3#W  idrels.gi                     IdRel Package                  Chris Wensley
4#W                                                             & Anne Heyworth
5##  Implementation file for functions of the IdRel package.
7#Y  Copyright (C) 1999-2018 Anne Heyworth and Chris Wensley
9##  This file contains generic methods for identities among relators
13#M  GroupRelatorSequenceLessThan
15InstallMethod( GroupRelatorSequenceLessThan, "for two grp rel sequences",
16    true, [ IsList, IsList ], 0,
17function( y, z )
18    if ( Length( y ) < Length( z ) ) then
19        return true;
20    elif ( Length( y ) > Length( z ) ) then
21        return false;
22    else
23        return ( y < z );
24    fi;
25end );
29#M  ModuleRelatorSequenceReduce
31InstallMethod( ModuleRelatorSequenceReduce, "generic method for a Ysequence",
32    true, [ IsList ], 0,
33function( y )
35    local  k, leny, w;
37    leny := Length( y );
38    k := 1;
39    ## remove consecutive terms when one is the inverse of the other
40    while ( k < leny ) do
41        if ( ( y[k][1] = y[k+1][1]^(-1) ) and ( y[k][2] = y[k+1][2] ) ) then
42            y := Concatenation( y{[1..k-1]}, y{[k+2..leny]} );
43            k := k - 2;
44            leny := leny - 2;
45            if ( ( k = -1 ) and ( leny > 0 ) ) then
46                k := 0;
47            fi;
48        fi;
49        k := k + 1;
50    od;
51    ## remove first and last terms when one is the inverse of the other
52    if ( ( leny > 1 ) and ( y[1][1] = y[leny][1]^(-1) )
53                      and ( y[1][2] = y[leny][2] ) ) then
54        y := y{[2..leny-1]};
55        leny := leny - 2;
56    fi;
57    return y;
58end );
62#M  YSequenceConjugateAndReduce
64InstallMethod( YSequenceConjugateAndReduce, "generic method for a Ysequence",
65    true, [ IsList, IsHomogeneousList ], 0,
66function( y, rws )
68    local  k, leny, w;
70    leny := Length( y );
71    if ( leny > 0 ) then
72        w := y[1][2]^(-1);
73        y := List( y, c -> [ c[1], ReduceWordKB( c[2]*w, rws ) ] );
74    fi;
75    return y;
76end );
80#M  ConvertToGroupRelatorSequences
82##  this operation takes a list of monoid relator sequences mseq for the
83##  group G which involve numbers for the relators and monoid conjugating
84##  words and replaces them with the relators and conjugating words in G
86InstallMethod( ConvertToGroupRelatorSequences,
87    "generic method for an fp-group and a monoid relator sequence", true,
88    [ IsFpGroup, IsHomogeneousList ], 0,
89function( G, mseq )
91    local  monG, mu, FM, genFM, numgenM, F, genF, idF, freerels, FR, genFR,
92           omega, len, gseq, i, s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, leni, t, t1, rt, wt,
93           z, z1, z2;
94    monG := MonoidPresentationFpGroup( G );
95    mu := HomomorphismOfPresentation( monG );
96    FM := FreeGroupOfPresentation( monG );
97    genFM := GeneratorsOfGroup( FM );
98    numgenM := Length( genFM );
99    F := FreeGroupOfFpGroup( G );
100    genF := GeneratorsOfGroup( F );
101    idF := One( F );
102    freerels := RelatorsOfFpGroup( G );
103    FR := FreeRelatorGroup( G );
104    genFR := GeneratorsOfGroup( FR );
105    omega := GroupHomomorphismByImages( FR, F, genFR, freerels );
107    len := Length( mseq );
108    gseq := ListWithIdenticalEntries( len, 0 );
109    for i in [1..len] do
110        s0 := mseq[i];
111        s1 := ShallowCopy( s0[2] );
112        s2 := ShallowCopy( s0[2] );
113        leni := Length( s1 );
114        for t in [1..leni] do
115            t1 := s1[t][1];
116            if ( t1 > 0 ) then
117                rt := genFR[ t1 - numgenM ];
118            else
119                rt := genFR[ - t1 - numgenM ]^-1;
120            fi;
121            wt := Image( mu, s1[t][2] );
122            s2[t] := [ rt, wt ];
123        od;
124        s3 := ModuleRelatorSequenceReduce( s2 );
125        ##  check that this really is an identity
126        leni := Length( s3 );
127        if ( leni > 0 ) then
128            s4 := ShallowCopy( s3 );
129            for t in [1..Length(s4)] do
130                z := s4[t];
131                z1 := Image( omega, z[1] );
132                z2 := z[2];
133                s4[t] := z1^z2;
134            od;
135            if not( Product( s4 ) = idF ) then
136                Print( "s0 = ", s0, "\n" );
137                Print( "s1 = ", s1, "\n" );
138                Print( "s2 = ", s2, "\n" );
