2 #include <exploragram/hexdom/quad_dominant.h>
3 #include <exploragram/hexdom/meshcomesh.h>
4 #include <exploragram/hexdom/PGP.h>
5 #include <exploragram/hexdom/basic.h>
6 #include <exploragram/hexdom/extra_connectivity.h>
7 #include <exploragram/hexdom/mesh_inspector.h>
8 #include <exploragram/hexdom/intersect_tools.h>
9 #include <exploragram/hexdom/polygon.h>
11 #include <geogram/numerics/matrix_util.h>
12 #include <geogram/basic/permutation.h>
13 #include <geogram/mesh/triangle_intersection.h>
14 #include <geogram/mesh/mesh_tetrahedralize.h>
15 #include <geogram/delaunay/delaunay.h>
16 #include <geogram/points/nn_search.h>
17 #include <geogram/points/colocate.h>
18 #include <geogram/mesh/mesh_repair.h>
19 #include <geogram/mesh/mesh_fill_holes.h>
20 #include <geogram/mesh/mesh_geometry.h>
23 #include <algorithm>
24 #include <queue>
25 #include <stack>
26 #include <map>
28 namespace GEO {
export_boundary_with_uv(Mesh * m,Mesh * hex,const char * uv_name,const char * singular_name)30     void export_boundary_with_uv(Mesh* m, Mesh* hex, const char* uv_name, const char* singular_name) {
31         Attribute<GEO::vec2> uv(hex->facet_corners.attributes(), uv_name);
32         Attribute<index_t> singtri(hex->facets.attributes(), singular_name);
34         Attribute<bool> has_param(m->cell_facets.attributes(), "has_param");
35         Attribute<vec3> UC(m->cell_corners.attributes(), "U");
37         // STEP 1: compute number of boundary vertices AND create a lookup table tet mesh vertex -> boundary surface vertex
38         vector<index_t> tetV_to_facetV(m->vertices.nb(), NOT_AN_ID);
39         index_t nb_boundary_V = 0;
40         FOR(c, m->cells.nb()) FOR(cf, m->cells.nb_facets(c)) {
41             if (NO_CELL != m->cells.adjacent(c, cf)) continue;
42             FOR(cfv, m->cells.facet_nb_vertices(c, cf)) {
43                 index_t v = m->cells.facet_vertex(c, cf, cfv);
44                 if (NOT_AN_ID == tetV_to_facetV[v]) {
45                     tetV_to_facetV[v] = nb_boundary_V++;
46                 }
47             }
48         }
50         // STEP 2: copy boundary vertices to the new mesh
51         hex->vertices.create_vertices(nb_boundary_V);
52         FOR(v, m->vertices.nb())
53             if (NOT_AN_ID != tetV_to_facetV[v])
54                 hex->vertices.point(tetV_to_facetV[v]) = m->vertices.point(v);
56         // STEP 3: extract triangles and their parameterization (when possible)
57         FOR(c, m->cells.nb()) FOR(cf, m->cells.nb_facets(c)) {
58             if (m->cells.adjacent(c, cf) != NO_CELL) continue;
59             index_t tet_verts[3];
60             FOR(cfv, 3) {
61                 tet_verts[cfv] = m->cells.facet_vertex(c, cf, cfv);
62             }
64             index_t tet_corners[3];
65             FOR(cfv, 3) FOR(test, 4) if (m->cell_corners.vertex(m->cells.corner(c, test)) == tet_verts[cfv])
66                 tet_corners[cfv] = m->cells.corner(c, test);
69             vec3 lX[3], lU[3];
70             FOR(cfv, 3) {
71                 lX[cfv] = m->vertices.point(tet_verts[cfv]);
72                 lU[cfv] = UC[tet_corners[cfv]];
73             }
75             // STEP 2.2: non singular boundary triangles are easy to extract
76             index_t fid = hex->facets.create_triangle(
77                     tetV_to_facetV[tet_verts[0]],
78                     tetV_to_facetV[tet_verts[1]],
79                     tetV_to_facetV[tet_verts[2]]
80                     );
82             bool has_valid_2d_param = false;
83             if (has_param[m->cells.facet(c, cf)]) {
84                 FOR(dim, 3) { // we are looking for the param dimension that goes inside the volume
85                     if (lU[0][dim] != lU[1][dim] || lU[0][dim] != lU[2][dim]) continue;
86                     has_valid_2d_param = true;
87                     FOR(lv, 3) {
88                         uv[hex->facets.corner(fid, lv)] = vec2(lU[lv][(dim + 1) % 3], lU[lv][(dim + 2) % 3]);
89                     }
90                 }
91 #if 0
92                 // mirror the copy when necessary
93                 if (det(uv[hex->facets.corner(fid, 1)] - uv[hex->facets.corner(fid, 0)],
94                             uv[hex->facets.corner(fid, 2)] - uv[hex->facets.corner(fid, 0)]) < 0)
95                     FOR(lv, 3) uv[hex->facets.corner(fid, lv)][0] *= -1.;
96 #endif
97             }
99             if (has_valid_2d_param) { // check param quality and invalidate it, if necessary
100                 TrglGradient grd(lX[0], lX[1], lX[2]);
101                 vec3 grduv[2];
102                 FOR(d, 2) grduv[d] = grd.gradient_3d(uv[hex->facets.corner(fid, 0)][d], uv[hex->facets.corner(fid, 1)][d], uv[hex->facets.corner(fid, 2)][d]);
103 	        FOR(d, 2) FOR(dd, 3) if (Numeric::is_nan(grduv[d][dd])) has_valid_2d_param = false;
104 #if 0
105               if (grduv[0].length() > 10. * grduv[1].length()) has_valid_2d_param = false;
106               if (grduv[1].length() > 10. * grduv[0].length()) has_valid_2d_param = false;
107               if (std::abs(dot(normalize(grduv[0]), normalize(grduv[1]))) > cos(M_PI / 4.)) has_valid_2d_param = false;
