1 /* -*- mode:C++ ; compile-command: "g++ -I.. -g -c plot.cc" -*- */
2 #ifndef _GIAC_PLOT_H
3 #define _GIAC_PLOT_H
4 /*
5  *  Copyright (C) 2000,2014 B. Parisse, Institut Fourier, 38402 St Martin d'Heres
6  *
7  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10  *  (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  *  along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19  */
20 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
21 #include "config.h"
22 #endif
23 #include "first.h"
24 #include <stdexcept>
25 #include <cmath>
26 #include <cstdlib>
27 #include <iostream>
28 #include "gen.h"
29 #include "plot3d.h"
30 #include <stdio.h>
31 // #include <stdiostream.h>
33 #ifdef HAVE_LIBFLTK
34 #include <FL/Enumerations.H>
35 #else
36 #ifndef GIAC_HAS_STO_38
37 enum Fl_Color {	// standard colors
38   FL_BLACK		= 0,
39   FL_RED		= 1,
40   FL_GREEN		= 2,
41   FL_YELLOW		= 3,
42   FL_BLUE		= 4,
43   FL_MAGENTA		= 5,
44   FL_CYAN		= 6,
45   FL_WHITE		= 7,
49   FL_FREE_COLOR		= 16,
50   FL_NUM_FREE_COLOR	= 16,
52   FL_GRAY_RAMP		= 32,
54   // boxtypes limit themselves to these colors so whole ramp is not allocated:
55   FL_GRAY0		= 32,	// 'A'
56   FL_DARK3		= 39,	// 'H'
57   FL_DARK2		= 45,   // 'N'
58   FL_DARK1		= 47,	// 'P'
59   FL_GRAY		= 49,	// 'R' default color
60   FL_LIGHT1		= 50,	// 'S'
61   FL_LIGHT2		= 52,	// 'U'
62   FL_LIGHT3		= 54,	// 'W'
64   FL_COLOR_CUBE		= 56
65 };
66 #else // GIAC_HAS_STO_38
67 //#ifndef LP64
68 typedef ptrdiff_t Int;
69 //#else typedef signed long Int; #endif
70 //#include "Colors.h"
71 #include "../../src/Colors.h"
72 enum Fl_Color {
73   FL_BLACK = ColorBlack,
74   FL_WHITE = ColorWhite,
75   FL_RED = ColorRed, // grey1
76   FL_YELLOW = ColorYellow, // grey1
77   FL_CYAN = ColorCyan, // grey2
78   FL_BLUE = ColorBlue, // grey2
79   FL_GREEN  = ColorGreen,
80   FL_MAGENTA = ColorMagenta,
81   FL_TRANSPARENT = ColorTransparent, // transparent
82   FL_DARK1		= ColorDarkGrey,
83   FL_GRAY		= ColorGrey,
84   FL_LIGHT1		= ColorWhite,
86 };
88 #endif // GIAC_HAS_STO_38
89 #endif // FLTK
92 namespace giac {
93 #endif // ndef NO_NAMESPACE_GIAC
95   // File "Out.txt" for gnuwince
96 #ifdef GNUWINCE
97   extern std::ofstream * outptr;
98 #endif
99   extern int LEGENDE_SIZE;
100   extern int COORD_SIZE;
101   extern int PARAM_STEP;
102   extern int gnuplot_pixels_per_eval;
103   extern double gnuplot_xmin,gnuplot_xmax,gnuplot_ymin,gnuplot_ymax,gnuplot_zmin,gnuplot_zmax,gnuplot_tmin,gnuplot_tmax,gnuplot_tstep,global_window_xmin,global_window_xmax,global_window_ymin,global_window_ymax,x_tick,y_tick; // ranges
104   extern double class_minimum,class_size; // histogram
105   extern bool autoscale;
106   extern bool has_gnuplot;
108   std::string print_DOUBLE_(double d,unsigned ndigits);
109   gen makecomplex(const gen & a,const gen &b);
111   void local_sto_double(double value,const identificateur & i,GIAC_CONTEXT);
112   void local_sto_double_increment(double value,const identificateur & i,GIAC_CONTEXT);
113   vecteur quote_eval(const vecteur & v,const vecteur & quoted,GIAC_CONTEXT);
115   // if v is the vector argument of pnt, get_style returns attributs and
116   // set legende to the legende to be displayed
117   vecteur get_style(const vecteur & v,std::string & legende);
118   // for a point nothing, segment/line/vect->1st point
119   // circle/sphere->diam
120   gen get_point(const gen & g,int n,GIAC_CONTEXT);
121   gen readvar(const gen & g);
122   void read_tmintmaxtstep(vecteur & vargs,gen & t,int vstart,double &tmin,double & tmax,double &tstep,bool & tminmax_defined,bool & tstep_defined,GIAC_CONTEXT);
123   int read_attributs(const vecteur & v,vecteur & attributs,GIAC_CONTEXT);
124   void read_option(const vecteur & v,double xmin,double xmax,double ymin,double ymax,double zmin,double zmax,vecteur & attributs, int & nstep,int & jstep,int & kstep,GIAC_CONTEXT);
125   gen curve_surface_apply(const gen & elem,const gen & b,gen (* func) (const gen &, const gen &,const context *),GIAC_CONTEXT);
126   gen apply3d(const gen & e1, const gen & e2,const context * contextptr, gen (* f) (const gen &, const gen &,const context *) );
128   gen _point3d(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
129   gen _point2d(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
130   gen mkrand2d3d(int dim,int nargs,gen (* f)(const gen &,const context *),GIAC_CONTEXT);
131   gen droite_by_equation(const vecteur & v,bool est_plan,GIAC_CONTEXT);
132   // given 2 points e and f return equation of line e,f as coeffs a,b,c
133   bool point2abc(const gen & e,const gen & f,gen & a,gen & b,gen & c,GIAC_CONTEXT);
134   gen abs_norm(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
135   gen abs_norm2(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
136   gen dotvecteur(const gen & a,const gen & b,GIAC_CONTEXT);
137   bool check3dpoint(const gen & g);
138   vecteur remove_not_in_segment(const gen & a,const gen & b,int subtype,const vecteur & v,GIAC_CONTEXT);
139   vecteur interpolygone(const vecteur & p,const gen & bb,GIAC_CONTEXT);
140   vecteur interdroitecercle(const gen & a,const gen &b,GIAC_CONTEXT);
141   vecteur inter2cercles_or_spheres(const gen & centre_a,const gen & rayon_a2,const gen & centre_b,const gen & rayon_b2,bool a2d,GIAC_CONTEXT);
142   vecteur curveintercircle(const gen & curve,const gen &circle,bool iscircle,GIAC_CONTEXT);
144   bool set_turtle_state(const vecteur & v,GIAC_CONTEXT);
145   gen turtle2gen(const logo_turtle & turtle);
146   vecteur turtlevect2vecteur(const std::vector<logo_turtle> & v);
147   std::vector<logo_turtle> vecteur2turtlevect(const vecteur & v);
148   logo_turtle vecteur2turtle(const vecteur & v);
