1 /*
2     Gri - A language for scientific graphics programming
3     Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Kelley
5     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7     the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License, or
8     (at your option) any later version.
10     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13     GNU General Public License for more details.
15     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16     with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 */
20 #include	<string>
21 #include	<math.h>
22 #include	<stdio.h>
23 #include        "private.hh"
24 #include        "gr.hh"
25 extern double   _grMissingValue;/* defined in gr.c */
26 int number_good_xyz(const std::vector<double>& x,
27 		    const std::vector<double>& y,
28 		    const std::vector<double>& f,
29 		    int n);
30 #define root_of_2  1.414213562
32 int
number_good_xyz(const std::vector<double> & x,const std::vector<double> & y,const std::vector<double> & f,int n)33 number_good_xyz(const std::vector<double>& x, const std::vector<double>& y, const std::vector<double>& f, int n)
34 {
35 	int good = 0;
36 	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
37 		if (!gr_missingx(x[i]) && !gr_missingy(y[i]) && !gr_missing(f[i]))
38 			good++;
39 	return good;
40 }
42 /*
43  * gr_grid1: objective analysis of 2d field
44  *
45  * DESCRIPTION: Given f[i] defined at points (x[i],y[i]), where 0<=i<n, this
46  * routine uses objective analysis to get a predicted value fOut. The points
47  * f[i] used to calculate fOut come from a specified search rectangle xr wide
48  * by yr high.
49  *
50  * Also does boxcar gridding if 'method' is 0.
51  *
52  * Third method exists to .... better clean this doc up!
53  *
54  * If there are `neighbors' or more points in a rectangular neighborhood 2*xr
55  * wide and 2*yr high, then only the data inside that region are used, with x
56  * and y distances weighted by xr and yr. If there are fewer than `neighbors'
57  * points in the neighborhood, then the search rectangle is enlarged in area
58  * [xr and yr are multiplied by sqrt(2)] and the process starts over. This
59  * enlargement may be repeated up to 'enlargements' times, until either
60  * `neighbors' data are located in the search region, or all the data are
61  * used.  If `enlargements' is set to a negative value, the enlargement
62  * process will be continued until all the data are used, if necessary.
63  *
64  * When all relevant points are located, the output is calculated using a
65  * weighting formula for the data within the rectangle:
66  *
67  * fOut = sum(f[i]*w[i])/sum(w[i]
68  *
69  * Various weightings 'w' are provided, each as a function of
70  * the scaled distance 'r = sqrt([(x1-x2)/xr]^2 + [(y1-y2)/yr]^2)'.
71  *
72  * method = 0: w = 1 (boxcar smoothing)
73  *
74  * method = 1: w = (2 - r^2) / (2 + r^2) (Levy + Brown method "1")
75  *
76  * method = 2: w = [(2 - r^2) / (2 + r^2)]^2 (Levy + Brown method "2")
77  *
78  * method = 3: w = [(2 - r^2) / (2 + r^2)]^4 (Levy + Brown method "3")
79  *
80  * REFERENCE: Levy & Brown [1986 Journal of
81  * Geophysical Research 91C4: 5153-5158].  Note that the present method
82  * extends for unequal weightings in the (x,y) direction, so that nonisotropic
83  * data can be handled.
84  *
85  * RETURN VALUE: The number of points finally used in the sum, or 0 if there was
86  * an error (if n<=0).
87  */
88 int
gr_grid1(const std::vector<double> & x,const std::vector<double> & y,const std::vector<double> & f,double x0,double y0,double xr,double yr,int method,unsigned int neighbors,int enlargements,double * fOut)89 gr_grid1(const std::vector<double> &x,
90 	 const std::vector<double> &y,
91 	 const std::vector<double> &f,
92 	 double x0, double y0,
93 	 double xr, double yr,
94 	 int method,
95 	 unsigned int neighbors,
96 	 int enlargements,
97 	 double *fOut)
98 {
99 	unsigned int n = x.size();
100 	double          dx, dy;
101 	int             enlarge = 0;
102 	unsigned int    i;
103 	unsigned int    nn, num_in_rect;
104 	double          d2;	/* squared distance */
105 	double          sumw;	/* sum of weights */
106 	double          sumfw;	/* sum of weighted values */
107 	double          w;		/* weight of f[i] */
108 	/* Check for obvious errors */
109 	if (n <= 0 || neighbors == 0) {
110 		*fOut = _grMissingValue;
111 		return 0;
112 	}
113 	nn = number_good_xyz(x, y, f, n);
114 	if (neighbors > nn)
115 		neighbors = nn;
116 	/*
117 	 * Search the rectangle, increasing its size if necessary.
118 	 */
119 	do {
120 		num_in_rect = 0;
121 		sumw = sumfw = 0.0;
122 		switch (method) {
123 		case 0:
124 			for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
125 				dx = x0 - x[i];
126 				if (-xr <= dx && dx <= xr) {
127 					dy = y0 - y[i];
128 					if (-yr <= dy && dy <= yr) {
129 						sumw += 1.0;
130 						sumfw += f[i];
131 						num_in_rect++;
132 					}
133 				}
134 			}
135 			break;
136 		case 1:
137 			for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
138 				dx = GRI_ABS(x0 - x[i]);
139 				if (dx <= xr) {
140 					dy = GRI_ABS(y0 - y[i]);
141 					if (dy <= yr) {
142 						dx /= xr;
143 						dy /= yr;
144 						d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;	/* note 0<=d2<=2 */
145 						w = (2.0 - d2) / (2.0 + d2);
146 						sumw += w;
147 						sumfw += f[i] * w;
148 						num_in_rect++;
149 					}
150 				}
151 			}
152 			break;
153 		case 2:
154 			for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
155 				dx = GRI_ABS(x0 - x[i]);
156 				if (dx <= xr) {
157 					dy = GRI_ABS(y0 - y[i]);
158 					if (dy <= yr) {
159 						dx /= xr;
160 						dy /= yr;
161 						d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;	/* note 0<=d2<=2 */
162 						w = (2.0 - d2) / (2.0 + d2);
163 						w *= w;
164 						sumw += w;
165 						sumfw += f[i] * w;
166 						num_in_rect++;
167 					}
168 				}
169 			}
170 			break;
171 		case 3:
172 			for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
173 				dx = GRI_ABS(x0 - x[i]);
174 				if (dx <= xr) {
175 					dy = GRI_ABS(y0 - y[i]);
176 					if (dy <= yr) {
177 						dx /= xr;
178 						dy /= yr;
179 						d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;	/* note 0<=d2<=2 */
180 						w = (2.0 - d2) / (2.0 + d2);
181 						w *= w;
182 						w *= w;
183 						sumw += w;
184 						sumfw += f[i] * w;
185 						num_in_rect++;
186 					}
187 				}
188 			}
189 			break;
190 		default:
191 			return 0;		/* unknown method! */
192 		}
193 		xr *= root_of_2;
194 		yr *= root_of_2;
195 	} while ((++enlarge <= enlargements || enlargements < 0)
196 		 && num_in_rect < neighbors);
197 	if (num_in_rect > 0) {
198 		*fOut = sumfw / sumw;
199 		return num_in_rect;
200 	} else {
201 		*fOut = _grMissingValue;
202 		return 0;
203 	}
204 }