108 #endif
109             }
111             singtri[fid] = !has_valid_2d_param;
112         }
113     }
triangulate_surface_preserve_attributes(Mesh * m)115     static bool triangulate_surface_preserve_attributes(Mesh* m) {
116         bool result = true;
117         plop("triangulating surface after embedding isoUV");
118         vector<index_t> to_kill(m->facets.nb(), false);
119         FOR(f, m->facets.nb()) {
120             geo_assert(m->facets.nb_corners(f) >= 3);
121             if (m->facets.nb_corners(f) == 3) continue;
123             vector<vec3> pts;
124             FOR(lc, m->facets.nb_corners(f)) {
125                 pts.push_back(X(m)[m->facets.vertex(f, lc)]);
126             }
128             vector<index_t> triangles;
129             bool success = Poly3d(pts).try_triangulate_minweight(triangles);
130             result = result && success;
132             geo_assert(0 == triangles.size() % 3);
134             FOR(new_face, triangles.size() / 3) {
135                 index_t new_f = m->facets.create_triangle(
136                         m->facets.vertex(f, triangles[3 * new_face + 0]),
137                         m->facets.vertex(f, triangles[3 * new_face + 1]),
138                         m->facets.vertex(f, triangles[3 * new_face + 2]));
140                 to_kill.push_back(false);
141                 m->facets.attributes().copy_item(new_f, f);
142                 FOR(nfc,3) {
143                     m->facet_corners.attributes().copy_item(m->facets.corner(new_f, nfc), m->facets.corner(f, triangles[3 * new_face + nfc]));
144                 }
145             }
146             to_kill[f] = true;
147         }
148         m->facets.delete_elements(to_kill);
149         return result;
150     }
153     /**
154      * INPUT: facets with xyz geometry and uv coordinates s.t. no edge is of size 0
155      singular bool per triangle
156      *         integer values of uv --- interpolated along edge 'e' ---  matches on both side of 'e'
157      on presuppose que les U ont �t� pre-snapp�s sur la grille entiere
158      * OUTPUT: facets with uv coordinates s.t.
159      *               a new vertex is inserted (with interpolated xyz and uv) at every integer values of uv along edges
160      *               nothing prevents some vertices around a facet to share the same uv's
161      ATTENTION: it modifies the parameterization when snaps grid corners on edges!
162     */
split_edges_by_iso_uvs(Mesh * m,const char * uv_name,const char * singular_name)164     void split_edges_by_iso_uvs(Mesh* m, const char *uv_name, const char *singular_name) {
165         Attribute<GEO::vec2> uv(m->facet_corners.attributes(), uv_name);
166         Attribute<index_t> singular(m->facets.attributes(), singular_name);
168         index_t nb_init_facets = m->facets.nb();
169         Attribute<bool> added_vertices(m->vertices.attributes(), "added_vertices");
170         Attribute<index_t> orig_tri_fid(m->facets.attributes(), "orig_tri_fid");
171         Attribute<index_t> resp_facet(m->vertices.attributes(), "resp_facet");
173         typedef std::pair<index_t /*v_id*/, vec2 /*uv*/> NewCorner;
174         vector<vector<NewCorner> > new_corners(m->facet_corners.nb());
176         reach("create vertices and init arrays of NewCorner to insert on edges");
177         {
178             FacetsExtraConnectivity fec(m);
179             FOR(h, m->facet_corners.nb()) {
180                 index_t opp = fec.opposite(h);
182                 if (singular[fec.facet(h)]) continue; // the face is responsible for the edge if opp<h or if its opposite is singular
183                 if (NOT_AN_ID != opp && !singular[fec.facet(opp)] && opp > h) continue;
185                 vec2 lU[2] = { uv[h], uv[fec.next(h)] };
187 #if 0
188                 bool trans_func_found = false;
189                 index_t R;
190                 vec2 T;
191                 if (NOT_AN_ID != opp && !singular[fec.facet(opp)]) {
192                     vec2 A = lU[1]-lU[0], B = uv[opp]-uv[fec.next(opp)], C = lU[0];
193                     if (std::abs(A.length()-B.length())<1e-3) {
194                         double mindist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
195                         FOR(r,4) {
196                             if ((A-B).length()<mindist) {
197                                 R = r;
198                                 mindist = (A-B).length();
199                             }
200                             A = vec2(-A[1], A[0]);
201                         }
202                         FOR(r, R) {
203                             A = vec2(-A[1], A[0]);
204                             C = vec2(-C[1], C[0]);
205                         }
206                         plop(mindist);
207                         vec2 Ttmp = uv[fec.next(opp)] - C;
208                         T = vec2(round(Ttmp[0]), round(Ttmp[1]));
209                         trans_func_found = (mindist<1e-3 && (T-Ttmp).length()<1e-3);
210                     } else {
211                         plop("GNA?!");
212                     }