139                Print( "s3 = ", s3, "\n" );
140                Print( "s4 = ", s4, "\n" );
141                Error( "supposed identity fails to reduce to idF" );
142            fi;
143        fi;
144        gseq[i] := [ s0[1], s3 ];
145    od;
146    return gseq;
147end );
151#M  IdentityRelatorSequences
153InstallMethod( IdentityRelatorSequences, "generic method for an fp-group",
154    true, [ IsFpGroup ], 0,
155function( G )
157    local genG, monG, amg, FM, genFM, invgenFM, idM, numgenM, invrels,
158          invrules1, invrules2, grprels, mu, genpos, logrws, rws, F, genF,
159          idF, numgenF, genrangeF, g, k, genFMpos, freerels, numrel, relrange,
160          FR, genFR, idR, omega, uptolen, words, fam, iwords, numelts,
161          edgesT, mseq, e, elt, rho, numa, ide, r, lenr, edgelist,
162          edge, w, lw, v, posv, inv, lenv, j, numids, gseq, lenseq;
164    genG := GeneratorsOfGroup( G );
165    monG := MonoidPresentationFpGroup( G );
166    amg := ArrangementOfMonoidGenerators( G );
167    FM := FreeGroupOfPresentation( monG );
168    genFM := GeneratorsOfGroup( FM );
169    invgenFM := InverseGeneratorsOfFpGroup( FM );
170    idM := One( FM );
171    numgenM := Length( genFM );
172    invrels := InverseRelatorsOfPresentation( monG );
173    invrules1 := ListWithIdenticalEntries( Length( genFM ), 0 );
174    invrules2 := Concatenation( List( invrels, r -> [ r, idM ] ),
175                                List( invrels, r -> [r^-1, idM ] ) );
176    grprels := GroupRelatorsOfPresentation( monG );
177    mu := HomomorphismOfPresentation( monG );
178    genpos := MonoidGeneratorsFpGroup( G );
179    logrws := LoggedRewritingSystemFpGroup( G );
180    #?  WHY??   rws := Filtered( logrws, r -> not( r[1] in invrels ) );
181    rws := List( logrws, r -> [ r[1], r[3] ] );
182    if ( InfoLevel( InfoIdRel ) > 2 ) then
183        Print( "logrws = \n" );
184        Display( logrws );
185        Print( "\nrws = \n" );
186        Display( rws );
187        Print( "\n" );
188    fi;
189    F := FreeGroupOfFpGroup( G );
190    genF := GeneratorsOfGroup( F );
191    idF := One( F );
192    numgenF := Length( genF );
193    genrangeF := [1..numgenF];
194    for g in genrangeF do
195        k := g + numgenF;
196        invrules1[g] := [ genFM[g]^-1, genFM[k] ];
197        invrules1[k] := [ genFM[k]^-1, genFM[g] ];
198    od;
199    genFMpos := genFM{ genrangeF };
200    freerels := RelatorsOfFpGroup( G );
201    numrel := Length( freerels );
202    relrange := [1..numrel];
203    FR := FreeRelatorGroup( G );
204    idR := One( FR );
205    genFR := GeneratorsOfGroup( FR );
206    omega := GroupHomomorphismByImages( FR, F, genFR, freerels );
207    if ( InfoLevel( InfoIdRel ) > 1 ) then
208        Print( "\nhom from FR to F is: \n", omega, "\n\n" );
209    fi;
211    ##  construct the first few elements in the group
212    uptolen := 2;     ######################  temporary value
213    if ( HasPartialElements( G ) and
214         ( PartialElementsLength( G ) >= uptolen ) ) then
215        words := PartialElements( G );
216        uptolen := PartialElementsLength( G );
217    else
218        words := PartialElementsOfMonoidPresentation( G, uptolen );
219    fi;
220    fam := FamilyObj( words[1] );
221    iwords := PartialInverseElements( G );
222    numelts := Length( words );
223    edgesT := GenerationTree( G );
224    mseq := [ ];
225    ##  now work through the list of elements, adding each relator in turn
226    e := 0;  ## this is the number of monoid elements processed so far
227    while ( e < numelts ) do
228        e := e+1;
229        elt := words[e];
230        for rho in relrange do
231            Info( InfoIdRel, 2, "[e,rho] = ", [e,rho] );
232            numa := (e-1)*numrel + rho;
233            ide := [ [ -(rho+numgenM), iwords[e] ] ];
234            ### cycle [g,r] (from vertex g and reading r along edges)
235            ### is converted to a list of its component edges:
236            ### [source vertex, edge label] (some may be inverse edges)
237            r := grprels[rho];
238            lenr := Length( r );
239            edgelist := ListWithIdenticalEntries( lenr, 0 );
240            edgelist[1] := [ elt, Subword(r,1,1) ];
241            ### Edges of the cycle which are in the tree are removed,
242            ### and the rest are represented by their position in the
243            ### list of alpha edges.
