x) const90     void getcoef( KN_<R> & x) const {ffassert(x.N()==(I) nnz);x =KN_<R>(this->aij,nnz);}
92     void setdiag(const KN_<R> & d);
93     void getdiag( KN_<R> & d) const;
94     R pscal(R *x,R *y,I sx=1,I sy=1);
pscal(const KN_<R> & x,const KN_<R> & y)95     R pscal(const KN_<R> & x,const KN_<R> & y) { return pscal(x,y,(I) x.step,(I) y.step);}
96     void SetMorse();
97     void UnSetMorse();
98     uniquecodeInt CodeIJ() const ;
99     void init(I nn,I mm,size_t nnnz,int halff);
100     HashMatrix(I nn,I mm,I nnnz,int halff);
101     HashMatrix(istream & f,int cas=-1);
102     HashMatrix(KNM_<R> F,double  threshold=1e-30);
103     HashMatrix(int Half,I nn);
104     HashMatrix(const HashMatrix& A);
105     HashMatrix(I nn,const R *diag);
106     void RenumberingInv(KN_<I> II,KN_<I> JJ);
107     void Renumbering(I nn,I mm,KN_<I> II,KN_<I> JJ);
108     void RemoveDoubleij(int kk);// remove
cast_funct(K x)109     template<class R,class K> static R cast_funct(K x) { return (R) x;}
111     template<class J,class K> HashMatrix(const HashMatrix<J,K> &A , R (*ff)(K) );
112     template<class J> HashMatrix(const HashMatrix<J,R> &A );
operator =(const HashMatrix<II,RR> & A)114     template<class II,class RR> HashMatrix & operator=(const HashMatrix<II,RR>& A )
115     {
116         if( (const void*)  this == (const void*) & A) return *this;
118         set(A.n,A.m,A.half,A.nnz,A.i,A.j,A.aij,A.fortran,cast_funct<R,RR>);
119         return *this;
120     }
122     template<class II,class RR> HashMatrix & operator+=(const HashMatrix<II,RR>& A );
125     int IsTrianglulare() const ;
CheckUnLock(const char * cmm)127     void CheckUnLock(const char * cmm)
128     {
129         if( lock)
130         {
131             std::cerr << " Sorry Forbidder operation ( "
132             << cmm<< " ) matix is lock " << endl;
133             assert(0);
134         }
135     }
136     void setp(I sp);
resize(I nn,I mm=0)137     void resize(I nn, I mm=0)  {resize(nn,mm,nnz); }
139     void resize(I nn, I mm,size_t nnnz, double tol = -1., int sym=0 );
140     void SymmetrizePattern(); // To do for Suzuki , Paradiso
141     void clear();
hash(size_t ii,size_t jj) const142     Hash hash(size_t ii,size_t jj) const{ return ( (ii-fortran)+ (jj-fortran)*this->n )%nhash; }
144     void setfortran(int yes);
find(size_t ii,size_t jj) const146     size_t find(size_t ii,size_t jj) const { return find(ii,jj, hash(ii,jj)); }
find(I ii,I jj,Hash h) const148     size_t  find(I ii,I jj,Hash h) const
149     {
150         nbfind++;
151         for (size_t k=head[h];k!=empty;k=next[k])
152         {
153             ++nbcollision;
154             if( ii== i[k] && jj==j[k] ) return k;
155         }
156         return empty;
157     }
insert(I ii,I jj,const R & aa)159     size_t insert(I ii, I jj,const R & aa)
160     {
161         state=unsorted;
162         Hash h= hash(ii,jj);
163         size_t k=find(ii,jj,h);
164         if(k==empty)
165             k =simpleinsert(ii,jj,h);
166         aij[k] += aa;
167         return k;
168     }
170     template<typename T>                 static void HMresize(T *&t,size_t no,size_t nn);
171     template<typename T,typename TT>     static void HMcopy( T *dst,const TT *from, size_t nn);
172     template<typename T,typename TT>     static void HMcopy( T *dst,const TT *from, size_t nn, T (*ff)(TT) );