149   gen _avance(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
150   gen _recule(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
151   gen _position(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
152   gen _cap(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
153   gen _tourne_droite(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
154   gen _tourne_gauche(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
155   gen _leve_crayon(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
156   gen _baisse_crayon(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
157   gen _ecris(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
158   gen _signe(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
159   gen _saute(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
160   gen _pas_de_cote(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
161   gen _cache_tortue(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
162   gen _montre_tortue(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
163   gen _debut_enregistrement(const gen & g0,GIAC_CONTEXT);
164   gen _fin_enregistrement(const gen & g0,GIAC_CONTEXT);
165   gen _repete(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
166   gen _crayon(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
167   gen _efface(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
168   gen _vers(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
169   gen _rond(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
170   gen _disque(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
171   gen _disque_centre(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
172   gen _polygone_rempli(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
173   gen _rectangle_plein(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
174   gen _triangle_plein(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
175   gen _dessine_tortue(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
177   gen _arc(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
178   typedef gen (* propriete)(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
179   gen _est(const gen & args,const propriete & f,GIAC_CONTEXT);
181   vecteur plotpreprocess(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
182   vecteur gen2vecteur(const gen & arg);
183   bool chk_double_interval(const gen & g,double & inf,double & sup,GIAC_CONTEXT);
184   bool readrange(const gen & g,double defaultxmin,double defaultxmax,gen & x, double & xmin, double & xmax,GIAC_CONTEXT);
185   void ck_parameter_x(GIAC_CONTEXT);
186   void ck_parameter_y(GIAC_CONTEXT);
187   void ck_parameter_z(GIAC_CONTEXT);
188   void ck_parameter_t(GIAC_CONTEXT);
189   void ck_parameter_u(GIAC_CONTEXT);
190   void ck_parameter_v(GIAC_CONTEXT);
191   void ck_parameter(const gen & ,GIAC_CONTEXT);
193   void autoname_plus_plus(std::string & autoname);
194   int erase3d();
195   gen _erase3d(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
196   int erase_pos(GIAC_CONTEXT);
197   int erase_pos(int current,GIAC_CONTEXT);
198   bool is_segment(const gen & e);
199   bool is_pnt_or_pixon(const gen & g);
200   gen remove_at_pnt(const gen & e);
201   gen remove_sto(const gen & e);
202   vecteur selection2vecteur(const std::vector<int> & selected,GIAC_CONTEXT);
203   vecteur selection2vecteureval(const std::vector<int> & selected,GIAC_CONTEXT);
204   // find best int in selected (and modify selected)
205   // p is the pointed mouse point, eps the precision
206   // try_perp=-1 if no try of perp line, =an history_position otherwise
207   bool find_best(std::vector<int> & selected,const gen & p,double eps,int try_perp_history_pos,int & pnt_pos,int & history_position,gen & res,GIAC_CONTEXT);
208   int findfirstcercle(const vecteur & v);
209   int findfirstpoint(const vecteur & v);
211   extern bool fastcurveprint;
212   void rewrite_with_t_real(gen & eq,const gen & t,GIAC_CONTEXT);
213   extern const int _GROUP__VECT_subtype[];
214   void streamcopy(FILE * source,FILE * target);
215 #if !defined VISUALC && !defined __MINGW_H
216   int set_nonblock_flag (int desc, int value);
217   int set_cloexec_flag (int desc, int value);
218 #endif
219   // runs gnuplot if necessary, returns the FD of the pipe to write to gnuplot
220 #ifdef WITH_GNUPLOT
221   // extern int plot_instructionsh,plot_instructionsw;
222   extern std::string PICTautoname;
223   void PICTautoname_plus_plus();
224   extern std::string gnuplot_name; // name of the program gnuplot
225   extern std::string gnuplot_filename; // name of files where we save plots
226   extern int gnuplot_fileno; // current index in save plot files
227   int run_gnuplot(int & r);
228   void gnuplot_wait(int handle,FILE * gnuplot_out_readstream,int ngwait=0);
229   FILE * open_gnuplot(bool & clrplot,FILE * & gnuplot_out_readstream,int & r);
230   // Plot a function or a set of functions
231   void reset_gnuplot_hidden3d(FILE * stream);
232   extern bool gnuplot_do_splot;
233   std::string gnuplot_traduit(const gen & g);
234   void win9x_gnuplot(FILE * stream);
235   extern int gnuplot_wait_times;
236   void kill_gnuplot();
237   extern bool gnuplot_hidden3d,gnuplot_pm3d;
238   void gnuplot_set_hidden3d(bool hidden);
239   void gnuplot_set_pm3d(bool b);
240   /* following obsolete declaration that will be remove in the future
241    when all fork/child etc. will be removed */
242   extern vecteur plot_instructions;
243 #endif
244   int gnuplot_show_pnt(const symbolic & e,GIAC_CONTEXT);
246   gen rationalparam2equation(const gen & at_orig,const gen & t_orig,const gen &x,const gen & y,GIAC_CONTEXT);
