1# demo for tics settings 2 3set xlabel "x" 4set ylabel "y" 5set mxtics 6 7set title "Default tics settings" 8set xrange [-15:15] 9set yrange [-0.25:1] 10plot sin(sqrt(x**2))/sqrt(x**2) notitle 11pause -1 "Hit return to continue" 12 13set title "Different modification of tics settings" 14set tics scale 3,2 rotate by 45 15set xtics out offset 0,-1.0 16replot 17pause -1 "Hit return to continue" 18 19set xtics textcolor rgb "red" norotate 20set ytics rotate by 90 offset 2,0 21replot 22pause -1 "Hit return to continue" 23 24set title "Modified tics settings (pm3d palette with colorbar)" 25set view map 26set border 4095 27set samples 25 28set isosamples 20 29set palette color positive 30set samples 50; set isosamples 50 31set tics norotate nooffset 32set cbtics in scale 4 33set xrange [-15:15] 34set yrange [-15:15] 35set zrange [-0.25:1] 36splot sin(sqrt(x**2+y**2))/sqrt(x**2+y**2) with pm3d notitle 37pause -1 "Hit return to continue" 38 39reset 40 41print "End of tics demo." 42