244            for k in [1..lenr] do
245                edge := edgelist[k];
246                w := Product( edge );
247                lw := LoggedReduceWordKB( w, logrws );
248                v := lw[2];  ## the new vertex
249                posv := Position( words, v );
250                if ( v = w ) then  ## no reduction
251                    if ( posv = fail ) then  ## v=w is not yet in the tree
252                        Add( words, v );
253                        inv := InverseWordInFreeGroupOfPresentation( FM, v );
254                        Add( iwords, inv );
255                        Add( edgesT, edge );
256                        j := Position( genFM, edge[2] );
257                        Add( edgesT, [ v, iwords[j] ] );
258                    fi;
259                else  ## v<>w, so there is some logging to include in the ide
260                    if ( posv = fail ) then
261                        Add( words, v );
262                        inv := InverseWordInFreeGroupOfPresentation( FM, v );
263                        Add( iwords, inv );
264                        lenv := Length( v );
265                        g := Subword( v, lenv, lenv );
266                        Add( edgesT, [ Subword( v, 1, lenv-1 ), g ] );
267                        j := Position( genFM, g );
268                        Add( edgesT, [ v, iwords[j] ] );
269                    fi;
270                    Append( ide, lw[1] );
271                fi;
272                if ( k < lenr ) then
273                    edgelist[k+1] := [ v, Subword(r,k+1,k+1) ];
274                else
275                    if not ( v = elt ) then
276                        Error( "v <> elt" );
277                    fi;
278                fi;
279            od;
280            w := ide[1][2]^(-1);
281            for k in [1..Length(ide)] do
282                ide[k][2] := ide[k][2]*w;
283            od;
284            ide := RelatorSequenceReduce( G, ide );
285            if ( ide <> [ ] ) then
286                posv := Position( mseq, ide );
287                if ( posv = fail ) then
288                    Add( mseq, ide );
289                fi;
290            fi;
291        od;
292    od;
293    Info( InfoIdRel, 1, "mseq has length: ", Length(mseq), "\n" );
294    Info( InfoIdRel, 3, mseq );
295    ### convert relator sequences to Y-sequences
296    lenseq := Length( mseq );
297    mseq := List( [1..lenseq], i -> [ i, mseq[i] ] );
298    gseq := ConvertToGroupRelatorSequences( G, mseq );
299    gseq := ReduceGroupRelatorSequences( gseq );
300    lenseq := Length( gseq );
301    gseq := List( [1..lenseq], i -> [ i, gseq[i][1], gseq[i][2] ] );
302    return gseq;
303end );
307#M  ReduceGroupRelatorSequences
309InstallMethod( ReduceGroupRelatorSequences, "for a list of Ysequences", true,
310    [ IsHomogeneousList ], 0,
311function( L )
313    local changed, L2, lenL, i, idi, leni, rho, j, idj, lenj, k, w, c, ok;
315    ### search for conjugate of one identity lying within another
316    changed := true;
317    L2 := ShallowCopy( L );
318    while changed do
319        Info( InfoIdRel, 1, "## new iteration in ReduceGroupRelatorSequences" );
320        L2 := Filtered( L2, y -> not ( y[2] = [ ] ) );
321        lenL := Length( L2 );
322        Sort( L2, function( K, L )
323                  return GroupRelatorSequenceLessThan( K[2], L[2] );
324                  end );
325        Info( InfoIdRel, 1, "after sorting:" );
326        Info( InfoIdRel, 1, "number of identities = ", lenL );
327        if ( InfoLevel( InfoIdRel ) > 1 ) then
328            Perform( L2, Display );
329        fi;
330        changed := false;
331        for i in [1..lenL] do
332            idi := L2[i][2];
333            leni := Length( idi );
334            if ( leni > 0 ) then
335                rho := idi[1][1];
336                for j in [i+1..lenL] do
337                    idj := L2[j][2];
338                    lenj := Length( idj );
339                    k := 1;
340                    while ( k <= (lenj-leni+1) ) do
341                        if ( idj[k][1] = rho ) then
