3##  This file is part of GAP, a system for computational discrete algebra.
4##  This file's authors include Frank Celler, Alexander Hulpke.
6##  Copyright of GAP belongs to its developers, whose names are too numerous
7##  to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file for details.
9##  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
11##  This file contains the methods for complements in pc groups
15local r,img,i,gens,img2;
16  r:=ShallowCopy(h);
17  img:=Image(h[Length(h)],G);
18  for i in [Length(h)-1,Length(h)-2..1] do
19    gens:=GeneratorsOfGroup(img);
20    img2:=Image(h[i],G);
21    r[i]:=GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC(img,img2,gens,List(gens,j->
22           Image(h[i],PreImagesRepresentative(h[i+1],j))));
23    SetKernelOfMultiplicativeGeneralMapping(r[i],
24       Image(h[i+1],KernelOfMultiplicativeGeneralMapping(h[i])));
25    img:=img2;
26  od;
27  return r;
30# test function for relators
32  if not IsBound(ocr.relators) then return true;fi;
33  return ForAll(ocr.relators,i->ExponentsOfPcElement(ocr.generators,
34     Product(List([1..Length(i.generators)],
35             j->ocr.generators[i.generators[j]]^i.powers[j])))
36     =List(ocr.generators,i->0));
41#F  COAffineBlocks( <S>,<Sgens>,<mats>,<orbs> )
43##  Divide the vectorspace  into blocks using  the  affine operations of  <S>
44##  described by <mats>.  Return representative  for  these blocks and  their
45##  normalizers in <S>.
46##  if <orbs> is true orbits are kept.
48InstallGlobalFunction( COAffineBlocks, function( S, Sgens,mats,orbs )
49local   dim, p, nul, one, C, L, blt, B, O, Q, i, j, v, w, n, z, root,r;
51  # The affine operation of <S> is described via <mats> as
52  #
53  #    ( lll 0 )
54  #    ( lll 0 )
55  #    ( ttt 1 )
56  #
57  # where l  describes  the   linear operation and  t  the  translation the
58  # dimension  of   the  vectorspace  is of   dimension  one less  than the
59  # matrices <mats>.
60  #
61  dim:=Length(mats[1]) - 1;
62  one:=One(mats[1][1][1]);
63  nul:=0 * one;
64  root:=Z(Characteristic(one));
65  p:=Characteristic( mats[1][1][1] );
66  C:=List( [1..dim], x -> p );
67  Q:=List( [0..dim-1], x -> p ^x );
68  L:=[];
69  for i  in [1..p-1]  do
70    L[LogFFE( one * i,root ) + 1]:=i;
71  od;
73  # Make a boolean list of length <p> ^ <dim>.
74  blt:=BlistList( [1..p ^ dim], [] );
75  Info(InfoComplement,3,"COAffineBlocks: ", p^dim, " elements in H^1" );
76  i:=1; # was: Position( blt, false );
77  B:=[];
79  # Run through this boolean list.
80  while i <> fail  do
81    v:=CoefficientsQadic(i-1,p);
82    while Length(v)<dim do
83      Add(v,0);
84    od;
85    v:=v*one;
86    w:=ImmutableVector(p,v);
87    Add(v, one);
88    v:=ImmutableVector(p,v);
89    O:=OrbitStabilizer( S,v, Sgens,mats);
90    for v  in O.orbit  do
91        n:=1;
92        for j  in [1..dim]  do
93            z:=v[j];
94            if z <> nul  then
95                n:=n + Q[j] * L[LogFFE( z,root ) + 1];
96            fi;
97        od;
98        blt[n]:=true;
99    od;
100    Info(InfoComplement,3,"COAffineBlocks: |block| = ", Length(O.orbit));
101    r:=rec( vector:=w, stabilizer:=O.stabilizer );
102    if orbs=true then r.orbit:=O.orbit;fi;
103    Add( B, r);
104    i:=Position( blt, false );
105  od;
106  Info(InfoComplement,3,"COAffineBlocks: ", Length( B ), " blocks found" );
107  return B;
109end );
114#F  CONextCentralizer( <ocr>, <S>, <H> )  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . local
116##  Correct the blockstabilizer and return the stabilizer of <H> in <S>
118InstallGlobalFunction( CONextCentralizer, function( ocr, Spcgs, H )
119local   gens,  pnt,  i;
121  # Get the generators of <S> and correct them.
122  Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCentralizer: correcting blockstabilizer" );
123  gens:=ShallowCopy( Spcgs );
124  pnt :=ocr.complementToCocycle( H );
125  for i  in [1..Length( gens )]  do
126    gens[i]:=gens[i] *
127      OCConjugatingWord( ocr,
128                       ocr.complementToCocycle( H ^ gens[i] ),
129                 pnt );
130  od;
131  Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCentralizer: blockstabilizer corrected" );
132  return ClosureGroup( ocr.centralizer, gens );
134end );
136#ocr is oc record, acts are elements that act via ^ on group elements, B
137#is the result of BaseSteinitzVectors on the 1-cocycles in ocr.
139local tau, phi, mats;
141  # Get  the  matrices describing the affine operations. The linear  part
142  # of the  operation  is just conjugation of the entries of cocycle. The
143  # translation are  commuators  with the  generators.  So check if <ocr>
144  # has a small generating set. Use only these to form the commutators.
146  # Translation: (.. h ..) -> (.. [h,c] ..)
