1 /*
2  * optimization.cc
3  *
4  * Copyright 2017 Luka Marohnić
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18  *
19  *
20  * __________________________________________________________________________
21  * |Example of using 'extrema', 'minimize' and 'maximize' functions to solve|
22  * |the set of exercises found in:                                          |
23  * |https://math.feld.cvut.cz/habala/teaching/veci-ma2/ema2r3.pdf           |
24  * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
25  * 1) Input:
26  *        extrema(2x^3+9x*y^2+15x^2+27y^2,[x,y])
27  *    Result: we get local minimum at origin, local maximum at (-5,0)
28  *            and (-3,2),(-3,-2) as saddle points.
29  *
30  * 2) Input:
31  *        extrema(x^3-2x^2+y^2+z^2-2x*y+x*z-y*z+3z,[x,y,z])
32  *    Result: the given function has local minimum at (2,1,-2).
33  *
34  * 3) Input:
35  *        minimize(x^2+2y^2,x^2-2x+2y^2+4y=0,[x,y]);
36  *        maximize(x^2+2y^2,x^2-2x+2y^2+4y=0,[x,y])
37  *    Result: the minimal value of x^2+2y^2 is 0 and the maximal is 12.
38  *
39  * 4) We need to minimize f(x,y,z)=x^2+(y+3)^2+(z-2)^2 for points (x,y,z)
40  *    lying in plane x+y-z=1. Since the feasible area is not bounded, we're
41  *    using the function 'extrema' because obviously the function has single
42  *    local minimum.
43  *    Input:
44  *        extrema(x^2+(y+3)^2+(z-2)^2,x+y-z=1,[x,y,z])
45  *    Result: the point closest to P in x+y-z=1 is (2,-1,0), and the distance
46  *            is equal to sqrt(f(2,-1,0))=2*sqrt(3).
47  *
48  * 5) We're using the same method as in exercise 4.
49  *    Input:
50  *        extrema((x-1)^2+(y-2)^2+(z+1)^2,[x+y+z=1,2x-y+z=3],[x,y,z])
51  *    Result: the closest point is (2,0,-1) and the corresponding distance
52  *            equals to sqrt(5).
53  *
54  * 6) First we need to determine the feasible area. Plot its bounds with:
55  *        implicitplot(x^2+(y+1)^2-4,x,y);line(y=-1);line(y=x+1)
56  *    Now we see that the feasible area is given by set of inequalities:
57  *        cond:=[x^2+(y+1)^2<=4,y>=-1,y<=x+1]
58  *    Draw this area with:
59  *        plotinequation(cond,[x,y],xstep=0.05,ystep=0.05)
60  *    Now calculate global minimum and maximum of f(x,y)=x^2+4y^2 on that area:
61  *        f(x,y):=x^2+4y^2;
62  *        minimize(f(x,y),cond,[x,y]);maximize(f(x,y),cond,[x,y])
63  *    Result: the minimum is 0 and the maximum is 8.
64  *
65  * 7) Input:
66  *        minimize(x^2+y^2-6x+6y,x^2+y^2<=4,[x,y]);
67  *        maximize(x^2+y^2-6x+6y,x^2+y^2<=4,[x,y])
68  *    Result: the minimum is 4-12*sqrt(2) and the maximum is 4+12*sqrt(2).
69  *
70  * 8) Input:
71  *        extrema(y,y^2+2x*y=2x-4x^2,[x,y])
72  *    Result: we obtain (1/2,-1) as local minimum and (1/6,1/3) as local
73  *            maximum of f(x,y)=y. Therefore, the maximal value is y(1/2)=-1
74  *            and the maximal value is y(1/6)=1/3.
75  *
76  * The above set of exercises could be turned into an example Xcas worksheet.
77  */
79 #include "giacPCH.h"
80 #include "giac.h"
81 #include "optimization.h"
82 #include "signalprocessing.h"
83 #include <sstream>
84 #include <bitset>
86 using namespace std;
89 namespace giac {
90 #endif // ndef NO_NAMESPACE_GIAC
92 #define GOLDEN_RATIO 1.61803398875
93 typedef unsigned long ulong;
95 /* simplify the expression */
simp(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)96 gen simp(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
97     if (g.type==_VECT) {
98         vecteur res;
99         for (const_iterateur it=g._VECTptr->begin();it!=g._VECTptr->end();++it) {
100             res.push_back(simp(*it,contextptr));
101         }
102         return res;
103     }
104     if (_evalf(g,contextptr).type==_DOUBLE_)
105         return simplify(g,contextptr);
106     return recursive_normal(g,contextptr);
107 }
109 /*
110  * Return true iff the expression 'e' is rational with respect to
111  * variables in 'vars'.
112  */
is_rational_wrt_vars(const gen & e,const vecteur & vars,GIAC_CONTEXT)113 bool is_rational_wrt_vars(const gen &e,const vecteur &vars,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
114     for (const_iterateur it=vars.begin();it!=vars.end();++it) {
115         vecteur l(rlvarx(e,*it));
116         if (l.size()>1)
117             return false;
118     }
119     return true;
120 }
122 /* simplify the critical points */
cpt_simp(vecteur & cv,const vecteur & vars,const gen & f,GIAC_CONTEXT)123 void cpt_simp(vecteur &cv,const vecteur &vars,const gen &f,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
124   for(int j=cv.size();j-->0;) {
125     gen sc=simp(_epsilon2zero(cv[j],contextptr),contextptr),img;
126     if (is_undef(sc) || !is_constant_wrt_vars(sc,vars,contextptr) ||
127             ((img=_evalf(im(sc,contextptr),contextptr)).type==_DOUBLE_ && !is_zero(img))) {
128         cv.erase(cv.begin()+j);
129         continue;
130     }
131     if (cv[j].type==_VECT && cv[j]._VECTptr->size()==vars.size()) {
132         gen val=simp(subst(f,vars,*cv[j]._VECTptr,false,contextptr),contextptr);
133         if (is_inf(val) || is_undef(val) || _evalf(val,contextptr).type==_CPLX) {
134             // cv[j] is not in the domain of f
135             cv.erase(cv.begin()+j);
136             continue;
137         }
138     }
139     cv[j]=simp(cv[j],contextptr);
140   }
141 }
solve_vect(const vecteur & e,const vecteur & v,GIAC_CONTEXT)143 vecteur solve_vect(const vecteur &e,const vecteur &v,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
144     gen tmp=_solve(makesequence(e,v),contextptr);
145     if (tmp.type!=_VECT)
146         return vecteur(0);
147     return *tmp._VECTptr;
148 }
150 int var_index=0;
is_greater_than_zero(const gen & g,const vecteur & vars,GIAC_CONTEXT)152 bool is_greater_than_zero(const gen &g,const vecteur &vars,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
153     vecteur terms(0);
154     if (g.is_symb_of_sommet(at_plus) && g._SYMBptr->feuille.type==_VECT)
155         terms=*g._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr;
156     else terms=makevecteur(g);
157     bool has_exp=false;
158     gen rest(0);
159     for (const_iterateur it=terms.begin();it!=terms.end();++it) {
160         if (_lin(*it,contextptr).is_symb_of_sommet(at_exp))
161             has_exp=true;
162         else rest+=*it;
163     }
164     if (!has_exp)
165         return false;
166     return is_positive(rest,contextptr);
167 }
remove_strictly_positive_factors(const gen & g,const vecteur & vars,GIAC_CONTEXT)169 gen remove_strictly_positive_factors(const gen &g,const vecteur &vars,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
170     gen f(g);
171     if (f.is_symb_of_sommet(at_neg))
172         f=f._SYMBptr->feuille;
173     if (f.is_symb_of_sommet(at_prod) && f._SYMBptr->feuille.type==_VECT) {
174         const vecteur &fv=*f._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr;
175         gen p(1);
176         for (const_iterateur jt=fv.begin();jt!=fv.end();++jt) {
177             if (is_greater_than_zero(*jt,vars,contextptr))
178               continue;
179             else p=*jt*p;
180         }
181         f=p;
182     }
183     return f;
184 }
186 /*
187  * Solves a system of equations.
188  * This function is based on _solve but handles cases where a variable
189  * is found inside trigonometric, hyperbolic or exponential functions.
190  */
solve2(const vecteur & e_orig,const vecteur & vars_orig,GIAC_CONTEXT)191 vecteur solve2(const vecteur &e_orig,const vecteur &vars_orig,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
192     int m=e_orig.size(),n=vars_orig.size(),i=0;
193     vecteur e_orig_simp=*expexpand(expand(_pow2exp(e_orig,contextptr),contextptr),contextptr)._VECTptr;
194     for (iterateur it=e_orig_simp.begin();it!=e_orig_simp.end();++it) {
195         if (it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal))
196             *it=equal2diff(*it);
197         gen f=(it->type==_SYMB?_factor(*it,contextptr):*it);
198         gen num=remove_strictly_positive_factors(_numer(f,contextptr),vars_orig,contextptr);
199         gen den=remove_strictly_positive_factors(_denom(f,contextptr),vars_orig,contextptr);
200         *it=num/den;
201     }
202     for (;i<m;++i) {
203         if (!is_rational_wrt_vars(e_orig_simp[i],vars_orig,contextptr))
204             break;
205     }
206     if (n==1 || i==m)
207         return solve_vect(e_orig_simp,vars_orig,contextptr);
208     vecteur e(*halftan(_texpand(hyp2exp(e_orig_simp,contextptr),contextptr),contextptr)._VECTptr);
209     vecteur lv(*exact(lvar(_evalf(lvar(e),contextptr)),contextptr)._VECTptr);
210     vecteur deps(n),depvars(n,gen(0));
211     vecteur vars(vars_orig);
212     const_iterateur it=lv.begin();
213     for (;it!=lv.end();++it) {
214         i=0;
215         for (;i<n;++i) {
216             if (is_undef(vars[i]))
217                 continue;
218             if (*it==(deps[i]=vars[i]) ||
219                     *it==(deps[i]=exp(vars[i],contextptr)) ||
220                     is_zero(simp(*it-(deps[i]=tan(vars[i]/gen(2),contextptr)),contextptr))) {
221                 vars[i]=undef;
222                 depvars[i]=identificateur(" depvar"+print_INT_(i));
223                 break;
224             }
225         }
226         if (i==n)
227             break;
228     }
229     if (it!=lv.end() || find(depvars.begin(),depvars.end(),gen(0))!=depvars.end())
230         return solve_vect(e_orig_simp,vars_orig,contextptr);
231     vecteur e_subs=subst(e,deps,depvars,false,contextptr);
232     vecteur sol=solve_vect(e_subs,depvars,contextptr);
233     vecteur ret;
234     for (const_iterateur it=sol.begin();it!=sol.end();++it) {
235         vecteur r(n);
236         i=0;
237         for (;i<n;++i) {
238             gen c(it->_VECTptr->at(i));
239             if (deps[i].type==_IDNT)
240                 r[i]=c;
241             else if (deps[i].is_symb_of_sommet(at_exp) && is_strictly_positive(c,contextptr))
242                 r[i]=simp(ln(c,contextptr),contextptr);
243             else if (deps[i].is_symb_of_sommet(at_tan))
244                 r[i]=simp(2*atan(c,contextptr),contextptr);
245             else
246                 break;
247         }
248         if (i==n)
249             ret.push_back(r);
250     }
251     return ret;
252 }
is_ineq_x_a(const gen & g,const gen & var,gen & a,GIAC_CONTEXT)254 bool is_ineq_x_a(const gen &g,const gen &var,gen &a,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
255     if ((g.is_symb_of_sommet(at_inferieur_egal) ||
256          g.is_symb_of_sommet(at_inferieur_strict) ||
257          g.is_symb_of_sommet(at_superieur_egal) ||
258          g.is_symb_of_sommet(at_superieur_strict)) &&
259         g._SYMBptr->feuille.type==_VECT &&
260         g._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front()==var &&
261         is_constant_wrt(g._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back(),var,contextptr))
262     {
263         a=g._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back();
264         return true;
265     }
266     return false;
267 }
269 /*
270  * Traverse the tree of symbolic expression 'e' and collect all points of
271  * transition in piecewise subexpressions.
272  */
collect_transition_points(const gen & e,const gen & var,vecteur & cv,GIAC_CONTEXT)273 void collect_transition_points(const gen &e,const gen &var,vecteur &cv,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
274     if (e.type==_VECT) {
275         for (const_iterateur it=e._VECTptr->begin();it!=e._VECTptr->end();++it) {
276             collect_transition_points(*it,var,cv,contextptr);
277         }
278     }
279     else if ((e.is_symb_of_sommet(at_piecewise) || e.is_symb_of_sommet(at_when)) &&
280              e._SYMBptr->feuille.type==_VECT) {
281         const vecteur &f=*e._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr;
282         int sz=f.size();
283         for (int i=0;i<sz/2;++i) {
284             gen g=_solve(makesequence(f[2*i],var),contextptr);
285             if (g.type==_VECT) {
286                 gen a,b;
287                 for (const_iterateur it=g._VECTptr->begin();it!=g._VECTptr->end();++it) {
288                     if (is_ineq_x_a(*it,var,a,contextptr))
289                         cv.push_back(a);
290                     else if (it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_and) &&
291                              it->_SYMBptr->feuille.type==_VECT &&
292                              it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->size()==2 &&
293                              is_ineq_x_a(it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front(),var,a,contextptr) &&
294                              is_ineq_x_a(it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back(),var,b,contextptr)) {
295                         cv.push_back(a);
296                         cv.push_back(b);
297                     }
298                 }
299             }
300         }
301     } else if (e.type==_SYMB)
302         collect_transition_points(e._SYMBptr->feuille,var,cv,contextptr);
303 }
next_binary_perm(vector<bool> & perm,int to_end=0)305 bool next_binary_perm(vector<bool> &perm,int to_end=0) {
306     if (to_end==int(perm.size()))
307         return false;
308     int end=int(perm.size())-1-to_end;
309     perm[end]=!perm[end];
310     return perm[end]?true:next_binary_perm(perm,to_end+1);
311 }
make_temp_vars(const vecteur & vars,const vecteur & ineq,bool open,GIAC_CONTEXT)313 vecteur make_temp_vars(const vecteur &vars,const vecteur &ineq,bool open,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
314     gen t,a,b,vmin,vmax;
315     vecteur tmpvars;
316     for (const_iterateur it=vars.begin();it!=vars.end();++it) {
317         vecteur as;
318         vmin=vmax=undef;
319         for (const_iterateur jt=ineq.begin();jt!=ineq.end();++jt) {
320             if (is_linear_wrt(*jt,*it,a,b,contextptr) &&
321                     is_constant_wrt_vars(a,vars,contextptr) &&
322                     is_constant_wrt_vars(b,vars,contextptr))
323                 as.push_back(symb_inferieur_egal(*jt,0));
324         }
325         if (!as.empty()) {
326             gen s=_solve(makesequence(as,*it),contextptr);
327             if (s.type==_VECT)
328                 as=*s._VECTptr;
329             else {
330                 *logptr(contextptr) << "Warning: failed to set bounds for variable " << *it << "\n";
331                 as.clear();
332             }
333         }
334         if (as.size()==1) {
335             const gen &s = as.front();
336             if (s.is_symb_of_sommet(at_inferieur_egal) &&
337                     s._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front()==*it)
338                 vmax=s._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back();
339             else if (s.is_symb_of_sommet(at_superieur_egal) &&
340                     s._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front()==*it)
341                 vmin=s._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back();
342             else if (s.is_symb_of_sommet(at_and) &&
343                         s._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->size()==2 &&
344                         s._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front().is_symb_of_sommet(at_superieur_egal) &&
345                         s._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front()._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front()==*it &&
346                         s._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back().is_symb_of_sommet(at_inferieur_egal) &&
347                         s._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back()._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front()==*it) {
348                 vmin=s._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front()._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back();
349                 vmax=s._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back()._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back();
350             } else *logptr(contextptr) << "Warning: failed to set bounds for variable " << *it << "\n";
351         }
352         gen v=identificateur(" "+it->print(contextptr));
353         if (!is_undef(vmax) && !is_undef(vmin))
354             assume_t_in_ab(v,vmin,vmax,open,open,contextptr);
355         else if (!is_undef(vmin))
356             giac_assume(open?symb_superieur_strict(v,vmin):symb_superieur_egal(v,vmin),contextptr);
357         else if (!is_undef(vmax))
358             giac_assume(open?symb_inferieur_strict(v,vmax):symb_inferieur_egal(v,vmax),contextptr);
359         tmpvars.push_back(v);
360     }
361     return tmpvars;
362 }
364 /*
365  * Determine critical points of function f under constraints g<=0 and h=0 using
366  * Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions.
367  */
solve_kkt(const gen & f,const vecteur & g,const vecteur & h,const vecteur & vars_orig,GIAC_CONTEXT)368 vecteur solve_kkt(const gen &f,const vecteur &g,const vecteur &h,const vecteur &vars_orig,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
369     int n=vars_orig.size(),m=g.size(),l=h.size();
370     vecteur vars(vars_orig),mug;
371     matrice gr_g,gr_h;
372     vars.resize(n+m+l);
373     gen gr_f_tmp=_grad(makesequence(f,vars_orig),contextptr);
374     if (gr_f_tmp.type!=_VECT || gr_f_tmp._VECTptr->size()!=vars_orig.size()) {
375         *logptr(contextptr) << "Error: failed to compute gradient of " << f << "\n";
376         return vecteur(0);
377     }
378     vecteur &gr_f=*gr_f_tmp._VECTptr;
379     for (int i=0;i<m;++i) {
380         vars[n+i]=identificateur(" mu"+print_INT_(++var_index));
381         giac_assume(symb_superieur_strict(vars[n+i],gen(0)),contextptr); // dual feasibility
382         gr_g.push_back(*_grad(makesequence(g[i],vars_orig),contextptr)._VECTptr);
383     }
384     for (int i=0;i<l;++i) {
385         vars[n+m+i]=identificateur(" lambda"+print_INT_(++var_index));
386         gr_h.push_back(*_grad(makesequence(h[i],vars_orig),contextptr)._VECTptr);
387     }
388     vecteur eqv;
389     for (int i=0;i<n;++i) {
390         gen eq(gr_f[i]);
391         for (int j=0;j<m;++j) {
392             eq+=vars[n+j]*gr_g[j][i];
393         }
394         for (int j=0;j<l;++j) {
395             eq+=vars[n+m+j]*gr_h[j][i];
396         }
397         eqv.push_back(eq);
398     }
399     eqv=mergevecteur(eqv,h); // primal feasibility
400     vector<bool> is_mu_zero(m,false);
401     matrice cv;
402     do {
403         vecteur e(eqv);
404         vecteur v(vars);
405         for (int i=m-1;i>=0;--i) {
406             if (is_mu_zero[i]) {
407                 e=subst(e,v[n+i],gen(0),false,contextptr);
408                 v.erase(v.begin()+n+i);
409             }
410             else
411                 e.push_back(g[i]); // complementary slackness
412         }
413         gen res=solve2(e,v,contextptr);
414         if (res.type==_VECT)
415             cv=mergevecteur(cv,*res._VECTptr);
416     } while(next_binary_perm(is_mu_zero));
417     for (const_iterateur it=vars.begin()+n;it!=vars.end();++it) {
418         _purge(*it,contextptr);
419     }
420     vars.resize(n);
421     for (int i=cv.size();i-->0;) {
422         cv[i]._VECTptr->resize(n);
423         for (int j=0;j<m;++j) {
424             // check primal feasibility
425             if (is_strictly_positive(simp(subst(g[j],vars,cv[i],false,contextptr),contextptr),contextptr)) {
426                 cv.erase(cv.begin()+i);
427                 break;
428             }
429         }
430     }
431     cpt_simp(cv,vars,f,contextptr);
432     return cv;
433 }
435 /*
436  * Determine critical points of an univariate function f(x). Points where it is
437  * not differentiable are considered critical as well as zeros of the first
438  * derivative. Also, bounds of the range of x are critical points.
439  */
critical_univariate(const gen & f,const gen & x,GIAC_CONTEXT)440 matrice critical_univariate(const gen &f,const gen &x,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
441     gen df(derive(f,x,contextptr));
442     matrice cv;
443     gen z=_zeros(makesequence(df,x),contextptr);
444     if (z.type==_VECT)
445       cv=*z._VECTptr;
446     else *logptr(contextptr) << "Error: failed to compute zeros of " << df << "\n";
447     gen den(_denom(df,contextptr));
448     if (!is_constant_wrt(den,x,contextptr)) {
449         z=_zeros(makesequence(den,x),contextptr);
450         if (z.type==_VECT)
451           cv=mergevecteur(cv,*z._VECTptr);
452     }
453     collect_transition_points(f,x,cv,contextptr);
454     for (int i=cv.size();i-->0;) {
455         if (cv[i].is_symb_of_sommet(at_and))
456             cv.erase(cv.begin()+i);
457         else
458             cv[i]=vecteur(1,cv[i]);
459     }
460     return *_epsilon2zero(cv,contextptr)._VECTptr;
461 }
463 /*
464  * Compute global minimum mn and global maximum mx of function f(vars) under
465  * conditions g<=0 and h=0. The list of points where global minimum is achieved
466  * is returned.
467  */
global_extrema(const gen & f,const vecteur & g,const vecteur & h,const vecteur & vars,gen & mn,gen & mx,GIAC_CONTEXT)468 vecteur global_extrema(const gen &f,const vecteur &g,const vecteur &h,const vecteur &vars,gen &mn,gen &mx,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
469     int n=vars.size();
470     matrice cv;
471     vecteur tmpvars=make_temp_vars(vars,g,false,contextptr);
472     gen ff=subst(f,vars,tmpvars,false,contextptr);
473     if (n==1) {
474         cv=critical_univariate(ff,tmpvars[0],contextptr);
475         for (const_iterateur it=g.begin();it!=g.end();++it) {
476             gen a,b;
477             if (!is_linear_wrt(*it,vars[0],a,b,contextptr) || is_zero(a)) {
478               *logptr(contextptr) << "Warning: expected a linear function in " << vars[0]
479                                   << ", got " << *it << "\n";
480               continue;
481             }
482             cv.push_back(makevecteur(-b/a));
483         }
484     } else {
485         vecteur gg=subst(g,vars,tmpvars,false,contextptr);
486         vecteur hh=subst(h,vars,tmpvars,false,contextptr);
487         cv=solve_kkt(ff,gg,hh,tmpvars,contextptr);
488     }
489     for (const_iterateur it=tmpvars.begin();it!=tmpvars.end();++it) {
490         if (find(vars.begin(),vars.end(),*it)==vars.end())
491             _purge(*it,contextptr);
492     }
493     if (cv.empty())
494         return vecteur(0);
495     bool min_set=false,max_set=false;
496     matrice min_locations;
497     for (const_iterateur it=cv.begin();it!=cv.end();++it) {
498         gen val=_eval(subst(f,vars,*it,false,contextptr),contextptr);
499         if (is_inf(val)) {
500           *logptr(contextptr) << "Warning: the function is not bounded\n";
501           return vecteur(0);
502         }
503         if (is_undef(val)) {
504           *logptr(contextptr) << "Warning: failed to compute the function value at critical point "
505                               << (it->_VECTptr->size()==1?it->_VECTptr->front():*it) << "\n";
506           return vecteur(0);
507         }
508         if (min_set && is_exactly_zero(simp(val-mn,contextptr))) {
509             if (find(min_locations.begin(),min_locations.end(),*it)==min_locations.end())
510                 min_locations.push_back(*it);
511         }
512         else if (!min_set || is_strictly_greater(mn,val,contextptr)) {
513             mn=val;
514             min_set=true;
515             min_locations=vecteur(1,*it);
516         }
517         if (!max_set || is_strictly_greater(val,mx,contextptr)) {
518             mx=val;
519             max_set=true;
520         }
521     }
522     if (n==1) {
523         for (int i=0;i<int(min_locations.size());++i) {
524             min_locations[i]=min_locations[i][0];
525         }
526     }
527     return min_locations;
528 }
parse_varlist(const gen & g,vecteur & vars,vecteur & ineq,vecteur & initial,GIAC_CONTEXT)530 int parse_varlist(const gen &g,vecteur &vars,vecteur &ineq,vecteur &initial,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
531     vecteur varlist(g.type==_VECT ? *g._VECTptr : vecteur(1,g));
532     int n=0;
533     for (const_iterateur it=varlist.begin();it!=varlist.end();++it) {
534         if (it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal)) {
535             vecteur &ops=*it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr;
536             gen &v=ops.front(), &rh=ops.back();
537             if (v.type!=_IDNT)
538                 return 0;
539             vars.push_back(v);
540             if (rh.is_symb_of_sommet(at_interval)) {
541                 vecteur &range=*rh._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr;
542                 if (!is_inf(range.front()))
543                     ineq.push_back(range.front()-v);
544                 if (!is_inf(range.back()))
545                     ineq.push_back(v-range.back());
546             }
547             else
548                 initial.push_back(rh);
549         }
550         else if (it->type!=_IDNT)
551             return 0;
552         else
553             vars.push_back(*it);
554         ++n;
555     }
556     return n;
557 }
559 /*
560  * Function 'minimize' minimizes a multivariate continuous real function on a
561  * closed and bounded region using the method of Lagrange multipliers. The
562  * feasible region is specified by bounding variables or by adding one or more
563  * (in)equality constraints.