342                            w := idj[k][2];
343                            c := 1;
344                            ok := true;
345                            while ( ok and ( c < leni ) ) do
346                                c := c+1;
347                                if ([idi[c][1],idi[c][2]*w]<>idj[k+c-1]) then
348                                     ok := false;
349                                fi;
350                            od;
351                            if ok then
352                                idj := Concatenation( idj{[1..k-1]},
353                                                      idj{[(k+leni)..lenj]} );
354                                L2[j][2] := idj;
355                                lenj := lenj - leni;
356                                if ( InfoLevel( InfoIdRel ) > 0 ) then
357                                    if ( lenj = 0 ) then
358                                    Print( "** id ", L2[j][1],
359                                           " reduced by id ", L2[i][1],
360                                           " to ", idj, " at [i,j] = ",
361                                           [i,j], " **\n");
362                                    fi;
363                                fi;
364                                changed := true;
365                                k := k-1;
366                            fi;
367                        fi;
368                        k := k+1;
369                    od;
370                od;
371                idi := Reversed( List( idi, c -> [ c[1]^-1, c[2] ] ) );
372                w := idi[1][2]^(-1);
373                for j in [1..Length(idi)] do
374                    idi[j][2] := idi[j][2]*w;
375                od;
376                rho := idi[1][1];
377                for j in [i+1..lenL] do
378                    idj := L2[j][2];
379                    lenj := Length( idj );
380                    k := 1;
381                    while ( k <= (lenj-leni+1) ) do
382                        if ( idj[k][1] = rho ) then
383                            w := idj[k][2];
384                            c := 1;
385                            ok := true;
386                            while ( ok and ( c < leni ) ) do
387                                c := c+1;
388                                if ([idi[c][1],idi[c][2]*w]<>idj[k+c-1]) then
389                                     ok := false;
390                                fi;
391                            od;
392                            if ok then
393                                idj := Concatenation( idj{[1..k-1]},
394                                                      idj{[(k+leni)..lenj]} );
395                                L2[j][2] := idj;
396                                lenj := lenj - leni;
397                                if ( InfoLevel( InfoIdRel ) > 0 ) then
398                                    if ( lenj = 0 ) then
399                                    Print( "** id ", L2[j][1],
400                                           " reduced by reversed id ", L2[i][1],
401                                           " to ", idj, " at [i,j] = ",
402                                           [i,j], " **\n");
403                                    fi;
404                                fi;
405                                changed := true;
406                                k := k-1;
407                            fi;
408                        fi;
409                        k := k+1;
410                    od;
411                od;
412            fi;
413        od;
414    od;
415    return L2;
416end );
420#M  ConvertToYSequences( <G> )
422InstallMethod( ConvertToYSequences, "for an fp-group and group relator seq",
423    true, [ IsFpGroup, IsFreeGroup, IsHomogeneousList ], 0,
424function( G, FY, gseq )
426    local monG, elmon, oneM, frgp, frgens, FM, FMfam, L, FYgens, lrws, rws,
427          numids, polys, k, j, pos, ident, leni, irange, gp, npols, i, i1,
428          w, len, rp, nyp, yp, lp, lbest;
