1 //
2 // "$Id: table-spreadsheet-with-keyboard-nav.cxx 8321 2011-01-28 01:34:22Z greg.ercolano $"
3 //
4 //	Simple example of an interactive spreadsheet using Fl_Table.
5 //	Uses Mr. Satan's technique of instancing an Fl_Input around.
6 //	Modified to test Jean-Marc's mods for keyboard nav and mouse selection.
7 //
8 //      Fl_Table[1.00/LGPL] 04/18/03 Mister Satan      -- Initial implementation, submitted to erco for Fl_Table
9 //      Fl_Table[1.10/LGPL] 05/17/03 Greg Ercolano     -- Small mods to follow changes to Fl_Table
10 //      Fl_Table[1.20/LGPL] 02/22/04 Jean-Marc Lienher -- Keyboard nav and mouse selection
11 //      Fl_Table[1.21/LGPL] 02/22/04 Greg Ercolano     -- Small reformatting mods, comments
12 //         FLTK[1.3.0/LGPL] 10/26/10 Greg Ercolano     -- Moved from Fl_Table to FLTK 1.3.x, CMP compliance
13 //
14 // Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
15 //
16 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
17 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
18 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
19 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
20 //
21 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
22 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
24 // Library General Public License for more details.
25 //
26 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
27 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
28 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
29 // USA.
30 //
31 // Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
32 //
33 //     http://www.fltk.org/str.php
34 //
35 #include <stdio.h>
36 #include <stdlib.h>
37 #include <FL/Fl.H>
38 #include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
39 #include <FL/Fl_Table.H>
40 #include <FL/Fl_Int_Input.H>
41 #include <FL/Fl_Value_Slider.H>
42 #include <FL/fl_draw.H>
44 const int MAX_COLS = 26;
45 const int MAX_ROWS = 500;
47 class Spreadsheet : public Fl_Table {
48   Fl_Int_Input *input;					// single instance of Fl_Int_Input widget
49   int values[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLS];			// array of data for cells
50   int row_edit, col_edit;				// row/col being modified
51   int s_left, s_top, s_right, s_bottom;			// kb nav + mouse selection
53 protected:
54   void draw_cell(TableContext context,int=0,int=0,int=0,int=0,int=0,int=0);
55   void event_callback2();				// table's event callback (instance)
event_callback(Fl_Widget *,void * v)56   static void event_callback(Fl_Widget*, void *v) {	// table's event callback (static)
57     ((Spreadsheet*)v)->event_callback2();
58   }
input_cb(Fl_Widget *,void * v)59   static void input_cb(Fl_Widget*, void* v) {		// input widget's callback
60     ((Spreadsheet*)v)->set_value_hide();
61   }
63 public:
Spreadsheet(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char * L=0)64   Spreadsheet(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char* L=0) : Fl_Table(X,Y,W,H,L) {
65     callback(&event_callback, (void*)this);
66     when(FL_WHEN_NOT_CHANGED|when());
67     // Create input widget that we'll use whenever user clicks on a cell
68     input = new Fl_Int_Input(W/2,H/2,0,0);
69     input->hide();
70     input->callback(input_cb, (void*)this);
71     input->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY_ALWAYS);		// callback triggered when user hits Enter
72     input->maximum_size(5);
73     row_edit = col_edit = 0;
74     s_left = s_top = s_right = s_bottom = 0;
75     for (int c = 0; c < MAX_COLS; c++)
76       for (int r = 0; r < MAX_ROWS; r++)
77 	values[r][c] = (r + 2) * (c + 3);		// initialize cells
78     end();
79   }
~Spreadsheet()80   ~Spreadsheet() { }
82   // Apply value from input widget to values[row][col] array and hide (done editing)
set_value_hide()83   void set_value_hide() {
84     values[row_edit][col_edit] = atoi(input->value());
85     input->hide();
86     window()->cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT);		// XXX: if we don't do this, cursor can disappear!
87   }
88   // Change number of rows
rows(int val)89   void rows(int val) {
90     Fl_Table::rows(val);
91   }
92   // Change number of columns
cols(int val)93   void cols(int val) {
94     Fl_Table::cols(val);
95   }
96   // Get number of rows
rows()97   inline int rows() {
98     return Fl_Table::rows();
99   }
100   // Get number of columns
cols()101   inline int cols() {
102     return Fl_Table::cols();
103   }
104   // Start editing a new cell: move the Fl_Int_Input widget to specified row/column
105   //    Preload the widget with the cell's current value,
106   //    and make the widget 'appear' at the cell's location.
107   //
start_editing(int R,int C)108   void start_editing(int R, int C) {
109     row_edit = R;					// Now editing this row/col
110     col_edit = C;
111     int X,Y,W,H;
112     find_cell(CONTEXT_CELL, R,C, X,Y,W,H);		// Find X/Y/W/H of cell
113     input->resize(X,Y,W,H);				// Move Fl_Input widget there
114     char s[30]; sprintf(s, "%d", values[R][C]);		// Load input widget with cell's current value
115     input->value(s);
116     input->position(0,strlen(s));			// Select entire input field
117     input->show();					// Show the input widget, now that we've positioned it
118     input->take_focus();
119   }
120   // Tell the input widget it's done editing, and to 'hide'
done_editing()121   void done_editing() {
122     if (input->visible()) {				// input widget visible, ie. edit in progress?