564  *
565  * Usage
566  * ^^^^^
567  *     minimize(obj,[constr],vars,[opt])
568  *
569  * Parameters
570  * ^^^^^^^^^^
571  *   - obj                 : objective function to minimize
572  *   - constr (optional)   : single equality or inequality constraint or
573  *                           a list of constraints, if constraint is given as
574  *                           expression it is assumed that it is equal to zero
575  *   - vars                : single variable or a list of problem variables, where
576  *                           optional bounds of a variable may be set by appending '=a..b'
577  *   - location (optional) : the option keyword 'locus' or 'coordinates' or 'point'
578  *
579  * Objective function must be continuous in all points of the feasible region,
580  * which is assumed to be closed and bounded. If one of these condinitions is
581  * not met, the final result may be incorrect.
582  *
583  * When the fourth argument is specified, point(s) at which the objective
584  * function attains its minimum value are also returned as a list of vector(s).
585  * The keywords 'locus', 'coordinates' and 'point' all have the same effect.
586  * For univariate problems, a vector of numbers (x values) is returned, while
587  * for multivariate problems it is a vector of vectors, i.e. a matrix.
588  *
589  * The function attempts to obtain the critical points in exact form, if the
590  * parameters of the problem are all exact. It works best for problems in which
591  * the lagrangian function gradient and the constraints are rational expressions.
592  * Points at which the function is not differentiable are also considered critical.
593  * This function handles univariate piecewise functions.
594  *
595  * If no critical points were obtained, the return value is undefined.
596  *
597  * Examples
598  * ^^^^^^^^
599  * minimize(sin(x),[x=0..4])
600  *    >> sin(4)
601  * minimize(asin(x),x=-1..1)
602  *    >> -pi/2
603  * minimize(x^2+cos(x),x=0..3)
604  *    >> 1
605  * minimize(x^4-x^2,x=-3..3,locus)
606  *    >> -1/4,[-sqrt(2)/2]
607  * minimize(abs(x),x=-1..1)
608  *    >> 0
609  * minimize(x-abs(x),x=-1..1)
610  *    >> -2
611  * minimize(abs(exp(-x^2)-1/2),x=-4..4)
612  *    >> 0
613  * minimize(piecewise(x<=-2,x+6,x<=1,x^2,3/2-x/2),x=-3..2)
614  *    >> 0
615  * minimize(x^2-3x+y^2+3y+3,[x=2..4,y=-4..-2],point)
616  *    >> -1,[[2,-2]]
617  * minimize(2x^2+y^2,x+y=1,[x,y])
618  *    >> 2/3
619  * minimize(2x^2-y^2+6y,x^2+y^2<=16,[x,y])
620  *    >> -40
621  * minimize(x*y+9-x^2-y^2,x^2+y^2<=9,[x,y])
622  *    >> -9/2
623  * minimize(sqrt(x^2+y^2)-z,[x^2+y^2<=16,x+y+z=10],[x,y,z])
624  *    >> -4*sqrt(2)-6
625  * minimize(x*y*z,x^2+y^2+z^2=1,[x,y,z])
626  *    >> -sqrt(3)/9
627  * minimize(sin(x)+cos(x),x=0..20,coordinates)
628  *    >> -sqrt(2),[5*pi/4,13*pi/4,21*pi/4]
629  * minimize((1+x^2+3y+5x-4*x*y)/(1+x^2+y^2),x^2/4+y^2/3=9,[x,y])
630  *    >> -2.44662490691
631  * minimize(x^2-2x+y^2+1,[x+y<=0,x^2<=4],[x,y],locus)
632  *    >> 1/2,[[1/2,-1/2]]
633  * minimize(x^2*(y+1)-2y,[y<=2,sqrt(1+x^2)<=y],[x,y])
634  *    >> -4
635  * minimize(4x^2+y^2-2x-4y+1,4x^2+y^2=1,[x,y])
636  *    >> -sqrt(17)+2
637  * minimize(cos(x)^2+cos(y)^2,x+y=pi/4,[x,y],locus)
638  *    >> (-sqrt(2)+2)/2,[[5*pi/8,-3*pi/8]]
639  * minimize(x^2+y^2,x^4+y^4=2,[x,y])
640  *    >> 1.41421356237
641  * minimize(z*x*exp(y),z^2+x^2+exp(2y)=1,[x,y,z])
642  *    >> -sqrt(3)/9
643  */
_minimize(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT)644 gen _minimize(const gen &args,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
645     if (args.type==_STRNG && args.subtype==-1) return args;
646     if (args.type!=_VECT || args.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT || args._VECTptr->size()>4)
647         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
648     vecteur &argv=*args._VECTptr,g,h;
649     bool location=false;
650     int nargs=argv.size();
651     if (argv.back()==at_coordonnees || argv.back()==at_lieu || argv.back()==at_point) {
652         location=true;
653         --nargs;
654     }
655     if (nargs==3) {
656         vecteur constr(argv[1].type==_VECT ? *argv[1]._VECTptr : vecteur(1,argv[1]));
657         for (const_iterateur it=constr.begin();it!=constr.end();++it) {
658             if (it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal))
659                 h.push_back(equal2diff(*it));
660             else if (it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_superieur_egal) ||
661                      it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_inferieur_egal)) {
662                 vecteur &s=*it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr;
663                 g.push_back(it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_inferieur_egal)?s[0]-s[1]:s[1]-s[0]);
664             } else if (it->type==_IDNT || it->type==_SYMB)
665                 h.push_back(*it);
666             else *logptr(contextptr) << "Warning: ignoring constraint " << *it << "\n";
667         }
668     }
669     vecteur vars,initial;
670     int n;  // number of variables
671     if ((n=parse_varlist(argv[nargs-1],vars,g,initial,contextptr))==0 || !initial.empty())
672         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
673     gen &f=argv[0];
674     gen mn,mx;
675     vecteur loc;
676     bool has_symb=false;
677     gen simb=_lname(makevecteur(f,g,h),contextptr);
678     if (simb.type==_VECT) {
679         for (const_iterateur it=simb._VECTptr->begin();it!=simb._VECTptr->end();++it) {
680             if (find(vars.begin(),vars.end(),*it)==vars.end()) {
681                 has_symb=true;
682                 break;
683             }
684         }
685     }
686     try {
687         loc=global_extrema(f,g,h,vars,mn,mx,contextptr);
688     } catch (const std::exception &e) {
689         loc.clear();
690     }
691     if (loc.empty()) {
692         if (has_symb)
693             return undef;
694         //*logptr(contextptr) << "Warning: switching to approx mode\n";
695         gen asol=_nlpsolve(makesequence(f,mergevecteur(
696           *_zip(makesequence(at_inferieur_egal,g,vecteur(g.size(),0)),contextptr)._VECTptr,
697           *_zip(makesequence(at_equal,h,vecteur(h.size(),0)),contextptr)._VECTptr),vars),contextptr);
698         if (asol.type==_VECT && asol._VECTptr->size()>1) {
699             mn=asol._VECTptr->front();
700             if (location) {
701                 loc.resize(n);
702                 gen pos=asol._VECTptr->at(1),v;
703                 if (pos.type!=_VECT || pos._VECTptr->size()!=n) return undef;
704                 for (const_iterateur it=pos._VECTptr->begin();it!=pos._VECTptr->end();++it) {
705                     if (!it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal)) return undef;
706                     const_iterateur jt=find(vars.begin(),vars.end(),it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front());
707                     if (jt==vars.end()) return undef;
708                     loc[jt-vars.begin()]=it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back();
709                 }
710             }
711         } else return undef;
712     } else mn=simp(mn,contextptr);
713     if (location)
714         return makevecteur(mn,loc);
715     return mn;
716 }
717 static const char _minimize_s []="minimize";
718 static define_unary_function_eval (__minimize,&_minimize,_minimize_s);
719 define_unary_function_ptr5(at_minimize,alias_at_minimize,&__minimize,0,true)
721 /*
722  * 'maximize' takes the same arguments as the function 'minimize', but
723  * maximizes the objective function. See 'minimize' for details.
724  *
725  * Examples
726  * ^^^^^^^^
727  * maximize(cos(x),x=1..3)
728  *    >> cos(1)
729  * maximize(piecewise(x<=-2,x+6,x<=1,x^2,3/2-x/2),x=-3..2)
730  *    >> 4
731  * minimize(x-abs(x),x=-1..1)
732  *    >> 0
733  * maximize(x^2-3x+y^2+3y+3,[x=2..4,y=-4..-2])
734  *    >> 11
735  * maximize(x*y*z,x^2+2*y^2+3*z^2<=1,[x,y,z],point)
736  *    >> sqrt(2)/18,[[-sqrt(3)/3,sqrt(6)/6,-1/3],[sqrt(3)/3,-sqrt(6)/6,-1/3],
737  *                   [-sqrt(3)/3,-sqrt(6)/6,1/3],[sqrt(3)/3,sqrt(6)/6,1/3]]
738  * maximize(x^2-x*y+2*y^2,[x=-1..0,y=-1/2..1/2],coordinates)
739  *    >> 2,[[-1,1/2]]
740  * maximize(x*y,[x+y^2<=2,x>=0,y>=0],[x,y],locus)
741  *    >> 4*sqrt(6)/9,[[4/3,sqrt(6)/3]]
742  * maximize(y^2-x^2*y,y<=x,[x=0..2,y=0..2])
743  *    >> 4/27
744  * maximize(2x+y,4x^2+y^2=8,[x,y])
745  *    >> 4
746  * maximize(x^2*(y+1)-2y,[y<=2,sqrt(1+x^2)<=y],[x,y])
747  *    >> 5
748  * maximize(4x^2+y^2-2x-4y+1,4x^2+y^2=1,[x,y])
749  *    >> sqrt(17)+2
750  * maximize(3x+2y,2x^2+3y^2<=3,[x,y])
751  *    >> sqrt(70)/2
752  * maximize(x*y,[2x+3y<=10,x>=0,y>=0],[x,y])
753  *    >> 25/6
754  * maximize(x^2+y^2+z^2,[x^2/16+y^2+z^2=1,x+y+z=0],[x,y,z])
755  *    >> 8/3
756  * assume(a>0);maximize(x^2*y^2*z^2,x^2+y^2+z^2=a^2,[x,y,z])
757  *    >> a^6/27
758  */
_maximize(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)759 gen _maximize(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
760     if (g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return g;
761     if (g.type!=_VECT || g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT || g._VECTptr->size()<2)
762         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
763     vecteur gv(*g._VECTptr);
764     gv[0]=-gv[0];
765     gen res=_minimize(_feuille(gv,contextptr),contextptr);
766     if (res.type==_VECT && res._VECTptr->size()>0) {
767         res._VECTptr->front()=-res._VECTptr->front();
768     }
769     else if (res.type!=_VECT)
770         res=-res;
771     return ratnormal(res,contextptr);
772 }
773 static const char _maximize_s []="maximize";
774 static define_unary_function_eval (__maximize,&_maximize,_maximize_s);
775 define_unary_function_ptr5(at_maximize,alias_at_maximize,&__maximize,0,true)
sum_ivector(const ivector & v,bool drop_last)777 int ipdiff::sum_ivector(const ivector &v,bool drop_last) {
778     int res=0;
779     for (ivector_iter it=v.begin();it!=v.end()-drop_last?1:0;++it) {
780         res+=*it;
781     }
782     return res;
783 }
785 /*
787  */
ipdiff(const gen & f_orig,const vecteur & g_orig,const vecteur & vars_orig,GIAC_CONTEXT)789 ipdiff::ipdiff(const gen &f_orig,const vecteur &g_orig,const vecteur &vars_orig,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
790     ctx=contextptr;
791     f=f_orig;
792     g=g_orig;
793     vars=vars_orig;
794     ord=0;
795     nconstr=g.size();
796     nvars=vars.size()-nconstr;
797     assert(nvars>0);
798     pdv[ivector(nvars,0)]=f; // make the zeroth order derivative initially available
799 }
ipartition(int m,int n,ivectors & c,const ivector & p)801 void ipdiff::ipartition(int m,int n,ivectors &c,const ivector &p) {
802     for (int i=0;i<n;++i) {
803         if (!p.empty() && p[i]!=0)
804             continue;
805         ivector r;
806         if (p.empty())
807             r.resize(n,0);
808         else r=p;
809         for (int j=0;j<m;++j) {
810             ++r[i];
811             int s=sum_ivector(r);
812             if (s==m && find(c.begin(),c.end(),r)==c.end())
813                 c.push_back(r);
814             else if (s<m)
815                 ipartition(m,n,c,r);
816             else break;
817         }
818     }
819 }
derive_diffterms(const diffterms & terms,ivector & sig)821 ipdiff::diffterms ipdiff::derive_diffterms(const diffterms &terms,ivector &sig) {
822     while (!sig.empty() && sig.back()==0) {
823         sig.pop_back();
824     }
825     if (sig.empty())
826         return terms;
827     int k=sig.size()-1,p;
828     diffterms tv;
829     ivector u(nvars+1,0);
830     for (diffterms::const_iterator it=terms.begin();it!=terms.end();++it) {
831         int c=it->second;
832         diffterm t(it->first);
833         const ivector_map &h_orig=it->first.second;
834         ++t.first.at(k);
835         tv[t]+=c;
836         --t.first.at(k);
837         ivector_map h(h_orig);
838         for (ivector_map::const_iterator jt=h_orig.begin();jt!=h_orig.end();++jt) {
839             ivector v=jt->first;
840             if ((p=jt->second)==0)
841                 continue;
842             if (p==1)
843                 h.erase(h.find(v));
844             else
845                 --h[v];
846             ++v[k];
847             ++h[v];
848             t.second=h;
849             tv[t]+=c*p;
850             --h[v];
851             --v[k];
852             ++h[v];
853         }
854         t.second=h_orig;
855         for (int i=0;i<nconstr;++i) {
856             ++t.first.at(nvars+i);
857             u[k]=1;
858             u.back()=i;
859             ++t.second[u];
860             tv[t]+=c;
861             --t.first.at(nvars+i);
862             --t.second[u];
863             u[k]=0;
864         }
865     }
866     --sig.back();
867     return derive_diffterms(tv,sig);
868 }
get_pd(const pd_map & pds,const ivector & sig) const870 const gen &ipdiff::get_pd(const pd_map &pds,const ivector &sig) const {
871     try {
872         return pds.at(sig);
873     }
874     catch (out_of_range &e) {
875         return undef;
876     }
877 }
differentiate(const gen & e,pd_map & pds,const ivector & sig)879 const gen &ipdiff::differentiate(const gen &e,pd_map &pds,const ivector &sig) {
880     const gen &pd=get_pd(pds,sig);
881     if (!is_undef(pd))
882         return pd;
883     vecteur v(1,e);
884     bool do_derive=false;
885     assert(vars.size()<=sig.size());
886     for (int i=0;i<int(vars.size());++i) {
887         if (sig[i]>0) {
888             v=mergevecteur(v,vecteur(sig[i],vars[i]));
889             do_derive=true;
890         }
891     }
892     if (do_derive)
893         return pds[sig]=_derive(_feuille(v,ctx),ctx);
894     return e;
895 }
compute_h(const vector<diffterms> & grv,int order)897 void ipdiff::compute_h(const vector<diffterms> &grv,int order) {
898     if (g.empty())
899         return;
900     ivectors hsigv;
901     matrice A;
902     vecteur b(g.size()*grv.size(),gen(0));
903     gen t;
904     int grv_sz=grv.size();
905     for (int i=0;i<nconstr;++i) {
906         for (int j=0;j<grv_sz;++j) {
907             vecteur eq(g.size()*grv_sz,gen(0));
908             const diffterms &grvj=grv[j];
909             for (diffterms::const_iterator it=grvj.begin();it!=grvj.end();++it) {
910                 ivector sig(it->first.first),hsig;
911                 sig.push_back(i);
912                 t=gen(it->second)*differentiate(g[i],pdg,sig);
913                 for (ivector_map::const_iterator ht=it->first.second.begin();ht!=it->first.second.end();++ht) {
914                     if (ht->second==0)
915                         continue;
916                     const ivector &sigh=ht->first;
917                     if (sum_ivector(sigh,true)<order) {
918                         gen h(get_pd(pdh,sigh));
919                         assert(!is_undef(h));
920                         t=t*pow(h,ht->second);
921                     }
922                     else {
923                         assert(ht->second==1);
924                         hsig=sigh;
925                     }
926                 }
927                 if (hsig.empty())
928                     b[grv_sz*i+j]-=t;
929                 else {
930                     int k=0,hsigv_sz=hsigv.size();
931                     for (;k<hsigv_sz;++k) {
932                         if (hsigv[k]==hsig)
933                             break;
934                     }
935                     eq[k]+=t;
936                     if (k==hsigv_sz)
937                         hsigv.push_back(hsig);
938                 }
939             }
940             A.push_back(*simp(eq,ctx)._VECTptr);
941         }
942     }
943     matrice B;
944     B.push_back(*simp(b,ctx)._VECTptr);
945     matrice invA=*_inv(A,ctx)._VECTptr;
946     vecteur sol(*mtran(mmult(invA,mtran(B))).front()._VECTptr);
947     for (int i=0;i<int(sol.size());++i) {
948         pdh[hsigv[i]]=simp(sol[i],ctx);
949     }
950 }
find_nearest_terms(const ivector & sig,diffterms & match,ivector & excess)952 void ipdiff::find_nearest_terms(const ivector &sig,diffterms &match,ivector &excess) {
953     excess=sig;
954     int i;
955     for (map<ivector,diffterms>::const_iterator it=cterms.begin();it!=cterms.end();++it) {
956         ivector ex(nvars,0);
957         for (i=0;i<nvars;++i) {
958             if ((ex[i]=sig[i]-it->first.at(i))<0)
959                 break;
960         }
961         if (i<nvars)
962             continue;
963         if (sum_ivector(ex)<sum_ivector(excess)) {
964             excess=ex;
965             match=it->second;
966         }
967     }
968 }
raise_order(int order)970 void ipdiff::raise_order(int order) {
971     if (g.empty())
972         return;
973     ivectors c;
974     ivector excess,init_f(nvars+nconstr,0);
975     diffterm init_term;
976     init_term.first=init_f;
977     diffterms init_terms;
978     init_terms[init_term]=1;
979     vector<diffterms> grv;
980     for (int k=ord+1;k<=order;++k) {
981         grv.clear();
982         c.clear();
983         ipartition(k,nvars,c);
984         for (ivectors::const_iterator it=c.begin();it!=c.end();++it) {
985             diffterms terms=init_terms;
986             find_nearest_terms(*it,terms,excess);
987             if (sum_ivector(excess)>0) {
988                 terms=derive_diffterms(terms,excess);
989                 cterms[*it]=terms;
990             }
991             grv.push_back(terms);
992         }
993         compute_h(grv,k);
994     }
995     ord=order;
996 }
compute_pd(int order,const ivector & sig)998 void ipdiff::compute_pd(int order,const ivector &sig) {
999     gen pd;
1000     ivectors c;
1001     ipartition(order,nvars,c);
1002     for (ivectors::const_iterator ct=c.begin();ct!=c.end();++ct) {
1003         if (!sig.empty() && sig!=*ct)
1004             continue;
1005         if (g.empty()) {
1006             differentiate(f,pdv,sig);
1007             continue;
1008         }
1009         diffterms &terms=cterms[*ct];
1010         pd=gen(0);
1011         for (diffterms::const_iterator it=terms.begin();it!=terms.end();++it) {
1012             ivector sig(it->first.first);
1013             gen t(gen(it->second)*differentiate(f,pdf,sig));
1014             if (!is_zero(t)) {
1015                 for (ivector_map::const_iterator jt=it->first.second.begin();jt!=it->first.second.end();++jt) {
1016                     if (jt->second==0)
1017                         continue;
1018                     gen h(get_pd(pdh,jt->first));
1019                     assert(!is_undef(h));
1020                     t=t*pow(h,jt->second);
1021                 }
1022                 pd+=t;
1023             }
1024         }
1025         pdv[*ct]=simp(pd,ctx);
1026     }
1027 }
gradient(vecteur & res)1029 void ipdiff::gradient(vecteur &res) {
1030     if (nconstr==0)
1031         res=*_grad(makesequence(f,vars),ctx)._VECTptr;
1032     else {
1033         res.resize(nvars);
1034         ivector sig(nvars,0);
1035         if (ord<1) {
1036             raise_order(1);
1037             compute_pd(1);
1038         }
1039         for (int i=0;i<nvars;++i) {
1040             sig[i]=1;
1041             res[i]=derivative(sig);
1042             sig[i]=0;
1043         }
1044     }
1045 }
hessian(matrice & res)1047 void ipdiff::hessian(matrice &res) {
1048     if (nconstr==0)
1049         res=*_hessian(makesequence(f,vars),ctx)._VECTptr;
1050     else {
1051         res.clear();
1052         ivector sig(nvars,0);
1053         if (ord<2) {
1054             raise_order(2);
1055             compute_pd(2);
1056         }
1057         for (int i=0;i<nvars;++i) {
1058             vecteur r(nvars);
1059             ++sig[i];
1060             for (int j=0;j<nvars;++j) {
1061                 ++sig[j];
1062                 r[j]=derivative(sig);
1063                 --sig[j];
1064             }
1065             res.push_back(r);
1066             --sig[i];
1067         }
1068     }
1069 }
derivative(const ivector & sig)1071 const gen &ipdiff::derivative(const ivector &sig) {
1072     if (nconstr==0)
1073         return differentiate(f,pdf,sig);
1074     int k=sum_ivector(sig); // the order of the derivative
1075     if (k>ord) {
1076         raise_order(k);
1077         compute_pd(k,sig);
1078     }
1079     return get_pd(pdv,sig);
1080 }
derivative(const vecteur & dvars)1082 const gen &ipdiff::derivative(const vecteur &dvars) {
1083     ivector sig(nvars,0);
1084     const_iterateur jt;
1085     for (const_iterateur it=dvars.begin();it!=dvars.end();++it) {
1086         if ((jt=find(vars.begin(),vars.end(),*it))==vars.end())
1087             return undef;
1088         ++sig[jt-vars.begin()];
1089     }
1090     return derivative(sig);
1091 }
partial_derivatives(int order,pd_map & pdmap)1093 void ipdiff::partial_derivatives(int order,pd_map &pdmap) {
1094     if (nconstr>0 && ord<order) {
1095         raise_order(order);
1096         compute_pd(order);
1097     }
1098     ivectors c;
1099     ipartition(order,nvars,c);
1100     for (ivectors::const_iterator it=c.begin();it!=c.end();++it) {
1101         pdmap[*it]=derivative(*it);
1102     }
1103 }
taylor_term(const vecteur & a,int k,bool shift)1105 gen ipdiff::taylor_term(const vecteur &a,int k,bool shift) {
1106     assert(k>=0);
1107     if (k==0)
1108         return subst(f,vars,a,false,ctx);
1109     ivectors sigv;
1110     ipartition(k,nvars,sigv);
1111     gen term(0);
1112     if (nconstr>0) while (k>ord) {
1113         raise_order(ord+1);
1114         compute_pd(ord);
1115     }
1116     for (ivectors::const_iterator it=sigv.begin();it!=sigv.end();++it) {
1117         gen pd;
1118         if (g.empty()) {
1119             vecteur args(1,f);
1120             for (int i=0;i<nvars;++i) {
1121                 for (int j=0;j<it->at(i);++j) {
1122                     args.push_back(vars[i]);
1123                 }
1124             }
1125             pd=_derive(_feuille(args,ctx),ctx);
1126         }
1127         else
1128             pd=derivative(*it);
1129         pd=subst(pd,vars,a,false,ctx);
1130         for (int i=0;i<nvars;++i) {
1131             int ki=it->at(i);
1132             if (ki==0)
1133                 continue;
1134             pd=pd*(shift?pow(vars[i]-a[i],ki):pow(vars[i],ki))/factorial(ki);
1135         }
1136         term+=pd;
1137     }
1138     return term;
1139 }
taylor(const vecteur & a,int order)1141 gen ipdiff::taylor(const vecteur &a,int order) {
1142     assert(order>=0);
1143     gen T(0);
1144     for (int k=0;k<=order;++k) {
1145         T+=taylor_term(a,k);
1146     }
1147     return T;
1148 }
1150 /*
1152  */
vars_arrangements(matrice J,ipdiff::ivectors & arrs,GIAC_CONTEXT)1154 void vars_arrangements(matrice J,ipdiff::ivectors &arrs,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
1155     int m=J.size(),n=J.front()._VECTptr->size();
1156     assert(n<=32 && m<n);
1157     matrice tJ(mtran(J));
1158     ulong N=std::pow(2,n);
1159     vector<ulong> sets(comb(n,m).val);
1160     int i=0;
1161     for (ulong k=1;k<N;++k) {
1162         bitset<32> b(k);
1163         if (b.count()==(size_t)m)
1164             sets[i++]=k;
1165     }
1166     matrice S;
1167     ipdiff::ivector arr(n);
1168     for (vector<ulong>::const_iterator it=sets.begin();it!=sets.end();++it) {
1169         for (i=0;i<n;++i) arr[i]=i;
1170         N=std::pow(2,n);
1171         for (i=n;i-->0;) {
1172             N/=2;
1173             if ((*it & N)!=0) {
1174                 arr.erase(arr.begin()+i);
1175                 arr.push_back(i);
1176             }
1177         }
1178         S.clear();
1179         for (ipdiff::ivector::const_iterator it=arr.end()-m;it!=arr.end();++it) {
1180             S.push_back(tJ[*it]);
1181         }
1182         if (!is_zero(_det(S,contextptr)))
1183             arrs.push_back(arr);
1184     }
1185 }
jacobian(vecteur & g,vecteur & vars,GIAC_CONTEXT)1187 matrice jacobian(vecteur &g,vecteur &vars,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
1188     matrice J;
1189     for (int i=0;i<int(g.size());++i) {
1190         gen gr=_grad(makesequence(g[i],vars),contextptr);
1191         if (gr.type==_VECT && gr._VECTptr->size()==vars.size())
1192             J.push_back(*gr._VECTptr);
1193         else {
1194             *logptr(contextptr) << "Error: failed to compute gradient of " << g[i] << "\n";
1195             return vecteur(0);
1196         }
1197     }
1198     return J;
1199 }
ck_jacobian(vecteur & g,vecteur & vars,GIAC_CONTEXT)1201 bool ck_jacobian(vecteur &g,vecteur &vars,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
1202     matrice J(jacobian(g,vars,contextptr));
1203     if (!g.empty() && J.empty())
1204         return false;
1205     int m=g.size();
1206     int n=vars.size()-m;
1207     if (_rank(J,contextptr).val<m)
1208         return false;
1209     J=mtran(J);
1210     J.erase(J.begin(),J.begin()+n);
1211     return !is_zero(_det(J,contextptr));
1212 }
1214 /*
1215  * 'implicitdiff' differentiates function(s) defined by equation(s) or a
1216  * function f(x1,x2,...,xn,y1,y2,...,ym) where y1,...,ym are functions of
1217  * x1,x2,...,xn defined by m equality constraints.
