1# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
2version 1.0300
3header_name {../FL/Fl_File_Chooser.H}
4code_name {.cxx}
5comment {//
6// "$Id: Fl_File_Chooser.fl 8786 2011-06-07 11:41:36Z manolo $"
8// Fl_File_Chooser dialog for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
10// Copyright 1998-2011 by Bill Spitzak and others.
12// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
14// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
15// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
17// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20// Library General Public License for more details.
22// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
23// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
24// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
25// USA.
27// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
29//     http://www.fltk.org/str.php
31} {in_source in_header
34decl {\#include <FL/fl_draw.H>} {}
36class FL_EXPORT Fl_File_Chooser {open
37} {
38  decl {enum { SINGLE = 0, MULTI = 1, CREATE = 2, DIRECTORY = 4 };} {public
39  }
40  decl {static Fl_Preferences prefs_;} {}
41  decl {void (*callback_)(Fl_File_Chooser*, void *);} {}
42  decl {void *data_;} {}
43  decl {char directory_[FL_PATH_MAX];} {}
44  decl {char pattern_[FL_PATH_MAX];} {}
45  decl {char preview_text_[2048];} {}
46  decl {int type_;} {}
47  decl {void favoritesButtonCB();} {}
48  decl {void favoritesCB(Fl_Widget *w);} {}
49  decl {void fileListCB();} {}
50  decl {void fileNameCB();} {}
51  decl {void newdir();} {}
52  decl {static void previewCB(Fl_File_Chooser *fc);} {}
53  decl {void showChoiceCB();} {}
54  decl {void update_favorites();} {}
55  decl {void update_preview();} {}
56  Function {Fl_File_Chooser(const char *d, const char *p, int t, const char *title)} {} {
57    code {Fl_Group *prev_current = Fl_Group::current();} {}
58    Fl_Window window {
59      label {Choose File}
60      callback {fileName->value("");
62Fl::remove_timeout((Fl_Timeout_Handler)previewCB, this);
63window->hide();} open
64      private xywh {507 327 490 380} type Double resizable
65      code0 {if (title) window->label(title);}
66      code1 {\#include <stdio.h>}
67      code2 {\#include <stdlib.h>}
68      code3 {\#include <string.h>} modal visible
69    } {
70      Fl_Group {} {open
71        private xywh {10 10 470 25}
72      } {
73        Fl_Choice showChoice {
74          label {Show:}
75          callback {showChoiceCB();} open
76          private xywh {65 10 215 25} down_box BORDER_BOX labelfont 1 resizable
77          code0 {showChoice->label(show_label);}
78        } {}
79        Fl_Menu_Button favoritesButton {
80          label Favorites
81          callback {favoritesButtonCB();} open
82          private xywh {290 10 155 25} down_box BORDER_BOX align 20
83          code0 {favoritesButton->label(favorites_label);}
84        } {}
85        Fl_Button newButton {
86          callback {newdir();}
87          image {new.xbm} xywh {455 10 25 25} labelsize 8
88          code0 {\#include <FL/Fl_Preferences.H>}
89          code1 {o->tooltip(new_directory_tooltip);}
90        }
91      }
92      Fl_Tile {} {
93        callback {update_preview();}
94        private xywh {10 45 470 225} resizable
95      } {
96        Fl_File_Browser fileList {
97          callback {fileListCB();}
98          private xywh {10 45 295 225} type Hold hotspot
99          code0 {\#include <FL/Fl_File_Browser.H>}
100        }
101        Fl_Box previewBox {
102          label {?}
103          private xywh {305 45 175 225} box DOWN_BOX labelsize 100 align 80
104        }
105      }
106      Fl_Group {} {open
107        private xywh {10 275 470 95}
108      } {
109        Fl_Group {} {open
110          private xywh {10 275 470 20}
111        } {
112          Fl_Check_Button previewButton {
113            label Preview
114            callback {preview(previewButton->value());}
115            xywh {10 275 73 20} down_box DOWN_BOX shortcut 0x80070 value 1
116            code0 {previewButton->label(preview_label);}
117          }
118          Fl_Check_Button showHiddenButton {
119            label {Show hidden files}
120            callback {showHidden(showHiddenButton->value());}
121            xywh {115 275 165 20} down_box DOWN_BOX
122            code0 {showHiddenButton->label(hidden_label);}
123          }
124          Fl_Box {} {
125            private xywh {115 275 365 20} resizable
126          }
127        }
128        Fl_File_Input fileName {
129          callback {fileNameCB();}
130          private xywh {115 300 365 35} labelfont 1 when 8 resizable
131          code0 {fileName->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED | FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY);}
132        }
133        Fl_Box {} {
134          label {Filename:}
135          private xywh {10 310 105 25} labelfont 1 align 24
136          code0 {o->label(filename_label);}
137        }
138        Fl_Group {} {open
139          private xywh {10 345 470 25}
140        } {
141          Fl_Return_Button okButton {
142            label OK
143            callback {window->hide();
145// Do any callback that is registered...