248   // return parametrization for a parametric curve and translate
249   // ellipsis/hyperbola to a rational parametrization
250   // m will contain the complex depending on gen_t
251   bool find_curve_parametrization(const gen & geo_obj,gen & m,const gen & gen_t,double T,gen & tmin,gen & tmax,bool tminmax_defined,GIAC_CONTEXT);
252   // test if a point f is on a parametric curve e
253   // compute t if true
254   bool on(const gen & e_orig,const gen & f,gen & t,GIAC_CONTEXT);
256   gen plotfunc(const gen & f,const gen & vars,const vecteur & attributs,bool clrplot,double function_xmin,double function_xmax,double function_ymin,double function_ymax,double function_zmin, double function_zmax,int nstep,int jstep,bool showeq,GIAC_CONTEXT);
257   // return a vector of values with simple decimal representation
258   // between xmin/xmax or including xmin/xmax (if bounds is true)
259   vecteur ticks(double xmin,double xmax,bool bounds);
260   gen plotcontour(const gen & f0,bool contour,GIAC_CONTEXT);
261   gen plot_array(const std::vector< std::vector< double> > & fij,int imax,int jmax,double xmin,double xmax,double dx,double ymin,double ymax,double dy,const vecteur & lz,const vecteur & attributs,bool contour,GIAC_CONTEXT);
262   bool latex_replot(FILE * stream,const std::string & s);
263   bool png_replot(int i);
264   bool png_replot(const std::string & s);
265   bool terminal_replot(const char * terminal,int i,const char * file_extension);
266   bool terminal_replot(const char * terminal,const std::string & s);
267   gen approx_area(const gen & f,const gen & x,const gen & a,const gen &b,int n,int method,GIAC_CONTEXT);
268   gen _aire(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
269   gen _perimetre(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
270   gen funcplotfunc(const gen & args,bool densityplot,const context * contextptr);
271   gen _plotfunc(const gen &,GIAC_CONTEXT);
272   gen _funcplot(const gen & args,const context * contextptr);
273   gen _plotdensity(const gen & args,const context * contextptr);
274   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_innertln;
275   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_plotfunc;
276   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_funcplot;
277   // gen _plot(const gen &);
278   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_plot;
279   gen remove_at_pnt(const gen & e);
281   gen _erase(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
282   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_erase;
284   extern int pixon_size;
285   vecteur merge_pixon(const vecteur & v);
286   gen _pixon(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
287   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_pixon;
288   void pixon_print(const gen &g,std::string & S,GIAC_CONTEXT);
290   gen _pixoff(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
291   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_pixoff;
293   gen _droite(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
294   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_droite;
295   gen _slope(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
297   gen _demi_droite(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
298   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_demi_droite;
300   gen _segment(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
301   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_segment;
303   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_inter_unique;
304   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_polygone_ouvert;
306   // segment x->y with attributs c
307   gen symb_segment(const gen & x,const gen & y,const vecteur & ,int ,GIAC_CONTEXT);
308   // point x color c name nom
309   gen symb_pnt_name(const gen & x,const gen & c,const gen & nom,GIAC_CONTEXT);
310   // point x and color c
311   gen symb_pnt(const gen & x,const gen & c,GIAC_CONTEXT);
312   gen pnt_attrib(const gen & point,const vecteur & attributs,GIAC_CONTEXT);
313   // point x with default color FL_BLACK
314   gen symb_pnt(const gen & x,GIAC_CONTEXT);
315   gen _pnt(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
316   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_pnt;
317   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_animation;
318   gen _animation(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
319   int animations(const gen & g); // number of animations inside g
320   gen get_animation_pnt(const gen & g,int pos);
322   gen _point(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
323   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_point;
325   gen _affixe(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
326   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_affixe;
328   gen _abscisse(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
329   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_abscisse;
331   gen _ordonnee(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
332   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_ordonnee;
334   gen _cote(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
335   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_cote;
336   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_coordonnees;
337   gen _coordonnees(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
338   gen _coordonnees_polaires(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
339   gen _coordonnees_rectangulaires(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
340   gen _point_polaire(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
