1 /****************************************************************************
3     PROGRAM: gnupmdrv
5         Outboard PM driver for GNUPLOT 3.x
7     MODULE:  dialogs.c  Dialog procedures for gnupmdrv
9 ****************************************************************************/
11 /* PM driver for GNUPLOT */
13 /*[
14  * Copyright 1992, 1993, 1998, 2004   Roger Fearick
15  *
16  * Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its
17  * documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted,
18  * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
19  * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
20  * in supporting documentation.
21  *
22  * Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to
23  * distribute the complete modified source code.  Modifications are to
24  * be distributed as patches to the released version.  Permission to
25  * distribute binaries produced by compiling modified sources is granted,
26  * provided you
27  *   1. distribute the corresponding source modifications from the
28  *    released version in the form of a patch file along with the binaries,
29  *   2. add special version identification to distinguish your version
30  *    in addition to the base release version number,
31  *   3. provide your name and address as the primary contact for the
32  *    support of your modified version, and
33  *   4. retain our contact information in regard to use of the base
34  *    software.
35  * Permission to distribute the released version of the source code along
36  * with corresponding source modifications in the form of a patch file is
37  * granted with same provisions 2 through 4 for binary distributions.
38  *
39  * This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty
40  * to the extent permitted by applicable law.
41 ]*/
43 /*
44  * AUTHOR
45  *
46  *   Gnuplot driver for OS/2:  Roger Fearick
47  */
49 #define INCL_PM
50 #define INCL_WIN
51 #define INCL_DEV
52 #define INCL_SPL
56 #define INCL_WINSYS
62 #include <os2.h>
63 #include <math.h>
64 #include <stdio.h>
65 #include <stdlib.h>
66 #include <string.h>
67 #include "gnupmdrv.h"
69 /* struct for printer capabilities */
71 static struct {
72     long    lTech ;     // printer technology
73     long    lVer ;      // driver version
74     long    lWidth ;    // page width in pels
75     long    lHeight ;   // page height in pels
76     long    lWChars ;   // page width in chars
77     long    lHChars ;   // page height in chars
78     long    lHorRes ;   // horizontal resolution pels / metre
79     long    lVertRes ;  // vertical resolution pels / metre
80     } prCaps ;
82 ULONG GetPrinters( PPRQINFO3* pprq, ULONG *pcTot  ) ;
QPrintDlgProc(HWND hwnd,ULONG usMsg,MPARAM mp1,MPARAM mp2)85 MRESULT EXPENTRY QPrintDlgProc ( HWND hwnd, ULONG usMsg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2 )
86 /*
87 **  Query print area and printer setup
88 */
89     {
90     static PQPRINT pqp = NULL ;
91     static SWP     swp ;
92     static RECTL   rectlDef ;
93     TRACKINFO   ti ;
94     RECTL       rectlBox ;
95     HDC         hdc ;
96     ULONG       ulStyle ;
97     char        *psz ;
99     switch ( usMsg ) {
101         case WM_INITDLG :
103             pqp = (PQPRINT) PVOIDFROMMP( mp2 ) ;
104             if( pqp->caps & QP_CAPS_FILE ) {
105                 ulStyle = WinQueryWindowULong( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_PRINTQNAME ),
106                                                QWL_STYLE ) ;
107                 WinSetWindowULong( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_PRINTQNAME ),
108                                    QWL_STYLE, ulStyle ^ DT_HALFTONE  ) ;
109                 }
110             else {
111                 WinSendMsg( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_QPRNAME ),
112                             EM_SETREADONLY, (MPARAM)TRUE, 0L ) ;
113                 }
114             WinQueryWindowRect( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_QPRBOX ),
115                                 &rectlDef ) ;
117         case WM_USER_SET_DATA :
119             psz = *pqp->piPrinter->pszComment ? pqp->piPrinter->pszComment :
120                                         pqp->piPrinter->pszName ;
121             WinSetDlgItemText( hwnd, IDD_PRINTNAME, psz ) ;