174     bool do2Triangular(bool lower) ; //  put half tp lower or upper
175     void dotranspose();
176     void Increaze(size_t nnznew=0,size_t newnnz=0);// newnnz<0 => newnnz is set to nnz (change value of nnz)
177     void ReHash();
size() const178     size_t size() const { return nnz;}
179     size_t simpleinsert(I ii, I jj,Hash &h);
180     R   *pij(I ii,I jj)  const;
181     R   *npij(I ii,I jj);   // with add if no term ii,jj
diag(I ii)183     R & diag(I ii)  { return operator()(ii,ii);}
diag(I ii) const184     R   diag(I ii) const  { return operator()(ii,ii);}
operator ()(I ii,I jj) const185     R   operator()(I ii,I jj)  const
186     {
187         Hash h = hash(ii,jj);
188         size_t k = find(ii,jj,h);
189         if(k==empty) return R();
190         else return aij[k];
191     }
operator ()(I ii,I jj)193     R  & operator()(I ii,I jj)
194     {
195         return *npij(ii,jj);
196     }
operator ()(pair<I,I> ij) const198     R    operator()(pair<I,I> ij)  const {return operator()(ij.first,ij.second);}
operator ()(pair<I,I> ij)199     R &  operator()(pair<I,I> ij)  {return operator()(ij.first,ij.second);}
operator [](pair<I,I> ij) const200     R    operator[](pair<I,I> ij)  const {return operator()(ij.first,ij.second);}
operator [](pair<I,I> ij)201     R &  operator[](pair<I,I> ij)  {return operator()(ij.first,ij.second);}
202     ~HashMatrix();
205     void Sortij();
206     void Sortji();
208     void set(I  nn,I  mm,int hhalf,size_t nnnz, I  *ii, I *jj, R  *aa,int f77=0,int tcsr=0);
209     template<class II>          void set(II nn,II mm,int hhalf,size_t nnnz, II *ii, II*jj, R  *aa,int f77);
210     template<class II,class RR> void set(II nn,II mm,int hhalf,size_t nnnz, II *ii, II*jj, RR *aa,int f77,R (*ff)(RR));
212     void Add(const HashMatrix<I,R> *PA,R coef=R(1),bool trans=false, I ii00=0,I jj00=0);
214     HashMatrix &operator=(const HashMatrix &A) ;
215     HashMatrix &operator+=(const HashMatrix &A) ;// {Add(&A); return *this;};
216     HashMatrix &operator-=(const HashMatrix &A) ; //{Add(&A,R(-1.)); return *this;}
220     void operator*=(R v);
221     void operator=(const R & v);
222     void HM();// un sorted ... Default  type ..
223     void COO();
224     void COO(I *& IA, I *& IJ, R *& A);
225     void CSR(I *& IA, I *& JA, R *& A);
226     void CSR();
227     void CSC();
228     void CSC(I *& JA, I *& IA, R *& A);
addstateLU(int U)229     static int addstateLU(int U) { return U>0 ? 4 : 5; };
231     size_t SortLU(int U);
232     size_t CSC_U(I *& JA, I *& IA, R *& A);
233     size_t CSR_L(I *& IA, I *& JA, R *& A);
234     void Buildp(I nn,I * IA,int type_m,size_t nnzz=0);
Row(I ii)235     Pair Row(I ii) { return RoworCol(ii, true /*!trans*/);}
Col(I jj)236     Pair Col(I jj) { return RoworCol(jj, false /*trans*/);}
237     Pair RoworCol(I ii,bool row);
checksize(size_t nn,size_t mm=0) const238     void checksize(size_t nn,size_t mm=0) const
239     { mm= mm ? mm : nn; assert( (nn ==this->n) && (mm==this->m));}
240     R* addMatMul(R *x,R*Ax,bool Transpose,I sx=1,I sAx=1) const;
addMatTransMul(R * x,R * Ax) const241     R* addMatTransMul(R *x,R*Ax) const { return addMatMul(x,Ax,true); }
addMatMul(R * x,R * Ax) const242     R* addMatMul(R *x,R*Ax) const { return addMatMul(x,Ax,false);}
243     R trace () const;