123       set_value_hide();					// Transfer its current contents to cell and hide
124     }
125   }
126   // Return the sum of all rows in this column
sum_rows(int C)127   int sum_rows(int C) {
128     int sum = 0;
129     for (int r=0; r<rows()-1; ++r)			// -1: don't include cell data in 'totals' column
130       sum += values[r][C];
131     return(sum);
132   }
133   // Return the sum of all cols in this row
sum_cols(int R)134   int sum_cols(int R) {
135     int sum = 0;
136     for (int c=0; c<cols()-1; ++c)			// -1: don't include cell data in 'totals' column
137       sum += values[R][c];
138     return(sum);
139   }
140   // Return the sum of all cells in table
sum_all()141   int sum_all() {
142     int sum = 0;
143     for (int c=0; c<cols()-1; ++c)			// -1: don't include cell data in 'totals' column
144       for (int r=0; r<rows()-1; ++r)			// -1: ""
145 	sum += values[r][c];
146     return(sum);
147   }
148 };
150 // Handle drawing all cells in table
draw_cell(TableContext context,int R,int C,int X,int Y,int W,int H)151 void Spreadsheet::draw_cell(TableContext context, int R,int C, int X,int Y,int W,int H) {
152   static char s[30];
153   switch ( context ) {
154     case CONTEXT_STARTPAGE:			// table about to redraw
155       // Get kb nav + mouse 'selection region' for use below
156       get_selection(s_top, s_left, s_bottom, s_right);
157       break;
159     case CONTEXT_COL_HEADER:			// table wants us to draw a column heading (C is column)
160       fl_font(FL_HELVETICA | FL_BOLD, 14);	// set font for heading to bold
161       fl_push_clip(X,Y,W,H);			// clip region for text
162       {
163 	fl_draw_box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX, X,Y,W,H, col_header_color());
164 	fl_color(FL_BLACK);
165 	if (C == cols()-1) {			// Last column? show 'TOTAL'
166 	  fl_draw("TOTAL", X,Y,W,H, FL_ALIGN_CENTER);
167 	} else {				// Not last column? show column letter
168 	  sprintf(s, "%c", 'A' + C);
169 	  fl_draw(s, X,Y,W,H, FL_ALIGN_CENTER);
170 	}
171       }
172       fl_pop_clip();
173       return;
175     case CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER:			// table wants us to draw a row heading (R is row)
176       fl_font(FL_HELVETICA | FL_BOLD, 14);	// set font for row heading to bold
177       fl_push_clip(X,Y,W,H);
178       {
179 	fl_draw_box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX, X,Y,W,H, row_header_color());
180 	fl_color(FL_BLACK);
181 	if (R == rows()-1) {			// Last row? Show 'Total'
182 	  fl_draw("TOTAL", X,Y,W,H, FL_ALIGN_CENTER);
183 	} else {				// Not last row? show row#
184 	  sprintf(s, "%d", R+1);
185 	  fl_draw(s, X,Y,W,H, FL_ALIGN_CENTER);
186 	}
187       }
188       fl_pop_clip();
189       return;
191     case CONTEXT_CELL: {			// table wants us to draw a cell
192       if (R == row_edit && C == col_edit && input->visible()) {
193 	return;					// dont draw for cell with input widget over it
194       }
195       // Background
196       // Keyboard nav and mouse selection highlighting
197       if (R >= s_top && R <= s_bottom && C >= s_left && C <= s_right) {
198 	fl_draw_box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX, X,Y,W,H, FL_YELLOW);
199       } else if ( C < cols()-1 && R < rows()-1 ) {
200 	fl_draw_box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX, X,Y,W,H, FL_WHITE);
201       } else {
202 	fl_draw_box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX, X,Y,W,H, 0xbbddbb00);	// money green
203       }
204       // Text
205       fl_push_clip(X+3, Y+3, W-6, H-6);
206       {
207 	fl_color(FL_BLACK);
208 	if (C == cols()-1 || R == rows()-1) {	// Last row or col? Show total
209 	  fl_font(FL_HELVETICA | FL_BOLD, 14);	// ..in bold font
210 	  if (C == cols()-1 && R == rows()-1) {	// Last row+col? Total all cells
211 	    sprintf(s, "%d", sum_all());
212 	  } else if (C == cols()-1) {		// Row subtotal
213 	    sprintf(s, "%d", sum_cols(R));
214 	  } else if (R == rows()-1) {		// Col subtotal
215 	    sprintf(s, "%d", sum_rows(C));
216 	  }
217 	  fl_draw(s, X+3,Y+3,W-6,H-6, FL_ALIGN_RIGHT);
218 	} else {				// Not last row or col? Show cell contents
219 	  fl_font(FL_HELVETICA, 14);		// ..in regular font
220 	  sprintf(s, "%d", values[R][C]);
221 	  fl_draw(s, X+3,Y+3,W-6,H-6, FL_ALIGN_RIGHT);
222 	}
223       }
224       fl_pop_clip();
225       return;
226     }
228     case CONTEXT_RC_RESIZE: {			// table resizing rows or columns
229       if (!input->visible()) return;
230       find_cell(CONTEXT_TABLE, row_edit, col_edit, X, Y, W, H);
231       if (X==input->x() && Y==input->y() && W==input->w() && H==input->h()) {
232 	return;					// no change? ignore
233       }
234       input->resize(X,Y,W,H);
235       return;
236     }
238     default:
239       return;
240   }
241 }
243 // Callback whenever someone clicks on different parts of the table
event_callback2()244 void Spreadsheet::event_callback2() {
245   int R = callback_row();
246   int C = callback_col();
247   TableContext context = callback_context();
249   switch ( context ) {
250     case CONTEXT_CELL: {				// A table event occurred on a cell
251       switch (Fl::event()) { 				// see what FLTK event caused it
252 	case FL_PUSH:					// mouse click?