213                     if (!trans_func_found && NOT_AN_ID!=opp && !singular[fec.facet(opp)]) {
214                         plop("ATTENTION, grids do not match");
215                         singular[fec.facet(h)] = true;
216                         singular[fec.facet(opp)] = true;
217                         continue;
218                     }
219                 }
220 #endif
221                 vector<double> coeff;
222                 FOR(coord, 2) { // find barycentric coordinates of both u and v integer isos
223                     double v[2] = { lU[0][coord], lU[1][coord] };
224                     double from = floor(std::min(v[0], v[1])) + 1;
225                     double to   = std::max(v[0], v[1]);
226                     if (to-from > 1000) continue;
227                     for (double iso = from; iso < to; iso += 1.) {
228                         double c = (iso - v[0]) / (v[1] - v[0]); // v[0] is far from v[1] (U was pre-snapped to integers with .05 tolerance)
229                         if (!Numeric::is_nan(c) && c > 0 && c < 1) {
230                             // vec2 u = lU[0] + c*(lU[1] - lU[0]);
231                             // u[coord] = iso;
232                             coeff.push_back(c);
233                         }
234                     }
235                 }
236                 std::sort(coeff.begin(), coeff.end(), std::less<double>()); // we need to sort in order to merge close values
238                 vector<vec3> pts;
239                 vector<vec2> lu;
240                 vector<vec2> luopp;
242                 FOR(i, coeff.size()) {
243                     // a + c*(b-a) returns exactly a when a==b and no NaNs involved
244                     // no need to worry about the cases when c==0 and c==1, because of the presnapping of the parameterization
245                     vec3 pt = X(m)[fec.org(h)] + coeff[i] * (X(m)[fec.dest(h)] - X(m)[fec.org(h)]);
246                     vec2 u  = lU[0] + coeff[i] * (lU[1] - lU[0]);
247                     vec2 uopp;
248                     if (NOT_AN_ID != opp) uopp = uv[fec.next(opp)] + coeff[i] * (uv[opp] - uv[fec.next(opp)]);
250                     FOR(d, 2) { // we must guarantee that new vertices have (at least) one integer component
251                         if (std::abs(u[d] - round(u[d])) < 1e-10) {
252                             u[d] = round(u[d]);
253                         }
255                         if (NOT_AN_ID != opp && std::abs(uopp[d] - round(uopp[d])) < 1e-10) {
256                             uopp[d] = round(uopp[d]);
257                         }
258                     }
260                     pts.push_back(pt);
261                     lu.push_back(u);
262                     if (NOT_AN_ID != opp) luopp.push_back(uopp);
263                 }
265                 // create vertices
266                 index_t off = m->vertices.create_vertices(pts.size());
267                 FOR(i, pts.size()) {
268                     added_vertices[i+off] = true;
269                     resp_facet[i+off] = orig_tri_fid[fec.facet(h)];
270                 }
271                 FOR(i, pts.size()) {
272                     m->vertices.point(off + i) = pts[i];
273                     new_corners[h].push_back(NewCorner(off + i, lu[i]));
274                     if (NOT_AN_ID != opp)
275                         new_corners[opp].push_back(NewCorner(off + i, luopp[i]));
276                 }
277                 if (NOT_AN_ID != opp)
278                     std::reverse(new_corners[opp].begin(), new_corners[opp].end());
279             }
280         }
282         // now we have all the corners to insert, we create new facets for all the surface, old facets are to delete
284         reach("split edges");
285         FOR(f, nb_init_facets) {
286             vector<index_t> polyV;
287             vector<vec2> poly_uv;
288             FOR(fc, m->facets.nb_corners(f)) {
289                 polyV.push_back(m->facets.vertex(f, fc));
290                 index_t c = m->facets.corner(f, fc);
291                 poly_uv.push_back(uv[c]);
292                 FOR(i, new_corners[c].size()) {
293                     polyV.push_back(new_corners[c][i].first);
294                     poly_uv.push_back(new_corners[c][i].second);
295                 }
296             }
297             index_t nf = m->facets.create_polygon(polyV);
298             m->facets.attributes().copy_item(nf ,f);
299             FOR(fc, m->facets.nb_corners(nf))
300                 uv[m->facets.corner(nf, fc)] = poly_uv[fc];
301         }
303         reach("kill facets");
304         vector<index_t> to_kill(nb_init_facets, true); // kill old (pre-split) facets
305         to_kill.resize(m->facets.nb(), false);
306         m->facets.delete_elements(to_kill);
307     }
310     /**
311      * INPUT:        facets with uv coordinates, where many vertices have integer values in uv
312      * OUTPUT:       facets with uv coordinates, inclusing edges that have one coordinate of uv that is constant and integer valued
313      *
314      * remark:  some polylines of these new edges are likely to be pre-images of edges of the regular grid...