244     double FrobeniusNorm() const;
245     double norm1() const;
246     double norminfty() const;
sym() const247     bool sym() const {return (half > 0);}
typemat() const249     int typemat() const { return int(half > 0)*VirtualMatrix<int,R>::TS_SYM ;}
250     void SetBC(char *wbc,double ttgv);
253     void addMap(R coef,std::map< pair<I,I>, R> &mij,bool trans=false,I ii00=0,I jj00=0,bool cnj=false,double threshold=0.);
254     bool addMatTo(R coef,HashMatrix<I,R> & mij,bool trans=false,I ii00=0,I jj00=0,bool cnj=false,double threshold=0.,const bool keepSym=false) ;
257     VirtualMatrix<I,R>  & operator +=(MatriceElementaire<R> & me) ;
dump(ostream & f) const258      ostream& dump (ostream&f)  const { return f<<*this;}
SetBC(I ii,double ttgv)259     void SetBC(I ii,double ttgv) { diag(ii)=ttgv;};
261     double gettgv(I * pntgv=0,double ratio=1e6) const ;
GetReDoNumerics() const262     bool GetReDoNumerics() const { bool b=re_do_numerics; re_do_numerics=0;return b;}
GetReDoSymbolic() const263     bool GetReDoSymbolic() const { bool b=re_do_symbolic; re_do_symbolic=0;return  b;}
toMatriceMorse(bool transpose=false,bool copy=false) const266     HashMatrix<I, R> *toMatriceMorse(bool transpose=false,bool copy=false) const {ffassert(0); return 0;}
psor(KN_<R> & x,const KN_<R> & gmin,const KN_<R> & gmax,double omega)267     double psor(KN_<R> & x,const  KN_<R> & gmin,const  KN_<R> & gmax , double omega) {ffassert(0); };
269     void UnHalf();
Half(int wsym)270     void Half(int wsym) {resize(this->n,this->m,nnz,-1,wsym);}
271     void RemoveHalf(int cas,double tol=-1) ;
273     void setsdp(int sym,bool dp); // set of unset to sym / defpos or not
ChecknbLine(I n) const275     virtual bool ChecknbLine  (I n) const {return this->n==n;}
ChecknbColumn(I m) const276     virtual bool ChecknbColumn  (I m) const {return this->m==m;}
CPUsecond()277     static double CPUsecond() {
278         return (double)clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
279     }
280 };
281 // 0 good , -1 delete, ...
GoodPtrHashMatrix(const HashMatrix<I,R> * p)282 template<class I,class R> int GoodPtrHashMatrix(const HashMatrix<I,R> *p ) {
283     if( p==0) return 1;
284     if( p->N != p->n) return -2;
285     if( p->M != p->m) return -3;
286     if (p->nnz ==-1234567802) return  -4;
287     if( p->i && p->j && p->aij ) return 0;
288     return -5;
289 }
CheckPtrHashMatrix(const HashMatrix<I,R> * p,const char * where)290 template<class I,class R> void CheckPtrHashMatrix(const HashMatrix<I,R> *p,const char * where )
291 {
292     int gm=GoodPtrHashMatrix(p);
293     if( gm !=0)
294     {
295         if(gm <0)
296             cout << " n = " << p->n << " == " << p->N
297                   << " , m= " << p->m << " "<< p->M
298             << " nzz "<< p->nnz << endl;
299         cerr << " Fatal Error " << where << "  invalide HashMatrix Ptr "<< gm << " "<< p << endl;
300         ffassert(0);
301     }
302 }
304 // END OF CLASS HashMatrix
306 template<class I,class R>
simpleinsert(I ii,I jj,Hash & h)307 inline  size_t HashMatrix<I,R>::simpleinsert(I ii, I jj,Hash &h)
308 {
309     state=unsorted;
310     re_do_numerics=1;
311     re_do_symbolic=1;
313     type_state=type_HM;
314     if(nnz==nnzmax) {
315         Increaze();
316         h = hash(ii,jj);
317     }
