1 /** @file poisson_example.cpp
3     @brief Tutorial on how to use G+Smo to solve the Poisson equation,
4     see the \ref PoissonTutorial
6     This file is part of the G+Smo library.
8     This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
9     License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
10     file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
12     Author(s): J. Sogn
13 */
15 //! [Include namespace]
16 # include <gismo.h>
18 using namespace gismo;
19 //! [Include namespace]
main(int argc,char * argv[])21 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
22 {
23     //! [Parse command line]
24     bool plot = false;
26     gsCmdLine cmd("Tutorial on solving a Poisson problem.");
27     cmd.addSwitch("plot", "Create a ParaView visualization file with the solution", plot);
28     try { cmd.getValues(argc,argv); } catch (int rv) { return rv; }
29     //! [Parse command line]
31     //! [Function data]
32     // Define source function
33     gsFunctionExpr<> f("((pi*1)^2 + (pi*2)^2)*sin(pi*x*1)*sin(pi*y*2)",
34                               "((pi*3)^2 + (pi*4)^2)*sin(pi*x*3)*sin(pi*y*4)",2);
35     // For homogeneous term, we can use this (last argument is the dimension of the domain)
36     //gsConstantFunction<> f(0.0, 0.0, 2);
38     // Define exact solution (optional)
39     gsFunctionExpr<> g("sin(pi*x*1)*sin(pi*y*2)+pi/10",
40                               "sin(pi*x*3)*sin(pi*y*4)-pi/10",2);
42     // Print out source function and solution
43     gsInfo<<"Source function "<< f << "\n";
44     gsInfo<<"Exact solution "<< g <<"\n\n";
45     //! [Function data]
47     //! [Geometry data]
48     // Define Geometry, must be a gsMultiPatch object
49     gsMultiPatch<> patches;
50     // Create 4 (2 x 2) patches of squares:
51     //
52     // Square/patch 0 is in lower left  corner
53     // Square/patch 1 is in upper left  corner
54     // Square/patch 2 is in lower right corner
55     // Square/patch 3 is in upper right corner
56     //
57     // The last argument scale the squares such that we
58     // get the unit square as domain.
59     patches = gsNurbsCreator<>::BSplineSquareGrid(2, 2, 0.5);
60     gsInfo << "The domain is a "<< patches <<"\n";
61     //! [Geometry data]
63     // For single patch unit square of quadratic elements use (Note:
64     // you need to update the bounadry conditions section for this to
65     // work properly!) :
66     // patches = gsMultiPatch<>(*gsNurbsCreator<>::BSplineSquare(2));
68     // Geometry can also be read from file (if gsMultiPatch):
69     // gsReadFile<>("planar/lshape_p2.xml", patches);
71     // Define Boundary conditions. Note that if one boundary is
72     // "free", eg. if no condition is defined, then it is a natural
73     // boundary (zero Neumann condition)
74     // Also, remember that a pure Neumann problem has no unique
75     // solution, thereforer implies a singular matrix. In this case
76     // a corner DoF can be fixed to a given value to obtain a unique solution.
77     // (example: bcInfo.addCornerValue(boundary::southwest, value, patch);)
79     //! [Boundary conditions]
80     gsBoundaryConditions<> bcInfo;
81     // Every patch with a boundary need to be specified. In this
82     // there are in total 8 sides (two for each patch)
84     // Dirichlet Boundary conditions
85     // First argument is the patch number
86     bcInfo.addCondition(0, boundary::west,  condition_type::dirichlet, &g);
87     bcInfo.addCondition(1, boundary::west,  condition_type::dirichlet, &g);
89     bcInfo.addCondition(1, boundary::north, condition_type::dirichlet, &g);
90     bcInfo.addCondition(3, boundary::north, condition_type::dirichlet, &g);
92     // Neumann Boundary conditions
93     gsFunctionExpr<> hEast ("1*pi*cos(pi*1)*sin(pi*2*y)", "3*pi*cos(pi*3)*sin(pi*4*y)",2);
94     gsFunctionExpr<> hSouth("-pi*2*sin(pi*x*1)","-pi*4*sin(pi*x*3)",2);
96     bcInfo.addCondition(3, boundary::east,  condition_type::neumann, &hEast);
97     bcInfo.addCondition(2, boundary::east,  condition_type::neumann, &hEast);
99     bcInfo.addCondition(0, boundary::south, condition_type::neumann, &hSouth);
100     bcInfo.addCondition(2, boundary::south, condition_type::neumann, &hSouth);
101     //! [Boundary conditions]
103     /*
104       //Alternatively: You can automatically create Dirichlet boundary
105       //conditions using one function (the exact solution) for all
106       //boundaries like this:
108     for (gsMultiPatch<>::const_biterator
109              bit = patches.bBegin(); bit != patches.bEnd(); ++bit)
110     {
111         bcInfo.addCondition( *bit, condition_type::dirichlet, &g );
112     }
113     */
115     //! [Refinement]
116     // Copy basis from the geometry
117     gsMultiBasis<> refine_bases( patches );
119     // Number for h-refinement of the computational (trial/test) basis.
