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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


COPYRIGHTH A D29-Aug-20191.5 KiB3224

READMEH A D29-Aug-2019658 1511

svmlib.cppH A D21-May-202173.8 KiB3,2792,701

svmlib.hH A D29-Aug-20193.3 KiB10576


1The files in this directory are taken from libsvm-3.23, dated
22018-07-15, the copyright notice for which is included.
4svmlib.h is a renamed copy of the library's header file, svm.h.
6svmlib.cpp is a renamed version of svm.cpp, edited to support
7parallelization via OpenMP when the symbol _OPENMP is defined. The
8changes are as described in answer to "How can I use OpenMP to
9parallelize LIBSVM on a multicore/shared-memory computer?" in the
10file FAQ.html in the libsvm distribution. In addition, the random
11numbers used in cross validation are taken from libgretl's SFMT
12(Mersenne Twister), in place of the C library's rand().
14Allin Cottrell, January 2019