318     i[nnz] = ii;
319     j[nnz] = jj;
320     aij[nnz] = R();
321     next[nnz]=head[h];
322     head[h]=nnz;
323     return nnz++;
324 }
325 template<class I,class R>
pij(I ii,I jj) const326 inline     R   * HashMatrix<I,R>::pij(I ii,I jj)  const
327 {
328     re_do_numerics=1;
329     Hash h = hash(ii,jj);
330     size_t k = find(ii,jj,h);
331     return k==empty ? 0 : aij+k;
332 }
334 template<class I,class R>
npij(I ii,I jj)335 inline    R   *HashMatrix<I,R>::npij(I ii,I jj)   // with add if no term ii,jj
336 {
337     re_do_numerics=1;
338     Hash h = hash(ii,jj);
339     size_t k = find(ii,jj,h);
340     if(k==empty)
341     {
342         k =simpleinsert(ii,jj,h);
343         aij[k]=0;
344     }
345     return aij+k;
346 }
348 //
351 template<class I,class RA,class RB=RA,class RAB=RA>
AddMul(HashMatrix<I,RAB> & AB,HashMatrix<I,RA> & A,HashMatrix<I,RB> & B,bool ta=false,bool tb=false,R c=R (1))352 void AddMul(HashMatrix<I,RAB> &AB,HashMatrix<I,RA> &A, HashMatrix<I,RB> &B,bool ta=false,bool tb=false,R c=R(1))
353 {
354     AB.half=false;
355     int An= A.n, Am =A.m;
356     int Bn= B.n, Bm =B.m;
357     int halfA = A.half;
358     int halfB = B.half;
360     if(ta) swap(An,Am);
361     if(tb) swap(Bn,Bm);
362     bool tcb = (std::is_same<RB,complex<double> >::value|| std::is_same<RB,complex<float> >::value ) && tb;
363     bool tca = (std::is_same<RA,complex<double> >::value|| std::is_same<RA,complex<float> >::value ) && ta;
364     AB.checksize(An,Bm);
365     ffassert(Am == Bn);
366     //  need A col sort  , b row sort
367     if( tb)
368       B.CSC(); // sort by COL nd build p.
369     else
370       B.CSR(); // sort by row... and build p.
371     int * Bj = tb ? B.i : B.j;
372     int * Bi = tb ? B.j : B.i;
373     //  first Half
374     for(size_t l=0; l< A.nnz;++l)
375     {
376         I i=A.i[l],j=A.j[l];
377         RA aij=A.aij[l];
378         if(ta)  swap(i,j);
379         if(tca) aij=HashMatrix<I,RA>::conj(aij);
381         for(size_t ll=B.p[j]; ll<  B.p[j+1] ;++ll)
382         {
383             I k = Bj[ll];
384             if(verbosity>1000000000) cout << " *** " << i<< " " << " " << k << " : " << j << " : "
385                   << ll << " " << B.i[ll] <<" " << B.j[ll]<< " ::  " << A.aij[l]*B.aij[ll] <<endl;
386             assert(j == Bi[ll]);
387             RB bjk = tcb ? HashMatrix<I,RB>::conj(B.aij[ll]) : B.aij[ll];
389             AB(i,k) += c* aij*bjk;
390         }
391     }
392     // second Half of A
393     if( halfA )
394     {
395         if(verbosity>10) cout<< " ** halfA "<< endl;
396     for(size_t l=0; l< A.nnz;++l)
397     {
398         I i=A.i[l],j=A.j[l];
399         if( i==j) continue;
400         RA aij=A.aij[l];
401         if(!ta)  swap(i,j);
402         //if(!tca) aij=HashMatrix<I,RA>::conj(aij);
404         for(size_t ll=B.p[j]; ll<  B.p[j+1] ;++ll)
405         {
406             I k = Bj[ll];
407             if(verbosity>1000000000) cout << " *** " << i<< " " << " " << k << " : " << j << " : "
408                 << ll << " " << B.i[ll] <<" " << B.j[ll]<< " ::  " << A.aij[l]*B.aij[ll] <<endl;
409             assert(j == Bi[ll]);
410             RB bjk = tcb ? HashMatrix<I,RB>::conj(B.aij[ll]) : B.aij[ll];
412             AB(i,k) += c* aij*bjk;
413         }
414     }
415     }
416   if( halfB)
417   {
418       if( !tb)