122             WinSetDlgItemFloatF( hwnd, IDD_QPRXSIZE, 1, pqp->xsize ) ;
123             WinSetDlgItemFloatF( hwnd, IDD_QPRYSIZE, 1, pqp->ysize ) ;
124             WinSetDlgItemFloat( hwnd, IDD_QPRXFRAC, pqp->xfrac ) ;
125             WinSetDlgItemFloat( hwnd, IDD_QPRYFRAC, pqp->yfrac ) ;
126             WinQueryWindowPos( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_QPRBOX ),
127                                &swp ) ;
128             {
129             int y = rectlDef.yTop ;
130             rectlBox = rectlDef ;
131             if( pqp->xsize < pqp->ysize )
132                 rectlBox.xRight = rectlDef.yTop * pqp->xsize/pqp->ysize ;
133             else {
134                 int x = rectlDef.yTop * pqp->ysize/pqp->xsize ;
135                 rectlBox.yTop = x ;
136                 rectlBox.xRight = y ;
137                 }
138             }
139             WinSetWindowPos( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_QPRBOX ),
140                              NULLHANDLE, 0, 0, (short) rectlBox.xRight, (short)rectlBox.yTop, SWP_SIZE ) ;
141             {
142             double ratio = 1.560 ;
143             double xs = rectlBox.xRight - rectlBox.xLeft ;
144             double ys = rectlBox.yTop - rectlBox.yBottom ;
145             if( ys > xs/ratio ) { /* reduce ys to fit */
146                  rectlBox.yTop = rectlBox.yBottom + (int)(xs/ratio) ;
147                  }
148             else if( ys < xs/ratio ) { /* reduce xs to fit */
149                  rectlBox.xRight = rectlBox.xLeft + (int)(ys*ratio) ;
150                  }
151             }
152             rectlBox.xRight *= pqp->xfrac ;
153             rectlBox.yTop *= pqp->yfrac ;
154             WinSetWindowPos( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_QPRFRAME ),
155                              NULLHANDLE,
156                              swp.x, swp.y, //+(short)(swp.cy*(1.0-pqp->yfrac)),
157                              (short)rectlBox.xRight, (short)rectlBox.yTop, SWP_SIZE|SWP_MOVE ) ;
158             break ;
160         case WM_COMMAND :
162             switch ( SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) ) {
164                 case DID_OK:
165                     WinQueryDlgItemFloat( hwnd, IDD_QPRXFRAC, &pqp->xfrac ) ;
166                     WinQueryDlgItemFloat( hwnd, IDD_QPRYFRAC, &pqp->yfrac ) ;
168                     if( pqp->caps & QP_CAPS_FILE ) {
169                         WinQueryDlgItemText( hwnd, IDD_QPRNAME, 32, pqp->szFilename ) ;
170                         }
171                     break ;
173                 case IDD_QPRSETPR:   /* printer setup */
174                     if( SetPrinterMode( hwnd, pqp ) == 1 ) {
175                         if( (hdc = OpenPrinterDC( WinQueryAnchorBlock( hwnd ),
176                                                   pqp,
177                                                   OD_INFO,
178                                                   NULL )) != DEV_ERROR ) {
179                             DevQueryCaps( hdc, CAPS_TECHNOLOGY, (long)sizeof(prCaps)/sizeof(long), (PLONG)&prCaps ) ;
180                             DevCloseDC( hdc ) ;
181                             pqp->xsize = (float)100.0* (float) prCaps.lWidth / (float) prCaps.lHorRes ; // in cm
182                             pqp->ysize = (float)100.0* (float) prCaps.lHeight / (float) prCaps.lVertRes ; // in cm
183                             WinSendMsg( hwnd, WM_USER_SET_DATA, 0L, 0L ) ;
184                             }
185                         }
186                     return 0L ;
188                 case IDD_QPRTRACK :     /* track plot area */
189                     WinQueryWindowRect( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_QPRBOX ),
190                                         &rectlBox ) ;
191                     {
192                     double ratio = 1.560 ;
193                     double xs = rectlBox.xRight - rectlBox.xLeft ;
194                     double ys = rectlBox.yTop - rectlBox.yBottom ;
195                     if( ys > xs/ratio ) { /* reduce ys to fit */
196                         rectlBox.yTop = rectlBox.yBottom + (int)(xs/ratio) ;
197                         }
198                     else if( ys < xs/ratio ) { /* reduce xs to fit */