120     const int numRefine  = 2;
122     // Number for p-refinement of the computational (trial/test) basis.
123     const int degree     = 2;
125     // h-refine each basis (4, one for each patch)
126     for ( int i = 0; i < numRefine; ++i)
127       refine_bases.uniformRefine();
129     // k-refinement (set degree)
130     for ( size_t i = 0; i < refine_bases.nBases(); ++ i )
131         refine_bases[i].setDegreePreservingMultiplicity(degree);
133     //! [Refinement]
135     ////////////// Setup solver and solve //////////////
136     // Initialize Solver
137     // Setup method for handling Dirichlet boundaries, options:
138     //
139     // * elimination: Eliminate the Dirichlet DoFs from the linear system.
140     //
141     // * nitsche: Keep the Dirichlet DoFs and enforce the boundary
142     //
143     // condition weakly by a penalty term.
144     // Setup method for handling patch interfaces, options:
145     //
146     // * glue:Glue patches together by merging DoFs across an interface into one.
147     //   This only works for conforming interfaces
148     //
149     // * dg: Use discontinuous Galerkin-like coupling between adjacent patches.
150     //       (This option might not be available yet)
151     //! [Assemble]
152     gsPoissonAssembler<real_t> assembler(patches,refine_bases,bcInfo,f,
153                                        //dirichlet::elimination, iFace::glue);
154                                          dirichlet::nitsche    , iFace::glue);
156     // Generate system matrix and load vector
157     gsInfo<< "Assembling...\n";
158     assembler.assemble();
159     gsInfo << "Have assembled a system (matrix and load vector) with "
160            << assembler.numDofs() << " dofs.\n";
161     //! [Assemble]
163     //! [Solve]
164     // Initialize the conjugate gradient solver
165     gsInfo << "Solving...\n";
166     gsSparseSolver<>::CGDiagonal solver( assembler.matrix() );
167     gsMatrix<> solVector = solver.solve( assembler.rhs() );
168     gsInfo << "Solved the system with CG solver.\n";
169     //! [Solve]
171     //! [Construct solution]
172     // Construct the solution as a scalar field
173     gsMultiPatch<> mpsol;
174     assembler.constructSolution(solVector, mpsol);
175     gsField<> sol( assembler.patches(), mpsol);
176     //! [Construct solution]
178     if (plot)
179     {
180         //! [Plot in Paraview]
181         // Write approximate and exact solution to paraview files
182         gsInfo<<"Plotting in Paraview...\n";
183         gsWriteParaview<>(sol, "poisson2d", 1000);
184         const gsField<> exact( assembler.patches(), g, false );
185         gsWriteParaview<>( exact, "poisson2d_exact", 1000);
187         // Run paraview
188         gsFileManager::open("poisson2d.pvd");
189         gsFileManager::open("poisson2d_exact.pvd");
190         //! [Plot in Paraview]
191     }
192     else
193     {
194         gsInfo << "Done. No output created, re-run with --plot to get a ParaView "
195                   "file containing the solution.\n";
196     }
197     return EXIT_SUCCESS;
199 }// end main