419           B.CSC(); // sort by COL nd build p.
420       else
421           B.CSR(); // sort by row... and build p.
422       //  first Half miss ..
423       for(size_t l=0; l< A.nnz;++l)
424       {
425           I i=A.i[l],j=A.j[l];
426           RA aij=A.aij[l];
427           if(ta)  swap(i,j);
428           if(tca) aij=HashMatrix<I,RA>::conj(aij);
430           for(size_t ll=B.p[j]; ll<  B.p[j+1] ;++ll)
431           {
432               if( Bi[ll]== Bj[ll]) continue;
433               I k = Bi[ll];
435               assert(j == Bj[ll]);
436               RB bjk = B.aij[ll];
437               if(tb)  bjk = HashMatrix<I,RB>::conj(bjk);
438               AB(i,k) += c* aij*bjk;
439           }
440       }
441       // second Half of A
442       if( halfA )
443           for(size_t l=0; l< A.nnz;++l)
444           {
445               I i=A.i[l],j=A.j[l];
446               if( i==j) continue;
447               RA aij=A.aij[l];
448               if(!ta)  swap(i,j);
449               //if(!tca) aij=HashMatrix<I,RA>::conj(aij);
451               for(size_t ll=B.p[j]; ll<  B.p[j+1] ;++ll)
452               {
453                   if( Bi[ll]== Bj[ll]) continue;
454                   I k = Bi[ll];
455                   if(verbosity>1000000000) cout << " *** " << i<< " " << " " << k << " : " << j << " : "
456                       << ll << " " << B.i[ll] <<" " << B.j[ll]<< " ::  " << A.aij[l]*B.aij[ll] <<endl;
457                   assert(j == Bj[ll]);
458                   RB bjk = tcb ? HashMatrix<I,RB>::conj(B.aij[ll]) : B.aij[ll];
460                   AB(i,k) += c* aij*bjk;
461               }
462           }
465   }
467 }
469 template<class I,class R>
operator <<(std::ostream & f,const HashMatrix<I,R> & A)470 std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & f,  const HashMatrix<I,R> &A)
471 {
472     int p20=20;
473     long pold= f.precision();
474     if( pold > 20) p20= (int) pold;
475     if(A.type_state==HashMatrix<I,R>::type_CSR)
476     {
477     using namespace std;
478     f << "# Sparse Matrix (Morse)  " << &A << endl;
479     f << "# first line: n m (is symmetic) nnz \n";
480     f << "# after for each nonzero coefficient:   i j a_ij where (i,j) \\in  {1,...,n}x{1,...,m} \n";
482     f << A.n << " " << A.m << " " << A.half << "  " << A.nnz <<endl;
483     I k=A.p[0];
485     for (I i=0;i<A.n;i++)
486     {
487         I ke=A.p[i+1];
488         for (;k<ke;k++)
489             f << setw(9) << i+1 << ' ' << setw(9) << A.j[k]+1 << ' ' << setprecision( p20) << RNM::removeeps(A.aij[k])<< '\n' ;
491     }
492     }
493     else
494     {
495         f << "#  HashMatrix Matrix (COO) "<< &A  << endl;
496         f << "#    n       m        nnz     half     fortran   state  \n";
497         f << A.n << " " << A.m << " " << A.nnz << " "<< A.half << " " << A.fortran
498           << " " <<  A.state<< " " << A.type_state<< " " << endl;
499         for(size_t k=0; k < A.nnz; ++k)