199                         rectlBox.xRight = rectlBox.xLeft + (int)(ys*ratio) ;
200                         }
201                     }
202                     ti.cxBorder = ti.cyBorder = 2 ;
203                     ti.cxGrid = ti.cyGrid = 0 ;
204                     ti.cxKeyboard = ti.cyKeyboard = 2 ;
205                     ti.ptlMinTrackSize.x = ti.ptlMinTrackSize.y = 2 ;
206                     ti.rclBoundary = rectlBox ;
207                     ti.ptlMaxTrackSize.x = rectlBox.xRight ;
208                     ti.ptlMaxTrackSize.y = rectlBox.yTop ;
209                     ti.rclTrack.xRight = pqp->xfrac * rectlBox.xRight ;
210                     ti.rclTrack.yTop = pqp->yfrac*rectlBox.yTop ;
211                     ti.rclTrack.xLeft = 0 ;
212                     ti.rclTrack.yBottom = 0 ;//(1.0-pqp->yfrac) * rectlBox.yTop ;
214                     WinSetPointer( HWND_DESKTOP,
215                                    WinQuerySysPointer( HWND_DESKTOP, SPTR_SIZENWSE, FALSE ) ) ;
216                     WinTrackRect( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_QPRBOX ),
217                                   NULLHANDLE,
218                                   &ti ) ;
219                     pqp->xfrac = (float)ti.rclTrack.xRight / (float)rectlBox.xRight ;
220                     pqp->yfrac = ((float)(ti.rclTrack.yTop-ti.rclTrack.yBottom) / (float)rectlBox.yTop) ;
221                     rectlBox.yTop = ti.rclTrack.yTop - ti.rclTrack.yBottom ;
222                     rectlBox.xRight = ti.rclTrack.xRight ;
223                     {
224                     double ratio = 1.560 ;
225                     double xs = rectlBox.xRight - rectlBox.xLeft ;
226                     double ys = rectlBox.yTop - rectlBox.yBottom ;
227                     if( ys > xs/ratio ) { /* reduce ys to fit */
228                         rectlBox.yTop = rectlBox.yBottom + (int)(xs/ratio) ;
229                         }
230                     else if( ys < xs/ratio ) { /* reduce xs to fit */
231                         rectlBox.xRight = rectlBox.xLeft + (int)(ys*ratio) ;
232                         }
233                     }
234                     WinSetWindowPos( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_QPRFRAME ),
235                                      NULLHANDLE,
236                                      swp.x, swp.y,//+(short)(swp.cy*(1.0-pqp->yfrac)),
237                                      (short)rectlBox.xRight, (short)rectlBox.yTop, SWP_SIZE|SWP_MOVE ) ;
238                     WinSetDlgItemFloat( hwnd, IDD_QPRXFRAC, pqp->xfrac ) ;
239                     WinSetDlgItemFloat( hwnd, IDD_QPRYFRAC, pqp->yfrac ) ;
240                     return 0L ;
242                 default:
243                     break ;
244                 }
246          default:
247             break ;
248             }
249         /* fall through to the default control processing */
251     return WinDefDlgProc ( hwnd , usMsg , mp1 , mp2 ) ;
252     }
QPrintersDlgProc(HWND hwnd,ULONG usMsg,MPARAM mp1,MPARAM mp2)254 MRESULT EXPENTRY QPrintersDlgProc ( HWND hwnd, ULONG usMsg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2 )
255 /*
256 **  Query printers and allow selection
257 */
258     {
259     static HWND hwndLB ;
260     static PPRQINFO3 pprq=NULL ;
261     static ULONG cPrinters ;
262     static USHORT usItem ;
263     static char *szPrinterName ;
264     int i, iSelect ;
265     char *psz ;
267     switch ( usMsg ) {
269         case WM_INITDLG :
271             szPrinterName = (char*) PVOIDFROMMP( mp2 ) ;
272             iSelect = 0 ;
273             GetPrinters( &pprq, &cPrinters ) ;
274             hwndLB = WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_QPRSLIST ) ;
275             for( i=0; i<cPrinters;i++ ) {
276                 psz = *pprq[i].pszComment ? pprq[i].pszComment :
277                                             pprq[i].pszName ;
278                 WinSendMsg( hwndLB,
279                             LM_INSERTITEM,
280                             (MPARAM)LIT_END,
281                             MPFROMP(psz) ) ;
282                 if( strcmp( pprq[i].pszName, szPrinterName ) == 0 )
283                     iSelect = i ;
284                 }
286             WinSendMsg( hwndLB,
287                         LM_SELECTITEM,
288                         MPFROMSHORT( iSelect ),
