1Dissection is a C++ implementation of parallel sparse direct solver on shared
2memory architecture with a kernel detection algorithm for singular matrices.
4The source is available under GPL v3 from the FreeFEM repository,
5< http://www3.freefem.org/ff++/ff++/download/dissection/ >
7The copyright holders of Dissection give you permission to combine Dissection
8program with free software programs or libraries that are released under the
9GNU LGPL and with independent modules that communicate with Dissection solely
10through the Dissection-fortran interface. You may copy and distribute such a
11system following the terms of the GNU GPL for Dissection and the licenses of
12the other code concerned, provided that you include the source code of that
13other code when and as the GNU GPL requires distribution of source code and
14provided that you do not modify the Dissection-fortran interface.
16If you want to link Dissection to your proprietary application through other
17than the Dissection-fortran interface, Dissection will be licensed under
18CeCILL-C, < http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-C_V1-en.html >.
19In such case, please contact directly one of authors,
20Atsushi Suzuki <Atsushi.Suzuki@ann.jussieu.fr> and
21François-Xavier Roux <roux@ann.jussieu.fr>
23Copyright (C) 2016  Atsushi Suzuki, François-Xavier Roux, Xavier Juvigny