315      */
find_degenerate_facets(Mesh * m,vector<index_t> & degenerate)318     void find_degenerate_facets(Mesh* m, vector<index_t> &degenerate) {
319         degenerate.clear();
320         FOR(f, m->facets.nb()) {
321             index_t nbv = m->facets.nb_corners(f);
322 //            geo_assert(3 == m->facets.nb_corners(f));
323             FOR (c1, nbv) {
324                 FOR (c2, nbv) {
325                     if (c1 == c2) continue;
326                     index_t v1 = m->facets.vertex(f, c1);
327                     index_t v2 = m->facets.vertex(f, c2);
329                     geo_assert( v1!= v2 );
330                     if (X(m)[v1][0] == X(m)[v2][0] && X(m)[v1][1] == X(m)[v2][1] && X(m)[v1][2] == X(m)[v2][2]) {
331                         degenerate.push_back(f);
332                     }
333                 }
334             }
335         }
336     }
imprint(Mesh * m,const char * uv_name,const char * singular_name)338     void imprint(Mesh* m, const char *uv_name, const char *singular_name) {
339         {
340             Attribute<index_t> singular(m->facets.attributes(), singular_name);
341             Attribute<index_t> resp_facet(m->vertices.attributes(), "resp_facet");
342             Attribute<index_t> orig_tri_fid(m->facets.attributes(), "orig_tri_fid");
343             FOR(i, m->facets.nb()  ) orig_tri_fid[i] = i;
344             FOR(v, m->vertices.nb()) resp_facet[v] = NOT_AN_ID;
346 			check_no_intersecting_faces(m);
347 		}
351         Mesh m_bak;
352         m_bak.copy(*m);
354         for(;;) {
355             split_edges_by_iso_uvs(m, uv_name, singular_name);
356             facets_split(m, uv_name, singular_name);
358             triangulate_surface_preserve_attributes(m);
360             vector<index_t> fails;
361             find_degenerate_facets(m, fails);
363             vector<index_t> intersections;
364             find_self_intersections(m, intersections);
365             fails.insert(fails.end(), intersections.begin(), intersections.end()); // degenerate triangles or intersecting ones, all the same, I do not want them
366             if (!fails.size()) break;
368             plop("imprint fail, need to undo");
369             {
370                 Attribute<index_t> singular(m_bak.facets.attributes(), singular_name);
371                 Attribute<index_t> resp_facet(m->vertices.attributes(), "resp_facet");
373 				FOR(i, fails.size()) {
374 					FOR(j, 3) {
375 						index_t f = resp_facet[m->facets.vertex(fails[i], j)];
376 						if (NOT_AN_ID!=f) singular[f] = true;
377                     }
378                 }
379             }
380             m->copy(m_bak);
381         }
382     }
facets_split(Mesh * m,const char * uv_name,const char * singular_name)384     void facets_split(Mesh* m, const char *uv_name, const char *singular_name) {
385         Attribute<bool> added_vertices(m->vertices.attributes(), "added_vertices");
386         Attribute<GEO::vec2> uv(m->facet_corners.attributes(), uv_name);
387         Attribute<index_t> singular(m->facets.attributes(), singular_name);
389         Attribute<index_t> orig_tri_fid(m->facets.attributes(), "orig_tri_fid");
390         Attribute<index_t> resp_facet(m->vertices.attributes(), "resp_facet");
392         vector<index_t> to_kill(m->facets.nb(), 0);
393         FOR(f, m->facets.nb()) {
394             if (singular[f]) continue;
395             index_t nbc = m->facets.nb_corners(f);
398             // STEP 1: find a couple (coordinate, iso value) to split the facet
399             index_t coord = index_t(-1);
400             double iso = 0;
401             FOR(test_coord, 2) {
402                 double min_v =  1e20;
403                 double max_v = -1e20;
404                 FOR(fc, nbc) {
405                     min_v = std::min(min_v, uv[m->facets.corner(f, fc)][test_coord]);
406                     max_v = std::max(max_v, uv[m->facets.corner(f, fc)][test_coord]);
407                 }
408                 if (floor(min_v)+1 < max_v) {  // floor(min_v)+1 is the first integer value strictly superior to min_v
409                     coord = test_coord;
410                     iso = floor(min_v)+1;
411                     break;
412                 }
413             }
414             if (coord == index_t(-1)) continue;
416             // STEP 2: if STEP 1 succedeed, compute the extremities of the new edge
417             index_t cut[2] = { NOT_AN_ID, NOT_AN_ID };
419             FOR(fc, nbc) {
420                 if (uv[m->facets.corner(f, fc)][coord] != iso) continue;
421                 if (cut[0] == NOT_AN_ID) {
422                     cut[0] = fc;
423                 } else if (fc != next_mod(cut[0], nbc) && next_mod(fc, nbc) != cut[0]) { // no biangles
424                     cut[1] = fc;
425                 }
426             }
427             if (cut[1] == NOT_AN_ID) continue;
429             { // let us check that the cut separates the facet
430                 bool inf1=true, sup1=true, inf2=true, sup2=true;
431                 for (index_t fc = cut[0]+1; fc<cut[1]; fc++) {
432                     double tex = uv[m->facets.corner(f, fc)][coord];
433                     inf1 = inf1 && (tex<iso);
434                     sup1 = sup1 && (tex>iso);
435                 }
436                 for (index_t fc = cut[1]+1; fc<cut[0]+nbc; fc++) {
437                     double tex = uv[m->facets.corner(f, fc%nbc)][coord];
438                     inf2 = inf2 && (tex<iso);
439                     sup2 = sup2 && (tex>iso);
440                 }