342   gen _cercle(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
343   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_cercle;
344   bool centre_rayon(const gen & cercle,gen & centre,gen & rayon,bool absrayon, GIAC_CONTEXT);
345   gen _centre(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
346   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_centre;
347   gen _rayon(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
348   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_rayon;
350   gen _milieu(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
351   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_milieu;
353   gen _mediatrice(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
354   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_mediatrice;
356   gen bissectrice(const gen & args,bool interieur,GIAC_CONTEXT);
357   gen _bissectrice(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
358   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_bissectrice;
360   gen _exbissectrice(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
361   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_exbissectrice;
363   gen _mediane(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
364   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_mediane;
366   gen _circonscrit(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
367   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_circonscrit;
368   gen _orthocentre(const gen & arg_orig,GIAC_CONTEXT);
370   gen _inscrit(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
371   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_inscrit;
373   gen _exinscrit(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
374   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_exinscrit;
376   gen _isobarycentre(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
377   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_isobarycentre;
378   gen _barycentre(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
380   // if suppl is true return in 3-d an object of dim'=3-dim, else dim'=dim
381   gen perpendiculaire(const gen & args,bool suppl,GIAC_CONTEXT);
382   gen _perpendiculaire(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
383   gen _orthogonal(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
384   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_perpendiculaire;
385   gen _mediatrice(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
387   gen _parallele(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
388   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_parallele;
390   gen distance2pp(const gen & ee,const gen & ff,GIAC_CONTEXT);
391   gen distance2(const gen & f1,const gen & f2,GIAC_CONTEXT);
392   gen _longueur2(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
393   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_longueur2;
395   gen longueur(const gen & f1,const gen & f2,GIAC_CONTEXT);
396   gen _longueur(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
397   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_longueur;
399   gen angle(const gen & f1,const gen & f2,GIAC_CONTEXT);
400   gen _angle(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
401   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_angle;
403   gen scalar_product(const gen & a,const gen & b,GIAC_CONTEXT);
404   // return t such that tb+(1-t)a ? ta+(1-t)b is the projection of c on [a,b]
405   gen projection(const gen & a,const gen & b,const gen & c,GIAC_CONTEXT);
406   // projection of p on a parametric curve
407   // e=symb_cercle or line, returns t
408   gen projection(const gen & e,const gen & p,GIAC_CONTEXT);
409   gen parameter2point(const vecteur & v,GIAC_CONTEXT);
410   gen cercle2curve(const gen & f,GIAC_CONTEXT);
411   gen line2curve(const gen & f);
413   std::vector<int> nearest_point(const vecteur & v,const gen & p,double eps,GIAC_CONTEXT);
415   vecteur inter(const gen & a,const gen & b,GIAC_CONTEXT);
417   gen _click(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
418   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_click;
419   class unary_function_eval;
420 #ifdef RTOS_THREADX
421   extern const alias_unary_function_eval __click;
422 #else
423   extern unary_function_eval __click;
424 #endif
426   gen _element(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
427   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_element;
429   gen _as_function_of(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
430   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_as_function_of;
432   gen _lieu(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
433   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_lieu;
435   gen _head(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
436   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_head;
438   gen _tail(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
439   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_tail;
441   gen _sommets(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
442   gen _sommets_abca(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
443   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_sommets;
445   gen _symetrie(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
446   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_symetrie;
448   gen _rotation(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
449   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_rotation;
451   gen _projection(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
452   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_projection;