1218  *
1219  * Usage
1220  * ^^^^^
1221  *      implicitdiff(f,constr,depvars,diffvars)
1222  *      implicitdiff(f,constr,vars,order_size=<posint>,[P])
1223  *      implicitdiff(constr,[depvars],y,diffvars)
1224  *
1225  * Parameters
1226  * ^^^^^^^^^^
1227  *      - f         : expression
1228  *      - constr    : (list of) equation(s)
1229  *      - depvars   : (list of) dependent variable(s), each of them given
1230  *                    either as a symbol, e.g. y, or a function, e.g. y(x,z)
1231  *      - diffvars  : sequence of variables w.r.t. which the differentiation
1232  *                    will be carried out
1233  *      - vars      : list all variables on which f depends such that
1234  *                  : dependent variables come after independent ones
1235  *      - P         : (list of) coordinate(s) to compute derivatives at
1236  *      - y         : (list of) dependent variable(s) to differentiate w.r.t.
1237  *                    diffvars, each of them given as a symbol
1238  *
1239  * The return value is partial derivative specified by diffvars. If
1240  * 'order=m' is given as the fourth argument, all partial derivatives of
1241  * order m will be computed and returned as vector for m=1, matrix for m=2 or
1242  * table for m>2. The first two cases produce gradient and hessian of f,
1243  * respectively. For m>2, the partial derivative
1244  * pd=d^m(f)/(d^k1(x1)*d^k2(x2)*...*d^kn(xn)) is saved under key [k1,k2,...kn].
1245  * If P is specified, pd(P) is saved.
1246  *
1247  * Examples
1248  * ^^^^^^^^
1249  * implicitdiff(x^2*y+y^2=1,y,x)
1250  *      >> -2*x*y/(x^2+2*y)
1251  * implicitdiff(R=P*V/T,P,T)
1252  *      >> P/T
1253  * implicitdiff([x^2+y=z,x+y*z=1],[y(x),z(x)],y,x)
1254  *      >> (-2*x*y-1)/(y+z)
1255  * implicitdiff([x^2+y=z,x+y*z=1],[y(x),z(x)],[y,z],x)
1256  *      >> [(-2*x*y-1)/(y+z),(2*x*z-1)/(y+z)]
1257  * implicitdiff(y=x^2/z,y,x)
1258  *      >> 2x/z
1259  * implicitdiff(y=x^2/z,y,z)
1260  *      >> -x^2/z^2
1261  * implicitdiff(y^3+x^2=1,y,x)
1262  *      >> -2*x/(3*y^2)
1263  * implicitdiff(y^3+x^2=1,y,x,x)
1264  *      >> (-8*x^2-6*y^3)/(9*y^5)x+3y-z,2x^2+y^2=z,[x,y,z]
1265  * implicitdiff(a*x^3*y-2y/z=z^2,y(x,z),x)
1266  *      >> -3*a*x^2*y*z/(a*x^3*z-2)
1267  * implicitdiff(a*x^3*y-2y/z=z^2,y(x,z),x,z)
1268  *      >> (12*a*x^2*y-6*a*x^2*z^3)/(a^2*x^6*z^2-4*a*x^3*z+4)
1269  * implicitdiff([-2x*z+y^2=1,x^2-exp(x*z)=y],[y(x),z(x)],y,x)
1270  *      >> 2*x/(y*exp(x*z)+1)
1271  * implicitdiff([-2x*z+y^2=1,x^2-exp(x*z)=y],[y(x),z(x)],[y,z],x)
1272  *      >> [2*x/(y*exp(x*z)+1),(2*x*y-y*z*exp(x*z)-z)/(x*y*exp(x*z)+x)]
1273  * implicitdiff([a*sin(u*v)+b*cos(w*x)=c,u+v+w+x=z,u*v+w*x=z],[u(x,z),v(x,z),w(x,z)],u,z)
1274  *      >> (a*u*x*cos(u*v)-a*u*cos(u*v)+b*u*x*sin(w*x)-b*x*sin(w*x))/
1275  *         (a*u*x*cos(u*v)-a*v*x*cos(u*v)+b*u*x*sin(w*x)-b*v*x*sin(w*x))
1276  * implicitdiff(x*y,-2x^3+15x^2*y+11y^3-24y=0,y(x),x$2)
1277  *      >> (162*x^5*y+1320*x^4*y^2-320*x^4-3300*x^3*y^3+800*x^3*y+968*x^2*y^4-1408*x^2*y^2+
1278  *          512*x^2-3630*x*y^5+5280*x*y^3-1920*x*y)/(125*x^6+825*x^4*y^2-600*x^4+
1279  *          1815*x^2*y^4-2640*x^2*y^2+960*x^2+1331*y^6-2904*y^4+2112*y^2-512)
1280  * implicitdiff((x-u)^2+(y-v)^2,[x^2/4+y^2/9=1,(u-3)^2+(v+5)^2=1],[v(u,x),y(u,x)],u,x)
1281  *      >> (-9*u*x-4*v*y+27*x-20*y)/(2*v*y+10*y)
1282  * implicitdiff(x*y*z,-2x^3+15x^2*y+11y^3-24y=0,[x,z,y],order_size=1)
1283  *      >> [(2*x^3*z-5*x^2*y*z+11*y^3*z-8*y*z)/(5*x^2+11*y^2-8),x*y]
1284  * implicitdiff(x*y*z,-2x^3+15x^2*y+11y^3-24y=0,[x,z,y],order_size=2,[1,-1,0])
1285  *      >> [[64/9,-2/3],[-2/3,0]]
1286  * pd:=implicitdiff(x*y*z,-2x^3+15x^2*y+11y^3-24y=0,[x,z,y],order_size=4,[0,z,0]);pd[4,0,0]
1287  *      >> -2*z
1288  */
_implicitdiff(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)1289 gen _implicitdiff(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
1290     if (g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return g;
1291     if (g.type!=_VECT || g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT || g._VECTptr->size()<2)
1292         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
1293     vecteur &gv=*g._VECTptr;
1294     gen &f=gv[0];
1295     if (int(gv.size())<3)
1296         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
1297     int ci=gv[0].type!=_VECT && !gv[0].is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal)?1:0;
1298     vecteur freevars,depvars,diffdepvars;
1299     gen_map diffvars;
1300     // get the constraints as a list of vanishing expressions
1301     vecteur constr(gv[ci].type==_VECT?*gv[ci]._VECTptr:vecteur(1,gv[ci]));
1302     for (int i=0;i<int(constr.size());++i) {
1303         if (constr[i].is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal))
1304             constr[i]=equal2diff(constr[i]);
1305     }
1306     int m=constr.size();
1307     int dvi=3;
1308     if (ci==0) {
1309         if (gv[ci+1].type==_VECT)
1310             diffdepvars=gv[ci+2].type==_VECT?*gv[ci+2]._VECTptr:vecteur(1,gv[ci+2]);
1311         else
1312             dvi=2;
1313     }
1314     bool compute_all=false;
1315     int order=0;
1316     if (ci==1 && gv[dvi].is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal)) {
1317         vecteur &v=*gv[dvi]._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr;
1318         if (v.front()!=at_order || !v.back().is_integer())
1319             return gentypeerr(contextptr);
1320         order=v.back().val;
1321         if (order<=0)
1322             return gendimerr(contextptr);
1323         compute_all=true;
1324     }
1325     // get dependency specification
1326     vecteur deplist(gv[ci+1].type==_VECT?*gv[ci+1]._VECTptr:vecteur(1,gv[ci+1]));
1327     if (compute_all) {
1328         // vars must be specified as x1,x2,...,xn,y1,y2,...,ym
1329         int nd=deplist.size();
1330         if (nd<=m)
1331             return gensizeerr(contextptr);
1332         for (int i=0;i<nd;++i) {
1333             if (i<nd-m)
1334                 freevars.push_back(deplist[i]);
1335             else
1336                 depvars.push_back(deplist[i]);
1337         }
1338     }
1339     else {
1340         // get (in)dependent variables
1341         for (const_iterateur it=deplist.begin();it!=deplist.end();++it) {
1342             if (it->type==_IDNT)
1343                 depvars.push_back(*it);
1344             else if (it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_of)) {
1345                 vecteur fe(*it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr);
1346                 depvars.push_back(fe.front());
1347                 if (fe.back().type==_VECT) {
1348                     for (int i=0;i<int(fe.back()._VECTptr->size());++i) {
1349                         gen &x=fe.back()._VECTptr->at(i);
1350                         if (find(freevars.begin(),freevars.end(),x)==freevars.end())
1351                             freevars.push_back(x);
1352                     }
1353                 }
1354                 else
1355                     freevars.push_back(fe.back());
1356             }
1357             else
1358                 return gentypeerr(contextptr);
1359         }
1360         // get diffvars
1361         for (const_iterateur it=gv.begin()+dvi;it!=gv.end();++it) {
1362             gen v(eval(*it,contextptr));
1363             gen x;
1364             if (v.type==_IDNT)
1365                 diffvars[(x=v)]+=1;
1366             else if (v.type==_VECT && v.subtype==_SEQ__VECT)
1367                 diffvars[(x=v._VECTptr->front())]+=v._VECTptr->size();
1368             else
1369                 return gentypeerr(contextptr);
1370             if (find(freevars.begin(),freevars.end(),x)==freevars.end())
1371                 freevars.push_back(x);
1372         }
1373     }
1374     int n=freevars.size();  // number of independent variables
1375     if (m!=int(depvars.size()))
1376         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
1377     vecteur vars(mergevecteur(freevars,depvars));  // list of all variables
1378     // check whether the conditions of implicit function theorem hold
1379     if (!ck_jacobian(constr,vars,contextptr))
1380         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
1381     // build partial derivative specification 'sig'
1382     ipdiff::ivector sig(n,0); // sig[i]=k means: derive k times with respect to ith independent variable
1383     ipdiff ipd(f,constr,vars,contextptr);
1384     if (compute_all) {
1385         vecteur pt(0);
1386         if (int(gv.size())>4) {
1387             pt=gv[4].type==_VECT?*gv[4]._VECTptr:vecteur(1,gv[4]);
1388             if (int(pt.size())!=n+m)
1389                 return gensizeerr(contextptr);
1390         }
1391         ipdiff::pd_map pdv;
1392         ipd.partial_derivatives(order,pdv);
1393         if (order==1) {
1394             vecteur gr;
1395             ipd.gradient(gr);
1396             return pt.empty()?gr:simp(subst(gr,vars,pt,false,contextptr),contextptr);
1397         }
1398         else if (order==2) {
1399             matrice hess;
1400             ipd.hessian(hess);
1401             return pt.empty()?hess:simp(subst(hess,vars,pt,false,contextptr),contextptr);
1402         }
1403         else {
1404             ipdiff::ivectors c;
1405             ipdiff::ipartition(order,n,c);
1406             gen_map ret_pdv;
1407             for (ipdiff::ivectors::const_iterator it=c.begin();it!=c.end();++it) {
1408                 vecteur v;
1409                 for (int i=0;i<n;++i) {
1410                     v.push_back(gen(it->at(i)));
1411                 }
1412                 ret_pdv[v]=pt.empty()?pdv[*it]:simp(subst(pdv[*it],vars,pt,false,contextptr),contextptr);
1413             }
1414             return ret_pdv;
1415         }
1416     }
1417     for (gen_map::const_iterator it=diffvars.begin();it!=diffvars.end();++it) {
1418         int i=0;
1419         for (;i<n;++i) {
1420             if (it->first==freevars[i]) {
1421                 sig[i]=it->second.val;
1422                 break;
1423             }
1424         }
1425         assert(i<n);
1426     }
1427     // compute the partial derivative specified by 'sig'
1428     order=ipdiff::sum_ivector(sig);
1429     if (ci==1)
1430         return simp(ipd.derivative(sig),contextptr);
1431     vecteur ret;
1432     if (diffdepvars.empty()) {
1433         assert(m==1);
1434         diffdepvars=vecteur(1,depvars.front());
1435     }
1436     for (const_iterateur it=diffdepvars.begin();it!=diffdepvars.end();++it) {
1437         if (find(depvars.begin(),depvars.end(),*it)==depvars.end()) {
1438             // variable *it is not in depvars, so it's treated as a constant
1439             ret.push_back(gen(0));
1440             continue;
1441         }
1442         ipdiff tmp(*it,constr,vars,contextptr);
1443         ret.push_back(simp(tmp.derivative(sig),contextptr));
1444     }
1445     return ret.size()==1?ret.front():ret;
1446 }
1447 static const char _implicitdiff_s []="implicitdiff";
1448 static define_unary_function_eval (__implicitdiff,&_implicitdiff,_implicitdiff_s);
1449 define_unary_function_ptr5(at_implicitdiff,alias_at_implicitdiff,&__implicitdiff,0,true)
find_cpt(vecteur & cpts,const vecteur & cand,GIAC_CONTEXT)1451 iterateur find_cpt(vecteur &cpts,const vecteur &cand,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
1452     iterateur ret;
1453     for (ret=cpts.begin();ret!=cpts.end();++ret) {
1454         if (ret->type!=_VECT || ret->_VECTptr->size()!=2)
1455             continue;
1456         if (ret->_VECTptr->front().type==_VECT) {
1457             const vecteur &c=*ret->_VECTptr->front()._VECTptr;
1458             if (c.size()!=cand.size())
1459                 continue;
1460             const_iterateur it;
1461             for (it=c.begin();it!=c.end();++it) {
1462                 if (!is_zero(simp(*it-cand[it-c.begin()],contextptr)))
1463                     break;
1464             }
1465             if (it==c.end())
1466                 break;
1467         }
1468     }
1469     return ret;
1470 }
1472 /* classification using the bordered Hessian and Theorem 1 of David Spring (1985) */
critical_point_class(const matrice & hess,int n,int m,GIAC_CONTEXT)1473 int critical_point_class(const matrice &hess,int n,int m,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
1474     vecteur s;
1475     int i,j,k;
1476     for (k=1;k<=n;++k) {
1477         matrice M;
1478         for (i=0;i<2*m+k;++i) {
1479             const vecteur &row=*hess[i]._VECTptr;
1480             M.push_back(vecteur(row.begin(),row.begin()+2*m+k));
1481         }
1482         s.push_back(simp(pow(gen(-1),m)*_det(M,contextptr),contextptr));
1483     }
1484     if (is_one(_contains(makesequence(s,0),contextptr)))
1485         return _CPCLASS_UNDECIDED; // paranoid check, a counterexample exists for Theorem 1 of D.S.
1486     for (i=n-1;i>=0 && is_zero(s[i]);--i);
1487     if (i<0) return _CPCLASS_UNDECIDED; // the sequence is trivial
1488     for (j=0;j<=i && is_strictly_positive(s[j],contextptr);++j);
1489     if (j>i) return i==n-1?_CPCLASS_MIN:_CPCLASS_UNDECIDED;
1490     for (j=0;j<=i && is_strictly_positive(pow(gen(-1),j+1)*s[j],contextptr);++j);
1491     if (j>i) return i==n-1?_CPCLASS_MAX:_CPCLASS_UNDECIDED;
1492     return _CPCLASS_SADDLE;
1493 }
find_vars(const gen & e,const vecteur & vars,GIAC_CONTEXT)1495 vecteur find_vars(const gen &e,const vecteur &vars,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
1496     vecteur ret;
1497     for (const_iterateur it=vars.begin();it!=vars.end();++it) {
1498         if (!is_constant_wrt(e,*it,contextptr))
1499             ret.push_back(*it);
1500     }
1501     return ret;
1502 }
test_parameters(const vecteur & cpt,const vecteur & vars,const vecteur & ineq,GIAC_CONTEXT)1504 bool test_parameters(const vecteur &cpt,const vecteur &vars,const vecteur &ineq,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
1505     vecteur csts=*_lname(cpt,contextptr)._VECTptr,rest_conds;
1506     gen_map conds;
1507     if (csts.empty())
1508         return true;
1509     for (const_iterateur it=cpt.begin();it!=cpt.end();++it) {
1510         vecteur fv=find_vars(*it,csts,contextptr);
1511         if (fv.empty()) continue;
1512         const gen &vr=vars[it-cpt.begin()];
1513         for (const_iterateur jt=ineq.begin();jt!=ineq.end();++jt) {
1514             if (is_constant_wrt(*jt,vr,contextptr)) continue;
1515             gen inq=symb_inferieur_strict(subst(*jt,vr,*it,false,contextptr),0);
1516             if (fv.size()==1) {
1517                 gen &iqv=conds[fv.front()];
1518                 if (iqv.type==_VECT)
1519                     iqv._VECTptr->push_back(inq);
1520                 else iqv=vecteur(1,inq);
1521             } else rest_conds.push_back(inq);
1522         }
1523     }
1524     for (gen_map::const_iterator it=conds.begin();it!=conds.end();++it) {
1525         if (it->second.type!=_VECT) continue;
1526         gen inqsol=_solve(makesequence(it->second,it->first),contextptr);
1527         if (inqsol.type==_VECT) {
1528             if (inqsol._VECTptr->empty())
1529                 return false;
1530             *logptr(contextptr) << "Warning: assuming ";
1531             for (const_iterateur jt=inqsol._VECTptr->begin();jt!=inqsol._VECTptr->end();++jt) {
1532                 *logptr(contextptr) << *jt;
1533                 if (jt+1!=inqsol._VECTptr->end())
1534                     *logptr(contextptr) << " or ";
1535             }
1536             *logptr(contextptr) << "\n";
1537         }
1538     }
1539     if (!rest_conds.empty())
1540         *logptr(contextptr) << "Warning: assuming " << rest_conds << "\n";
1541     return true;
1542 }
find_local_extrema(vecteur & cpts,const gen & f,const vecteur & g,const vecteur & vars,const ipdiff::ivector & arr,const vecteur & ineq,const vecteur & initial,int order_size,bool approx_hompol,GIAC_CONTEXT)1544 void find_local_extrema(vecteur &cpts,const gen &f,const vecteur &g,const vecteur &vars,const ipdiff::ivector &arr,const vecteur &ineq,const vecteur &initial,int order_size,bool approx_hompol,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
1545     assert(order_size>=0);
1546     int nv=vars.size(),m=g.size(),n=nv-m,cls;
1547     vecteur tmpvars=make_temp_vars(vars,ineq,true,contextptr);
1548     if (order_size==0 && m>0) { // apply the method of Lagrange
1549         gen L(f);
1550         vecteur multipliers(m),allinitial;
1551         if (!initial.empty())
1552             allinitial=mergevecteur(vecteur(m,0),initial);
1553         for (int i=m;i-->0;) {
1554             L+=-(multipliers[i]=identificateur(" lambda"+print_INT_(++var_index)))*g[i];
1555         }
1556         L=subst(L,vars,tmpvars,false,contextptr);
1557         vecteur allvars=mergevecteur(tmpvars,multipliers);
1558         matrice cv,bhess;
1559         gen tmpgr=_grad(makesequence(L,allvars),contextptr);
1560         if (tmpgr.type==_VECT) {
1561             vecteur &gr=*tmpgr._VECTptr;
1562             if (allinitial.empty()) {
1563                 cv=solve2(gr,allvars,contextptr);
1564                 cpt_simp(cv,tmpvars,subst(f,vars,tmpvars,false,contextptr),contextptr);
1565             } else {
1566                 gen tmpfsol=_fsolve(makesequence(gr,allvars,allinitial),contextptr);
1567                 if (tmpfsol.type==_VECT) {
1568                     vecteur &fsol=*tmpfsol._VECTptr;
1569                     if (!fsol.empty())
1570                         cv.push_back(fsol);
1571                 }
1572             }
1573             for (iterateur it=cv.begin();it!=cv.end();++it) {
1574                 *it=mergevecteur(vecteur(it->_VECTptr->begin()+nv,it->_VECTptr->end()),
1575                                  vecteur(it->_VECTptr->begin(),it->_VECTptr->begin()+nv));
1576             }
1577             allvars=mergevecteur(vecteur(allvars.begin()+nv,allvars.end()),
1578                                  vecteur(allvars.begin(),allvars.begin()+nv));
1579             if (!cv.empty()) {
1580                 gen tmphess=_hessian(makesequence(L,allvars),contextptr);
1581                 if (ckmatrix(tmphess))
1582                     bhess=*tmphess._VECTptr; // bordered Hessian
1583             }
1584             gen s;
1585             for (const_iterateur it=cv.begin();it!=cv.end();++it) {
1586                 if (!test_parameters(*(it->_VECTptr),vars,ineq,contextptr))
1587                     continue;
1588                 cls=_CPCLASS_UNDECIDED;
1589                 if (!bhess.empty())
1590                     cls=critical_point_class(subst(bhess,allvars,*it,false,contextptr),n,m,contextptr);
1591                 vecteur cpt=vecteur(it->_VECTptr->begin()+m,it->_VECTptr->end());
1592                 iterateur cit=find_cpt(cpts,cpt,contextptr);
1593                 if (cit!=cpts.end()) {
1594                     if (cls!=_CPCLASS_UNDECIDED)
1595                         cit->_VECTptr->back()=cls;
1596                 } else cpts.push_back(makevecteur(cpt,cls));
1597             }
1598         }
1599     } else if (order_size>0) { // use implicit differentiation instead of Lagrange multipliers
1600         vecteur gr,taylor_terms,a(nv),cpt_arr(nv);
1601         ipdiff ipd(f,g,vars,contextptr);
1602         ipd.gradient(gr);
1603         matrice cv,hess;
1604         vecteur eqv=subst(mergevecteur(gr,g),vars,tmpvars,false,contextptr);
1605         if (initial.empty()) {
1606             cv=solve2(subst(eqv,vars,tmpvars,false,contextptr),tmpvars,contextptr);
1607             cpt_simp(cv,tmpvars,subst(f,vars,tmpvars,false,contextptr),contextptr);
1608         } else {
1609             gen tmpfsol=_fsolve(makesequence(eqv,tmpvars,initial),contextptr);
1610             if (tmpfsol.type==_VECT) {
1611                 vecteur &fsol=*tmpfsol._VECTptr;
1612                 if (!fsol.empty())
1613                     cv.push_back(fsol);
1614             }
1615         }
1616         if (!cv.empty()) {
1617             if (nv==1) {
1618                 gen d;
1619                 const gen &x=vars.front();
1620                 for (const_iterateur it=cv.begin();it!=cv.end();++it) {
1621                     gen &x0=it->_VECTptr->front();
1622                     cls=_CPCLASS_UNDECIDED;
1623                     for (int k=2;k<=order_size;++k) {
1624                         d=simp(subst(derive(f,x,k,contextptr),x,x0,false,contextptr),contextptr);
1625                         if (is_zero(d))
1626                             continue;
1627                         if ((k%2)!=0)
1628                             cls=_CPCLASS_SADDLE;
1629                         else cls=is_strictly_positive(d,contextptr)?_CPCLASS_MIN:_CPCLASS_MAX;
1630                         break;
1631                     }
1632                     cpts.push_back(makevecteur(x0,cls));
1633                 }
1634             } else {
1635                 vecteur fvars(vars),ip;
1636                 fvars.resize(n);
1637                 identificateur l(" lambda"+print_INT_(++var_index));
1638                 bool approx_hp;
1639                 gen pmin,pmax,sp(-1);
1640                 for (int j=0;j<n;++j) {
1641                     sp+=pow(vars[j],2);
1642                     ip.push_back(sqrt(fraction(1,n),contextptr));
1643                 }
1644                 if (order_size>1)
1645                     ipd.hessian(hess);
1646                 for (int i=0;i<nv;++i) {
1647                     a[i]=identificateur(" a"+print_INT_(i));
1648                 }
1649                 for (const_iterateur it=cv.begin();it!=cv.end();++it) {
1650                     if (!test_parameters(*(it->_VECTptr),vars,ineq,contextptr))
1651                         continue;
1652                     for (int j=0;j<nv;++j) {
1653                         cpt_arr[arr[j]]=it->_VECTptr->at(j);
1654                     }
1655                     iterateur ct=find_cpt(cpts,cpt_arr,contextptr);
1656                     if (ct==cpts.end()) {
1657                         cpts.push_back(makevecteur(cpt_arr,0));
1658                         ct=cpts.begin()+cpts.size()-1;
1659                     }
1660                     gen &cpt_class=ct->_VECTptr->back();
1661                     if (order_size==1 || !is_zero(cpt_class))
1662                         continue;
1663                     cls=_CPCLASS_UNDECIDED;
1664                     if (order_size>=2) {
1665                         for (int k=2;k<=order_size;++k) {
1666                             if (int(taylor_terms.size())<k-1)
1667                                 taylor_terms.push_back(ipd.taylor_term(a,k,false));
1668                             if (is_zero(expand(taylor_terms[k-2],contextptr)))
1669                                 break;
1670                             vecteur csts=*_lname(taylor_terms[k-2],contextptr)._VECTptr;
1671                             for (int j=csts.size();j-->0;) {
1672                                 if (find(vars.begin(),vars.end(),csts[j])!=vars.end() ||
1673                                         find(a.begin(),a.end(),csts[j])!=a.end())
1674                                     csts.erase(csts.begin()+j);
1675                             }
1676                             if (!csts.empty()) {
1677                                 gen csol=_solve(makesequence(symb_equal(taylor_terms[k-2],0),csts),
1678                                                 contextptr);
1679                                 gen sub=subst(csol,a,*it,false,contextptr);
1680                                 if (!is_constant_wrt_vars(sub,csts,contextptr))
1681                                     sub=_solve(makesequence(sub,csts),contextptr);
1682                                 if (sub.type==_VECT && !sub._VECTptr->empty()) {
1683                                     *logptr(contextptr)
1684                                         << "Warning: assuming " << csts << " not in "
1685                                         << simplify(sub,contextptr) << "\n";
1686                                 }
1687                             }
1688                             gen p=simp(subst(taylor_terms[k-2],a,*it,false,contextptr),contextptr);
1689                             if (is_zero(p))
1690                                 continue;
1691                             else if (k%2)
1692                                 cls=_CPCLASS_SADDLE;
1693                             else {
1694                                 gen gL,tmp(undef);
1695                                 if ((approx_hp=approx_hompol)) {
1696                                     vecteur hpvars=*_lname(p,contextptr)._VECTptr;
1697                                     const_iterateur hit=hpvars.begin();
1698                                     for (;hit!=hpvars.end() &&
1699                                           find(fvars.begin(),fvars.end(),*hit)!=fvars.end();++hit);
1700                                     if (hit==hpvars.end()) {
1701                                         gL=_fMin(makesequence(p,vecteur(1,symb_equal(sp,0)),fvars,ip),
1702                                                  contextptr);
1703                                         if (gL.type==_VECT && int(gL._VECTptr->size())==n) {
1704                                             tmp=vecteur(1,_epsilon2zero(subst(p,fvars,*gL._VECTptr,
1705                                                                               false,contextptr),
1706                                                                         contextptr));
1707                                             gL=_fMax(makesequence(p,vecteur(1,symb_equal(sp,0)),
1708                                                                   fvars,ip),contextptr);
1709                                             if (gL.type==_VECT && int(gL._VECTptr->size())==n)
1710                                                 tmp._VECTptr->push_back(_epsilon2zero(
1711                                                     subst(p,fvars,*gL._VECTptr,false,contextptr),
1712                                                     contextptr));
1713                                             else tmp=undef;
1714                                         }
1715                                     }
1716                                 }
1717                                 if (is_undef(tmp)) {
1718                                     approx_hp=false;
1719                                     fvars.push_back(l);
1720                                     gL=_grad(makesequence(p-l*sp,fvars),contextptr);
1721                                     if (gL.type==_VECT)
1722                                         tmp=_solve(makesequence(gL,fvars),contextptr);
1723                                 }
1724                                 if (tmp.type!=_VECT || tmp._VECTptr->empty() ||
1725                                         (!approx_hp && !ckmatrix(tmp))) {
1726                                     if (k>2) break;
1727                                     // apply the second order derivative test
1728                                     matrice chess=*simp(subst(hess,vars,*it,false,contextptr),
1729                                                         contextptr)._VECTptr;
1730                                     if (is_undef(chess))
1731                                         break;
1732                                     if (_lname(chess,contextptr)._VECTptr->empty()) // no symbols here
1733                                         chess=*_evalf(chess,contextptr)._VECTptr;
1734                                     gen res=_eigenvals(chess,contextptr);
1735                                     if (res.type==_VECT) {
1736                                         vecteur eigvals=*res._VECTptr;
1737                                         gen e=undef;
1738                                         for (const_iterateur et=eigvals.begin();et!=eigvals.end();++et) {
1739                                             if (is_zero(*et,contextptr)) {
1740                                                 cls=_CPCLASS_UNDECIDED;
1741                                                 break;
1742                                             } else if (is_undef(e)) {
1743                                                 e=*et;
1744                                                 cls=is_positive(e,contextptr)?_CPCLASS_MIN:_CPCLASS_MAX;
1745                                             } else if (is_strictly_positive(-e*(*et),contextptr))
1746                                                 cls=_CPCLASS_SADDLE;
1747                                         }
1748                                     }
1749                                     break;
1750                                 }
1751                                 if (approx_hp) {
1752                                     pmin=tmp._VECTptr->front();
1753                                     pmax=tmp._VECTptr->back();
1754                                 } else {
1755                                     vecteur lst;
1756                                     const_iterateur mt=tmp._VECTptr->begin();
1757                                     for (;mt!=tmp._VECTptr->end();++mt) {
1758                                         lst.push_back(simp(subst(p,fvars,*mt->_VECTptr,
1759                                                                      false,contextptr),
1760                                                                contextptr));
1761                                     }
1762                                     pmin=_min(lst,contextptr);
1763                                     pmax=_max(lst,contextptr);
1764                                     fvars.pop_back();
1765                                 }
1766                                 if (is_zero(pmin,contextptr))
1767                                     cls=_CPCLASS_POSSIBLE_MIN;
1768                                 else if (is_zero(pmax,contextptr))
1769                                     cls=_CPCLASS_POSSIBLE_MAX;
1770                                 else if (is_strictly_positive(pmin,contextptr))
1771                                     cls=_CPCLASS_MIN;
1772                                 else if (is_strictly_positive(pmax,contextptr))
1773                                     cls=_CPCLASS_SADDLE;
1774                                 else
1775                                     cls=_CPCLASS_MAX;
1776                             }
1777                             break;
1778                         }
1779                     }
1780                     cpt_class=gen(cls);
1781                 }
1782             }
1783         }
1784     }
1785     for (const_iterateur it=tmpvars.begin();it!=tmpvars.end();++it) {
1786         if (find(vars.begin(),vars.end(),*it)==vars.end())
1787             _purge(*it,contextptr);
1788     }
1789 }
1791 /*
1792  * 'extrema' attempts to find all points of strict local minima/maxima of a
1793  * smooth (uni/multi)variate function (possibly subject to equality constraints).