430    monG := MonoidPresentationFpGroup( G );
431    if HasElementsOfMonoidPresentation( G ) then
432        elmon := ElementsOfMonoidPresentation( G );
433    elif HasPartialElements( G ) then
434        elmon := PartialElements( G );
435    elif ( HasIsFinite( G ) and IsFinite( G ) ) then
436        elmon := ElementsOfMonoidPresentation( G );
437    else
438        ##  using 3 as a suitable word length
439        elmon := PartialElementsOfMonoidPresentation( G, 3 );
440    fi;
441    oneM := elmon[1];
442    frgp := FreeRelatorGroup( G );
443    frgens := GeneratorsOfGroup( frgp );
444    FM := FreeGroupOfPresentation( monG );
445    FMfam := ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( FM ) );
446    lrws := LoggedRewritingSystemFpGroup( G );
447    rws := List( lrws, r -> [ r[1], r[3] ] );
448    L := ArrangementOfMonoidGenerators( G );
449    FYgens := GeneratorsOfGroup( FY );
450    numids := Length( gseq );
451    polys := [ ];
452    k := 0;
453    for j in [1..numids] do
454        Info( InfoIdRel, 2, "===============  j = ", j, "  ===============" );
455        pos := gseq[j][1];
456        ident := gseq[j][3];
457        Info( InfoIdRel, 2, "gseq[j] = ", gseq[j] );
458        leni := Length( ident );
459        if ( leni > 0 ) then
460            k := k+1;
461            Info( InfoIdRel, 2, "k = ", k );
462            irange := [1..leni];
463            gp := ListWithIdenticalEntries( leni, 0 );
464            npols := ListWithIdenticalEntries( leni, 0 );
465            for i in irange do
466                i1 := ident[i][1];
467                w := MonoidWordFpWord( ident[i][2], FMfam, L );
468                w := ReduceWordKB( w, rws );
469                if i1 in frgens then
470                    gp[i] := i1;
471                    npols[i] := MonoidPolyFromCoeffsWords( [+1], [w] );
472                else
473                    gp[i] := i1^(-1);
474                    npols[i] := MonoidPolyFromCoeffsWords( [-1], [w] );
475                fi;
476            od;
477            Info( InfoIdRel, 2, "npols = ", npols );
478            rp := ModulePolyFromGensPolys( gp, npols );
479            Info( InfoIdRel, 2, "rp = ", rp );
480            len := Length( rp );
481            if not ( len = 0 ) then
482                nyp := MonoidPolyFromCoeffsWords( [ 1 ], [ oneM ] );
483                Info( InfoIdRel, 2, "nyp = ", nyp );
484                yp := ModulePolyFromGensPolys( [ FYgens[pos] ], [ nyp ] );
485                Info( InfoIdRel, 2, "yp = ", yp );
486                lp := LoggedModulePolyNC( yp, rp );
487                Info( InfoIdRel, 2, "lp = ", lp );
488                lbest := MinimiseLeadTerm( lp, G, rws );
489                lp := lbest*(-1);
490                Info( InfoIdRel, 2, "lp = ", lp );
491                if ( lbest < lp ) then
492                    Add( polys, lbest );
493                else
494                    Add( polys, lp );
495                fi;
496            fi;
497        fi;
498    od;
499    Sort( polys );
500    return polys;
501end );
505#M  ReduceModulePolyList( <L> )
507InstallMethod( ReduceModulePolyList, "for a list of identities", true,
508    [ IsFpGroup, IsHomogeneousList, IsHomogeneousList, IsHomogeneousList ], 0,
509function( G, elmon, rws, modpols )
511    local  irrepols, irrerems, sats, irrenum, m1, m0, i, lp, rp, leadgp, yp,
512           logrem, remyp, remrp, rem, remsat, m, r;
514    irrepols := [ ];
515    irrerems:= [ ];
516    sats := [ ];
517    irrenum := 0;
518    m1 := RelatorModulePoly( modpols[1] );
519    m0 := m1 - m1;
520    for i in [1..Length(modpols)] do
521        lp := modpols[i];
522        if ( InfoLevel( InfoIdRel ) > 2 ) then
523            Print( "\n\n", i, " : "); Display( lp ); Print( "\n" );
524        fi;
525        rp := RelatorModulePoly( lp );
526        leadgp := LeadGenerator( rp );
527        yp := YSequenceModulePoly( lp );
528        if ( InfoLevel( InfoIdRel ) > 2 ) then
529            Print( "\nlooking at polynomial number ", i, ": \n" );
530            Display( lp );
531            Print( "\n" );