146if (callback_)
147  (*callback_)(this, data_);}
148            private xywh {313 345 85 25}
149            code0 {\#include <FL/fl_ask.H>}
150            code1 {okButton->label(fl_ok);}
151          }
152          Fl_Button cancelButton {
153            label Cancel
154            callback {fileName->value("");
156Fl::remove_timeout((Fl_Timeout_Handler)previewCB, this);
158            private xywh {408 345 72 25}
159            code0 {o->label(fl_cancel);}
160          }
161          Fl_Box {} {
162            private xywh {10 345 30 25} resizable
163          }
164        }
165      }
166    }
167    Fl_Window favWindow {
168      label {Manage Favorites}
169      private xywh {413 100 355 150} type Double resizable
170      code0 {favWindow->label(manage_favorites_label);} modal size_range {181 150 0 0} visible
171    } {
172      Fl_File_Browser favList {
173        callback {favoritesCB(favList);}
174        private xywh {10 10 300 95} type Hold resizable
175      }
176      Fl_Group {} {open
177        xywh {320 10 25 95}
178      } {
179        Fl_Button favUpButton {
180          label {@8>}
181          callback {favoritesCB(favUpButton);}
182          private xywh {320 10 25 25}
183        }
184        Fl_Button favDeleteButton {
185          label X
186          callback {favoritesCB(favDeleteButton);}
187          private xywh {320 45 25 25} labelfont 1 resizable
188        }
189        Fl_Button favDownButton {
190          label {@2>}
191          callback {favoritesCB(favDownButton);}
192          private xywh {320 80 25 25}
193        }
194      }
195      Fl_Group {} {open
196        xywh {10 113 335 29}
197      } {
198        Fl_Button favCancelButton {
199          label Cancel
200          callback {favWindow->hide();}
201          private xywh {273 115 72 25}
202          code0 {favCancelButton->label(fl_cancel);}
203        }
204        Fl_Return_Button favOkButton {
205          label Save
206          callback {favoritesCB(favOkButton);}
207          private xywh {181 115 79 25}
208          code0 {\#include <FL/fl_ask.H>}
209          code1 {favOkButton->label(save_label);}
210        }
211        Fl_Box {} {
212          xywh {10 115 161 25} resizable
213        }
214      }
215    }
216    code {callback_ = 0;
217data_ = 0;
218directory_[0] = 0;
219window->size_range(window->w(), window->h(), Fl::w(), Fl::h());
225int e;
226prefs_.get("preview", e, 1);
228Fl_Group::current(prev_current);} {}
229    code {ext_group=(Fl_Widget*)0;} {}
230  }
231  Function {~Fl_File_Chooser()} {open
232  } {
233    code {Fl::remove_timeout((Fl_Timeout_Handler)previewCB, this);
235delete window;
236delete favWindow;} {}
237  }
238  Function {callback(void (*cb)(Fl_File_Chooser *, void *), void *d = 0)} {return_type void
239  } {
240    code {callback_ = cb;
241data_     = d;} {}
242  }
243  Function {color(Fl_Color c)} {} {
244    code {fileList->color(c);} {}
245  }
246  Function {color()} {return_type Fl_Color
247  } {
248    code {return (fileList->color());} {}
249  }
250  decl {int count();} {public
251  }
252  decl {void directory(const char *d);} {public
253  }
254  Function {directory()} {return_type {char *}
255  } {
256    code {return directory_;} {}
257  }
258  decl {void filter(const char *p);} {public
259  }
260  Function {filter()} {return_type {const char *}
261  } {
262    code {return (fileList->filter());} {}
263  }
264  Function {filter_value()} {return_type int
265  } {
266    code {return showChoice->value();} {}
267  }
268  Function {filter_value(int f)} {return_type void
269  } {
270    code {showChoice->value(f);
271showChoiceCB();} {}
272  }
273  Function {hide()} {return_type void
274  } {
275    code {window->hide();} {}
276  }
277  Function {iconsize(uchar s)} {return_type void
278  } {
279    code {fileList->iconsize(s);} {}
280  }
281  Function {iconsize()} {return_type uchar
282  } {
283    code {return (fileList->iconsize());} {}
284  }
285  Function {label(const char *l)} {return_type void
286  } {
287    code {window->label(l);} {}
288  }
289  Function {label()} {return_type {const char *}
290  } {
291    code {return (window->label());} {}
292  }
293  Function {ok_label(const char *l)} {return_type void
294  } {
295    code {okButton->label(l);
296int w=0, h=0;
297okButton->measure_label(w, h);
298okButton->resize(cancelButton->x() - 50 - w, cancelButton->y(),
299                 w + 40, 25);
300okButton->parent()->init_sizes();} {}
301  }
302  Function {ok_label()} {return_type {const char *}
303  } {
304    code {return (okButton->label());} {}
305  }
306  decl {void preview(int e);} {public
307  }
308  decl {int preview() const { return previewButton->value(); }} {public
309  }
310  decl {void showHidden(int e);} {private
311  }
312  decl {void remove_hidden_files();} {private
313  }
314  decl {void rescan();} {public
315  }