454   gen _homothetie(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
455   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_homothetie;
456   gen _est_coplanaire(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
458   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_est_dans;
459   gen _est_aligne(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
460   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_est_aligne;
462   gen _est_cocyclique(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
463   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_est_cocyclique;
465   gen _est_parallele(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
466   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_est_parallele;
468   gen _est_perpendiculaire(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
469   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_est_perpendiculaire;
471   gen _est_element(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
472   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_est_element;
474   gen _inversion(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
475   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_inversion;
477   gen _similitude(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
478   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_similitude;
480   gen translation(const gen & a,const gen & bb,GIAC_CONTEXT);
481   gen _translation(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
482   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_translation;
484   gen _curve(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
485   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_curve;
486   // curve arguments: 0 complex parametric equation, 1 variable (e.g. t), 2 tmin, 3 tmax,
487   // 4 optional != 0 automatically show a legende based on arg 0 and 1
488   // 5 optional cartesian equation in x and y, 6 optional parametric rational equation
490   gen plotparam(const gen & f,const gen & vars,const vecteur & attributs,bool densityplot,double function_xmin,double function_xmax,double function_ymin,double function_ymax,double function_tmin, double function_tmax,double function_tstep,const gen & equation,const gen & parameq,const context * contextptr);
491   gen _plotparam(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
492   gen _paramplot(const gen & args,const context * contextptr);
493   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_plotparam;
494   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_paramplot;
495   gen paramplotparam(const gen & args,bool clrplot,const context * contextptr);
496   gen _plot(const gen & g,const context * contextptr);
498   gen _plotpolar(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
499   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_plotpolar;
500   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_polarplot;
502   gen _parameq(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
503   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_parameq;
505   gen _equation(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
506   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_equation;
507   gen equation_homogene(const gen & eq,GIAC_CONTEXT);
509   gen _tangent(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
510   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_tangent;
512   gen _ellipse(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
513   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_ellipse;
515   gen _hyperbole(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
516   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_hyperbole;
518   gen _parabole(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
519   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_parabole;
520   gen _conique(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
522   gen _legende(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
523   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_legende;
524   gen _distanceat(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
525   gen _distanceatraw(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
526   gen _areaatraw(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
527   gen _areaat(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
528   gen _slopeatraw(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
529   gen _slopeat(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
530   gen _perimeterat(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
531   gen _perimeteratraw(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
532   gen _extract_measure(const gen & valeur,GIAC_CONTEXT);
533   gen _angleat(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
534   gen _angleatraw(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
535   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_distanceat;
536   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_distanceatraw;
537   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_angleat;
538   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_angleatraw;
539   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_areaatraw;
540   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_areaat;
541   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_perimeteratraw;
542   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_perimeterat;
543   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_slopeatraw;
544   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_slopeat;
545   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_extract_measure;