147  if IsBound( ocr.smallGeneratingSet )  then
149    Error("not yet implemented");
150    tau:=function( c )
151    local   l,  i,  j,  z,  v;
152      l:=[];
153      for i  in ocr.smallGeneratingSet  do
154	Add( l, Comm( ocr.generators[i], c ) );
155      od;
156      l:=ocr.listToCocycle( l );
157      v:=ShallowCopy( B.factorzero );
158      for i  in [1..Length(l)]  do
159	if l[i] <> ocr.zero  then
160	  z:=l[i];
161	  j:=B.heads[i];
162	  if j > 0  then
163	    l:=l - z * B.factorspace[j];
164	    v[j]:=z;
165	  else
166	    l:=l - z * B.subspace[-j];
167	  fi;
168	fi;
169      od;
170      IsRowVector( v );
171      return v;
172    end;
174  else
176    tau:=function( c )
177    local   l,  i,  j,  z,  v;
178      l:=[];
179      for i  in relativeGens  do
180	#Add( l, LeftQuotient(i,i^c));
181	Add( l, Comm(i,c));
182      od;
183      l:=ocr.listToCocycle( l );
184      v:=ListWithIdenticalEntries(Length(B.factorspace),ocr.zero);
185      for i  in [1..Length(l)]  do
186	if l[i] <> ocr.zero  then
187	  z:=l[i];
188	  j:=B.heads[i];
189	  if j > 0  then
190	    l:=l - z * B.factorspace[j];
191	    v[j]:=z;
192	  else
193	    l:=l - z * B.subspace[-j];
194	  fi;
195	fi;
196      od;
197      IsRowVector( v );
198      return v;
199    end;
200  fi;
202  # Linear Operation: (.. hm ..) -> (.. (hm)^c ..)
203  phi:=function( z, c )
204  local   l,  i,  j,  v;
205    l:=ocr.listToCocycle( List( ocr.cocycleToList(z), x -> x ^ c ) );
206    v:=ListWithIdenticalEntries(Length(B.factorspace),ocr.zero);
207    for i  in [1..Length( l )]  do
208      if l[i] <> ocr.zero  then
209        z:=l[i];
210        j:=B.heads[i];
211        if j > 0  then
212          l:=l - z * B.factorspace[j];
213          v[j]:=z;
214        else
215          l:=l - z * B.subspace[-j];
216        fi;
217      fi;
218    od;
219    IsRowVector( v );
220    return v;
221  end;
223  # Construct the affine operations and blocks under them.
224  mats:=AffineAction( acts,B.factorspace, phi, tau );
225  Assert(2,ForAll(mats,i->ForAll(i,j->Length(i)=Length(j))));
226  return mats;
232#F  CONextCocycles( <cor>, <ocr>, <S> )    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . local
234##  Get the next conjugacy classes of  complements  under  operation  of  <S>
235##  using affine operation on the onecohomologygroup of <K>  and  <N>,  where
236##  <ocr>:=rec( group:=<K>, module:=<N> ).
238##  <ocr>  is a  record  as  described  in 'OCOneCocycles'.  The classes  are
239##  returned as list of records rec( complement, centralizer ).
241InstallGlobalFunction( CONextCocycles, function( cor, ocr, S )
242local K, N, Z, SN, B, L, LL, SNpcgs, mats, i;
244  # Try to split <K> over <M>, if it does not split return.
245  Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCocycles: computing cocycles" );
246  K:=ocr.group;
247  N:=ocr.module;
248  Z:=OCOneCocycles( ocr, true );
249  if IsBool( Z )  then
250      if IsBound( ocr.normalIn )  then
251        Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCocycles: no normal complements" );
252      else
253        Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCocycles: no split extension" );
254    fi;
255    return [];
256  fi;
258  ocr.generators:=CanonicalPcgs(InducedPcgs(ocr.pcgs,ocr.complement));
259  Assert(2,OCTestRelators(ocr));
261  # If there is only one complement this is normal.
262  if Dimension( Z ) = 0  then
263      Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCocycles: group of cocycles is trivial" );
264      K:=ocr.complement;
265      if IsBound(cor.condition) and not cor.condition(cor, K)  then
266        return [];
267      else
268       return [rec( complement:=K, centralizer:=S )];
269      fi;
270  fi;
272  # If  the  one  cohomology  group  is trivial, there is only one class of
273  # complements.  Correct  the  blockstabilizer and return. If we only want
274  # normal complements, this case cannot happen, as cobounds are trivial.
275  SN:=SubgroupNC( S, Filtered(GeneratorsOfGroup(S),i-> not i in N));
276  if Dimension(ocr.oneCoboundaries)=Dimension(ocr.oneCocycles)  then
277      Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCocycles: H^1 is trivial" );
278      K:=ocr.complement;
279      if IsBound(cor.condition) and not cor.condition(cor, K)  then
280        return [];
281      fi;
282      S:=CONextCentralizer( ocr,
283          InducedPcgs(cor.pcgs,SN),
284	  ocr.complement);
285    return [rec( complement:=K, centralizer:=S )];
286  fi;
288  # If <S> = <N>, there are  no new blocks  under the operation  of <S>, so
289  # get  all elements of  the one cohomology  group and return. If  we only
290  # want normal complements,  there also are no  blocks under the operation
291  # of <S>.
292  B:=BaseSteinitzVectors(BasisVectors(Basis(ocr.oneCocycles)),
293			 BasisVectors(Basis(ocr.oneCoboundaries)));
294  if Size(SN) = 1 or IsBound(ocr.normalIn)  then
295    L:=VectorSpace(ocr.field,B.factorspace, B.factorzero);
296    Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCocycles: ",Size(L)," complements found");
297    if IsBound(ocr.normalIn)  then
298      Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCocycles: normal complements, using H^1");
299      LL:=[];
300      if IsBound(cor.condition)  then
301	for i  in L  do
302	  K:=ocr.cocycleToComplement(i);
303	  if cor.condition(cor, K)  then
304	    Add(LL, rec(complement:=K, centralizer:=S));
305	  fi;
306	od;
307      else
308	for i  in L  do
309	  K:=ocr.cocycleToComplement(i);
310	  Add(LL, rec(complement:=K, centralizer:=S));
311	od;
312      fi;
313      return LL;
314    else
315      Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCocycles: S meets N, using H^1");
316      LL:=[];
317      if IsBound(cor.condition)  then
318	for i  in L  do
319	  K:=ocr.cocycleToComplement(i);
320	  if cor.condition(cor, K)  then
321	    S:=ocr.centralizer;
322	    Add(LL, rec(complement:=K, centralizer:=S));
323	  fi;
324	od;
325      else
326	for i  in L  do
327	  K:=ocr.cocycleToComplement(i);
328	  S:=ocr.centralizer;
329	  Add(LL, rec(complement:=K, centralizer:=S));
330	od;
331      fi;
332      return LL;
333    fi;
334  fi;
336  # The situation is as follows.