532        fi;
533        ##################### saturation used here: #######################
534        if ( sats = [ ] ) then
535            logrem := lp;
536            remyp := yp;
537            remrp := rp;
538        else
539            rem := LoggedReduceModulePoly( rp, rws, sats, m0 );
540            remyp := yp + YSequenceModulePoly( rem );
541            remrp := RelatorModulePoly( rem );
542            logrem := LoggedModulePoly( remyp, remrp );
543        fi;
544        if ( remrp = m0 ) then
545            if ( InfoLevel( InfoIdRel ) > 2 ) then
546                Print( "reduced to zero by:\n" );
547                Display( remyp );
548                Print( "\n" );
549            fi;
550        else
551            if ( LeadGenerator( remrp ) <> leadgp ) then
552                if ( InfoLevel( InfoIdRel ) > 2 ) then
553                    Print( "\n! minimising leading term: !\n\n" );
554                    logrem := MinimiseLeadTerm( logrem, G, rws );
555                fi;
556            fi;
557            if ( InfoLevel( InfoIdRel ) > 2 ) then
558                Print( "logrem = " ); Display(logrem); Print("\n");
559            fi;
560            irrenum := irrenum + 1;
561            remsat := SaturatedSetLoggedModulePoly( logrem, elmon, rws, sats );
562            if ( InfoLevel( InfoIdRel ) > 2 ) then
563                Print( "\nsaturated set:\n" );
564                for m in [1..Length(remsat)] do
565                    Print( m, ": "); Display(remsat[m]); Print("\n");
566                od;
567                Print( "irreducible number ", irrenum, " :-\n" );
568                Display( lp );
569                Print( "\n" );
570            fi;
571            Add( irrepols, lp );
572            Add( irrerems, logrem );
573            Add( sats, remsat );
574            SortParallel( irrerems, sats );
575            if ( InfoLevel( InfoIdRel ) > 2 ) then
576                Print( "\ncurrent state of reduced list, irrerems:\n" );
577                for r in irrerems do
578                    Display( r );
579                    Print( "\n" );
580                od;
581            fi;
582        fi;
583    od;
584    return [ irrepols, irrerems, irrenum, sats ];
585end );
589#M  IdentitiesAmongRelators( <G> )
591InstallMethod( IdentitiesAmongRelators, "for an fp-group", true,
592    [ IsFpGroup ], 0,
593function( G )
595    local L, monG, elmon, rws, F, FR, genFR, FM, FMgens, FY, FYgens,
596          gseq, modpols, redpols, irrepols, irrerems, irrenum, sats,
597          r, ids, pol, ymp, gymp, pos, seq;
599    if HasArrangementOfMonoidGenerators( G ) then
600        L := ArrangementOfMonoidGenerators( G );
601    else
602        L := ArrangeMonoidGenerators( G );
603    fi;
604    monG := MonoidPresentationFpGroup( G );
605    if HasPartialElements( G ) then
606        elmon := PartialElements( G );
607    else
608        elmon := ElementsOfMonoidPresentation( G );
609    fi;
610    rws := List( LoggedRewritingSystemFpGroup( G ), r -> [ r[1], r[3] ] );
611    F := FreeGroupOfFpGroup( G );
612    FR := FreeGroupOfPresentation( monG );
613    genFR := GeneratorsOfGroup( FR );
614    FM := FreeGroupOfPresentation( monG );
615    FMgens := GeneratorsOfGroup( FM );
616    gseq := IdentityRelatorSequences( G );
617    FY := FreeYSequenceGroup( G );
618    FYgens := GeneratorsOfGroup( FY );
619    modpols := ConvertToYSequences( G, FY, gseq );
620    redpols := ReduceModulePolyList( G, elmon, rws, modpols );
621    irrepols := redpols[1];
622    irrerems := redpols[2];
623    irrenum := redpols[3];
624    sats := redpols[4];
625    if ( InfoLevel( InfoIdRel ) > 0 ) then
626        Print( "\nThere were ", irrenum, " irreducibles found.\n" );
627        Print( "The corresponding saturated sets have size:\n" );
628        Print( List( sats, L -> Length(L) ), "\n\n" );
629        Print( "The irreducibles and the (reordered) remainders are:\n\n" );
630        for r in [1..irrenum] do
631            Print( r, " : ", irrepols[r], "\n" );
632        od;