441                 if (!( (inf1 && sup2) || (sup1 && inf2) )) {
442                     plop("WARNING: facet cannot be properly cut by the iso");
443                     continue;
444                 }
445             }
448             to_kill[f] = true;
450             // STEP 3: compute new vertices (iso-integer value of uv) on the new edge
451             vector<vec3> nv_pts;
452             vector<vec2> nv_uv;
453             {
454                 vec3 lX[2];
455                 FOR(i, 2) lX[i] = m->vertices.point(m->facets.vertex(f, cut[i]));
456                 vec2 lU[2];
457                 FOR(i, 2) lU[i] = uv[m->facets.corner(f, cut[i])];
458                 vector<double> coeff;
459                 double v[2] = { lU[0][(coord+1)%2], lU[1][(coord+1)%2] }; // recall that coord is the cutting dimension
461                 for (double cur_iso = ceil(std::min(v[0], v[1])); cur_iso < std::max(v[0], v[1]); cur_iso += 1.0) {
462                     double c = (cur_iso - v[0]) / (v[1] - v[0]);
463 		    if (!Numeric::is_nan(c) && c > 0 && c < 1)
464                         coeff.push_back(c);
465                 }
467                 std::sort(coeff.begin(), coeff.end(), std::less<double>());
468                 FOR(i, coeff.size()) {
469                     vec3 x = lX[0] + coeff[i] * (lX[1] - lX[0]); // it guarantees x==lX[0] when lX[0]==lX[1]
470                     vec2 u = lU[0] + coeff[i] * (lU[1] - lU[0]); // no need to worry about coeff[i]==0 and coeff[i]==1 because of the parameterization pre-snapping
471                     nv_pts.push_back(x);
472                     nv_uv.push_back(u);
473                 }
474                 // new vertices must have only integer values of uv --- remove possible numerical imprecision
475                 FOR(i, nv_pts.size()) {
476                     FOR(d, 2) {
477                         nv_uv[i][d] = round(nv_uv[i][d]);
478                     }
479                 }
480             }
482             // STEP 4: create new vertices and new faces
483             index_t off = m->vertices.create_vertices(nv_pts.size());
484             FOR(i, nv_pts.size()) {
485                 resp_facet[off+i] = orig_tri_fid[f];
486                 added_vertices[off+i] = true;
487                 X(m)[off + i] = nv_pts[i];
488             }
489             FOR(half, 2) {
490                 vector <index_t> lv;
491                 vector <vec2> luv;
493                 // add original vertices
494                 index_t cir = cut[half];
495                 do {
496                     lv.push_back(m->facets.vertex(f, cir));
497                     luv.push_back(uv[m->facets.corner(f, cir)]);
498                     cir = next_mod(cir, nbc);
499                 } while (cir != cut[(half + 1) % 2]);
500                 lv.push_back(m->facets.vertex(f, cir));
501                 luv.push_back(uv[m->facets.corner(f, cir)]);
503                 // add new vertices
504                 FOR(i, nv_pts.size()) {
505                     index_t ind = i;
506                     if (half == 0) ind = nv_pts.size() - 1 - i;
507                     lv.push_back(off + ind);
508                     luv.push_back(nv_uv[ind]);
509                 }
511                 index_t fid = m->facets.create_polygon(lv);
512                 m->facets.attributes().copy_item(fid, f);
513                 FOR(fc, m->facets.nb_corners(fid)) {
514                     uv[m->facets.corner(fid, fc)] = luv[fc];
515                 }
516                 to_kill.push_back(false);
517             }
518         }
519         m->facets.delete_elements(to_kill);
520    }
522     /**
523      * INPUT:        facets with uv coordinates
524      * OUTPUT:       chart facet attribute s.t. the chart frontier is included in edges that are iso-integer value of 'uv'
525      */
indir_root(index_t i,vector<index_t> & indir)527     inline index_t indir_root(index_t i, vector<index_t>& indir) {
528         while (i != indir[i]) i = indir[i];
529         return i;
530     }
532     // merges charts for adjacent facets under two conditions:
533     // 1) both facets are not singular
534     // 2) the shared edge is not integer iso in both facets
mark_charts(Mesh * m,const char * uv_name,const char * chart_name,const char * singular_name)535     void mark_charts(Mesh* m, const char *uv_name, const char *chart_name, const char *singular_name) { // 2-manifold surface is supposed
536         Attribute<bool> isovalue(m->facet_corners.attributes(), "isovalue");
537         Attribute<bool> quadelement(m->facets.attributes(), "quadelement");
538         Attribute<bool> quadcorners(m->vertices.attributes(), "quadcorners");
539         Attribute<bool> added_vertices(m->vertices.attributes(), "added_vertices");
541         Attribute<GEO::vec2> uv(m->facet_corners.attributes(), uv_name);
542         Attribute<index_t> singular(m->facets.attributes(), singular_name);
543         Attribute<index_t> chart(m->facets.attributes(), chart_name);
545         FacetsExtraConnectivity fec(m);
547         vector<index_t> indir(m->facets.nb());
548         { // fill isovalue edge attribute and merge quad candidate charts
549             FOR(f, m->facets.nb()) {
550                 indir[f] = f;
551             }
553             FOR(h, m->facet_corners.nb()) {
554                 index_t hopp = fec.opposite(h);
555                 index_t f = fec.facet(h);
556                 index_t fopp = NOT_AN_ID==hopp ? NOT_AN_ID : fec.facet(hopp);
558                 if (singular[f] || (NOT_AN_ID!=hopp && hopp>h)) continue;