337  #
338  #  S           As <N>  does act trivial  on  the  onecohomology
339  #   \   K        group,  compute first blocks of this group under
340  #    \ / \       the operation of  <S>/<N>. But  as <S>/<N>  acts
341  #     N   ?      affine,  this can be done using affine operation
342  #      \ /       (given as matrices).
343  #       1
345  SNpcgs:=InducedPcgs(cor.pcgs,SN);
346  mats:=COAffineCohomologyAction(ocr,ocr.generators,SNpcgs,B);
348  L :=COAffineBlocks( SN, SNpcgs,mats,false );
349  Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCocycles:", Length( L ), " complements found" );
351  # choose a representative from each block and correct the blockstab
352  LL:=[];
353  for i  in L  do
354    K:=ocr.cocycleToComplement(i.vector*B.factorspace);
355      if not IsBound(cor.condition) or cor.condition(cor, K)  then
356      if Z = []  then
357        S:=ClosureGroup( ocr.centralizer, i.stabilizer );
358      else
359        S:=CONextCentralizer(ocr,
360	     InducedPcgs(cor.pcgs,
361	                 i.stabilizer), K);
362      fi;
363      Add(LL, rec(complement:=K, centralizer:=S));
364      fi;
365  od;
366  return LL;
368end );
373#F  CONextCentral( <cor>, <ocr>, <S> )     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . local
375##  Get the conjugacy classes of complements in case <ocr.module> is central.
377InstallGlobalFunction( CONextCentral, function( cor, ocr, S )
378local   z,K,N,zett,SN,B,L,tau,gens,imgs,A,T,heads,dim,s,v,j,i,root;
380  # Try to split <ocr.group>
381  K:=ocr.group;
382  N:=ocr.module;
384  # If  <K>  is no split extension of <N> return the trivial list, as there
385  # are  no  complements.  We  compute  the cocycles only if the extenstion
386  # splits.
387  zett:=OCOneCocycles( ocr, true );
388  if IsBool( zett )  then
389      if IsBound( ocr.normalIn )  then
390        Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCentral: no normal complements" );
391      else
392        Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCentral: no split extension" );
393    fi;
394    return [];
395  fi;
397  ocr.generators:=CanonicalPcgs(InducedPcgs(ocr.pcgs,ocr.complement));
398  Assert(2,OCTestRelators(ocr));
400  # if there is only one complement it must be normal
401  if Dimension(zett) = 0  then
402      Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCentral: Z^1 is trivial");
403      K:=ocr.complement;
404      if IsBound(cor.condition) and not cor.condition(cor, K)  then
405        return [];
406      else
407      return [rec(complement:=K, centralizer:=S)];
408      fi;
409  fi;
411  # If  the  one  cohomology  group  is trivial, there is only one class of
412  # complements.  Correct  the  blockstabilizer and return. If we only want
413  # normal complements, this cannot happen, as the cobounds are trivial.
414  SN:=SubgroupNC( S, Filtered(GeneratorsOfGroup(S),i-> not i in N));
415  if Dimension(ocr.oneCoboundaries)=Dimension(ocr.oneCocycles)  then
416      Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCocycles: H^1 is trivial" );
417      K:=ocr.complement;
418      if IsBound(cor.condition) and not cor.condition(cor, K)  then
419        return [];
420      else
421        S:=CONextCentralizer( ocr,
422	 InducedPcgs(cor.pcgs,SN),ocr.complement);
423      return [rec(complement:=K, centralizer:=S)];
424      fi;
425  fi;
427  # If  <S>  =  <N>, there are no new blocks under the operation of <S>, so
428  # get  all elements of the onecohomologygroup and return. If we only want
429  # normal  complements,  there  also  are no blocks under the operation of
430  # <S>.
431  B:=BaseSteinitzVectors(BasisVectors(Basis(ocr.oneCocycles)),
432			 BasisVectors(Basis(ocr.oneCoboundaries)));
433  if Size(SN)=1 or IsBound( ocr.normalIn )  then
434      if IsBound( ocr.normalIn )  then
435        Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCocycles: normal complements, using H^1");
436      else
437        Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCocycles: S meets N, using H^1" );
438        S:=ocr.centralizer;
439    fi;
440      L:=VectorSpace(ocr.field,B.factorspace, B.factorzero);
441      T:=[];
442      for i  in L  do
443        K:=ocr.cocycleToComplement(i);
444        if not IsBound(cor.condition) or cor.condition(cor, K)  then
445            Add(T, rec(complement:=K,  centralizer:=S));
446      fi;
447      od;
448      Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCocycles: ",Length(T)," complements found" );
449      return T;
450  fi;
452  # The  conjugacy  classes  of  complements  are cosets of the cocycles of
453  # 0^S. If 'smallGeneratingSet' is given, do not use this gens.
455  # Translation: (.. h ..) -> (.. [h,c] ..)
456  if IsBound( ocr.smallGeneratingSet )  then
457      tau:=function( c )
458        local   l;
459        l:=[];
460        for i  in ocr.smallGeneratingSet  do
461            Add( l, Comm( ocr.generators[i], c ) );
462        od;
463        return ocr.listToCocycle( l );
464    end;
465  else
466      tau:=function( c )
467        local   l;
468        l:=[];
469        for i  in ocr.generators  do
470            Add( l, Comm( i, c ) );
471        od;
472        return ocr.listToCocycle( l );
473    end;
474  fi;
475  gens:=InducedPcgs(cor.pcgs,SN);
476  imgs:=List( gens, tau );
478  # Now get a base for the subspace 0^S. For those zero  images which are
479  # not part of a base a generators of the stabilizer can be generated.
480  #   B   holds the base,
481  #   A   holds the correcting elements for the base vectors,
482  #   T   holds the stabilizer generators.
483  dim:=Length( imgs[1] );
484  A:=[];
485  B:=[];
486  T:=[];
487  heads:=ListWithIdenticalEntries(dim,0);
489  root:=Z(ocr.char);
490  # Get the base starting with the last one and go up.