289                         (MPARAM)TRUE ) ;
291             break ;
293         case WM_COMMAND :
295             switch ( SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) ) {
297                 case DID_OK:
298                     strcpy( szPrinterName, pprq[usItem].pszName ) ;
299                 case DID_CANCEL:
300                     free( pprq ) ;
301                     pprq = NULL;
302                     break ;
303                 }
304             break ;
306         case WM_CONTROL:
308             if( SHORT1FROMMP( mp1 ) == IDD_QPRSLIST ) {
309                 if( SHORT2FROMMP( mp1 ) == LN_SELECT  ) {
310                     usItem = (ULONG)WinSendMsg( hwndLB,
311                                 LM_QUERYSELECTION,
312                                 0L,
313                                 0L ) ;
314                     }
315                 }
317         default:
318             break ;
319         }
320         /* fall through to the default control processing */
321     return WinDefDlgProc ( hwnd , usMsg , mp1 , mp2 ) ;
322     }
GetPrinters(PPRQINFO3 * pprq,ULONG * pcTot)324 ULONG GetPrinters( PPRQINFO3 *pprq, ULONG *pcTot  )
325 /*
326 ** get a list of printers
327 */
328     {
329     ULONG rc ;
330     ULONG cQueues, cbData ;
332     rc = SplEnumQueue( NULL, 3, NULL, 0, &cQueues, pcTot, &cbData, NULL ) ;
334     if( *pprq != NULL ) {
335         free( *pprq ) ;
336         *pprq = NULL ;
337         }
338     if( *pcTot == 0 ) { /* no printers */
339         return 0 ;
340         }
341     *pprq = malloc( cbData ) ;
342     rc = SplEnumQueue( NULL,
343                        3,
344                        *pprq,
345                        cbData,
346                        &cQueues,
347                        pcTot,
348                        &cbData,
349                        NULL ) ;
350     return *pcTot ;
351     }
PauseMsgDlgProc(HWND hwnd,ULONG usMsg,MPARAM mp1,MPARAM mp2)353 MRESULT EXPENTRY PauseMsgDlgProc ( HWND hwnd, ULONG usMsg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2 )
354 /*
355 **  Pause message dialog box proc
356 */
357     {
358     static PPAUSEDATA ppdata = NULL ;
359     char *pszText ;
360     switch ( usMsg ) {
362         case WM_INITDLG :
363                 /* set the position so user can move out the way, and
364                    have it come back there next time */
365             ppdata = (PPAUSEDATA) PVOIDFROMMP( mp2 ) ;
366             if( ppdata->pswp != NULL )
367                 WinSetWindowPos( hwnd, HWND_TOP, ppdata->pswp->x, ppdata->pswp->y,
368                                  0, 0, SWP_MOVE ) ;
369             pszText = ppdata->pszMessage ;
370             while(*pszText==' ') ++pszText ;
371             WinSetDlgItemText( hwnd, IDD_PAUSETEXT, pszText ) ;
372             break ;
374         case WM_COMMAND :
375             switch ( SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) ) {
376                 case DID_OK:
377                 case DID_CANCEL:
378                     WinPostMsg( WinQueryWindow( hwnd, QW_OWNER ),
379                                 WM_PAUSEEND,
380                                 SHORT1FROMMP(mp1)==DID_OK?(MPARAM)1L:0L,
381                                 0L ) ;
382                     if( ppdata->pswp == NULL ) ppdata->pswp = (PSWP)malloc( sizeof(SWP) ) ;
383                     WinQueryWindowPos( hwnd, ppdata->pswp ) ;
384                     WinDismissDlg( hwnd, 0 ) ;
385                     break ;
386                 case IDM_PRINT:
387                     WinPostMsg( WinQueryWindow( hwnd, QW_OWNER ),
388                                 WM_COMMAND,
389                                 MPFROMSHORT(IDM_PRINT),
390                                 0L ) ;
391                     return 0 ;
392                 default:
393                     break ;
394                 }
395         default:
396             break ;
397         }
398         /* fall through to the default control processing */
399     return WinDefDlgProc ( hwnd , usMsg , mp1 , mp2 ) ;
400     }
WinSetDlgItemFloatF(HWND hwnd,USHORT usID,int nDec,float flValue)402 void WinSetDlgItemFloatF( HWND hwnd, USHORT usID, int nDec, float flValue )
403 /*
404 */
405     {
406     char achBuffer [ 34 ]; // default string field size ...
