1% @file gsTHBSpline.m
3%    @brief Matlab wrapper for gsTHBSpline class
5%    This file is part of the G+Smo library.
7%    This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
8%    License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
9%    file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
11%    Author(s): O. Chanon, A. Mantzaflaris
13classdef gsTHBSpline < handle
15    properties (SetAccess = private, Hidden = true)
16        objectHandle; % Handle to the underlying C++ class instance
17    end
19    methods(Access = public)
21        % Constructor - Create a new C++ class instance
22        function this = gsTHBSpline(varargin)
23            %gsTHBSpline - construct a gsTHBSpline object
24            %
25            %Usage:
26            %  thb = gsTHBSpline( file )
27            %
28            %Input:
29            %  file: char, [1 x numChar].
30            %    Name of input file from which to read/construct the
31            %    gsTHBSpline.
32            %
33            %Output:
34            %  thb: gsTHBSpline, [1 x 1].
35            %    The gsTHBSpline object.
37            if (nargin~=1 || nargout>1)
38                error('Invalid number of input and/or output arguments.')
39            end
40            if (~(isa(varargin{1},'char')))
41                error('Input argument no. 1 should be of type ''char''.')
42            elseif (~exist(varargin{1},'file'))
43                error('File does not exist: %s.',varargin{1})
44            end
45            this.objectHandle = mex_gsTHBSpline('constructor', class(varargin{1}), varargin{:});
46        end
48        % Destructor - Destroy the C++ class instance
49        function delete(this)
50            %delete - delete a gsTHBSpline object
51            %
52            %Usage:
53            %  thb.delete()
54            %
55            %Input:
56            %  thb: gsTHBSpline, [1 x 1].
57            %    The gsTHBSpline object.
58            %
59            %Output:
60            %  (none)
62            mex_gsTHBSpline('destructor', this.objectHandle);
63        end
65        % dim - call class method
66        function varargout = dim(this, varargin)
67            %dim - dimension of the parameter space of a gsTHBSpline object
68            %
69            %Usage:
70            %  val = thb.dim()
71            %
72            %Input:
73            %  thb: gsTHBSpline, [1 x 1].
74            %    The gsTHBSpline object.
75            %
76            %Output:
77            %  val: double, [1 x 1].
78            %    Dimension of the parameter space of the gsTHBSpline.
80            if (nargin~=1 || nargout>1)
81                error('Invalid number of input and/or output arguments.')
82            end
83            [varargout{1:nargout}] = mex_gsTHBSpline('accessor', this.objectHandle, 'dim',  varargin{:});
84        end
86        % support - call class method
87        function varargout = support(this, varargin)
88            %support - support of a gsTHBSpline object
89            %
90            %Usage:
91            %  supp = thb.support()
92            %
93            %Input:
94            %  thb: gsTHBSpline, [1 x 1].
95            %    The gsTHBSpline object.
96            %
97            %Output:
98            %  supp: double, [1 x 2*d].
99            %    Support of the gsTHBSpline, ordered like
100            %      [u1_min, ..., ud_min, u1_max, ..., ud_max]
101            %    where d is the parametric dimension of the
102            %    gsTHBSpline.
104            if (nargin~=1 || nargout>1)
105                error('Invalid number of input and/or output arguments.')
106            end
107            [varargout{1:nargout}] = mex_gsTHBSpline('accessor', this.objectHandle, 'support',  varargin{:});
108        end
110        % size - call class method
111        function varargout = size(this, varargin)
112            %size - size of a gsTHBSpline object
113            %
114            %Usage:
115            %  num = thb.size()
116            %
117            %Input:
118            %  thb: gsTHBSpline, [1 x 1].
119            %    The gsTHBSpline object.
120            %
121            %Output:
122            %  num: double, [1 x 1].
123            %    Size of the gsTHBSpline.
125            if (nargin~=1 || nargout>1)
126                error('Invalid number of input and/or output arguments.')
127            end
128            [varargout{1:nargout}] = mex_gsTHBSpline('accessor', this.objectHandle, 'size',  varargin{:});
129        end
131        % eval - call class method
132        function [varargout] = eval(this, varargin)
133            %eval - evaluate a gsTHBSpline object
134            %
135            %Usage:
136            %  val = thb.eval( pts )
137            %
138            %Input:
139            %  thb: gsTHBSpline, [1 x 1].
140            %    The gsTHBSpline object.
141            %  pts: double, [d x numPts].
142            %    Points in which to evaluate the gsTHBSpline.
143            %
144            %Output:
145            %  val: double, [numFun x numPts].
146            %    Value of all active functions in each of the specified
147            %    points.
149            if (nargin~=2 || nargout>1)
150                error('Invalid number of input and/or output arguments.')