491  for i  in Reversed( [1..Length(imgs)] )  do
492    s:=gens[i];
493    v:=imgs[i];
494    j:=1;
495    # was:while j <= dim and IntFFE(v[j]) = 0  do
496    while j <= dim and v[j] = ocr.zero  do
497      j:=j + 1;
498    od;
499    while j <= dim and heads[j] <> 0  do
500      z:=v[j] / B[heads[j]][j];
501      if z <> 0*z  then
502	s:=s / A[heads[j]] ^ ocr.logTable[LogFFE(z,root)+1];
503      fi;
504      v:=v - v[j] / B[heads[j]][j] * B[heads[j]];
505      # was: while j <= dim and IntFFE(v[j]) = 0  do
506      while j <= dim and v[j] = ocr.zero  do
507	j:=j + 1;
508      od;
509    od;
510    if j > dim  then
511      Add( T, s );
512    else
513      Add( B, v );
514      Add( A, s );
515      heads[j]:=Length( B );
516    fi;
517  od;
519  # So  <T>  now  holds a reversed list of generators for a stabilizer. <B>
520  # is  a  base for 0^<S> and <cocycles>/0^<S> are the conjugacy classes of
521  # complements.
522  S:=ClosureGroup(N,T);
523  if B = []  then
524    B:=zett;
525  else
526    B:=BaseSteinitzVectors(BasisVectors(Basis(zett)),B);
527    B:=VectorSpace(ocr.field,B.factorspace, B.factorzero);
528  fi;
529  L:=[];
530  for i  in B  do
531      K:=ocr.cocycleToComplement(i);
532      if not IsBound(cor.condition) or cor.condition(cor, K)  then
533        Add(L, rec(complement:=K, centralizer:=S));
534      fi;
535  od;
536  Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextCentral: ", Length(L), " complements found");
537  return L;
539end );
544#F  CONextComplements( <cor>, <S>, <K>, <M> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . local
545##  S: fuser, K: Complements in, M: Complements to
547InstallGlobalFunction( CONextComplements, function( cor, S, K, M )
548local   p, ocr;
550  Assert(1,IsSubgroup(K,M));
552  if IsTrivial(M)  then
553    if IsBound(cor.condition) and not cor.condition(cor, K)  then
554      return [];
555    else
556    return [rec( complement:=K, centralizer:=S )];
557    fi;
558  elif GcdInt(Size(M), Index(K,M)) = 1 then
560    # If <K> and <M> are coprime, <K> splits.
561    Info(InfoComplement,3,"CONextComplements: coprime case, <K> splits" );
562    ocr:=rec( group:=K, module:=M,
563	modulePcgs:=InducedPcgs(cor.pcgs,M),
564                pcgs:=cor.pcgs, inPcComplement:=true);
566    if IsBound( cor.generators )  then
567      ocr.generators:=cor.generators;
568      Assert(2,OCTestRelators(ocr));
569      Assert(1,IsModuloPcgs(ocr.generators));
570    fi;
571    if IsBound( cor.smallGeneratingSet )  then
572      ocr.smallGeneratingSet:=cor.smallGeneratingSet;
573      ocr.generatorsInSmall :=cor.generatorsInSmall;
574    elif IsBound( cor.primes )  then
575      p:=Factors(Size( M.generators))[1];
576      if p in cor.primes  then
577        ocr.pPrimeSet:=cor.pPrimeSets[Position( cor.primes, p )];
578      fi;
579    fi;
580    if IsBound( cor.relators )  then
581      ocr.relators:=cor.relators;
582      Assert(2,OCTestRelators(ocr));
583    fi;
585    #was: ocr.complement:=CoprimeComplement( K, M );
586    OCOneCocycles( ocr, true );
588    OCOneCoboundaries( ocr );
589    if   IsBound( cor.normalComplements )
590         and cor.normalComplements
591         and Dimension( ocr.oneCoboundaries ) <> 0 then
592      return [];
593    else
594      K:=ocr.complement;
595      if IsBound(cor.condition) and not cor.condition(cor, K)  then
596	return [];
597      fi;
598      S:=SubgroupNC( S, Filtered(GeneratorsOfGroup(S),i->not i in M));
599      S:=CONextCentralizer( ocr,
600	InducedPcgs(cor.pcgs,S), K );
601      return [rec( complement:=K, centralizer:=S )];
602    fi;
603  else
605    # In the non-coprime case, we must construct cocycles.
606    ocr:=rec( group:=K, module:=M,
607      modulePcgs:=InducedPcgs(cor.pcgs,M),
608                pcgs:=cor.pcgs, inPcComplement:=true);
610    if IsBound( cor.generators )  then
611      ocr.generators:=cor.generators;
612      Assert(2,OCTestRelators(ocr));
613      Assert(1,IsModuloPcgs(ocr.generators));
614    fi;
615    if IsBound( cor.normalComplement ) and cor.normalComplements  then
616      ocr.normalIn:=S;
617    fi;
619#    if IsBound( cor.normalSubgroup )  then
620#      L:=cor.normalSubgroup( S, K, M );
621#      if IsTrivial(L) = []  then
622#	return CONextCocycles(cor, ocr, S);
623#      else
624#	return CONextNormal(cor, ocr, S, L);
625#      fi;
626#    else
628    if IsBound( cor.smallGeneratingSet )  then
629	   ocr.smallGeneratingSet:=cor.smallGeneratingSet;
630      ocr.generatorsInSmall :=cor.generatorsInSmall;
631    elif IsBound( cor.primes )  then
632      p:=Factors(Size( M.generators))[1];
633      if p in cor.primes  then
634	ocr.pPrimeSet:=cor.pPrimeSets[Position(cor.primes,p)];
635      fi;
636    fi;
637    if IsBound( cor.relators )  then
638      ocr.relators:=cor.relators;
639      Assert(2,OCTestRelators(ocr));
640    fi;
641    if  ( cor.useCentral and IsCentral( Parent(M), M ) )
642     or ( cor.useCentralSK and IsCentral(S,M) and IsCentral(K,M) ) then
643      return CONextCentral(cor, ocr, S);
644    else
645      return CONextCocycles(cor, ocr, S);
646    fi;
648  fi;
650end );
655#F  COComplements( <cor>, <G>, <N>, <all> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . local
657##  Compute the complements in <G> of the normal subgroup N[1]. N is a list
658##  of normal subgroups of G s.t. N[i]/N[i+1] is elementary abelian.