560                 bool cut = false;
561                 index_t test[2] = { h, hopp };
562                 FOR(lh, 2) {
563                     if (lh && (NOT_AN_ID==hopp || singular[fopp])) break;
564                     FOR(coord, 2) {
565                         cut = cut || (uv[test[lh]][coord] == uv[fec.next(test[lh])][coord] && uv[test[lh]][coord] == round(uv[test[lh]][coord]));
566                     }
567                 }
569                 if (cut) {
570                     isovalue[h] = true;
571                     if (NOT_AN_ID!=hopp) isovalue[hopp] = true;
572                 }
574                 if (!cut && NOT_AN_ID!=fopp && !singular[fopp]) {
575                     indir[indir_root(fopp, indir)] = indir_root(f, indir);
576                 }
577             }
579             FOR(f, m->facets.nb()) {
580                 chart[f] = indir_root(f, indir);
581             }
582         }
585         { // determine quad corner vertices: fill quadcorners attribute
586             FOR (h, m->facet_corners.nb()) {
587                 int cnt = 0;
588                 index_t cir = h;
589                 do {
590                     if (NOT_AN_ID==cir) break;
591                     cnt += int(isovalue[cir]);
592                     cir = fec.next_around_vertex(cir);
593                 } while (cir != h);
595                 if ((NOT_AN_ID==cir && cnt>=2) || cnt>2) {
596                     quadcorners[fec.org(h)] = true;
597                 }
598             }
599         }
602         { // fill quadelement attribute
604             // this code verifies only if chart boundaries are marked as isovalues + if it has 4 quadcorners
605             // normally it is also necessary to check if the "quad" is a 2d disk (one boundary + Euler characterisic (imagine a torus with a hole))
607             vector<bool> seen(m->facets.nb(), false);
608             FOR(fseed, m->facets.nb()) {
609                 if (fseed != chart[fseed]) continue;
610                 int nb_quad_corners = 0;
611                 std::deque<index_t> Q;
612                 Q.push_back(fseed);
613                 seen[fseed] = true;
614                 bool iso_only_at_boundaries = true;
615                 std::vector<index_t> C;
616                 while (Q.size()) {
617                     index_t f = Q.front();
618                     if (singular[f]) {
619                         iso_only_at_boundaries = false;
620                         break;
621                     }
622                     C.push_back(f);
623                     Q.pop_front();
624                     FOR(fc, m->facets.nb_corners(f)) {
625                         index_t h = m->facets.corner(f, fc);
626                         index_t hopp = fec.opposite(h);
627                         index_t fopp = NOT_AN_ID==hopp ? NOT_AN_ID : fec.facet(hopp);
628                         if (fopp==NOT_AN_ID) {
629                             if (isovalue[h] && quadcorners[fec.org(h)]) nb_quad_corners++;
630                         } else {
631                             if (chart[fopp] != chart[fseed]) {
632                                 if (isovalue[h]) {
633                                     if (quadcorners[fec.org(h)])
634                                         nb_quad_corners++;
635                                     continue;
636                                 }
637                                 Q.clear();
638                                 iso_only_at_boundaries = false;
639                                 break;
640                             }
641                         }
642                         if (NOT_AN_ID!=fopp && !seen[fopp]) {
643                             Q.push_back(fopp);
644                             seen[fopp] = true;
645                         }
646                     }
647                 }
648                 if (iso_only_at_boundaries && nb_quad_corners == 4) {
649                     FOR(i, C.size()) {
650                         quadelement[C[i]] = true;
651                     }
652                 }
653             }
654         }
656         { // charts = orig triangles in non-quad regions
657             FOR(f, m->facets.nb()) {
658                 if (!quadelement[f]) indir[f] = f;
659             }
661             Attribute<index_t> orig_tri_fid(m->facets.attributes(), "orig_tri_fid");
662             FOR(h, m->facet_corners.nb()) {
663                 index_t hopp = fec.opposite(h);
664                 index_t f = fec.facet(h);
665                 index_t fopp = NOT_AN_ID==hopp ? NOT_AN_ID : fec.facet(hopp);
666                 if (NOT_AN_ID == fopp || quadelement[f] || quadelement[fopp] || orig_tri_fid[f]!=orig_tri_fid[fopp]) continue;
667                 indir[indir_root(fopp, indir)] = indir_root(f, indir);
668             }
670             FOR(f, m->facets.nb()) {
671                 chart[f] = indir_root(f, indir);
672             }
673         }
675         vector<vector<index_t> > v2f = generate_v2f(m);
676         { // mark the boundary between triangles and quads
677             FOR(v, m->vertices.nb()) {
678                 TrFan fan = TrFan(v, m, v2f, chart);
679                 bool touches_a_quad = false;
680                 FOR(i, fan.nb_fan_triangles()) {
681                     touches_a_quad = touches_a_quad || quadelement[fan[i].f];
682                 }
683                 if (quadcorners[v] || !touches_a_quad || fan.ncharts()<=2) continue;
685                 index_t first_triangle = NOT_AN_ID;