1794  *
1795  * Usage
1796  * ^^^^^
1797  *     extrema(expr,[constr],vars,[order=n||lagrange])
1798  *
1799  * Parameters
1800  * ^^^^^^^^^^
1801  *   - expr                  : differentiable expression
1802  *   - constr (optional)     : (list of) equality constraint(s)
1803  *   - vars                  : (list of) problem variable(s)
1804  *   - order_size (optional) : specify 'order_size=<nonnegative integer>' to
1805  *                             bound the order of the derivatives being
1806  *                             inspected when classifying the critical points
1807  *
1808  * The number of constraints must be less than the number of variables. When
1809  * there are more than one constraint/variable, they must be specified in
1810  * form of list.
1811  *
1812  * Variables may be specified with symbol, e.g. 'var', or by using syntax
1813  * 'var=a..b', which restricts the variable 'var' to the open interval (a,b),
1814  * where a and b are real numbers or +/-infinity. If variable list includes a
1815  * specification of initial point, such as, for example, [x=1,y=0,z=2], then
1816  * numeric solver is activated to find critical point in the vicinity of the
1817  * given point. In this case, the single critical point, if found, is examined.
1818  *
1819  * The function attempts to find the critical points in exact form, if the
1820  * parameters of the problem are all exact. It works best for problems in which
1821  * the gradient of lagrangian function consists of rational expressions. The
1822  * result may be inexact, however, if exact solutions could not be obtained.
1823  *
1824  * For classifying critical points, the bordered hessian method is used first.
1825  * It is only a second order test, so it may be inconclusive in some cases. In
1826  * these cases function looks at higher-order derivatives, up to order
1827  * specified by 'order_size' option (the extremum test). Set 'order_size' to 1
1828  * to use only the bordered hessian test or 0 to output critical points without
1829  * attempting to classify them. Setting 'order_size' to 2 or higher will
1830  * activate checking for saddle points and inspecting higher derivatives (up to
1831  * 'order_size') to determine the nature of some or all unclassified critical
1832  * points. By default 'order_size' equals to 5.
1833  *
1834  * The return value is a sequence with two elements: list of strict local
1835  * minima and list of strict local maxima. If only critical points are
1836  * requested (by setting 'order_size' to 0), the output consists of a single
1837  * list, as no classification was attempted. For univariate problems the points
1838  * are real numbers, while for multivariate problems they are specified as
1839  * lists of coordinates, so "lists of points" are in fact matrices with rows
1840  * corresponding to points in multivariate cases, i.e. vectors in univariate
1841  * cases.
1842  *
1843  * The function prints out information about saddle/inflection points and also
1844  * about critical points for which no decision could be made, so that the user
1845  * can inspect candidates for local extrema by plotting the graph, for example.
1846  *
1847  * Examples
1848  * ^^^^^^^^
1849  * extrema(-2*cos(x)-cos(x)^2,x)
1850  *    >> [0],[pi]
1851  * extrema((x^3-1)^4/(2x^3+1)^4,x=0..inf)
1852  *    >> [1],[]
1853  * extrema(x/2-2*sin(x/2),x=-12..12)
1854  *    >> [2*pi/3,-10*pi/3],[10*pi/3,-2*pi/3]
1855  * extrema(x-ln(abs(x)),x)
1856  *    >> [1],[]
1857  * assume(a>=0);extrema(x^2+a*x,x)
1858  *    >> [-a/2],[]
1859  * extrema(x^7+3x^6+3x^5+x^4+2x^2-x,x)
1860  *    >> [0.225847362349],[-1.53862319761]
1861  * extrema((x^2+x+1)/(x^4+1),x)
1862  *    >> [],[0.697247087784]
1863  * extrema(x^2+exp(-x),x)
1864  *    >> [LambertW(1/2)],[]
1865  * extrema(exp(-x)*ln(x),x)
1866  *    >> [],[exp(LambertW(1))]
1867  * extrema(tan(x)*(x^3-5x^2+1),x=-0.5)
1868  *    >> [-0.253519032024],[]
1869  * extrema(tan(x)*(x^3-5x^2+1),x=0.5)
1870  *    >> [],[0.272551772027]
1871  * extrema(exp(x^2-2x)*ln(x)*ln(1-x),x=0.5)
1872  *    >> [],[0.277769149124]
1873  * extrema(ln(2+x-sin(x)^2),x=0..2*pi)
1874  *    >> [],[] (needed to compute third derivative to drop critical points pi/4 and 5pi/4)
1875  * extrema(x^3-2x*y+3y^4,[x,y])
1876  *    >> [[12^(1/5)/3,(12^(1/5))^2/6]],[]
1877  * extrema((2x^2-y)*(y-x^2),[x,y])  //Peano surface
1878  *    >> [],[] (saddle point at origin)
1879  * extrema(5x^2+3y^2+x*z^2-z*y^2,[x,y,z])
1880  *    >> [],[] (possible local minimum at origin, in fact saddle)
1881  * extrema(3*atan(x)-2*ln(x^2+y^2+1),[x,y])
1882  *    >> [],[[3/4,0]]
1883  * extrema(x*y,x+y=1,[x,y])
1884  *    >> [],[[1/2,1/2]]
1885  * extrema(sqrt(x*y),x+y=2,[x,y])
1886  *    >> [],[[1,1]]
1887  * extrema(x*y,x^3+y^3=16,[x,y])
1888  *    >> [],[[2,2]]
1889  * extrema(x^2+y^2,x*y=1,[x=0..inf,y=0..inf])
1890  *    >> [[1,1]],[]
1891  * extrema(ln(x*y^2),2x^2+3y^2=8,[x,y])
1892  *    >> [],[[2*sqrt(3)/3,-4/3],[2*sqrt(3)/3,4/3]]
1893  * extrema(y^2+4y+2x-x^2,x+2y=2,[x,y])
1894  *    >> [],[[-2/3,4/3]]
1895  * assume(a>0);extrema(x/a^2+a*y^2,x+y=a,[x,y])
1896  *    >> [[(2*a^4-1)/(2*a^3),1/(2*a^3)]],[]
1897  * extrema(6x+3y+2z,4x^2+2y^2+z^2=70,[x,y,z])
1898  *    >> [[-3,-3,-4]],[[3,3,4]]
1899  * extrema(x*y*z,x+y+z=1,[x,y,z])
1900  *    >> [],[[1/3,1/3,1/3]]
1901  * extrema(x*y^2*z^2,x+y+z=5,[x,y,z])
1902  *    >> [],[[1,2,2]]
1903  * extrema(4y-2z,[2x-y-z=2,x^2+y^2=1],[x,y,z])
1904  *    >> [[2*sqrt(13)/13,-3*sqrt(13)/13,(7*sqrt(13)-26)/13]],
1905  *       [[-2*sqrt(13)/13,3*sqrt(13)/13,(-7*sqrt(13)-26)/13]]
1906  * extrema((x-3)^2+(y-1)^2+(z-1)^2,x^2+y^2+z^2=4,[x,y,z])
1907  *    >> [[6*sqrt(11)/11,2*sqrt(11)/11,2*sqrt(11)/11]],
1908  *       [[-6*sqrt(11)/11,-2*sqrt(11)/11,-2*sqrt(11)/11]]
1909  * extrema(x+3y-z,2x^2+y^2=z,[x,y,z])
1910  *    >> [],[[1/4,3/2,19/8]]
1911  * extrema(2x*y+2y*z+x*z,x*y*z=4,[x,y,z])
1912  *    >> [[2,1,2]],[]
1913  * extrema(x+y+z,[x^2+y^2=1,2x+z=1],[x,y,z])
1914  *    >> [[sqrt(2)/2,-sqrt(2)/2,-sqrt(2)+1]],[[-sqrt(2)/2,sqrt(2)/2,sqrt(2)+1]]
1915  * assume(a>0);extrema(x+y+z,[y^2-x^2=a,x+2z=1],[x,y,z])
1916  *    >> [[-sqrt(3)*sqrt(a)/3,2*sqrt(3)*sqrt(a)/3,(sqrt(3)*sqrt(a)+3)/6]],
1917  *       [[sqrt(3)*sqrt(a)/3,-2*sqrt(3)*sqrt(a)/3,(-sqrt(3)*sqrt(a)+3)/6]]
1918  * extrema((x-u)^2+(y-v)^2,[x^2/4+y^2/9=1,(u-3)^2+(v+5)^2=1],[u,v,x,y])
1919  *    >> [[2.35433932354,-4.23637555425,0.982084902545,-2.61340692712]],
1920  *       [[3.41406613851,-5.91024679428,-0.580422508346,2.87088778158]]
1921  * extrema(x2^6+x1^3+4x1+4x2,x1^5+x2^4+x1+x2=0,[x1,x2])
1922  *    >> [[-0.787457596325,0.758772338924],[-0.784754836317,-1.23363062357]],
1923  *       [[0.154340184382,-0.155005038065]]
1924  * extrema(x*y,-2x^3+15x^2*y+11y^3-24y=0,[x,y])
1925  *    >> [[sqrt(17)*sqrt(3*sqrt(33)+29)/17,sqrt(-15*sqrt(33)+127)*sqrt(187)/187],
1926  *        [-sqrt(17)*sqrt(3*sqrt(33)+29)/17,-sqrt(-15*sqrt(33)+127)*sqrt(187)/187],
1927  *        [sqrt(-3*sqrt(33)+29)*sqrt(17)/17,-sqrt(15*sqrt(33)+127)*sqrt(187)/187],
1928  *        [-sqrt(-3*sqrt(33)+29)*sqrt(17)/17,sqrt(15*sqrt(33)+127)*sqrt(187)/187]],
1929  *       [[1,1],[-1,-1],[0,0]]
1930  * extrema(x2^4-x1^4-x2^8+x1^10,[x1,x2],order_size=1)
1931  *    >> [[0,0],[0,-(1/2)^(1/4)],[0,(1/2)^(1/4)],[-(2/5)^(1/6),0],[-(2/5)^(1/6),-(1/2)^(1/4)],
1932  *        [-(2/5)^(1/6),(1/2)^(1/4)],[(2/5)^(1/6),0],[(2/5)^(1/6),-(1/2)^(1/4)],[(2/5)^(1/6),(1/2)^(1/4)]]
1933  * extrema(x2^4-x1^4-x2^8+x1^10,[x1,x2])
1934  *    >> [[],[]]
1935  * extrema(x2^6+x1^3+4x1+4x2,x1^5+x2^4+x1+x2=0,[x1,x2])
1936  *    >> [[-0.787457596325,0.758772338924],[-0.784754836317,-1.23363062357]],
1937  *       [[0.154340184382,-0.155005038065]]
1938  * extrema(x2^6+x1^3+2x1^2-x2^2+4x1+4x2,x1^5+x2^4+x1+x2=0,[x1,x2])
1939  *    >> [[-0.662879934158,-1.18571027742],[0,0]],[[0.301887394815,-0.314132376868]]
1940  * extrema(3x^2-2x*y+y^2-8y,[x,y])
1941  *    >> [[2,6]],[]
1942  * extrema(x^3+3x*y^2-15x-12y,[x,y])
1943  *    >> [[2,1]],[[-2,-1]]
1944  * extrema(4x*y-x^4-y^4,[x,y])
1945  *    >> [],[[1,1],[-1,-1]]
1946  * extrema(x*sin(y),[x,y])
1947  *    >> [],[]
1948  * extrema(x^4+y^4,[x,y])
1949  *    >> [[0,0]],[]
1950  * extrema(x^3*y-x*y^3,[x,y])  //dog saddle at origin
1951  *    >> [],[]
1952  * extrema(x^2+y^2+z^2,x^4+y^4+z^4=1,[x,y,z])
1953  *    >> [[0,0,1],[0,0,-1]],[]
1954  * extrema(3x+3y+8z,[x^2+z^2=1,y^2+z^2=1],[x,y,z])
1955  *    >> [[-3/5,-3/5,-4/5]],[[3/5,3/5,4/5]]
1956  * extrema(2x^2+y^2,x^4-x^2+y^2=5,[x,y])
1957  *    >> [[0,-sqrt(5)],[0,sqrt(5)]],
1958  *       [[-1/2*sqrt(6),-1/2*sqrt(17)],[-1/2*sqrt(6),1/2*sqrt(17)],
1959  *        [1/2*sqrt(6),-1/2*sqrt(17)],[1/2*sqrt(6),1/2*sqrt(17)]]
1960  * extrema((3x^4-4x^3-12x^2+18)/(12*(1+4y^2)),[x,y])
1961  *    >> [[2,0]],[[0,0]]
1962  * extrema(x-y+z,[x^2+y^2+z^2=1,x+y+2z=1],[x,y,z])
1963  *    >> [[(-2*sqrt(70)+7)/42,(4*sqrt(70)+7)/42,(-sqrt(70)+14)/42]],
1964  *       [[(2*sqrt(70)+7)/42,(-4*sqrt(70)+7)/42,(sqrt(70)+14)/42]]
1965  * extrema(ln(x)+2*ln(y)+3*ln(z)+4*ln(u)+5*ln(v),x+y+z+u+v=1,[x,y,z,u,v])
1966  *    >> [],[[1/15,2/15,1/5,4/15,1/3]]
1967  * extrema(x*y*z,-2x^3+15x^2*y+11y^3-24y=0,[x,y,z])
1968  *    >> [],[]
1969  * extrema(x+y-exp(x)-exp(y)-exp(x+y),[x,y])
1970  *    >> [],[[ln(-1/2*(-sqrt(5)+1)),ln(-1/2*(-sqrt(5)+1))]]
1971  * extrema(x^2*sin(y)-4*x,[x,y])    // has two saddle points
1972  *    >> [],[]
1973  * extrema((1+y*sinh(x))/(1+y^2+tanh(x)^2),[x,y])
1974  *    >> [],[[0,0]]
1975  * extrema((1+y*sinh(x))/(1+y^2+tanh(x)^2),y=x^2,[x,y])
1976  *    >> [[1.42217627369,2.02258535346]],[[8.69443642205e-16,7.55932246971e-31]]
1977  * extrema(x^2*y^2,[x^3*y-2*x^2+3x-2y^2=0],[x=0..inf,y])
1978  *    >> [[3/2,0]],[[0.893768095046,-0.5789326693514]]
1979  * extrema(alpha*x^2+beta*y^2+gamma*z^2,[a1*x+a2*y+a3*z=c,b1*x+b2*y+b3*z=d],[x,y,z])
1980  * assume(a>0):;extrema(sqrt(a+x+y)/(1+y+sqrt(a+x)),[x=0..inf,y=0..inf])
1981  */
_extrema(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)1982 gen _extrema(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
1983     if (g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return g;
1984     if (g.type!=_VECT || g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT)
1985         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
1986     vecteur &gv=*g._VECTptr,constr;
1987     int order_size=5; // will not compute the derivatives of order higher than 'order_size'
1988     int ngv=gv.size();
1989     bool approx_hp=true; // use nlpsolve to determine images of homogeneous polynomials on spheres
1990     if (gv.back()==at_lagrange) {
1991         order_size=0; // use Lagrange method
1992         --ngv;
1993     } else if (gv.back().is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal)) {
1994         vecteur &v=*gv.back()._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr;
1995         if (v[0]==at_order && is_integer(v[1])) {
1996             if ((order_size=v[1].val)<1)
1997                 return gensizeerr("Expected a positive integer");
1998             --ngv;
1999         }
2000     }
2001     if (ngv<2 || ngv>3)
2002         return gensizeerr("Wrong number of input arguments");
2003     // get the variables
2004     int nv;
2005     vecteur vars,ineq,initial;
2006     // parse variables and their ranges, if given
2007     if ((nv=parse_varlist(gv[ngv-1],vars,ineq,initial,contextptr))==0)
2008         return gentypeerr("Failed to parse variables");
2009     if (nv>32)
2010         return gendimerr("Too many variables");
2011     if (!initial.empty() && int(initial.size())<nv)
2012         return gendimerr("Bad initial point assumption");
2013     if (ngv==3) {
2014         // get the constraints
2015         if (gv[1].type==_VECT)
2016             constr=*gv[1]._VECTptr;
2017         else
2018             constr=vecteur(1,gv[1]);
2019     }
2020     if (order_size==0 && constr.empty())
2021         return gensizeerr("At least one constraint is required for Lagrange method");
2022     for (iterateur it=constr.begin();it!=constr.end();++it) {
2023         if (it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal))
2024             *it=equal2diff(*it);
2025     }
2026     ipdiff::ivectors arrs;
2027     if (order_size>0 && !constr.empty()) {
2028         matrice J(jacobian(constr,vars,contextptr));
2029         if (J.empty())
2030             return gensizeerr(contextptr);
2031         if (constr.size()>=vars.size() || _rank(J,contextptr).val<int(constr.size()))
2032             return gendimerr("Too many constraints");
2033         vars_arrangements(J,arrs,contextptr);
2034     } else {
2035         ipdiff::ivector arr(nv);
2036         for (int i=0;i<nv;++i) {
2037             arr[i]=i;
2038         }
2039         arrs.push_back(arr);
2040     }
2041     vecteur tmp_vars(vars.size()),cpts;
2042     /* iterate through all possible variable arrangements */
2043     bool undetected=false;
2044     for (ipdiff::ivectors::const_iterator ait=arrs.begin();ait!=arrs.end();++ait) {
2045         const ipdiff::ivector &arr=*ait;
2046         for (ipdiff::ivector::const_iterator it=arr.begin();it!=arr.end();++it) {
2047             tmp_vars[it-arr.begin()]=vars[*it];
2048         }
2049         try {
2050             find_local_extrema(cpts,gv[0],constr,tmp_vars,arr,ineq,initial,order_size,approx_hp,contextptr);
2051         } catch (const std::exception &e) {
2052             undetected=true;
2053         }
2054     }
2055     if (undetected) {
2056         string msg="Warning: some critical points may have been undetected.";
2057         if (initial.empty())
2058             msg+=" Try setting an initial point for numerical approximation.";
2059         *logptr(contextptr) << msg << "\n";
2060     }
2061     if (order_size==1) { // return the list of critical points
2062         vecteur cv;
2063         for (const_iterateur it=cpts.begin();it!=cpts.end();++it) {
2064             cv.push_back(it->_VECTptr->front());
2065         }
2066         return cv;
2067     }
2068     // return sequence of minima and maxima in separate lists and report non- or possible extrema
2069     vecteur minv(0),maxv(0);
2070     for (const_iterateur it=cpts.begin();it!=cpts.end();++it) {
2071         gen dispt(nv==1?symb_equal(vars[0],it->_VECTptr->front()):_zip(makesequence(at_equal,vars,it->_VECTptr->front()),contextptr));
2072         switch(it->_VECTptr->back().val) {
2073         case _CPCLASS_MIN:
2074             minv.push_back(it->_VECTptr->front());
2075             break;
2076         case _CPCLASS_MAX:
2077             maxv.push_back(it->_VECTptr->front());
2078             break;
2079         case _CPCLASS_SADDLE:
2080             *logptr(contextptr) << dispt << (nv==1?": inflection point":": saddle point") << "\n";
2081             break;
2082         case _CPCLASS_POSSIBLE_MIN:
2083             *logptr(contextptr) << dispt << ": indeterminate critical point\n";
2084             break;
2085         case _CPCLASS_POSSIBLE_MAX:
2086             *logptr(contextptr) << dispt << ": indeterminate critical point\n";
2087             break;
2088         case _CPCLASS_UNDECIDED:
2089             *logptr(contextptr) << dispt << ": unclassified critical point\n";
2090             break;
2091         }
2092     }
2093     return makevecteur(minv,maxv);
2094 }
2095 static const char _extrema_s []="extrema";
2096 static define_unary_function_eval (__extrema,&_extrema,_extrema_s);
2097 define_unary_function_ptr5(at_extrema,alias_at_extrema,&__extrema,0,true)
2099 /*
2100  * Compute the value of expression f(var) (or |f(var)| if 'absolute' is true)
2101  * for var=a.