659##  If  <all>  is  true, find all (conjugacy classes of) complements.
660##  Otherwise   try  to find  just  one complement.
662InstallGlobalFunction( COComplements, function( cor, G, E, all )
663local r,a,a0,FG,nextStep,C,found,i,time,hpcgs,ipcgs;
665  # give some information and start timing
666  Info(InfoComplement,3,"Complements: initialize factorgroups" );
667  time:=Runtime();
669  # we only need the series beginning from position <n>
670  r:=Length(E);
672  # Construct the homomorphisms <a>[i] = <G>/<E>[i+1] -> <G>/<E>[i].
675  a0:=[];
676  for i in [1..Length(E)-1] do
677    # to get compatibility we must build the natural homomorphisms
678    # ourselves.
679    ipcgs:=InducedPcgs(cor.home,E[i]);
680    hpcgs:=cor.home mod ipcgs;
681    FG:=PcGroupWithPcgs(hpcgs);
682    a:=GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC(G,FG,cor.home,
683      Concatenation(FamilyPcgs(FG),List(ipcgs,i->One(FG))));
684    SetKernelOfMultiplicativeGeneralMapping( a, E[i] );
685    Add(a0,a);
686  od;
688  # hope that NHBNS deals with the trivial subgroup sensibly
689#  a0:=List(E{[1..Length(E)-1]},i->NaturalHomomorphismByNormalSubgroup(G,i));
691  hpcgs:=List([1..Length(E)-1],
692           i->PcgsByPcSequenceNC(FamilyObj(One(Image(a0[i]))),
693	      List(cor.home mod InducedPcgs(cor.home,E[i]),
694	           j->Image(a0[i],j))));
695  Add(hpcgs,cor.home);
696  cor.hpcgs:=hpcgs;
697  a :=HomomorphismsSeries( G, a0 );
698  a0:=a0[1];
700  # <FG> contains the factorgroups <G>/<E>[1], ..., <G>/<E>[<r>].
701  FG:=List( a, Range );
702  Add( FG, G );
704  # As all entries in <cor> are optional, initialize them if they are not
705  # present in <cor> with the following defaults.
706  #
707  #   'generators'        : standard generators
708  #   'relators'        : pc-relators
709  #   'useCentral'        : false
710  #   'useCentralSK'      : false
711  #   'normalComplements'     : false
712  #
713  if not IsBound( cor.useCentral )  then
714    cor.useCentral:=false;
715  fi;
716  if not IsBound( cor.useCentralSK )  then
717    cor.useCentralSK:=false;
718  fi;
719  if not IsBound( cor.normalComplements )  then
720    cor.normalComplements:=false;
721  fi;
722  if IsBound( cor.generators )  then
723    cor.generators:=
724      InducedPcgsByGeneratorsNC(cor.hpcgs[1],
725                                List(cor.generators,x->Image(a0,x)));
726  else
727    cor.generators:=CanonicalPcgs( InducedPcgs(cor.hpcgs[1],FG[1] ));
728  fi;
729  cor.gele:=Length(cor.generators);
730  Assert(1,cor.generators[1] in FG[1]);
732  #if not IsBound( cor.normalSubgroup )  then
733  cor.group :=FG[1];
734  cor.module:=TrivialSubgroup( FG[1] );
735  cor.modulePcgs:=InducedPcgs(cor.hpcgs[1],cor.module);
736  OCAddRelations(cor,cor.generators);
737  #fi;
738  Assert(2,OCTestRelators(cor));
740  # The  following  function will be called recursively in order to descend
741  # the tree and reach a complement.  <nr> is the current level.
742  # it lifts the complement K over the nr-th step and fuses under the action
743  # of (the full preimage of) S
744  nextStep:=function( S, K, nr )
745  local   M,  NC,  X;
747    # give information about the level reached
748    Info(InfoComplement,2,"Complements: reached level ", nr, " of ", r);
750    # if this is the last level we have a complement, add it to <C>
751    if nr = r  then
752      Add( C, rec( complement:=K, centralizer:=S ) );
753        Info(InfoComplement,3,"Complements: next class found, ",
754             "total ", Length(C), " complement(s), ",
755                 "time=", Runtime() - time);
756      found:=true;
758      # otherwise try to split <K> over <M> = <FE>[<nr>+1]
759    else
760      S:=PreImage( a[nr], S );
761      M:=KernelOfMultiplicativeGeneralMapping(a[nr]);
762      cor.module:=M;
763      cor.pcgs:=cor.hpcgs[nr+1];
764      cor.modulePcgs:=InducedPcgs(cor.pcgs,M);
766      # we cannot take the 'PreImage' as this changes the gens
771      K:=PreImage(a[nr],K);
772      cor.generators:=CanonicalPcgs(InducedPcgs(cor.pcgs,K));
773      cor.generators:=cor.generators mod InducedPcgs(cor.pcgs,cor.module);
774      Assert(1,Length(cor.generators)=cor.gele);
775      Assert(2,OCTestRelators(cor));
777      # now 'CONextComplements' will try to find the complements
778      NC:=CONextComplements( cor, S, K, M );
781      # try to step down as fast as possible
782      for X  in NC  do
783	Assert(2,OCTestRelators(rec(
784	   generators:=CanonicalPcgs(InducedPcgs(cor.hpcgs[nr+1],X.complement)),
785	   relators:=cor.relators)));
786	nextStep( X.centralizer, X.complement, nr+1 );
787	if found and not all  then
788	  return;
789	fi;
790      od;
791    fi;
792  end;
794  # in <C> we will collect the complements at the last step
795  C:=[];
797  # ok, start 'nextStep'  with trivial module
798  Info(InfoComplement,2,"  starting search, time=",Runtime()-time);
799  found:=false;
800  nextStep( TrivialSubgroup( FG[1] ),
801            SubgroupNC( FG[1], cor.generators ), 1 );
803  # some timings
804  Info(InfoComplement,2,"Complements: ",Length(C)," complement(s) found, ",
805           "time=", Runtime()-time );
807  # add the normalizer
808  Info(InfoComplement,3,"Complements: adding normalizers" );
809  for i  in [1..Length(C)]  do
810    C[i].normalizer:=ClosureGroup( C[i].centralizer,
811			C[i].complement );
812  od;
813  return C;
815end );
820#M  COComplementsMain( <G>, <N>, <all>, <fun> )  . . . . . . . . . . . . . local
822##  Prepare arguments for 'ComplementCO'.