253 	  done_editing();				// finish editing previous
254 	  if (R != rows()-1 && C != cols()-1 )		// only edit cells not in total's columns
255 	    start_editing(R,C);				// start new edit
256 	  return;
258 	case FL_KEYBOARD:				// key press in table?
259 	  if ( Fl::event_key() == FL_Escape ) exit(0);	// ESC closes app
260 	  if (C == cols()-1 || R == rows()-1) return;	// no editing of totals column
261 	  done_editing();				// finish any previous editing
262 	  set_selection(R, C, R, C);			// select the current cell
263 	  start_editing(R,C);				// start new edit
264 	  if (Fl::event() == FL_KEYBOARD && Fl::e_text[0] != '\r') {
265 	    input->handle(Fl::event());			// pass keypress to input widget
266 	  }
267 	  return;
268       }
269       return;
270     }
272     case CONTEXT_TABLE:					// A table event occurred on dead zone in table
273     case CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER:				// A table event occurred on row/column header
274     case CONTEXT_COL_HEADER:
275       done_editing();					// done editing, hide
276       return;
278     default:
279       return;
280   }
281 }
283 // Change number of columns
setcols_cb(Fl_Widget * w,void * v)284 void setcols_cb(Fl_Widget* w, void* v) {
285   Spreadsheet* table = (Spreadsheet*)v;
286   Fl_Valuator* in = (Fl_Valuator*)w;
287   int cols = int(in->value()) + 1;
288   table->cols(cols);
289   table->redraw();
290 }
292 // Change number of rows
setrows_cb(Fl_Widget * w,void * v)293 void setrows_cb(Fl_Widget* w, void* v) {
294   Spreadsheet* table = (Spreadsheet*)v;
295   Fl_Valuator* in = (Fl_Valuator*)w;
296   int rows = int(in->value()) + 1;
297   table->rows(rows);
298   table->redraw();
299 }
main()301 int main() {
302   Fl_Double_Window *win = new Fl_Double_Window(922, 382, "Fl_Table Spreadsheet with Keyboard Navigation");
303   Spreadsheet* table = new Spreadsheet(20, 20, win->w()-80, win->h()-80);
304   // Table rows
305   table->row_header(1);
306   table->row_header_width(70);
307   table->row_resize(1);
308   table->rows(11);
309   table->row_height_all(25);
310   // Table cols
311   table->col_header(1);
312   table->col_header_height(25);
313   table->col_resize(1);
314   table->cols(11);
315   table->col_width_all(70);
316   table->set_selection(0,0,0,0);	// select top/left cell
318   // Add children to window
319   win->begin();
321   // Row slider
322   Fl_Value_Slider setrows(win->w()-40,20,20,win->h()-80, 0);
323   setrows.type(FL_VERT_NICE_SLIDER);
324   setrows.bounds(2,MAX_ROWS);
325   setrows.step(1);
326   setrows.value(table->rows()-1);
327   setrows.callback(setrows_cb, (void*)table);
328   setrows.when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED);
329   setrows.clear_visible_focus();
331   // Column slider
332   Fl_Value_Slider setcols(20,win->h()-40,win->w()-80,20, 0);
333   setcols.type(FL_HOR_NICE_SLIDER);
334   setcols.bounds(2,MAX_COLS);
335   setcols.step(1);
336   setcols.value(table->cols()-1);
337   setcols.callback(setcols_cb, (void*)table);
338   setcols.when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED);
339   setcols.clear_visible_focus();
341   win->end();
342   win->resizable(table);
343   win->show();
345   return Fl::run();
346 }
348 //
349 // End of "$Id: table-spreadsheet-with-keyboard-nav.cxx 8321 2011-01-28 01:34:22Z greg.ercolano $".
350 //