686                 FOR(i, fan.nb_fan_triangles()) {
687                     if (quadelement[fan[i].f]) continue;
688                     if (NOT_AN_ID==first_triangle) {
689                         first_triangle = fan[i].f;
690                     }
691                     indir[indir_root(first_triangle, indir)] = indir_root(fan[i].f, indir);
692                 }
693             }
694             FOR(f, m->facets.nb()) {
695                 chart[f] = indir_root(f, indir);
696             }
697         }
699         { // fill verts to remove attribute
700             Attribute<bool> verts_to_remove(m->vertices.attributes(), "verts_to_remove");
701             FOR(v, m->vertices.nb()) {
702                 TrFan fan = TrFan(v, m, v2f, chart);
703                 bool touches_a_quad = false;
704                 FOR(i, fan.nb_fan_triangles()) {
705                     touches_a_quad = touches_a_quad || quadelement[fan[i].f];
706                 }
707                 if (quadcorners[v])                         continue;
708                 if ( fan.incomplete_ && fan.ncharts()!=1)   continue;
709                 if (!fan.incomplete_ && fan.ncharts() >2)   continue;
710                 if (!touches_a_quad  && !added_vertices[v]) continue;
711                 verts_to_remove[v] = true;
712             }
713         }
714     }
716     /****************************************************************************************************/
try_export_quadtri_from_charts(Mesh * m,vector<BBox> & locked_regions)717     static bool try_export_quadtri_from_charts(Mesh* m, vector<BBox>& locked_regions) {
718         bool modified = false;
719         Attribute<index_t> chart(m->facets.attributes(), "chart");      // TODO document this
720         Attribute<bool> quadelement(m->facets.attributes(), "quadelement");
722         vector<index_t> to_kill(m->facets.nb(), false);
724         index_t max_chart_no = 0;
725         FOR(f, m->facets.nb()) {
726             max_chart_no = std::max(max_chart_no, chart[f] + 1);
727         }
728         vector<int> nbtri_in_chart(max_chart_no, 0);
729         FOR(f, m->facets.nb()) {
730             nbtri_in_chart[chart[f]]++;
731         }
733         FacetsExtraConnectivity fec(m);
734         index_t nbf = m->facets.nb();
735         FOR(f, nbf) {
736             geo_assert(3 == m->facets.nb_corners(f));
738             if (nbtri_in_chart[chart[f]] != 2 || !quadelement[f]) continue;
739             FOR(ih, 3) {
740                 index_t h = m->facets.corner(f, ih);
741                 index_t hopp = fec.opposite(h);
742                 if (NOT_AN_ID==hopp) continue;
743                 index_t fopp = fec.facet(hopp);
744                 geo_assert(NOT_AN_ID != fopp);
745                 if (chart[fopp] != chart[f]) continue;
746                 if (f < fopp) break;
748                 vector<index_t> pts;
749                 pts.push_back(fec.dest(h));
750                 pts.push_back(fec.dest(fec.next(h)));
751                 pts.push_back(fec.org(h));
752                 pts.push_back(fec.dest(fec.next(hopp)));
754                 bool intersect_locked_region = false;
755                 BBox b;
756                 FOR(v, 4) {
757                     b.add(X(m)[pts[v]]);
758                 }
759                 FOR(i, locked_regions.size()) {
760                     intersect_locked_region = intersect_locked_region || locked_regions[i].intersect(b);
761                 }
763                 if (!intersect_locked_region) {
764                     index_t nf = m->facets.create_polygon(pts);
765                     modified = true;
766                     m->facets.attributes().copy_item(nf ,f);
767                     to_kill.push_back(false);
768                     to_kill[f] = true;
769                     to_kill[fopp] = true;
770                 }
771             }
772         }
773         m->facets.delete_elements(to_kill, false);
774         return modified;
775     }
sample_triangle(vec3 * ABC,double eps,vector<vec3> & samples)780       static void sample_triangle(vec3 *ABC, double eps, vector<vec3>& samples) {
781 		double max_edge_length = 0;
782 		FOR(p, 3) max_equal(max_edge_length, (ABC[(p + 1) % 3] - ABC[p]).length());
783 		index_t nb_steps = 10;
784 		if (eps>0) min_equal(nb_steps, index_t(max_edge_length / eps + 2));
786 		FOR(i, nb_steps)FOR(j, nb_steps - i) {
787 			double u = double(i) / double(nb_steps - 1);
788 			double v = double(j) / double(nb_steps - 1);
789 			samples.push_back(ABC[0] + u*(ABC[1] - ABC[0]) + v*(ABC[2] - ABC[0]));
790 		}
791 	}
792 	//double upper_bound_min_dist2_to_triangles(vec3 P, vector<vec3>& triangles) {
793 	//	vec3 closest_point;
794 	//	double l0, l1, l2;
795 	//	double min_dist2 = 1e20;
796 	//	FOR(t, triangles.size() / 3)
797 	//		min_equal(min_dist2,
798 	//			Geom::point_triangle_squared_distance<vec3>(P,
799 	//				triangles[t * 3], triangles[t * 3 + 1], triangles[t * 3 + 2], closest_point, l0, l1, l2)
800 	//		);
801 	//	return min_dist2;
802 	//}
facets_having_a_point_further_than_eps(Mesh * m,Mesh * ref,double epsilon)804 	static vector<index_t> facets_having_a_point_further_than_eps(Mesh* m,Mesh* ref,double epsilon) {
806 		vector<index_t> res;
808 		vector<BBox> inboxes = facets_bbox(ref);
809 		DynamicHBoxes hb;  hb.init(inboxes);
811 		FOR(f, m->facets.nb()) {
812 			bool fail = false;
813 			vector<vec3> samples;
814 			vec3 ABC[3];
815 			FOR(lv,3) ABC[lv] = X(m)[m->facets.vertex(f,lv)];
816 			sample_triangle(ABC, epsilon / 2., samples);