824InstallGlobalFunction( COComplementsMain, function( G, N, all, fun )
825local   H, E,  cor,  a,  i,  fun2,pcgs,home;
827  home:=HomePcgs(G);
828  pcgs:=home;
829  # Get the elementary abelian series through <N>.
830  E:=ElementaryAbelianSeriesLargeSteps( [G,N,TrivialSubgroup(G)] );
831  E:=Filtered(E,i->IsSubset(N,i));
833  # we require that the subgroups of E are subgroups of the Pcgs-Series
835  if Length(InducedPcgs(home,G))<Length(home) # G is not the top group
836     # nt not in series
837     or ForAny(E,i->Size(i)>1 and
838       not i=SubgroupNC(G,home{[DepthOfPcElement(home,
839                                    InducedPcgs(home,i)[1])..Length(home)]}))
840     then
842    Info(InfoComplement,3,"Computing better pcgs" );
843    # create a better pcgs
845    pcgs:=InducedPcgs(home,G) mod InducedPcgs(home,N);
846    for i in [2..Length(E)] do
847      pcgs:=Concatenation(pcgs,
848         InducedPcgs(home,E[i-1]) mod InducedPcgs(home,E[i]));
849    od;
851    if not IsPcGroup(G) then
852      # for non-pc groups arbitrary pcgs may become unfeasibly slow, so
853      # convert to a pc group in this case
854      pcgs:=PcgsByPcSequenceCons(IsPcgsDefaultRep,
855	IsPcgs and IsPrimeOrdersPcgs,FamilyObj(One(G)),pcgs,[]);
857      H:=PcGroupWithPcgs(pcgs);
858      home:=pcgs; # this is our new home pcgs
859      a:=GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC(G,H,pcgs,GeneratorsOfGroup(H));
860      E:=List(E,i->Image(a,i));
861      if IsFunction(fun) then
862	fun2:=function(x)
863		return fun(PreImage(a,x));
864	      end;
865      else
866	pcgs:=home;
867	fun2:=fun;
868      fi;
869      Info(InfoComplement,3,"transfer back" );
870      return List( COComplementsMain( H, Image(a,N), all, fun2 ), x -> rec(
871	    complement :=PreImage( a, x.complement ),
872	      centralizer:=PreImage( a, x.centralizer ) ) );
873    else
874      pcgs:=PcgsByPcSequenceNC(FamilyObj(home[1]),pcgs);
875      IsPrimeOrdersPcgs(pcgs); # enforce setting
876      H:= GroupByGenerators( pcgs );
877      home:=pcgs;
878    fi;
880  fi;
882  # if <G> and <N> are coprime <G> splits over <N>
883  if false and GcdInt(Size(N), Index(G,N)) = 1  then
884      Info(InfoComplement,3,"Complements: coprime case, <G> splits" );
885      cor:=rec();
887  # otherwise we compute a hall system for <G>/<N>
888  else
889    #AH
890    #Info(InfoComplement,2,"Complements: computing p prime sets" );
891    #a  :=NaturalHomomorphism( G, G / N );
892    #cor:=PPrimeSetsOC( Image( a ) );
893    #cor.generators:=List( cor.generators, x ->
894    #                    PreImagesRepresentative( a, x ) );
895    cor:=rec(home:=home,generators:=pcgs mod InducedPcgs(pcgs,N));
896    cor.useCentralSK:=true;
897  fi;
899  # if a condition was given use it
900  if IsFunction(fun)  then cor.condition:=fun;  fi;
902  # 'COComplements' will do most of the work
903  return COComplements( cor, G, E, all );
905end );
908InstallMethod( ComplementClassesRepresentativesSolvableNC, "pc groups",
909  IsIdenticalObj, [CanEasilyComputePcgs,CanEasilyComputePcgs], 0,
911  return List( COComplementsMain(G, N, true, false), G -> G.complement );
915# Solvable factor group case
916# find complements to (N\cap H)M/M in H/M where H=N_G(M), assuming factor is
917# solvable
919local G,N,M,keep,H,K,f,primes,p,A,S,L,hom,c,cn,nc,ncn,lnc,lncn,q,qs,qn,ser,
920      pos,i,pcgs,z,qk,j,ocr,bas,mark,k,orb,shom,shomgens,subbas,elm,
921      acterlist,free,nz,gp,actfun,mat,cond,pos2;
923  G:=arg[1];
924  N:=arg[2];
925  M:=arg[3];
926  if Length(arg)>3 then
927    keep:=arg[4];
928  else
929    keep:=false;;
930  fi;
931  H:=Normalizer(G,M);
932  Info(InfoComplement,2,"Call COSolvableFactor ",Index(G,N)," ",
933       Size(N)," ",Size(M)," ",Size(H));
934  if Size(ClosureGroup(N,H))<Size(G) then
935    #Print("discard\n");
936    return [];
937  fi;
939  K:=ClosureGroup(M,Intersection(H,N));
940  f:=Size(H)/Size(K);
942  # find prime that gives normal characteristic subgroup
943  primes:=PrimeDivisors(f);
944  if Length(primes)=1 then
945    p:=primes[1];
946    A:=H;
947  else
948    while Length(primes)>0 do
949      p:=primes[1];
950      A:=ClosureGroup(K,SylowSubgroup(H,p));
951  #Print(Index(A,K)," in ",Index(H,K),"\n");
952      A:=Core(H,A);
953      if Size(A)>Size(K) then
954	# found one. Doesn't need to be elementary abelian
955	if not IsPrimePowerInt(Size(A)/Size(K)) then
956	  Error("multiple primes");
957	else