633        Print( "-------------------------------------------------------\n\n" );
634        for r in [1..irrenum] do
635            Print( r, " : ", irrerems[r], "\n" );
636        od;
637    fi;
638    SetIdentityYSequences( G, irrepols );
639    ## now pick out the relator sequences corresponding to these polys
640    ids := ListWithIdenticalEntries( irrenum, 0 );
641    for r in [1..irrenum] do
642        pol := irrepols[r];
643        ymp := YSequenceModulePoly( pol );
644        gymp := GeneratorsOfModulePoly( ymp )[1];
645        pos := Position( FYgens, gymp );
646        seq := gseq[pos];
647        ids[r] := seq[3];
648    od;
649    #? return [ irrepols, irrerems ];
650    return ids;
651end );
655#M  IdentitiesAmongRelatorsKB( <G> )
657InstallMethod( IdentitiesAmongRelatorsKB, "for an FpGroup", true,
658    [ IsFpGroup ], 0,
659function( G )
661    local L, monG, elmon, rws, F, FR, genFR, FM, FMgens, FY, FYgens, mseq,
662          lenseq, gseq, modpols, redpols, irrepols, irrerems, irrenum, sats,
663          r, ids, pol, ymp, gymp, pos, seq;
665    L := ArrangementOfMonoidGenerators( G );
666    monG := MonoidPresentationFpGroup( G );
667    if HasElementsOfMonoidPresentation( G ) then
668        elmon := ElementsOfMonoidPresentation( G );
669    elif HasPartialElements( G ) then
670        elmon := PartialElements( G );
671    else
672        Error( "no list of elements available" );
673    fi;
674    rws := List( LoggedRewritingSystemFpGroup( G ), r -> [ r[1], r[3] ] );
675    F := FreeGroupOfFpGroup( G );
676    FR := FreeGroupOfPresentation( monG );
677    genFR := GeneratorsOfGroup( FR );
678    FM := FreeGroupOfPresentation( monG );
679    FMgens := GeneratorsOfGroup( FM );
680    if not HasIdentityRelatorSequencesKB( G ) then
681        Error( "G does not yet have IdentityRelatorSequencesKB" );
682    fi;
683    gseq := IdentityRelatorSequencesKB( G );
684    lenseq := Length( gseq );
685    FY := FreeYSequenceGroupKB( G );
686    FYgens := GeneratorsOfGroup( FY );
687    modpols := ConvertToYSequences( G, FY, gseq );
688    redpols := ReduceModulePolyList( G, elmon, rws, modpols );
689    irrepols := redpols[1];
690    irrerems := redpols[2];
691    irrenum := redpols[3];
692    sats := redpols[4];
693    if ( InfoLevel( InfoIdRel ) > 0 ) then
694        Print( "\nThere were ", irrenum, " irreducibles found.\n" );
695        Print( "The corresponding saturated sets have size:\n" );
696        Print( List( sats, L -> Length(L) ), "\n\n" );
697        Print( "The irreducibles and the (reordered) remainders are:\n\n" );
698        for r in [1..irrenum] do
699            Print( r, " : ", irrepols[r], "\n" );
700        od;
701        Print( "-------------------------------------------------------\n\n" );
702        for r in [1..irrenum] do
703            Print( r, " : ", irrerems[r], "\n" );
704        od;
705    fi;
706    SetIdentityYSequencesKB( G, irrepols );
707    ## now pick out the relator sequences corresponding to these polys
708    ids := ListWithIdenticalEntries( irrenum, 0 );
709    for r in [1..irrenum] do
710        pol := irrepols[r];
711        ymp := YSequenceModulePoly( pol );
712        gymp := GeneratorsOfModulePoly( ymp )[1];
713        pos := Position( FYgens, gymp );
714        seq := gseq[pos];
715        ids[r] := seq[3];
716    od;
717    #? return [ irrepols, irrerems ];
718    return ids;
719end );
723#M  RootIdentities( <G> )
725InstallMethod( RootIdentities, "for an FpGroup", true, [ IsFpGroup ], 0,
726function( G )
728    local  idsR, idsY, len, rng;
730    if ( HasIdentitiesAmongRelators( G ) and HasIdentityYSequences( G ) ) then
731        idsR := IdentitiesAmongRelators( G );
732        idsY := IdentityYSequences( G );
733        len := List( idsY, i -> Length( RelatorModulePoly(i) ) );
734        rng := Filtered( [1..Length(len)], i -> len[i]=1 );
735        return idsR{rng};
736    else
737        Print( "direct method not yet implemented\n" );
738        return fail;
739    fi;
740end );
744#E idrels.gi  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ends here