500             f <<  setw(10) <<  A.i[k] << setw(10)  << A.j[k] << ' '<<  setprecision( p20)  << A.aij[k] << endl;
501     }
502     f.precision(pold);
503     return f;
504 }
506 template<class R>
BuildCombMat(HashMatrix<int,R> & mij,const list<tuple<R,VirtualMatrix<int,R> *,bool>> & lM,bool trans,int ii00,int jj00,bool cnj)507 tuple<int,int,bool> BuildCombMat(HashMatrix<int,R> & mij,const list<tuple<R,VirtualMatrix<int,R>*,bool> >  &lM,bool trans,int ii00,int jj00,bool cnj)
508 {
510     typedef typename list<tuple<R,VirtualMatrix<int,R> *,bool> >::const_iterator lconst_iterator;
512     lconst_iterator begin=lM.begin();
513     lconst_iterator end=lM.end();
514     lconst_iterator i;
517     int n=0,m=0;
518     bool sym=true;
519     for(i=begin;i!=end&&sym;i++)
520     {
521         if(get<1>(*i))// M == 0 => zero matrix
522         {
523             VirtualMatrix<int,R>& M=*get<1>(*i);
524             if(!M.sym())
525                 sym = false;
526         }
527     }
528     int iter=0;
529     for(i=begin;i!=end;i++)
530     {
531         if(get<1>(*i)) // M == 0 => zero matrix
532         {
533             VirtualMatrix<int,R> & M=*get<1>(*i);
534             bool transpose = get<2>(*i) !=  trans;
535             bool conjuge = get<2>(*i) !=  cnj;
537             ffassert( &M);
538             R coef= get<0>(*i);
539             if(verbosity>99)
540                 cout << "                "<< iter++<< " BuildCombMat + " << coef << "*" << &M << " " << sym << "  t = " << transpose << " " <<  get<2>(*i) << endl;
541            { if(transpose) {m=max(m,M.n); n=max(n,M.m);} else{n=max(M.n,n); m=max(M.m,m);}}
543             M.addMatTo(coef,mij,transpose,ii00,jj00,conjuge,0.0,sym);
544         }
545     }
547     //V4 return new   MatriceMorseOld<R>(n,m,mij,sym);
548     return make_tuple(n,m,sym);
549 }
551 template<class R>
nmCombMat(const list<tuple<R,VirtualMatrix<int,R> *,bool>> & lM,bool trans,int ii00,int jj00,bool cnj=false)552 tuple<int,int,bool> nmCombMat(const list<tuple<R,VirtualMatrix<int,R>*,bool> >  &lM,bool trans,int ii00,int jj00,bool cnj=false)
553 {
555     typedef typename list<tuple<R,VirtualMatrix<int,R> *,bool> >::const_iterator lconst_iterator;
557     lconst_iterator begin=lM.begin();
558     lconst_iterator end=lM.end();
559     lconst_iterator i;
562     int n=0,m=0;
563     bool sym=true;
564     for(i=begin;i!=end&&sym;i++++)
565     {
566         if(std::get<1>(*i)) // M == 0 => zero matrix
567         {
568             VirtualMatrix<int,R>& M=*std::get<1>(*i);
569             if(!M.sym())
570                 sym = false;
571         }
572     }
574     for(i=begin;i!=end;i++++)
575     {
576         if(std::get<1>(*i)) // M == 0 => zero matrix
577         {
578             VirtualMatrix<int,R>& M=*std::get<1>(*i);
579             bool transpose = std::get<2>(*i) !=  trans;
580             ffassert( &M);
581             R coef=std::get<0>(*i);
582             if(verbosity>99)