2102  */
compf(const gen & f,identificateur & x,gen & a,bool absolute,GIAC_CONTEXT)2103 gen compf(const gen &f,identificateur &x,gen &a,bool absolute,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
2104     gen val(subst(f,x,a,false,contextptr));
2105     return _evalf(absolute?_abs(val,contextptr):val,contextptr);
2106 }
2108 /*
2109  * find zero of expression f(x) for x in [a,b] using Brent solver
2110  */
find_zero(const gen & f,identificateur & x,gen & a,gen & b,GIAC_CONTEXT)2111 gen find_zero(const gen &f,identificateur &x,gen &a,gen &b,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
2112     gen I(symb_interval(a,b));
2113     gen var(symb_equal(x,I));
2114     gen tmpsol=_fsolve(makesequence(f,var,_BRENT_SOLVER),contextptr);
2115     if (tmpsol.type==_VECT) {
2116         vecteur &sol=*tmpsol._VECTptr;
2117         return sol.empty()?(a+b)/2:sol[0];
2118     } else return (a+b)/2;
2119 }
2121 /*
2122  * Find point of maximum/minimum of unimodal expression f(x) in [a,b] using the
2123  * golden-section search.
2124  */
find_peak(const gen & f,identificateur & x,gen & a_orig,gen & b_orig,GIAC_CONTEXT)2125 gen find_peak(const gen &f,identificateur &x,gen &a_orig,gen &b_orig,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
2126     gen a(a_orig),b(b_orig);
2127     gen c(b-(b-a)/GOLDEN_RATIO),d(a+(b-a)/GOLDEN_RATIO);
2128     while (is_strictly_greater(_abs(c-d,contextptr),epsilon(contextptr),contextptr)) {
2129         gen fc(compf(f,x,c,true,contextptr)),fd(compf(f,x,d,true,contextptr));
2130         if (is_strictly_greater(fc,fd,contextptr))
2131             b=d;
2132         else
2133             a=c;
2134         c=b-(b-a)/GOLDEN_RATIO;
2135         d=a+(b-a)/GOLDEN_RATIO;
2136     }
2137     return (a+b)/2;
2138 }
2140 /*
2141  * Compute n Chebyshev nodes in [a,b].
2142  */
chebyshev_nodes(gen & a,gen & b,int n,GIAC_CONTEXT)2143 vecteur chebyshev_nodes(gen &a,gen &b,int n,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
2144     vecteur nodes(1,a);
2145     for (int i=1;i<=n;++i) {
2146         nodes.push_back(_evalf((a+b)/2+(b-a)*symbolic(at_cos,((2*i-1)*cst_pi/(2*n)))/2,contextptr));
2147     }
2148     nodes.push_back(b);
2149     return *_sort(nodes,contextptr)._VECTptr;
2150 }
2152 /*
2153  * Implementation of Remez method for minimax polynomial approximation of a
2154  * continuous bounded function, which is not necessary differentiable in all
2155  * points of (a,b).
2156  *
2157  * Source: http://homepages.rpi.edu/~tasisa/remez.pdf
2158  *
2159  * Usage
2160  * ^^^^^
2161  *      minimax(expr,var=a..b,n,[opts])
2162  *
2163  * Parameters
2164  * ^^^^^^^^^^
2165  *      - expr            : expression to be approximated on [a,b]
2166  *      - var             : variable
2167  *      - a,b             : bounds of the function domain
2168  *      - n               : degree of the minimax approximation polynomial
2169  *      - opts (optional) : sequence of options
2170  *
2171  * This function uses 'compf', 'find_zero' and 'find_peak'. It does not use
2172  * derivatives to determine points of local extrema of error function, but
2173  * instead implements the golden search algorithm to find these points in the
2174  * exchange phase of Remez method.
2175  *
2176  * The returned polynomial may have degree lower than n, because the latter is
2177  * decremented during execution of the algorithm if there is no unique solution
2178  * for coefficients of a nth degree polynomial. After each decrement, the
2179  * algorithm is restarted. If the degree of resulting polynomial is m<n, it
2180  * means that polynomial of degree between m and n cannot be obtained by using
2181  * this implementation.
2182  *
2183  * In 'opts' one may specify 'limit=<posint>' which limits the number of
2184  * iterations. By default, it is unlimited.
2185  *
2186  * Be aware that, in some cases, the result with high n may be unsatisfying,
2187  * producing larger error than the polynomials for smaller n. This happens
2188  * because of the rounding errors. Nevertheless, a good approximation of an
2189  * "almost" smooth function can usually be obtained with n less than 30. Highly
2190  * oscillating functions containing sharp cusps and spikes will probably be
2191  * approximated poorly.
2192  *
2193  * Examples
2194  * ^^^^^^^^
2195  * minimax(x*exp(-x),x=0..10,24)
2196  * minimax(x*sin(x),x=0..10,25)
2197  * minimax(ln(2+x-sin(x)^2),x=0..2*pi,20)
2198  * minimax(cos(x^2-x+1),x=-2..2,40)
2199  * minimax(atan(x),x=-5..5,25)
2200  * minimax(tanh(sin(9x)),x=-1/2..1/2,40)
2201  * minimax(abs(x),x=-1..1,20)
2202  * minimax(abs(x)*sqrt(abs(x)),x=-2..2,15)
2203  * minimax(min(1/cosh(3*sin(10x)),sin(9x)),x=-0.3..0.4,25)
2204  * minimax(when(x==0,0,exp(-1/x^2)),x=-1..1,30)
2205  */
_minimax(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)2206 gen _minimax(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
2207     if (g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return g;
2208     if (g.type!=_VECT || g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT)
2209         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
2210     vecteur &gv=*g._VECTptr;
2211     if (gv.size()<3)
2212         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
2213     if (!gv[1].is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal) || !is_integer(gv[2]))
2214         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
2215     // detect parameters
2216     vecteur s(*gv[1]._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr);
2217     if (s[0].type!=_IDNT || !s[1].is_symb_of_sommet(at_interval))
2218         return gentypeerr((contextptr));
2219     identificateur x(*s[0]._IDNTptr);
2220     s=*s[1]._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr;
2221     gen a(_evalf(s[0],contextptr)),b(_evalf(s[1],contextptr));
2222     if (!is_strictly_greater(b,a,contextptr))
2223         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
2224     gen &f=gv[0];
2225     int n=gv[2].val;
2226     gen threshold(1.02);  // threshold for stopping criterion
2227     // detect options
2228     int limit=0;
2229     //bool poly=true;
2230     for (const_iterateur it=gv.begin()+3;it!=gv.end();++it) {
2231         if (it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal)) {
2232             vecteur &p=*it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr;
2233             if (p[0]==at_limit) {
2234                 if (!is_integer(p[1]) || !is_strictly_positive(p[1],contextptr))
2235                     return gentypeerr(contextptr);
2236                 limit=p[1].val;
2237             }
2238         }
2239         else if (is_integer(*it)) {
2240             switch (it->val) {
2241 //          case _FRAC:
2242 //              poly=false;
2243 //              break;
2244             }
2245         }
2246     }
2247     // create Chebyshev nodes to start with
2248     vecteur nodes(chebyshev_nodes(a,b,n,contextptr)),sol;
2249     gen p,best_p,best_emax,emax,emin,tmpsol;
2250     int iteration_count=0;
2251     while (true) { // iterate the algorithm
2252         iteration_count++;
2253         if (n<1 || (limit>0 && iteration_count>limit))
2254             break;
2255         // compute polynomial p
2256         matrice m;
2257         vecteur fv;
2258         for (int i=0;i<n+2;++i) {
2259             fv.push_back(_evalf(subst(f,x,nodes[i],false,contextptr),contextptr));
2260             vecteur r;
2261             for (int j=0;j<n+1;++j) {
2262                 r.push_back(j==0?gen(1):pow(nodes[i],j));
2263             }
2264             r.push_back(pow(gen(-1),i));
2265             m.push_back(r);
2266         }
2267         tmpsol=_linsolve(makesequence(_epsilon2zero(m,contextptr),fv),contextptr);
2268         if (tmpsol.type==_VECT)
2269             sol=*tmpsol._VECTptr;
2270         else sol.clear();
2271         if (sol.empty() || !_lname(sol,contextptr)._VECTptr->empty()) {
2272             // Solution is not unique, it contains a symbol.
2273             // Decrease n and start over.
2274             nodes=chebyshev_nodes(a,b,--n,contextptr);
2275             continue;
2276         }
2277         p=gen(0);
2278         for (int i=0;i<n+1;++i) {
2279             p+=sol[i]*pow(x,i);
2280         }
2281         // compute the error function and its zeros
2282         gen e(f-p);
2283         vecteur zv(1,a);
2284         for (int i=0;i<n+1;++i) {
2285             zv.push_back(find_zero(e,x,nodes[i],nodes[i+1],contextptr));
2286         }
2287         zv.push_back(b);
2288         // remez exchange:
2289         // determine points of local extrema of error function e
2290         vecteur ev(n+2,0);
2291         for (int i=0;i<n+2;++i) {
2292             if (i>0 && i<n+1) {
2293                 nodes[i]=find_peak(e,x,zv[i],zv[i+1],contextptr);
2294                 ev[i]=compf(e,x,nodes[i],true,contextptr);
2295                 continue;
2296             }
2297             gen e1(compf(e,x,zv[i],true,contextptr)),e2(compf(e,x,zv[i+1],true,contextptr));
2298             if (is_greater(e1,e2,contextptr)) {
2299                 nodes[i]=zv[i];
2300                 ev[i]=e1;
2301             }
2302             else {
2303                 nodes[i]=zv[i+1];
2304                 ev[i]=e2;
2305             }
2306         }
2307         // compute minimal and maximal absolute error
2308         emin=_min(ev,contextptr);
2309         emax=_max(ev,contextptr);
2310         if (is_exactly_zero(best_emax) || is_strictly_greater(best_emax,emax,contextptr)) {
2311             best_p=p;
2312             best_emax=emax;
2313         }
2314         // emin >= E is required to continue, also check
2315         // if the threshold is reached, i.e. the difference
2316         // between emax and emin is at least fifty times
2317         // smaller than emax
2318         if (is_strictly_greater(sol.back(),emin,contextptr) ||
2319                 is_greater(threshold*emin,emax,contextptr)) {
2320             break;
2321         }
2322     }
2323     *logptr(contextptr) << "max. absolute error: " << best_emax << "\n";
2324     return best_p;
2325 }
2326 static const char _minimax_s []="minimax";
2327 static define_unary_function_eval (__minimax,&_minimax,_minimax_s);
2328 define_unary_function_ptr5(at_minimax,alias_at_minimax,&__minimax,0,true)
2330 /*
2332  */
tprob(const vecteur & s,const vecteur & d,const gen & m,GIAC_CONTEXT)2334 tprob::tprob(const vecteur &s,const vecteur &d,const gen &m,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
2335     eps=exact(epsilon(contextptr)/2,contextptr);
2336     ctx=contextptr;
2337     supply=s;
2338     demand=d;
2339     M=m;
2340 }
2342 /*
2343  * North-West-Corner method giving the initial feasible solution to the
2344  * transportatiom problem with given supply and demand vectors. It handles
2345  * degeneracy cases (assignment problems, for example, always have degenerate
2346  * solutions).
2347  */
north_west_corner(matrice & feas)2348 void tprob::north_west_corner(matrice &feas) {
2349     feas.clear();
2350     int m=supply.size(),n=demand.size();
2351     for (int k=0;k<m;++k) {
2352         feas.push_back(vecteur(n,0));
2353     }
2354     int i=0,j=0;
2355     while (i<m && j<n) {
2356         const gen &s=supply[i],&d=demand[j];
2357         gen u,v;
2358         for (int k=0;k<i;++k) {
2359             v+=_epsilon2zero(feas[k][j],ctx);
2360         }
2361         for (int k=0;k<j;++k) {
2362             u+=_epsilon2zero(feas[i][k],ctx);
2363         }
2364         gen a=min(s-u,d-v,ctx);
2365         feas[i]._VECTptr->at(j)=a;
2366         int k=i+j;
2367         if (u+a==s)
2368             ++i;
2369         if (v+a==d)
2370             ++j;
2371         if (i<m && j<n && i+j-k==2) // avoid degeneracy
2372             feas[i-1]._VECTptr->at(j)=eps;
2373     }
2374 }
2376 /*
2377  * Stepping stone path method for determining a closed path "jumping" from one
2378  * positive element of X to another in the same row or column.
2379  */
stepping_stone_path(ipairs & path_orig,const matrice & X)2380 tprob::ipairs tprob::stepping_stone_path(ipairs &path_orig,const matrice &X) {
2381     ipairs path(path_orig);
2382     int I=path.back().first,J=path.back().second;
2383     int m=X.size(),n=X.front()._VECTptr->size();
2384     if (path.size()>1 && path.front().second==J)
2385         return path;
2386     bool hrz=path.size()%2==1;
2387     for (int i=0;i<(hrz?n:m);++i) {
2388         int cnt=0;
2389         for (ipairs::const_iterator it=path.begin();it!=path.end();++it) {
2390             if ((hrz && it->second==i) || (!hrz && it->first==i))
2391                 ++cnt;
2392         }
2393         if (cnt<2 && !is_exactly_zero(X[hrz?I:i][hrz?i:J])) {
2394             path.push_back(make_pair(hrz?I:i,hrz?i:J));
2395             ipairs fullpath(stepping_stone_path(path,X));
2396             if (!fullpath.empty())
2397                 return fullpath;
2398             path.pop_back();
2399         }
2400     }
2401     return ipairs(0);
2402 }
2404 /*
2405  * Implementation of MODI (modified ditribution) method. It handles degenerate
2406  * solutions if they appear during the process.
2407  */
modi(const matrice & P_orig,matrice & X)2408 void tprob::modi(const matrice &P_orig,matrice &X) {
2409     matrice P(P_orig);
2410     int m=X.size(),n=X.front()._VECTptr->size();
2411     vecteur u(m),v(n);
2412     if (M.type==_IDNT) {
2413         gen largest(0);
2414         for (int i=0;i<m;++i) {
2415             for (int j=0;j<n;++j) {
2416                 if (is_greater(X[i][j],largest,ctx))
2417                     largest=X[i][j];
2418             }
2419         }
2420         P=subst(P,M,100*largest,false,ctx);
2421     }
2422     for (int i=0;i<m;++i) {
2423         u[i]=i==0?gen(0):identificateur(" u"+print_INT_(++var_index));
2424     }
2425     for (int j=0;j<n;++j) {
2426         v[j]=identificateur(" v"+print_INT_(++var_index));
2427     }
2428     vecteur vars(mergevecteur(vecteur(u.begin()+1,u.end()),v));
2429     while (true) {
2430         vecteur eqv;
2431         for (int i=0;i<m;++i) {
2432             for (int j=0;j<n;++j) {
2433                 if (!is_exactly_zero(X[i][j]))
2434                     eqv.push_back(u[i]+v[j]-P[i][j]);
2435             }
2436         }
2437         vecteur sol(*_linsolve(makesequence(eqv,vars),ctx)._VECTptr);
2438         vecteur U(1,0),V(sol.begin()+m-1,sol.end());
2439         U=mergevecteur(U,vecteur(sol.begin(),sol.begin()+m-1));
2440         gen cmin(0);
2441         bool optimal=true;
2442         int I,J;
2443         for (int i=0;i<m;++i) {
2444             for (int j=0;j<n;++j) {
2445                 if (is_exactly_zero(X[i][j])) {
2446                     gen c(P[i][j]-U[i]-V[j]);
2447                     if (is_strictly_greater(cmin,c,ctx)) {
2448                         cmin=c;
2449                         optimal=false;
2450                         I=i;
2451                         J=j;
2452                     }
2453                 }
2454             }
2455         }
2456         if (optimal)
2457             break;
2458         ipairs path;
2459         path.push_back(make_pair(I,J));
2460         path=stepping_stone_path(path,X);
2461         gen d(X[path.at(1).first][path.at(1).second]);
2462         for (ipairs::const_iterator it=path.begin()+3;it<path.end();it+=2) {
2463             d=min(d,X[it->first][it->second],ctx);
2464         }
2465         for (int i=0;i<int(path.size());++i) {
2466             gen &Xij=X[path.at(i).first]._VECTptr->at(path.at(i).second);
2467             gen x(Xij+(i%2?-d:d));
2468             bool has_zero=false;
2469             for (ipairs::const_iterator it=path.begin();it!=path.end();++it) {
2470                 if (is_exactly_zero(X[it->first][it->second])) {
2471                     has_zero=true;
2472                     break;
2473                 }
2474             }
2475             if ((!is_exactly_zero(x) && is_strictly_greater(gen(1)/gen(2),x,ctx)) ||
2476                     (is_exactly_zero(x) && has_zero))
2477                 x=eps;
2478             Xij=x;
2479         }
2480     }
2481     X=*exact(_epsilon2zero(_evalf(X,ctx),ctx),ctx)._VECTptr;
2482 }
solve(const matrice & cost_matrix,matrice & sol)2484 void tprob::solve(const matrice &cost_matrix,matrice &sol) {
2485     north_west_corner(sol);
2486     modi(cost_matrix,sol);
2487 }
2489 /*
2491  */
2493 /*
2494  * Function 'tpsolve' solves a transportation problem using MODI method.
2495  *
2496  * Usage
2497  * ^^^^^
2498  *      tpsolve(supply,demand,cost_matrix)
2499  *
2500  * Parameters
2501  * ^^^^^^^^^^
2502  *      - supply      : source capacity (vector of m positive integers)
2503  *      - demand      : destination demand (vector of n positive integers)
2504  *      - cost_matrix : real matrix C=[c_ij] of type mXn where c_ij is cost of
2505  *                      transporting an unit from ith source to jth destination
2506  *                      (a nonnegative number)
2507  *
2508  * Supply and demand vectors should contain only positive integers. Cost matrix
2509  * must be consisted of nonnegative real numbers, which do not have to be
2510  * integers. There is a possibility of adding a certain symbol to cost matrix,
2511  * usually M, to indicate the "infinite cost", effectively forbidding the
2512  * transportation on a certain route. The notation of the symbol may be chosen
2513  * arbitrarily, but must be used consistently within a single problem.
2514  *
2515  * The return value is a sequence of total (minimal) cost and matrix X=[x_ij]
2516  * of type mXn where x_ij is equal to number of units which have to be shipped
2517  * from ith source to jth destination, for all i=1,2,..,m and j=1,2,..,n.
2518  *
2519  * This function uses 'north_west_corner' to determine initial feasible
2520  * solution and then applies MODI method to optimize it (function 'modi', which
2521  * uses 'stepping_stone_path'). Also, it is capable of handling degeneracy of
2522  * the initial solution and during iterations of MODI method.
2523  *
2524  * If the given problem is not balanced, i.e. if supply exceeds demand or vice
2525  * versa, dummy supply/demand points will be automatically added to the
2526  * problem, augmenting the cost matrix with zeros. Resulting matrix will not
2527  * contain dummy point.
2528  *
2529  * Examples
2530  * ^^^^^^^^
2531  * Balanced transportation problem:
2532  *  tpsolve([12,17,11],[10,10,10,10],[[500,750,300,450],[650,800,400,600],[400,700,500,550]])
2533  *      >> 2020,[[0,0,2,10],[0,9,8,0],[10,1,0,0]]
2534  * Non-balanced transportation problem:
2535  *  tpsolve([7,10,8,8,9,6],[9,6,12,8,10],[[36,40,32,43,29],[28,27,29,40,38],[34,35,41,29,31],[41,42,35,27,36],[25,28,40,34,38],[31,30,43,38,40]])
2536  *      >> [[0,0,2,0,5],[0,0,10,0,0],[0,0,0,0,5],[0,0,0,8,0],[9,0,0,0,0],[0,6,0,0,0]]
2537  * Transportation problem with forbidden routes:
2538  *  tpsolve([95,70,165,165],[195,150,30,45,75],[[15,M,45,M,0],[12,40,M,M,0],[0,15,25,25,0],[M,0,M,12,0]])
2539  *      >> [[20,0,0,0,75],[70,0,0,0,0],[105,0,30,30,0],[0,150,0,15,0]]
2540  * Assignment problem:
2541  *  tpsolve([1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],[[10,12,9,11],[5,10,7,8],[12,14,13,11],[8,15,11,9]])
2542  *      >> [[0,0,1,0],[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,1]]
2543  */
_tpsolve(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)2544 gen _tpsolve(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
2545     if (g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return g;
2546     if (g.type!=_VECT || g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT)
2547         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
2548     vecteur &gv=*g._VECTptr;
2549     if (gv.size()<3)
2550         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
2551     if (gv[0].type!=_VECT || gv[1].type!=_VECT ||
2552             gv[2].type!=_VECT || !ckmatrix(*gv[2]._VECTptr))
2553         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
2554     vecteur supply(*gv[0]._VECTptr),demand(*gv[1]._VECTptr);
2555     matrice P(*gv[2]._VECTptr);
2556     vecteur sy(*_lname(P,contextptr)._VECTptr);
2557     int m=supply.size(),n=demand.size();
2558     if (sy.size()>1 || m!=int(P.size()) || n!=int(P.front()._VECTptr->size()))
2559         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
2560     gen M(sy.size()==1 && sy[0].type==_IDNT?sy[0]:0);
2561     gen ts(_sum(supply,contextptr)),td(_sum(demand,contextptr));
2562     if (ts!=td) {
2563         *logptr(contextptr) << "Warning: transportation problem is not balanced\n";
2564         if (is_greater(ts,td,contextptr)) {
2565             demand.push_back(ts-td);
2566             P=mtran(P);
2567             P.push_back(vecteur(m,0));
2568             P=mtran(P);
2569         }
2570         else {
2571             supply.push_back(td-ts);
2572             P.push_back(vecteur(n,0));
2573         }
2574     }
2575     matrice X;
2576     tprob tp(supply,demand,M,contextptr);
2577     tp.solve(P,X);
2578     if (is_strictly_greater(ts,td,contextptr)) {
2579         X=mtran(X);
2580         X.pop_back();
2581         X=mtran(X);
2582     }
2583     else if (is_strictly_greater(td,ts,contextptr))
2584         X.pop_back();
2585     gen cost(0);
2586     for (int i=0;i<m;++i) {
2587         for (int j=0;j<n;++j) {
2588             cost+=P[i][j]*X[i][j];
2589         }
2590     }
2591     return makesequence(cost,X);
2592 }
2593 static const char _tpsolve_s []="tpsolve";
2594 static define_unary_function_eval (__tpsolve,&_tpsolve,_tpsolve_s);
2595 define_unary_function_ptr5(at_tpsolve,alias_at_tpsolve,&__tpsolve,0,true)
compute_invdiff(int n,int k,vecteur & xv,vecteur & yv,map<tprob::ipair,gen> & invdiff,GIAC_CONTEXT)2597 gen compute_invdiff(int n,int k,vecteur &xv,vecteur &yv,map<tprob::ipair,gen> &invdiff,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
2598     tprob::ipair I=make_pair(n,k);
2599     assert(n<=k);
2600     gen res(invdiff[I]);
2601     if (!is_zero(res))
2602         return res;
2603     if (n==0)
2604         return invdiff[I]=yv[k];
2605     if (n==1)
2606         return invdiff[I]=(xv[k]-xv[0])/(yv[k]-yv[0]);
2607     gen d1(compute_invdiff(n-1,n-1,xv,yv,invdiff,contextptr));
2608     gen d2(compute_invdiff(n-1,k,xv,yv,invdiff,contextptr));
2609     return invdiff[I]=(xv[k]-xv[n-1])/(d2-d1);
2610 }
thiele(int k,vecteur & xv,vecteur & yv,identificateur & var,map<tprob::ipair,gen> & invdiff,GIAC_CONTEXT)2612 gen thiele(int k,vecteur &xv,vecteur &yv,identificateur &var,map<tprob::ipair,gen> &invdiff,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
2613     if (k==int(xv.size()))
2614         return gen(0);
2615     gen phi(compute_invdiff(k,k,xv,yv,invdiff,contextptr));
2616     return (var-xv[k-1])/(phi+thiele(k+1,xv,yv,var,invdiff,contextptr));
2617 }
2619 /*
2620  * 'thiele' computes rational interpolation for the given list of points using
2621  * Thiele's method with continued fractions.