151            end
152            if (~isa(varargin{1},'numeric') || ~ismatrix(varargin{1}) || ~isequal(size(varargin{1},1),this.dim()))
153                error('Input argument no. 1 must be numeric, 2-dimensional, and with d rows.')
154            end
155            [varargout{1:nargout}] = mex_gsTHBSpline('eval', this.objectHandle, varargin{:});
156        end
158        % deriv - call class method
159        function [varargout] = deriv(this, varargin)
160            %deriv - evaluate the jacobian of a gsTHBSpline object
161            %
162            %Usage:
163            %  val = thb.deriv( pts )
164            %
165            %Input:
166            %  thb: gsTHBSpline, [1 x 1].
167            %    The gsTHBSpline object.
168            %  pts: double, [d x numPts].
169            %    Points in which to evaluate the gsTHBSpline.
170            %
171            %Output:
172            %  val: double, [numFun x numPts].
173            %    Value of the jacobian of all active functions in each of
174            %    the specified points.
176            if (nargin~=2 || nargout>1)
177                error('Invalid number of input and/or output arguments.')
178            end
179            if (~isa(varargin{1},'numeric') || ~ismatrix(varargin{1}) || ~isequal(size(varargin{1},1),this.dim()))
180                error('Input argument no. 1 must be numeric, 2-dimensional, and with d rows.')
181            end
182            [varargout{1:nargout}] = mex_gsTHBSpline('deriv', this.objectHandle, varargin{:});
183        end
185        % hess - call class method
186        function [varargout] = hess(this, varargin)
187            %deriv - evaluate the hessian of a gsTHBSpline object in one
188            %direction
189            %
190            %Usage:
191            %  val = thb.hess( pts, dir )
192            %
193            %Input:
194            %  thb: gsTHBSpline, [1 x 1].
195            %    The gsTHBSpline object.
196            %  pts: double, [d x numPts].
197            %    Points in which to evaluate the gsTHBSpline.
198            %  dir: int
199            %    Direction of space on which to compute the hessian.
200            %
201            %Output:
202            %  val: double, [numFun x numPts].
203            %    Value of the hessian matrix in direction dir of all active
204            %    functions in each of the specified points.
206            if (nargin~=3 || nargout>1)
207                error('Invalid number of input and/or output arguments.')
208            end
209            if (~isa(varargin{1},'numeric') || ~ismatrix(varargin{1}) || ~isequal(size(varargin{1},1),this.dim()))
210                error('Input argument no. 1 must be numeric, 2-dimensional, and with %d rows.', this.dim())
211            end
212            if (~isa(varargin{2},'numeric') || ~(mod(varargin{2},1)==0) || varargin{2}>this.dim())
213                error('Input argument no. 2 must be an integer smaller than %d.', this.dim())
214            end
215            [varargout{1:nargout}] = mex_gsTHBSpline('hess', this.objectHandle, varargin{:});
216        end
218        % active - call class method
219        function [varargout] = active(this, varargin)
220            %active - active functions of a gsTHBSpline object
221            %
222            %Usage:
223            %  act = thb.active( pts )
224            %
225            %Input:
226            %  thb: gsTHBSpline, [1 x 1].
227            %    The gsTHBSpline object.
228            %  pts: double, [d x numPts].
229            %    Points in which to evaluate the function.
230            %
231            %Output:
232            %  act: double, [numFun x numPts].
233            %    Index of active functions in each of the specified points.
235            if (nargin~=2 || nargout>1)
236                error('Invalid number of input and/or output arguments.')
237            end
238            if (~isa(varargin{1},'numeric') || ~ismatrix(varargin{1}) || ~isequal(size(varargin{1},1),this.dim()))
239                error('Input argument no. 1 must be numeric, 2-dimensional, and with d rows.')
240            end
241            [varargout{1:nargout}] = mex_gsTHBSpline('active', this.objectHandle, varargin{:});
242        end
244        % basis - call class method
245        function [varargout] = basis(this, varargin)
246            %basis - returns the gsTHBSplineBasis object linked to a
247            % gsTHBSpline object
248            %
249            %Usage:
250            %  act = thb.basis()
251            %
252            %Input:
253            %  thb: gsTHBSpline, [1 x 1].
254            %    The gsTHBSpline object.
255            %
256            %Output:
257            %  basis: gsTHBSplineBasis.
259            if (nargin~=1 || nargout>1)
260                error('Invalid number of input and/or output arguments.')
261            end
262            basis_ptr = mex_gsTHBSpline('basis', this.objectHandle, varargin{:});
263            [varargout{1:nargout}] = gsTHBSplineBasis(basis_ptr);
264        end
266    end