407     char fmt[32] ;
409     sprintf( fmt, "%%12.%df", nDec ) ;
410     sprintf( achBuffer, fmt, flValue ) ;
411     WinSetDlgItemText( hwnd, usID, achBuffer ) ;
412     }
WinSetDlgItemFloat(HWND hwnd,USHORT usID,float flValue)414 void WinSetDlgItemFloat( HWND hwnd, USHORT usID, float flValue )
415 /*
416 */
417     {
418     char achBuffer [ 34 ] ; // default string field size ...
419     char fmt[10] ;
421     sprintf( fmt, "%%12.%df", 4 ) ;
422     sprintf( achBuffer, fmt, flValue ) ;
423     WinSetDlgItemText( hwnd, usID, achBuffer ) ;
424     WinSetDlgItemText( hwnd, usID, achBuffer ) ;
425     }
WinQueryDlgItemFloat(HWND hwnd,USHORT usID,float * pflValue)427 void WinQueryDlgItemFloat( HWND hwnd, USHORT usID, float *pflValue )
428 /*
429 */
430     {
431     char achBuffer [ 34 ] ; // default string field size ...
433     WinQueryDlgItemText( hwnd, usID, 34, achBuffer ) ;
434     *pflValue = (float) atof( achBuffer ) ;
435     }
SendCommandDlgProc(HWND hwnd,ULONG msg,MPARAM mp1,MPARAM mp2)437 MRESULT EXPENTRY SendCommandDlgProc (HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2)
438 /*
439 **  Dialog for sending a command to gnuplot
440 **  //PM Petr Mikulik, 17. 8. 1999
441 */
442 {
443 #define TEXT_LENGTH 80
444 static char buf[TEXT_LENGTH+1];
445 extern void gp_execute (char *s);
447   switch (msg)
448     {
449     case WM_INITDLG:
450       WinSendDlgItemMsg( hwnd, IDM_DO_SENDCOMMAND, EM_SETTEXTLIMIT,
451                          MPFROMSHORT (TEXT_LENGTH), 0L );
452       WinSetDlgItemText( hwnd, IDM_DO_SENDCOMMAND, buf );
453       WinSendDlgItemMsg( hwnd, IDM_DO_SENDCOMMAND, EM_SETSEL,
454                          MPFROM2SHORT (0, strlen(buf)), 0L );
455       return (MRESULT)FALSE;
457     case WM_COMMAND:
458       switch (COMMANDMSG (&msg)->cmd)
459         {
460         case DID_OK:
461           WinQueryDlgItemText( hwnd, IDM_DO_SENDCOMMAND, sizeof(buf), buf );
462           WinDismissDlg( hwnd, TRUE );
463 	  gp_execute(buf);
464           break;
465         default:
466           WinDismissDlg( hwnd, FALSE );
467           break;
468         }
469       return 0;
470     }
471   return ( WinDefDlgProc( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ) );
472 }