2622  *
2623  * Source: http://www.astro.ufl.edu/~kallrath/files/pade.pdf (see page 19)
2624  *
2625  * Usage
2626  * ^^^^^
2627  *      thiele(data,v)
2628  * or   thiele(data_x,data_y,v)
2629  *
2630  * Parameters
2631  * ^^^^^^^^^^
2632  *      - data      : list of points [[x1,y1],[x2,y2],...,[xn,yn]]
2633  *      - v         : identifier or a symbolic expression
2634  *      - data_x    : list of x coordinates [x1,x2,...,xn]
2635  *      - data_y    : list of y coordinates [y1,y2,...,yn]
2636  *
2637  * The return value is an expression R(v), where R is rational interpolant of
2638  * the given set of points.
2639  *
2640  * Note that the interpolant may have singularities in
2641  * [min(data_x),max(data_x)].
2642  *
2643  * Example
2644  * ^^^^^^^
2645  * Function f(x)=(1-x^4)*exp(1-x^3) is sampled on interval [-1,2] in 13
2646  * equidistant points:
2647  *
2648  * data_x:=[-1,-0.75,-0.5,-0.25,0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1,1.25,1.5,1.75,2],
2649  * data_y:=[0.0,2.83341735599,2.88770329586,2.75030303645,2.71828182846,
2650  *          2.66568510781,2.24894558809,1.21863761951,0.0,-0.555711613283,
2651  *         -0.377871362418,-0.107135851128,-0.0136782294833]
2652  *
2653  * To obtain rational function passing through these points, input:
2654  *      thiele(data_x,data_y,x)
2655  * Output:
2656  *      (-1.55286115659*x^6+5.87298387514*x^5-5.4439152812*x^4+1.68655817708*x^3
2657  *       -2.40784868317*x^2-7.55954205222*x+9.40462512097)/(x^6-1.24295718965*x^5
2658  *       -1.33526268624*x^4+4.03629272425*x^3-0.885419321*x^2-2.77913222418*x+3.45976823393)
2659  */
_thiele(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)2660 gen _thiele(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
2661     if (g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return g;
2662     if (g.type!=_VECT || g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT)
2663         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
2664     vecteur &gv=*g._VECTptr;
2665     if (gv.size()<2)
2666         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
2667     vecteur xv,yv;
2668     gen x;
2669     if (gv[0].type!=_VECT)
2670         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
2671     if (ckmatrix(gv[0])) {
2672         matrice m(mtran(*gv[0]._VECTptr));
2673         if (m.size()!=2)
2674             return gensizeerr(contextptr);
2675         xv=*m[0]._VECTptr;
2676         yv=*m[1]._VECTptr;
2677         x=gv[1];
2678     }
2679     else {
2680         if (gv[1].type!=_VECT)
2681             return gentypeerr(contextptr);
2682         if (gv[0]._VECTptr->size()!=gv[1]._VECTptr->size())
2683             return gensizeerr(contextptr);
2684         xv=*gv[0]._VECTptr;
2685         yv=*gv[1]._VECTptr;
2686         x=gv[2];
2687     }
2688     gen var(x.type==_IDNT?x:identificateur(" x"));
2689     map<tprob::ipair,gen> invdiff;
2690     gen rat(yv[0]+thiele(1,xv,yv,*var._IDNTptr,invdiff,contextptr));
2691     if (x.type==_IDNT) {
2692         // detect singularities
2693         gen den(_denom(rat,contextptr));
2694         matrice sing;
2695         if (*_lname(den,contextptr)._VECTptr==vecteur(1,x)) {
2696             for (int i=0;i<int(xv.size())-1;++i) {
2697                 gen y1(_evalf(subst(den,x,xv[i],false,contextptr),contextptr));
2698                 gen y2(_evalf(subst(den,x,xv[i+1],false,contextptr),contextptr));
2699                 if (is_positive(-y1*y2,contextptr))
2700                     sing.push_back(makevecteur(xv[i],xv[i+1]));
2701             }
2702         }
2703         if (!sing.empty()) {
2704             *logptr(contextptr) << "Warning, interpolant has singularities in ";
2705             for (int i=0;i<int(sing.size());++i) {
2706                 *logptr(contextptr) << "(" << sing[i][0] << "," << sing[i][1] << ")";
2707                 if (i<int(sing.size())-1)
2708                     *logptr(contextptr) << (i<int(sing.size())-2?", ":" and ");
2709             }
2710             *logptr(contextptr) << "\n";
2711         }
2712     }
2713     else
2714         rat=simp(subst(rat,var,x,false,contextptr),contextptr);
2715     return simp(rat,contextptr);
2716 }
2717 static const char _thiele_s []="thiele";
2718 static define_unary_function_eval (__thiele,&_thiele,_thiele_s);
2719 define_unary_function_ptr5(at_thiele,alias_at_thiele,&__thiele,0,true)
add_identifiers(const gen & source,vecteur & dest,GIAC_CONTEXT)2721 void add_identifiers(const gen &source,vecteur &dest,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
2722     vecteur v(*_lname(source,contextptr)._VECTptr);
2723     for (const_iterateur it=v.begin();it!=v.end();++it) {
2724         if (!contains(dest,*it))
2725             dest.push_back(*it);
2726     }
2727     dest=*_sort(dest,contextptr)._VECTptr;
2728 }
indexof(const gen & g,const vecteur & v)2730 int indexof(const gen &g,const vecteur &v) {
2731     int n=v.size();
2732     for (int i=0;i<n;++i) {
2733         if (v.at(i)==g)
2734             return i;
2735     }
2736     return -1;
2737 }
2739 /*
2740  * 'nlpsolve' computes an optimum of a nonlinear objective function, subject to
2741  * nonlinear equality and inequality constraints, using the COBYLA algorithm.
2742  *
2743  * Syntax
2744  * ^^^^^^
2745  *      nlpsolve(objective, [constr], [bd], [opts])
2746  *
2747  * - objective: objective function
2748  * - constr: list of constraints
2749  * - bd: sequence of arguments of type x=a..b, where x is a problem variable
2750  *       and a,b are reals
2751  * - opts: one of:
2752  *       assume=nlp_nonnegative
2753  *       maximize[=true]
2754  *       nlp_initialpoint=[x1=a,x2=b,...]
2755  *       nlp_precision=real
2756  *       nlp_iterationlimit=intg
2757  *
2758  * If initial point is not given, it will be automatically generated. The given
2759  * point does not need to be feasible. Note that choosing a good initial point
2760  * is needed for obtaining a correct solution in some cases.
2761  *
2762  * Examples
2763  * ^^^^^^^^
2764  * (problems taken from:
2765  *      www.ai7.uni-bayreuth.de/test_problem_coll.pdf
2766  *      https://www.maplesoft.com/support/help/maple/view.aspx?path=Optimization%2FNLPSolve)
2767  *
2768  * nlpsolve(
2769  *  (x1-10)^3+(x2-20)^3,
2770  *  [(x1-5)^2+(x2-5)^2>=100,(x2-5)^2+(x1-6)^2<=82.81],
2771  *  nlp_initialpoint=[x1=20.1,x2=5.84]) // problem 19, using initial point
2772  * nlpsolve(sin(x1+x2)+(x1-x2)^2-1.5x1+2.5x2+1,x1=-1.5..4,x2=-3..3) // problem 5
2773  * nlpsolve(ln(1+x1^2)-x2,[(1+x1^2)^2+x2^2=4]) // problem 7
2774  * nlpsolve(
2775  *  x1,[x2>=exp(x1),x3>=exp(x2)],maximize=true,
2776  *  x1=0..100,x2=0..100,x3=0..10,nlp_initialpoint=[x1=1,x2=1.05,x3=2.9]) // problem 34 (modified)
2777  * nlpsolve(-x1*x2*x3,[72-x1-2x2-2x3>=0],x1=0..20,x2=0..11,x3=0..42) // problem 36
2778  * nlpsolve(2-1/120*x1*x2*x3*x4*x5,[x1<=1,x2<=2,x3<=3,x4<=4,x5<=5],assume=nlp_nonnegative) // problem 45
2779  * nlpsolve(sin(x)/x,x=1..30) // Maple computes wrong result for this example, at least on their web page
2780  * nlpsolve(x^3+2x*y-2y^2,x=-10..10,y=-10..10,nlp_initialpoint=[x=3,y=4],maximize) // Maple example
2781  * nlpsolve(w^3*(v-w)^2+(w-x-1)^2+(x-y-2)^2+(y-z-3)^2,[w+x+y+z<=5,3z+2v=3],assume=nlp_nonnegative) // Maple example
2782  * nlpsolve(sin(x)*Psi(x),x=1..20,nlp_initialpoint=[x=16]) // Maple example, needs an initial point
2783  */
_nlpsolve(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)2784 gen _nlpsolve(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
2785     if (g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return g;
2786     if (g.type!=_VECT || g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT || g._VECTptr->size() < 2)
2787         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
2788     vecteur &gv=*g._VECTptr;
2789     vecteur constr,vars,initp;
2790     gen &obj=gv.front();
2791     add_identifiers(obj,vars,contextptr);
2792     const_iterateur it=gv.begin();
2793     bool maximize=false;
2794     int maxiter=RAND_MAX;
2795     double eps=epsilon(contextptr);
2796     if (gv.at(1).type==_VECT) {
2797         constr=*gv.at(1)._VECTptr;
2798         add_identifiers(constr,vars,contextptr);
2799         ++it;
2800     }
2801     initp=vecteur(vars.size(),gen(1));
2802     while (++it!=gv.end()) {
2803         if (*it==at_maximize || (it->is_integer() && it->val==_NLP_MAXIMIZE))
2804             maximize=true;
2805         else if (it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal)) {
2806             gen &lh=it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front();
2807             gen &rh=it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back();
2808             if (lh==at_assume && rh.is_integer() && rh.val==_NLP_NONNEGATIVE) {
2809                 for (const_iterateur jt=vars.begin();jt!=vars.end();++jt) {
2810                     constr.push_back(symbolic(at_inferieur_egal,makevecteur(gen(0),*jt)));
2811                 }
2812             } else if (lh==at_maximize && rh.is_integer())
2813                 maximize=(bool)rh.val;
2814             else if (lh.is_integer() && lh.val==_NLP_INITIALPOINT && rh.type==_VECT) {
2815                 vecteur &pnt=*rh._VECTptr;
2816                 for (const_iterateur jt=pnt.begin();jt!=pnt.end();++jt) {
2817                     gen var;
2818                     if (jt->is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal) &&
2819                             contains(vars,var=jt->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front()))
2820                         initp.at(indexof(var,vars))=jt->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back();
2821                 }
2822             } else if (lh.is_integer() && lh.val==_NLP_ITERATIONLIMIT && rh.is_integer())
2823                 maxiter=rh.val;
2824             else if (lh.is_integer() && lh.val==_NLP_MAXIMIZE && rh.is_integer())
2825                 maximize=(bool)rh.val;
2826             else if(lh.is_integer() && lh.val==_NLP_PRECISION && rh.type==_DOUBLE_)
2827                 eps=rh.DOUBLE_val();
2828             else if (contains(vars,lh) && rh.is_symb_of_sommet(at_interval)) {
2829                 gen &lb=rh._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front();
2830                 gen &ub=rh._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back();
2831                 if (!is_inf(lh))
2832                     constr.push_back(symbolic(at_superieur_egal,makevecteur(lh,lb)));
2833                 if (!is_inf(rh))
2834                     constr.push_back(symbolic(at_inferieur_egal,makevecteur(lh,ub)));
2835             }
2836         }
2837     }
2838     if (constr.empty()) {
2839         *logptr(contextptr) << "Error: no contraints detected\n";
2840         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
2841     }
2842     bool feasible=true;
2843     for (it=constr.begin();it!=constr.end();++it) {
2844         if (it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal)) {
2845             gen expr=_equal2diff(*it,contextptr);
2846             if (!is_zero(_subs(makesequence(expr,vars,initp),contextptr))) {
2847                 feasible=false;
2848                 break;
2849             }
2850         } else if (it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_inferieur_egal) || it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_superieur_egal)) {
2851             if (_evalb(_subs(makesequence(*it,vars,initp),contextptr),contextptr).val==0) {
2852                 feasible=false;
2853                 break;
2854             }
2855         } else {
2856             *logptr(contextptr) << "Error: unrecognized constraint " << *it << "\n";
2857             return gentypeerr(contextptr);
2858         }
2859     }
2860     gen sol,optval;
2861     try {
2862         if (!feasible) {
2863             gen tmpinitp=_fMin(makesequence(gen(0),constr,vars,initp),contextptr);
2864             if (tmpinitp.type==_VECT)
2865                 initp=*tmpinitp._VECTptr;
2866             else initp.clear();
2867             if (is_undef(initp) || initp.empty()) {
2868                 *logptr(contextptr) << "Error: unable to generate a feasible initial point\n";
2869                 return undef;
2870             }
2871             //*logptr(contextptr) << "Using a generated feasible initial point " << initp << "\n";
2872         }
2873         gen args=makesequence(obj,constr,vars,initp,gen(eps),gen(maxiter));
2874         if (maximize)
2875             sol=_fMax(args,contextptr);
2876         else
2877             sol=_fMin(args,contextptr);
2878     } catch (std::runtime_error &err) {
2879         *logptr(contextptr) << "Error: " << err.what() << "\n";
2880         return undef;
2881     }
2882     if (is_undef(sol))
2883         return undef;
2884     optval=_subs(makesequence(obj,vars,sol),contextptr);
2885     return gen(makevecteur(optval,_zip(makesequence(at_equal,vars,sol),contextptr)),_LIST__VECT);
2886 }
2887 static const char _nlpsolve_s []="nlpsolve";
2888 static define_unary_function_eval (__nlpsolve,&_nlpsolve,_nlpsolve_s);
2889 define_unary_function_ptr5(at_nlpsolve,alias_at_nlpsolve,&__nlpsolve,0,true)
2891 /*
2892  * Returns the trigonometric polynomial in variable x passing through points
2893  * with ordinate componets in 'data' and the abscissa components equally spaced between
2894  * a and b (the first being equal a and the last being equal to b).
2895  */
triginterp(const vecteur & data,const gen & a,const gen & b,const identificateur & x,GIAC_CONTEXT)2896 gen triginterp(const vecteur &data,const gen &a,const gen &b,const identificateur &x,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
2897     int n=data.size();
2898     if (n<2)
2899         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
2900     int N=(n%2)==0?n/2:(n-1)/2;
2901     gen T=(b-a)*fraction(n,n-1),twopi=2*_IDNT_pi(),X;
2902     matrice cos_coeff=*_matrix(makesequence(N,n,0),contextptr)._VECTptr;
2903     matrice sin_coeff=*_matrix(makesequence(N,n,0),contextptr)._VECTptr;
2904     for (int k=0;k<n;++k) {
2905         X=twopi*(a/T+fraction(k,n));
2906         for (int j=1;j<=N;++j) {
2907             cos_coeff[j-1]._VECTptr->at(k)=cos(j*X,contextptr);
2908             sin_coeff[j-1]._VECTptr->at(k)=sin(j*X,contextptr);
2909         }
2910     }
2911     gen tp=_mean(data,contextptr);
2912     for (int j=0;j<N;++j) {
2913         gen c=fraction(((n%2)==0 && j==N-1)?1:2,n);
2914         gen ak=_evalc(trig2exp(scalarproduct(data,*cos_coeff[j]._VECTptr,contextptr),contextptr),contextptr);
2915         gen bk=_evalc(trig2exp(scalarproduct(data,*sin_coeff[j]._VECTptr,contextptr),contextptr),contextptr);
2916         tp+=simp(c*ak,contextptr)*cos(simp((j+1)*twopi/T,contextptr)*x,contextptr);
2917         tp+=simp(c*bk,contextptr)*sin(simp((j+1)*twopi/T,contextptr)*x,contextptr);
2918     }
2919     return tp;
2920 }
_triginterp(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)2922 gen _triginterp(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
2923     if (g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return g;
2924     if (g.type!=_VECT || g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT)
2925         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
2926     vecteur &args=*g._VECTptr;
2927     if (args.size()<2)
2928         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
2929     if (args.front().type!=_VECT)
2930         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
2931     vecteur &data=*args.front()._VECTptr;
2932     gen x,ab,a,b,&vararg=args.at(1);
2933     if (vararg.is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal) &&
2934                (x=_lhs(vararg,contextptr)).type==_IDNT &&
2935                (ab=_rhs(vararg,contextptr)).is_symb_of_sommet(at_interval)) {
2936         a=_lhs(ab,contextptr);
2937         b=_rhs(ab,contextptr);
2938     } else if (args.size()==4 && (x=args.back()).type==_IDNT) {
2939         a=args.at(1);
2940         b=args.at(2);
2941     } else return gensizeerr(contextptr);
2942     gen tp=triginterp(data,a,b,*x._IDNTptr,contextptr);
2943     if (is_approx(data) || is_approx(a) || is_approx(b))
2944         tp=_evalf(tp,contextptr);
2945     return tp;
2946 }
2947 static const char _triginterp_s []="triginterp";
2948 static define_unary_function_eval (__triginterp,&_triginterp,_triginterp_s);
2949 define_unary_function_ptr5(at_triginterp,alias_at_triginterp,&__triginterp,0,true)
2951 /* select a good bandwidth for kernel density estimation using a direct plug-in method (DPI),
2952  * Gaussian kernel is assumed */
select_bandwidth_dpi(const vector<double> & data,double sd)2953 double select_bandwidth_dpi(const vector<double> &data,double sd) {
2954     int n=data.size();
2955     double g6=1.23044723*sd,s=0,t,t2;
2956     for (vector<double>::const_iterator it=data.begin();it!=data.end();++it) {
2957         for (vector<double>::const_iterator jt=it+1;jt!=data.end();++jt) {
2958             t=(*it-*jt)/g6;
2959             t2=t*t;
2960             s+=(2*t2*(t2*(t2-15)+45)-30)*std::exp(-t2/2);
2961         }
2962     }
2963     s-=15*n;
2964     double g4=g6*std::pow(-(6.0*n)/s,1/7.0);
2965     s=0;
2966     for (vector<double>::const_iterator it=data.begin();it!=data.end();++it) {
2967         for (vector<double>::const_iterator jt=it+1;jt!=data.end();++jt) {
2968             t=(*it-*jt)/g4;
2969             t2=t*t;
2970             s+=(2*t2*(t2-6)+6)*std::exp(-t2/2);
2971         }
2972     }
2973     s+=3*n;
2974     return std::pow(double(n)/(M_SQRT2*s),0.2)*g4;
2975 }
fft_sum(const vecteur & c,const vecteur & k,int M,GIAC_CONTEXT)2977 gen fft_sum(const vecteur &c,const vecteur &k,int M,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
2978     return _scalar_product(makesequence(c,_mid(makesequence(_convolution(makesequence(c,k),contextptr),M,M),contextptr)),contextptr);
2979 }
2981 /* faster bandwidth DPI selector using binned data and FFT */
select_bandwidth_dpi_bins(int n,const vecteur & c,double d,double sd,GIAC_CONTEXT)2982 double select_bandwidth_dpi_bins(int n,const vecteur &c,double d,double sd,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
2983     int M=c.size();
2984     vecteur k(2*M+1);
2985     double g6=1.23044723*sd,s=0,t,t2;
2986     for (int i=0;i<=2*M;++i) {
2987         t=d*double(i-M)/g6;
2988         t2=t*t;
2989         k[i]=gen((2*t2*(t2*(t2-15)+45)-30)*std::exp(-t2/2));
2990     }
2991     s=_evalf(fft_sum(c,k,M,contextptr),contextptr).DOUBLE_val();
2992     double g4=g6*std::pow(-(6.0*n)/s,1/7.0);
2993     for (int i=0;i<=2*M;++i) {
2994         t=d*double(i-M)/g4;
2995         t2=t*t;
2996         k[i]=gen((2*t2*(t2-6)+6)*std::exp(-t2/2));
2997     }
2998     s=_evalf(fft_sum(c,k,M,contextptr),contextptr).DOUBLE_val();
2999     return std::pow(double(n)/(M_SQRT2*s),0.2)*g4;
3000 }
3002 /* kernel density estimation with Gaussian kernel */
kernel_density(const vector<double> & data,double bw,double sd,int bins,double a,double b,int interp,const gen & x,GIAC_CONTEXT)3003 gen kernel_density(const vector<double> &data,double bw,double sd,int bins,double a,double b,int interp,const gen &x,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3004     int n=data.size();
3005     double SQRT_2PI=std::sqrt(2.0*M_PI);
3006     if (bins<=0) { // return density as a sum of exponential functions, usable for up to few hundred samples
3007         if (bw<=0)
3008             bw=select_bandwidth_dpi(data,sd);
3009         double fac=bw*n*SQRT_2PI;
3010         gen res(0),h(2.0*bw*bw);
3011         for (vector<double>::const_iterator it=data.begin();it!=data.end();++it) {
3012             res+=exp(-pow(x-gen(*it),2)/h,contextptr);
3013         }
3014         return res/gen(fac);
3015     }
3016     /* FFT method, constructs an approximation on [a,b] with the specified number of bins.