958	  primes:=[];
959	fi;
960      else
961	primes:=primes{[2..Length(primes)]}; # next one
962      fi;
963    od;
964  fi;
966  #if HasAbelianFactorGroup(A,K) then
967  #  pcgs:=ModuloPcgs(A,K);
968  #  S:=LinearActionLayer(H,pcgs);
969  #  S:=GModuleByMats(S,GF(p));
970  #  L:=MTX.BasesMinimalSubmodules(S);
971  #  if Length(L)>0 then
972  #    Sort(L,function(a,b) return Length(a)<Length(b);end);
973  #    L:=List(L[1],x->PcElementByExponents(pcgs,x));
974  #    A:=ClosureGroup(K,L);
975  ##  fi;
976  #else
977  #  Print("IDX",Index(A,K),"\n");
978  #fi;
980  S:=ClosureGroup(M,SylowSubgroup(A,p));
981  L:=Normalizer(H,S);
983  # determine complements up to L-conjugacy. Currently brute-force
984  hom:=NaturalHomomorphismByNormalSubgroup(L,M);
986  q:=Image(hom);
987  if IsSolvableGroup(q) and not IsPcGroup(q) then
988    hom:=hom*IsomorphismSpecialPcGroup(q);
989    q:=Image(hom);
990  fi;
991  #q:=Group(SmallGeneratingSet(q),One(q));
992  qs:=Image(hom,S);
993  qn:=Image(hom,Intersection(L,K));
994  qk:=Image(hom,Intersection(S,K));
995  shom:=NaturalHomomorphismByNormalSubgroup(qs,qk);
996  ser:=ElementaryAbelianSeries([q,qs,qk]);
997  pos:=Position(ser,qk);
998  Info(InfoComplement,2,"Series ",List(ser,Size),pos);
999  c:=[qs];
1000  cn:=[q];
1001  for i in [pos+1..Length(ser)] do
1002    pcgs:=ModuloPcgs(ser[i-1],ser[i]);
1003    nc:=[];
1004    ncn:=[];
1005    for j in [1..Length(c)] do
1006      ocr:=OneCocycles(c[j],pcgs);
1007      shomgens:=List(ocr.generators,x->Image(shom,x));
1008      if ocr.isSplitExtension then
1009	subbas:=Basis(ocr.oneCoboundaries);
1011	bas:=BaseSteinitzVectors(BasisVectors(Basis(ocr.oneCocycles)),
1012	                         BasisVectors(subbas));
1013        lnc:=[];
1014	lncn:=[];
1015	Info(InfoComplement,2,"Step ",i,",",j,": ",
1016	  p^Length(bas.factorspace)," Complements");
1017	elm:=VectorSpace(GF(p),bas.factorspace,Zero(ocr.oneCocycles));
1018	if Length(bas.factorspace)=0 then
1019	  elm:=AsSSortedList(elm);
1020	else
1021	  elm:=Enumerator(elm);
1022	fi;
1023	mark:=BlistList([1..Length(elm)],[]);
1025	# we act on cocycles, not cocycles modulo coboundaries. This is
1026	# because orbits are short, and we otherwise would have to do a
1027	# double stabilizer calculation to obtain the normalizer.
1028	acterlist:=[];
1029	free:=FreeGroup(Length(ocr.generators));
1030	#cn[j]:=Group(SmallGeneratingSet(cn[j]));
1031	for z in GeneratorsOfGroup(cn[j]) do
1032	  nz:=[z];
1033	  gp:=List(ocr.generators,x->Image(shom,x^z));
1034	  if gp=shomgens then
1035	    # no action on qs/qk -- action on cohomology is affine
1037	    # linear part
1038	    mat:=[];
1039	    for k in BasisVectors(Basis(GF(p)^Length(Zero(ocr.oneCocycles)))) do
1040	      k:=ocr.listToCocycle(List(ocr.cocycleToList(k),x->x^z));
1041	      Add(mat,k);
1042	    od;
1043	    mat:=ImmutableMatrix(GF(p),mat);
1044	    Add(nz,mat);
1046	    # affine part
1047	    mat:=ocr.listToCocycle(List(ocr.complementGens,x->Comm(x,z)));
1048	    ConvertToVectorRep(mat,GF(p));
1049	    MakeImmutable(mat);
1050	    Add(nz,mat);
1052	    if IsOne(nz[2]) and IsZero(nz[3]) then
1053	      nz[4]:=fail; # indicate that element does not act
1054	    fi;
1056	  else
1057	    gp:=GroupWithGenerators(gp);
1058	    SetEpimorphismFromFreeGroup(gp,GroupHomomorphismByImages(free,
1059	      gp,GeneratorsOfGroup(free),GeneratorsOfGroup(gp)));
1060	    Add(nz,List(shomgens,x->Factorization(gp,x)));
1061	  fi;
1063	  Add(acterlist,nz);
1064	od;
1065	actfun:=function(cy,a)
1066	local genpos,l;
1067	  genpos:=PositionProperty(acterlist,x->a=x[1]);
1068	  if genpos=fail then
1069	    if IsOne(a) then
1070	      # the action test always does the identity, so its worth
1071	      # catching this as we have many short orbits
1072	      return cy;
1073	    else
1074	      return ocr.complementToCocycle(ocr.cocycleToComplement(cy)^a);
1075	    fi;
1076	  elif Length(acterlist[genpos])=4 then
1077	    # no action
1078	    return cy;
1079	  elif Length(acterlist[genpos])=3 then
1080	    # affine case
1081	    l:=cy*acterlist[genpos][2]+acterlist[genpos][3];
1082	  else
1083	    l:=ocr.cocycleToList(cy);
1084	    l:=List([1..Length(l)],x->(ocr.complementGens[x]*l[x])^a);
1085	    if acterlist[genpos][2]<>fail then
1086	      l:=List(acterlist[genpos][2],
1087			x->MappedWord(x,GeneratorsOfGroup(free),l));
1088	    fi;
1089	    l:=List([1..Length(l)],x->LeftQuotient(ocr.complementGens[x],l[x]));