817 			if (m->facets.nb_vertices(f) == 4) {
818 				FOR(lv, 3) ABC[lv] = X(m)[m->facets.vertex(f, (lv+2)%3)];
819 				sample_triangle(ABC, epsilon / 2., samples);
820 			}
823 			FOR(p, samples.size()) {
824 				vec3 P = samples[p];
826 				double min_dist2 = 1e20;
828 				BBox bbox; bbox.add(P); bbox.dilate(epsilon/2.);
829 				vector<index_t> prim;
830 				hb.intersect(bbox, prim);
831 				FOR(fid, prim.size()) {
832 					index_t other_f = prim[fid];
833 					vec3 closest_point;
834 					double l0, l1, l2;
835 					min_equal(min_dist2, Geom::point_triangle_squared_distance<vec3>(P,
836 						X(ref)[ref->facets.vertex(other_f, 0)],
837 						X(ref)[ref->facets.vertex(other_f, 1)],
838 						X(ref)[ref->facets.vertex(other_f, 2)],
839 						closest_point, l0, l1, l2));
841 					if (ref->facets.nb_vertices(other_f) == 4) {
842 						min_equal(min_dist2, Geom::point_triangle_squared_distance<vec3>(P,
843 							X(ref)[ref->facets.vertex(other_f, 0)],
844 							X(ref)[ref->facets.vertex(other_f, 2)],
845 							X(ref)[ref->facets.vertex(other_f, 3)],
846 							closest_point, l0, l1, l2));
847 					}
848 				}
850 				if (::sqrt(min_dist2) > epsilon / 2.) {
851 					fail = true;
852 					break;
853 				}
854 			}
855 			if (fail) res.push_back(f);
856 		}
857 		return res;
858 	}
860     // Attention, sub-functions of this function need to access to attributes "chart" and "singular"
simplify_quad_charts(Mesh * m)861     void simplify_quad_charts(Mesh* m) {
862         std::string msg;
863         if (!surface_is_manifold(m, msg)) plop(msg);
865         Mesh m_bak;
866         m_bak.copy(*m);
867 		double epsilon = 0;// .4*get_facet_average_edge_size(&m_bak);
868 		//epsilon = 0;
869         vector<BBox> locked_regions;
870 //        int cnt = 0;
871         for(;;) {
872 			vector<index_t> invalid_m ;
873 			vector<index_t> invalid_bak ;
874 			vector<index_t> intersections;
875 			{
876 				Attribute<index_t> chart(m->facets.attributes(), "chart");
877 				Attribute<index_t> undo(m->facets.attributes(), "undo");
878                 FOR(fid, m->facets.nb()) {
879                     undo[fid] = NOT_AN_ID;
880                 }
881 				Attribute<bool> verts_to_remove(m->vertices.attributes(), "verts_to_remove");
882 				plop("try_simplify(m, chart, verts_to_remove, undo)");
883 				try_simplify(m, chart, verts_to_remove, undo);
884 				plop("try_export_quadtri_from_charts(m, locked_regions)");
885 				try_export_quadtri_from_charts(m, locked_regions);
887 				plop("check for intersections");
888 				plop(m->facets.nb());
889 				find_self_intersections(m, intersections);
890                 FOR(f, intersections.size()) {
891                     if (3 == m->facets.nb_vertices(f)) {
892                         if (undo[intersections[f]] != NOT_AN_ID) verts_to_remove[undo[intersections[f]]] = false;
893 //                        GEO::Logger::out("HexDom")  << intersections[f] << " " << undo[intersections[f]] <<  std::endl;
894                     } else {
895                         geo_assert(4 == m->facets.nb_vertices(f));
896                         BBox inbox;
897                         FOR(fv, 4) {
898                             inbox.add(X(m)[m->facets.vertex(intersections[f], fv)]);
899                         }
900                         locked_regions.push_back(inbox);
901                     }
902 //                  Attribute<bool> gna(m->facets.attributes(), "gna");
903 //                  gna[intersections[f]] = true;
904                 }
905 				//intersections.clear();// HACK (simulation de quadhex)
907 				if (epsilon > 0) {
908 					plop("check for Hausdorff distance --- dist to init mesh");
909 					invalid_m = facets_having_a_point_further_than_eps(m, &m_bak, epsilon);
910 					plop(invalid_m.size());
911 					FOR(i, invalid_m.size()) {
912 						if (3 == m->facets.nb_vertices(invalid_m[i])) {
913 							if (undo[invalid_m[i]] != NOT_AN_ID) verts_to_remove[undo[invalid_m[i]]] = false;
914 						}
915 						else {
916 							BBox inbox;
917 							FOR(fv, 4) {
918 								inbox.add(X(m)[m->facets.vertex(invalid_m[i], fv)]);
919 							}
920 							locked_regions.push_back(inbox);
921 						}
922 					}
924 					plop("check for Hausdorff distance --- dist to new mesh");
925 					invalid_bak = facets_having_a_point_further_than_eps(&m_bak, m, epsilon);
926 					plop(invalid_bak.size());
928 					FOR(i, invalid_bak.size()) FOR(lv, 3)
929 						verts_to_remove[m_bak.facets.vertex(invalid_bak[i], lv)] = false;
930 				}
931 			}
934 			if (intersections.empty() && invalid_m.empty() && invalid_bak.empty()) break;
936 			plop("conflict detected");
937             {
938                 Attribute<bool> m_verts_to_remove(m->vertices.attributes(), "verts_to_remove");
939                 Attribute<bool> m_bak_verts_to_remove(m_bak.vertices.attributes(), "verts_to_remove");
940                 geo_assert(m->vertices.nb() == m_bak.vertices.nb());
941                 FOR(v, m->vertices.nb()) m_bak_verts_to_remove[v] = m_verts_to_remove[v];
942             }
944 //          char filename[1024], filename2[1024];
945 //          sprintf(filename,  "/home/ssloy/tmp/hexdom_nightly/geogram/zdebug%i_bak.geogram", cnt);
946 //          sprintf(filename2, "/home/ssloy/tmp/hexdom_nightly/geogram/zdebug%i_simp.geogram", cnt);
947 //          cnt++;
948 //          mesh_save(m_bak, filename);
949 //          mesh_save(*m, filename2);
951             m->copy(m_bak);
952         }
953         kill_isolated_vertices(m);
954     }
959 }