3017      * If interp>0, interpolation of order interp is performed and the density is returned piecewise. */
3018     assert(b>a && bins>0);
3019     double d=(b-a)/(bins-1);
3020     vecteur c(bins,0);
3021     int index;
3022     for (vector<double>::const_iterator it=data.begin();it!=data.end();++it) {
3023         index=(int)((*it-a)/d+0.5);
3024         if (index>=0 && index<bins) c[index]+=1;
3025     }
3026     if (bw<=0) { // select bandwidth
3027         if (n<=1000)
3028             bw=select_bandwidth_dpi(data,sd);
3029         else bw=select_bandwidth_dpi_bins(n,c,d,sd,contextptr);
3030         *logptr(contextptr) << "selected bandwidth: " << bw << "\n";
3031     }
3032     int L=std::min(bins-1,(int)std::floor(1+4*bw/d));
3033     vecteur k(2*L+1);
3034     for (int i=0;i<=2*L;++i) {
3035         k[i]=gen(1.0/(n*bw*SQRT_2PI)*std::exp(-std::pow(d*double(i-L)/bw,2)/2.0));
3036     }
3037     gen res=_mid(makesequence(_convolution(makesequence(c,k),contextptr),L,bins),contextptr);
3038     if (interp>0) { // interpolate the obtained points
3039         int pos0=0;
3040         if (x.type!=_IDNT) {
3041             double xd=_evalf(x,contextptr).DOUBLE_val();
3042             if (xd<a || xd>=b || (pos0=std::floor((xd-a)/d))>bins-2)
3043                 return 0;
3044             if (interp==1) {
3045                 gen &y1=res._VECTptr->at(pos0),&y2=res._VECTptr->at(pos0+1),x1=a+pos0*d;
3046                 return y1+(x-x1)*(y2-y1)/gen(d);
3047             }
3048         }
3049         vecteur pos(bins);
3050         for (int i=0;i<bins;++i) pos[i]=a+d*i;
3051         identificateur X=x.type==_IDNT?*x._IDNTptr:identificateur(" X");
3052         vecteur p=*_spline(makesequence(pos,res,X,interp),contextptr)._VECTptr;
3053         vecteur args(0);
3054         if (x.type==_IDNT)
3055             args.reserve(2*bins+1);
3056         for (int i=0;i<bins;++i) {
3057             if (x.type==_IDNT) {
3058                 args.push_back(i+1<bins?symb_inferieur_strict(X,pos[i]):symb_inferieur_egal(X,pos[i]));
3059                 args.push_back(i==0?gen(0):p[i-1]);
3060             } else if (i==pos0) res=simp(subst(p[i],X,x,false,contextptr),contextptr);
3061             if (i+1<bins && interp>1 && !_solve(makesequence(p[i],symb_equal(X,symb_interval(pos[i],pos[i+1]))),contextptr)._VECTptr->empty())
3062                 *logptr(contextptr) << "Warning: interpolated density has negative values in ["
3063                                     << pos[i] << "," << pos[i+1] << "]\n";
3064         }
3065         if (x.type!=_IDNT) return res;
3066         args.push_back(0);
3067         res=symbolic(at_piecewise,change_subtype(args,_SEQ__VECT));
3068         return res;
3069     }
3070     return res;
3071 }
parse_interval(const gen & feu,double & a,double & b,GIAC_CONTEXT)3073 bool parse_interval(const gen &feu,double &a,double &b,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3074     vecteur &v=*feu._VECTptr;
3075     gen l=v.front(),r=v.back();
3076     if ((l=_evalf(l,contextptr)).type!=_DOUBLE_ || (r=_evalf(r,contextptr)).type!=_DOUBLE_ ||
3077             !is_strictly_greater(r,l,contextptr))
3078         return false;
3079     a=l.DOUBLE_val(); b=r.DOUBLE_val();
3080     return true;
3081 }
_kernel_density(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)3083 gen _kernel_density(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3084     if (g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return g;
3085     if (g.type!=_VECT)
3086         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
3087     gen x=identificateur("x");
3088     double a=0,b=0,bw=0,sd,d,sx=0,sxsq=0;
3089     int bins=100,interp=1,method=_KDE_METHOD_LIST,bw_method=_KDE_BW_METHOD_DPI;
3090     if (g.subtype==_SEQ__VECT) {
3091         // parse options
3092         for (const_iterateur it=g._VECTptr->begin()+1;it!=g._VECTptr->end();++it) {
3093             if (it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal)) {
3094                 gen &opt=it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front();
3095                 gen &v=it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back();
3096                 if (opt==_KDE_BANDWIDTH) {
3097                     if (v==at_select)
3098                         bw_method=_KDE_BW_METHOD_DPI;
3099                     else if (v==at_gauss || v==at_normal || v==at_normald)
3100                         bw_method=_KDE_BW_METHOD_ROT;
3101                     else {
3102                         gen ev=_evalf(v,contextptr);
3103                         if (ev.type!=_DOUBLE_ || !is_strictly_positive(ev,contextptr))
3104                             return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3105                         bw=ev.DOUBLE_val();
3106                     }
3107                 } else if (opt==_KDE_BINS) {
3108                     if (!v.is_integer() || !is_strictly_positive(v,contextptr))
3109                         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3110                     bins=v.val;
3111                 } else if (opt==at_range) {
3112                     if (v.type==_VECT) {
3113                         if (v._VECTptr->size()!=2 || !parse_interval(v,a,b,contextptr))
3114                             return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3115                     } else if (!v.is_symb_of_sommet(at_interval) ||
3116                                !parse_interval(v._SYMBptr->feuille,a,b,contextptr))
3117                         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3118                 } else if (opt==at_output || opt==at_Output) {
3119                     if (v==at_exact)
3120                         method=_KDE_METHOD_EXACT;
3121                     else if (v==at_piecewise)
3122                         method=_KDE_METHOD_PIECEWISE;
3123                     else if (v==_MAPLE_LIST)
3124                         method=_KDE_METHOD_LIST;
3125                     else return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3126                 } else if (opt==at_interp) {
3127                     if (!v.is_integer() || (interp=v.val)<1)
3128                         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3129                 } else if (opt==at_spline) {
3130                     if (!v.is_integer() || (interp=v.val)<1)
3131                         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3132                     method=_KDE_METHOD_PIECEWISE;
3133                 } else if (opt.type==_IDNT) {
3134                     x=opt;
3135                     if (!v.is_symb_of_sommet(at_interval) || !parse_interval(v._SYMBptr->feuille,a,b,contextptr))
3136                         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3137                 } else if (opt==at_eval) x=v;
3138                 else return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3139             } else if (it->type==_IDNT) x=*it;
3140             else if (it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_interval)) {
3141                 if (!parse_interval(it->_SYMBptr->feuille,a,b,contextptr))
3142                     return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3143             } else if (*it==at_exact)
3144                 method=_KDE_METHOD_EXACT;
3145             else if (*it==at_piecewise)
3146                 method=_KDE_METHOD_PIECEWISE;
3147             else return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3148         }
3149     }
3150     if (x.type!=_IDNT && (_evalf(x,contextptr).type!=_DOUBLE_ || method==_KDE_METHOD_LIST))
3151         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3152     vecteur &data=g.subtype==_SEQ__VECT?*g._VECTptr->front()._VECTptr:*g._VECTptr;
3153     int n=data.size();
3154     if (n<2)
3155         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3156     vector<double> ddata(n);
3157     gen e;
3158     for (const_iterateur it=data.begin();it!=data.end();++it) {
3159         if ((e=_evalf(*it,contextptr)).type!=_DOUBLE_)
3160             return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3161         d=ddata[it-data.begin()]=e.DOUBLE_val();
3162         sx+=d;
3163         sxsq+=d*d;
3164     }
3165     sd=std::sqrt(1/double(n-1)*(sxsq-1/double(n)*sx*sx));
3166     if (bw_method==_KDE_BW_METHOD_ROT) { // Silverman's rule of thumb
3167         double iqr=_evalf(_quartile3(data,contextptr)-_quartile1(data,contextptr),contextptr).DOUBLE_val();
3168         bw=1.06*std::min(sd,iqr/1.34)*std::pow(double(data.size()),-0.2);
3169         *logptr(contextptr) << "selected bandwidth: " << bw << "\n";
3170     }
3171     if (bins>0 && a==0 && b==0) {
3172         a=_evalf(_min(data,contextptr),contextptr).DOUBLE_val()-3*bw;
3173         b=_evalf(_max(data,contextptr),contextptr).DOUBLE_val()+3*bw;
3174     }
3175     if (method==_KDE_METHOD_EXACT)
3176         bins=0;
3177     else if (method==_KDE_METHOD_LIST) {
3178         if (bins<1)
3179             return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3180         interp=0;
3181     } else if (method==_KDE_METHOD_PIECEWISE) {
3182         if (bins<1 || interp<1)
3183             return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3184     }
3185     return kernel_density(ddata,bw,sd,bins,a,b,interp,x,contextptr);
3186 }
3187 static const char _kernel_density_s []="kernel_density";
3188 static define_unary_function_eval (__kernel_density,&_kernel_density,_kernel_density_s);
3189 define_unary_function_ptr5(at_kernel_density,alias_at_kernel_density,&__kernel_density,0,true)
3191 static const char _kde_s []="kde";
3192 static define_unary_function_eval (__kde,&_kernel_density,_kde_s);
3193 define_unary_function_ptr5(at_kde,alias_at_kde,&__kde,0,true)
3195 /* maximum likelihood estimation for Weibull distribution */
weibull_mle(const vecteur & S,const gen & k0,const gen & eps,GIAC_CONTEXT)3196 gen weibull_mle(const vecteur &S,const gen &k0,const gen &eps,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3197     gen s0(0),s1(0),s2(0),L(0),t,l,n(S.size());
3198     for (const_iterateur it=S.begin();it!=S.end();++it) {
3199         L+=(l=ln(*it,contextptr));
3200         t=exp(k0*l,contextptr);
3201         s0+=t; s1+=t*l; s2+=t*sq(l);
3202     }
3203     L=L/n;
3204     gen ik0=_inv(k0,contextptr),k=k0-(s1-s0*(ik0+L))/(s2+s0*sq(ik0)-s1*(ik0+L));
3205     if (!is_strictly_positive(k,contextptr))
3206         return undef;
3207     if (is_greater(_abs(k-k0,contextptr),eps,contextptr))
3208         return weibull_mle(S,k,eps,contextptr);
3209     gen lambda=exp(_inv(k,contextptr)*ln(s0/n,contextptr),contextptr);
3210     return symbolic(at_weibulld,makesequence(k,lambda));
3211 }
3213 /* maximum likelihood estimation for Cauchy distribution */
cauchy_mle(const vecteur & S,const gen & x0_init,const gen & gama_init,const gen & eps,GIAC_CONTEXT)3214 gen cauchy_mle(const vecteur &S,const gen &x0_init,const gen &gama_init,const gen &eps,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3215     matrice m=*_matrix(makesequence(2,2,0),contextptr)._VECTptr;
3216     gen n(S.size()),d,dsq,den,densq,gsq=sq(gama_init),F(0),G(-n/2);
3217     gen &Fx0=m.front()._VECTptr->front(),&Fgama=m.front()._VECTptr->back(),
3218             &Gx0=m.back()._VECTptr->front(),&Ggama=m.back()._VECTptr->back();
3219     for (const_iterateur it=S.begin();it!=S.end();++it) {
3220         d=*it-x0_init; dsq=sq(d); den=gsq+dsq; densq=sq(den);
3221         F+=d/den; G+=gsq/den;
3222         Fx0+=(dsq-gsq)/densq; Fgama+=d/densq; Ggama+=dsq/densq;
3223     }
3224     Gx0=2*gsq*Fgama;
3225     Fgama=-2*gama_init*Fgama;
3226     Ggama=2*gama_init*Ggama;
3227     gen tmpdelta=_linsolve(makesequence(m,makevecteur(-F,-G)),contextptr);
3228     if (tmpdelta.type==_VECT) {
3229         vecteur &delta=*tmpdelta._VECTptr;
3230         if (delta.empty())
3231             return undef;
3232         gen x0=x0_init+delta.front(),gama=gama_init+delta.back();
3233         if (is_greater(_l2norm(delta,contextptr),eps,contextptr))
3234             return cauchy_mle(S,x0,gama,eps,contextptr);
3235         return symbolic(at_cauchyd,makesequence(x0,gama));
3236     }
3237     return undef;
3238 }
3240 /* fit distribution of the given type to the given data using the method of maximum likelihood */
_fitdistr(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)3241 gen _fitdistr(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3242     if (g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return g;
3243     if (g.type!=_VECT || g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT)
3244         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
3245     if (g._VECTptr->size()!=2)
3246         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3247     if (g._VECTptr->front().type!=_VECT)
3248         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3249     vecteur &S=*g._VECTptr->front()._VECTptr;
3250     int n=S.size(); // number of samples
3251     if (n<2)
3252         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3253     gen &dist=g._VECTptr->back(),N(n);
3254     /* compute sample mean and variance */
3255     gen mean(0),var(0),ev;
3256     for (const_iterateur it=S.begin();it!=S.end();++it) {
3257         ev=_evalf(*it,contextptr);
3258         if (ev.type!=_DOUBLE_)
3259             return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3260         mean+=ev;
3261     }
3262     mean=mean/(N-1);
3263     for (const_iterateur it=S.begin();it!=S.end();++it) {
3264         var+=sq(*it-mean);
3265     }
3266     var=var/(N-1);
3267     gen sdev=sqrt(var,contextptr);
3268     /* fit the parameters of the specified distribution by the method of maximum likelihood */
3269     if (dist==at_normal || dist==at_normald || dist==at_NORMALD) {
3270         return symbolic(at_normald,makesequence(mean,sdev));
3271     } else if (dist==at_poisson || dist==at_POISSON) {
3272         for (const_iterateur it=S.begin();it!=S.end();++it) {
3273             if (!it->is_integer() || it->val<0) return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3274         }
3275         return symbolic(at_poisson,mean);
3276     } else if (dist==at_exp || dist==at_EXP || dist==at_exponential || dist==at_exponentiald) {
3277         for (const_iterateur it=S.begin();it!=S.end();++it) {
3278             if (!is_strictly_positive(*it,contextptr)) return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3279         }
3280         return symbolic(at_exponentiald,_inv(mean,contextptr));
3281     } else if (dist==at_geometric) {
3282         for (const_iterateur it=S.begin();it!=S.end();++it) {
3283             if (!it->is_integer() || it->val<1) return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3284         }
3285         return symbolic(at_geometric,_inv(mean,contextptr));
3286     } else if (dist==at_gammad || dist==at_Gamma) {
3287         gen slog(0);
3288         for (const_iterateur it=S.begin();it!=S.end();++it) {
3289             if (!is_strictly_positive(*it,contextptr)) return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3290             slog+=ln(*it,contextptr);
3291         }
3292         gen a_init=sq(mean)/var,aidn=identificateur(" a");
3293         gen e=ln(aidn,contextptr)-Psi(aidn,contextptr)-ln(mean,contextptr)+slog/N;
3294         gen a=_solve(makesequence(e,symb_equal(aidn,a_init),_NEWTON_SOLVER),contextptr);
3295         return symbolic(at_gammad,makesequence(a,a/mean));
3296     } else if (dist==at_betad || dist==at_Beta) {
3297         gen slog(0),s1log(0),aidn=identificateur(" a"),bidn=identificateur(" b");
3298         for (const_iterateur it=S.begin();it!=S.end();++it) {
3299             if (!is_greater(*it,0,contextptr) || is_strictly_greater(*it,1,contextptr))
3300                 return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3301             slog+=ln(*it,contextptr); s1log+=ln(1-*it,contextptr);
3302         }
3303         gen fac=(var+sq(mean)-mean)/var,a_init=-mean*fac,b_init=(mean-1)*fac;
3304         gen e1=Psi(aidn,contextptr)-Psi(aidn+bidn,contextptr)-slog/N;
3305         gen e2=Psi(bidn,contextptr)-Psi(aidn+bidn,contextptr)-s1log/N;
3306         gen tmpsol=_fsolve(makesequence(makevecteur(e1,e2),makevecteur(aidn,bidn),makevecteur(a_init,b_init),_NEWTONJ_SOLVER),contextptr);
3307         if (tmpsol.type!=_VECT || tmpsol._VECTptr->size()!=2)
3308             return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3309         vecteur &sol=*tmpsol._VECTptr;
3310         return symbolic(at_betad,change_subtype(sol,_SEQ__VECT));
3311     } else if (dist==at_cauchy || dist==at_cauchyd) {
3312         gen x0_init=_median(S,contextptr);
3313         gen gama_init=(_quartile3(S,contextptr)-_quartile1(S,contextptr))/2;
3314         return cauchy_mle(S,x0_init,gama_init,1e-5,contextptr);
3315     } else if (dist==at_weibull || dist==at_weibulld) {
3316         if (is_zero(var)) return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3317         gen kidn=identificateur(" k"),slog(0);
3318         for (const_iterateur it=S.begin();it!=S.end();++it) {
3319             if (!is_positive(*it,contextptr)) return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3320             slog+=ln(*it,contextptr);
3321         }
3322         gen e=_Gamma(1+gen(2)/kidn,contextptr)/_Gamma(1+gen(1)/kidn,contextptr)-var/sq(mean)-1;
3323         gen k_init=_fsolve(makesequence(e,symb_equal(kidn,max(1,_inv(var,contextptr),contextptr)),_NEWTON_SOLVER),contextptr);
3324         return weibull_mle(S,k_init,1e-5,contextptr);
3325     }
3326     return gensizeerr(contextptr); // the distribution is not recognized
3327 }
3328 static const char _fitdistr_s []="fitdistr";
3329 static define_unary_function_eval (__fitdistr,&_fitdistr,_fitdistr_s);
3330 define_unary_function_ptr5(at_fitdistr,alias_at_fitdistr,&__fitdistr,0,true)
3332 /* evaluates the function f(x,y,y') in the specified point and returns the result as a floating point number. */
eval_func(const gen & f,const vecteur & vars,const gen & x,const gen & y,const gen & dy,bool & errflag,GIAC_CONTEXT)3333 double eval_func(const gen &f,const vecteur &vars,const gen &x,const gen &y,const gen &dy,bool &errflag,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3334     gen e=_evalf(subst(f,vars,makevecteur(x,y,dy),false,contextptr),contextptr);
3335     if (e.type!=_DOUBLE_) {
3336         errflag=false;
3337         return 0;
3338     }
3339     return e.DOUBLE_val();
3340 }
3342 /* approximate the solution of the following boundary-value problem:
3343  * y''=f(x,y,y'), a<=x<=b, y(a)=alpha, y(b)=beta.
3344  * The solution is stored in the lists X, w1 and w2 such that
3345  * X=[x0=a,x1,x2,..,xN=b] and w1[k]=y(xk), w2[k]=y'(xk) for k=0,1,...,N.
3346  * Return value: 0 on success, 1 if the maximum number of iterations M is exceeded and 2 on computation failure.
3347  */
shooting(const gen & f,const gen & x_idn,const gen & y_idn,const gen & dy_idn,const gen & TK_orig,const gen & x1,const gen & x2,const gen & y1,const gen & y2,int N,double tol,int M,vecteur & X,vecteur & Y,vecteur & dY,GIAC_CONTEXT)3348 int shooting(const gen &f,const gen &x_idn,const gen &y_idn,const gen &dy_idn,const gen &TK_orig,
3349              const gen &x1,const gen &x2,const gen &y1,const gen &y2,
3350              int N,double tol,int M,vecteur &X,vecteur &Y,vecteur &dY,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3351     gen dfy=derive(f,y_idn,contextptr),dfdy=derive(f,dy_idn,contextptr);
3352     vecteur vars=makevecteur(x_idn,y_idn,dy_idn);
3353     double a=x1.DOUBLE_val(),b=x2.DOUBLE_val(),alpha=y1.DOUBLE_val(),beta=y2.DOUBLE_val();
3354     double h=(b-a)/N,x,k11,k12,k21,k22,k31,k32,k41,k42,dk11,dk12,dk21,dk22,dk31,dk32,dk41,dk42,u1,u2,fv1,fv2,w1i,w2i;
3355     double TK=is_undef(TK_orig)?(beta-alpha)/(b-a):TK_orig.DOUBLE_val();
3356     vector<double> w1(N+1),w2(N+1);
3357     int k=1;
3358     dfy=simp(dfy,contextptr);
3359     dfdy=simp(dfdy,contextptr);
3360     bool ef=true;
3361     while (k<=M) {
3362         w1[0]=alpha;
3363         w2[0]=TK;
3364         u1=0;
3365         u2=1;
3366         for (int i=0;i<N;++i) {
3367             x=a+i*h;
3368             w1i=w1[i];
3369             w2i=w2[i];
3370             k11=h*w2i;
3371             k12=h*eval_func(f,vars,x,w1i,w2i,ef,contextptr);
3372             k21=h*(w2i+k12/2);
3373             k22=h*eval_func(f,vars,x+h/2,w1i+k11/2,w2i+k12/2,ef,contextptr);
3374             k31=h*(w2i+k22/2);
3375             k32=h*eval_func(f,vars,x+h/2,w1i+k21/2,w2i+k22/2,ef,contextptr);
3376             k41=h*(w2i+k32);
3377             k42=h*eval_func(f,vars,x+h,w1i+k31,w2i+k32,ef,contextptr);
3378             w1[i+1]=w1i+(k11+2*k21+2*k31+k41)/6;
3379             w2[i+1]=w2i+(k12+2*k22+2*k32+k42)/6;
3380             dk11=h*u2;
3381             dk12=h*(eval_func(dfy,vars,x,w1i,w2i,ef,contextptr)*u1+
3382                     eval_func(dfdy,vars,x,w1i,w2i,ef,contextptr)*u2);
3383             dk21=h*(u2+dk12/2);
3384             fv1=eval_func(dfy,vars,x+h/2,w1i,w2i,ef,contextptr);
3385             fv2=eval_func(dfdy,vars,x+h/2,w1i,w2i,ef,contextptr);
3386             dk22=h*(fv1*(u1+dk11/2)+fv2*(u2+dk12/2));
3387             dk31=h*(u2+dk22/2);
3388             dk32=h*(fv1*(u1+dk21/2)+fv2*(u2+dk22/2));
3389             dk41=h*(u2+dk32);
3390             dk42=h*(eval_func(dfy,vars,x+h,w1i,w2i,ef,contextptr)*(u1+dk31)+
3391                     eval_func(dfdy,vars,x+h,w1i,w2i,ef,contextptr)*(u2+dk32));
3392             u1+=(dk11+2*dk21+2*dk31+dk41)/6;
3393             u2+=(dk12+2*dk22+2*dk32+dk42)/6;
3394             if (!ef) return 2;
3395         }
3396         if (std::abs(w1[N]-beta)<=tol) {
3397             X.resize(N+1);
3398             Y.resize(N+1);
3399             dY.resize(N+1);
3400             for (int i=0;i<=N;++i) {
3401                 X[i]=a+i*h;
3402                 Y[i]=w1[i];
3403                 dY[i]=w2[i];
3404             }
3405             return 0; // success
3406         }
3407         TK-=(w1[N]-beta)/u1;
3408         ++k;
3409     }
3410     return 1; // max number of iterations is exceeded
3411 }
3413 /* the finite-difference method as an slower but more stable alternative to shooting method */
finitediff(const gen & f,const gen & x_idn,const gen & y_idn,const gen & dy_idn,const gen & x1,const gen & x2,const gen & y1,const gen & y2,int N,double tol,int M,vecteur & X,vecteur & Y,GIAC_CONTEXT)3414 int finitediff(const gen &f,const gen &x_idn,const gen &y_idn,const gen &dy_idn,const gen &x1,const gen &x2,
3415                const gen &y1,const gen &y2,int N,double tol,int M,vecteur &X,vecteur &Y,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3416     gen dfy=derive(f,y_idn,contextptr),dfdy=derive(f,dy_idn,contextptr);
3417     vecteur vars=makevecteur(x_idn,y_idn,dy_idn);
3418     double a=x1.DOUBLE_val(),b=x2.DOUBLE_val(),alpha=y1.DOUBLE_val(),beta=y2.DOUBLE_val();
3419     double h=(b-a)/(N+1),fac=(beta-alpha)/(b-a)*h,x,t;
3420     vector<double> W(N+2,alpha),A(N+1),B(N+1),C(N+1),D(N+1),U(N+1),L(N+1),Z(N+1);
3421     vecteur V(N+1);
3422     W[N+1]=beta;
3423     for (int i=1;i<=N;++i) W[i]+=i*fac;
3424     int k=1;
3425     bool ef=true;
3426     dfy=simp(dfy,contextptr);
3427     dfdy=simp(dfdy,contextptr);
3428     while (k<=M) {
3429         x=a+h;
3430         t=(W[2]-alpha)/(2*h);
3431         A[1]=2+h*h*eval_func(dfy,vars,x,W[1],t,ef,contextptr);
3432         B[1]=h*eval_func(dfdy,vars,x,W[1],t,ef,contextptr)/2-1;
3433         D[1]=W[2]+alpha-2*W[1]-h*h*eval_func(f,vars,x,W[1],t,ef,contextptr);
3434         for (int i=2;i<N;++i) {
3435             x=a+i*h;
3436             t=(W[i+1]-W[i-1])/(2*h);
3437             A[i]=2+h*h*eval_func(dfy,vars,x,W[i],t,ef,contextptr);
3438             B[i]=h*eval_func(dfdy,vars,x,W[i],t,ef,contextptr)/2-1;
3439             C[i]=-h*eval_func(dfdy,vars,x,W[i],t,ef,contextptr)/2-1;
3440             D[i]=W[i+1]+W[i-1]-2*W[i]-h*h*eval_func(f,vars,x,W[i],t,ef,contextptr);
3441         }
3442         x=b-h;
3443         t=(beta-W[N-1])/(2*h);
3444         A[N]=2+h*h*eval_func(dfy,vars,x,W[N],t,ef,contextptr);
3445         C[N]=-h*eval_func(dfdy,vars,x,W[N],t,ef,contextptr)/2-1;
3446         D[N]=W[N-1]+beta-2*W[N]-h*h*eval_func(f,vars,x,W[N],t,ef,contextptr);
3447         if (!ef) return 2;
3448         L[1]=A[1];
3449         U[1]=B[1]/A[1];
3450         Z[1]=D[1]/L[1];
3451         for (int i=2;i<N;++i) {
3452             L[i]=A[i]-C[i]*U[i-1];
3453             U[i]=B[i]/L[i];
3454             Z[i]=(D[i]-C[i]*Z[i-1])/L[i];
3455         }
3456         L[N]=A[N]-C[N]*U[N-1];
3457         Z[N]=(D[N]-C[N]*Z[N-1])/L[N];
3458         V[N]=Z[N];
3459         W[N]+=Z[N];
3460         for (int i=N;i-->1;) {
3461             V[i]=gen(Z[i])-gen(U[i])*V[i+1];
3462             W[i]+=Z[i]-U[i]*V[i+1].DOUBLE_val();
3463         }
3464         if (is_greater(tol,_l2norm(V,contextptr),contextptr)) {
3465             X.resize(N+2);
3466             Y.resize(N+2);
3467             for (int i=0;i<=N+1;++i) {
3468                 X[i]=a+i*h;
3469                 Y[i]=W[i];
3470             }
3471             return 0; // success
3472         }
3473         ++k;
3474     }
3475     return 1; // maximum number of iterations is exceeded
3476 }
_bvpsolve(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)3478 gen _bvpsolve(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3479     if (g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return g;
3480     if (g.type!=_VECT || g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT)
3481         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
3482     vecteur &gv=*g._VECTptr;
3483     gen tk(undef);
3484     int maxiter=RAND_MAX;
3485     if (gv.size()<3 || gv[1].type!=_VECT || gv[2].type!=_VECT ||
3486             gv[1]._VECTptr->size()!=2 || (gv[2]._VECTptr->size()!=2 && gv[2]._VECTptr->size()!=3))
3487         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3488     gen &f=gv.front(),&t=gv[1]._VECTptr->front(),&y=gv[1]._VECTptr->back(),
3489             y1=_evalf(gv[2]._VECTptr->at(0),contextptr),y2=_evalf(gv[2]._VECTptr->at(1),contextptr);
3490     if (gv[2]._VECTptr->size()==3 && (tk=_evalf(gv[2]._VECTptr->at(2),contextptr)).type!=_DOUBLE_)
3491         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3492     if (y.type!=_IDNT || !t.is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal) ||