547   gen _couleur(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
548   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_couleur;
549   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_display ;
551   gen _parameter(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
552   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_parameter;
554   gen _hauteur(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
555   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_hauteur;
557   gen _triangle(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
558   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_triangle;
560   gen _triangle_rectangle(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
561   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_triangle_rectangle;
563   gen _triangle_isocele(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
564   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_triangle_isocele;
566   gen _triangle_equilateral(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
567   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_triangle_equilateral;
569   gen _parallelogramme(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
570   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_parallelogramme;
572   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_isopolygone;
573   gen _isopolygone(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
574   gen _carre(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
575   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_carre;
576   gen _hexagone(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
578   gen _quadrilatere(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
579   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_quadrilatere;
581   gen _rectangle(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
582   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_rectangle;
584   gen _losange(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
585   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_losange;
587   gen _polygone(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
588   gen _polygone_ouvert(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
589   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_polygone;
590   gen _bissectrice(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
591   gen _exbissectrice(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
593   gen plotfield(const gen & xp,const gen & yp,const gen & x,const gen & y,double xmin,double xmax,double xstep,double ymin,double ymax,double ystep,double scaling,vecteur & attributs,bool normalize,const context * contextptr);
594   gen _plotfield(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
595   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_plotfield;
596   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_fieldplot;
598   gen _interactive_plotode(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
599   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_interactive_plotode;
600   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_interactive_odeplot;
602   gen _plotode(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
603   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_plotode;
604   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_odeplot;
606 #ifndef NSPIRE
607   std::ostream & archive(std::ostream & os,const gen & e,GIAC_CONTEXT);
608   gen unarchive(std::istream & is,GIAC_CONTEXT);
609   gen archive_session(bool save_history,std::ostream & os,GIAC_CONTEXT);
610   gen archive_session(bool save_history,const std::string & s,GIAC_CONTEXT);
611   std::string archive_session(bool save_history,GIAC_CONTEXT);
612   gen unarchive_session(std::istream & is,int level, const gen & replace,GIAC_CONTEXT);
613   gen unarchive_session(const std::string & s,int level, const gen & replace,GIAC_CONTEXT);
614   gen unarchive_session_string(const std::string & s,int level, const gen & replace,GIAC_CONTEXT);
616   gen _archive(bool save_history,const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
617   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_archive;
619   gen _unarchive(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
620   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_unarchive;
621 #endif // NSPIRE
623   bool geo_setup(const vecteur & w,GIAC_CONTEXT);
624   gen xyztrange(double xmin,double xmax,double ymin,double ymax,double zmin,double zmax,double tmin,double tmax,double wxmin,double wxmax,double wymin, double wymax, int axes,double class_minimum,double class_size,bool gnuplot_hidden3d,bool gnuplot_pm3d);
625   gen _xyztrange(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
626   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_xyztrange;
627 #ifndef RTOS_THREADX
628   extern unary_function_eval __xyztrange;
629 #endif
631   gen _switch_axes(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
632   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_switch_axes;
634   int find_plotseq_args(const gen & args,gen & expr,gen & x,double & x0d,double & xmin,double & xmax,int & niter,vecteur & attributs,GIAC_CONTEXT,bool & print);
635   gen plotseq(const gen& f,const gen&x,double x0,double xmin,double xmax,int niter,const vecteur & attributs,const context * contextptr,bool print);
636   gen _plotseq(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
637   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_plotseq;
638   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_seqplot;