316  decl {void rescan_keep_filename();} {public
317  }
318  decl {void show();} {public
319  }
320  Function {shown()} {return_type int
321  } {
322    code {return window->shown();} {}
323  }
324  Function {textcolor(Fl_Color c)} {return_type void
325  } {
326    code {fileList->textcolor(c);} {}
327  }
328  Function {textcolor()} {return_type Fl_Color
329  } {
330    code {return (fileList->textcolor());} {}
331  }
332  Function {textfont(Fl_Font f)} {return_type void
333  } {
334    code {fileList->textfont(f);} {}
335  }
336  Function {textfont()} {selected return_type Fl_Font
337  } {
338    code {return (fileList->textfont());} {}
339  }
340  Function {textsize(Fl_Fontsize s)} {return_type void
341  } {
342    code {fileList->textsize(s);} {}
343  }
344  Function {textsize()} {return_type Fl_Fontsize
345  } {
346    code {return (fileList->textsize());} {}
347  }
348  Function {type(int t)} {return_type void
349  } {
350    code {type_ = t;
351if (t & MULTI)
352  fileList->type(FL_MULTI_BROWSER);
354  fileList->type(FL_HOLD_BROWSER);
355if (t & CREATE)
356  newButton->activate();
358  newButton->deactivate();
359if (t & DIRECTORY)
360  fileList->filetype(Fl_File_Browser::DIRECTORIES);
362  fileList->filetype(Fl_File_Browser::FILES);} {}
363  }
364  Function {type()} {return_type int
365  } {
366    code {return (type_);} {}
367  }
368  Function {user_data() const} {return_type {void *}
369  } {
370    code {return (data_);} {}
371  }
372  Function {user_data(void *d)} {return_type void
373  } {
374    code {data_ = d;} {}
375  }
376  decl {const char *value(int f = 1);} {public
377  }
378  decl {void value(const char *filename);} {public
379  }
380  Function {visible()} {return_type int
381  } {
382    code {return window->visible();} {}
383  }
384  decl {static const char *add_favorites_label;} {
385    comment {[standard text may be customized at run-time]} public
386  }
387  decl {static const char *all_files_label;} {
388    comment {[standard text may be customized at run-time]} public
389  }
390  decl {static const char *custom_filter_label;} {
391    comment {[standard text may be customized at run-time]} public
392  }
393  decl {static const char *existing_file_label;} {
394    comment {[standard text may be customized at run-time]} public
395  }
396  decl {static const char *favorites_label;} {
397    comment {[standard text may be customized at run-time]} public
398  }
399  decl {static const char *filename_label;} {
400    comment {[standard text may be customized at run-time]} public
401  }
402  decl {static const char *filesystems_label;} {
403    comment {[standard text may be customized at run-time]} public
404  }
405  decl {static const char *manage_favorites_label;} {
406    comment {[standard text may be customized at run-time]} public
407  }
408  decl {static const char *new_directory_label;} {
409    comment {[standard text may be customized at run-time]} public
410  }
411  decl {static const char *new_directory_tooltip;} {
412    comment {[standard text may be customized at run-time]} public
413  }
414  decl {static const char *preview_label;} {
415    comment {[standard text may be customized at run-time]} public
416  }
417  decl {static const char *save_label;} {
418    comment {[standard text may be customized at run-time]} public
419  }
420  decl {static const char *show_label;} {
421    comment {[standard text may be customized at run-time]} public
422  }
423  decl {static const char *hidden_label;} {
424    comment {[standard text may be customized at run-time]} public
425  }
426  decl {static Fl_File_Sort_F *sort;} {
427    comment {the sort function that is used when loading
428the contents of a directory.} public
429  }
430  decl {Fl_Widget* ext_group;} {}
431  Function {add_extra(Fl_Widget* gr)} {open return_type {Fl_Widget*}
432  } {
433    code {Fl_Widget* ret=ext_group;} {}
434    codeblock {if (gr==ext_group)} {open
435    } {
436      code {return ret;} {}
437    }
438    codeblock {if (ext_group)} {open
439    } {
440      code {int sh=ext_group->h()+4;
441Fl_Widget* svres=window->resizable();
446window->resizable(svres);} {}
447    }
448    codeblock {if (gr)} {open
449    } {
450      code {int nh=window->h()+gr->h()+4;
451Fl_Widget* svres=window->resizable();
457window->resizable(svres);} {}
458    }
459    code {return ret;} {}
460  }
463decl {FL_EXPORT char *fl_dir_chooser(const char *message,const char *fname,int relative=0);} {public
466decl {FL_EXPORT char *fl_file_chooser(const char *message,const char *pat,const char *fname,int relative=0);} {public
469decl {FL_EXPORT void fl_file_chooser_callback(void (*cb)(const char*));} {public
472decl {FL_EXPORT void fl_file_chooser_ok_label(const char*l);} {public
475comment {
477// End of "$Id: Fl_File_Chooser.fl 8786 2011-06-07 11:41:36Z manolo $".
478//} {in_source in_header