1090	    l:=ocr.listToCocycle(l);
1091	  fi;
1093  #if l<>ocr.complementToCocycle(ocr.cocycleToComplement(cy)^a) then Error("ACT");fi;
1094	  return l;
1095	end;
1096        pos:=1;
1097	repeat
1098	  #z:=ClosureGroup(ser[i],ocr.cocycleToComplement(elm[pos]));
1100	  orb:=OrbitStabilizer(cn[j],elm[pos],actfun);
1101	  mark[pos]:=true;
1102	  #cnt:=1;
1103	  for k in [2..Length(orb.orbit)] do
1104	    pos2:=Position(elm,SiftedVector(subbas,orb.orbit[k]));
1105	    #if mark[pos2]=false then cnt:=cnt+1;fi;
1106	    mark[pos2]:=true; # mark orbit off
1107	  od;
1108	  #Print(cnt,"/",Length(orb.orbit),"\n");
1109	  if IsSubset(orb.stabilizer,qn) then
1110	    cond:=Size(orb.stabilizer)=Size(q);
1111	  else
1112	    cond:=Size(ClosureGroup(qn,orb.stabilizer))=Size(q);
1113	  fi;
1114	  if cond then
1115	    # normalizer is still large enough to keep the complement
1116	    Add(lnc,ClosureGroup(ser[i],ocr.cocycleToComplement(elm[pos])));
1117	    Add(lncn,orb.stabilizer);
1118	  fi;
1120	  pos:=Position(mark,false);
1121	until pos=fail;
1122	Info(InfoComplement,2,Length(lnc)," good normalizer orbits");
1124	Append(nc,lnc);
1125	Append(ncn,lncn);
1126      fi;
1127    od;
1128    c:=nc;
1129    cn:=ncn;
1130  od;
1132  c:=List(c,x->PreImage(hom,x));
1133  #c:=SubgroupsOrbitsAndNormalizers(K,c,false);
1134  #c:=List(c,x->x.representative);
1136  # only if not cyclic
1137  if Length(c)>1 and not IsCyclic(c[1]) then
1138    nc:=PermPreConjtestGroups(K,c);
1139  else
1140    nc:=[[K,c]];
1141  fi;
1143  Info(InfoComplement,2,Length(c)," Preimages in ",Length(nc)," clusters ");
1144  c:=[];
1145  for i in nc do
1146    cn:=SubgroupsOrbitsAndNormalizers(i[1],i[2],false);
1147    Add(c,List(cn,x->x.representative));
1148  od;
1150  Info(InfoComplement,1,"Overall ",Sum(c,Length)," Complements ",
1151    Size(qs)/Size(qk));
1153  if keep then
1154    return c;
1155  else
1156    c:=Concatenation(c);
1157  fi;
1158  if Size(A)<Size(H) then
1159    # recursively do the next step up
1160    cn:=List(c,x->COSolvableFactor(G,N,x));
1161    nc:=Concatenation(cn);
1162    c:=nc;
1163  fi;
1164  return c;
1171#M  ComplementClassesRepresentatives( <G>, <N> ) . . . .  find all complement
1173InstallMethod( ComplementClassesRepresentatives,
1174  "solvable normal subgroup or factor group",
1175  IsIdenticalObj, [IsGroup,IsGroup],0,
1176function( G, N )
1177  local   C;
1179  # if <G> and <N> are equal the only complement is trivial
1180  if G = N  then
1181      C:=[TrivialSubgroup(G)];
1183  # if <N> is trivial the only complement is <G>
1184  elif Size(N) = 1 then
1185      C:=[G];
1187  elif not IsNormal(G,N) then
1188    Error("N must be normal in G");
1189  elif IsSolvableGroup(N) then
1190    # otherwise we have to work
1191    C:=ComplementClassesRepresentativesSolvableNC(G,N);
1192  elif HasSolvableFactorGroup(G,N) then
1193    C:=COSolvableFactor(G,N,TrivialSubgroup(G));
1194  else
1195    TryNextMethod();
1196  fi;
1198  # return what we have found
1199  return C;
1206#M  ComplementcClassesRepresentatives( <G>, <N> )
1208InstallMethod( ComplementClassesRepresentatives,
1209  "tell that the normal subgroup or factor must be solvable", IsIdenticalObj,
1210  [ IsGroup, IsGroup ], {} -> -2*RankFilter(IsGroup),
1211function( G, N )
1212  if IsSolvableGroup(N) or HasSolvableFactorGroup(G, N) then
1213    TryNextMethod();
1214  fi;
1215  Error("cannot compute complements if both N and G/N are nonsolvable");
1221#M  ComplementcClassesRepresentatives( <G>, <N> ) . from conj. cl. subgroups
1223InstallMethod( ComplementClassesRepresentatives,
1224  "using conjugacy classes of subgroups", IsIdenticalObj,
1225  [ IsGroup and HasConjugacyClassesSubgroups, IsGroup ], 0,
1227function( G, N )
1229  local C, Hc, H;
1231  # if <N> is trivial the only complement is <G>
1232  if IsTrivial(N) then
1233      C := [ G ];
1234  # if <G> and <N> are equal the only complement is trivial
1235  elif G = N  then
1236      C := [ TrivialSubgroup(G) ];
1237  elif not IsNormal(G, N) then
1238    Error("N must be normal in G");
1239  else
1240    C := [ ];
1241    for Hc in ConjugacyClassesSubgroups(G) do
1242      H := Representative(Hc);
1243      if (( CanComputeSize(G) and CanComputeSize(N) and CanComputeSize(H) and
1244	  Size(G) = Size(N)*Size(H) ) or G = ClosureGroup(N, H) )
1245	  and IsTrivial(Intersection(N, H)) then
1246	Add(C, H);
1247      fi;
1248    od;
1249  fi;
1250  return C;