640   gen plotimplicit(const gen& f_orig,const gen&x,const gen & y,double xmin,double xmax,double ymin,double ymax,int nxstep,int nystep,double eps,const vecteur & attributs,bool unfactored,const context * contextptr,int ckgeo2d);
641   gen _plotimplicit(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
642   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_plotimplicit;
643   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_implicitplot;
645   gen _plotcontour(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
646   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_plotcontour;
647   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_contourplot;
648   gen _plotinequation(const gen & f0,GIAC_CONTEXT);
649   gen _inter_droite(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
650   void papier_lignes(vecteur & res,double xmin,double xmax,double ymin,double ymax,double angle,double deltax,double deltay,double pente,const vecteur & attributs,GIAC_CONTEXT);
651   gen _dot_paper(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
652   gen _grid_paper(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
653   gen _triangle_paper(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
654   gen _line_paper(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
656   gen _bitmap(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
657   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_bitmap;
659   gen _Pictsize(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
660   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_Pictsize;
662   gen _plot_style(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
663   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_plot_style ;
665   gen _DrawInv(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
666   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_DrawInv ;
668   gen _Graph(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
669   gen _DrwCtour(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
670   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_Graph;
671   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_DrawFunc;
672   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_DrawParm;
673   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_DrawPol;
674   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_DrwCtour;
675   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_arc;
677   int est_isocele(const gen & a,const gen & b,const gen & c,GIAC_CONTEXT);
678   gen _est_isocele(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
679   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_est_isocele;
681   bool est_equilateral(const gen & a,const gen & b,const gen & c,GIAC_CONTEXT);
682   gen _est_equilateral(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
683   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_est_equilateral;
685   bool est_carre(const gen & a,const gen & b,const gen & c,const gen & d,GIAC_CONTEXT);
686   gen _est_carre(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
687   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_est_carre;
689   int est_losange(const gen & a,const gen & b,const gen & c,const gen & d,GIAC_CONTEXT);
690   gen _est_losange(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
691   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_est_losange;
693   int est_parallelogramme(const gen & a,const gen & b,const gen & c,const gen & d,GIAC_CONTEXT);
694   gen _est_parallelogramme(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
695   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_est_parallelogramme;
697   int est_rect(const gen & a,const gen & b,const gen & c,const gen & d,GIAC_CONTEXT);
698   gen _est_rectangle(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
699   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_est_rectangle;
701   gen _est_harmonique(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
702   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_est_harmonique;
704   gen _div_harmonique(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
705   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_div_harmonique;
707   gen _point_div(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
708   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_point_div;
710   gen _birapport(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
711   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_birapport;
713   gen _est_harmonique(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
714   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_est_harmonique;
716   gen _div_harmonique(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
717   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_div_harmonique;
719   gen _conj_harmonique(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
720   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_conj_harmonique;
722   gen _conj_harmoniques(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
723   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_conj_harmoniques;
725   gen _point_div(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
726   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_point_div;
728   gen _birapport(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
729   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_birapport;
731   gen _puissance(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
732   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_puissance;
734   gen _axe_radical(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
735   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_axe_radical;