3493             t._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front().type!=_IDNT ||
3494             !t._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back().is_symb_of_sommet(at_interval))
3495         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3496     gen &x=t._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front();
3497     vecteur &rng=*t._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back()._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr;
3498     gen x1=_evalf(rng.front(),contextptr),x2=_evalf(rng.back(),contextptr);
3499     if (x1.type!=_DOUBLE_ || x2.type!=_DOUBLE_ || y1.type!=_DOUBLE_ || y2.type!=_DOUBLE_ ||
3500             !is_strictly_greater(x2,x1,contextptr))
3501         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3502     int N=100;
3503     /* parse options */
3504     int output_type=_BVP_LIST;
3505     for (const_iterateur it=gv.begin()+3;it!=gv.end();++it) {
3506         if (it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal)) {
3507             gen &lh=it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front();
3508             gen &rh=it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back();
3509             if (lh==at_output || lh==at_Output) {
3510                 if (rh==_MAPLE_LIST)
3511                     output_type=_BVP_LIST;
3512                 else if (rh==at_derive)
3513                     output_type=_BVP_DIFF;
3514                 else if (rh==at_piecewise)
3515                     output_type=_BVP_PIECEWISE;
3516                 else if (rh==at_spline)
3517                     output_type=_BVP_SPLINE;
3518                 else return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3519             } else if (lh==at_limit) {
3520                 if (!rh.is_integer() || (maxiter=rh.val)<1)
3521                     return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3522             } else return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3523         } else if (it->is_integer()) {
3524             if ((N=it->val)<2)
3525                 return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3526         } else return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3527     }
3528     gen dy=identificateur(" dy");
3529     gen F=subst(f,derive(symb_of(y,x),x,contextptr),dy,false,contextptr);
3530     F=subst(F,symb_of(y,x),y,false,contextptr);
3531     vecteur X,Y,dY;
3532     double tol=_evalf(_epsilon(change_subtype(vecteur(0),_SEQ__VECT),contextptr),contextptr).DOUBLE_val();
3533     int ec=shooting(F,x,y,dy,tk,x1,x2,y1,y2,N,tol,maxiter,X,Y,dY,contextptr);
3534     if (ec==1) {
3535         *logptr(contextptr) << "Error: maximum number of iterations exceeded\n";
3536         return undef;
3537     }
3538     if (ec==2) {
3539         *logptr(contextptr) << "Error: the shooting method failed to converge";
3540         if (is_undef(tk))
3541             *logptr(contextptr) << ", try to set an initial guess for y'(a)";
3542         *logptr(contextptr) << "\n";
3543         if (N>=3 && (output_type==_BVP_LIST || output_type==_BVP_PIECEWISE)) {
3544             *logptr(contextptr) << "Trying the finite-difference method instead\n";
3545             ec=finitediff(F,x,y,dy,x1,x2,y1,y2,N-1,tol,maxiter,X,Y,contextptr);
3546             if (ec==2) {
3547                 *logptr(contextptr) << "Error: failed to converge\n";
3548                 return undef;
3549             }
3550             if (ec==1) {
3551                 *logptr(contextptr) << "Error: maximum number of iterations exceeded\n";
3552                 return undef;
3553             }
3554         } else return undef;
3555     }
3556     vecteur res,coeff;
3557     matrice m=*_matrix(makesequence(4,4,0),contextptr)._VECTptr;
3558     m[0]._VECTptr->at(3)=m[1]._VECTptr->at(3)=m[2]._VECTptr->at(2)=m[3]._VECTptr->at(2)=1;
3559     switch (output_type) {
3560     case _BVP_LIST:
3561         res.reserve(N+1);
3562         for (int i=0;i<=N;++i)
3563             res.push_back(makevecteur(X[i],Y[i]));
3564         break;
3565     case _BVP_DIFF:
3566         res.reserve(N+1);
3567         for (int i=0;i<=N;++i)
3568             res.push_back(makevecteur(X[i],Y[i],dY[i]));
3569         break;
3570     case _BVP_PIECEWISE:
3571     case _BVP_SPLINE:
3572         res.reserve(2*(N+1)+1);
3573         for (int i=0;i<=N;++i) {
3574             res.push_back(i<N?symb_inferieur_strict(x,X[i]):symb_inferieur_egal(x,X[i]));
3575             if (i==0)
3576                 res.push_back(0);
3577             else if (output_type==_BVP_PIECEWISE)
3578                 res.push_back(Y[i-1]+(x-X[i-1])*(Y[i]-Y[i-1])/(X[i]-X[i-1]));
3579             else {
3580                 m[0]._VECTptr->at(0)=pow(X[i-1],3);
3581                 m[0]._VECTptr->at(1)=pow(X[i-1],2);
3582                 m[0]._VECTptr->at(2)=X[i-1];
3583                 m[1]._VECTptr->at(0)=pow(X[i],3);
3584                 m[1]._VECTptr->at(1)=pow(X[i],2);
3585                 m[1]._VECTptr->at(2)=X[i];
3586                 m[2]._VECTptr->at(0)=3*m[0][1];
3587                 m[2]._VECTptr->at(1)=2*X[i-1];
3588                 m[3]._VECTptr->at(0)=3*m[1][1];
3589                 m[3]._VECTptr->at(1)=2*X[i];
3590                 coeff=*_linsolve(makesequence(m,makevecteur(Y[i-1],Y[i],dY[i-1],dY[i])),contextptr)._VECTptr;
3591                 res.push_back(pow(x,3)*coeff[0]+pow(x,2)*coeff[1]+x*coeff[2]+coeff[3]);
3592             }
3593         }
3594         res.push_back(0);
3595         return symbolic(at_piecewise,change_subtype(res,_SEQ__VECT));
3596     default:
3597         break;
3598     }
3599     return res;
3600 }
3601 static const char _bvpsolve_s []="bvpsolve";
3602 static define_unary_function_eval (__bvpsolve,&_bvpsolve,_bvpsolve_s);
3603 define_unary_function_ptr5(at_bvpsolve,alias_at_bvpsolve,&__bvpsolve,0,true)
strip_constants(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)3605 gen strip_constants(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3606     if (g.is_symb_of_sommet(at_neg))
3607         return g._SYMBptr->feuille;
3608     if (g.is_symb_of_sommet(at_prod) && g._SYMBptr->feuille.type==_VECT) {
3609         const vecteur &feu=*g._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr;
3610         gen ret(1);
3611         for (const_iterateur it=feu.begin();it!=feu.end();++it) {
3612             if (_evalf(*it,contextptr).type==_DOUBLE_)
3613                 continue;
3614             ret=ret*strip_constants(*it,contextptr);
3615         }
3616         return ret;
3617     }
3618     if (g.is_symb_of_sommet(at_inv))
3619         return _inv(strip_constants(g._SYMBptr->feuille,contextptr),contextptr);
3620     return g;
3621 }
3623 /* return the expression for conjugate points */
_conjugate_equation(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)3624 gen _conjugate_equation(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3625     if (g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return g;
3626     if (g.type!=_VECT || g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT)
3627         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
3628     vecteur &gv=*g._VECTptr;
3629     if (gv.size()!=5)
3630         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3631     gen &y0=gv[0],&parm=gv[1],&pvals=gv[2],&t=gv[3],&a=gv[4];
3632     if (y0.type!=_SYMB || t.type!=_IDNT || parm.type!=_VECT || parm._VECTptr->size()!=2 ||
3633             pvals.type!=_VECT || pvals._VECTptr->size()!=2 ||
3634             _evalf(a,contextptr).type!=_DOUBLE_)
3635         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3636     gen &alpha=parm._VECTptr->front(),&beta=parm._VECTptr->back();
3637     if (alpha.type!=_IDNT || beta.type!=_IDNT)
3638         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3639     gen y1=derive(y0,alpha,contextptr),y2=derive(y0,beta,contextptr);
3640     gen ret=_collect(simp(subst(y1*subst(y2,t,a,false,contextptr)-y2*subst(y1,t,a,false,contextptr),
3641                                      parm,pvals,false,contextptr),contextptr),contextptr);
3642     return strip_constants(ret,contextptr);
3643 }
3644 static const char _conjugate_equation_s []="conjugate_equation";
3645 static define_unary_function_eval (__conjugate_equation,&_conjugate_equation,_conjugate_equation_s);
3646 define_unary_function_ptr5(at_conjugate_equation,alias_at_conjugate_equation,&__conjugate_equation,0,true)
3648 static int cnst_count=0;
3650 /* return the (list of) Euler-Lagrange equation(s) for functional L(u,du,t) */
_euler_lagrange(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)3651 gen _euler_lagrange(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3652     if (g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return g;
3653     gen L,t=identificateur("x");
3654     vecteur u=makevecteur(identificateur("y"));
3655     if (g.type!=_VECT) {
3656         L=g;
3657         if (!contains(lidnt(g),t))
3658             t=t__IDNT_e;
3659     } else {
3660         if (g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT)
3661             return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3662         vecteur &gv=*g._VECTptr;
3663         L=gv.front();
3664         if (gv.size()>1) {
3665             if (gv.size()==2 && gv[1].is_symb_of_sommet(at_of)) {
3666                 u.front()=gv[1]._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front();
3667                 t=gv[1]._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back();
3668             } else if (gv.size()==2 && gv[1].type==_VECT && !gv[1]._VECTptr->empty()) {
3669                 u.clear();
3670                 t=undef;
3671                 for (const_iterateur it=gv[1]._VECTptr->begin();it!=gv[1]._VECTptr->end();++it) {
3672                     if (!it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_of))
3673                         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3674                     u.push_back(it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front());
3675                     if (is_undef(t))
3676                         t=it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back();
3677                     else if (t!=it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back())
3678                         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3679                 }
3680             } else t=gv[1];
3681             if (t.type!=_IDNT)
3682                 return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3683         }
3684         if (gv.size()>2) {
3685             if (gv[2].type==_IDNT)
3686                 u.front()=gv[2];
3687             else if (gv[2].type==_VECT)
3688                 u=*gv[2]._VECTptr;
3689             else return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3690         }
3691     }
3692     L=idnteval(L,contextptr);
3693     int n=u.size();
3694     vecteur du(n),Du(n),Dut(n),DU(n),D2U(n),d2u(n),ut(n);
3695     for (int i=0;i<n;++i) {
3696         if (u[i].type!=_IDNT)
3697             return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3698         ut[i]=symb_of(u[i],t);
3699         du[i]=identificateur(" du"+print_INT_(i));
3700         d2u[i]=identificateur(" d2u"+print_INT_(i));
3701         Du[i]=symbolic(at_derive,u[i]);
3702         Dut[i]=symb_of(Du[i],t);
3703         DU[i]=derive(ut[i],t,contextptr);
3704         D2U[i]=derive(ut[i],t,2,contextptr);
3705     }
3706     L=subst(L,Dut,du,false,contextptr);
3707     L=subst(L,Du,du,false,contextptr);
3708     L=subst(L,DU,du,false,contextptr);
3709     L=subst(L,ut,u,false,contextptr);
3710     vecteur ret;
3711     if (n==1 && !depend(L,*t._IDNTptr)) {
3712         ret.push_back(symb_equal(simp(du[0]*derive(L,du[0],contextptr)-L,contextptr),
3713                 identificateur("K_"+print_INT_(cnst_count++))));
3714     }
3715     for (int i=0;i<n;++i) {
3716         if (!depend(L,*u[i]._IDNTptr)) {
3717             ret.push_back(symb_equal(simp(derive(L,du[i],contextptr),contextptr),
3718                                      identificateur("K_"+print_INT_(cnst_count++))));
3719         } else {
3720             gen eq=derive(L,u[i],contextptr),sol;
3721             eq-=derive(subst(derive(L,du[i],contextptr),makevecteur(du[i],u[i]),
3722                              makevecteur(DU[i],ut[i]),false,contextptr),t,contextptr);
3723             eq=subst(eq,makevecteur(DU[i],D2U[i]),makevecteur(du[i],d2u[i]),false,contextptr);
3724             eq=symb_equal(simp(subst(eq,ut[i],u[i],false,contextptr),contextptr),0);
3725             if (depend(eq,*d2u[i]._IDNTptr) && (sol=_solve(makesequence(eq,d2u[i]),contextptr)).type==_VECT)
3726                 eq=symb_equal(d2u[i],simp(sol._VECTptr->front(),contextptr));
3727             ret.push_back(eq);
3728         }
3729     }
3730     ret=subst(ret,ut,u,false,contextptr);
3731     gen tmprs=radsimp(ret,contextptr);
3732     if (tmprs.type==_VECT && tmprs._VECTptr->size()==ret.size())
3733         ret=*tmprs._VECTptr;
3734     ret=subst(subst(ret,u,ut,false,contextptr),mergevecteur(du,d2u),
3735                     mergevecteur(DU,D2U),false,contextptr);
3736     return ret.size()==1?ret.front():ret;
3737 }
3738 static const char _euler_lagrange_s []="euler_lagrange";
3739 static define_unary_function_eval_quoted (__euler_lagrange,&_euler_lagrange,_euler_lagrange_s);
3740 define_unary_function_ptr5(at_euler_lagrange,alias_at_euler_lagrange,&__euler_lagrange,_QUOTE_ARGUMENTS,true)
parse_functional(const gen & L,const gen & t,const gen & y,const gen & dy,GIAC_CONTEXT)3742 gen parse_functional(const gen &L,const gen &t,const gen &y,const gen &dy,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3743     assert(t.type==_IDNT && y.type==_IDNT && dy.type==_IDNT);
3744     gen ret=subst(L,symb_of(symbolic(at_derive,y),t),dy,false,contextptr);
3745     ret=subst(ret,symbolic(at_derive,y),dy,false,contextptr);
3746     ret=subst(ret,derive(symb_of(y,t),t,contextptr),dy,false,contextptr);
3747     ret=subst(ret,symb_of(y,t),y,false,contextptr);
3748     return ret;
3749 }
3751 /* return the Jacobi equation(s) for the functional L(y,y',a<=t<=b) and stationary function Y,
3752  * use h as unknown with h(a)=0 */
_jacobi_equation(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)3753 gen _jacobi_equation(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3754     if (g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return g;
3755     gen L,t,y,Y,h,a;
3756     if (g.type!=_VECT || g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT)
3757         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3758     vecteur &gv=*g._VECTptr;
3759     L=gv.front();
3760     if (gv.size()==5) {
3761         if (!gv[1].is_symb_of_sommet(at_of))
3762             return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3763         y=gv[1]._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front();
3764         t=gv[1]._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back();
3765         Y=gv[2]; h=gv[3]; a=gv[4];
3766     } else if (gv.size()==6) {
3767         t=gv[1]; y=gv[2]; Y=gv[3]; h=gv[4]; a=gv[5];
3768     } else return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3769     if (t.type!=_IDNT || h.type!=_IDNT || y.type!=_IDNT || _evalf(a,contextptr).type!=_DOUBLE_)
3770         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3771     L=idnteval(L,contextptr);
3772     gen dy=identificateur(" dy");
3773     L=parse_functional(L,t,y,dy,contextptr);
3774     gen dY=derive(Y,t,contextptr);
3775     gen Ldydy=subst(simp(derive(L,dy,dy,contextptr),contextptr),
3776                     makevecteur(y,dy),makevecteur(Y,dY),false,contextptr);
3777     gen Lyy=subst(simp(derive(L,y,y,contextptr),contextptr),
3778                   makevecteur(y,dy),makevecteur(Y,dY),false,contextptr);
3779     gen Lydy=subst(simp(derive(L,y,dy,contextptr),contextptr),
3780                    makevecteur(y,dy),makevecteur(Y,dY),false,contextptr);
3781     gen d=simp(Lyy-derive(Lydy,t,contextptr),contextptr);
3782     if (is_zero(Ldydy))
3783         return is_zero(d)?change_subtype(gen(0),_INT_BOOLEAN):symb_equal(h,0);
3784     gen jeq=simp(derive(Ldydy,t,contextptr),contextptr)*derive(symb_of(h,t),t,contextptr);
3785     jeq+=Ldydy*derive(symb_of(h,t),t,2,contextptr)-d*symb_of(h,t);
3786     jeq=symb_equal(jeq,0);
3787     gen sol=_deSolve(makesequence(makevecteur(jeq,symb_equal(symb_of(h,a),0)),makevecteur(t,h)),contextptr);
3788     if (sol.type==_VECT && sol._VECTptr->size()==1 && sol._VECTptr->front().type==_STRNG)
3789         return jeq;
3790     return makesequence(jeq,sol.is_symb_of_sommet(at_prod) || sol.is_symb_of_sommet(at_neg)?simp(sol,contextptr):sol);
3791 }
3792 static const char _jacobi_equation_s []="jacobi_equation";
3793 static define_unary_function_eval_quoted (__jacobi_equation,&_jacobi_equation,_jacobi_equation_s);
3794 define_unary_function_ptr5(at_jacobi_equation,alias_at_jacobi_equation,&__jacobi_equation,_QUOTE_ARGUMENTS,true)
makevars(const gen & e,const gen & t,const vecteur & depvars,const vecteur & diffvars,GIAC_CONTEXT)3796 gen makevars(const gen &e,const gen &t,const vecteur &depvars,const vecteur &diffvars,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3797     if (e.is_symb_of_sommet(at_of) && e._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back()==t) {
3798         gen &u=e._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front();
3799         for (const_iterateur it=depvars.begin();it!=depvars.end();++it) {
3800             if (*it==u) return u;
3801             if (u==symbolic(at_derive,*it)) return diffvars[it-depvars.begin()];
3802         }
3803     } else if (e.is_symb_of_sommet(at_derive)) {
3804         gen &feu=e._SYMBptr->feuille;
3805         if (feu.type!=_VECT || (feu._VECTptr->size()==2 && feu._VECTptr->at(1)==t)) {
3806             gen f=makevars(feu.type==_VECT?feu._VECTptr->front():feu,t,depvars,diffvars,contextptr);
3807             for (const_iterateur it=depvars.begin();it!=depvars.end();++it) {
3808                 if (*it==f) return diffvars[it-depvars.begin()];
3809             }
3810         }
3811     } else if (e.type==_SYMB) {
3812         gen &feu=e._SYMBptr->feuille;
3813         if (feu.type==_VECT) {
3814             vecteur nf;
3815             nf.reserve(feu._VECTptr->size());
3816             for (const_iterateur it=feu._VECTptr->begin();it!=feu._VECTptr->end();++it) {
3817                 nf.push_back(makevars(*it,t,depvars,diffvars,contextptr));
3818             }
3819             return symbolic(e._SYMBptr->sommet,change_subtype(nf,_SEQ__VECT));
3820         }
3821         return symbolic(e._SYMBptr->sommet,makevars(feu,t,depvars,diffvars,contextptr));
3822     }
3823     return _eval(e,contextptr);
3824 }
apply_sign(const gen & g,const gen & simp,GIAC_CONTEXT)3826 gen apply_sign(const gen &g,const gen &simp,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3827     gen e=_sign(g,contextptr);
3828     if (!e.is_symb_of_sommet(at_sign))
3829         return e;
3830     gen arg=_apply(makesequence(simp,vecteur(1,e._SYMBptr->feuille)),contextptr)._VECTptr->front();
3831     arg=_factor(arg,contextptr);
3832     if (is_zero(simp(arg-g,contextptr)))
3833         return e;
3834     return apply_sign(arg,simp,contextptr);
3835 }
3837 /* return the sign of the expression, simplified */
determine_sign(const gen & e_orig,const gen & simp,GIAC_CONTEXT)3838 gen determine_sign(const gen &e_orig,const gen &simp,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3839     gen e=_apply(makesequence(simp,vecteur(1,e_orig)),contextptr)._VECTptr->front();
3840     if (e.type==_SYMB)
3841         return apply_sign(_factor(e,contextptr),simp,contextptr);
3842     return _sign(e,contextptr);
3843 }
strip_sign(const gen & g)3845 gen strip_sign(const gen &g) {
3846     if (g.is_symb_of_sommet(at_neg))
3847         return -strip_sign(g._SYMBptr->feuille);
3848     if (g.is_symb_of_sommet(at_sign))
3849         return g._SYMBptr->feuille;
3850     if (g.is_symb_of_sommet(at_prod) && g._SYMBptr->feuille.type==_VECT) {
3851         gen ret(1);
3852         vecteur &v=*g._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr;
3853         for (const_iterateur it=v.begin();it!=v.end();++it)
3854             ret=ret*strip_sign(*it);
3855         return ret;
3856     }
3857     return g;
3858 }
3860 /* return the condition(s) under which the given function is convex */
_convex(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)3861 gen _convex(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
3862     if (g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return g;
3863     if (g.type!=_VECT || g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT)
3864         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
3865     vecteur &gv=*g._VECTptr,vars;
3866     gen f=gv.front(),t(undef);
3867     if (gv.size()<2)
3868         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3869     f=idnteval(f,contextptr);
3870     if (gv[1].type==_VECT)
3871         vars=*gv[1]._VECTptr;
3872     else vars.push_back(gv[1]);
3873     if (vars.empty())
3874         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3875     gen simp_func=at_simplify;
3876     if (gv.size()>2) {
3877         gen lh,rh;
3878         if (!gv[2].is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal) || (lh=gv[2]._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front())!=at_simplify ||
3879                 !(rh=gv[2]._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back()).is_integer() || rh.subtype!=_INT_BOOLEAN)
3880             return false;
3881         if (rh.val==0)
3882             simp_func=at_ratnormal;
3883     }
3884     vecteur fvars,depvars;
3885     for (iterateur it=vars.begin();it!=vars.end();++it) {
3886         if (it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_of)) {
3887             gen &u=it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->front();
3888             gen &v=it->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr->back();
3889             if (v.type!=_IDNT || u.type!=_IDNT)
3890                 return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3891             if (is_undef(t))
3892                 t=v;
3893             else if (t!=v)
3894                 return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3895             if (is_zero(_contains(makesequence(depvars,u),contextptr)))
3896                 depvars.push_back(u);
3897         } else if (it->type==_IDNT) {
3898             if (is_zero(_contains(makesequence(fvars,*it),contextptr)))
3899                     fvars.push_back(*it);
3900         } else return gensizeerr(contextptr);
3901     }
3902     vecteur diffvars,diffs;
3903     stringstream ss;
3904     int cnt=0;
3905     for (const_iterateur it=depvars.begin();it!=depvars.end();++it) {
3906         ss.str(""); ss << " tmp" << ++cnt;
3907         diffvars.push_back(identificateur(ss.str().c_str()));
3908         diffs.push_back(derive(symb_of(*it,t),t,contextptr));
3909     }
3910     gen F=is_undef(t)?_eval(f,contextptr):makevars(f,t,depvars,diffvars,contextptr);
3911     vecteur allvars=mergevecteur(fvars,mergevecteur(depvars,diffvars));
3912     gen TRUE=change_subtype(1,_INT_BOOLEAN),FALSE=change_subtype(0,_INT_BOOLEAN);
3913     if (allvars.size()==1) { // univariate function
3914         if (is_undef(simp_func))
3915             return derive(F,allvars.front(),2,contextptr);
3916         gen e=determine_sign(derive(F,allvars.front(),2,contextptr),simp_func,contextptr);
3917         if (is_one(e))
3918             return TRUE;
3919         if (is_minus_one(e))
3920             return FALSE;
3921         e=_apply(makesequence(simp_func,vecteur(1,strip_sign(e))),contextptr)._VECTptr->front();
3922         return e.is_symb_of_sommet(at_neg)?symb_inferieur_egal(e._SYMBptr->feuille,0):symb_superieur_egal(e,0);
3923     }
3924     // multivariate case, compute the eigenvalues of the Hessian
3925     int n=allvars.size(),N=std::pow(2,n);
3926     matrice H=*_hessian(makesequence(F,allvars),contextptr)._VECTptr;
3927     if (is_undef(simp_func))
3928         return subst(H,diffvars,diffs,false,contextptr);
3929     vecteur cond;
3930     cond.reserve(N);
3931     for (int i=1;i<N;++i) {
3932         matrice m_tmp,m;
3933         for (int j=0;j<n;++j) {
3934             if (((int)std::pow(2,j) & i)==0) continue;
3935             m_tmp.push_back(H[j]);
3936         }
3937         m_tmp=mtran(m_tmp);
3938         for (int j=0;j<n;++j) {
3939             if (((int)std::pow(2,j) & i)==0) continue;
3940             m.push_back(m_tmp[j]);
3941         }
3942         cond.push_back(determine_sign(_det(m,contextptr),simp_func,contextptr));
3943     }
3944     vecteur res;
3945     for (const_iterateur it=cond.begin();it!=cond.end();++it) {
3946         if (is_minus_one(*it))
3947             return FALSE;
3948         if (is_one(*it) || is_zero(*it))
3949             continue;
3950         res.push_back(strip_sign(*it));
3951     }
3952     if (res.empty())
3953         return TRUE;
3954     for (int i=0;i<int(res.size());++i) {
3955         for (int j=res.size();j-->i+1;) {
3956             if (is_zero(simp(res[j]-res[i],contextptr)))
3957                 res.erase(res.begin()+j);
3958         }
3959     }
3960     for (int i=res.size();i-->0;) {
3961         if (res[i].is_integer() && res[i].subtype==_INT_BOOLEAN) {
3962             if (res[i].val==1)
3963                 res.erase(res.begin()+i);
3964             else if (res[i].val==0)
3965                 return FALSE;
3966         }
3967         gen &r=res[i];
3968         r=_apply(makesequence(simp_func,vecteur(1,r)),contextptr)._VECTptr->front();
3969         r=symb_superieur_egal(subst(r,diffvars,diffs,false,contextptr),0);
3970     }
3971     if (res.empty())
3972         return TRUE;
3973     gen simb=_lname(res,contextptr);
3974     if (simb.type==_VECT && simb._VECTptr->size()==1) {
3975         gen s=_solve(makesequence(res,simb._VECTptr->front()),contextptr);
3976         if (s.type==_VECT && s._VECTptr->size()>0)
3977             res=*s._VECTptr;
3978     }
3979     return res;
3980 }
3981 static const char _convex_s []="convex";
3982 static define_unary_function_eval_quoted (__convex,&_convex,_convex_s);
3983 define_unary_function_ptr5(at_convex,alias_at_convex,&__convex,_QUOTE_ARGUMENTS,true)
3985 #ifndef NO_NAMESPACE_GIAC
3986 }
3987 #endif // ndef NO_NAMESPACE_GIAC