583                 cout << "                BuildCombMat + " << coef << "*" << &M << " " << sym << "  t = " << transpose << " " << std::get<2>(*i) << endl;
584             { if(transpose) {m=max(m,M.n); n=max(n,M.m);} else{n=max(M.n,n); m=max(M.m,m);}}
586         }
587     }
589     return make_tuple(n,m,sym);
590 }
592 template<class R>
BuildCombMat(const list<tuple<R,VirtualMatrix<int,R> *,bool>> & lM,bool trans=false,int ii00=0,int jj00=0)593 HashMatrix<int,R>* BuildCombMat(const list<tuple<R,VirtualMatrix<int,R>*,bool> >  &lM,bool trans=false,int ii00=0,int jj00=0)
594 {
596     auto nmsym=nmCombMat(lM,trans,ii00,jj00);
597     int n = std::get<0>(nmsym), m =std::get<1>(nmsym);
598     bool half= std::get<2>(nmsym);
599     HashMatrix<int,R> *  mij= new HashMatrix<int,R>(n,m,0,int(half));
600     nmsym=BuildCombMat(*mij,lM,trans,ii00,jj00,trans);// remember trans => conj
602     return mij; // V4 mij;
604 }
606 template<class I>
ij_mat(bool trans,I ii00,I jj00,I i,I j)607 static   inline pair<I,I> ij_mat(bool trans,I ii00,I jj00,I i,I j) {
608     // warning trans sub  matrix and not the block.
609     return trans ? make_pair<I,I>(j+ii00,i+jj00)
610     :  make_pair<I,I>(i+ii00,j+jj00) ; }
614 template<class I,class R>    template<typename T,typename TT>
HMcopy(T * dst,const TT * from,size_t nn,T (* ff)(TT))615 void HashMatrix<I,R>::HMcopy( T *dst,const TT *from, size_t nn, T(*ff)(TT))
616 {
617     for(size_t i=0; i< nn; ++i)
618         dst[i]= ff(from[i]);
619 }
620 template<class I,class R>    template<typename T,typename TT>
HMcopy(T * dst,const TT * from,size_t nn)621 void HashMatrix<I,R>::HMcopy( T *dst,const TT *from, size_t nn)
622 {
623     for(size_t i=0; i< nn; ++i)
624         dst[i]= (T) from[i];
625 }
626 template<class I,class R> template<class II,class RR> HashMatrix<I,R> &
operator +=(const HashMatrix<II,RR> & A)627 HashMatrix<I,R>::operator+=(const HashMatrix<II,RR>& A )
628 {
629     Addto(this,&A,cast_funct);
630 }
633 template<class I,class R> template<class II,class RR>
set(II nn,II mm,int hhalf,size_t nnnz,II * ii,II * jj,RR * aa,int f77,R (* ff)(RR))634 void HashMatrix<I,R>::set(II nn,II mm,int hhalf,size_t nnnz, II *ii, II*jj, RR *aa,int f77,R(*ff)(RR))
635 {
636     clear();
637     this->n=nn;
638     this->m=mm;
639     this->N=nn;
640     this->M=mm;
641     fortran=f77;
642     half=hhalf;
643     Increaze(nnnz);
644     nnz=nnnz;
646     HMcopy(i,ii,nnnz);
647     HMcopy(j,jj,nnnz);
648     HMcopy(aij,aa,nnnz,ff);
649     ReHash();
650 }
651 template<class I,class R> template<class II>
set(II nn,II mm,int hhalf,size_t nnnz,II * ii,II * jj,R * aa,int f77)652 void HashMatrix<I,R>::set(II nn,II mm,int hhalf,size_t nnnz, II *ii, II*jj, R *aa,int f77)
653 {
654     clear();
655     this->n=nn;
656     this->m=mm;
657     this->N=nn;
658     this->M=mm;
659     fortran=f77;
660     half=hhalf;
661     Increaze(nnnz);
662     nnz=nnnz;
664     HMcopy(i,ii,nnnz);
665     HMcopy(j,jj,nnnz);
666     HMcopy(aij,aa,nnnz);
667     ReHash();
668 }
669 #endif