737   gen _polaire(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
738   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_polaire;
740   gen _pole(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
741   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_pole;
743   gen _polaire_reciproque(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
744   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_polaire_reciproque;
746   gen _est_orthogonal(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
747   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_est_orthogonal;
749   gen _est_conjugue(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
750   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_est_conjugue;
752   gen _est_faisceau_cercle(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
753   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_est_faisceau_cercle;
754   //=1 si 3 cercles ont meme axe radical,2 si concentriques et 0 sinon
755   int est_faisceau_cercle(const gen & c1,const gen & R1,const gen & c2,const gen & R2,const gen & c3,const gen & R3,GIAC_CONTEXT);
757   gen _est_faisceau_droite(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
758   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_est_faisceau_droite;
759   int est_faisceau_droite(const gen & a,const gen & b,const gen & c,GIAC_CONTEXT);
761   gen _enveloppe(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
762   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_enveloppe;
764   int graph_output_type(const gen & g);
765   gen put_attributs(const gen & lieu_geo,const vecteur & attributs,GIAC_CONTEXT);
766   vecteur seq2vecteur(const gen & g);
768   int est_aligne(const gen & a,const gen & b,const gen & c,GIAC_CONTEXT);
769   bool est_coplanaire(const gen & a,const gen & b,const gen & c,const gen & d,GIAC_CONTEXT);
770   bool est_cocyclique(const gen & a,const gen & b,const gen & c,const gen & d,GIAC_CONTEXT);
771   // True if a=coeff*b
772   bool est_parallele_vecteur(const vecteur & a,const vecteur &b,gen & coeff,GIAC_CONTEXT);
773   bool est_parallele_vecteur(const vecteur & a,const vecteur &b,GIAC_CONTEXT);
774   bool est_parallele(const gen & a,const gen & b,GIAC_CONTEXT);
775   bool est_perpendiculaire(const gen & a,const gen & b,GIAC_CONTEXT);
776   // check if a belongs to b, a must be a complex, b a line or circle or curve
777   int est_element(const gen & a_orig,const gen & b_orig,GIAC_CONTEXT);
778   bool est_carre(const gen & a,const gen & b,const gen & c,const gen & d,GIAC_CONTEXT);
779   int est_isocele(const gen & a,const gen & b,const gen & c,GIAC_CONTEXT);
780   bool est_equilateral(const gen & a,const gen & b,const gen & c,GIAC_CONTEXT);
781   int est_trianglerect(const gen & a,const gen & b,const gen & c,GIAC_CONTEXT);
782   //teste si deux cercles C1 centre c1 rayon R1 et C2  centre c2 rayon R2
783   //sont orthogonaux
784   bool est_orthogonal(const gen & c1,const gen & R1,const gen & c2,const gen & R2,GIAC_CONTEXT);
785   //teste si 4 points forment une division harmonique
786   bool est_harmonique(const gen & a,const gen & b,const gen & c,const gen & d,GIAC_CONTEXT);
788   gen _vector(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
789   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_vector;
790   gen _hyperplan(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
791   gen _hypersphere(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
792   gen hypersurface(const gen & args,const gen & equation,const gen & vars);
793   gen _hypersurface(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
794   gen _Ox_2d_unit_vector(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
795   gen _Oy_2d_unit_vector(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
796   gen _frame_2d(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
797   gen _Ox_3d_unit_vector(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
798   gen _Oy_3d_unit_vector(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
799   gen _Oz_3d_unit_vector(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
800   gen _frame_3d(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT);
801   symbolic symb_curve(const gen & source,const gen & plot);
802   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  at_Bezier;
805 #if defined(GIAC_GENERIC_CONSTANTS) || (defined(VISUALC) && !defined(RTOS_THREADX)) || defined(x86_64)
806   extern unary_function_ptr point_sommet_tab_op[];
807   extern unary_function_ptr nosplit_polygon_function[];
808   extern unary_function_ptr measure_functions[];
809   extern unary_function_ptr transformation_functions[];
810   extern unary_function_ptr plot_sommets[];
811   extern unary_function_ptr not_point_sommets[];
812   extern unary_function_ptr notexprint_plot_sommets[];
813   extern unary_function_ptr implicittex_plot_sommets[];
815 #else
816   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  point_sommet_tab_op;
817   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  nosplit_polygon_function;
818   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  measure_functions;
819   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  transformation_functions;
820   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  plot_sommets;
821   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  not_point_sommets;
822   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  notexprint_plot_sommets;
823   extern const unary_function_ptr * const  implicittex_plot_sommets;
824 #endif
827 } // namespace giac
828 #endif // ndef NO_NAMESPACE_GIAC
830 #endif // _GIAC_PLOT_H